RIGHT TO LIFE COMMITTEE OF NEW MEXICO NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID Albuquerque, NM Permit #471 2413 Wyoming Blvd NE, Suite A Albuquerque, NM 87112-1164 INSIDE: JANUARY 2015 Go Away Doubting Thomases… | 2-4 2015 - What Happens to ObamaCare Now? | 5-6 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED vol. 33, no. 1 www.rtlnm.org Newsletter of the Right to Life Committee of New Mexico This newsletter is meant to be shared with at least ten others — copy as needed! JANUARY 22, 2015 – MEMORIAL FOR LIFE HOSTED BY ALBUQUERQUE RTL ObamaCare… (continued from page 5) There isn’t just one subsidy for everyone in the exchanges. The subsidy depends on your income. So there’s also an income tax built in. The folks analyzing this decided only eight million people will be in the exchanges, so only eight million people will have a new income tax. But they were oblivious of the fact that they were implementing a full-time employment tax on the majority of Americans workers and this is the biggest tax in the law. The economic impact from these taxes on workers varies widely, affecting low-skill workers the most. They create all kinds of productivity problems and will have visible and permanent effects on the economy. It is estimated that employment will be 3% less over the long term because of ACA, and that the national income, GDP, will be 2% less. If you look at the productivity costs alone, forgetting the fact that there will be a number of people not working anymore – they come to $6000 per person who gets health insurance because of the law. And I am not beginning to count the payments needed for health care providers. Conclusion: If you like a weak economy, you can keep your weak economy. THE AMERICAN LEFT THINKS WE ARE STUPID, AND WE MUST SHOW THEM WE ARE NOT In a series of videos taken at various conferences and lectures between 2010 and 2013, Jonathan Gruber, key ObamaCare architect, claimed that the effects of ObamaCare had to be hidden from the Americans because of “the stupidity of the American voter.” The Massachusetts Institutes of Technology professor said that “lack of transparency is a huge political advantage” in writing legislation and likened its critics to “my adolescent children.” Gruber was paid $6 million dollars for his various services in designing and consulting on ObamaCare. This attitude of the Washington political establishment in general of the American public, by liberal elites, is one that Americans cannot make their own decisions, they must be cajoled, mislead, threatened and flat-out lied to in order to achieve the greatest good. A good example of this is Gruber’s assessment of the tax-fee argument at the heart of ObamaCare’s passage and later Supreme Court fight: “This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO {the Congressional Budget Office} did not score the mandate as taxes. If CBO scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies. Ok, so it was written to do that.” This is all absolutely true. They don’t know what is best for us, and we must tell them with correspondence, votes and involvement. There are many more people like Jonathan Gruber in our government, and we must eliminate them by voting them out and replacing them with people who respect Americans. Happy New Year! Twenty-Five Alive Pledge 2015 Name:________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone:_______________________________________________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________________________________ City:__________________________________ Zip code:_______________________________________________ I pledge: $_____________ Monthly $_____________ Every Three Months $_____________ Every Two Months One Time Pledge or Donation: $______________ Please return to: RTLCNM, 2413 Wyoming Blvd Ste A, Albuquerque, NM 87112 6 VIVA LIFE DECEMBER 2014 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION I understand that the Right To Life Committee of New Mexico (RTLCNM) is a non-sectarian, non-profit organi zation dedicated to the right to life of all innocent human beings from fertilization to natural death; that this organization takes a stand only on those issues that are directly related to abortion, infanticide and euthanasia. I support the goals of RTLCNM, including a Human Life Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and hereby make application for membership (renewal) as follows: Individual — $25.00 Corporate — $45.00 for business organizations Family — $35.00 Life Membership — $500.00 Name____________________________ Address___________________________ City/Zip___________________________ Wish to: (check one) Register to vote Re-register I am a registered: (check one) Republican Democrat Other ________________________________ Signature VIVA LIFE! is published by the Right To Life Committee of New Mexico, 2413 Wyoming Blvd., NE, Suite A, Albuquerque, NM 87112-1164 • 881-4563. Verna Pochop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President Kenneth lee. . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice President Cherry Lyle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secretary Tom Taylor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Treasurer Dauneen Dolce. . . . Natl. Delegate & Editor VIVA LIFE! is printed by The Sherwood Co. EVERY ONE IS INVITED TO BATAAN PARK ON LOMAS BLVD & CARLISLE BLVD. ON JANUARY 22, 2015 FROM 11:00 A.M TO 3:00 P.M. TO HONOR THE UNBORN CHILDREN LOST TO ABORTION IN NEW MEXICO. FLAGS AND BANNERS WILL BE PLACED TO HONOR THESE INNOCENT HUMAN BEINGS AND TO REMEMBER THEIR EXISTENCE AND IMPORTANCE. COME AT 10:00 A.M. IF YOU WANT TO HELP PLACE THE FLAGS AND BANNERS. FOR MORE INFORMATION: PLEASE CALL CHARLENE COMBA – 505-345-4423. COMING EVENTS: MEMORIAL FOR LIFE – JANUARY 22, 2015 – SEE ARTICLE IN THIS VIVA LIFE! LEGISLATURE STARTS ON JANUARY 20, 2015 APRIL 18, 2015 – 45TH ANNIVERSARY OF RTLNM – MARK YOUR CALENDAR PLEASE NOTE: THERE ARE TWO VERY IMPORTANT ACTS YOU CAN TAKE TO HELP RTLNM KEEP ITS DOORS OPEN, ITS OFFICE OPERATING, AND BOTTOM LINE TO SAVE LIVES. FIRST – BE A MEMBER OF RTLNM. THERE IS A FORM IN THIS VIVA LIFE. SECOND – JOIN THE 25 ALIVE DONATION PROGRAM. THIS AMOUNT CAN BE ANYTHING OVER $5.00. THERE IS A FORM FOR THIS ON THE BACK PAGE. HAVING SAID ALL THIS – THANK YOU ONE AN ALL FOR ALL YOU HAVE DONE WITH YOUR TIME AND YOUR DONATIONS IN 2014. WE HAVE MOVED FORWARD IN A POSITIVE WAY BECAUSE YOU WHERE THERE. WE WILL CONTINUE TO WORK FOR YOU WITH YOUR HELP! WHAT LEGISLATION IS RTLNM SUPPORTING, WHY, AND WHY NOT OTHER BILLS? For many years The Right to Life Committee of New Mexico’s Political Action Committee was the organization finding sponsors and putting forth information so that pro-life bills could be passed. Always taken into consideration was the makeup of the legislature and who was governor. We always made an attempt even when the odds were against us. Now there are many more organizations, and with the past elections, the political climate has much improved. Having said that, there also needs to be said, that pro-lifers MUST BE JUDICIOUS AND PATIENT. RTLNM is having the Parental Rights (Parental Notification) and The Woman’s Right to Know bill being introduced. Both these bills have passed most of the states in the U. S. and from polling are very popular with New Mexico citizens. Of course states have passed many other bills, and there is the thought that since we have the votes in the House now to go all out and get many of these bills passed. My answer to that is “HOLD YOUR HORSES.” We aren’t the only ones champing at the bit to get legislation that has waited for years to pass. This session will be filled with all kinds of legislation to move the agenda forward. Prolife legislation is very important, but it is not the only issue on the legislator’s minds. We must not attempt to hold up committee hearings and floor debates with just “our issue.” If we attempt that, we will have even pro-life legislators upset with us, as we could make it that there would not be time to address their important bills. 60 days is not a very long time when bills have to go through committees in the House and then have a floor vote on a very busy agenda and then go to the Senate to go through the committees and then go to a Senate floor. Sometimes, bills that are same subject but written differently in each legislative entity, has to go to a conference committee to work out details to unite them into one bill. That has to go back for a vote once again. We can and must get the two bills passed we are submitting, and then build on them. Bills such as the Unborn Child ban at 20 weeks, needs to have far more education going to the people of New Mexico so that they are involved in working with their legislators in getting this passed. Most people do not know abortion is legal all nine months, let alone how they develop and feel pain. Our media campaign could accomplish this, but not in the 2015 legislative session. Defeats are used to say that the people don’t want the legislation, which is not accurate, they want what they understand. Our job is to help them understand. So hopefully, we won’t put the cart before the horse, or that we will bury our pro-life legislators with too many bills. We are on the road to success, and to make progress on it, we must use common sense, patience and to bring very good written constitutionally acceptable laws (Supreme Court’s view) to our legislature. Get ready for instructions on what you can do. We may only be able to communicate by e-mail, so please provide your e-mail to Info@rtlnm. org so you can be a part of the coming victories and solutions. WE MAY BE DOING ROBO CALLS, AND HOPE YOU WILL LISTEN WHEN THEY COME. ROE vs. WADE NEEDS TO BE REMEMBERED & NEEDS TO BE REMOVED On January 22, 1973, 7 out of 9 men on the U. S. Supreme Court ruled that women had a Constitutional right to destroy their children in the womb. Thus, overturning all 50 states, which had laws restricting abortion except for the life of the mother (30), and others had exceptions for rape and incest (16), which didn’t affect the abortion rate a great deal as most abortions are not done for these reasons. Four states had no restrictions. Abortions being done in the majority of the states were very few. After Roe vs. Wade, the number started climbing immediately However it took several years for the numbers to leap, and that is because the abortion business took time to get in place, and to have abortion clinics and organizations like Planned Parenthood promoting abortion to our children, and the public (using our tax dollars). Going back to the ruling itself, most people really don’t understand it, thus trying to pass legislation to reduce abortions under that ruling, has been difficult. Many states have been successful in promoting and passing pro-life legislation such as Parental Involvement bills, Women’s Right to Know legislation Partial Births restrictions, and now Pain Capable Child (continued on page 2) Roe vs. Wade… (cont. from page 1) Protection Act (restricting abortions after 20 weeks). States that had prolife legislatures passed went eventually to the Supreme Court where they were up-held, or in