Furniture Tender for Anaj Bhawan.

Punjab State Grains Procurement
Corporation Limited
For the Purchase of Office Furniture
at Annaj Bhawan, Sector 39
Name of the Work :
Supplying and
Placement of Office
Furniture at Anaj
Bhawan, Sector 39,
Managing Director, Pungrain
Punjab State Grains
Corporation limited,
Jeewandeep Building,
Sector 17, Chandigarh
Press Notice
Detailed N.I.T
General Conditions
Technical Bid Document
Financial Bid Document
Site Plan
1 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
Punjab State Grains Corporation limited
Jeewandeep Building,Sector 17B,Chandigarh
Phone No. 01725065161
Short Notice Inviting Tender
Sealed item rate tenders are invited on behalf of MD,Pungrain for the work of
placement of Office Furniture at the Anaj Bhawan, Sector 39
Chandigarh ”. Sale of tender documents will take place from 22.1.2015 to 04.2.2015 at
office of ‘Director Finance, Pungrain, JeewanDeep Building, Sector 17, Chandigarh and
Submission of tender is at 12 Noon on 5th February 2015. All other details like EMD, Cost of
tender, terms and conditions, eligibility etc. may be seen on the Pungrain website or can be had from this office at the address given above on all
working days between 9 am to 4pm
2 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
Sealed bids in two packet/ dual bid systems are invited from technically
experienced and financially sound reputed manufactures/suppliers/vendors of Office
Furniture for “Providing and Placement Office Furniture at Anaj Bhawan, Sector 39,
1) Eligibility Conditions: Manufactures/suppliers/vendors who will be able to meet the following
criteria are only eligible to apply: -
Condition for Adherence for Prospective
Documentary Proof to
be submitted
The bidder should be either a manufacturer or
an Authorized dealer of the manufacturer. The
Dealer shall be attached with that particular
manufacturer from last 10 year & shall obtain
authorization from parent company to
participate & bid on their behalf. The
manufacturing plants should be ISO-9001
certified. The bidder should submit the details
of production capacity of the tendered item
per month, which can be verified by the
Technical committee team by personally
visiting the plants.
1) Company Registration
Cert & Affidavit for
Production capacity /
Committee visit to
2) Details of
structure as per Form A
Average turnover of office furniture for last 3
years of the bidder shall not be less than 30
Crores INR each year & the manufacturer shall
not be in loss in any of the last 3 years.
1) Balance Sheets & P/L
statements along with
the copy of Income Tax
2) Financial Information
as per Form B duly
signed by Chartered
The bidder should have his own office in the
Chandigarh operating from last minimum one
Bank Account details /
Sales tax Number under
Company's Name
Bidder should have experience in executing
the bulk orders for supply of furniture items
worth 3 Crores and above in the last 2 years in
government department of Chandigarh or
Punjab State for similar works.
Bidder should submit solvency certificate of
above 3 Crores.
3 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
1) Experience of all
similar order as per
Form C
2) Details of works as per
Form D
3) Performance Report as
per Form E
Solvency Certificate issued
from Bank against this
particular tender.
Bidder should have sufficient manpower
resource to plan & execute properly the
assembly & placement work hence they should
have at least 1 Civil Engineer, 1 Architect, 1
Mechanical Engineer placed in Chandigarh or
Punjab State. Bidder should also assist for the
compatibility of old (existing furniture lying
with Deptt.) and new furniture.
Bio data & Employment
details of each Personnel
as per form F
The Bidder shall have Help line number
operational from last one year to attend the
calls received regarding repair / maintenance.
Help line Number & proof
of its existence from last
one year & assurance that
this number shall be
operational for next 2
years also
The bidder should have in house laboratories
to conduct test related to Physical & Chemical
properties of this tendered item like, Powder
coating thickness test, Impact test, Scratch
resistant test, Adhesion, Salt spray for rust
resistance, Gloss, Pencil hardness, Erichsen
cupping etc
The bidder should not have been debarred or
blacklisted from any Govt / Semi Govt/ PSU /
Board / Corporation / University or any
Autonomous body.
Details of the Laboratory
with the test conducted.
Physical verification of
Technical Committee shall
be done if required.
Affidavit duly attested by
The manufacturer should have own after sales
& service team office furniture &
Modular Furniture for Chandigarh or Punjab
region stationed & operational from last 3
Service tax number &
Affidavit listing names,
designation & contact
details of Service
personals with complete
hierarchy level.
The successful bidder who so ever should
submit neat layout plans for all rooms / halls
after allotment of work but before starting the
assembly & shall get it approved from the Site
Incharge. The layouts shall be A3 Size colored
layouts duly stamped by Company's Architect.
Compliance need to be
submitted with the bid
that this condition shall be
fulfilled if the bidder is
successful to get this work.
The manufacturer must possess certificates of
ISO-9001 & ISO-14001 and BIFMA.24305579
Certificates duly signed &
stamped by authorized
The bidder shall agree/undertake for
comprehensive warranty for supplied/fixed
items for one year.
Undertaking as per Form G
4 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
Full Quote
The Bidder should quote for full items. Any
tender for Part item will be rejected out rightly
Undertaking as per form H
Consistency in
Product and
Bidder need to quote item manufactured by
single manufacturer only
Bidder has to submit
technical literature of all
the items quoted.
Time for Completion: Supply of material and placement required at respective floors shall
have to be completed within 45 days from the date of commencement of the work and the
work shall be commenced within 7 days from the date of signing of the contract between
Pungrain and the successful bidder. The bidder must note that successful bidder should give a
Performance guarantee in the form of bank guarantee amounts to 5% of the order. The
performance guarantee should be furnished after order for supply is placed and shall be valid
up to expiry of the maintenance period.
Earnest Money Deposit: EMD of Rs. 7,50,000 (Rupees Seven Lacs Fifty Thousands only) in
the form of DD/Pay Order in favour of 'Managing Director, PUNGRAIN payable at
Chandigarh, in the envelope containing technical bid should be submitted.
Sale of Bid Documents: A complete set of Non-transferable Bid documents may be
purchased from 22.1.2015 to 04.2.2015 from 9 am to 4 pm. by an interested bidder from the
office of ‘Director Finance, Pungrain, JeewanDeep Building, Sector 17, Chandigarh ’on
all working days between 9 am to 4 pm on submission of written application on the bidder's
letter head after payment of non-refundable amount of Rs. 2500/-only in the form of crossed
DD/Pay Order of any Scheduled Bank only in favour of ‘Managing Director, PUNGRAIN
payable at Chandigarh. Tender document can also be downloaded from PUNGRAIN
website In case tender is downloaded from the website the vender is required
to submit a DD amounting to Rs. 2500/- only in favour of ‘Managing Director, PUNGRAIN
payable at Chandigarh. Tender Documents will not be sent by Post/Courier.
Last date of Submission of Tender:
Complete bid (a single sealed envelope containing two separate such sealed envelopes of technical
bid & price bid quoted on top of envelop) must be submitted in the tender box to the above referred
address on 5.2.2015 at 12.00 Pm.
Bids in sealed condition shall not be received by Post/Courier,
Any Bid received after the prescribed date will be rejected summarily and PUNGRAIN shall not be
responsible for the delay in delivery of the bid
Pungrain reserves the right to call bidder to demonstrate any of the quoted item after opening of
Bids. Bidder shall have to erect one sample workstation and module of compactor, chair etc as per
BOQ/drawing/Specifications at the site as makes up/sample item are found as per BOQ
item/drawing/specifications. Further, Pungrain reserves the right to all successful bidder to
demonstrate one sample of any item at site.
Validity Period:- Tenders / bids shall remain valid for a period of 4 months from the date of opening
of technical bid. Offers/Price bids or rates if offered valid and open for acceptance for a period less
than 4 months from the date of opening of tender will be rejected and EMD will be forfeited.
Opening of Tender Document :Technical Bid :- The cover containing 'Technical Bid' will be opened on 05/2/2015 at 3.00 pm at
5 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
the office of 'Managing Director, PUNGRAIN, Jeewandeep Building, Sector 17,
Chandigarh’ in the presence of the bidders present. Representatives if any, of the bidder (s) seeking
to be present shall submit a letter of Authority issued by the bidder on printed letter head.
Financial Bid:- It will be opened on 06/2/2015 at 03.00 pm. in the office of 'Managing Director,
PUNGRAIN, Jeewandeep Building, Sector 17, Chandigarh ‘ in the presence of interested
bidders who are declared eligible in technical bid.
In case any of the above mentioned dates, becoming a non-working day, the tender shall be received /
opened on the next working day at the same venue and time. The rights to reject any item or entire
tenders / bids at any stage or to cancel the tender in process shall be reserved with the 'Managing
Director, PUNGRAIN, without assigning any reasons thereof.
-sd/Managing Director,Pungrain
6 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
1) The applicant shall furnish all information called for in the prescribed forms and other
annexure of the technical bid and financial bid documents. The checklist so provided
contains all details that are to be included in the tender.
2) All information called for in the enclosed forms should be furnished against the relevant
columns in the forms. If for any reason, information is furnished on a separate sheet, this
fact should be mentioned against the relevant column. Even if no information is to be
provided in a column, a "nil "or "no such case" entry should be mentioned/made in that
column. If any particulars/query is not applicable in case of the applicant, it should be
stated as not applicable". The applicants are cautioned that not giving complete
information called for in the technical document or not giving it in clear terms or making
any change in the prescribed forms or deliberately suppressing the information may result
in the applicant being summarily disqualified.
3) The application should be type written. The applicant should sign each page of the tender
4) Over writing should be avoided. Correction, if any, should be made with initials.
Additional sheets, if any added by the firm/company, should also be numbered by him.
5) a) If the applicant is an individual, the application shall be signed by him above his full
typewritten name and current address. If the applicant is a proprietary firm, the application
shall be signed by the proprietor above his full typewritten name and the full name of his
firm with its current address.
b) If the applicant is a partnership firm, the application shall be signed by all the partners
of the firm above their full typewritten name and current addresses or alternatively by a
partner holding power of attorney for the firm or by a partner who is authorized to do so
by the term of the partnership deed. In the latter case a certified copy of the Power of
Attorney should accompany the application. In both cases a certified copy of the
partnership deed and current address of all the partners of the firm should accompany the
c) If the applicant is a limited company or a corporation, the application shall be signed by
a duly authorized persons holding power of attorney for signing the application
accompanied by a copy of the power of attorney. The applicant should also furnish a copy
of the memorandum and Articles of Association duly attested by a director of the
company along with the copy of resolution authorizing director to issue POA in favour of
person signing the bid.
6) References, information and certificates from the respective clients certifying suitability,
technical know-how or capability of the applicant should be signed by an officer not below
the rank of Executive Engineer or equivalent in a Central Govt. Department / Central
Autonomous Body / PSU as the case may be.
7) The applicant may furnish any additional information, which he thinks is necessary to
establish his capabilities to successfully complete the envisaged work. He is however,
7 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
advised not to furnish superfluous information. No information shall be entertained after
submission of tender documents unless it is called for by the PUNGRAIN.
8) Any information furnished by the applicant found to be incorrect either immediately or at a
later date, would render him liable to be debarred from tendering/taking up of work in
9) The tenderers have to return the tender documents in original duly signed and sealed. The
rates shall be quoted against each item in the Proforma of the schedule of quantities.
10) Tender documents shall be submitted, in a sealed envelope addressed to 'The Managing
Director, Pungrain’ superscripting the name of work, due date of opening etc. before the
closing time and date.
11) The tender shall be submitted in two-cover system. In cover No.1, the earnest money
deposit has to be enclosed in the form of Demand Draft payable at Chandigarh in favour of
the Managing Director,Pungrain and acceptance letter duly signed along with all other
documents. In cover No.2, the price bid has to be enclosed. In case if EMD and acceptance
letter is not submitted in cover No.1 the Cover No.2 i.e. the price bid cover will not be
12) Tenders with any incomplete/ambiguous details are liable to be rejected without seeking
any further clarification
13) Any variation in the terms and conditions of the general/special conditions for payment,
security deposit, penalty (for not providing the staff) is not acceptable to Pungrain
14) Tenders shall be valid for acceptance for a period of four months from the date of opening
of technical bid.
15) Pungrain reserves the right to award the work in full or part as per the decision of the
competent authority.
8 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
a) The bidder shall be deemed to have satisfied himself before tendering as to the
correctness and sufficiency of his tender for the works and of the rates and
prices Quoted in the Schedule of Quantities which rates and prices shall
except as otherwise provided, cover all his obligations under the contract and
all maters and things necessary for the proper completion and maintenance
of the Works.
b) The several documents forming the Contract are to be taken as mutually
explanatory of one another. If there are varying or conflicting provisions made
in any one document forming part of the Contract, the accepting Authority
shall be deciding authority with regard to the intention of the document.
c) In the case of discrepancies between Schedule of Quantities, the
Specifications and/or the Drawings, the following order of preference shall be
(i) Description in Schedule of Quantities
(ii) Particular Specification and Special Conditions if any
(iii) Drawings
(iv) General specifications.
If on check there are found to be differences between the rates given by the
tenderer in words and figures or in the amount worked out by him in the
schedule of quantities and general summary, the same shall be adjusted in
accordance with the following rules:
In the event of a discrepancy between description in words and figures
quoted by a tenderer, the description in words shall prevail.
