“Enhancing the emotional, social, and physical well-being of Boomers and Beyond" January/February/March 2015 Issue Take A Look At The Check Out The SESSC Highlights SESSC Activities and Trips Pages 2-3 and 26-27 Pages 8-11 and 12-13 Southeast Seattle Senior Center It’s Time to Renew Your Membership or Join the SESSC! 4655 S Holly St, Seattle, WA 98118 206-722-0317 SESSC Year In Review Birthday Lunches Classes and Activities 2 Southeast Seattle Senior Center 4655 S Holly St, Seattle, WA 98118 206-722-0317 Special Events and Celebrations - Can You Guess These Events? 3 Southeast Seattle Senior Center 4655 S Holly St, Seattle, WA 98118 206-722-0317 In This Issue: SESSC Highlights In This Issue 2-3 4 Upcoming Events and Activities 4-5 Advertisement - Burdick’s Security 5 From the Director’s Desk 6 A Message from the Board President 7 Classes and Activities 8-11 SESSC Trips 12 SESSC Trip Policy 12 Seattle Parks & Recreation and SESSC Joint Programs 13 SESSC Social Worker, Jaime Clark Information 14 Cheap Chickadee Thrift Shop Information 14 Why You Should Be An SESSC Member 15 SESSC Membership Application 15-16 Community Information and Assistance 16 Good Things to Know 17 SESSC Holiday Closures 17 SESSC Board of Directors 18 SESSC Staff and Instructors 18 Answer Key to Just for Fun Puzzles 18 SESSC Volunteer Corner 19 SESSC Donor and Supporter Lists 20-21 Just for Fun Puzzles 22 Members with birthdays in January, February and 23 March Lifetime Members List 24 Legacy Giving Information 25 SESSC Highlights 26-27 Upcoming Events and Activities January COOKIES-N-COFFEE-N-COCOA Mondays, January 5th and 26th, 12:15pm - 1:00pm Location: Social Hall Cost:$3.00 Suggested Donation Socialize, stay warm and treat yourself to some treats. ANNUAL MEMBERS MEETING Thursday, January 22nd, 11:00am - 1:00pm Location: Social Hall Plan to attend the 2015 Annual Members Meeting. Lunch will be served. Sign up at Front Desk. RSVP by Wednesday, January 15th. CAREGIVER SUPPORT INFORMATION SESSIONS Mondays, January 13th, February 9th and March 9th 11:00am - 11:30am Location: Social Hall Facilitators: Toni Crutchfield and Jaime Clark Cost : Free Toni Crutchfield, Caregiver Support Advocate and SESSC Social Worker, Jaime Clark, will present information for unpaid caregivers. If you are helping a friend or family member and need some assistance, plan to attend to get INFORMED! Sign up at Front Desk. February IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH Tuesday, February 17th, 11:00am - 12:00pm Location: Social Hall Facilitator: Johannes Liu Cost: Free SESSC Member, Mr. Johannes Liu will share with you ways you can improve your health by way of far east medical techniques. This is a can’t miss activity. Sign up at the Front Desk. SESSC 2015 SPRING RAFFLE Advertisement - Grocery Outlet 27 Birthday Lunch Information for This Issue 28 Raffle Tickets Available for Purchase on Advertisement - Columbia City Bouquet, IORA 28 February 2nd $1.00 per ticket, book of 10 tickets for $10.00 Three great prizes. Stay tuned for more details. 4 Southeast Seattle Senior Center 4655 S Holly St, Seattle, WA 98118 206-722-0317 Share the Love! SESSC Open House ST. PATRICK’S DAY COFFEE AND SCONE PARTY Saturday, February 14 10:00am - 1:00pm Check out the awesome activities we have at the Southeast Seattle Senior Center. Bring your family and friends, especially those who have never visited the Center. Refreshments and snacks provided. Tuesday, March 17th, 12:15pm - 1:15pm Location: Social Hall Cost: $2.00 Suggested Donation Join us for a coffee with Bailey’s Irish Cream or tea and munch on a scone or two. RESOURCE FAIR Thursday, April 23rd, 10:00am - 1:00pm Location: Social Hall Cost: Free for participants Vendors: $30 for a table Check out the resource fair to see what services and resources are out there that could help you. March RAINBOW BINGO - BLACK CATS AND LEPRECHAUNS Friday, March 13th 6:00pm - 9:00pm Location: Social Hall Cost: $25.00 In advance $28.00 At the door Don’t miss our upcoming Rainbow Bingo fundraising event! Wear your costume and you might win a special prize. Ticket price includes twelve bingo games, delicious food, beer on tap, great prizes, and the usual antics of the one and only Sylvia O’Stayformore. Tickets may be purchased online at www.sessc.org or at the Front Desk now. For general information contact Kate Harkins via E-mail at [email protected]. 5 Southeast Seattle Senior Center Coming Soon APRIL FOOLS CRAZY HAT DAY Wednesday, April 1st, 10:00am - 11:15am Location: Social Hall Cost: $2.00 Suggested Donation Sport your favorite hat or make one out of the materials provided. Special prizes for the most original hat and crazy hat. Refreshments provided. 7TH ANNUAL “THEM BONES” SEMINAR Thursday, April 30th, 1:00pm - 2:30pm Location: Social Hall Facilitator: Mark Bryant Cost: $3.00 suggested donation Join Mark Bryant and his friend Mr. Bones to learn how to build strong bones, protect your spine and many other things related to bones. 4655 S Holly St, Seattle, WA 98118 206-722-0317 From the Director’s Desk Greetings from SESSC Director Lynda Greene Greetings to all of our wonderful members and supporters! I hope you are staying warm and safe as the weather gets colder! We have been truly blessed in 2014. And as I think about this past year, I’m so grateful to our members, volunteers and board members and dynamic staff who continue to support the mission of our Center. As we begin a new year in 2015, there is so much to be proud of! We raised more money at our 2014 Dinner and Auction than in any other fundraising event in SESSC history. Thanks to the leadership of our Board President, Evelyn Fairchild, the dedicated efforts of Committee members, and ever committed staff, we raised over $23,000! Our Rainbow Bingo events continue to be a huge success as each event gets larger and larger. Thanks to the efforts led by Kate Harkins, we raised over $11,000 at Rainbow Bingo fundraisers in 2014! In 2015 we will continue to focus on fundraising so that our Center can remain a viable part of the lives of our members as well as our community. Although we have a strong line-up of classes, trips, activities and resources for 2015, we always welcome your input regarding what YOU would like to see take place at your Center. One of my primary goals this year is to increase our membership by 25%, while providing relevant, interesting, and fun programming. We also will be adding more afternoon activities as well as some Saturday activities. Certainly I need your help to grow our Center, so I am asking each member to ask a friend or family member to join our Center. Some of the new programming we will be introducing in 2015 is more relevant programming for the men in our Center. Stay tuned for the announcement regarding activities specifically designed for men! And, as we get the word out about our Center, stay tuned for more information about “Share the Love”…an Open House scheduled for February 14, 2015. It promises to be a fun filled day! Best Regards, Lynda Greene, SESSC Executive Director 6 Southeast Seattle Senior Center 4655 S Holly St, Seattle, WA 98118 206-722-0317 A Message from the SESSC Board President Dear Friends, The New Year is always a time when we look back on the past and forward to the future. It’s the time we make New Year’s resolutions. There are many resolutions made about health and fitness, enjoying life more and learning something new. But if your resolution is about helping others, you should take a look at “The Giving Issue,” of Parade Magazine, Dec. 21, 2014. There are 35 ideas for sharing your good fortune or your valuable time with Americans in need. According to the article, by Alison Gwinn, “We are a nation of givers: Americans donated a staggering #335 billion to charities in 2013, and the vast majority of that – 87% - came from individuals …” The suggestions for giving are divided up into five categories: Veterans, Hunger, Children, Nature and Seniors. The section about “seniors,” caught my attention. There are suggestions to: a) Help feed the elderly, donate to Meals on Wheels, b) Be a fixer-upper, assist seniors near you with tasks like raking, shoveling, or doing minor home repairs, c) Put it in Drive, be a volunteer instructor in AARP’s Smart Driver course, which allows older drivers to brush up on their behind-the-wheel skills, and d) Teach Technology. If you are software savvy, sign up to teach older adults computer and technology skills. There are many