PRESORTED FIRST CLASS MAIL U.S. POSTAGE One Waterfowl Way Memphis, TN 38120 PAID DUCKS UNLIMITED, INC. BETTER THAN EVER AT OUR NEW VENUE! Ducks Unlimited Las Vegas Continental Shoot | February 12-15, 2015 OVER $75,000 IN PRIZES February 12 - 15, 2015 Clark County Shooting Complex Las Vegas, Nevada LAS VEGA S CON TINEN TAL S HOOT 2015 Ducks Unlimited 20 1 5 MAJOR S P ON S O R S : WELCOME BACK TO C.C.S.C. ! SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR OTHER SPONSORS Welcome back, Shooters! As you can see, we have even more changes in store for 2015! After last year’s successful event, this year we are bringing in something that has been requested for years…a Sub-gauge event! We have also negotiated even better arrangements with the Aliante Hotel and Casino, which is conveniently located just a few minutes down the street from the shooting fields at CCSC. That hotel arrangement includes very special room rates for our shooters…use the promo code DUCKS15 when booking to get those special rates. And the deadline for reserving a room at the special rate is January 25.The Aliante is also the site for the Saturday night dinner event! We know you will enjoy yourselves at the Aliante and at the Clark County Shooting Complex, a world class facility that is now home to the “Ducks in the Desert” Las Vegas Shoot. Thank you for your support of Ducks Unlimited! Come join us again for the same GUARANTEED guns and ammo prize package, the same free Shooter Only Raffle, and the non-stop side games for added fun and valuable prizes. Browning shotguns again lead the way to another incredible prize package, along with more than 600 cases of quality target loads from our prize ammo sponsor, Fiocchi Ammunition. Very special thanks to all three of our major sponsors…Browning, Fiocchi and the Aliante. We look forward to seeing you again February 12-15, 2015 at the Clark County Shooting Complex. We also recommend that you register early by mail or online to get your preferred shooting times. See you in Las Vegas! Action Products Co, ALPS Mountaineering Americase, Inc. APL Logistics Battle Lakes Outdoors Birchwood Casey Briley BRM Brownells Buck Knives Bushnell Performance Optics Carlson’s Carson Optics CRKT DAC Technologies Doskocil Manufacturing Drake Waterfowl Systems Dry Mates Edgemaker EES Egana of Switzerland Electronic Shooters Protection Essential Gear, Inc. E-Z Mount Corp. Evans Sports Faulk’s Game Call Co., Inc. Fountain Creek Productions Gorilla Glue Grohmann Knives, Ltd. Gun Tote’n Mamas Hammerhead Industries Hardigg Industries, Inc. Heatmax, Inc. (Hothands) Helly Hansen Henry High Maintenance Hornady Manufacturing Co. Hunter’s Specialties Icebreaker, Inc. Innotek Jaccard Corporation Kalispell Gun Cases Kershaw Knives Kestrel Weather Lansky Sharpeners Leapers, Inc. Leatherman Tool Group, Inc. Limbsaver Lyman Products Masterbuilt MCM Mendota Products, Inc. Midland Radio Corp. Mojo Outdoors Motorola New Innovative Products Nielsen-Kellerman Norcross Safety Products, LLC North Pass, LTD (HI VIZ) Optronics, Inc. Otis Technology, Inc. Outdoor Cap Peet Shoe Dryer Pelican Products Pentax Imaging Company Plano Molding Co. Princeton Tec Pyramex Quaker Boy, Inc. Randolph Engineering Redring Shotgun Sights RPM, Inc. Santa Fe Stoneworks Seasonal Marketing Silencio Smith’s Consumer Products Stack-On Products Stearns, Inc. Streamlight, Inc. Stone River Gear SRB Field Rests ThermaCELL Tool Logic Tri-Star Tru-Glo Tru-Lock Chokes Vanguard USA, Inc. VibraShine, Inc. Walker’s Game Ear Walls Industries Wild Wings, LLC Wrangler Rugged Wear Winchester Repeating Arms Jim Konkel Shoot Committee Chair FUNSHOOTS/SIDE GAMES FOR HUGE PRIZE PACKAGES (including guns) EVERY DAY! The beautiful Aliante Casino Hotel is again our host hotel this year, with special rates for shooters and their