In the event of an error occurring in the amount column of Schedule of
Quantities as a result of wrong extension of the unit rate and quantity the
unit rate shall be regarded, as firm and extension shall be amended on the
basis of the rate.
All errors in totaling in the amount column and in carrying forward totals
shall be corrected.
The total of various sections of Schedule of Quantities amended shall be
carried over to the General Summary and the tendered sum amended
accordingly. The tendered sum so altered shall,for the purpose of the
tenderer, be substituted forthe sum originally tendered and considered for
acceptance instead of the original sum quoted by the tenderer. Any
rounding off of Quantities or in sections of Schedule of Quantities or in
General Summary, by the tenderer, shall be ignored.
The rates for different items of works shall be for all heights and depths
except where otherwise specified in the items of work. The rates quoted by
the bidder shall be inclusive of all charges and taxes i.e VAT, WCT,Service
9 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
tax, Cess and other etc.
The work is inclusive of Designing , Manufacturing, Supplying and
Installation of workstation, Drawer, Pedestal Units, Keyboard Trolleys, CPU
Trolleys, Side Units, Compactors, Partitions, Tables, Sofa, side tables and other
items at the “PUNGRAIN” Office,Chandigarh.
The furniture is to be provided at Head Office PUNGRAIN, Anaj
Bhawan,Sector-39, Chandigarh.
The applicant is advised to visit the site of work, at his own cost, and
examine it and its surroundings to himself collect all information which he consider
necessary for proper assessment of the prospective assignment.
Please refer to NIT
All criteria are mandatory to qualify. The PUNGRAIN reserves the right,
without being liable for any damages or obligation to inform the applicant to
a) Amend the scope and value of contract to the applicant.
b) Reject any or all of the applications without assigning any reasons.
c) Restrict the list of qualified firm/companies to any number deemed suitable
by it.
 Any effort on the part of the applicant or his agent to exercise influence or to
pressurize the PUNGRAIN or any of its authority officer would result in
rejection of his application. Canvassing of any kind is prohibited.
 Even though an applicant may satisfy the above requirements,he would
beliable to disqualification if he has:
 made misleading or false representation or deliberately suppressed the
information in the forms, statements and enclosures required in the prequalification document.
 Record of poor performance such as abandoning work, not properly
completing the contract, or financial failures/weaknesses etc.
The PUNGRAIN reserves the right to accept or reject any application and
to annul the tender process and reject all applications at any time, without
assigning any reasons or incurring any liability to the applicants.
10 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
The Successful bidder has to provide their Three Layout Plans with in 7
days of the work awarded. The plans should have seating variant 10% Additional
layout, if called, will be in the set of three options and will not be paid extra
The contract agreement shall be executed between the successful bidder
and the PUNGRAIN. The successful bidder’s tender including the letters of
clarifications between the firm/company and the PUNGRAIN prior to the award
of contract shall form a part of the Contract agreement to the extent they have
been accepted by PUNGRAIN.
The firm / company to whom the work is awarded (herein after referred to
as the “firm/company / firm / company”) shall not sublet any portion of the work
without prior written permission of the Competent Authority.
Within 7 (Seven) days of issue of work order, the firm/company shall
submit to PUNGRAIN a Bank Guarantee from any Nationalized Bank equivalent
to 10% of the Contract value towards performance guarantee. Bank Guarantee of
50% of the amount shall be released after satisfactory completion of the work and
balance 50% shall remain valid till satisfactory completion of defects liability
period of 12 months (The defects liability period of 12 months shall be reckoned
from the date of actual completion of work).
10% security deposit shall be deducted from each running account bills till the
sum along with the sum already deposited as earnest money will amount to 5% of
the tendered value of the work and same shall be refunded after successful
completion of the work & verification of Bank Guarantee submitted by the
a) The firm/company shall commence the work within 7 days from the date the
contract is signed between PUNGRAIN & the successful bidder or from the
date of handing over of the Site whichever is later and shall be completed
within 30 days thereof. Time is essence of the contract.
b) The firm/company shall submit the complete programme of execution along
with BAR Chart proposed to be followed for completion of work at the time
of commencement of the work and shall have to maintain desired
c) Progress of work as planned from the time to time.In the event of his failure
to maintain the required progress of work, the PUNGRAIN shall have the
right to cancel his contract and / or engage a parallel agency for completion of
work at the risk and cost of the firm/company as deemed fit.
d) The bidder shall be responsible to supply and place in position the ordered
items as per layout furnished upto the satisfaction of engineer in charge only
then he shall be eligible to get the balance payment that becomes due after
11 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
a) The time allowed for execution of the Works as specified above shall be the
essence of the Contract. If the Firm/company commits default in
commencing and/ or in the execution of the work as aforesaid, PUNGRAIN
shall without prejudice to any other right or remedy be at liberty to forfeit
the earnest money absolutely.
b) Request for the extension of time, to be eligible for consideration, shall be
made by the Firm/company in writing within seven days of the happening
of the event causing delay with reasons thereof and the period for which
extension is desired.
c) In any such case the PUNGRAIN at its discretion and satisfaction may give
a time fair and reasonable extension of not exceeding two weeks in total in
any for case either at a stretch or in breaks
If the firm/company fails to maintain the required speed and the work is
not completed during the stipulated time period of 45 days then PUNGRAIN
shall recover liquidated damages at the rate of 1% (One percent) of the total
cost of the work for first week,2% (two percent) for second week and
5%(Five percent) for third week of delay. No extension shall be allowed for
more than three weeks.
The firm/company either shall itself supervise the execution of the Works
or shall appoint a competent agent approved by the PUNGRAIN. If the
firm/company has not sufficient knowledge and experience to be capable of
receiving instructions or cannot give his full attention to the Works, the
firm/company shall at its own expense, employ as his accredited agent an
engineer approved by the PUNGRAIN. Orders given to the firm/company
agent shall be considered to have the same force if these had not been given to
the firm/company himself. If the firm/company fails to appoint a suitable agent
as Directed by the PUNGRAIN,the PUNGRAIN shall have full powers to
suspend the execution of the Works until such date as a suitable agent is
appointed and the firm/company shall be held responsible for the delay so
caused to the Works.
a) Subject to the provisions in the tender document and without prejudice to
firm/company’s liabilities and responsibilities to provide adequate qualified
and skilled personnel on the work. Firm/company shall deploy and augment
the same as decided by the PUNGRAIN depending on the work.
b) The firm/company shall employ in and about the execution of the works
only such persons as are skilled and experienced in their several trades and
the PUNGRAIN shall be at liberty to object to and require the firm/company
to remove from the Works any person employed by the firm/company in
or about the execution of the works who in the opinion of the PUNGRAIN
12 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
misconducts himself or incompetent or negligent in the proper performance
of his duties and such person shall not be again employed upon the Works
without permission of the PUNGRAIN.
c) In addition to above, the firm/company shall deploy one experienced
supervisor from the day one of the commencement of the work and shall be
made available on all working days. In the event of non-deployment of
above staff, penalty at the rate Rs.5000/- per day shall be levied and
recovered through bills of the firm/company.
d) No personnel of the firm/company deployed at site shall be removed from
the site without prior approval of the PUNGRAIN.
e) The firm/company shall employ only Indian Nationals and verify their
antecedents and loyalty before employing them on the work. He shall ensure
that no person of doubtful antecedent and nationality is in any way
associated with the work.
The firm/company will obtain workmen compensation policy at its own cost.
No Labour will be allowed to stay in the building/complex.
All men and vehicles will observe the regulations in force in the building
complex and will do nothing to pose any danger to the smooth operations of
the building/complex.
All men and vehicles shall be permitted to the building premises only on
possession of security passes issued, by PUNGRAIN. The firm/company shall
apply in writing in advance of the commencement of work for issue of
security passes and shall submit a list of personnel concerned with their
addresses and photograph. Pungrain shall, at its discretion, has the right to
recommend the issue of passes to control the admission of firm/company, his
agents, his staff and workmen. The firm/company shall ensure that his men
will work in areas/zones allotted to them. Passes shall be deposited with
PUNGRAIN on demand and in any case immediately after completion of
work. The firm/company, his ‘staff/workmen shall observe all the rules
promulgated, from time to time by the concerned authorities. Any person
found violating the security rules laid down by the PUNGRAIN will be
expelled from the area without assigning any reason whatsoever and
firm/company shall have no claim on this account. Nothing extra shall be
payable by PUNGRAIN on account of working in restricted working
All Temporary and ancillary works including enabling works
connected with the work shall be responsibility of the firm/company and
the price quoted by them shall be deemed to have included the cost of
such works which shall be removed by the firm/company at his cost,
immediately after completion of the work.
13 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
a) The firm/company shall be responsible to arrange at his own cost all necessary
tools and plants required for execution of the work.
b) The firm/company shall without prejudice to his overall responsibility to
execute and complete the work as per specifications and time schedule,
progressively deploy adequate equipments and tools and tackles and augment
the same as decided by the PUNGRAIN depending on the exigencies of the
work so as to suit the work schedule.
The firm/company shall stack materials at the site of work strictly as per
instructions of PUNGRAIN keeping in view the requirements of the
PUNGRAIN. The firm/company shall have to make its own arrangements for
the space required for storing & stacking of the material, T &P etc. at site.
Nothing extra shall be payable for any extra lead, Involved in stacking the
material at a reasonable distance away from the work place Any materials or
T & P etc. found lying outside the sites approved by the PUNGRAIN shall be
removed by the PUNGRAIN at the risk and cost of the firm/company.
b) From commencement to completion of the works, the firm / company shall
take full responsibility for the case thereof and for taking precautions of
prevent loss or damage and shall be liable for any damage or loss that may
happen to the Works or any part thereof. The firm/company shall restore,
replace or repair any such damage to the complete satisfaction of the
PUNGRAIN and in default the PUNGRAIN may cause the same to be made
good by any other means and deduct the expenses from any sums due to
c) No payment will be made to the firm/company for damage caused by rains or
other natural calamities or any person during the execution of the works and
no such claim on this account will be entertained.
a) The firm/company shall comply with and give all notice required under
any Government authority, instrument, rule or order made under any Act of
Parliament, State laws or any regulation or bye-law of any local authority
relating to the works. He shall before making any variation from the contract
necessitated by such compliance give to the PUNGRAIN a written notice
giving reasons for the proposed variation and obtain the PUNGRAIN’s
instructions thereon.
b) The firm/company shall pay and indemnify PUNGRAIN against any liability
in respect of any fees or charges payable under any Act of Parliament, State
laws or any Government instrument, rule or order and any regulations or
bye-laws of any local authority in respect of the Works.
14 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
The PUNGRAIN or its authorized representative shall have full power to
inspect any portion of the work, examine the materials and workmanship at
the firm/company’s works or at any other place from where the material is
obtained. Acceptance of any material shall in no way relieve the
firm/company of his responsibility for meeting the requirement of the
The firm/company should make arrangement for factory inspection of the
product bought to the sites before delivery at site if desired by PUNGRAIN.
Firm/company has to submit purchase vouchers of all the products used in
the work from the manufacturer along with Certificate confirming therein
that the product supplied are meeting the Technical specification, BOQ and
Technical Parameters of the contract.
No running bill shall be released to the firm/company without above said
certificate From the manufacturer or his authorized representative.
As soon as the work is completed, the firm/company shall give notice of
such completion to the PUNGRAIN and shall furnish the company a certificate of
completion indicating(a) the date of completion,(b)defects to be rectified by the
firm/company and / or (c) items for which payment shall be made at reduced rates..
No certificate of completion shall be issued, nor shall the work be considered to be
complete till the firm/company shall have removed from the premises on which
the work has been executed all scaffolding,sheds and surplus materials,except such
as are required for rectification of defects on the site and cleaned all dirt from the
parts of building(s) in upon or about which the work has been executed or of which
he may have had possession for the purpose of the execution thereof and cleaned
floors, gutters and drains, eased doors and sashes, oiled locks and fastening labeled
keys clearly and handed them over to the PUNGRAIN and made the whole premises
fit for immediate occupation or use to the satisfaction of the PUNGRAIN.
The firm/company shall be fully responsible for the quality, workmanship
and structural safety of the work. The firm/company shall be fully responsible for
liability of defects in the work executed by him for a period of one year from the
date of successful handing over of the work of PUNGRAIN. The firm/company at
his own cost and expenses shall rectify all defects observed during the defects
liability period. In the event of failure on the part of the firm/company to rectify the
defects the same way, without prejudice to any other right available to it in law, be
rectified by PUNGRAIN for and on behalf of firm/company. PUNGRAIN shall
have the right to deduct or set off the expenses incurred by it in rectifying the defects
as aforesaid from/against any amount due and payable or becoming due and payable
by PUNGRAIN to the firm / company under this agreement or any other firm/compa
ny what-so-ever.
15 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
a) Payment on account: The firm/company shall submit interim bills to the
PUNGRAIN after completion of works in different stages as mentioned below:(i) Providing and placement of work stations.
(ii) Supply of chairs for workstations, visitors and placement of storage units
and low height partitions .
(iii) Providing and placement of compactors, conference tables.