ways you have helped seniors in our community and here at the Center. In addition to supporting our major fund raising events like The Annual Auction, Rainbow Bingo, the Wine Tasting and Pancake Breakfast, you have signed up for the many Community Rewards Program of our local businesses such as: Bartell’s Drug Store e- script program, where you designate the proceeds to go to Southeast Seattle Senior Center Fred Meyer Rewards Card. Sign up for Community Rewards program and link your Rewards Card to SESSC by name or by our non-profit number 80662. Email address required Look for other businesses that have a similar Community Rewards Program Look for our Quarterly Appeal Letters. Donate to a special cause outlined in the letter If you participate in these giving suggestions you will keep the giving season going all year long and help SESSC to be a part of a viable community. SESSC Board President 7 Southeast Seattle Senior Center 4655 S Holly St, Seattle, WA 98118 206-722-0317 Classes & Activities COFFEE BAR AT THE B & B CAFE Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 11:00am Location: Social Hall Coffee: $0.50 HANDS-N-FEET 1st, 3rd and Last Mondays, 9:30am - 11:30am Location: SESSC Library Instructor: Patricia Scott Cost: $1.00 Patti Scott will teach you to play. Give it a try. Oprah Winfrey did! YOGA Tuesdays, 9:00am - 10:00am Location: Multipurpose Room Instructor: Angela Tonkovich Cost: $10.00 per class This down-to-earth class is perfect for students new to yoga, who might be intimidated by the idea of yoga or curious about yoga. Sign up at Front Desk. QUILTING Tuesdays, 9:30am - 11:00am Location: Arts and Crafts Room Facilitator: Thelma Hebert Join our members who enjoy making quilts. A WEE BIT OF FUN Tuesdays, 10:00am - 11:30am Location: Social Hall Cost: $1.00 Have some fun with the Center’s Wii Game Console. You can play baseball, tennis, bowling and golf in a realistic and non-taxing way. JEWELRY-MAKING CLUB First Wednesday of the Month, 10:00am - 11:30am Location: Social Hall Join this informal group of jewelry designers, share ideas and let your creativity shine. NON-DENOMINATIONAL BIBLE STUDY Wednesdays, 10:30am - 12:00pm Location: Multipurpose Room Volunteer Leaders: Sheila Edwards & Sharon Nance Rejuvenate your spirituality in this welcoming group. Bibles are available for use. Bring a friend! 8 Southeast Seattle Senior Center COMMUNITY DINING LUNCH Monday - Friday, 11:30am - 12:30pm Location: Social Hall (Lunch service until 12:15pm) Cost: Age 60+: $3.00 Suggested Donation All Others: $6.00 All Community Dining lunches are made from scratch. Our chef, Sharon Smith. puts together a homemade meal and is assisted by SESSC volunteers. Pick up your Monthly Menu at the Front Desk. Guest chefs will be featured periodically. BINGO, BINGO, BINGO! Wednesdays, 12:30pm - 3:00pm Location: Social Hall Cost: $5.00 Buy-in, $3.00 If you bring a new player Volunteer Bingo Manager: Patricia Vazquez Bingo is one of the most popular activities at the SESSC. Don’t miss all the fun! Snacks are available for purchase. CHESS CLUB Fridays, 11:30am - 12:30pm Location: Social Hall Facilitator: Alex Arceo Play a game of chess with a friend or come to learn how to play. Alex will teach you how to play this fun and mind-sharpening game. FRIDAY MOVIES Fridays, 12:30pm - 3:00pm Location: Multipurpose Room Movie Monitor: Martha Gilliam Cost: $2.00 Suggested Donation Join us for a Friday afternoon matinee. Popcorn and drinks provided. SOUTHEND CRAFTERS 1st and 3rd Mondays, 12:30pm - 2:30pm Location: Arts and Crafts Room Instructor: Fai Coffin Cost: $5.00 Members, $8.00 Non-Members Join a warm and welcoming group of crafters every first and third Monday of the month. Occasional material fees might apply. Sign up at Front Desk. DOMINOES Wednesdays, 9:30am - 11:30am Location: Arts and Crafts Room Cost: $2.00 Just show up to play! 4655 S Holly St, Seattle, WA 98118 206-722-0317 Classes & Activities LEARN TO PAINT NOW! Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:00am - 12:00pm Session 1: January 6th - 15th Session 2: February 10th - 19th Location: Arts and Crafts Room Instructor: Fresia Valdivia Cost : $10.00 Members, $15.00 Non-Members per class. Four classes per session. Learn a variety of painting techniques to illustrate what you envision on a variety of mediums like canvas, fabric, and wood. Sign up at Front Desk. BIRDING BASICS Friday, January 16th, 10:00am - 11:00am Location: Social Hall Cost: Free A member of the Audobon Society will teach you the basics of bird identification and get to know some of the birds of prey that reside in your neighborhood. LET’S MAKE JEWELRY Every other Thursday start January 8th 10:00am - 11:00am Location: Social Hall Instructor: Carol Hershman Cost: $3.00 Members, $7.00 Non-Members This is a great opportunity to learn to art of making lovely and appealing jewelry. Carol will show you how. VALENTINE’S DAY CRAFT CLASS Monday, February 2nd, 12:30pm - 2:30pm Location: Arts and Crafts Room Instructor: Fai Coffin Cost: $5.00 Fai will show you how to make a variety of Valentine’s Day related crafts. COFFEE AND DOUGHNUTS WITH THE SPD Monday, February 9th, 10:00am - 11:00am Location: Social Hall Cost: Free Pardon the cliché, but let’s have coffee and doughnuts with the Seattle Police Department. Capt. Proudfoot will visit the center to share ways you can stay safe and to listen to your concerns about our community. 9 Southeast Seattle Senior Center USING YOUR ELECTRONIC DEVICES Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:00am - 11:00am Location: SESSC Computer Lab Instructor: Leslie Stewart Cost: $10.00 members, $15.00 non-members, per class Now is the time to catch up with your grandkids and family members in using electronics. How to Conduct Searches on the Internet January 13th and 15th Learn to use search engines to find what you are looking for. How to Use Dragon, Naturally Speaking January 20th and 22nd Dragon is a special software that converts your verbally recorded messages into text on the computer. Microsoft Word - Beyond the Basics January 27th and 29th Learn to create tables, perform mail merges and to utilize many of the tools available in Microsoft Word. Maximize the Use of Your E-mail Account February 3rd and 5th Learn to create folders, create and organize contacts, how to use blind and carbon copy fields, and much more. Get Smart! Learn to Use Your Laptop, Smart Phone, or Tablet February 17th and 19th Learn to use your these modern devices to keep in touch your family and friends and to see how you can get the most our of your smart device. IORA PRESENTATION - DIABETES AND YOU Monday, March 16th, 11:00am - 12:00pm Location: Social Hall Cost : Free A representative from IORA Primary Care will share with you ways to manage your diabetes if you have it and ways to help those you know who have diabetes. CLASS CANCELLATION POLICY Classes may be cancelled if minimum attendance is not reached one week in advance of activity. Please sign up and pay for activities one week in advance. All classes, programs, and activities are subject to change. 4655 S Holly St, Seattle, WA 98118 206-722-0317 Classes & Activities ENHANCE FITNESS WITH MARK BRYANT 8:40am Class: Mon., Wed., & Fri., ends at 9:40am 10:00am Class: Mon.& Fri., ends at 11:00am and on Wed. 9:45am — 10:45am (starts 15 minutes early) Cost:$24.00 members, $34.00 non-members, per month Group Health Members: Classes are free. Focus is on standing, aerobics, stretching, balance, and strength training. Get in shape, get fit! Medical clearance required from your Physician! CHAIR EXERCISE WITH MARK BRYANT Tuesday and Thursday, 1:30pm - 2:30pm Cost:$16.00 members, $26.00 non-members, per month Group Health Members: Classes are free. Get the benefits of exercise while seated! Focus on strength, balance, flexibility. Medical clearance required from your Physician. GENTLE STRETCHING WITH MARK BRYANT Tuesdays and Thursdays Basic Class: 10:30am - 11:30am Cost: $24.00 members, $39.00 non-members per month Advanced Class: 11:30am - 12:00pm Cost: $16.00 members, $28.00 non-members per month Basic and Advanced Combined: 10:30am - 12:00pm Cost: $32.00 members, $47.00 non-members per month This class focuses on various types of stretches, proper warm-ups and breathing techniques. Medical clearance is not required for this class. ALISS LUNCH GATHERING First Thursday of the Month 12:30pm - 2:30pm Location: Social Hall Facilitator: Fai Coffin Cost: Free for Gathering, Suggested Donation of $3.00 for Community Dining Lunch Aging Lesbians in South Seattle. This is a gathering for lesbians and all are welcome to attend! ALISS EVENING GATHERING Second Monday of odd-numbered months 6:00pm - 8:00pm Location: Social Hall Facilitator: Fai Coffin Cost: Donations accepted Aging Lesbians in South Seattle. This is a gathering for lesbians and all are welcome to attend! 