some cases part of the bill was upheld. This left it clear what would be constitutional to pass in those states that, when they had a good legislature, could go forth and pass. The Supreme Court made abortion legal for ALL NINE MONTHS when it ruled on the same day, Roe vs. Wade and Doe vs. Bolton. The latter was ruled first and defined health in such a manner that anything you want to have could be under “health” which includes age, physical, psychological, emotional, and familial (how the family and community feels). All these had to be applied to the woman’s “well-being”. With this wide range of applications besides the life of the mother, and cases of rape and incest, a woman could get an abortion for any and all reasons. This definition was incorporated into Roe vs. Wade, which refers to trimesters, 3 months, 6 months and 9-months or term. However, with the additional “health” factors, the abortion is really legal for all 9 months. Abortion could not be restricted before viability but this has greatly changed since those days, as science can now save an unborn child in the first trimester thus that no longer should come into play. But it is not applied everywhere, as late term abortions are after viability. States since then have modified Roe vs. Wade making far more restrictions, yet it is very much in place. It still is the law of the land, and will remain so unless: 1-The Court overturns Roe vs. Wade, 2-Congress takes some action on the law, such as a Human Life Amendment, or 3-A case could go to the Court and it would take that opportunity to let abortion laws be taken up by each individual state. The latter is thought to be the scenario we will face, if we get a majority of the Court who believe that Roe v. Wade is unconstitutional and wants to return the issue to the states. We do not have such a court at this time. To get that will need a pro-life President, and a pro-life Senate that would put in place pro-life (or Constitutionalist) candidates up for replacing retiring justices. Progress has been made. But not for the over 59 million babies that have been destroyed by this disastrous ruling. However, it is being replaced by ObamaCare which has abortion for all 9 months for any and all reasons in states that have exchanges and in other ways taxes being paid by all the citizens to pay for abortions. This got around the Hyde Amendment which restricted pay for abortions with tax money except in the cases of rape and incest. It really is up to the people to send the right people to Washington D.C. and for them to help educate others on the Roe vs. Wade ruling so that they will want to rid ourselves of this terrible ruling. We have already replaced the scenario that took place in 1973 where women with unplanned pregnancies had “no place to go”, which is not entirely true. However, today there are more clinics to help women with unplanned pregnancies than abortion clinics who want to kill the child as a solution. We have come a long way, but all working together we go farther and we can rid ourselves of the abortion mentality and money making business. For all our sakes, we must do this. GO AWAY DOUBTING THOMASES AND NAYSAYERS. THE PRO-LIFE MOVEMENT IS ON THE MOVE! By Dauneen Dolce At both the National and the State level, the playing field for pro-life legislation has greatly changed since the November elections. To give you insight into these changes, here are two articles that should make the point. THE DEPTH, HEIGHT, WIDTH, AND BREADTH OF THE DEFEAT SUFFERED BY PRO-ABORTION FORCES ONLY NOW BEGINNING TO BE FULLY REALIZED. – By Dave Andrusko - NRL News Editor When I first started composing this editorial, it was the same day it became quasi-official. The Associated Press and CBS News and NBC News 2 VIVA LIFE JANUARY 2015 all call the Senate race in Alaska: pro-life challenger Dan Sullivan had defeated first-term incumbent pro-abortion Democrat Mark Begich. As a result, Republicans have already made a net gain of eighth in the Senate and will assume control in January. As noted above, Mary Landrieu is in deep trouble. The outlook so bleak for Landrieu that last week the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee announced it had pulled its ad buy for Landrieu during the period of the run-off. (Note: the run-off has taken place and the Republican Party added one more to the Senate having a gain of nine more senators.) But it gets better and better. In addition to Sullivan and Cassidy, let me list just five items to whet your appetite. #1) Writing for Gallup, Andrew Dugan concludes: After the midterm elections that say the Democratic Party suffered significant losses in Congress, a record-low 36% of Americans say they have a favorable opinion of the party, down six percentage points from before the elections. The Republican Party’s favorable rating, at 42%, is essentially unchanged from 40%. This marks the first time since September that the Republican Party has had a higher favorability rating than the Democratic Party. Dugan continues, These results come from a Nov. 6-9 Gallup Poll, conducted after Republicans enjoyed a breathtaking week of important contests throughout the country in this year’s midterms. The party gained control of the Senate and will likely capture its largest House majority in nearly a century. Additionally, the GOP now controls 31 Governorships and two-thirds of state legislative chambers. One more quote: After the 2012 election, many political analysts focused on the GOP’s ‘image problem’. Now it is the Democrats who appear to have the more battered image. Their favorability rating has never been lower, and they are reeling from defeats that cost them control of the U. S. Senate and strengthened the Republican House majority to levels likely not seen in 90 years. That 36% favorable rating for the Democratic Party is a drop of 16-percentage points from before the midterm elections and the lowest favorability since Gallup began asking the question in 1992. As for the President’s job approval numbers, they range between 39%-42%. #2) The day after the elections, NRLC demonstrated the power and the reach of the grassroots pro-lifers working with and motivated by National Right to Life and its states affiliates. People heard from NRLC’s political committees and the net advantage for the pro-life candidate among voters who said the abortion issue affected their vote was a whopping 7 points (23% said they voted for candidates who oppose abortion, just 16% said they voted for candidates who support abortion. Pro-abortionists have been grousing ever since and scrambling to deflect attention away from the painful reality: their candidates lost overwhelmingly. Last Tuesday pro-abortion stalwarts NARAL Pro-Choice America and the Planned Parenthood Action Fund released a poll which (the groups said in a statement) proves “There is no evidence to support the contention that a focus on the ‘war on women’ ‘cost’ Democrats their elections.” The problem is no one else believes this. Tell this revisionist nonsense to the likes of Mary Pryor, Kay Hagan, Mark Udall, Bruce Braley, Michelle Nunn, and Alison Lundergan Grimes (not to mention abortion mega-star Wendy Davis who was crushed in her contest against pro-life Greg Abbot for Governor of Texas). #3) It is symbolic of Barack Obama’s devastating impact on the fortunes of younger Democrats that Hilary Clinton is the clear front-runner to be the party’s next presidential nominee. If you combine the insights of a piece that appeared in POLITICO over last weekend with the analysis of Washington Examiner columnist David Freddoso as summarized by Noah Rothman, two startling truths come out. First, that “Democrats are coming to the grim realization that much of the party’s talent pool was crushed on Tuesday.” Since they are invariably pro-abortion, this means that the Abortion industry took a tremendous hit November 4. Rothman, writing at HotAir.com, explains, “In two consecutive midterms, Republicans have decimated the Democratic Party’s bench of (continued on page 3) 2015 - WHAT HAPPENS TO OBAMACARE NOW? This question depends on the actions of others. First, the ObamaCare are legislation is going back to the Supreme Court. Subsidizing ObamaCare where there are exchange programs (provided by government) is not in the law. Hopefully this will be seen as being wrong, and will not allow such tax support in the future. If this happens, the whole “Insurance Plan” will go down the drain. There will not be enough money. Of course they can raise the rates on plans not under exchanges and this will create havoc, and outrage. Prices are way too high already. Meanwhile there is a new religious challenge to ObamaCare. Only a few such organizations were spared by a “change of heart” of the Obama administration. Others such as a Christian Colleges in Oklahoma, and four nuns from Colorado have argued in the 10th U. S. Circuit Court that they oppose having birth control, including the morning–after pill, in their health plans. It is against their beliefs. The groups don’t have to cover such contraceptives, as most insurers must, but they do have to tell the government they object on religious grounds in order to get an exemption. They argued, on Dec. 9, 2014, that because they must sign over coverage to another party, the exemption makes them complicit in providing contraceptives. “It is morally problematic” to sign the forms, argued Greg Baylor, lawyer for Southern Nazarene University in Bethany, Oklahoma. “There’s plenty of other ways the government could put (emergency contraception) in the hands of the people without us,” Baylor said. But Adam Jed of the Department of Justice argued that the government has done enough to accommodate religious exceptions to the birth control mandate. He said that not requiring some sort of action by the groups would force the government to act as a “detective agency” to determine why any employer is not covering the contraceptives. “We disagree that the act of opting out constitutes a substantial burden on their religious belief,” Jed said. Even opting out violates those beliefs, the groups said. “You can’t say, Sister, you should really sign that form because it’s not really a big deal, said Mark Rienzi of the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, who argues for the Denver nuns. Then there is the new Congress beginning this January 2015. We have the votes to defund and change ObamaCare, and it won’t be long before some steps will be taken, thus jeopardizing the continued existence of ObamaCare as it is now. It is more likely that bills will be introduced to replace much of what is terribly wrong, while keeping that which is working such as coverage of children to the age 26. There are other legal suits floating out there from states, businesses, etc. All of which will sooner or later make an impact In the meantime, we are left leave with this anti-life legislation which is hurting people in many ways. A on the cost of ObamaCare was made by Casey Mullegan, a professor of economics at the University of Chicago. The article below is an article on a speech he made on October 14, 2014. For brevity’s sake, this is a condensed version. EFFECTS