(iv) Supply of table, chairs and sofa for officers chambers.
The payment will be made for the bills raised by the firm/ company for the
completed items of works in stages as mentioned above. PUNGRAIN shall then
manage to have the bill verified by taking or causing to be taken, where the requisite
measurements of the work is necessary. Payment admissible as certified by the
PUNGRAIN will be on interim basis made within the 15 days after Deducting
the amounts already paid, the security deposit and such other amounts as may be
deductible or recoverable in terms of the Contract. No Certificate of the
PUNGRAIN supporting an interim payment shall itself be conclusive evidence that
any work / materials to which it relates is/are in accordance with the contract
pending consideration of extension of date of completion, interim payments shall
continue to be made as provided.
b) Time Limit For Payment Of Final Bill: The firm/company shall submit the final
bill within three months of physical completion of the Works. No further claims
shall be made by the firm/company after submission of the final bill and these shall
be deemed to have been waived and extinguished. Payment of the items of the bill
in respect of which there is no dispute and of items in dispute, for quantities and at
rates as approved by PUNGRAIN, shall be made within the period specified
hereunder, the period being reckoned from the date of receipt of the bill by the
After payment of the amount of the final bill payable as aforesaid has been
made, the firm/company, if so desired, reconsider its position in respect of the
disputed portion of the final bill and if it fails to do so within 50 days, disputed
claim shall be dealt with as provided in the Contract.
c) Tax Recovery: Before releasing payment to the Firm/company, tax recovery shall
made from the firm/company’s bill at the rate as applicable during that time. For
payment towards advances, income tax recovery shall made and advances shall be
recovered as per terms and conditions provided in conditions.
a) Wherever any claim for the payment of a sum of money to PUNGRAIN arises or of
under this Contract against the Firm/company the same may be deducted by
PUNGRAIN from any sum then due or which at any time thereafter may become
due to the firm/company under Contract and failing that under any other Contract
with PUNGRAIN from any other sum due to the firm/company from PUNGRAIN
which may be available with PUNGRAIN or from his security deposit or he shall
pay the claim on demand.
b) PUNGRAIN reserve the right to carry out post-payment audit a technical
examination of the final bill including all support vouchers, abstracts, etc,
PUNGRAIN further reserve the right to enforce recovery of any other when detected
notwithstanding the fact that the amount of the final bill may be included by one of
16 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
the part as an item of dispute before an arbitrator appointed, of this Contract and
notwithstanding the fact that the amount of the final bill figures in the arbitration
c) If as a result of such audit and technical examination any overpayment is
iscovered in respect of any work done by the Firm/company or alleged to have been
done by him under the contract, it shall be recovered by PUNGRAIN from the
firm/company by any or all of the methods prescribed above or if any under
payment is discovered the amount shall be duly paid to the Firm/company by
d) Any amount due to the Firm/company under this Contract for under payment
may be adjusted against any amount then due or which may at any time thereafter
become due before payment is made to the firm/company, from him to PUNGRAIN
on any other Contract account whatsoever.
If the firm/company or his workman or employees shall injure or destroy any part
of the building in which he may be working or any building, road, fence etc.,
contiguous to the premises on which the work or any part of it is being executed, or
if any damage shall happen to them while in progress the firm/company shall upon
receipt of a notice in writing in that behalf make the same good at his own expense.
If it shall appear to the PUNGRAIN at any time during execution of work or
rework or prior to the expiration of the Defects Liability Period, that any work had
been executed with unsound, imperfect or unskilled workmanship or that any
material or articles provided by the firm/company for execution of the work are
unsound or of a quality inferior to that contract for, or otherwise not of defective or
improper materials or workmanship, the firm/company shall, upon receipt of a
notice in writing in that behalf from the PUNGRAIN, forth with rectify or remove
and reconstruct the work so specified in whole or in part
In case of repairs and maintenance works, splashes and droppings from white
washing, painting, etc shall be removed and surfaces cleaned simultaneously with
completion of these items of work in individual rooms quarters or premises, etc.
where the work is done, without waiting for completion of all other items of work
in the Contract. In case the firm/company fails to comply with requirements of his
condition, the PUNGRAIN shall have the right to get the work done by other means
at the cost of firm/company. Before taking such action, however, the PUNGRAIN
shall give three day notice in writing to the firm/company.
If at any time after acceptance of the tender PUNGRAIN shall decide to
abandon or reduce the scope of the works for any reason whatsoever and hence not
require the whole or any part of the works to be carried out, the PUNGRAIN shall
give notice in writing to that effect to the firm/company and the firm/company shall
have no claim to any payment of compensation or other wise whatsoever, on account
17 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
of any profit or advantage which he might have derived from the execution of the
works in full but which he did not derive in consequence of the foreclosure of the
whole or part of the works.
If the firm/company to whom the contract is awarded happens to be an
individual or a proprietary concern and the individual or the proprietor dies and if
the Firm/company is a partnership concern and one of the partners dies then unless
the PUNGRAIN is satisfied that the legal representative of the individual
firm/company or of the proprietor of the Proprietary concern and in the case of
partnership, the surviving partners are not capable for and completing the Contract,
the PUNGRAIN shall be entitled to cancel the Contract as to its uncompleted part
without PUNGRAIN being in any way liable to payment of any compensation to the
estate of the deceased Firm/company and/or to the surviving partners of the
Firm/company’s firm on account of the cancellation of the Contract. The decision of
the PUNGRAIN that the legal representatives of the deceased Firm/company of the
Surviving partners of the Firm/company’s firm cannot carry out and complete the
Contract shall be final and binding on the parties. In the event of such cancellation
PUNGRAIN shall not hold the estate of the deceased Contract or and/or the
surviving partners of the Firm/company’s firm liable in damages for not completing
the Contract.
If the firm/company:
a) At any time makes default in proceeding with the works with due diligence and
continues to do so after a notice in writing of 7 days from the PUNGRAIN; or
b) Commits default in complying with any of the terms and conditions the Contract
and does not remedy it or take effective steps to remedy it within 7 days after a
notice in writing is given to him in that behalf by the PUNGRAIN ; or
c) Fails to complete the works or items of work with individual dates completion,
on or before the date(s) of completion and does not complete the work with in
period specified after notice given in writing in that behalf by the PUNGRAIN ;
or Shall offer or give or agree to give to any person in PUNGRAIN service or to
any other person on his behalf any gift or consideration of any kind as a
inducement or reward for doing or forbearing to do or for having done or
forborne to do any act in relation to the obtaining or execution of this or any
other Contract for PUNGRAIN.
a) Arbitration:
Except where otherwise provided for in the contract all questions and disputes
relating to the meaning of the specification designs, drawings and instructions herein
before mentioned and as to the quality of workmanship or materials used on the
work or as to any other question, claim, right, matter or thing whatsoever in any way
arising out of or relating to the contract, designs, drawings, specification estimates,
instructions, orders or these conditions or otherwise concerning the works, or the
18 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
execution or failure to execute the same whether arising during the progress of the
work orafter the completion or abandonment thereof shall be referred to the sole
arbitrator as may be appointed by the authority of PUNGRAIN. There will be no
Objection if the arbitrator so appointed is an employee of PUNGRAIN
Cases where the amount of the claim in dispute is Rs.50,000 (Rupees fifty
thousand) and above, the Arbitrator shall give reasons for the award.
It is a term of the contract that the party invoking arbitration shall specify the dispute
or disputes to be referred to arbitration under this clause together with the amount or
amounts claimed in respect of each such dispute. The arbitrator (s) may from time to
time with consent of the parties enlarge the time, for making and publishing the
The work under the Contract shall, if reasonably possible continue during the
arbitration proceedings and no payment due or payable to the Firm/company shall be
withheld on account of such proceedings.
The Arbitrator shall be deemed to have entered on the reference on the date he
issues notice to both the parties placement the date of the first hearing.
The Arbitrator shall give a separate award in respect of each dispute or difference
referred to him. The venue of arbitration shall be such place as may be fixed by the
Arbitrator in his sole discretion. The award of the arbitrator shall be final conclusive
and binding to all parties to this contract.
19 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
Technical Bid Envelop No.1
Yes or no
Whether EMD in the form of DD of Rs 7,50,000 is
Whether Document Fee in the form of DD of Rs 2500 is
Whether Acceptance letter submitted
Whether Transmittal Letter Submitted
Whether Company Registration Cert & Affidavit for
Production capacity / Committee visit to Plant along with
Details of organizational structure in Form –A submitted.
Whether Balance Sheets & P/L statements along with the
copy of Income Tax Returns and Financial Information in
respect of firm / company in Form-B submitted
Whether Proof of 5 years experience in the similar works
executed successfully in Form-C submitted
Whether Details of minimum three numbers of similar
works costing not less than forty lakhs each (at least two of
them should have been carried out in Govt/Semi
Govt/Autonomous Bodies/PSU) in Form-D submitted
Whether Performance report authenticated by an officer not
below the rank of Executive Engineer or equivalent in
Form E for the works described in Form C & Form D.
Attach copy of TDS certificate in case of private work
Whether Solvency Certificate issued from Bank against this
particular tender submitted.
Whether Details of technical & administrative personnel to
be employed for this work in Form-F submitted.
Whether Affidavit of not being barred or blacklisted from
any Govt / Semi Govt/ PSU / Board / Corporation /
University or any Autonomous body duly attested by
Notary submitted.
Whether Document for ISO 9001 : 2000 & ISO : 14001 :
2000 certification submitted
Whether Undertaking of warranty for one year as per
Form-G is submitted `
Whether Undertaking of full quote as per Form-H is
submitted `
Whether Excise Registration Certificate is submitted.
Bid Envelop No. 2
1. Financial/Price Bid
Signature with Stamp of Bidder
20 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
21 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
The Managing Director
Jeewandeep Building, Sector 17
A. The tender document for the work of “ Supplying and Placement of Office
Furniture to the PUNGRAIN Headquarter Office at Sector 39, Chandigarh”
have been sold to me/us by PUNGRAIN. I/We have read and examined the
following documents relating to the work.
(a) Notice inviting tender
(b) General Conditions of Contract ,Amendments, Guidance to tenders etc.
(c) Special Conditions
(d) Instructions
In consideration of I/We being invited to tender and promise by PUNGRAIN to
consider the award of work if I/We are found to be the lowest responsive bidder as
stipulated in the conditions of contract, I/ We agree to keep the tender open for
acceptance for four months from the due date of submission thereof and not to make
any modifications is its terms and conditions which are not acceptable to
PUNGRAIN. If the work is awarded the item rates will remain valid for one year
from the date of award by PUNGRAIN
A sum of Rs. 7,50,000( Rupees Seven Lacs Fifty Thousand Only) is hereby
forwarded in the form of Demand Draft/Pay order is in favour of 'The Managing
Director Pungrain, payable at chandigarh as earnest money. If I/We fail to keep the
tender open as aforesaid or make any modifications in the terms and conditions of
the tender which are not acceptable to PUNGRAIN . I/We agree that PUNGRAIN
shall, without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit the fully
said earnest money absolutely and I/We shall not be considered as unsuccessful
tenderer for the purpose of return of earnest money as provided in the Notice
Inviting Tender. Should this tender be accepted, I/We hereby agree to abide by and
fulfill all the terms, conditions and provisions of the aforesaid documents.
If, after the tender accepted, I/We fail to commence the execution of the Works as
provided in the Conditions, I/We agree the PUNGRAIN shall without prejudice to
any other right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit the said earnest money absolutely
and take suitable actions against me/us as deemed fit under the terms and conditions
of the contract.
I/We agree that should PUNGRAIN decide to forfeit earnest money as aforesaid
unless a sum equal to the earnest money mentioned above is paid by me/us
forthwith, PUNGRAIN may at its option recover it out of the deposit and in the
event of deficiency, from any other moneys due to me/us or otherwise.
22 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
If the tender is accepted, I/We agree that the earnest money deposited at the time of
tender shall be treated as part of security deposit and the balance security deposit
shall be paid by me/us or PUNGRAIN shall collect the same by deductions from
my/our running bills as per conditions of contract.
After unconditionally accepting the tender conditions in its entirely, it is not
permissible to put any remarks/conditions (except unconditional rebate on quoted
prices if any) in / along with the tender enclosed in "Cover No.2" and the same has
been followed in the present case. In case, the provision of the tender is found
violated after opening "cover no.2", I/We agree that the tender shall be liable to be
rejected and PUNGRAIN shall without prejudice to any other right or remedy be at
liberty to forfeit the full said earnest money absolutely.
The offer is valid for 04 m o n t h s and in case I/We am/are been awarded the
works, the item rate contract will remain valid for one year from the date of
acceptance of award by Pungrain
I/We hereby unconditionally accept the tender conditions of PUNGRAIN tender
documents in its entirety for the above work.
Yours faithfully
Date ..........................................................................(Signature of the tenderer with
rubber stamp)
Address with Stamp
23 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
The Managing Director
SUB : Submission of technical bid and Financial bid for the work of PUNGRAIN
bearing NIT No.