10 Southeast Seattle Senior Center BLOOD PRESSURE CHECKS Wednesdays, 9:00am-11:00am Location: Social Hall Registered Nurse: Beulah Early Our own Beulah Early, RN, will check and record your blood pressure. FOOT CARE WITH ECHO By Appointment Only Mondays, 8:30am - 12:30pm Tuesdays, 8:30am - 3:30pm Location: Wellness Center Foot Care Specialist: Echo Aumick Cost: $30.00 members/$35.00 non-members Echo Aumick is a caring and experienced foot care provider trained to take care of some foot conditions. She is also certified to treat the feet of those with diabetes. Cancellation a day before your appointment is acceptable. No-shows will be charged the regular fee. Please note new prices effective January 1. Sign up at the Front Desk for your appointment. MASSAGE THERAPY Wednesdays by Appt., 9:30am - 3:30pm EXCEPT the first Wednesday of the month Thursdays by Appt., 9:00am - 1:00pm Location: Wellness Center Massage Therapist: Heather Robinson Cost: $25.00 members/$30.00 non-members Heather Robinson provides low cost, 30-minute or 60minute therapeutic massages by appointment. Call 206-722-0317 to make an appointment in advance or register at the Front Desk. No-shows will be charged the regular fee. No-shows will be charged the regular fee. Please note new prices effective January 1. TAI CHI/CHI KUNG BREATHING CLASS Mondays, 1:30pm - 2:30pm Location: Multipurpose Room Instructor: Gail Mukai Cost: $5.00 Members, $8.00 per class Non-Members Improve your balance and increase your energy level, flexibility and coordination. Please note new prices effective January 1. Please support $E$$C with a financial donation today. You can even do it online at www.sessc.org 4655 S Holly St, Seattle, WA 98118 206-722-0317 Classes & Activities BEGINNING WEAVING - WEEKDAYS CAREGIVER SUPPORT INFORMATION SESSIONS Tuesdays, January - March 2015, 9:00am - 12:00pm Location: Weaving Room Instructor: Linda Stryker Mondays, January 12th, February 9th and March 9th 11:00am - 11:30am Location: Social Hall Facilitators: Toni Crutchfield and Jaime Clark Cost : Free Toni Crutchfield, Caregiver Support Advocate and SESSC Social Worker, Jaime Clark, will present information for unpaid caregivers. If you are helping a friend or family member and need some assistance, plan to attend to get INFORMED! Sign up at Front Desk. BEGINNING WEAVING - SATURDAYS Saturdays, January 17th & 31st, February 14th & 28th March 14th & 28th, 10:00am - 1:00pm Location: Weaving Room Instructor: Linda Stryker Cost : $15.00 Members, $20.00 Non-Members per session For the first time, this class is being offered on Saturdays! It takes 4-5 sessions to complete your introductory samples. Students MUST pre-contact the instructor to register. All materials provided. Wear comfortable clothes and bring a snack for yourself or to share. For inquiries, contact Linda Stryker at 206-431-9213 or [email protected] DEMENTIA FRIENDLY DRUMMING CIRCLE 3rd Fridays, January 23rd, February 20th and March 20th 1:00pm - 2:00pm Location: Social Hall Cost: Free A neat event for people with any stage of memory loss to come together and explore the healing nature of rhythm and beats. Care-partners, family, and friends are encouraged to participate. Drums and other percussion instruments provided. All are welcome. RIGID HEDDLE WEAVING - 9:00AM - 12:00PM Cost : $15.00 Members, $20.00 Non-Members per session Jump in on any Tuesday. It takes 4-5 sessions to master warping a look and completing two samplers. All materials provided. Wear comfortable clothes and bring a snack for yourself or to share. For inquiries, contact Linda Stryker at 206-431-9213 or [email protected] OPEN-STUDIO WEAVING Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 3:00pm Location: Weaving Room Cost: $5.00 Per Day Experienced weavers and those who have completed their first two samplers are invited to utilize SESSC looms on an open basis. REBUILD TOGETHER SEATTLE Tuesday, March 10th, 10:30am - 11:30am Location: Social Hall Cost : Free You might be eligible for free repairs of things in your home. Attend Rebuild Together Seattle’s free presentation to see if you qualify. STRESS MANAGEMENT CLASS AND LAUGHING SESSION Monday, March 16th, 9:30am - 11:30am Location: Multipurpose Room Facilitators: Toni Crutchfield and Sally Friedman Cost: Free Join Caregiver Support Advocates, Toni and Sally, for this interactive seminar on stress management. This class will deal specifically with stressors facing caregivers, but non-caregivers are welcome to attend. Sally will facilitate a “laughing club” session. Everyone dealing with stress can benefit from this class. CLASS CANCELLATION POLICY Learn this method of weaving under the expert guidance of instructor, Carole Stewart. Classes may be cancelled if minimum attendance is not reached one week in advance of activity. Please sign up and pay for activities one week in advance. All classes, programs, and activities are subject to change. 11 4655 S Holly St, Seattle, WA 98118 Thursdays, January 8th, 15th, February 5th, 12th, March 5th - 12th Location: Weaving Room Instructor: Carole Stewart Cost : $15.00 Members, $20.00 Non-Members per session Southeast Seattle Senior Center 206-722-0317 SEWING AND STITCHERY EXPO SESSC TRIPS Thursday, February 26th, 9:15am pickup , 2:30pm return WASHINGTON SPORTSMEN’S SHOW Wednesday, January 21st 10:45am pickup, 2:30pm return Cost: $8.00 Members, $12.00 Non-Members Admission: $12.00 paid at the show Although this is a trip especially geared for the guys, women are also welcome. Check out the latest outdoor gear for camping, fishing hunting at the Puyallup Fairgrounds. Lunch on your own. Sign up and pay for trip at the Front Desk. RED WIND CASINO 39 SPACES, 1 WHEELCHAIR Tuesday, January 27th, 8:30am pickup, 3:00pm return Cost: $12.00 Members, $18.00 Non-Members It’s time to return the Red Wind Casino. Sign up and pay for trip at the Front Desk. EXCURSION TO THE WING LUKE MUSEUM Thursday, January 29th, 9:15am pickup , 2:30pm return Cost: $8.00 Members, $12.00 Non-Members Paid to SESSC Admission: $11.95, paid to the museum. Check out their eye-catching Bojagi (Korean), Bruce Lee exhibits. Tours for some exhibits covered with admission. Lunch on your own. Sign up at the Front Desk. ORCA BEVERAGE SODA WORKS TOUR Cost: $8.00 Members, $12.00 Non-Members Paid to SESSC Admission: $10.00 in advance, $12.00 at the door Admission paid to the sewing and stitchery expo. Do you sew or stitch? Do you make quilts or do embroidery? This is a trip you won’t want to miss. Lunch on your own. Sign up at the Front Desk. ARCHIE MCPHEE’S SHOP AND LUNCH AT THE RED MILL Thursday, March 12th, 9:15am pickup, 2:00pm return Cost: $8.00 Members, $12.00 Non-Members Paid to SESSC Cost for Lunch: On Your Own Check out the oddities and wares of McPhee’s and have lunch at the Red Mill, one of Seattle’s best places for burgers. Sign up at the Front Desk. LUCKY EAGLE CASINO 42 SPACES, NO WHEELCHAIRS Tuesday, March 24th, 8:30am pickup, 3:00pm return Cost: $12.00 Members, $18.00 Non-Members Feeling lucky? Come on over to the Lucky Eagle Casino. Sign up and pay for trip at the Front Desk. RHINESTONE ROSIE VINTAGE JEWELRY STORE AND LUNCH AT TUP TIM THAI Tuesday, March 31st, 9:15am pickup, 2:00pm return Thursday, February 5th, 9:00am pickup , 2:30pm return Cost: $8.00 Members, $12.00 Non-Members Paid to SESSC Reminisce about those soda drinks that you enjoyed, “back in the day?” The Orca Beverage Soda Works company specializes in producing many of those drinks. Lunch on your own. Sign up at the Front Desk. TULALIP CASINO 24 SPACES, NO WHEELCHAIR ACCESS Tuesday, February 24th, 9:00am pickup, 4:00pm return Cost: $12.00 Members, $18.00 Non-Members Feeling lucky? Let’s go to the Tulalip Casino! Sign up and pay for the trip at the Front Desk. Cost: $8.00 Members, $12.00 Non-Members Paid to SESSC Cost for Lunch: On Your Own Visit Rhinestone Rosie’s unique jewelry shop on Queen Anne hill. Rosie has appeared on the Antique Road Show, can repair and appraise vintage and costume jewelry. Afterward, have lunch at the Tup Tim Thai, restaurant nearby, one of Seattle’s best and Alex’s favorite Thai food restaurant. Sign up at the Front Desk. SESSC TRIP POLICY ATTN: All participants must be ambulatory (i.e., mobile) to go on an SESSC trip and take care of their personal needs. 