OF THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT ON ECONOMIC PRODUCTIVITY The key economic concept required to understand the labor market effects of the ACA is what economists call “tax distortions.” Tax distortions are changes in behavior on the part of business or households for the purpose of reducing their taxes or increasing their subsidies. We call them distortions because they don’t occur for real business or real personal reasons. They occur because of the tax code. A prime example of a tax policy that creates distortions is the ethanol subsidy – technically is a credit, not a subsidy – whereby gasoline refiners are subsidized on the basis of how many gallons of gas they produce with ethanol. Because of this subsidy, businesses change the type of gas they produce and deliver, people change the type of gas they use – which affects engines – and corn is used for ethanol instead of feed or food. Nor do the distortions stop there. Arguably, food prices are increased due to the real-location of corn to different uses – and when food prices are higher, restaurants and households do things differently. There are distortions economy-wide, all for the chasing of a subsidy. THE EMPLOYER MANDATE/PENALTY/TAX So what are the tax distortions that emanate from ACA? Here let me simply focus on two aspects of the law: the employer mandate or employer penalty –the requirements that employers of a certain size either provide health insurance for full-time employees or pay a penalty for not doing so; and the exchanges – sometimes they’re called marketplaces – where people can purchase health insurance separate from their employer. The mandate or penalty is intended, of course, to encourage employers to provide health insurance. And the exchanges are where the major government assistance is provided, since those who purchase insurance in an exchange typically receive a tax credit. As I’ll explain later, taken together the penalty on employers and the subsidies in the exchanges add up to a tax on full-time employment – a tax that you pay if you work full time but not if you work part-time or don’t work at all. And the problem with that, of course, is that by taxing full-time work – which is the same as subsidizing part-time worker and unemployment – you get less of the former and more of the latter two. How does the employer penalty work? To employers who do not offer health coverage, and it applies only in those months during which those full-time employees are on the payroll. If an employer cuts back to parttime work, the employer no longer has to pay a penalty. The dollar amount of the penalty doesn’t depend on whether the employee is rich, poor or middle class – if he works full time, the employer must either provide insurance or pay the penalty. And the penalty is indexed to health insurance costs, so every year those costs increase more than the economy and more than wages, the penalty will increase more than both. The current penalty is usually described as $2000 per year per full-time employee. But it’s really more than that, because the penalty, unlike wages, is not deductible from business taxes. So in terms of a salary equivalent, the penalty is closer to $3000.00 a head. Needless to say, this penalty reduces competition in the labor market. It discourages employers from competing for full-time employees – which, if you are an employee, is a bad deal. Also there are a lot of employers who are not going to pay the penalty because they don’t meet the size threshold of 50 or more employees, and employees are going to suffer because these small employers won’t want to become large employers and therefore subject to the penalty. Furthermore, this mandate disproportionately harms low-skill workers. Think of it this way: How many hours does a worker have to work each week to produce the $3,000.00–per-year of value to justify keeping his job or being hired? For a minimum-wage worker, that comes to eight hours a week, all year round – one day of work a week for the government due to the ACA alone. Higherskilled employees can obviously produce $3000 worth of value in less time, so the penalty will have less of an impact on them. SUBSIDIZED HEALTH INSURANCE EXCHANGES What of the tax distortions that come from the subsidized health insurance health insurance exchanges or marketplaces? To begin to think about this, imagine paying full price for your health care. How does full price work? Well you pay the full price. The health care provider doesn’t look at your tax return and adjust the bill accordingly. So we would never call paying full price for health care an income tax of any kind. Or imagine there is a discount on the full price – for instance, 30 percent off for everybody, regardless of income. In that case it’s still not an income tax. No matter how you earn, you pay the same price. But what if the discount (or subsidy) is tied to your employment situation? Not to your income, but to your employment situation. That’s how the exchanges work. If you have a full-time job with an employer that offers coverage- which is most employers in our economy- you don’t get the subsidy offered through the exchanges, which happens only if you are part-time or off the job. In other words this too is a tax on full –time employment. No politician will call this a tax, but when you are in a group of people who doesn’t receive a subsidy that people in another group receive, that’s a tax. (continued on page 6) JANUARY 2015 VIVA LIFE 5 Go Away Doubting Thomases…(cont. from page 2) talent, not just on the Federal or statewide level but farther down the ballot as well. The GOP now controls 69 of the 99 legislative chambers, a dramatic reversal, according to Washington Examiner columnist David Freddoso, from 2008 when Barack Obama’s party controlled 62 legislative chambers. The GOP now has the total command of state government – both chambers of the legislature and the governor’s mansions – in 23 states, while the Democrats command the levers of government in just seven states. In addition to the Republican Party’s 31 governorships, the GOP enjoys the allegiance of 32 Lieutenant governors offices and 29 crucial secretaries of state.” #4) If you’ve listened and/or watched President Obama, you know he is in deep – deep – denial. All that happened November 4 was that he wasn’t a good enough salesman of his very successful policies, the “wrong” electorate turned up to vote, and, in any event, he is not interested in the least in genuine compromise. Another description might be petulant. Thus, the results of another Gallup poll will likely only make Obama double-down on his intransigency. As reported by Gallup’s Linda Saad, “Following the midterm election that some have termed a Republican wave, the majority of Americans want the Republicans in Congress -rather than President Barack Obama – to have more influence over the direction the country takes in the coming year.” And it’s not just that 53% say they want Congressional Republicans to have more influence than Obama in the direction the nation takes, only 36% said the reverse – an advantage of a whopping 17 points! The “bottom Line,” according to Saad? “The mid-term election provided a clear signal as to which party voters want to control Congress. That message is echoed in the results of the latest Gallup poll showing Americans expressly asking for the Republicans – rather than Obama – to guide the direction the country takes in the next year.” #5) If I may return to Noah Rothman one more time, there are other results very much worth mentioning. “The Democratic officeholders who survived the routings of 2010 and 2014 are primarily entrenched incumbents and are invariably of an older set,” Rothman observes. “The Democratic Party is rapidly becoming a political organization that, as liberals once said of the GOP, does not look like the constituents they seek to represent.“ Quoting from national exit polling, Rothman explains, Republicans improved with the voters aged 18-29 who turned out by 2 points over the party’s 2010 standing. The GOP only lost young voters to Democrats by an atypically close single-digit margin. Moreover, the GOP continues to elevate a younger generation of leaders to high office, including the youngest woman to serve in the House in history, 30-year-old Representative-elect Elise Stefanik (R-NY) who had the added privilege of turning her Empire State district from blue to red. She will replace Rep. Aaron Schock (R-IL), who, at 33-years-old, will soon only be the second youngest House member. It is not to be over-confident – that is silly and can prove to be dangerous – but only candid to conclude that the Abortion Lobby and its Democratic Party enablers took an incredible pounding this past November. EDITOR’S NOTE: To accomplish the win of 72% (now higher with Alaska & Louisiana) much effort was made by National RTL. They contacted 3.3 million identified pro-life registered voter households in key races with brochures detailing the positions of the candidates on the issues of importance to the right –to-life movement. An additional 1.3 million pieces of literature were hand-distributed by NRLC’s network of grassroots volunteers among the 3,000 chapters. In addition, over 1.5 million prolife households were called in the days leading up to the election with a reminder to vote for the pro-life candidate. (This was done in New Mexico too.) National RTL’s political committees also aired more than 33,000 radio ads on over 1,200 stations in key states and congressional districts. This also included New Mexico. Please remember this when they ask for a donation as we the people are their only source of income. THE COMING WAVE OF ANTI-ABORTION LAWS – BY PAIGE WINFIELD CUNNINGHAM The Republican gains in the November elections strengthened and enlarged the anti-abortion forces in the House and the Senate. But it’s the GOP victories in the statehouses and governor’s mansions that are priming the ground for another round of legal restrictions on abortion. Arkansas, for instance, already has strict anti-abortion laws. But with a Republican governor succeeding a Democrat who had vetoed two measures that would have banned most abortions beyond a certain state of pregnancy, lawmakers plan to seek more restrictions- such as barring doctors from administering abortion drugs through telemedicine. Republican gains in the West Virginia legislature will redouble pressure on Democratic Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin to accept a ban on most abortions after 20 weeks, which he has previously deemed unconstitutional. And Tennessee voters approved a ballot initiative that removes a 15-year barrier to legislation limiting abortion legislation in that deeply conservative state. Abortion rights advocates have had setbacks in the states for several years, with a surge of legislative activity since 2011. Women seeking abortions may face mandatory waiting periods or ultrasound requirements. Clinics may face stricter building codes or hospital admitting privilege rules that they can’t satisfy. Dozens of clinics have shut down in multiple states, Texas, for instance, has fewer than 10 abortion