Chief Patron Prof. Dr. M. Rajaram Vice-Chancellor, Anna University, Chennai Patron Dr. S. Ganesan, Registrar Anna University, Chennai Advisory Committee Dr.P. Narayanasamy, Dean, CEG Dr. B. Umamaheswari, Chairman, Faculty of EE Coordinator Dr. G. Uma, HoD, Department of EEE Conveners Dr. R. P. Kumudini Devi, Professor, EEE Dr.P. Somasundaram, Associate Professor, EEE Co-conveners Dr.V. Senthilkumar Dr.V. Gomathi Dr.S. Ganesh Kumar Mrs.S.V. Anbuselvi Mrs.T. Sudaroliselvi NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Dr.D. Thukaram, Professor, EE, IISc, Bangalore Mr.A. Velayutham, Ex. Member, MERC Dr.K. Shanthi Swarup, Professor, IIT Madras Dr.B.K. Panigrahi, Professor, EE, IIT Delhi Dr.S. Velusamy, Professor, Annamalai University Dr. N. Ammasai Gounden, Professor, EEE, NIT Trichy Dr.M. Abdullah Khan, Professor (Retd.), EEE, Anna University Dr.S.R. Paranjothi, Professor (Retd.), EEE, Anna University Dr.M.A. Panneerselvam, Prof. (Retd.), EEE, Anna University Dr.C. Chellamuthu, Professor (Retd.), EEE, Anna University Dr.K. Kuppusamy, Professor (Retd.), EEE, Anna University Dr.R. Arumugam, Professor (Retd.), EEE, Anna University Dr.R. Ramanujam, Professor (Retd.), EEE, Anna University Dr.K. Udhayakumar, Professor (Retd.), EEE, Anna University Dr.M.R. Mohan, Professor (Retd.), EEE, Anna University Dr.S. Paramasivam, DANFOSS, Chennai Mr.R. Lakshmiramanan, PGCIL, Bangalore Dr. Annapurna Bhargava, Head, EE, RTU ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Dr.S. Usa Dr.P. Vanaja Ranjan Dr.P. Lakshmi Dr.S. Chandramohan Dr.S. Hosimin Thilagar Dr.P. Valsalal Dr.V. Gowrisree Mrs.K. Latha Mr.S. Muthukumar Dr.R. Ramesh Dr.C. Pugazhendi Sugumaran Dr.K. Udhayakumar Dr.A. Kavitha Mrs.S. Uma Mr.N. Radhakrishnan Mrs.M.Vijayalaxmi IMPORTANT DATES Full Paper submission Acceptance Notification Final submission and registration : : 7th Mar 2015 9th Mar 2015 : 14th Mar 2015 National Conference on Smart Grid and Renewable Energy Sources (NCSGRES-2015) 20th – 21st March, 2015 Conveners Dr. R. P. Kumudini Devi Dr.P. Somasundaram ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE Dr. P. Somasundaram Convener, NCSGRES – 2015 Department of Electrical and Electronics Engg. College of Engineering, Guindy Anna University, Chennai Chennai – 600 025, INDIA. Tel: 91-44-2235 8936/8942 Fax : 91-44-2235 7800 Email : [email protected] Organized by Department of Electrical and Electronics Engg. College of Engineering, Guindy Anna University, Chennai 600 025. ABOUT US The College of Engineering, Guindy, a pioneer in Engineering Education in India and in Asia was established in the year 1794. More than 200 years have gone by and today this college has evolved into Asia’s largest technological University. The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, which was established in the year 1930, is one of the leaders in India in this field of Engineering and Technology. The Department is recognized under COSIST, DSA Phase I, II and III programs of UGC and DST FIST. The Department is elevated to Centre for Advanced study in Electrical Engineering and Embedded Systems by UGC and also houses an International collaboration Centre on Urban Energy. ABOUT CONFERENCE The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering of Anna University is organizing a National Conference on “Smart Grid and Renewable Energy Sources” at Anna University, Chennai, India. This Conference will provide a forum for Academicians, Scientists, Utility Engineers and Practicing Engineers to meet and exchange ideas as well as explore the new avenues of research and co-operation. Apart from paper presentation, conference includes workshops and plenary talks by eminent persons from industry/academic institutions. CALL FOR PAPERS Original contributions, reporting results of research and development are solicited on topics covered under the broad areas of Electrical Engineering. Prospective authors are requested to submit their full papers, not exceeding six pages, prepared in the two-column IEEE format. All papers should be submitted to the conveners through e-mail. Accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of the conference, provided at least one of the authors’ registers, attends and presents the paper. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following. Smart Grid Renewable Energy and Energy Storage System Efficiency, Conservation and Demand Management Plug-in Charging Stations for Electric Vehicles Embedded Solutions for Real Time Systems Wireless Communication Application of HVDC And FACTS Controllers Deregulation in Power Systems Wide Area Measurement AI Application to Power System Problems Distributed Generation Integration and its Impact on Power System Operation Modelling and Simulation of Power Electronic Systems Power Converter Circuits Over voltage and Insulation Coordination Modelling and Design of High Voltage Power Apparatus EMI and EMC Drives and Control REGISTRATION The Registration fee is to be paid by D.D. drawn in favor of ‘The Coordinator, NCSGRES-2015’, payable at Chennai and send to the Convener along with the registration form. Delegates By 14 March, 2015* Academician/Research Scholar Students Industry Personnel Rs.500/Rs.300/Rs.750/- National Conference on Smart Grid and Renewable Energy Sources (NCSGRES-2015) 20th – 21st March, 2015 REGISTRATION FORM 1. Name : 2. Age & Sex : 3. Designation : 4. Institution/Organization : 5. Address for correspondence : Mobile Number : E-Mail id : 5. Whether accommodation Needed : Yes/No 6. Title of the Paper : 7. Details of the Registration fee Amount : : *Spot registration is possible with prior request ACCOMMODATION A limited number of On-Campus accommodations are available in the University Guest House. Additional accommodation in near by Hotel/Hostels may also be arranged on requests received from the participants well in advance of the event. DD No. : Date : Bank Name : 8. Participant Category : Date: Signature of the Applicant
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