12 Reservations may only be made via telephone call or in-person registration. For casino trips, reservations made via voice mail are acceptable as long as they are made on the first day of the month in which the trip will be made. Phone registrations or non-payment sign-ups must be paid within five (5) business days of initial signup or they will be MOVED to the “Wait List”. A check will be issued for trip cancelations if made at least three days prior to the trip. Missed paid trips will be considered a donation to the Center. For your convenience, MasterCard and VISA credit cards are accepted. Drivers will not wait for late comers. You must be at the designated location at the time the driver announces departure. Failure to do so may result in being left behind, and you will not be permitted to go on the next three SESSC Casino Trips. Southeast Seattle Senior Center 4655 S Holly St, Seattle, WA 98118 206-722-0317 Seattle Parks and Recreation and SESSC Joint Programs To register and make payment for joint programs: 1) Call Parks staff at 206-684-7484. 2) Go online at www.seattle.gov/parks, register at your local Parks community center, or call the Business Service Center at 206-684-5177. Cash, Check, Visa, MasterCard, and American Express are accepted. Make checks payable to ‘City of Seattle.’ These activities are not always held at the SESSC. Please be sure to refer to each activity to determine locations, times, and dates. SOUND STEPS WALKING PROGRAM Want to meet friends and maintain your health and independence? Join a FREE Sound Steps weekly walking group for adults age 50+, offered throughout the city. We have groups for all levels of walkers. For more information, contact Mari Becker in the Lifelong Recreation office, 206-684-4664, [email protected]. Let Mari know before you start with a group so she can alert the walk leader. SOUTHCENTER MALL WALK - FREE! Fridays, 9:00am-11:15am Contact: Mari Becker Be fit and shop too! Reserve transportation from SESSC by calling 206-684-4664 by the Wednesday before. SOUND STEPS HIKES ON MONDAYS - FREE! Contact: Mari Becker Enjoy the great outdoors! Beginners welcome—you can walk as far as feels comfortable. To register for the hikes below, call Mari at 206-684-4664. Bring a lunch; dessert is provided. LEWIS CREEK PARK - 126103 Monday, February 2nd, 9:00am-1:30pm Cost:$11.00 Enjoy three diverse habitats to explore — wetlands, grassland and forest — within this nearly three-mile trail system in Bellevue. Mostly flat, natural surface trails. Southbound pick-up. OLD SAUK RIVER TRAIL - 126104 Monday, March 2nd, 9:00am-4:00pm Cost:$17.00 SEWARD PARK SOUND STEPS - FREE! Follow the river along a beautiful and flat wooded trail in the North Cascades. Walk up to six miles round trip. Northbound pick-up. Tuesdays, 10:30am-11:30am Contact: Mari Becker PORTLAND OVERNIGHT - 126115 Walk the 2.5 mile loop while enjoying Puget Sound views. March 24-25th, 6:45am-12:00pm, 2:00pm-6:00pm Contact: Angela Smith Cost:$30.00 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK TOUR - 124568 The Rose City awaits you! Board Amtrak from Seattle’s King Street Station. Once in Portland, ride the city’s light rail “TriMet” to Courtyard by Marriott Portland City Center. Your fare for Tri-Met is $2 for all-day pass for Honored Citizens age 65 and older, $5 all-day pass age 64 and under. One group activity scheduled with Portland’s Parks and Recreation, the rest of the day is yours – tax-free shopping, Lan Su Chinese Garden, Portland’s Art or State Historical Museums, walking and food tours, and more including the NBA Portland Trail Blazers! Your Tri-Met pass also gives you the option to sightsee downtown. Tours and meals on your own. Transportation/hotel packages are: double occupancy $214.50 per person (2 people in room - rate applies for couples), and single occupancy $358.75 (1 person in a room). Need a roommate? Inquire about partnering from a list of interested travelers. Room reservation deadline is Friday, February 6. Transportation to Amtrak from Rainier Community Center only with option to leave your car in gated parking lot. After registering, call 206-684-7484 for instructions to make room reservation. Tuesday, January 13th, 10:00am-3:00pm Cost:$15.00 Contact: Angela Smith Take a look behind the scenes of the Federal Reserve Bank newly opened in Renton. Learn how money is handled, shredded, etc. No cameras or electronics are allowed on the tour. Identification is required. Registration closed 2 weeks before tour date! Trip is subject to cancelation or date change. Lunch on your own nearby. JAZZ ALLY LUNCHEON - 124574 Tuesday, February 24th, 11:15am-2:30pm Cost:$8.00 Contact: Angela Smith Enjoy the comfort of the nation’s third longest running dinner club Dimitriou’s Jazz Alley, a little history, a free lunch, and if we are lucky a bit of entertainment. Lunch includes: Spaghetti Bolognese, small tossed salad, bread, and Chef’s surprise dessert, coffee or tea. Tipping strongly encouraged. Please support $E$$C with a financial donation today. You can even do it online at www.sessc.org 13 Southeast Seattle Senior Center 4655 S Holly St, Seattle, WA 98118 206-722-0317 Social Work Corner JAIME’S OFFICE HOURS AT THE SESSC Mondays - 10:00am to 2:00pm Tuesdays and Thursdays - 10:00am to 3:00pm Greetings! Winter is here, days are short, holidays have ended, and the SESSC is booming! This winter is my two-year anniversary at the SESSC. In my time here, I’ve felt such community, such love, and I’m excited to SHARE the LOVE with our upcoming Open House event, titled SHARE the LOVE. The event is a time for SESSC members and community members to invite a friend, neighbor, and/or family member to come visit the SESSC and become a member. The event will be held on Valentine’s Day, Saturday, Feb 14th 10:00 am - 1:00 pm. Do you have an older aunt or distance family member in Southeast Seattle? SHARE the LOVE Have you been meaning to visit your neighbor who recently retired? SHARE the LOVE Have you lost touch with a former SESSC member? SHARE the LOVE Are you a member of a church or community group? SHARE the LOVE This event will only be a success if you take the time to reach out to someone and invite them to join you at the SHARE the LOVE Open House. Together we will grow and flourish. The Cheap Chickadee - SESSC’s Thrift Shop 4645 S. Holly St., Seattle, WA 98118 Monday thru Friday 10:00am -2:00pm, Saturdays 10:00am - 4:00pm 206-760-9650 There Are Bargains and Treasures at the Cheap Chickadee Thrift Store! Our very own thrift store, the Cheap Chickadee, is right next door to our Center and your “go-to” place for deep discounts on clothing, household goods, and all kinds of curiosities. Stop by and check — we just might have what you’ve been looking for. All sales benefit the SESSC. Bargain Bag Days - 1st Tuesday and Thursday each month — All you can fit in a brown bag for $5.00 (some restrictions apply). Senior Members’ Day - 1st Wednesday of the month — SESSC members receive 40% off all purchases. 20% OFF COUPON! 