clinics now. A year ago they had 40. Republican leaders who will control the U. S. Senate come January, say they want to take up abortion this year, perhaps on a House-passed bill that would limit the procedure after 20 weeks. But the reality is that Senate Republicans will still fall shy of the 60 needed for controversial major legislation. It’s the state where Republicans can enact abortion limits. “We came out of Nov. 4th with a lot of momentum,” said Chuck Donovan, president of the research and education arm of the Susan B. Anthony List, which is dedicated to electing candidates who oppose abortion. He expects the number of anti-abortion measures proposed in the states to reflect that. “I think we’re about to get another uptick.” Thirteen states have passed bans on most abortions after 20 weeks – so-called fetal pain bills – and a couple have enacted earlier limits tied to when a fetal heartbeat is first detected, which can be six or seven weeks into pregnancy. Several of these states laws are being contested in court and the arguments may eventually end up in the Supreme Court. But that hasn’t deterred more states from eyeing such legislation; in Ohio, a House panel approved a fetal heartbeat bill just a few days ago at the start of December, 2014. Planned Parenthood’s President Cecile Richards predicts that 2015 will bring more attempts to enact restrictive state laws. She said she expects “state legislative attacks on women’s health, even though the vast majority of the public wants elected officials to protect and expand access to safe and legal abortion, birth control and preventive health care.” Anti-abortion legislation is especially likely to come up in two of the four legislatures that meet every other year: Texas, which passed sweeping clinic regulations in 2013, and North Dakota, which recently saw its medication abortion restrictions upheld by the state Supreme Court. (Its heartbeat bill is being contested in court.) Activists say they’ll push on several fronts, seeking more restrictions in states that have already enacted laws, as well as initiating legislation in states where GOP has now gained ground. “In some states where we’ve had success in the past we’ve gotten stronger, and in some states where we weren’t able to pass anything we were able to improve our vote count,” said Mary Spaulding Balch, state legislative director of the National Right to Life Committee. One State in the spotlight: Tennessee. Voters in November approved a ballot initiative that says the state’s constitution does not protect abortion rights. That cleared the way for state lawmakers to pass new abortion restrictions for the first time in nearly 15 years. Republican state Rep. Rick Womick already has filed bills requiring mandatory ultrasounds and a three-day waiting period for an abortion. (continued on page 4) JANUARY 2015 VIVA LIFE 3 Go Away Doubting Thomases…(cont. from page 3) Some activists want Tennessee to focus on restrictions that a court struck down in 2000 but could now be permissible. Those include parental consent for minors, a mandatory 24-hour waiting period and stricter clinic regulations. But other measures may come up, too. “The lawmakers are very strongly pro-life themselves – they are probably going to want to go further than Tennessee Right to Life would want to go at this juncture,” said its president Brian Harris. “We feel in good faith we need to follow through on specifically those protective policies we debated and discussed.” Another eight states – Ohio, Arizona, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Mississippi and Wisconsin – are considered top targets by abortion opponents. Arkansas has several laws on the books but, in addition to the telemedicine bill, may also pursue legislation that would keep Medicaid dollars from any organization that provides abortions. Still, activists acknowledge that GOP control of the legislative branch doesn’t necessarily equate with anti-abortion majority, particularly if there’s a gubernatorial veto. Both the Nevada Assembly and Senate flipped Republican earlier this month, for example, but Republican Brain Sandoval supports keeping abortion legal, making it less likely that abortion restrictions will get through. Activists in the state are, however, eyeing a bill creating a religious exemption for contraception and abortion insurance coverage in the health law. New Hampshire’s two chambers also flipped to the GOP, But Democratic Gov. Maggie Hassan definitely backs abortion rights, and a significant change to state law is not likely. PLEASE NOTE: First, a baby’s heart starts beating between 18-20 days; it just can’t be detected until later. Secondly, Cecile Richards’s remarks that the American people want to protect and expand access to safe and legal abortion, birth control, and preventive health care” is quite wrong. The American people has shown through many polls over the past years they want abortion restricted, and support much of the pro-life legislation which brings this about. Paige Winfeld Cunningham works for POLITICO PRO WHERE IS NEW MEXICO IN THIS PICTURE? THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE ANSWERS THAT QUESTION GOP MAJORITY IN NEW MEXICO LEGISLATURE LEAVES REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS IN DOUBT – BY TEDDY WILSON, REPORTING FELLOW, RH REALITY CHECK Republicans hold a majority of seats in the New Mexico state house for the first time in 60 years. This change in the political landscape could threaten abortion access not just in the state, but throughout the Southwest, where anti-choice policy makers have severely limited abortion rights. Restricting abortion access might not be atop the new house majority’s agenda; however, as it’s become clear the crushing labor union rights could take precedence for New Mexico Republicans. New Mexico Republicans were able to flip the Democrats’ 37-33 majority by defeating Democrats in November’s election. The new Republican majority in the House will give Gov. Susana Martinez (R) a newfound political advantage. New Mexico political observers said. “That would give the governor an advantage pushing her agenda through,” Gabriel Sanchez, a University of New Mexico political science professor, told the Albuquerque Journal. While Republicans will enjoy a new majority in the house, members of the senate were not up for this election year. Democrats maintain a 25-17 majority in the chamber, and it remains to be seen how the legislature’s partisan split will affect legislative battles. During the process of selecting new leadership some house Republicans stressed the importance of working with Democrats in the senate. Rep, Don Tripp (R) – (Socorro) told KRQE Channel 13 that working across the 4 VIVA LIFE JANUARY 2015 aisle would be important in the coming months. “When we get to the session, the members of the legislature, they’re all interested in making New Mexico a better place to live. So you just have to reach the common ground to try to move that agenda forward,” said Tripp. Tripp was selected to be the next speaker of the house in the upcoming session, and told Albuquerque Journal that there are significant challenges for the new Republican majority. “I think we have a monumental task before us, trying to just make the transition, because there’s nobody alive that had to go through this before,” Tripp said. Targeting labor unions is among the priorities for the new Republican majority in the upcoming legislative session. At a meeting of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) in Washington, D. C., Rep. Yvette Herrell (R-Alamogordo) told Bloomberg News that she would like to curb union rights to make the state more attractive for business interests. “There are a lot of things to do and this is our opportunity,” said Herrell. “We need opportunities in terms of jobs.” Reproductive rights advocates in the state worry about whether the new Republican majority will also attempt to pass restrictions on abortion access. Anti-choice legislation has been defeated recently in committees, but now Democrats in the house will be unable to block those bills. “We know that if there’s a big shift that we would be facing a whole new committee –which is where we have usually been able to defend women’s reproductive health and get any harmful bills off the table.” Andriann Barboa, field director for Strong Families New Mexico, told RH Reality Check in the run-up to November’s election. During the 2014 legislative session, there was one anti-choice bill introduced, but it failed to pass. There were four bills introduced during the 2013 legislative session that would have regulated abortion, but none received a hearing on a floor vote. The new speaker has yet to address whether restrictions on abortion will be among the new majority’s priorities. However, other members of the Republican majority, including the newly elected members of the leadership – have a history of pushing for abortion restrictions. Rep. Nate Gentry (R-Albuquerque), who was elected to serve as the new majority floor leader, has expressed support for parental notification laws. The newly elected majority whip, Rep. Alonzo Baldonado (R-Los Lunas), introduced a parental notification bill in 2011. Rep. Herrell co-sponsored a bill in 2013 that would have criminalized abortion by victims of rape as “tampering with evidence.” Newly elected Republican caucus chair Rep. Kelly Fajardo (R-Belen) was also a co-sponsor of the bill. Any restrictions on abortion passed by state lawmakers would have an effect on women’s reproductive rights not just in New Mexico, but throughout the region. States surrounding New Mexico have instituted a host of harsh restrictions on abortion pushed through by radical anti-choice lawmakers. Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Utah, and Arizona all have severe restrictions on women’s access to abortion, according to ratings by NARAL Pro-Choice America. Colorado was the only state bordering New Mexico that NARAL graded higher than an “F” – grading the state’s abortion access at a “C-.