Having examined the details given in NIT, press- Notice and Technical bid
document & Financial bid document for the above work, I/We hereby submit the
Technical bid document and other relevant information.
i) I / We hereby certify that all the statements made and information supplied
in the enclosed forms and accompanying statement are true and correct.
ii) I / We have furnished all information and details necessary for technical bid
evaluation and have no further pertinent information to supply.
iii) I / We submit the requisite certified solvency certificate and authorize the,
MD, PUNGRAIN or his authorized representatives to approach the Bank issuing the
solvency certificate to confirm the correctness thereof. I / We also authorize
representative to
approach individuals,
employers, firm and corporation to verify our competence and general reputation.
iv) I / We submit the following certificates in support of our suitability, technical knowhow and capability for having successfully completed the following works.
Name of Work
Enclosures :
Certificate from
Seal of Applicant
Signature of Applicant (s)
Date of Submission
Signature of tenderer with seal
24 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
Name & Address of the Organisation
Telephone No./Telex No./Fax No.
Legal status of the applicant
(Attach copies of original document defining the legal status)
a) An individual
b) A proprietary firm
c) A firm in partnership
d) A limited company or Corporation
Particulars of registration with various Government bodies (attach attested
Organization/ Place of registration
Registration No.
Name and Titles of Directors & Officers with designation to be concerned with
this work
Designation of individuals authorized to act for the organization.
Was the applicant ever required to suspend work for a period of more than
six months continuously after you commenced the work? If so, give the name of
the project and reasons of suspension of work.
Has the applicant or any constituent partner in case of partnership firm, ever
abandoned the awarded work before its completion? If so give name of the
project and reasons for abandonment.
Has the applicant or any constituent partner in case of partnership firm, ever been
debarred/black listed for tendering in any organization at any time? If so, give
Has the applicant or any constituent partner in case of partnership firm, ever been
convicted by a court of law? If so, give details.
In which other field of engineering the applicant has specialization and interest?
Any other information considered necessary but not included above.
Signature of Applicant(s)
25 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
Financial Details to be furnished duly supported by figures in duly audited balance
sheet/profit & loss account for the last three years duly certified by the Chartered Accountant
and as submitted by the applicant to the IncomeTax Department (Copies to be attached)
I. i) Gross Annual Turnover
ii) Profit/Loss
The Solvency Certificate from Bankers of Applicant is enclosed.
Gross Annual Turnover
Signature of Applicant(s)
Signature of Chartered Accountant with Seal
26 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
Form C
(Separate proforma to be filled for each work)
Owner of
Date of
as per contract
ed date
Date of
pendin/ in
progress with
Name and
of officer
to whom
*Indicate gross amount claimed and amount awarded by the Arbitrator.
Signature of Applicant(s)
27 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
Form D
Name of
and location
Owner or
Cost of
Date of
nt as per
date of
date of
if any
Name and
number of
officer to
may be
Signature of Applicants
28 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
Form E
(Separate sheet to be attached for each work)
1. Name of work/ Project & location
2. Agreement No
Estimated Cost
Tendered Cost
Date of Start
Date of Completion
Stipulated date of completion
ii) Actual date of completion
7. Amount of compensation levied for delayed completion, if any
8. Amount of reduced rate items, if any
9. Performance Report
1) Quality of work
Very Good/Good/Fair/Poor
2) Financial Soundness
Very Good/Good/Fair/Poor
3) Technical Proficiency
Very Good/Good/Fair/Poor
4) Resourcefulness
Very Good/Good/Fair/Poor
5) General behavior
Very Good/Good/Fair/Poor
Executive Engineer or Equivalent
29 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
for this
experience and
details of work
carried out
Signature of Applicant(s)
30 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
Form G
We hereby undertake to provide guarantee and warrant for all the furniture supplied
and work performed for a period of 1 year from the date of completion of work order.
We will repair or replace any defective work/items which we will have
supplies/performed at no additional charges.
Signature of Applicant(s)
31 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
Form H
We hereby undertake that our company/firm _________ has quoted for all the items. We have not
quoted for any single or part item.
Signature of Applicant(s)
32 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
33 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
1) The Financial Bid Document shall be reading conjunction with the instructions to
Tenderers, General Conditions of Contract and Technical Specifications.
2) The basis of payment will be the actual quantities of work ordered and carried out, as
measured by the Firm/companys and verified by the EPFO and valued at the rates and prices
tendered in the priced where applicable and otherwise at such rates and prices as the EPFO
may fix within the terms of the Contract
3) The rates and prices tendered in the financial price bid document shall, except in so far
as it is otherwise provide
under the Contract, include
all constructional plan, labour
supervision, material, erection, maintenance, insurance, profit, VAT, state sales taxes and
duties, together with general risks, liabilities and obligations set out or impelled in the
4) The Specifications are subject to tolerance limit of plus minus 5%/10mm. However,
variation above 2%, if any need to specified at the time of bidding.
5) The tenderer should quote rate against each item in figure and as well as in words.
6) Tenderers shall price the schedule of quantities in Indian Rupees only.
7) Rate should be quoted for all items for which quantity given.
8) Rate may also be quoted for the items for which quantity is not given as in case of necessity
at site, the same may be executed.
9) Any unfilled and incomplete financial bid will be summarily rejected.
34 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
Tender Notice:
No. dated:
NAME OF WORK 1: Purchase of office furniture of Pungrain Sector 39 Chandigarh
S. No.
Tender Item
Table -- Type
I Table
Back unit
The size of the main table should be
3600mm width x 1080mm depth x
750mm height. The top surface should be
made up of MDF duly finished with
Veneer and final coating of PU & the total
thickness of the table top should be
90mm. Black leather should be affixed on
the main table towards user side within
the workable area. Space for wires outlets
should be kept on the main table.
Integrated smart key board tray of similar
finish should be provided at the user side.
One storage pedestal of size 480mm width
x 640mm depth x 600mm height made up
of MDF + Veener + PU Coating. The side
table should be provided of size 1900mm
width x 480mm depth x 550 (Not from
ground with castors). Top thickness shall
be 25mm thick made up of MDF +
Veener + PU Coating. The side unit
design should be such that it shall be
capable of keeping on either side of the
user. The side unit should have atleast one
hinged door cabinet for keeping files, one
drawer unit & one open unit for keeping
the documents or other items. The
construction shall be knock down type,
that all the components shall be duly
packed in corrugated boxes & assembled
at site only.
Back Storage Unit should be of size
1000mm width x 480mm depth x
2035mm height made up of MDF +
Veener + PU Coating & Glass in the
doors similar to the one provided in the
Office Suite-1. Glass used shall be of
thickness min 5mm. The hardness of the
PU Coating shall be 1.5H. The
construction shall be knock down type,
that all the components shall be duly
packed in corrugated boxes & assembled
at site only.
35 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
(Rs) (in
rer Name,
Model no.
and Model
- Type I
high back
leather chair
The seat shall be made up of 1.2 +/- 0.1
cm thick hot pressed plywood &
upholstered with leather and moulded
polyurethane foam. The back shall be
designed with contoured lumber support
for extra comfort. Size of back shall be
(W)-53cm x (H)-95.4cm & size of seat
shall be (W)-54.6cm x (D)-49cm. High
Resilience (HR) foam should be used in
making seat & back which shall be
moulded with density 45 +/- 2 kg/m ³ and
hardness load 16+/- 2 kgf as per IS: 7888
for 25% compression. The seat and back
should be arrested together with spine
made of 0.8 +/- 0.05 cm thick HR steel
and should be powder coated in black
with 40-60 micron DFT (Dry film
thickness). The armrest assembly should
be made up of armrest tube, PU armrest
and the armrest top. The armrest tube
assy. shall be made of 2.54+/- 0.03cm x
0.16 +/- 0.0128 cm M.S E.R.W support
tubes and chrome plated. The P.U armrest
shall be made up of black integral skin
polyurethane with 50-70 shore 'A'
hardness reinforced with M.S insert. The
armrest top shall be made up of ABS &
upholstered with foam & leather. The
mechanism of the chair shall have
following features : 360⁰ revolving type,
Knee Tilt system, Seat & back tilting
ration of 1: 1.5, Front pivot for tilt with
feet resting on ground ensuring more
comfort, Tilt tension adjustment, 5position locking with antilock back
mechanism which should prevent the
backrest from impacting the user when the
lock is released, Static seat depth
adjustment 5.0 +/- 0.5cm with 5 position
locking. The chair shall be provided with
pneumatic height adjustment which shall
have stroke of 9.0 +/- 0.3 cm. The bellow
should be single piece duly blow moulded
in black polypropylene. The pedestal shall
be made of die-cast aluminium with
buffing finish. it shall be fitted with 5 nos
twin wheel castor. The size of the pedestal
shall be 67.0 +/- 0.5 cm pitch-centre-dia
(77.0 +/- 1.0 cm with castors). The twin
wheel castors shall be made of Nylon
injection moulded in black color. Overall
dimensions of Chair shall be, Width of
Chair - 77cm, Depth of Chair - 77 cm as
measured from pedestal below. Height of
back from ground - min 134.9 to max
143.9 cms. Seat height - min 49.9cm to
max 58.9 cm. Dimensions tolerance /
variations shall be within +/- 1 cm.
36 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
Visitor chair
2 seater sofa
The seat shall be made up of 1.2 +/- 0.1
cm thick hot pressed plywood &
upholstered with leather and moulded
polyurethane foam. The back shall be
designed with contoured lumber support
for extra comfort. Size of back shall be
(W)-53cm x (H)-73cm & size of seat shall
be (W)-54.6cm x (D)-49cm. High
Resilience (HR) foam should be used in
making seat & back which shall be
moulded with density 45 +/- 2 kg/m ³ and
hardness load 16+/- 2 kgf as per IS: 7888
for 25% compression. The seat and back
should be arrested together with spine
made of 0.8 +/- 0.05 cm thick HR steel
and should be powder coated in black
with 40-60 micron DFT (Dry film
thickness). The armrest assembly should
be made up of armrest tube, PU armrest
and the armrest top. The armrest tube
assy. shall be made of 2.54+/- 0.03cm x
0.16 +/- 0.0128 cm M.S E.R.W support
tubes and chrome plated. The P.U armrest
shall be made up of black integral skin
polyurethane with 50-70 shore 'A'
hardness reinforced with M.S insert. The
armrest top shall be made up of ABS &
upholstered with foam & leather. The
mechanism of the chair shall have
following features : 360⁰ revolving type
without back tilt. The chair shall be
adjustment which shall have stroke of
12.0 +/- 0.3 cm. The beloow should be
made up of 3 piece telescopic type &
injection moulded in black polypropylene.
The pedestal shall be made of die-cast
aluminium with buffing finish. it shall be
fitted with 5 nos twin wheel castor. The
size of the pedestal shall be 67.0 +/- 0.5
cm pitch-centre-dia (77.0 +/- 1.0 cm with
castors). The twin wheel castors shall be
made of Nylon injection moulded in black
color. Overall dimensions of Chair shall
be, Width of Chair - 77cm, Depth of Chair
- 77 cm as measured from pedestal below.
Height of back from ground - min 99.4 to
max 111.4 cms. Seat height - min 43.4cm
to max 55.4 cm. Dimensions tolerance /
variations shall be within +/- 1 cm.
Upholstery : Microfibre with Polyester
Laminate Frame Material : Kiln dried
wood Seat Foam : Slab stock foam with
recron layer. Also bonded foam used as a
supporting material beneath slab stock.
Foam Density : 34 kg/ cubic m. Back
Foam : Slab stock foam with recron fill at
back and arms Foam Density : 34
kg/cubic m Webbing Material : S- spring
along with nylon strips Frame Material is
of kiln dried wood. 2 seater size 1572 W *
912 D * 830 h in mm
37 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
Sofa 3 seater
Center Table
Side Table
Sofa 3 seater
Upholstery : Microfibre with Polyester
Laminate Frame Material : Kiln dried
wood Seat Foam : Slab stock foam with
recron layer. Also bonded foam used as a
supporting material beneath slab stock.
Foam Density : 34 kg/ cubic m. Back
Foam : Slab stock foam with recron fill at
back and arms Foam Density : 34
kg/cubic m Webbing Material : S- spring
along with nylon strips Frame Material is
of kiln dried wood. 3 seater size 2072 W
* 912 D * 830 h in mm
8mm tempered glass top MDF
understructure with PVC covering Pu
paint strip on glass top with silver powder
Glass top attached to the understructure
via UV disc Load bearing capacity : 30
Kg 8mm tempered glass top MDF
understructure with PVC covering Pu
paint strip on glass top with silver powder
Glass top attached to the understructure
via UV disc Load bearing capacity : 20
Kg size 1000w 600 d 450 in mm
8mm tempered glass top MDF
understructure with PVC covering Pu
paint strip on glass top with silver powder
Glass top attached to the understructure
via UV disc Load bearing capacity : 30
Kg 8mm tempered glass top MDF
understructure with PVC covering Pu
paint strip on glass top with silver powder
Glass top attached to the understructure
via UV disc Load bearing capacity : 20
Kg size 600w 600d 540h in mm
The Left hand & Right hand side frame
shall be fitted to the two ends of the seat
and back mounting frame to form the leg
assembly. It shall be made of Stainless
Steel J4 Grade tube dia 4.44 cm. x 1.5mm
thick. The seat/back mounting frame
assembly should hold the two side frames
together. Two mounting frames should be
used to connect the side frames. The
mounting frame should be made of MS.