14 Southeast Seattle Senior Center ( May NOT be combined with any other discount ) 4655 S Holly St, Seattle, WA 98118 206-722-0317 Why You Should Be an SESSC Member By Sidney Carter Hello! I am a Lifetime Member here at Southeast Seattle Senior Center and I am so glad! I have been coming to this center for over 20 years. I have met new friends, gone on interesting trips like the Phoenix Tea Shop in Burien, and learned to play new games like Hands-N-Feet. I also enjoy having lunch through the center’s Community Dining Lunch program. I have eaten many a delicious and healthy a meal – and that is not always easy to make happen at the same time! One of the things about the lunch program I am grateful and proud to share with others is that while a small monetary donation pf for lunch is encouraged, no one is turned away because they cannot pay. Being a member gives me a sense that this is My center, and that I help make it strong by putting my dollars toward programs I love and want to share with others. I know my contribution is really appreciated. I recommend you join the center. Membership reduces the cost of most classes and activities that are already affordable. Whether you join as a lifetime or annual member, you will get satisfaction that you have done the right thing. Annual SESSC Memberships Fees in 2015 Individual: $50.00 (may be paid with two consecutive $25.00 payments) Individual Lifetime: $300 (may be paid with three consecutive $100.00 payments) “Enhancing the emotional, social, and physical wellbeing of Boomers and Beyond" 2015 Membership: $50.00 Individual (May be paid with two consecutive $25.00 payments) Lifetime Membership: Individual $300.00 (May be paid with three consecutive $100.00 payments) Please check one New Renewal PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Last First Mid. Initial City: State: Home Phone: Gold Member Paid Date: ZIP: Receipt #: Cell Phone: Female: SESSC 4655 S. Holly St. Seattle, WA 98118 (206) 722-0317 www.sessc.org 12-19-14 Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy): Email Address: NL EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION Emergency Contact Name: Relation: Emergency Contact Address: 15 Honorary Member: Participant: Address: City: Lifetime Member: Associate Member Name: Male: For Office Use Only Member: Phone: Cell Phone: State: Southeast Seattle Senior Center ZIP: 4655 S Holly St, Seattle, WA 98118 206-722-0317 Community Information & Assistance (I & A) 2-1-1 COMMUNITY RESOURCES LINE SENIOR RIGHTS ASSISTANCE Did you know you can dial 2-1-1 from any land line in King County to receive referral information from a referral specialist? Referrals are available on a wide range of services offered in King County. For concerns and questions about Medicare or Supplemental insurance, long-term care insurance, Social Security, SSD or SSI legal assistance, please call Senior Rights Assistance Office at 206-448-5720. MEDICAL EQUIPMENT LOANS MEALS ON WHEELS We have a limited number of walkers, canes, wheelchairs and other home health aids available for your use. Please contact Alex at 206-722-0317 for more details. Enjoy delicious home-delivered meals that are available for delivery throughout King County. Interested? Please contact Senior Services at 206-448-3110 for details about this program. TRANSPORTATION OPTIONS The following services are useful for arranging transportation to the Center and other appointments. For additional transportation options call Senior Services at 206-448-3110. VOLUNTEER TRANSPORTATION ACCESS HYDE SHUTTLE 206-448-5740 Escorted rides to essential appointments. 206-205-5000 or 1-800-923-7433 Door-to-door and hand-to-hand transportation at your beck and call. 206-727-6262 Door-to-door transportation in the Rainier Valley and Renton. “Enhancing the emotional, social, and physical wellbeing of Boomers and Beyond" PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Do You Live Alone? Are You A Caregiver? Do You Have A Disability? Yes No What Relationship Do You Have With The Military? Yes No Yes No Active Duty Spouse of Veteran/Active Duty Dependent of Veteran/Active Duty Veteran No Relationship Unknown ETHNIC ORIGIN (Check All That Apply or WRITE-IN) African American/Black: Pacific Islander: Asian: Latino/Hispanic: Caucasian/White: Alaska Native: Native American Other DOCTOR INFORMATION Doctor Name: Office Phone Insurance Carrier: Alt. Phone: Phone: All information requested is for the use of SESSC Staff and is kept strictly confidential. We welcome your comments and suggestions. 16 Southeast Seattle Senior Center 4655 S Holly St, Seattle, WA 98118 206-722-0317 Good Things To Know SESSC SOCIAL WORKER OFFICE HOURS Mondays, 10:00am - 2:00pm Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:00am - 3:00pm Social Worker: Jaime Clark SESSC Social Worker Jaime Clark is here and ready to help you. USE YOUR CREDIT/DEBIT CARD AT THE SESSC! You can pay for all activities (except for the Community Dining Program) with your credit or debit card. It is safe and secure. Visa and MasterCard accepted. GOLD CARDS The Gold Cards are back! With this card you can receive discounts from local businesses who participate in this program. Drop by the Front Desk to get your card. HOLLY COURT AA MEETINGS This Alcoholics Anonymous group meets on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays on the second floor from 2:00pm - 3:30pm, and Sundays at 6:00pm. VOLUNTEER CHORE SERVICES This is a Catholic Community Services program which provides FREE chore assistance to low-income aging adults as well as adults living with disabilities. Volunteers from Catholic Community Service programs are carefully screened through background checks, personal references and an interview. They can assist with light housekeeping, grocery shopping, yard work and transportation. Learn more about the program and eligibility guidelines by calling 1-888-649-6850 or 206-3285787. MINOR HOME REPAIRS Sponsored by Senior Services, the Minor Home Repair program offers low-cost repairs for minor plumbing, electrical, or carpentry problems. Homeowners of all ages in Seattle, Shoreline, and Bellevue are eligible. Please call 206-448-5751 to coordinate your services. 17 Southeast Seattle Senior Center NOTARY PUBLIC SERVICE AVAILABLE AT SESSC Cost: $10.00 Contact: Mary Downs SESSC Finance Coordinator, Mary Downs is now a notary. If you are in need of having your documents notarized, please call 206-722-0317 to make an appointment with her. HEALTHY SMILES 1st Wednesdays by Appt. 8:30am-3:00pm Location: SESSC Wellness Center Dental Hygienist: Deb Fredrikson Costs: $35.00 New Patient Fee, $75.00 Teeth Cleaning SESSC offers dental hygiene care through Dental Hygienics. This is a fee based service. No medical coupons or sliding scale, as rates are lower than most dental private practices. Appointments will be made through the dental hygienist. Please come to the Center's Front Desk to pick up an information packet, or call 206-9487355 to speak with Deb Fredrikson, Dental Hygienist. BARTELL DRUGS eSCRIP PROGRAM You can support the Center by making purchases at any Bartell Drugs with an eSCRIP card. The cards are free to obtain and the Center can receive up to 4% back from all purchases you normally make. It’s a win-win deal! Contact Alex at 206-722-0317 for more information. FRED MEYER eSCRIP PROGRAM You can support the Center by making purchases at any Fred Meyer with an eSCRIP card. The cards are free to obtain and the Center will receive a percentage of your purchase amount. It’s a win-win deal! Contact Alex at 206-722-0317 for more information. SESSC CLOSURES New Year’s Day, Thursday, January 1 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Monday, January 19 Memorial Day, Monday, May 25 4655 S Holly St, Seattle, WA 98118 206-722-0317 SESSC BOARD OF DIRECTORS ANSWERS TO JUST FOR FUN PUZZLES Board Officers Evelyn Fairchild, President (Vacant) 1st Vice President Margaret Yellowwolf, Secretary Joseph Smith ,Treasurer Board Members Ebon Ameen, Finance CPA Gisela Baxter Charles Coen Puzzle #1: CLFLWR = CAULIFLOWER CCMBR = CUCUMBER CRGTT = COURGETTE SESSC Staff and Contact Information Address: 4655 South Holly Street, Seattle, WA 98118 Phone Number: 206-722-0317 Fax Number: 206-722-2768 Web Page: www.sessc.org Hours of Operation: Monday—Friday 8:30am - 4:00pm Instructors and Facilitators Alexander Arceo, Chess Club Facilitator Heather Robinson, Massage Therapist Angela Tonkovich, Yoga Instructor Leslie Stewart, Computer Instructor Beulah Early, Blood Pressure Monitor Linda Stryker, Weaving Instructor Carole Brown Stewart, Dye Class Instructor Marcelino Gomez, Spanish Instructor Echo Aumick, Foot Care Specialist 6 5 3 2 7 1 8 4 9 9 4 1 3 8 6 2 5 7 7 8 2 4 9 5 1 6 3 5 1 9 6 2 8 7 3 4 3 7 8 5 4 9 6 2 1 2 6 4 7 1 3 9 8 5 8 2 5 9 3 7 4 1 6 4 3 7 1 6 2 5 9 8 1 9 6 8 5 4 3 7 2 Puzzle #3: Marjorie Shrimplin, Arts Instructor Fresia Valdivia, Art Instructor Martha Gilliam, Friday Movie Host Gail Mukai, Tai Chi Instructor Michael Wayte, Driving Class Instructor Sheila Edwards, Bible Study Leader Patricia Vazquez, Bingo Manager Sandra Nance, Bible Study Leader Carol Hershman, Jewelry Class Instructor Answer: This is easily solved with a little simple algebra. If we call the three sides A, B, and C we have: A x B = 240 A x C = 300 B x C = 180 B A C Multiplying these together we get: (A x B) x (A x C) x (B x C) = 240 x 300 x 180 A2 x B2 x C2 = 12,960,000 Note: Combining like terms (A x B x C)2 = 12,960,000 Note: Utilizing the distributive property Which means that: A x B x C = 3600 Note: We took the square root of both sides Because we already know that A x B = 240, we can substitute 240 for A x B. Therefore, 240 x C = 3600, which means that C = 15. The values for A and B