“ NARAL grades New Mexico access to abortion as an “A-“ Because of these restrictions in surrounding states, more and more women have come to New Mexico seeking reproductive health care. The situation spurred Whole Woman’s Health, a network of health clinics, to expand its services to Las Cruces in order to accommodate women from Texas, a state that has severely restricted access under its omnibus abortion law. Note: Even though this was written by an obvious pro-abortion writer, the facts are accurate (it must have hurt to write them). What we as citizens need to do is help get these laws passed. We are trying to raise tax-deductible money for radio ads on the two bills we are introducing (Parental Rights and Women’s right to know. You can send a donation to: RTLNM, 2413 Wyoming Blvd. NE, Suite A, Albuquerque, NM 87112. Just write Legis-media on the check. Also contact your legislator and tell them you want to have this bill passed, and share this information with others. You can, and must help or we will become the abortion mecca in the Southwest, as we are already the worst. Go Away Doubting Thomases…(cont. from page 2) talent, not just on the Federal or statewide level but farther down the ballot as well. The GOP now controls 69 of the 99 legislative chambers, a dramatic reversal, according to Washington Examiner columnist David Freddoso, from 2008 when Barack Obama’s party controlled 62 legislative chambers. The GOP now has the total command of state government – both chambers of the legislature and the governor’s mansions – in 23 states, while the Democrats command the levers of government in just seven states. In addition to the Republican Party’s 31 governorships, the GOP enjoys the allegiance of 32 Lieutenant governors offices and 29 crucial secretaries of state.” #4) If you’ve listened and/or watched President Obama, you know he is in deep – deep – denial. All that happened November 4 was that he wasn’t a good enough salesman of his very successful policies, the “wrong” electorate turned up to vote, and, in any event, he is not interested in the least in genuine compromise. Another description might be petulant. Thus, the results of another Gallup poll will likely only make Obama double-down on his intransigency. As reported by Gallup’s Linda Saad, “Following the midterm election that some have termed a Republican wave, the majority of Americans want the Republicans in Congress -rather than President Barack Obama – to have more influence over the direction the country takes in the coming year.” And it’s not just that 53% say they want Congressional Republicans to have more influence than Obama in the direction the nation takes, only 36% said the reverse – an advantage of a whopping 17 points! The “bottom Line,” according to Saad? “The mid-term election provided a clear signal as to which party voters want to control Congress. That message is echoed in the results of the latest Gallup poll showing Americans expressly asking for the Republicans – rather than Obama – to guide the direction the country takes in the next year.” #5) If I may return to Noah Rothman one more time, there are other results very much worth mentioning. “The Democratic officeholders who survived the routings of 2010 and 2014 are primarily entrenched incumbents and are invariably of an older set,” Rothman observes. “The Democratic Party is rapidly becoming a political organization that, as liberals once said of the GOP, does not look like the constituents they seek to represent.“ Quoting from national exit polling, Rothman explains, Republicans improved with the voters aged 18-29 who turned out by 2 points over the party’s 2010 standing. The GOP only lost young voters to Democrats by an atypically close single-digit margin. Moreover, the GOP continues to elevate a younger generation of leaders to high office, including the youngest woman to serve in the House in history, 30-year-old Representative-elect Elise Stefanik (R-NY) who had the added privilege of turning her Empire State district from blue to red. She will replace Rep. Aaron Schock (R-IL), who, at 33-years-old, will soon only be the second youngest House member. It is not to be over-confident – that is silly and can prove to be dangerous – but only candid to conclude that the Abortion Lobby and its Democratic Party enablers took an incredible pounding this past November. EDITOR’S NOTE: To accomplish the win of 72% (now higher with Alaska & Louisiana) much effort was made by National RTL. They contacted 3.3 million identified pro-life registered voter households in key races with brochures detailing the positions of the candidates on the issues of importance to the right –to-life movement. An additional 1.3 million pieces of literature were hand-distributed by NRLC’s network of grassroots volunteers among the 3,000 chapters. In addition, over 1.5 million prolife households were called in the days leading up to the election with a reminder to vote for the pro-life candidate. (This was done in New Mexico too.) National RTL’s political committees also aired more than 33,000 radio ads on over 1,200 stations in key states and congressional districts. This also included New Mexico. Please remember this when they ask for a donation as we the people are their only source of income. THE COMING WAVE OF ANTI-ABORTION LAWS – BY PAIGE WINFIELD CUNNINGHAM The Republican gains in the November elections strengthened and enlarged the anti-abortion forces in the House and the Senate. But it’s the GOP victories in the statehouses and governor’s mansions that are priming the ground for another round of legal restrictions on abortion. Arkansas, for instance, already has strict anti-abortion laws. But with a Republican governor succeeding a Democrat who had vetoed two measures that would have banned most abortions beyond a certain state of pregnancy, lawmakers plan to seek more restrictions- such as barring doctors from administering abortion drugs through telemedicine. Republican gains in the West Virginia legislature will redouble pressure on Democratic Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin to accept a ban on most abortions after 20 weeks, which he has previously deemed unconstitutional. And Tennessee voters approved a ballot initiative that removes a 15-year barrier to legislation limiting abortion legislation in that deeply conservative state. Abortion rights advocates have had setbacks in the states for several years, with a surge of legislative activity since 2011. Women seeking abortions may face mandatory waiting periods or ultrasound requirements. Clinics may face stricter building codes or hospital admitting privilege rules that they can’t satisfy. Dozens of clinics have shut down in multiple states, Texas, for instance, has fewer than 10 abortion clinics now. A year ago they had 40. Republican leaders who will control the U. S. Senate come January, say they want to take up abortion this year, perhaps on a House-passed bill that would limit the procedure after 20 weeks. But the reality is that Senate Republicans will still fall shy of the 60 needed for controversial major legislation. It’s the state where Republicans can enact abortion limits. “We came out of Nov. 4th with a lot of momentum,” said Chuck Donovan, president of the research and education arm of the Susan B. Anthony List, which is dedicated to electing candidates who oppose abortion. He expects the number of anti-abortion measures proposed in the states to reflect that. “I think we’re about to get another uptick.” Thirteen states have passed bans on most abortions after 20 weeks – so-called fetal pain bills – and a couple have enacted earlier limits tied to when a fetal heartbeat is first detected, which can be six or seven weeks into pregnancy. Several of these states laws are being contested in court and the arguments may eventually end up in the Supreme Court. But that hasn’t deterred more states from eyeing such legislation; in Ohio, a House panel approved a fetal heartbeat bill just a few days ago at the start of December, 2014. Planned Parenthood’s President Cecile Richards predicts that 2015 will bring more attempts to enact restrictive state laws. She said she expects “state legislative attacks on women’s health, even though the vast majority of the public wants elected officials to protect and expand access to safe and legal abortion, birth control and preventive health care.” Anti-abortion legislation is especially likely to come up in two of the four legislatures that meet every other year: Texas, which passed sweeping clinic regulations in 2013, and North Dakota, which recently saw its medication abortion restrictions upheld by the state Supreme Court. (Its heartbeat bill is being contested in court.) Activists say they’ll push on several fronts, seeking more restrictions in states that have already enacted laws, as well as initiating legislation in states where GOP has now gained ground. “In some states where we’ve had success in the past we’ve gotten stronger, and in some states where we weren’t able to pass anything we were able to improve our vote count,” said Mary Spaulding Balch, state legislative director of the National Right to Life Committee. One State in the spotlight: Tennessee. Voters in November approved a ballot initiative that says the state’s constitution does not protect abortion rights. That cleared the way for state lawmakers to pass new abortion restrictions for the first time in nearly 15 years. Republican state Rep. Rick Womick already has filed bills requiring mandatory ultrasounds and a three-day waiting period for an abortion. (continued on page 4) JANUARY 2015 VIVA LIFE 3 Go Away Doubting Thomases…(cont. from page 3) Some activists want Tennessee to focus on restrictions that a court struck down in 2000 but could now be permissible. Those include parental consent for minors, a mandatory 24-hour waiting period and stricter clinic regulations. But other measures may come up, too. “The lawmakers are very strongly pro-life themselves – they are probably going to want to go further than Tennessee Right to Life would want to go at this juncture,” said its president Brian Harris. “We feel in good faith we need to follow through on specifically those protective policies we debated and discussed.” Another eight states – Ohio, Arizona, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Mississippi and Wisconsin – are considered top targets by abortion opponents. Arkansas has several laws on the books but, in addition to the telemedicine bill, may also pursue legislation that would keep Medicaid dollars from any organization that provides abortions. Still, activists acknowledge that GOP control of the legislative branch doesn’t necessarily equate with anti-abortion majority, particularly if there’s a gubernatorial veto. Both the Nevada Assembly and Senate flipped Republican earlier this month, for example, but Republican Brain Sandoval supports keeping abortion legal, making it less likely that abortion restrictions will get through. Activists in the state are, however, eyeing a bill creating a religious exemption for contraception and abortion insurance coverage in the health law. New Hampshire’s two chambers also flipped to the GOP, But Democratic Gov. Maggie Hassan definitely backs abortion rights, and a significant change to state law is not likely. PLEASE NOTE: First, a baby’s heart starts beating between 18-20 days; it just can’t be detected until later. Secondly, Cecile Richards’s remarks that the American people want to protect and expand access to safe and legal abortion, birth control, and preventive health care” is quite wrong. The American people has shown through many polls over the past years they want abortion restricted, and support much of the pro-life legislation which brings this about. Paige Winfeld Cunningham works for POLITICO PRO WHERE IS NEW MEXICO IN THIS PICTURE? THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE ANSWERS THAT QUESTION GOP MAJORITY IN NEW MEXICO LEGISLATURE LEAVES REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS IN DOUBT – BY TEDDY WILSON, REPORTING FELLOW, RH REALITY CHECK Republicans hold a majority of seats in the New Mexico state house for the first time in 60 years. This change in the political landscape could threaten abortion access not just