E.R.W tube dia 5.08 ± 0.03cm x 3.15 ±
0.0252cm thick black painted. The seat &
back shall be mounted on 4.0 ± 0.03cm x
2.0 ± 0.02cm x 0.2 ± 0.016cm thick M.S.
rectangular tube which shall be welded on
the beam of seat/back mounting frame.
The seat/back assembly shall consists of
1.2 ± 0.1cm thick plywood insert with
Polyurethane foam having density 45 + 2
Kg/m3 and hardness of the P. U. foam 18
to 22 kg on Hampden machine for 25%
compression of the foam. The complete
moulded seat/back assembly shall be
covered with a replaceable fabric
upholstery cover. The sofa shall be
"Velvetine plus" fabric. The velvet fabric
should withstand cleaning done by
vaccum cleaner in order to remove dirt &
38 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
grit from the fabric surface. The
dimensions of seat and back shall be: 54.5
cm (W) x 46.7cm (D)x 12.5cm. (T). The
side frames shall be fitted with front and
rear bottom shoes made of injection
Dimensions of three seater lounge sofa
shall be Height - 74.5cm, Seat Height 41.5 cm, Width & Depth of shall be
Width-183cm and Depth-77.5 cm
Sofa 2 seater
The Left hand & Right hand side frame
shall be fitted to the two ends of the seat
and back mounting frame to form the leg
assembly. It shall be made of Stainless
Steel J4 Grade tube dia 4.44 cm. x 1.5mm
thick. The seat/back mounting frame
assembly should hold the two side frames
together. Two mounting frames should be
used to connect the side frames. The
mounting frame should be made of MS.
E.R.W tube dia 5.08 ± 0.03cm x 3.15 ±
0.0252cm thick black painted. The seat &
back shall be mounted on 4.0 ± 0.03cm x
2.0 ± 0.02cm x 0.2 ± 0.016cm thick M.S.
rectangular tube which shall be welded on
the beam of seat/back mounting frame.
The seat/back assembly shall consists of
1.2 ± 0.1cm thick plywood insert with
Polyurethane foam having density 45 + 2
Kg/m3 and hardness of the P. U. foam 18
to 22 kg on Hampden machine for 25%
compression of the foam. The complete
moulded seat/back assembly shall be
covered with a replaceable fabric
upholstery cover. The sofa shall be
"Velvetine plus" fabric. The velvet fabric
should withstand cleaning done by
vaccum cleaner in order to remove dirt &
grit from the fabric surface. The
dimensions of seat and back shall be: 54.5
cm (W) x 46.7cm (D)x 12.5cm. (T). The
side frames shall be fitted with front and
rear bottom shoes made of injection
Dimensions of double seater lounge sofa
shall be Height - 74.5cm, Seat Height 41.5 cm, Width & Depth of sofa shall be
- Width-125.7cm and Depth-77.5 cm
39 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
Sofa 1 seater
Coffee table
Corner Table
The Left hand & Right hand side frame
shall be fitted to the two ends of the seat
and back mounting frame to form the leg
assembly. It shall be made of Stainless
Steel J4 Grade tube dia 4.44 cm. x 1.5mm
thick. The seat/back mounting frame
assembly should hold the two side frames
together. Two mounting frames should be
used to connect the side frames. The
mounting frame should be made of MS.
E.R.W tube dia 5.08 ± 0.03cm x 3.15 ±
0.0252cm thick black painted. The seat &
back shall be mounted on 4.0 ± 0.03cm x
2.0 ± 0.02cm x 0.2 ± 0.016cm thick M.S.
rectangular tube which shall be welded on
the beam of seat/back mounting frame.
The seat/back assembly shall consists of
1.2 ± 0.1cm thick plywood insert with
Polyurethane foam having density 45 + 2
Kg/m3 and hardness of the P. U. foam 18
to 22 kg on Hampden machine for 25%
compression of the foam. The complete
moulded seat/back assembly shall be
covered with a replaceable fabric
upholstery cover. The sofa shall be
"Velvetine plus" fabric. The velvet fabric
should withstand cleaning done by
vaccum cleaner in order to remove dirt &
grit from the fabric surface. The
dimensions of seat and back shall be: 54.5
cm (W) x 46.7cm (D)x 12.5cm. (T). The
side frames shall be fitted with front and
rear bottom shoes made of injection
Dimensions of Chair shall be Height 74.5cm, Seat Height - 41.5 cm, Width &
Depth shall be - Width-68.4cm and
Depth-77.5 cm
10 mmtampered glass top
8 mm
tampered bottom glass for storage option
Chrome plated understructure Passed 48
hours salt spray test Glass glass attached
to the understructure via UV disc Load
bearing capacity : 20 Kg of size 1100 W *
600 D * 460 H in mm
10 mm tampered glass top
8 mm
tampered bottom glass for storage option
Chrome plated understructure Passed 48
hours salt spray test Glass glass attached
to the understructure via UV disc Load
bearing capacity : 20 Kg of size 550 W *
550 D * 510 H in mm
40 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
Storage along
Table Type II
The overall size of the storage unit shall
be 1168mm Height x 900mm width x
450mm depth. The construction shall be
knock down type with Back, side & door
shall be made up of 0.7mm high yield
strength CRCA steel & rest of them shall
be made up of 0.8mm thick CRCA
steel.CRCA - 'D' Grade as per IS513.Door shall be sliding type with top
derailment. each door shall be provided
with 2 plastic rollers having steel ball
bearing for smooth movement of door and
less noise. Lock shall be snap on type die
cast 5 lever cam lock for safety. Plastic
flush recessed type handle shall be
affixed. Shelves should be adjustable
height wise for mounting as per the
requirement of the user. uniformly
distributed load capacity of the shelf shall
be 40kg max. There shall be total 2 nos of
adjustable full shelves provided with this
storage unit. top of the storage unit shall
be provided with Plain wooden (PLB)
material of 25mm which shall be
additional to the unit height. Screw type
leveller with hex plastic base for height
adjustment shall be provided. the
complete storage unit shall be finished
with epoxy polyester powder coating to
the thickness of 50 microns (+ 10)
The size of main table shall be 2200
Width mm x 1190 Depth mm x 750
Height mm.Top panel should be of two
layers of 18 mm thick MFC with 3 mm
PVC edging ,the edging shall be of 2
colour tone.In the understructure the side
panel legs shall be MFC covered with 45
mm MDF Profile at vertical edges ,
connected to the top panel by minifix &
modesty shall be 18 mm thick MFC with
curved shape. Connected to top & side
panels with minifix fitting & wooden
dowels. Mobile Pedestal size shall be 406
Width mm x 550 Depth mm x 640 Height
mm.Top panel should be of two layers of
18 mm thick MFC with 3 mm PVC
edging ,the edging shall be of 2 colour
tone.In the understructure the side panel
legs shall be MFC covered with 45 mm
MDF Profile at vertical edges , connected
to the top panel by minifix & wooden
dowels.Adjustable stud.The modesty shall
be 18 mm thick MFC with curved shape.
Connected to top & side panels with
minifix fitting & wooden dowels. The
mobile pedestal shall be having 2 drawers
( 1 personal drawer + 1 filing drawer with
central lock).Top drawer is pencil tray
280 x 280 mm.Carcass 18 mm thick MFC
and 25 mm thick Top panel with 2 mm
PVC edging.Black Metallic handles 128
mm distance.450 mm L runner. Castor of
50 mm in diameter x 4 nos. ERU with
pedestal size shall be : 1380 Width mm x
480 Depth mm x 700 Height mm..Top
41 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
High back
chair Type II
panel should be of two layers of 18 mm
thick MFC with 3 mm PVC edging ,the
edging shall be of 2 colour tone.In the
understructure the side panel legs shall be
MFC covered with 45 mm MDF Profile
at vertical edges , connected to the top
dowels.Adjustable stud.The modesty shall
be 18 mm thick MFC with curved shape.
Connected to top & side panels with
minifix fitting & wooden dowels. The
pedestal shall be having 4 drawers with
central lock .Top drawer is pencil tray
280 x 280 mm.Carcass 18 mm thick MFC
and 25 mm thick Top panel.Black
Metallic Handles 128 mm distance.450
mm L runner. 55 mm diameter x 25 mm
H . Plastic adjustable glide.Connected to
top with 2 nos. of metallic support 109
mm H x 75 mm Diameter. The eru shoul
be connected to top with metallic support
tube of size 60 mm H x 75 diameter. Back
Unit size shall be : 2410 Width mm x 425
Depth mm x 1215 Height mm.The top
panel shall be of 25 mm thick MFC with 2
mm PVC edging. The medium cabinet
shall be of carcass 18 mm thick MFC with
PVC edging & back panel 8 mm thick .55
mm diameter x 25 mm H adjustable
plastic glide . Door with locks. Black
metallic handles 96 mm distance , 1 fixed
shelf connected to side panels with
minifix fitings & 1 adjustable shelf.Entire
carcass connected with minifix fittings &
wooden dowels.Fixing of top panel with
side panels is with screws.Back panel is
placed in the slut/groove provided on
top,bottom & side panels.The glass doors
shall be 5 mm thick polished edge glass ,
fixing using overlay glass hinges & a
black metallic knob.The wooden doors
should be 18 mm thick MFC with 2 mm
PVC edging.Black metallic handles 128
mm.Square lock is provided plus fixing
using full overlay hinges
The seat assembly shall be made up of
insert moulded polyurethane foam
upholstered with foam laminated mesh
fabric. The insert moulded foam is
assembled over a load bearing plastic seat
cover. The back shall be made up of two
piece injection moulded frame. The inner
frame shall be upholstered with mesh
fabric and mounted on the main assembly.
Size of Sub assembly back shall be
(Width)-48.5cm, (Height)-62.0cm & size
of Sub assembly seat shall be (Width)52.5cm
mechanism of chair shall have following
features:360 degree revolving type, Front
pivot Synchro mechanism, Tilt tension
adjustment, 3 position tilt limiter with
Anti-Shock feature. Spine bracket shall
made of Aluminium diecast piece
connecting back with mechanism. Neck
rest assembly shall made up of
polyurethane foam upholstered with foam
42 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
laminated mesh fabric. The neck rest
assembly is mounted on the top of back.
The polyurethane faom for seat shall be
moulded with density 75 + 4kg/m3. Spine
bracket shall made of Aluminium die cast
piece connecting back with mechanism.
The sled base leg frame welded assembly
shall made from Mild steel E.R.W round
tube with base plate for seat fixing.
Overall dimensions of Chair shall be,
Width of Chair - 55cm, Depth of Chair 65.5 cm. Height - 98 cm. Seat height 45cm. Dimensions tolerance / variations
shall be within +/- 1 cm.
Visitor chair
Sofa 3 seater
The cushioned seat assembly shall
consists of insert moulded polyurethane
foam upholstered with foam laminated
mesh fabric. the insert moulded foam is
assembeled over a load bearing plastic
seat cover. The back shallmade up of two
piece injection moulded frame.The inner
frame shall be upholstered with mesh
fabric and mounted on the main assembly.
Size of back shall be (W)-48.5cm, (H)62.0cm & size of seat shall be (W)52.5cm x (D)-51.0cm.Spine bracket shall
made of Aluminium diecast piece
connecting back with mechanism. The
sled base leg frame welded assembly shall
made from MSERW round tube with base
plate for seat fixing. Overall dimensions
of Chair shall be, Width of Chair 71.0cm, Depth of Chair - 71.0 cm as
measured from pedestal below. Height
from ground - 98.0 cm. Seat height 45.0cm.
Dimensions tolerance /
variations shall be within +/- 1 cm.
The overall size of the sofa shall be
1480mm width x 600 mm depth &
860mm height. The seat height shall be
400mm. The base frame shall be made of
mild steel, legs shall be made from
Rubberwood, Seat & back shall be of PU
foam having hardness 20, density 45kg /
cubic metre & 18mm thick particle board
shall also be used. Armrest shall be made
up of Lining cloth cover placed on
moulded P.U foam hardness 20, density
45kg/m3, Mild steel pipe & Recron fibre
200 grade-chemical bonded. Backrest
shall be Lining cloth cover placed on
moulded PU foam hardness 14, density 45
kg/m3, Mild steel pipe & Reckroon fibre
200 grade-chemical bonded. Seat- Lining
cloth cover placed on moulded P.U foam
hardness 20, density 45kg/m3, Recron
fibre 200 grade-chemical bonded.
43 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
Sofa 3 seater
Sofa 1 seater
Mid back
chair revolving
The overall size of the sofa shall be
2040mm width x 600 mm depth &
860mm height. The seat height shall be
400mm. The base frame shall be made of
mild steel, legs shall be made from
Rubberwood, Seat & back shall be of PU
foam having hardness 20, density 45kg /
cubic metre & 18mm thick particle board
shall also be used. Armrest shall be made
up of Lining cloth cover placed on
moulded P.U foam hardness 20, density
45kg/m3, Mild steel pipe & Recron fibre
200 grade-chemical bonded. Backrest
shall be Lining cloth cover placed on
moulded PU foam hardness 14, density 45
kg/m3, Mild steel pipe & Reckroon fibre
200 grade-chemical bonded. Seat- Lining
cloth cover placed on moulded P.U foam
hardness 20, density 45kg/m3, Recron
fibre 200 grade-chemical bonded.