also be determined using the first three equations noted above. It follows that: Mark Bryant, Enhance Fitness Fai Coffin, Arts and Crafts Instructor CRRT = CARROT Puzzle #2: Kay Endo Beth Shustek Josie Smith Georgia Spencer Lynda Greene, Executive Director — [email protected] Alexander Arceo, Membership Coordinator — [email protected] Mary Downs, Finance Coordinator — [email protected] Kate Harkins, Community Engagement Coordinator - [email protected] Jaime Clark, Social Worker - [email protected] Linda Lewis, Thrift Shop — [email protected] Sharon Smith, Chef— [email protected] Mark Bryant, Enhance Fitness Site Coordinator — [email protected] CBBG = CABBAGE Puzzle #4: A=20 B=12 C=15 QED Answers: Nine-Letter word: MYTHOLOGY. All words: 18 Southeast Seattle Senior Center glom, gloom, gloomy, go, goo, got, ho, hog, holm, holt, holy, homy, hooly, hoot, hooty, hot, hotly, hoy, lo, log, logo, logy, loo, loom, loot, lot, loth, mho, mo, mog, mol, molt, molto, moly, moo, mool, moot, mot, moth, mothy, myology, MYTHOLOGY, oh, ohm, oho, ology, om, ooh, oot, oy, tho, thymol, to, tog, tom, too, tool, toom, toy, toyo, yo, yogh, yom. 4655 S Holly St, Seattle, WA 98118 206-722-0317 SESSC Volunteer Corner SESSC volunteers demonstrate with their investment in time, hard work, and loving care their commitment to forming a strong community and welcoming culture at our center. We are proud to welcome these new additions to our all-star team of volunteers: Shirley Miles started recently as an SESSC volunteer and we are glad! Shirley helps us organize events and with anything else we need to have done. She played a major role in making our annual dinner and auction a success. Thanks, Shirley for all you are doing and have done for the SESSC! Fai Coffin is a long standing and steady volunteer at our center. Recently she led the Crafts Club to contribute luminaria bags to the Rainier Beach Holiday Festival. How cool is that? Thanks Fai and Southend Crafters! Louise Ramos is also placed at the thrift store through a work training program. For two years Louise has been working very hard to make our store beautiful and welcoming to shoppers, always ready to invent a new way to organize donations or refigure the display so it is ever more enticing to those seeking a bargain at the Cheap Chickadee. She is quite successful, so we raise more dollars for programs at our center. Thanks Louise! AARP is a program for those searching for work and they place job seekers in nonprofits, including SESSC. We benefit greatly from this arrangement, especially when those people’s abilities are a good fit for the work we need them to do. So it is with great pleasure that we call out two fantastic additions to the SESSC crew: Harold Murphy. Does everything in the kitchen from serving as Sous Chef to Dishwashing, but still puts on a nice shirt every day. Harold enjoys his family time and, as his parents are still living, he says he knows what many of our seniors are going through. We are glad to have his hard work and humble personality, helping make lunch a success every day. There’s a New Chef in Town We are so pleased to welcome Sharon Smith as our new chef! Sharon grew up as a military baby, so has lived all over the world but came back to raise a family in her real home town of Castle Rock, WA. She is a grandmother who likes to garden, play with her Labrador retrievers, and take an active role in supporting her grandchildren. And she likes southern cooking – now don’t you think we are ready for some “down-home” good food? We have already enjoyed jambalaya, fried chicken, Swedish meatballs. Thanks Sharon, for completing our team and making our lunches delicious! Sharon, get comfortable, we like you! We Always Need New Volunteers. We really need help in the lunch program. Other opportunities include special events. Call Kate Harkins at 206-722-0317 of stop by her office if you are interested. New idea -- Volunteer with a friend to make it even more fun! By the time you read this newsletter, there may be a new volunteer at the Center. Please extend a warm welcome and thank-you to our new volunteers, including the ones not on this list. Let’s keep it going strong! Thanks to Georgia Spencer and the board members who help keep the thrift store open on SATURDAYS. We are still going strong on Saturdays! 19 Southeast Seattle Senior Center 4655 S Holly St, Seattle, WA 98118 206-722-0317 Thank You Supporters General Donations Annabelle Decuir Arlen Walker Barbara J. Sission Becky Mustoe Beulah Early Charlotte Ruff Clayton Pitre Diana Tobin Donnetta M Gillum Ellen Coons Eula Clark Fai Coffin Frances Stowell Gene Lux Gisela Baxter Harold Shepherd Donnetta M Gillum Ellen Coons Eula Clark Fai Coffin Frances Stowell Gene Lux Gisela Baxter Harold Shepherd Martha Gilliam Mary Tanner Maryetta Greaves Megan Wellings Melva Williamson Meriko Kardel Michael Ullman Network For Good Norma Smoczyk Patricia Sasson Patricia Vazquez Raisiela Fonoti Robert Ridder Sidney Carter Teena Carter In Memoriam and Honorary Donations Danica Noble, In Memory of Rose Dougherty Patricia Vazquez, In Memory of Mary Bingham Herb Tsuchiya, In Memory of Bertha Tsuchiya Sandra and Thomas Kilroy, In Memory of Rose Dougherty Margaret Yellowwolf, In Memory of Michael Selivanoff Seattle Rainier Lions Clubs, In Memory of Rose Dougherty Patricia Stonehocker, In Memory of Rose Dougherty Ximena Perez Viverd, In Memory of Rose Dougherty Patricia Vazquez, In Memory of Michael Selivanoff Zewditu Aschenaki, In Memory of Rose Dougherty Cheryl Clark, In Honor of Jaime Clark Claude & Jayne Greene, In Honor of Lynda Greene Amy Finley, In Honor of Jaime Clark Constance Tinsley, In Honor of Sidney Clark Scott & Shelley Scheff, In Honor of Jaime Clark John and Margaret Harkins, In Honor of Kate Harkins Barbara Sandhagen, In Honor of Jaime Clark Doris D. Morgan, In Memory of Blane K. Fuller Glynn M. Sewer, In Memory of Rev. and Mrs. James W. Rabb Lanetta Tiokasin, In Memory of Beatrice Gray Dr. Linda M. Smith, In Memory of Ms. Willie Mae Young Sun Kennedy, In Memory of Her Family Gwen Downs, In Memory of Auntie Mary Jones Kay Endo, In Memory of Shiga Miyagishima Wanda Downs, In Memory of Carolyn Downs Susan Hammond, In Honor of Jaime Clark Stewart and Nancy Clark, In Honor of Jaime Clark Brain and Evelyn Fairchild, In Memory of Byron Baxter Edward Foster, In Memory of Beatrice Foster Mary Downs, In Memory of Isadora Downs Lynda Greene, In Memory of My Beloved Mother, Emma Gillis Jessie Downs, In Memory of Isadora Downs Margaret Yellowwolf, In Memory of Mary Bingham and D. Eastman Michelle Leigh Scheff, In Honor of Jaime Clark Allen Greene Family, In Memory of Granny Emma Gillis SESSC Staff, In Honor of Gisela Baxter Shirley Miles, In Memory of Emma Gillis Shirley Miles, In Memory of Gwendolyn Jones Marques Warren, In Memory of Gloria Warren Samantha Darrington, In Honor of Jaden Barnes Thank You Rainbow Bingo Supporters A special thanks to Trader Joes, Charles Coen, Tutta Bella, Pike Ales, and our fabulous volunteers for their support. Charles Coen (425) 269-0891 All donations listed above are from September 13th to December 12th, 2014 20 Southeast Seattle Senior Center 4655 S Holly St, Seattle, WA 98118 206-722-0317 In Kind Donations Ann Conroy Annie Fields Barbara A. Mosely Burke Museum Carmelita Fitzgerald Chi Nguyen City Fruit Dahlia Yee Diana Tobin Doris D. Morgan Doris Jones Fai Coffin Frances Ikeda Gisela Baxter Harold Shepherd Iris Hatch Janey Tiffany Jean Sisson Jeremy Steward Jes Stereling Kathy Selivanoff Margaret Yellowwolf Mary Charles Mary Downs Mary Junttil Mary Magenta May Arceo Members Patricia Scott Patricia Stonehocker Patricia Vazquez Robert Ridder Safeway Sandy Morgan Seattle Police Dept S Precinct Stacy Schuze Toni Crutchfield Trader Joes Civic and Corporate Donations Dr. Hidekazu Tanaka, Japanese Pharmacist Group Seattle Rainier Lions Club Holly Court AA Birthday Lunch Sponsors We have some SESSC members who really know how to celebrate. When their birthday month comes around, they have sponsored the cake, the sparkling cider or the music entertainment at our monthly birthday luncheons. Thanks to Loretta Russell and Sandy Morgan, the most recent sponsors for the birthday lunch cake and sparkling cider. You may consider sponsoring any of the following items: Birthday Lunch Cake $65.00 Birthday Lunch Entertainment $75.00 Martinelli’s Sparkling Cider $25.00 To celebrate your birthday by sponsoring a cake at the birthday lunch celebration for your