in the state, but throughout the Southwest, where anti-choice policy makers have severely limited abortion rights. Restricting abortion access might not be atop the new house majority’s agenda; however, as it’s become clear the crushing labor union rights could take precedence for New Mexico Republicans. New Mexico Republicans were able to flip the Democrats’ 37-33 majority by defeating Democrats in November’s election. The new Republican majority in the House will give Gov. Susana Martinez (R) a newfound political advantage. New Mexico political observers said. “That would give the governor an advantage pushing her agenda through,” Gabriel Sanchez, a University of New Mexico political science professor, told the Albuquerque Journal. While Republicans will enjoy a new majority in the house, members of the senate were not up for this election year. Democrats maintain a 25-17 majority in the chamber, and it remains to be seen how the legislature’s partisan split will affect legislative battles. During the process of selecting new leadership some house Republicans stressed the importance of working with Democrats in the senate. Rep, Don Tripp (R) – (Socorro) told KRQE Channel 13 that working across the 4 VIVA LIFE JANUARY 2015 aisle would be important in the coming months. “When we get to the session, the members of the legislature, they’re all interested in making New Mexico a better place to live. So you just have to reach the common ground to try to move that agenda forward,” said Tripp. Tripp was selected to be the next speaker of the house in the upcoming session, and told Albuquerque Journal that there are significant challenges for the new Republican majority. “I think we have a monumental task before us, trying to just make the transition, because there’s nobody alive that had to go through this before,” Tripp said. Targeting labor unions is among the priorities for the new Republican majority in the upcoming legislative session. At a meeting of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) in Washington, D. C., Rep. Yvette Herrell (R-Alamogordo) told Bloomberg News that she would like to curb union rights to make the state more attractive for business interests. “There are a lot of things to do and this is our opportunity,” said Herrell. “We need opportunities in terms of jobs.” Reproductive rights advocates in the state worry about whether the new Republican majority will also attempt to pass restrictions on abortion access. Anti-choice legislation has been defeated recently in committees, but now Democrats in the house will be unable to block those bills. “We know that if there’s a big shift that we would be facing a whole new committee –which is where we have usually been able to defend women’s reproductive health and get any harmful bills off the table.” Andriann Barboa, field director for Strong Families New Mexico, told RH Reality Check in the run-up to November’s election. During the 2014 legislative session, there was one anti-choice bill introduced, but it failed to pass. There were four bills introduced during the 2013 legislative session that would have regulated abortion, but none received a hearing on a floor vote. The new speaker has yet to address whether restrictions on abortion will be among the new majority’s priorities. However, other members of the Republican majority, including the newly elected members of the leadership – have a history of pushing for abortion restrictions. Rep. Nate Gentry (R-Albuquerque), who was elected to serve as the new majority floor leader, has expressed support for parental notification laws. The newly elected majority whip, Rep. Alonzo Baldonado (R-Los Lunas), introduced a parental notification bill in 2011. Rep. Herrell co-sponsored a bill in 2013 that would have criminalized abortion by victims of rape as “tampering with evidence.” Newly elected Republican caucus chair Rep. Kelly Fajardo (R-Belen) was also a co-sponsor of the bill. Any restrictions on abortion passed by state lawmakers would have an effect on women’s reproductive rights not just in New Mexico, but throughout the region. States surrounding New Mexico have instituted a host of harsh restrictions on abortion pushed through by radical anti-choice lawmakers. Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Utah, and Arizona all have severe restrictions on women’s access to abortion, according to ratings by NARAL Pro-Choice America. Colorado was the only state bordering New Mexico that NARAL graded higher than an “F” – grading the state’s abortion access at a “C-.“ NARAL grades New Mexico access to abortion as an “A-“ Because of these restrictions in surrounding states, more and more women have come to New Mexico seeking reproductive health care. The situation spurred Whole Woman’s Health, a network of health clinics, to expand its services to Las Cruces in order to accommodate women from Texas, a state that has severely restricted access under its omnibus abortion law. Note: Even though this was written by an obvious pro-abortion writer, the facts are accurate (it must have hurt to write them). What we as citizens need to do is help get these laws passed. We are trying to raise tax-deductible money for radio ads on the two bills we are introducing (Parental Rights and Women’s right to know. You can send a donation to: RTLNM, 2413 Wyoming Blvd. NE, Suite A, Albuquerque, NM 87112. Just write Legis-media on the check. Also contact your legislator and tell them you want to have this bill passed, and share this information with others. You can, and must help or we will become the abortion mecca in the Southwest, as we are already the worst. Roe vs. Wade… (cont. from page 1) Protection Act (restricting abortions after 20 weeks). States that had prolife legislatures passed went eventually to the Supreme Court where they were up-held, or in some cases part of the bill was upheld. This left it clear what would be constitutional to pass in those states that, when they had a good legislature, could go forth and pass. The Supreme Court made abortion legal for ALL NINE MONTHS when it ruled on the same day, Roe vs. Wade and Doe vs. Bolton. The latter was ruled first and defined health in such a manner that anything you want to have could be under “health” which includes age, physical, psychological, emotional, and familial (how the family and community feels). All these had to be applied to the woman’s “well-being”. With this wide range of applications besides the life of the mother, and cases of rape and incest, a woman could get an abortion for any and all reasons. This definition was incorporated into Roe vs. Wade, which refers to trimesters, 3 months, 6 months and 9-months or term. However, with the additional “health” factors, the abortion is really legal for all 9 months. Abortion could not be restricted before viability but this has greatly changed since those days, as science can now save an unborn child in the first trimester thus that no longer should come into play. But it is not applied everywhere, as late term abortions are after viability. States since then have modified Roe vs. Wade making far more restrictions, yet it is very much in place. It still is the law of the land, and will remain so unless: 1-The Court overturns Roe vs. Wade, 2-Congress takes some action on the law, such as a Human Life Amendment, or 3-A case could go to the Court and it would take that opportunity to let abortion laws be taken up by each individual state. The latter is thought to be the scenario we will face, if we get a majority of the Court who believe that Roe v. Wade is unconstitutional and wants to return the issue to the states. We do not have such a court at this time. To get that will need a pro-life President, and a pro-life Senate that would put in place pro-life (or Constitutionalist) candidates up for replacing retiring justices. Progress has been made. But not for the over 59 million babies that have been destroyed by this disastrous ruling. However, it is being replaced by ObamaCare which has abortion for all 9 months for any and all reasons in states that have exchanges and in other ways taxes being paid by all the citizens to pay for abortions. This got around the Hyde Amendment which restricted pay for abortions with tax money except in the cases of rape and incest. It really is up to the people to send the right people to Washington D.C. and for them to help educate others on the Roe vs. Wade ruling so that they will want to rid ourselves of this terrible ruling. We have already replaced the scenario that took place in 1973 where women with unplanned pregnancies had “no place to go”, which is not entirely true. However, today there are more clinics to help women with unplanned pregnancies than abortion clinics who want to kill the child as a solution. We have come a long way, but all working together we go farther and we can rid ourselves of the abortion mentality and money making business. For all our sakes, we must do this. GO AWAY DOUBTING THOMASES AND NAYSAYERS. THE PRO-LIFE MOVEMENT IS ON THE MOVE! By Dauneen Dolce At both the National and the State level, the playing field for pro-life legislation has greatly changed since the November elections. To give you insight into these changes, here are two articles that should make the point. THE DEPTH, HEIGHT, WIDTH, AND BREADTH OF THE DEFEAT SUFFERED BY PRO-ABORTION FORCES ONLY NOW BEGINNING TO BE FULLY REALIZED. – By Dave Andrusko - NRL News Editor When I first started composing this editorial, it was the same day it became quasi-official. The Associated Press and CBS News and NBC News 2 VIVA LIFE JANUARY 2015 all call the Senate race in Alaska: pro-life challenger Dan Sullivan had defeated first-term incumbent pro-abortion Democrat Mark Begich. As a result, Republicans have already made a net gain of eighth in the Senate and will assume control in January. As noted above, Mary Landrieu is in deep trouble. The outlook so bleak for Landrieu that last week the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee announced it had pulled its ad buy for Landrieu during the period of the run-off. (Note: the run-off has taken place and the Republican Party added one more to the Senate having a gain of nine more senators.) But it gets better and better. In addition to Sullivan and Cassidy, let me list just five items to whet your appetite. #1) Writing for Gallup, Andrew Dugan concludes: After the midterm elections that say the Democratic Party suffered significant losses in Congress, a record-low 36% of Americans say they have a favorable opinion of the party, down six percentage points from before the elections. The Republican Party’s favorable rating, at 42%, is essentially unchanged from 40%. This marks the first time since September that the Republican Party has had a higher favorability rating than the Democratic Party. Dugan continues, These results come from a Nov. 6-9 Gallup Poll, conducted after Republicans enjoyed a breathtaking week of important contests throughout the country in this year’s midterms. The party gained control of the Senate and will likely capture its largest House majority in nearly a century. Additionally, the GOP now controls 31 