The overall size of the sofa shall be
920mm width x 600 mm depth & 860mm
height. The seat height shall be 400mm.
The base frame shall be made of mild
steel, legs shall be made from
Rubberwood, Seat & back shall be of PU
foam having hardness 20, density 45kg /
cubic metre & 18mm thick particle board
shall also be used. Armrest shall be made
up of Lining cloth cover placed on
moulded P.U foam hardness 20, density
45kg/m3, Mild steel pipe & Recron fibre
200 grade-chemical bonded. Backrest
shall be Lining cloth cover placed on
moulded PU foam hardness 14, density 45
kg/m3, Mild steel pipe & Reckroon fibre
200 grade-chemical bonded. Seat- Lining
cloth cover placed on moulded P.U foam
hardness 20, density 45kg/m3, Recron
fibre 200 grade-chemical bonded.
Load Bearing Capacity Table Top: 35 Kg.
Shelf: 12.5 Kg. Drawer: -- verall Size
(Width X Depth X Height): (+/-1) mm
Length: 1015 Width: 600 Height: 865
Number of Cartons: 1 Carton Specs: 5
ply, 180 gsm, 24 BS. Carton Size (each
Raw Material (specs of laminations &
thickness): 25mm Prelam Particle Board,
15mm Prelam Particle Board Metal Parts:
1) BM Slide for Keyboard -350 mm 2)
Castor Mounting Plate , Lock Patti
9mm KD Drum, KD
Screw,PVC Inserts, Wooden Dowel,
Screw CSK, SS Handle -96 CD.
Construction: KD fitting & Wooden
The seat and back shall be made up of 1.2
±0.1cm. thick hot-pressed plywood and
upholstered with fabric upholstery covers
and moulded Polyurethane foam. The
back foam shall be designed with
contoured lumbar support for extra
comfort. The seat shall have extra thick
foam on front edge to give comfort to
popliteal area. The dimensions of back
shall be 47.5 cm(W) x 58 cm(H) and of
44 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
hall table
seat shall be 47.0 cm (W) x 48.0 cm (D).
The HR polyurethane foam shall be
moulded with density 45±2 kg/m3 and
hardness load 16 ± 2 kgf as. per IS:7888
for 25% compression. The armrests shall
be made up of one piece injection
Polypropylene. The chair mechanism
shall have features like 360° revolving
type, Upright-position locking, Tilt
tension adjustment, Seat/back tilting ratio
of 1:3. The pneumatic height adjustment
shall has an adjustment stroke of 12.0
±0.3cm. The bellow shall be 3 piece
telescopic type and injection moulded in
black Polypropylene. The pedestal shall
be injection moulded in black 33% glassfilled Nylon-66 and fitted with 5 nos. twin
wheel castors. The pedestal shall be 66.3
±0.5cm. pitch-center dia. (76.3 ±1.0cm
with castors). The twin wheel castors shall
be injection moulded in Black Nylon.
Overall Dimensions of Chair shall be Seat
Height - min 42.5 to max 54.5cm, Height
- min 85.5 to max 97.5cm, Width &
Depth of Chair as measured from pedestal
- Width-76.3 cm and Depth-76.3 cm.
Green Guard Certified
The top surface should be made up of
PVC Membrane foil 0.4 mm thick clad on
the substrate MDF using PU glue for
better adhesion. This foil should be precoated with layer of polyurethane for
better scratch resistance. The top
thickness should be 31.6 mm consists of
MDF board (18mm + 12mm + 0.6mm DL
on both sides) + 0.4mm Membrane. It
should have Edge profile waterfall edge
with 10mm radius on top edge and 5mm
at bottom. Understructure legs shall be
made from 25mm PPB having a straight
profile with half round edges and shall be
clad with 0.6mm thick 0.6mm thick post
forming laminate. Overall thickness of leg
shall be 26.2mm. Modesty Panel shall be
made from PLT (Prelaminated Twin)
boards of 18mm thick. Wire Manager
shall be provided & the wire carrier shall
be made from 0.6mm thick CRCA painted
and the carrier cover shall be made of
12mm thick MDF painted all over. The
construction shall be knock down type,
that all the components shall be duly
packed in corrugated boxes & assembled
at site only. Single seater 760 Width mm
x 600 Depth mm , Two seater 1360
Width mm x 600 Depth mm Quarter
Round ( 1 Seater ) R 713
45 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
hall table
hall chair revolving
The top surface should be made up of
PVC Membrane foil 0.4 mm thick clad on
the substrate MDF using PU glue for
better adhesion. This foil should be precoated with layer of polyurethane for
better scratch resistance. The top
thickness should be 31.6 mm consists of
MDF board (18mm + 12mm + 0.6mm DL
on both sides) + 0.4mm Membrane. It
should have Edge profile waterfall edge
with 10mm radius on top edge and 5mm
at bottom. Understructure legs shall be
made from 25mm PPB having a straight
profile with half round edges and shall be
clad with 0.6mm thick 0.6mm thick post
forming laminate. Overall thickness of leg
shall be 26.2mm. Modesty Panel shall be
made from PLT (Prelaminated Twin)
boards of 18mm thick. Wire Manager
shall be provided & the wire carrier shall
be made from 0.6mm thick CRCA painted
and the carrier cover shall be made of
12mm thick MDF painted all over. The
construction shall be knock down type,
that all the components shall be duly
packed in corrugated boxes & assembled
at site only.Two seater 1360 Width mm x
600 Depth mm Quarter Round ( 1 Seater
) R 713
The seat shall be made up of 1.2 + 0.1cm
thick hot pressed plywood & upholstered
with synthetic leather and moulded
polyurethane foam. The back shall be
made up 1.2 + 0.1cm thick hot pressed
plywood upholstered with replaceable
synthetic leather upholstery covers and
moulded polyurethane foam. The back ply
& foam shall be designed with contoured
lumber support for comfortable seating
posture. The moulded HR polyurethane
foam for seat & back shall be of density
45 + 2kg/m ³, and hardness load 16 + 2kgf
as per IS:7888 for 25% compression. The
dimensions of seat shall be- 51cm (W) x
48cm (D) and of back shall be 48 cm (W)
x 64.5cm (H). The armrest top shall be
made of moulded polyurethane and
mounted on to a fixed type MS tubular
armrest support chrome plated. The
armrest height shall have vertical
adjustment of 1.5 + 0.05 cm. The
mechanism of the chair shall have
following features : 360⁰ revolving type,
Tilt tension adjustment, Single point
control, 4 position locking with anti shock
feature, Front pivot for tilt with feet
resting on ground ensuring more comfort.
Seat & back tilting ration 1:2, The
backrest shall be fixed type The chair
shall be provided with pneumatic height
adjustment which shall have stroke of 9.0
0.3 cm. The pedestial shall be
fabricated from 0.2 + 0.02cm thick HR
sheet (IS: DD 1079 /HR skin pass),
chrome plated and assembled with
injection moulded black polypropylene
hub cap & 5 nos twin wheel castors. The
46 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
size of the pedestal shall be 66.0 + 0.5 cm
pitch-centre-dia (76.0 + 1.0 cm with
castors). The twin wheel castors shall be
made black nylon. Overall dimensions of
Chair shall be, Width of Chair - 76.0cm,
Depth of Chair - 76.0cm as measured
from pedestal below. Height from ground
- min 91cm to max 100cm. Seat height min 46 to max 55cm. Dimensions
tolerance / variations shall be within +/- 1
Leather high
back chair
Visitor chiar
The seat shall be made up of 1.2 +/- 0.1
cm thick hot pressed plywood &
upholstered with pure leather(black) at
body contact areas and moulded
polyurethane foam. The back shall be
made up of Ǿ 1+ 0.0043 cm M.S frame
upholstered with pure leather (Black) at
body contact areas. The other upholstered
area shall be covered with black synthetic
leather. The PU foam used in making seat
shall be of density 32 + 2 kg/m ³ and for
the back the density should be 24 + 2kg/m
³. Spine bracket should be made of M.S
plate connecting the back with
mechanism. Armrest top should be soft
touch upholstered with pure leather
mounted on to an injection moulded
height adjustable type armrest. The
mechanism of the chair shall have
following features : 360⁰ revolving type,
adjustment, 5-position locking with AntiShock feature. The chair shall be provided
with pneumatic height adjustment which
shall have stroke of 8.0 + 0.5 cm. The
pedestal shall be made of high pressure
die-cast aluminium. It shall be fitted with
5 nos twin wheel castor. The size of the
pedestal shall be 65.0 +/- 0.5 cm pitchcentre-dia ( Ǿ 75.0 +/- 1.0 cm with
castors). The twin wheel castors shall be
made of Nylon injection moulded in black
color. Overall dimensions of Chair shall
be, Width of Chair - 75cm, Depth of Chair
- 75 cm as measured from pedestal below.
Height of back from ground - min 113.5
to max 121.5 cm. Seat height - min
42.5cm to max 50.5 cm. Dimensions
tolerance / variations shall be within +/- 1
The seat shall be made up of 1.2 + 0.1cm
thick hot pressed plywood & upholstered
with synthetic leather and moulded
polyurethane foam. The back shall be
made up 1.2 + 0.1cm thick hot pressed
plywood upholstered with replaceable
synthetic leather upholstery covers and
moulded polyurethane foam. The back ply
and foam shall be designed with
contoured lumber support for comfortable
seating posture. The moulded HR
polyurethane foam for seat & back shall
be of density 45 + 2kg/m ³, and hardness
load 16 + 2kgf as per IS:7888 for 25%
47 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
compression. The dimensions of seat shall
be- 51 cm (W) x 48 cm (D) and of back
shall be 48 cm (W) x 64.5 cm(H). The
armrest top shall be made of moulded
polyurethane and mounted on to a fixed
type M.S tubular support which shall be
chrome plated. The arm support shall
have static vertical adjustment of 1.5 +
0.05cm. The backrest shall be fixed type.
The understructure of the chair shall have
leg frame welded assembly duly chrome
plated made from 3.5 + 0.03cm x 1.5 +
0.02cm x 0.16 + 0.0128 cm thick elliptical
M.S ERW tube and provided with a base
plate for seat fixing. Overall dimensions
of Chair shall be, Width of Chair 66.5cm, Depth of Chair - 58cm as
measured from pedestal below. Height
from ground 88cm. Seat Height - 45cm.
Dimensions tolerance / variations shall be
within +/- 1 cm.
Staff Workstations providing & fixing
workstatiion having Green Guard or
I.G.B.C. Certification of size 1200mm
Lenght * 600 mm depth . Panle thickness
should be minimum 69 mm Height of
panel should be at lest 1200 mm from
ground . Bottom panel shall consists of
Plain metal tile on both sides . Top panels
shall have one fabric magnetic tile and
one white board for writing in each
workstation . Worktop of the workstation
shall be made of 25 mm thick
prelaminated board with machine fitted
PVC edge baniding on all four sides .
Each workstation shall be provided with
one key board tray , one cpu trolly & a
three drawer storage pedestal . Panel shall
be made up off welded frame of 1.5mm
thick mild steel CRCA. Fabric metal tiles
are fabric upholstered metal tiles in
0.6mm thick MS CRCA sheet . All the
metal components shall be powder coated
to the thickness 45-60 microns .
Staff Workstations providing & fixing
workstatiion having Green Guard or
I.G.B.C. Certification of size 1500mm
W1 * 1500mm W2 * 600mm D *
1241mm Ht . Panel thickness should be
minimum 69 mm Height of panel should
be at lest 1200 mm from ground . Bottom
panel shall consists of Plain metal tile on
both sides . Top panels shall have one
fabric magnetic tile and one white board
for writing in each workstation . Worktop
of the workstation shall be made of 25
mm thick prelaminated board with
machine fitted PVC edge baniding on all
four sides . Each workstation shall be
provided with one key board tray , one
cpu trolly & a three drawer storage
pedestal . Panel shall be made up off
welded frame of 1.5mm thick mild steel
CRCA. Fabric metal tiles are fabric
upholstered metal tiles in 0.6mm thick
MS CRCA sheet . All the metal
components shall be powder coated to the
48 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
thickness 45-60 microns .
Storage along
Canteen chair
Modular Hinged Door Storage havind
green guard or I.G.B.C Certification units
of minimum height 1200mm * Width
900mm * Depth 450mm . Body Panels &
shelves shall be made up of 0.8mm thick
CRCA Mild Steel of grade D as per IS
:513 . Two nos height wise adjustable
shelves shall be provided . Uniformly
distributed load carrying capacity shall be
80 kg for each shelf . Twin metal doors
shall be provided with self closing hinges
. A cam lock shall be provided having 3
way locking mechanism . Top also shall
be of 25 mm thick prelaminated board .
Screw type adjustable leveller & skirting
of minimum 100 mm height shall be
provided . Metal parts shall be finished by
Epoxy polyester powder caating of
thickness 50± 10 micron .
The overall size of the table shall as
shown in the figure shall be 1175mm D x
1135mm W & the height of the table with
caps below shall be 750mm. The
worksurface shall be profiled as shown in
figure & shall be made up of 25mm thick
(+ 1mm) MDF board. On the top of the
worksfurface PU painting of minimum 2H
hardness with 75% gloss shall be done.