birthday month, contact Kate a few weeks in advance through the SESSC Front Desk or call 206-722-0317. Let her know your thoughts and preferred cake flavor and color scheme. Let us know if you want to be a leader in the celebration department! Dinner and Auction Donors 5th Avenue Theater - AAA Washington - Terie Akada - ACT Theatre - Beverly Almoslimo - AMF Imperial Lanes - ACME Bowling, Billiards and Events American Dance Institute - Brigid Anderson - Bernice Andrew - Alexander and Violeta Arceo - Susan Asaba - Jaden Barnes - Gisela Baxter - Argosy Cruises - Arthur Murray Dance Centers - Borracchini Bakery - Neil Beaver - Thomas Bennett - Big Picture - Samantha Darrington - Sandra Boas-Dupree - Rick Dupree - Conrad and Bonnie Bosworth - Kimberly Bowen - Bothways Cafe - Julie Brooks - Maxine Brooks - Violet Brooks - Fred and Linda Brown - Allison Brown - Johnnie Brunson - Elinor Carter - Sidney Carter - C-Squared Urban Garden Design - Chef John Howie Restaurants - Chihuly Studio - Louise Chinn Ian Chong - Sally Chong - Nancy and Stewart Clark - Fai Coffin - Zennie Coleman - Columbia City Ale House - Columbia City Bakery - Columbia City Starbucks - Conifer Specialties, Inc. - Continental Mills - Dennis Cook - James Cooper - Dorene Cropley - Cupcake Royale - Sue Dickson - Debbie Macomber Delite Bakery - Diana Tobin - Shawn Davis - Dick’s Drive Ins - Dimitriou’s Jazz Alley - Sharon Dobie - Downtown Spirits - Mary Downs - Lutisher Edmondson - EMP Museum - Emmanuel’s Rug and Upholstery Cleaners - Kay Endo - Evelyn Fairchild - Jennifer Fairchild - Veronica Fairchild and J. Scott Norman Flying House Productions Seattle Men’s Chorus - Fit Body Bakery - Franklin High School Woodmaking Class - Fury-Extraordinary Consignment - Lee Gain - The Garage - Martha Gilliam - Grand Central Bakery - Green Eileen - Carolyn Green - Lynda Greene - John and Margaret Harkins - Kate Harkins - Heavy Restaurant Group - Henry Art Gallery - Susan Hammond - Andre Hobson - Paula Houston - Howard Goldstein - Holly Court AA Group - Eloise Huggins Hunt - Mary Husby - Image Custom Ironwork - Inn at Canon Beach - Island Soul Restaurant - Ivar’s and Kidd Valley Restaurants - Sue Kennedy - J. Steward Bodywork - Mark Jeffries - Jet City Improv - Jubilee Biodynamic Farm - Julia’s Restaurants - Meriko Kardel - King Donuts - Beulah Early - Lady Electric - LeMay America’s Car Museum - Lily Lee - Leschi Market, Steve Schulman - Jacob Lunnon - Lisa LeVere, Simply Soulful - Mark Levy - John Longfield Lopez Islander Resort and Marina - Macarina Bakery - Maid in The Northwest - Diane Ste. Marie - Juana Mangaoang - MarketSpice - Anneke Markholt Cindy Maxwell - Maria McDaniel PartyLite Candles - McMenamins - Michael Rosenberg Photography - Dian Miller - Museum of Flight - Mae Mitchell Noble Fine Wine, Molly Andrews-Smith - Sandy Morgan - Jerry Moore - Northwest African American Museum - Oki Golf - Orca Beverage - Stephen and Petrecia Olasen - PCC Natural Markets - Pacific Science Center - Park Place Assisted Living - Barbara Peete - Sandra Po Palm - Jen Patterson - Helga Penard - Pepsi Beverages Company - David Peterson, Midlakes Insurance - Pike Place Market Creamery - Point Defiance Zoological Society - Prestige Custom Builders - Claude Jayne Preston - Pure Alchemy Organic Salon - Rainbow Bingo - Rainier Golf & Country Club - Rainier Guest Services - Rainier Valley Historical Society - Nancy Rawles - Rick Steves’ Europe Inc. - Rookies Sports Bar & Grill - Rossoe Energy Systems - Ramadan and Elizabeth Paul-Russell Loretta Russell - Salon Adidez - Patti Scott - Seattle Art Museum - Seattle Mariners - Seattle Police Department South Precinct - Seattle Rainier Lions Club - Seattle Repertory Theatre - Seattle Seahawks - Seattle Shakespeare Company - Seattle Symphony - Seattle Theatre Group - Seattle Thunderbirds Hockey Club - Seattle Tilth - SESSC Board Members - Valerie Searles - Judy Seth - Harold Shepherd - Shuttle Express - Jean Simpson - Small World Productions, Inc. - Josie Smith - Snoqualmie Casino - Alex Souldancer - Sound Oil Company - Spectrum Dance Center - Georgia Spencer - Spinnaker Bay Brewing - Carissa Stax - Patricia Stonehocker - Studio East - Carolyn Sue-Green - Taproot Theatre Company - The Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture - The Cheesecake Factory - The Chop House Inc. - Beryl Thompson - The Comedy Underground - Robert L.T. Thomas, Sr. - Tin Room - Tin Umbrella - Tom Douglas’ Dahlia Bakery - Trader Joe’s - Patricia Vazquez - Erica Vieira - Jean VelDyke - Watercress Vietnamese Bistro - R.G. Weissenbach - Wildhorse Resort and Casino - Karen Wilkens - Peter Williams - Rachelle Wills - The Wing Luke Museum of the Asian Pacific American Experience - Wolf Haven International - Sash Woods - Woodland Park Zoo - World Spice Merchants - Yearby’s Hair Design - Dahlia Yee - Margaret Yellowwolf 21 Southeast Seattle Senior Center 4655 S Holly St, Seattle, WA 98118 206-722-0317 Just for Fun Puzzle #1 — These words have had their vowels Puzzle #2 — Take a crack at solving this Sudoku removed. Can you replace the vowels to make some vegetables? puzzle. Difficulty - Very Easy. CBBG CCMBR CRRT CLFLWR CRGTT CLRC 5 9 4 1 The top's area is 240 square inches, the front's area is 300 square inches and the end's area is 180 square inches. What are the dimensions of the box? 6 2 7 8 9 6 1 2 3 8 Puzzle #3 — I have a box. 3 5 9 6 6 1 8 2 3 1 4 7 1 9 2 5 8 7 Puzzle #4 — Using the BrainTracker grid below, how 2 many words can you find? Each word must contain the central O and no letter can be used twice. However, the letters do not have to be connected. Proper nouns are not allowed. However, plurals are. Can you find the nineletter word? 240 in . B Excellent: 29 words. Good: 24 words. Average: 19 words. A C 180 in2. 2 300 in . Answers on Page 18 22 Southeast Seattle Senior Center 4655 S Holly St, Seattle, WA 98118 206-722-0317 Happy Birthday SESSC Members! Margaret Yellowwolf Sue Combs Earnestine Gloster Harry M Hull Diana Tobin Toshio Tokunaga Eli MG Dobrev Carlton Ellis Lucille Fortson Johnny Ware Paulina Russell Cherie Sigrist Dorothy Terrell Lawan Bunnag Katherine McCraney Dean Sanders Velma Henry Sera Koharu Patricia Doss Harriet Wood Helen Holtzclaw Minnie Fields Barbara Lezon Annie Ellis David C Bown Anita Legsdin Dahlia Yee Linda Zahava Patty Buckingham Fumiko Hayashida Fai Coffin William Kelly Andy Andersson Lillie Sanders Adalor Guib Mell Fuller Bertha Jacobson 23 Jan. 1 Jan. 2 Jan. 2 Jan. 2 Jan. 2 Jan. 2 Jan. 3 Jan. 3 Jan. 3 Jan. 3 Jan. 5 Jan. 5 Jan. 6 Jan. 8 Jan. 9 Jan. 10 Jan. 11 Jan. 11 Jan. 12 Jan. 13 Jan. 14 Jan. 15 Jan. 16 Jan. 18 Jan. 19 Jan. 19 Jan. 19 Jan. 20 Jan. 21 Jan. 21 Jan. 22 Jan. 24 Jan. 26 Jan. 27 Jan. 30 Jan. 31 Jan. 31 May Eng Vaughnette Freeman Yohko Matsumoto Clara Kelly Armando Dionisio Amy Hirasawa Evelyn Fairchild Hajime Hirata Ethelmarie Hubbard Ann Banks Barbara Chamberlain Vivian Laye Modest Montgomery Rachel Covello Melva Lee Williamson Douglas Lee Kerry Thompson James Spears Marie Anderson Minnie Collins Mary Martin Marvel Gordon Alice Poree Masako Tomita Robert James Robert Ridder Norma Thompson Margaret Berre May Pendergrass Vicky White Carole Stewart Kenneth Taggart Southeast Seattle Senior Center Feb. 2 Feb. 3 Feb. 3 Feb. 5 Feb. 6 Feb. 6 Feb. 7 Feb. 7 Feb. 8 Feb. 9 Feb. 9 Feb. 12 Feb. 12 Feb. 15 Feb. 15 Feb. 17 Feb. 17 Feb. 19 Feb. 20 Feb. 21 Feb. 22 Feb. 24 Feb. 24 Feb. 24 Feb. 25 Feb. 25 Feb. 25 Feb. 26 Feb. 26 Feb. 27 Feb. 28 Feb. 28 Lorraine Sawyer Howard Ostrin Ernestine Williams Frances Stowell Frank Austin June Edwards Jennie McDonald Louise Chinn Patricia Nord Barbara Pearson Boneva Heflin Annie Huguley Callie Rheubottom Louise Smith Anne Wing Agatha Emanuel Tommiesyne Gipson Elinor Carter Marie Jones Florence Colacarro Nobi Ishii Queen Molton Lou Della Bowen Antonia Dumo Georgia Spencer Elsie Roscoe Marvin Terry Ruth A Hooper Florence Fardon Miriam Oakes Horice Bordelon Margaret Cook John Hardy Masako Okazaki Patricia Nelson Dolly Tokunaga Bertha Lewis Alberta Nielsen Catherine Smith 4655 S Holly St, Seattle, WA 98118 Mar. 1 Mar. 2 Mar. 2 Mar. 4 Mar. 5 Mar. 6 Mar. 6 Mar. 7 Mar. 7 Mar. 8 Mar. 9 Mar. 9 Mar. 9 Mar. 9 Mar. 9 Mar. 10 Mar. 10 Mar. 11 Mar. 12 Mar. 15 Mar. 15 Mar. 15 Mar. 16 Mar. 16 Mar. 17 Mar. 19 Mar. 20 Mar. 21 Mar. 23 Mar. 24 Mar. 26 Mar. 26 Mar. 26 Mar. 26 Mar. 27 Mar. 27 Mar. 29 Mar. 30 Mar. 30 206-722-0317 SESSC Lifetime Members Ebon Ameen Joanne Anderson Marie Anderson John Angelini Nathaniel Armstrong Momoye Asaba Shirley