Governorships and two-thirds of state legislative chambers. One more quote: After the 2012 election, many political analysts focused on the GOP’s ‘image problem’. Now it is the Democrats who appear to have the more battered image. Their favorability rating has never been lower, and they are reeling from defeats that cost them control of the U. S. Senate and strengthened the Republican House majority to levels likely not seen in 90 years. That 36% favorable rating for the Democratic Party is a drop of 16-percentage points from before the midterm elections and the lowest favorability since Gallup began asking the question in 1992. As for the President’s job approval numbers, they range between 39%-42%. #2) The day after the elections, NRLC demonstrated the power and the reach of the grassroots pro-lifers working with and motivated by National Right to Life and its states affiliates. People heard from NRLC’s political committees and the net advantage for the pro-life candidate among voters who said the abortion issue affected their vote was a whopping 7 points (23% said they voted for candidates who oppose abortion, just 16% said they voted for candidates who support abortion. Pro-abortionists have been grousing ever since and scrambling to deflect attention away from the painful reality: their candidates lost overwhelmingly. Last Tuesday pro-abortion stalwarts NARAL Pro-Choice America and the Planned Parenthood Action Fund released a poll which (the groups said in a statement) proves “There is no evidence to support the contention that a focus on the ‘war on women’ ‘cost’ Democrats their elections.” The problem is no one else believes this. Tell this revisionist nonsense to the likes of Mary Pryor, Kay Hagan, Mark Udall, Bruce Braley, Michelle Nunn, and Alison Lundergan Grimes (not to mention abortion mega-star Wendy Davis who was crushed in her contest against pro-life Greg Abbot for Governor of Texas). #3) It is symbolic of Barack Obama’s devastating impact on the fortunes of younger Democrats that Hilary Clinton is the clear front-runner to be the party’s next presidential nominee. If you combine the insights of a piece that appeared in POLITICO over last weekend with the analysis of Washington Examiner columnist David Freddoso as summarized by Noah Rothman, two startling truths come out. First, that “Democrats are coming to the grim realization that much of the party’s talent pool was crushed on Tuesday.” Since they are invariably pro-abortion, this means that the Abortion industry took a tremendous hit November 4. Rothman, writing at HotAir.com, explains, “In two consecutive midterms, Republicans have decimated the Democratic Party’s bench of (continued on page 3) 2015 - WHAT HAPPENS TO OBAMACARE NOW? This question depends on the actions of others. First, the ObamaCare are legislation is going back to the Supreme Court. Subsidizing ObamaCare where there are exchange programs (provided by government) is not in the law. Hopefully this will be seen as being wrong, and will not allow such tax support in the future. If this happens, the whole “Insurance Plan” will go down the drain. There will not be enough money. Of course they can raise the rates on plans not under exchanges and this will create havoc, and outrage. Prices are way too high already. Meanwhile there is a new religious challenge to ObamaCare. Only a few such organizations were spared by a “change of heart” of the Obama administration. Others such as a Christian Colleges in Oklahoma, and four nuns from Colorado have argued in the 10th U. S. Circuit Court that they oppose having birth control, including the morning–after pill, in their health plans. It is against their beliefs. The groups don’t have to cover such contraceptives, as most insurers must, but they do have to tell the government they object on religious grounds in order to get an exemption. They argued, on Dec. 9, 2014, that because they must sign over coverage to another party, the exemption makes them complicit in providing contraceptives. “It is morally problematic” to sign the forms, argued Greg Baylor, lawyer for Southern Nazarene University in Bethany, Oklahoma. “There’s plenty of other ways the government could put (emergency contraception) in the hands of the people without us,” Baylor said. But Adam Jed of the Department of Justice argued that the government has done enough to accommodate religious exceptions to the birth control mandate. He said that not requiring some sort of action by the groups would force the government to act as a “detective agency” to determine why any employer is not covering the contraceptives. “We disagree that the act of opting out constitutes a substantial burden on their religious belief,” Jed said. Even opting out violates those beliefs, the groups said. “You can’t say, Sister, you should really sign that form because it’s not really a big deal, said Mark Rienzi of the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, who argues for the Denver nuns. Then there is the new Congress beginning this January 2015. We have the votes to defund and change ObamaCare, and it won’t be long before some steps will be taken, thus jeopardizing the continued existence of ObamaCare as it is now. It is more likely that bills will be introduced to replace much of what is terribly wrong, while keeping that which is working such as coverage of children to the age 26. There are other legal suits floating out there from states, businesses, etc. All of which will sooner or later make an impact In the meantime, we are left leave with this anti-life legislation which is hurting people in many ways. A on the cost of ObamaCare was made by Casey Mullegan, a professor of economics at the University of Chicago. The article below is an article on a speech he made on October 14, 2014. For brevity’s sake, this is a condensed version. EFFECTS OF THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT ON ECONOMIC PRODUCTIVITY The key economic concept required to understand the labor market effects of the ACA is what economists call “tax distortions.” Tax distortions are changes in behavior on the part of business or households for the purpose of reducing their taxes or increasing their subsidies. We call them distortions because they don’t occur for real business or real personal reasons. They occur because of the tax code. A prime example of a tax policy that creates distortions is the ethanol subsidy – technically is a credit, not a subsidy – whereby gasoline refiners are subsidized on the basis of how many gallons of gas they produce with ethanol. Because of this subsidy, businesses change the type of gas they produce and deliver, people change the type of gas they use – which affects engines – and corn is used for ethanol instead of feed or food. Nor do the distortions stop there. Arguably, food prices are increased due to the real-location of corn to different uses – and when food prices are higher, restaurants and households do things differently. There are distortions economy-wide, all for the chasing of a subsidy. THE EMPLOYER MANDATE/PENALTY/TAX So what are the tax distortions that emanate from ACA? Here let me simply focus on two aspects of the law: the employer mandate or employer penalty –the requirements that employers of a certain size either provide health insurance for full-time employees or pay a penalty for not doing so; and the exchanges – sometimes they’re called marketplaces – where people can purchase health insurance separate from their employer. The mandate or penalty is intended, of course, to encourage employers to provide health insurance. And the exchanges are where the major government assistance is provided, since those who purchase insurance in an exchange typically receive a tax credit. As I’ll explain later, taken together the penalty on employers and the subsidies in the exchanges add up to a tax on full-time employment – a tax that you pay if you work full time but not if you work part-time or don’t work at all. And the problem with that, of course, is that by taxing full-time work – which is the same as subsidizing part-time worker and unemployment – you get less of the former and more of the latter two. How does the employer penalty work? To employers who do not offer health coverage, and it applies only in those months during which those full-time employees are on the payroll. If an employer cuts back to parttime work, the employer no longer has to pay a penalty. The dollar amount of the penalty doesn’t depend on whether the employee is rich, poor or middle class – if he works full time, the employer must either provide insurance or pay the penalty. And the penalty is indexed to health insurance costs, so every year those costs increase more than the economy and more than wages, the penalty will increase more than both. The current penalty is usually described as $2000 per year per full-time employee. But it’s really more than that, because the penalty, unlike wages, is not deductible from business taxes. So in terms of a salary equivalent, the penalty is closer to $3000.00 a head. Needless to say, this penalty reduces competition in the labor market. It discourages employers from competing for full-time employees – which, if you are an employee, is a bad deal. Also there are a lot of employers who are not going to pay the penalty because they don’t meet the size threshold of 50 or more employees, and employees are going to suffer because these small employers won’t want to become large employers and therefore subject to the penalty. Furthermore, this mandate disproportionately harms low-skill workers. Think of it this way: How many hours does a worker have to work each week to produce the $3,000.00–per-year of value to justify keeping his job or being hired? For a minimum-wage worker, that comes to eight hours a week, all year round – one day of work a week for the government due to the ACA alone. Higherskilled employees can obviously produce $3000 worth of value in less time, so the penalty will have less of an impact on them. SUBSIDIZED HEALTH INSURANCE EXCHANGES What of the tax distortions that come from the subsidized health insurance health insurance exchanges or marketplaces? To begin to think about this, imagine paying full price for your health care. How does full price work? Well you pay the full price. The health care provider doesn’t look at your tax return and adjust the bill accordingly. So we would never call paying full price for health care an income tax of any kind. Or imagine there is a discount on the full price – for instance, 30 percent off for everybody, regardless of income. In that case it’s still not an income tax. No matter how you earn, you pay the same price. But what if the discount (or subsidy) is tied to your employment situation? Not to your income, but to your employment situation. That’s how the exchanges work. If you have a full-time job with an employer that offers coverage- which is most employers in our economy- you don’t get the subsidy offered through the exchanges, which happens only if you are part-time or off the job. In other words this too is a tax on full –time employment. No politician will call this a tax, but when you are in