families! Only minutes from the gun club! Reserve your room by January 25 to enjoy these special rates. DIRECTIONS TO CLARK COUNTY SHOOTING COMPLEX Clark County Shooting Complex (CCSC) is located 15 miles northwest of downtown Las Vegas and “the Strip.” From “the Strip,” take I-15 north 8 miles to the County 215 Beltway. Go west 8 miles on the 215 Beltway, to Decatur Blvd. Turn north on Decatur and drive about 4 miles to CCSC. SHOOT RULES: 1. All events will be governed by official NSCA rules. Sporting clays targets will be registered for existing NSCA members only. Membership in the NSCA is not required for a shooter to participate in this tournament. But if you are an NSCA member your scores will be registered. 5. Eye and ear protection is required. 2. Shoot management may alter the shoot program if necessary without prior notice. 7. No refunds after January 22, 2015. 3. Tie-breaking procedures will be clearly posted at the event prior to the start of competition. 4. Ammunition prize payout will be in standard Fiocchi ten (10) box cases. Prize ammo not picked up at the event will be UPS shipped at $20 per case. 6. Special concurrent prizes will be awarded in the main event and prelim event for Ladies, Sub-Juniors, Juniors, Veterans, Super Veterans, and Senior Super Veterans categories. Only NSCA members qualify and NSCA rules apply. 8. Shoot management reserves the right to place a Hunter Class shooter of superior “known ability” into the appropriate NSCA class and collect any fees pertaining to said placement, or to refund all, or a portion of, the entry fee. MAJOR CH A NG ES F O R 2 0 1 5 50-target sub-gauge events will be offered this year, with open squadding, and course open only from 9:30am - 3:30pm on Thursday and Friday. But pre-registration will be required. Wednesday, February 11 is an early registration day for your convenience, and funshoots will be open. The registered 50-target 5-STAND event can again be shot on Thursday, Friday, or Saturday this year. Like last year, the 100-target Prelim will be shot on one course, with half shooting it on Thursday, and half shooting it on Friday. No non-registered 50-target funshoot this year. The 200-target Main event will be shot on two courses on Saturday and Sunday. If you shoot the Mallard Course on Saturday, you’ll shoot the Pintail Course on Sunday, and vice-versa. Five person squads again this year, instead of the traditional six. YOU MUST RESERVE YOUR ROOM AT THE ALIANTE HOST HOTEL BY JANUARY 25 TO GET THE SPECIAL DU RATES! HOTEL ADDRESS IS 2300 ALIANTE PKWY, NORTH LAS VEGAS, NV 89084. PHONE NUMBER IS 702-692-7777. S CHED UL E O F EVENTS W E D N E SDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2015 Early Registration 12 noon - 5:00 pm Side Games 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm T H U R S DAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2015 Registration 7:30 am - 5:00 pm Side Games 9:00 am - 4:30 pm 100 Target Prelim 8:00 - 11:00 - 2:00 50 Target 5-STAND Squadded 50 Target Sub-gauge 9:30 am - 3:30 pm F R I DAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2015 Registration 7:30 am - 5:00 pm Side Games 9:00 am - 4:30 pm 100 Target Prelim 8:00 - 11:00 - 2:00 50 Target 5-STAND Squadded 50 Target Sub-gauge 9:30 am - 3:30 pm SAT U R DAY, FEBRUARY 14 , 2 01 5 Registration 7:30 am - 3:00 pm Side Games 9:00 am - 3:30 pm 1st 100 Targets-Main event 8:00 - 11:00 - 2:00 50 Target 5-STAND Squadded All events Squadded! Please preregister! DU dinner event at Aliante Host Hotel Doors open at 6:00 pm Dinner at 7:00pm SU NDAY, FEBRUARY 15 , 2 01 5 Side Games 9:00 am - 3:00 pm 2nd 100 Targets-Main event 8:00 - 11:00 - 2:00 After shooting, scores posted and awards presented All events Squadded, except sub-gauge! Please preregister! P R I Z ES MAIN EVENT 12 GAU GE PREL IM