The understructure shall be made up of
bend pipe dia 38mm, 2mm thick MS
powder coated. The understructure shall
be fitted with top with the help of ss
machine screws. The legs shall be made
up of 38mm dia pipe which shall be fixed
with understructure & table top & it shall
be duly powder coated. Plastic glides
should be fixed at the understucture to
prevent the damage of table top during
stacking. The construction shall be knock
down type, that all the components shall
be duly packed in corrugated boxes &
assembled at site only.
The seat/back shall be made of one piece
injection moulded in polypropylene. The
size of seat shall be 46cm (W) X 38cm
(D)and of back size shall be 41cm (W) X
40cm. (H). The understructure should be
tubular type fabricated from dia 1.9 ±
0.02cm x 0.1 ± 0.008cm thick SS 202
Grade tube welded together with SS
connecting rod dia 0.8 + 0.0058cm. The
understructure shall be provided with
black PP injection moulded ferrules.
Overall Dimensions of Chair shall be,
Seat Height - 42cm, Height - 81.5cm,
Width & Depth is Width-53cm and
49 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
Type III
High back
chair Type III
The size of the main table should be
1800mm width x 900mm depth x 750mm
height. The table top shall be 25 mm thick
MFC (Melamine Faced Chipboard) also
there should be 30 mm MDF (Medium
density fiberboard) black pad.The
modesty panel shall be of 18 mm thick
MFC (Melamine faced chipboard).The leg
of the main desk shall be of 25 mm MFC
plus 30 mm MDF right and left pad.The
main table should be of duck noise
profile edge in order to enhance the
workspace aesthetics. Joining top should
be fixed with main table of circular shape
as shown in figure of width 1050mm x
depth 1200mm x height 750mm whose
top panel shall be made up of 25mm MFC
& metallic leg below. Side unit shall be of
size 1200mm width x 600mm depth x
Height 730mm whose table top shall be of
25mm thick MFC, modesty panel of
18mm MFC & legs of 25mm MFC, plus
30mm MDF right and left pad. Free
standing pedestal on castors should be
provided of size 400mm width x 560mm
depth x 560mm height whose top panel
should be of 25mm MFC & all other
panels shall be of 18mm MFC. one lock,
metal handle & castors should be
provided with it. The construction shall
be knock down type, that all the
components shall be duly packed in
corrugated boxes & assembled at site
only. back unit size shall be 1400 Width
mm x 470 Depth mm x 760 Height
mm.The top panel size shall be 25 mm
thick MFC (Melamine faced chipboard) .
The door panels and all other panels
should be 18 mm thick MFC (Melamine
faced chipboard) .The handle shall be of
The cushioned seat assembly shall
consists of seat outer(material-30% glass
fiber nylon) and upholstered seat
moulded polyurethane foam and polyster
fabric. the net back should made up of
back outer(material-glass fiber filled
nylon) and back inner(material-PP) and
upholstered using polyester mesh fabric
with high tenacity yarn. Size of back shall
be (W)-46.5cm, (H)-60.0cm & size of seat
shall be (W)-51.0cm x (D)-49.0cm. The
supprot spine should made up of high
pressure die cast polished aluminium.
Armrest is having two adjustment,
Height(6+/-0.5cm) and depth(6+/-0.5cm).
Height adjustment shall be provided in
aluminium structure of armrest which is
connected to aluminium back spine and is
operated with button. Armtop is made up
of PU molded over plastic inner. The
mechanism of chair shall have following
features:360 degree revolving type,
Seat/Back tilt ratio of 1:2, Active BioSynchro mechanism, 5 position tilt limiter
giving option of variable tilt angle to the
50 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
Visitor chair
Type III
chair. Front-Pivot for tilt with feet resting
on ground and continious lumber support
should ensure more comfort. The
mechanism housing should made up of
HPDC Aluminium and black powder
coated. The chair shall be provided with
pneumatic height adjustment which shall
have stroke of 10.0 +/- 0.3 cm. The
pedestal shall be made of die-cast
polished aluminium. it shall be fitted with
5 nos twin wheel castor. The size of the
pedestal shall be 65.0 +/- 0.5 cm pitchcentre-dia (75.0 +/- 1.0 cm with castors).
The twin wheel castors shall be injection
moulded in black polypropylene. The
lumbar support assembly should consists
of lumber spine(material-glass fiber filled
nylon) which is fixed to Aluminium back
spine. The neckrest assembly consists of
upholstered neckrest inner(material-poly
propylene) with moulded polyurethane
foam and polyster fabric. upholstered
inner shall be fixed to neck rest cover.
neckrest shall be fixed to back assembly
dimensions of Chair shall be, Width of
Chair - 75.0cm, Depth of Chair - 75.0 cm
as measured from pedestal below. Height
from ground - min 109.3 to max 124.4
cm. Seat height - min 44.5cm to max
Dimensions tolerance /
variations shall be within +/- 1 cm. Green
Guard Certified
The cushioned seat assembly shall
consists of seat outer(material-30% glass
fiber nylon) and upholstered seat
moulded polyurethane foam and polyster
fabric. the net back should made up of
back outer(material-glass fiber filled
nylon) and back inner(material-PP) and
upholstered using polyester mesh fabric
with high tenacity yarn. Size of back shall
be (W)-46.5cm, (H)-60.0cm & size of seat
shall be (W)-51.0cm x (D)-49.0cm. The
supprot spine should made up of high
pressure die cast polished aluminium.
Armrest is having two adjustment,
Height(6+/-0.5cm) and depth(6+/-0.5cm).
Height adjustment shall beprovided in
aluminium structure of armrest which is
connected to aluminium back spine and is
operated with button. Armtop is made up
of PU molded over plastic inner. The
lumbar support assembly should consists
of lumber spine(material-glass fiber filled
nylon) which is fixed to Aluminium back
spine. The powder coated tubular frame
shall be cantilever type and made of
dia.2.54+/-0.03 cm x 0.2+/-0.016 cm thick
MSERW tube.Overall dimensions of
Chair shall be, Width of Chair - 65.5cm,
Depth of Chair - 58.2 cm as measured
from pedestal below. Height from ground
- 99.5cm. Seat height -48.5cm.
Dimensions tolerance / variations shall be
within +/- 1 cm. Green Guard Certified
51 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
Sofa 2 seater
cubical for
Supdtt chair
high back
Frame: Pine wood with moisture content
within 10%
Ply wood of IS 303
commercial plywood Upholstery : PVC in
Black shade of 1 mm thickness and 525
GSM. Foam : Slab stock foam of density
32 grams /cubic cm Webbing : Nylon belt
of thickness 68 mm Legs : SS legs of 4
inches Size 1610 W * 840 D * 770 H in
120cm HEIGHT : 75cm Panels: 18mm
thick PLB as per IS 128231990
Provision of Lockable castors each to take
a min load of 40kg. Lockable storage.
Roller slides for smooth movement of
drawer. Round moulding on edges and
has a curvilinear profile to give it superior
looks and better utilisation of space.
Roller slides for smooth movement of
drawer. Round moulding on edges and
has a curvilinear profile to give it superior
Supdtt Workstaion Cubicle :- Providing &
Fixinng worksation having Green Guard
or I.G.B.C. certification cubicle of size
1500 mm Length * 750 mm Depth & 900
mm length * 450 mm depth . Panel
thickness should be minimum 69 mm .
Height of panel should be at least
1200mm from ground . Bottom shall
consists of plain metal tiles on both sides .
Top panel shall have one fabric magneteic
tile & and one white board for writing in
each workstation . Worktop of the
workstation shall be made of 25 mm thick
prelaminate board with machicne fitted
PVC edge bandiing on all the four sides
Each workstation shall be provided with
one key board tray , one cpu trolly & a
three drawer storage pedestal . Panel shall
be made up off welded frame of 1.5mm
thick mild steel CRCA. Fabric metal tiles
are fabric upholstered metal tiles in
0.6mm thick MS CRCA sheet . All the
metal components shall be powder coated
to the thickness 45-60 microns .
The seat and back shall be made up of 1.2
±0.1cm. thick hot-pressed plywood and
upholstered with fabric upholstery covers
and moulded Polyurethane foam. The
back foam shall be designed with
contoured lumbar support for extra
comfort. The seat shall have extra thick
foam on front edge to give comfort to
popliteal area. The dimensions of back
shall be 47.5 cm(W) x 69.5 cm(H) and of
seat shall be 47.0 cm (W) x 48.0 cm (D).
The HR polyurethane foam shall be
moulded with density 45±2 kg/m3 and
hardness load 16 ± 2 kgf as. per IS:7888
for 25% compression. The armrests shall
be made up of one piece injection
Polypropylene. The chair mechanism
shall have features like 360° revolving
type, Upright-position locking, Tilt
tension adjustment, Seat/back tilting ratio
52 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
of 1:3. The pneumatic height adjustment
shall has an adjustment stroke of 12.0
±0.3cm. The bellow shall be 3 piece
telescopic type and injection moulded in
black Polypropylene. The pedestal shall
be injection moulded in black 33% glassfilled Nylon-66 and fitted with 5 nos. twin
wheel castors. The pedestal shall be 66.3
±0.5cm. pitch-center dia. (76.3 ±1.0cm
with castors). The twin wheel castors shall
be injection moulded in Black Nylon.
Overall Dimensions of Chair shall be Seat
Height - min 42.5 to max 54.5cm, Height
- min 98.5 to max 110.5cm, Width &
Depth of Chair as measured from pedestal
- Width-76.3 cm and Depth-76.3 cm.
Type IV
The seat and back shall be made up of 1.2
±0.1cm. thick hot-pressed plywood and
upholstered with fabric upholstery covers
and moulded Polyurethane foam. The
back foam shall be designed with
contoured lumbar support for extra
comfort. The seat shall be extra thick
foam on front edge to give comfort to
popliteal area. The dimensions of back
shall be 47.5 cm(W) x 58.0 cm(H) and of
seat shall be 47.0 cm (W) x 48.0 cm (D).
The HR polyurethane foam shall be
moulded with density= 45±2 kg/m3 and
hardness load 16 ± 2 kgf as. per IS:7888
for 25% compression. The one-piece
armrests shall be injection moulded from
black Co.polymer Polypropylene. The
understructure of the chair shall be tubular
frame cantilever type made up of dia
2.54 + 0.03cm x 0.2 + 0.01cm thick MS
E.R.W tube duly powder coated with dry
film thickness between 40 to 60 microns.
Overall Dimensions of Chair shall be Seat
Height - 46.5cm, Height - 89.5cm, Width
& Depth of Chair as measured from
pedestal - Width-61.4 cm and Depth-64.5
The overall size of the Main table shall be
1800mm width x 900mm depth x 750mm
height. The top thickness shall be 65mm
& shall be made up of MDF + Veener +
PU Coating. The Main desk should
contain in built key board pull out tray for
keeping keyboard of computer. The size
of the modesty panel at the front shall be
1640mm x 600mm x 16mm thick made
up of MDF + Veener + PU Coating.
Drawer unit should be of size 510mm
width x 635mm height x 445 depth made
up of MDF + Veener + PU Coating. The
side unit shall be of size 1200mm width x
445mm depth x 660mm height & its top
thickness should be of 25mm consisting
of MDF + Veener + PU coating. The side
unit design should be such that it shall be
capable of keeping on either side of the
user. The side unit shall have space to
place cpu, one closed door cabin & one
open cabin with shelf in between to keep
53 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
files/ documents. The thickness of the top
of the side unit shall be 25mm. Hardness
of PU coating shall be 1.5H. The
construction shall be knock down type,
that all the components shall be duly
packed in corrugated boxes & assembled
at site only.