a group of people who doesn’t receive a subsidy that people in another group receive, that’s a tax. (continued on page 6) JANUARY 2015 VIVA LIFE 5 RIGHT TO LIFE COMMITTEE OF NEW MEXICO NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID Albuquerque, NM Permit #471 2413 Wyoming Blvd NE, Suite A Albuquerque, NM 87112-1164 INSIDE: JANUARY 2015 Go Away Doubting Thomases… | 2-4 2015 - What Happens to ObamaCare Now? | 5-6 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED vol. 33, no. 1 www.rtlnm.org Newsletter of the Right to Life Committee of New Mexico This newsletter is meant to be shared with at least ten others — copy as needed! JANUARY 22, 2015 – MEMORIAL FOR LIFE HOSTED BY ALBUQUERQUE RTL ObamaCare… (continued from page 5) There isn’t just one subsidy for everyone in the exchanges. The subsidy depends on your income. So there’s also an income tax built in. The folks analyzing this decided only eight million people will be in the exchanges, so only eight million people will have a new income tax. But they were oblivious of the fact that they were implementing a full-time employment tax on the majority of Americans workers and this is the biggest tax in the law. The economic impact from these taxes on workers varies widely, affecting low-skill workers the most. They create all kinds of productivity problems and will have visible and permanent effects on the economy. It is estimated that employment will be 3% less over the long term because of ACA, and that the national income, GDP, will be 2% less. If you look at the productivity costs alone, forgetting the fact that there will be a number of people not working anymore – they come to $6000 per person who gets health insurance because of the law. And I am not beginning to count the payments needed for health care providers. Conclusion: If you like a weak economy, you can keep your weak economy. THE AMERICAN LEFT THINKS WE ARE STUPID, AND WE MUST SHOW THEM WE ARE NOT In a series of videos taken at various conferences and lectures between 2010 and 2013, Jonathan Gruber, key ObamaCare architect, claimed that the effects of ObamaCare had to be hidden from the Americans because of “the stupidity of the American voter.” The Massachusetts Institutes of Technology professor said that “lack of transparency is a huge political advantage” in writing legislation and likened its critics to “my adolescent children.” Gruber was paid $6 million dollars for his various services in designing and consulting on ObamaCare. This attitude of the Washington political establishment in general of the American public, by liberal elites, is one that Americans cannot make their own decisions, they must be cajoled, mislead, threatened and flat-out lied to in order to achieve the greatest good. A good example of this is Gruber’s assessment of the tax-fee argument at the heart of ObamaCare’s passage and later Supreme Court fight: “This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO {the Congressional Budget Office} did not score the mandate as taxes. If CBO scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies. Ok, so it was written to do that.” This is all absolutely true. They don’t know what is best for us, and we must tell them with correspondence, votes and involvement. There are many more people like Jonathan Gruber in our government, and we must eliminate them by voting them out and replacing them with people who respect Americans. Happy New Year! Twenty-Five Alive Pledge 2015 Name:________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone:_______________________________________________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________________________________ City:__________________________________ Zip code:_______________________________________________ I pledge: $_____________ Monthly $_____________ Every Three Months $_____________ Every Two Months One Time Pledge or Donation: $______________ Please return to: RTLCNM, 2413 Wyoming Blvd Ste A, Albuquerque, NM 87112 6 VIVA LIFE DECEMBER 2014 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION I understand that the Right To Life Committee of New Mexico (RTLCNM) is a non-sectarian, non-profit organi zation dedicated to the right to life of all innocent human beings from fertilization to natural death; that this organization takes a stand only on those issues that are directly related to abortion, infanticide and euthanasia. I support the goals of RTLCNM, including a Human Life Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and hereby make application for membership (renewal) as follows: Individual — $25.00 Corporate — $45.00 for business organizations Family — $35.00 Life Membership — $500.00 Name____________________________ Address___________________________ City/Zip___________________________ Wish to: (check one) Register to vote Re-register I am a registered: (check one) Republican Democrat Other ________________________________ Signature VIVA LIFE! is published by the Right To Life Committee of New Mexico, 2413 Wyoming Blvd., NE, Suite A, Albuquerque, NM 87112-1164 • 881-4563. Verna Pochop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President Kenneth lee. . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice President Cherry Lyle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secretary Tom Taylor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Treasurer Dauneen Dolce. . . . Natl. Delegate & Editor VIVA LIFE! is printed by The Sherwood Co. EVERY ONE IS INVITED TO BATAAN PARK ON LOMAS BLVD & CARLISLE BLVD. ON JANUARY 22, 2015 FROM 11:00 A.M TO 3:00 P.M. TO HONOR THE UNBORN CHILDREN LOST TO ABORTION IN NEW MEXICO. FLAGS AND BANNERS WILL BE PLACED TO HONOR THESE INNOCENT HUMAN BEINGS AND TO REMEMBER THEIR EXISTENCE AND IMPORTANCE. COME AT 10:00 A.M. IF YOU WANT TO HELP PLACE THE FLAGS AND BANNERS. FOR MORE INFORMATION: PLEASE CALL CHARLENE COMBA – 505-345-4423. COMING EVENTS: MEMORIAL FOR LIFE – JANUARY 22, 2015 – SEE ARTICLE IN THIS VIVA LIFE! LEGISLATURE STARTS ON JANUARY 20, 2015 APRIL 18, 2015 – 45TH ANNIVERSARY OF RTLNM – MARK YOUR CALENDAR PLEASE NOTE: THERE ARE TWO VERY IMPORTANT ACTS YOU CAN TAKE TO HELP RTLNM KEEP ITS DOORS OPEN, ITS OFFICE OPERATING, AND BOTTOM LINE TO SAVE LIVES. FIRST – BE A MEMBER OF RTLNM. THERE IS A FORM IN THIS VIVA LIFE. SECOND – JOIN THE 25 ALIVE DONATION PROGRAM. THIS AMOUNT CAN BE ANYTHING OVER $5.00. THERE IS A FORM FOR THIS ON THE BACK PAGE. HAVING SAID ALL THIS – THANK YOU ONE AN ALL FOR ALL YOU HAVE DONE WITH YOUR TIME AND YOUR DONATIONS IN 2014. WE HAVE MOVED FORWARD IN A POSITIVE WAY BECAUSE YOU WHERE THERE. WE WILL CONTINUE TO WORK FOR YOU WITH YOUR HELP! WHAT LEGISLATION IS RTLNM SUPPORTING, WHY, AND WHY NOT OTHER BILLS? For many years The Right to Life Committee of New Mexico’s Political Action Committee was the organization finding sponsors and putting forth information so that pro-life bills could be passed. Always taken into consideration was the makeup of the legislature and who was governor. We always made an attempt even when the odds were against us. Now there are many more organizations, and with the past elections, the political climate has much improved. Having said that, there also needs to be said, that pro-lifers MUST BE JUDICIOUS AND PATIENT. RTLNM is having the Parental Rights (Parental Notification) and The Woman’s Right to Know bill being introduced. Both these bills have passed most of the states in the U. S. and from polling are very popular with New Mexico citizens. Of course states have passed many other bills, and there is the thought that since we have the votes in the House now to go all out and get many of these bills passed. My answer to that is “HOLD YOUR HORSES.” We aren’t the only ones champing at the bit to get legislation that has waited for years to pass. This session will be filled with all kinds of legislation to move the agenda forward. Prolife legislation is very important, but it is not the only issue on the legislator’s minds. We must not attempt to hold up committee hearings and floor debates with just “our issue.” If we attempt that, we will have even pro-life legislators upset with us, as we could make it that there would not be time to address their important bills. 60 days is not a very long time when bills have to go through committees in the House and then have a floor vote on a very busy agenda and then go to the Senate to go through the committees and then go to a Senate floor. Sometimes, bills that are same subject but written differently in each legislative entity, has to go to a conference committee to work out details to unite them into one bill. That has to go back for a vote once again. We can and must get the two bills passed we are submitting, and then build on them. Bills such as the Unborn Child ban at 20 weeks, needs to have far more education going to the people of New Mexico so that they are involved in working with their legislators in getting this passed. Most people do not know abortion is legal all nine months, let alone how they develop and feel pain. Our media campaign could accomplish this, but not in the 2015 legislative session. Defeats are used to say that the people don’t want the legislation, which is not accurate, they want what they understand. Our job is to help them understand. So hopefully, we won’t put the cart before the horse, or that we will bury our pro-life legislators with too many bills. We are on the road to success, and to make progress on it, we must use common sense, patience and to bring very good written constitutionally acceptable laws (Supreme Court’s view) to our legislature. Get ready for instructions on what you can do. We may only be able to communicate by e-mail, so please provide your e-mail to Info@rtlnm. org so you can be a part of the coming victories and solutions. WE MAY BE DOING ROBO CALLS, AND HOPE YOU WILL LISTEN WHEN THEY COME. ROE vs. WADE NEEDS TO BE REMEMBERED & NEEDS TO BE REMOVED On January 22, 1973, 7 out of 9 men on the U. S. Supreme Court ruled that women had a Constitutional right to destroy their children in the womb. Thus, overturning all 50 states, which had laws restricting abortion except for the life of the mother (30), and others had exceptions for rape and incest (16), which didn’t affect the abortion rate a great deal as most abortions are not done for these reasons. Four states had no restrictions. Abortions being done in the majority of the states were very few. After Roe vs. Wade, the number started climbing immediately However it took several years for the numbers to leap, and that is because the abortion business took time to get in place, and to have abortion clinics and organizations like Planned Parenthood promoting abortion to our children, and the public (using our tax dollars). Going back to the ruling itself, most people really don’t understand it, thus trying to pass legislation to reduce abortions under that ruling, has been difficult. Many states have been successful in promoting and passing pro-life legislation such as Parental Involvement bills, Women’s Right to Know legislation Partial Births restrictions, and now Pain Capable Child (continued on page 2)
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