Event Champion, Plus 7 NSCA Classes - M, AA, A, B, C, D, E Event Champion, Plus 7 NSCA Classes- M, AA, A, B, C, D, E and and 1 Hunter Lewis Class per every 30 Hunter Entries 1 Hunter Lewis Class per every 30 Hunter Entries Event Champ-Browning Maxus Shotgun, and 10 cases Fiocchi ammo Each Class (including Hunter Lewis Classes): 1st Browning Maxus Shotgun and 3 cases Fiocchi ammo 2nd 8 cases Fiocchi ammo 5th 3 cases Fiocchi ammo 3rd 6 cases Fiocchi ammo 6th 2 cases Fiocchi ammo 4th 4 cases Fiocchi ammo 7th 1 case Fiocchi ammo Event Champ-Browning BPS Shotgun and 2 cases Fiocchi ammo Each Class (including Hunter Lewis Classes): 1st Browning BPS Shotgun 5th 2 cases Fiocchi ammo 2nd 4 cases Fiocchi ammo 6th 1 cases Fiocchi ammo 3rd 3 cases Fiocchi ammo 7th 1 case Fiocchi ammo 4th 2 cases Fiocchi ammo C ONC U R R E N TS : Lady, SubJr, Junior, Vet, Super Vet, Sr Super Vet CONCURRENTS: Lady, SubJr, Junior, Vet, Super Vet, Sr Super Vet Each Concurrent:1st - 5 cases Fiocchi ammo; 2nd - 3 cases; 3rd - 2 cases Each Concurrent:1st - 3 cases Fiocchi ammo; 2nd - 2 cases; 3rd - 1 case REGISTERED 50 TARGET 5-STAND EVENT Event Champion, Plus 7 NSCA Classes- M, AA, A, B, C, D, E and 1 Hunter Lewis Class per every 30 Hunter Entries Event Champion - 5 cases Fiocchi ammo Each Class (including Hunter Lewis Classes): 1st - 3 cases Fiocchi ammo; 2nd - 2 cases Fiocchi ammo; 3rd - 1 case Fiocchi ammo REGISTERED 50 TARGET SUB-GAUGE EVENTS (20, 28 & .410) Event Champion, Plus 7 NSCA Classes- M, AA, A, B, C, D, E (no hunter class) (same Fiocchi ammo prizes as 5-Stand for each sub-gauge) REGIS TR ATI O N F O R M NameEmail Home Phone Address NSCA # Concurrent: Cell City NSCA Class: q Lady q Junior q Sub Junior q Vet q SuperVet State Zip qM qAA qA qB qC qD qHunter qE q Sen Sup Vet EVENT PRICING DOES NOT INCLUDE NSCA & STATE ASSOC. DAILY TARGET FEES! ADDITIONAL ITEMS: • Extra Banquet Tickets will be available at the registration desk q MAIN & PRELIM EVENTS $325.00 (300 TARGETS) (Select preferred rotations in selections below.) q MAIN EVENT ONLY $275.00 (200 TARGETS) Please select rotation: q Sat 8:00am - Sun 11:00am q Sat 11:00am - Sun 2:00pm q Sat 2:00pm - Sun 8:00am q 12 GAUGE PRELIM ONLY $150.00 (100 TARGETS) • Early Warm-up: Quick Warm-up fields will be available at 7:30am each day for 1st rotation shooters only. Please select rotation (Select 1 box only): q Thurs 8:00am q Thurs 11:00am q Thurs 2:00pm q Fri 8:00am q Fri 11:00am q Fri 2:00pm CART RENTAL: Carts are recommended. You can bring your own, or rent one in advance. All carts are four-seaters, at a rate of $80 per day. Cart fees payable at time of registration. q PRELIM REGISTERED 5-STAND $50.00 (50 TARGETS) Please select the day you’d like to shoot: q Thursday q Friday q Saturday q PRELIM SUB-GAUGE $50.00 PER GAUGE (50 TARGETS) q 20 ga. q 28 ga. q .410 q CART RENTAL (check off days you want a cart) q Thurs q Fri q Sat q Sun _____ DAYS @ $80 per day = TOTAL: ALL EVENTS ARE SQUADDED!!! (except sub-gauge) All fees are due at time of registration. NSCA/State fees not included. SQUADDING REQUESTS: 1. SELF EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION CUT-OFF: JANUARY 22, 2015 Register before then and be eligible to win 1 of 3 early bird firearm prizes. 2. NO REFUNDS AFTER JANUARY 22, 2015 5. Phone: 661-992-2941 PAYMENT INFORMATION: Mail Registration Form, including cart rental, and check Payable to Ducks Unlimited to: CH Shoot Results P.O. Box 832 Whitehall, MT 59759 q Check Enclosed: TOTAL DUE $ __________________ Register online at: 3. 4. q Charge my Credit Card: q Mastercard q Discover q Visa q American Express Card #: _____________________________ ExpDate:____________ Security Code: __________________ Signature: _________________________________________________
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