Asher Frank Austin Rubymae Austin Charles Bailey Lewis Banchero Pauline Barrette Gisela Baxter J. Pearl Beamon Margaret Berre Helen Bigley Bonnie Bosworth Conrad Bosworth Annie Bowie Marjorie Brown Sybil Brown Natalya Brusilovsky Opal Bryant Dorothy Byrne Lula Camp Gladys Carlson Elinor Carter Sidney Carter Barbara Chamberlain Norman Chamberlain John Charles Leouise Clanton Fai Coffin Florence Colacarro Florence Coleman Sue Combs Rosa Cook Ellen Coons Rachel Covello Magnolia Crutcher Ida Darden Annabelle Decuir Louis DeFranco Theresa DeFranco Marion Dillard Kathleen Dodd Marie Donohoe Ephraim Duell Paul Dyson Beulah Early Kari Edlund Ron Edlund Lutisher Edmondson June Edwards Annie Ellis Carlton Ellis Agatha Emanuel 24 Kay Endo Bill Eng May Eng Brian Fairchild Evelyn Fairchild Florence Fardon Minnie Fields Kathryn Fies Irene Finch Marlene Fisher Julia Flynn Sarah Forbes Lucille Fortson Eiko Frees Ernest French Sei Fujiwara Leonard Garrett Ouida Garrett Martha Gilliam Donnetta Gillum Barbara Ginn Willie Goldsmith Gertie Goldson Bernice Goudreau Miriam Gourdine Ursula Gramaje Marina Gran Maryetta Greaves Dorothy Green Alice Hardy Alice Hayakawa Fumiko Hayashida O. Z. Heflin Julia Mae Henderson Soren Henderson Amy Hirasawa Hajime Hirata Seawellow Holland Doretha Holmes Helen Holtzclaw Akira Honda Mary Honda Clara Hubbard Kathleen Hubbard Annie Huguley John Hungate Lydia Hungate Kachi Lilly Ikeda Nobi Ishii Octavia Jackson Bertha Jacobson Robert James Roberta James Roosevelt Jeffery Cuba Johnson Robert Jones Della Jung Southeast Seattle Senior Center Herman Kan Meriko Kardel Keith Keil Glenda-Sue Kennedy Janice Nola Kesee Shigeko Kikuchi Shirley Kindred Roy Kirita Yone Kishida Sera Koharu Henry Kumasaka Janice Kumasaka Anne Latz Robert Latz Erika Lawson Stanford Lawson Vivian Laye Doris Leonard Lillian Levy Bertha Lewis Paul Lewis Johannes Kwok Yan Liu E. Gladys Lockhart Cloteal Lollie John Longfield Genevieve Lord Eugene Lux Marilyn Lux Jocelyn March Frances Marcrander Mary Martin Dan Matsumoto Yohko Matsumoto Oscar Matthews Katherine McCraney Doris McDaniel Maria L McDaniel Jennie McDonald Loretta McIver Mary McVey Joanne Mehus Janice Melin Joel Melin Kris Mikami Diane Miller Mae Mitchell Yoneko Mochizuki Queen Molton Modest Montgomery Annabelle Morgan Doris D. Morgan Mary Mosley Shelly Muir Marianne Munro Carol Nakanishi Nicholas Nelson Roseanne Nelson Philomena Nessenbaum Patricia Nord Mildred Nornholm Mary O'Brien Frances Ogino Itsumi Okazaki Masako Okazaki Helen Okura Carlos Orpilla Loretta Orpilla Howard Ostrin Ernestine Patterson Barbara Peete May Pendergrass Anna Mae Petitt Clayton Pitre Bruce Rayl Perlie Reese Emma Ruth Render Robert Ridder Ruthe Ridder Olga Roberts Elsie Roscoe Nathan Ross Rebecca Ross Jewell Russell Paulina Russell Melanie Sako Dean Sanders Ernestine Sanders Lillie Sanders Edward Saunders Lorraine Sawyer Allan Schurr Aubrey Scott Minnie Scott Orene Scott Patricia Scott Judy Seth Yoshiko Shiota Marjorie Shrimplin Cherie Sigrist Venus Sims Jean Sisson Ervin Skov Florita Skov Esther Smith Joseph Smith Josie Smith Norma Smoczyk Georgia Spencer Beatrice Steele Patricia Stonehocker Frances Stowell Ellen Summers Azile Swafford John Swafford 4655 S Holly St, Seattle, WA 98118 Kenneth Taggart Geneva Tanner Mary Tanner Robert Taylor Dolores Teig Charlene Thomas Beryl Thompson Henry Tianen Marilyn Tilbury Richard Tilbury Lillian Titland Rowena Tobias Diana Tobin Dolly Tokunaga Toshio Tokunaga Nancy Toliver Lorraine Truitt Herbert Tsuchiya MaryJane Tsukamoto Reva Twersky Michael Ullman Patricia Vazquez Jean Veldyke Arlen Walker Euguenia Walls Terry Ward Johnny Ware Ethel F Washington Ruth Washington Lucille Williams Rosa Williams Melva Lee Williamson Anne Wing Eleanor Wise Albert Woo Ann Wood Harriet Wood Ozeal Wrice Dorothy Yamaguchi Keiko Yamaguchi Helen Yamamoto Hung Yee Margaret Yellowwolf Nannie Young 206-722-0317 The Southeast Seattle Senior Center is a place you can about and want to be there for older adults for generations to come. To learn about including the Southeast Seattle Senior Center in your will, please contact: Lynda A. Greene Leaving a legacy gift to the senior center is one way you can help this place bring love, care, and 25 Southeast Seattle Senior Center 206-722-0317 4655 S Holly St, Seattle, WA 98118 206-722-0317 SESSC Highlights In the Season at the Holiday Bazaar This year’s holiday bazaar was a hit with both the shoppers and the vendors. The Holiday Bazaar is one of the ways that Center members and vendors in the community come together and sell a wide variety of handmade gifts and wares. Home-baked goodies, knitted and crocheted items, custom made jewelry, Christmas and other holiday knick-knacks were among the many items available for purchase. Powerlifting Event Giving Lip Service at the Lifetime Members Dinner The SESSC Lifetime Members’ dinner had a few new activities like a ring toss station for wine and having a lipsologist on site to give free readings to members from the impression of their lips. Lifetime Members having their lips read The members also enjoyed an excellent dinner catered by Seasoned in Seattle. Mark Bryant, the SESSC’s Enhance Fitness Site Coordinator and Bull Stewart, the owner of Columbia City Fitness, held a power lifting tournament at the Southeast Seattle Senior Center. Paula Houston, the CEO of Senior Services, was also in attendance as a judge. Seattle Tilth Returns Participants of all ages and from all walks of life came from all over the state to compete. Many members and people in the neighborhood came to support and observe the event, which was the first of its kind ever to be held at our Center. Laura Matter, the Program Coordinator for the Seattle Tilth’s Garden Hotline, taught a group of SESSC members and participants some of the Seahawk Spirit Fridays The SESSC members have found a way to show their support the spectacular Seattle Seahawks in their own way by coming to their center in the Seahawk gear. Do you have a jersey, or a hat, or a T-shirt, or a scarf or other Seahawk items? Then make sure to wear them on Fridays when you visit the Center, which will now be known as Seahawk Spirit Fridays. 26 Southeast Seattle Senior Center basics of raising herbs. The group planted various seeds into four-inch pots to care for at home. Stay tuned for future classes coming soon. 4655 S Holly St, Seattle, WA 98118 206-722-0317 Fresia’s Teaches and Displays Her Art at the SESSC You must have noticed the beautiful art on the wall of the Social Hall at SESSC. That is the work of Fresia Valdivia, or Fresia Libertad as she goes by. Now we get to see her work, and what a treat it is! Born with a passion for art, Fresia now has more than 25 year experience teaching children and adults art, using all kinds of materials, including paint, recycled paper, clay and cloth. Stop by and see the show – it will be gone before you know it! Fresia will be teaching her Learn to Paint Now! art class in January and February 2015. No experience is necessary. All are welcome to learn. If learning how to paint has been something you’ve always wanted to do, then now is a perfect opportunity mark this off of your list. A Snapshot of Fresia’s Art displayed in the Social Hall. Rainier Beach H.S. Students Share Their Christmas Spirit Fresia (standing) teaching her art class in the social hall. 27 Southeast Seattle Senior Center Students from the Rainier Beach High School dropped by the Center and sang a few Christmas Carols like, “The Twelve Days of Christmas,” for the members during lunch. They also showed off their dancing skills and led the seniors in a conga line. 4655 S Holly St, Seattle, WA 98118 206-722-0317 Non-Profit Org. U S Postage Paid Permit 1622 Seattle, WA 4655 S. Holly St., Seattle, WA 98118 Change Service Requested SESSC Birthday Lunch Dates Date Registration Deadline Thursday, January 15th Monday, January 12th Thursday, February 19th Monday, February 16th Thursday, March 19th Monday, March 16th Time: 11:30am - 12:30pm Cost: Free for SESSC Current Members with Birthdays in January, February and March. A $3.00 Suggested donation for those 60+. All others must pay $6.00 Everyone must RSVP by the Monday before the Birthday Lunch 4873 Rainier Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98118 206-722-2200 Providers of our monthly birthday lunch floral arrangement 28 Southeast Seattle Senior Center 4655 S Holly St, Seattle, WA 98118 206-722-0317
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