Praise & Prayer We extend our condolences to Ed & Kathy Toews on the passing of Kathy’s sister, Minnie Penner, on Monday, January 19th. The funeral service was held on January 23rd. May God’s presence bring you comfort during this difficult time. Congratulations to George & Bonnie Friesen who became grandparents this week. Noah David Peters was born to Jerica & Jaret on Monday, January 19th. May God continue to shower your family with blessings. Pray for those in our church with health concerns: Loni Derksen in Germany recovering from back surgery Teya Derksen, Allen Derksen, Tina Braun, George Friesen, Dennis Wiebe, Allen Wiebe, Margaret Peters John P Krahn in Boundary Trails Health Center Marvin Enns in Carman Hospital Jake F Peters in Prairie View Personal Care Home, Pilot Mound Elnora Enns, Gerald Krahn & Bill Brown living at Salem Home Grace Mennonite Church Love God, Love Others, Make Disciples Spiritual Transformation Matthew 6:21 Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be. Tithing Praying for our Church Family Blake & Sarah Joy Derksen Loni & Evelyn Derksen Reg & Dorothy Derksen Ross & Holly Derksen Audrey Dick Pray for our Missionaries Long Term: Brenda Allen - YWAM, Winnipeg Steve & Terri Zacharias - Children’s Camps International Brent & Amber Thiessen - African Inland Mission, Tanzania Short Term: Michael Dyck - Timberline Lodge (Capenwray), Colorado Jane DeBekker - Children of Hope, Pan de Vida, Mexico Malachi 3:10-12 Pastor Keith Interim Youth Coordinator The personnel committee along with the board of deacons is recommending Randy Sawatzky to fill the interim position during Autumn’s maternity leave. Randy will be sharing his testimony and experiences working in youth ministries during the services on February 7th and 8th. There will then be a brief membership vote following service on February 15th in order to affirm Randy for this position. (Pre-voting will be allowed the week before for those unable to attend the meeting.) Keith Friesen (362-5193); Gerald Neufeld (325-7631) Cory Kehler (362-6666); Autumn Dueck (362-6434) Ministers: The Congregation Pastors: 1350 Pembina Ave / 204.325.8884 Web - - email - [email protected] January 24 & 25, 2015 Mom’s Bible Study This Week at Grace Church Monday 7 pm Jr Youth Tuesday 7 pm GriefShare 730pm Pulse 7am 10 am 730pm Friday 5 pm Sr Youth leave for retreat Wednesday Men’s Breakfast CK’s Lounge Adult Bible Study Sr Youth Saturday - January 31st 7pm Saturday Night Grace Pastor Gerald Speaking Thursday Sunday - February 1st Coffee Hour K-5 Sunday School 925am Other classes 1045am Pastor Gerald speaking 915am Announcements Mark Your Calendar Loni’s Blog Board of Education mtg Board of Missions mtg Feb 5 Ladies Breakfast Mom’s Bible Study begins Feb 8 Mutual Munch Feb 19 Annual meeting If you would like to stay informed regarding Loni’s recovery you can check their blog at Feb 2 Mutual Munch There will be a mutual munch following the service on February 8th. Come and enjoy a delicious meal (more details to follow) and have a chance to meet and greet Randy & Caitlyn Sawatzky. Short Term Missionaries If you are planning on going on a short term mission service please inform Karin Oliveira from the Board of Missions (email [email protected] or call 204325-7079) so that we can include you on our prayer list and plan a prayer of sending. Moms with young children will be starting a Beth Moore book study on Thursday, February 5th. Meetings will take place Thursday mornings 9:1511:15 am in the youth room and will run for 10-12 weeks. We are hoping to find volunteers for child care! For more info or to sign up please contact Ashley Fehr ([email protected]) or Sabrina Neufeld ([email protected]) GriefShare GriefShare is a Christ-centered, faith-based 13 week course to help with the grieving process for those who have experienced the death of a loved one. GriefShare is being presented by Grace Church and meetings will be held at “The Clubhouse” located at 1351 Willow Ridge Place, at 7:30 pm every Tuesday until Apr 7th. For more information contact Lynda Siemens at 204-362-3980. Money Matters Last Week You Gave: $ 6,401.85 Weekly Budgeted Giving: $10,960.78 Youth Announcements Junior Youth: This week is Small Group Night, enjoy!! :) Senior Youth: Just a reminder that this week going to be small group night. Also, there is still time left to get your youth retreat forms in. It’s going to be an amazing weekend and you won’t want to miss it! Sunday School Announcements Class in Focus: The grade 6-8 girls are taught by Mallory Kuhl. This week we'll be talking about authenticity. There's a lot of pressure to be a certain way to fit in and we're going to talk about what it looks like to be authentic and real with everyone. Remember Memory Verse Challenge. Jan/Feb offering project is going towards fruit for UGM. MCM Annual Meeting The MCM Annual delegate gathering is scheduled for Feb 27-28. If you would like to attend as a delegate from Grace Church please contact Wendy for more info.
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