CULLODEN ACADEMY DAILY NOTICES MONDAY 26th JANUARY 2015 ALL PUPILS *For the Attention of all Pupils - PRELIM EXAMINATIONS The prelim Examinations have begun and will run through to 6th February. ALL pupils are entitled to peace and quiet when sitting these very important exams. All Pupils MUST ensure that they KEEP QUIET outside the Theatre at all times. Pupils should stay well clear of the Theatre doors at intervals and lunchtimes as exams continue at these times. Other classrooms throughout the school will also be used sometimes and may mean that you will be displaced from your normal classroom. Please KEEP QUIET in these areas as well. Classrooms used for exams will display signs clearly indicating that an exam is on. You will be informed by your class teachers and tutors in advance of displacements and they will make it clear to you which classroom is to be used by you instead. Information about Displaced Classes will also appear in the notices the day prior and the day of the change of room. Mr Johnstone Room Displacements: Tutor Tuesday 27th Jan Tutor 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 I Dunbar M Walters / J Brough A Whiteford A Robertson M Walters / J Brough M Jones A Robertson J Patience M Walters / J Brough A MacDermid J Patience M Jones A Robertson M Walters / J Brough J Patience M Walters / J Brough J Patience M Walters / J Brough J Patience M Walters / J Brough 1CP1 6CP2 4MA8 45MA7 45MA1 1Q 52MA5 52HOSN5 1MA2 1MA6 3D2HE 34MS1 51MAN5 51MAN4 2A1 51MAN4 1B1 2MA5 43HE 38MA7 110 112 110 111 112 110 111 068 112 106 068 110 111 112 68 112 068 112 068 112 043 020 129 014 002 106 122 128 106 020 032 107 123 002 041 108 046 060 020 121 *BASKETBALL TRAINING this week for S2-6 girls will now be on Wednesday after school instead of Tuesday. Could any players who are willing to help out/referee at the primary basketball tournament after school on Tuesday please let Mrs Maclean or Miss Beaton know as soon as possible. Miss Beaaton *GIRLS FOOTBALL S1-6 - Could any player who still has a girls football strip please return it to Miss Beaton ASAP. *S1-S3 PUPPETRY CLUB is on TODAY at lunchtime in Room 67. See Mrs Henderson for an early lunch pass. Mrs Henderson *SKI TRIP 2015 – All passports, health cards and pupil agreements should be in by Friday at the latest, along with the final payment for the trip. Ski Leaders AMERICAN FOOTBALL - Highland Wildcats will be running an after school club every Tuesday in the gym 3.20pm-4.45pm. If you are 14-17yrs and would like to try a different sport then come and try this exciting opportunity which may lead you to playing with the Culloden Academy Raptors against other schools in the Inverness area. There are also Saturday sessions 12.30pm-3.30pm at the the Blitz, Queens Park. Lynne Fraser, Active Schools GIRLS FOOTBALL will resume after school on Monday 3.30-4.30pm. Could the under 15 girls please make sure they attend as there is a cup game on Wednesday! Thank you. Miss Beaton COACH EDUCATION COURSES - There are a number of sports coaching courses coming up over the next few months in Rugby, Football, Tennis, Athletics, Triathlon and Gymnastics. Please see Active Schools noticeboard for dates. If any teacher, senior pupil or parent is interested please be in touch with Lynne, Active Schools for more information on course details, funding support and coaching opportunities. Lynne Fraser S1/2 BADMINTON CLUB S1/S2 – TODAY after school. Please wear PE kit and bring a water bottle. All welcome. Lynne Fraser, Active Schools S3/4 S3 WW1 BELGIUM TRIP - Can all pupils who are going on this trip please come to a quick meeting at 1.10pm TODAY in Room 123. Thanks, Mrs Gordon
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