Type V Table
The size of the main table should be 1500
Width mm x 750 Depth mm x 740 Height
mm. The table top should be made up of
25mm thick plain particle board (PPB)
clad with 0.6mm thick post formed
laminate and 1mm thick backing laminate
(BDL). It should have flat edges duly
sealed with 2mm thick machine fitted
PVC beading. Modesty panel shall be
18mm thick plain particle board (PPB)
clad with 1.0mm thick decorative
laminate (DL) on both sides. The edges
shall be sealed with 2mm thick machine
fitted PVC beading. The side table should
be provided of size 1050mm width x
450mm depth x 705mm height. Top
thickness shall be 25mm thick of plain
particle board (PPB) clad with 0.6mm
thick post formed laminate and 1mm thick
backing laminate (BDL). It shall have flat
edges duly sealed with 2mm thick PVC
beading. Modesty panel shall be provided
of 18mm thick plain particle board (PPB)
clad with 1.0mm thick decorative
laminate (DL) on both sides. The edges
shall be sealed with 2mm thick PVC
beading. Storage pedestal free standing
with castors shall be provided of size
646mm height x 390mm width x 440mm
depth. It shall be a welded assembled
made up of 0.8mm thick CRCA for body
shell, drawer front & tray, front side
stiffener, Rear side stiffner. Top & bottom
stiffner shall be made up of 1.2 mm thick
CRCA steel. Drawer front shall be of
metal with straight edges. 10 lever cam
lock & central RH locking with actuator
& lock channel mechanism for 'box-boxfile' pedestal. swiveling non lockable
castors shall be mounted below the body
shell. fifth roller arrangement shall be
mounted below file drawer to avoid
toppling of unit when file drawer is pulled
out. finish of the storage pedestal shall be
powder coated by epoxy polyester to the
thickness of 50 microns (+ 10). The back
unit size shall be 1280 Width x 425
Depth x 705 Height. Top thickness shall
be 25 mm thick plain particle board (PPB)
Clad with 0.6 mm thick post formed
laminate and 1 mm thick Backing
Laminate ( BDL).Flat Edge duly sealed
with 2 mm thick PVC beading. The
Modesty shall be 18 mm thick plain
particle board (PPB) Clad with 1.0 mm
thick Decorative Laminate (DL) on both
sides. Edge sealed with 2 mm thick PVC
54 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
Type IV High
back chair
Visitor chair
The seat shall made of injection molded
plastic outer and inner in polyproplene
talc filled.plastic inner is upholstered with
fabric and mounted polyurethane foam.t
The back shall made of injection molded
plastic outer in nylon material and inner in
polypropelene talc filled. Seat dimensions
should be 48.0cm(W) x 51.8cm(D) and
back as 49.0cm(W) x 73.0cm(H). High
Resilience polyurethane foam shall be
moulded with density 55+/-2 kg/m ³ and
back hardness load 11+/-2 kgf as per
IS:7888 for 25% compression and seat
hardness load16+/-2 kgf as per IS:7888
for 25% compression. The lumbar support
foam insert shall made from visco-elastic
slow recovery memory foam, moulded
with density=60+/-5kg/m ³
hardness=6.5+/-1.5 at 25% compression
and recovery time 12+/-1 sec. Armrest
shall have 4 range of adjustments- 1. Updown adjustment: 8 steps(8.0+/-0.5cm
range)2. Swivel adjustment: 3 position,
9degree+/-2 swivel each side. 3. width
adjustment: Any position(2.0+/-0.5cm
range each armtop) 4. To-Fro adjustment:
Any position(4.0+/-0.5cm range) Height
adjustment shall be in armrest structure
and all other adjustments should be
provided in pad which is fixed to armrest
structure, The mechanism of chair shall
have following features:360 degree
revolving type, Seat/Back tilt ratio of 1:2,
Active Bio-Synchro mechanism, 5
position tilt limiter giving option of
variable tilt angle to the chair. Front-Pivot
for tilt with feet resting on ground and
continious lumber support should ensure
adjustment should have an adjustment
stroke of 10+/-0.3 cm. The size of the
pedestal shall be 65.0 +/- 0.5 cm pitchcentre-dia (75.0 +/- 1.0 cm with castors).
The twin wheel castors shall be injection
moulded in black polypropylene. Overall
dimensions of Chair shall be, Width of
Chair - 76.1cm, Depth of Chair - 76.1 cm
as measured from pedestal below. Height
from ground - min 102.3 to max 112.3
cm. Seat height - min 47.1cm to max
Dimensions tolerance /
variations shall be within +/- 1 cm. Green
Guard Certified
The seat shall made of injection molded
plastic outer and inner in polyproplene
talc filled. Plastic inner is upholstered
with fabric and mounted polyurethane
foam. The back shall made of injection
molded plastic outer in nylon material and
inner in polypropelene talc filled. Seat
dimensions should be 48.0cm(W) x
51.8cm(D) and back as 49.0cm(W) x
64.6cm(H). High Resilience polyurethane
foam shall be moulded with density 55+/2 kg/m ³ and back hardness load 11+/-2
kgf as per IS:7888 for 25% compression
and seat hardness load16+/-2 kgf as per
55 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
Sofa 2 seater
IS:7888 for 25% compression. The
lumbar support foam insert shall made
from visco-elastic slow recovery memory
foam, moulded with density=60+/-5kg/m
and hardness=6.5+/-1.5 at 25%
compression and recovery time 12+/-1
sec.The tubular visitor frame shall be
powder coated(DFT 40-60 microns)
cantilever structure and made of dia
2.54+/-0.03cm x 0.2+/-0.016cm thick
MSERW tube with a connecting M.S
spine welded to it. Overall dimensions of
Chair shall be, Width of Chair - 57.5cm,
Depth of Chair - 63.2 cm as measured
from base below. Height from ground 99.6cm. Seat height - 49.3cm. Dimensions
tolerance/variations shall be within +/- 1
cm. Green Guard Certified
The side frame assembly shall be fitted to
the two ends of the connecting beam
assembly to form the leg-cum-armrest
assembly. It shall be made of 0 3.81
cmx0.l6cm and black powder coated
(DFT 40-60 microns). The ends shall be
fitted with ABS moulded end caps. It shall
be the connecting beam assy. which holds
the two side frames to each other. 2 nos
tie members shall be used to connect the
side frames. The tie-member shall be of
dia 3.81 ±0.03cm x 02±0.016cm. thick cm
x 0.16cm and black powder coated (DFT
40-60 microns ). The seat/back assemblies
shall be mounted on one of the tiemember which shall has 5.0 ±0.1cm x 5.0
±0.1 cm x 0.5±0.1cm. thk 5.5 ±0.1cm
Long MS. Std. angles welded to mount
the seat and back. The seat rest assembly
shall be consists of a fabricated innerframe assembly insitu-moulded High
Resilience (HR) Polyurethane foam
having density = 45 +/-2 Kg/cm3 with
Hardness load=25±2kgf as per lS:7888 for
25% compression of the foam. The
complete moulded seat rest assembly shall
be covered with a replaceable fabric
upholstery cover. The dimensions of seat
shall be: 52.0cm. (W) X 50.0cm. (D) X
6.0cm. (T). The backrest assembly shall
be flexing type and consists of a
fabricated inner-frame assembly insitumoulded with High Resilience (HR)
Polyurethane foam having density = 45
+/- 2 Kg/cm3 with Hardness load 14± 2
kgf as per lS:7888 for 25% compression
of the foam. The complete moulded
backrest assembly shall be covered with a
replaceable fabric upholstery cover. The
size of the back shall be 52.0cm. (W) X
59.0cm. (H) X 6.0cm. (T) The adj. glide
shall be injection moulded in black Nylon
& fitted to the front end of side frame
assembly along with ABS moulded adj.
Glide base to take care or unleveled floor
surface. Overall Dimensions of Chair
shall be Seat Height - 43.5 cm, Height 78.5cm, Width & Depth of Chair as
56 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
measured from pedestal - Width-113.0cm
and Depth-70.0 cm.
10 body
16 body
Body shall be each of size 915 Width x
457 Depth & 2362 Height. body should be
made of Rigid welded construction. The
sheet thickness for the back & the shelves
is 0.8mm while that of the sides & top is
0.9mm IS:513 Gr.D. Each unit should
have 6 loading levels formed by 5 nos
adjustable shelves. Body units should be
bolted to undercarriage. The bodies
including shelves should be given antirust
surface treatment & shall be powder
coated with epoxy polyester powder. It
should be done in 8 step treatment
consisting of Hot water rinse, knock of
degreasing, degreasing, cold water rinse,
phosphating, cold water rinse, and
passivation & dry off oven treatment.
Final finish shall consist of epoxy
polyester powder coating of approved
color & shade with Dry Film Thickness of
min 40 microns. Sizes of the
undercarriages are Single Static/ Last
body–915mm W x (no of bays), 457mm
D x 65mm Ht. Twin Mobile – 915mm W
x (No of bays), 915mm Depth x 65mm
Ht. Movement of units achieved by
pushing or pulling Chrome plated ‘C’
handle fitted onto 1.6 mm thk plate
(mounted on each double & single
movable units) & rigidly fixed at suitable
height on body side.Each movable
undercarriage has 4 nos. of antifriction
ball bearings for rolling onto channels & 4
nos. of antifriction ball bearings for
guiding between channels & ‘J’ section.
Central lock should be provided through
locking stiffener mounted onto back of
single movable unit so that it gets locked
on channels when all the units are brought
together. The handle lock should be
arrangement occupies a space of 100 mm.
End stoppers should be provided at the
end of the channels to prevent derailment.
All the nuts & bolts used should be
galvanized / blackodized / Zn plated.
Channel should consists of ‘J’ section
2mm thick HR sheet & 25mm square
bright bar both connected by screws. For
comfortable movements, the clear aisle
space kept on the Handle side is around
915mm. Also, the aisle for comfortable
accessing of inside of units, when rolled
apart is around 915mm. Create the aisle
space between the required units by
moving them one by one & not together.
Body shall be each of size 915 Width x
457 Depth & 2362 Height. body should be
made of Rigid welded construction. The
sheet thickness for the back & the shelves
is 0.8mm while that of the sides & top is
0.9mm IS:513 Gr.D. Each unit should
have 6 loading levels formed by 5 nos
adjustable shelves. Body units should be
57 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
20 body
bolted to undercarriage. The bodies
including shelves should be given antirust
surface treatment & shall be powder
coated with epoxy polyester powder. It
should be done in 8 step treatment
consisting of Hot water rinse, knock of
degreasing, degreasing, cold water rinse,
phosphating, cold water rinse, and
passivation & dry off oven treatment.
Final finish shall consist of epoxy
polyester powder coating of approved
color & shade with Dry Film Thickness of
min 40 microns. Sizes of the
undercarriages are Single Static/ Last
body–915mm W x (no of bays), 457mm
D x 65mm Ht. Twin Mobile – 915mm W
x (No of bays), 915mm Depth x 65mm
Ht. Movement of units is achieved
mechanically through a Drive wheel and
mounted rigidly onto body side. Each
movable understructure is provided with 2
Rollers on shaft for driving, 2 antifriction
ball bearings for rolling and 4 antifriction
ball bearings for guiding between rails &
‘J’ section. The drive arrangement should
be covered by 1mm thick HR sheet cover
fixed onto body side occupying additional
space of 75mm. The drive wheel should
be fixed at suitable height on body side &
projects out of cover by another 110mm.
fixed units should also have covers but
without wheels. Central lock should be
provided through locking stiffener
mounted onto back of single movable unit
so that it gets locked on channels when all
the units are brought together. The handle
lock should be placed at suitable height.
all drive units should have locking knob
near the drive wheel for manual locking
of individual units when a person is using
those units. End stoppers should be
provided at the end of the channels to
prevent derailment. All the nuts & bolts
used should be galvanized / blackodized /
Zn plated. Channel should consists of ‘J’
section 2mm thick HR sheet & 25mm
square bright bar both connected by
screws. For comfortable movements, the
clear aisle space kept on the Drive Wheel
side is around 915mm. Also, the aisle for
comfortable accessing of inside of units,
when rolled apart is around 915mm.
Create the aisle space between the
required units by moving them one by one
& not together.
Body shall be each of size 915 Width x
457 Depth & 2362 Height. body should be
made of Rigid welded construction. The
sheet thickness for the back & the shelves
is 0.8mm while that of the sides & top is
0.9mm IS:513 Gr.D. Each unit should
have 6 loading levels formed by 5 nos
adjustable shelves. Body units should be
bolted to undercarriage. The bodies
including shelves should be given antirust
surface treatment & shall be powder
58 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
coated with epoxy polyester powder. It
should be done in 8 step treatment
consisting of Hot water rinse, knock of
degreasing, degreasing, cold water rinse,
phosphating, cold water rinse, and
passivation & dry off oven treatment.
Final finish shall consist of epoxy
polyester powder coating of approved
color & shade with Dry Film Thickness of
min 40 microns. Sizes of the
undercarriages are Single Static/ Last
body–915mm W x (no of bays), 457mm
D x 65mm Ht. Twin Mobile – 915mm W
x (No of bays), 915mm Depth x 65mm
Ht. Movement of units is achieved
mechanically through a Drive wheel and
mounted rigidly onto body side. Each
movable understructure is provided with 2
Rollers on shaft for driving, 2 antifriction
ball bearings for rolling and 4 antifriction
ball bearings for guiding between rails &
‘J’ section. The drive arrangement should
be covered by 1mm thick HR sheet cover
fixed onto body side occupying additional
space of 75mm. The drive wheel should
be fixed at suitable height on body side &
projects out of cover by another 110mm.
fixed units should also have covers but
without wheels. Central lock should be
provided through locking stiffener
mounted onto back of single movable unit
so that it gets locked on channels when all
the units are brought together. The handle
lock should be placed at suitable height.
all drive units should have locking knob
near the drive wheel for manual locking
of individual units when a person is using
those units. End stoppers should be
provided at the end of the channels to
prevent derailment. All the nuts & bolts
used should be galvanized / blackodized /
Zn plated. Channel should consists of ‘J’
section 2mm thick HR sheet & 25mm
square bright bar both connected by
screws. For comfortable movements, the
clear aisle space kept on the Drive Wheel
side is around 915mm. Also, the aisle for
comfortable accessing of inside of units,
when rolled apart is around 915mm.
Create the aisle space between the
required units by moving them one by one
& not together.
Total (In Rupees)
Vat @ 12.5% extra
Additional Charges of extended warranty
of one more year over and above one year
Additional Charges of extended warranty
of two more years over and above one
59 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
____________% of total cost
____________% of total cost
60 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
61 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
62 Tender Document | [Pungrain]
63 Tender Document | [Pungrain]