THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME January 25, 2015 Liturgical Schedule The Most Reverend George Leo Thomas, PhD. Bishop of Helena Pastoral Staff to Serve You Rev. Msgr. Kevin S. O’Neill, V.G.............Rector/Pastor Father John Crutchfield............................Parochial Vicar Deacon Bob Fishman.........Director of Faith Formation Mr. Michael Vreeburg.........Pastoral Associate/Liturgy Mr. Dale Fleck.................. Director of Liturgical Music Mr. Louis Gloege................................Business Manager Mr. David Pepper......................................Youth Minister Office 530 North Ewing Street, Helena, Montana, 59601 Parish Office Hours....................9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Cathedral Parish................................. (406) 442-5825 Fax.............................................................. 449-5113 Rectory/Emergency......................................449-0280 Good Samaritan Store..................................442-0780 KNEH Catholic Radio 97.3fm stream live WEEKEND MASSES Saturday.......................................................................5:00 p.m. Sunday.............................................7:30, 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. BOULDER (St. Catherine Parish) Saturday..............................................................5:00 p.m. Sunday................................................................10:00 a.m. DAILY MASS Mon., Fri. .......................................................................7:00 a.m. Tues., Wed., Thurs........................7:00 a.m. and 12:00 Noon Saturday......................................................................... 9:00 a.m. EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Friday ff Mass until 4pm....................Holy Family Chapel DEVOTION TO OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP Tuesday......following the 7:00 a.m. and 12:00 Noon Mass ROSARY Mon. through Fri..........................following 7:00 a.m. Mass Saturday..........................................................................8:30 a.m. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday, following the 9:00 a.m. Mass until 11:00 a.m. or by appointment Spirit Filled - Faithful Souls Stewardship Drive Progress Report: 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ============================================================= ============================================================= $1 $290.600 $1,000,000 Music for Liturgy, 3rd Sunday In Ordinary Time The readings are #1116 in the Hymnal Organ: Psalm-Prelude (Psalm 139.v.11) Introit: Cantate Domino O sing a new song to the Lord; sing to the Lord, all the earth. In His presence are majesty and splendor, strength and honor in His holy place. Hymn #616 Praise To The Lord, The Almighty Kyrie eleison (Mass of the Immaculate Conception) Gloria Responsorial Psalm Alleluia Hymn #775 You Call To Us, Lord Jesus Motet: Ave Verum Communion Antiphon: Look toward the Lord and be radiant; let your face not be abashed. Organ: Air Hymn #791 God, Bless Your Church With Strength Organ: Prelude, Fugue, And Chaconne In C Major Note: Carol Anderson will be playing the final organ voluntary. Herbert Howells Dale Fleck Peter Latona Dale Fleck Dale Fleck Peter Latona Charles Gonoud Tone I Robert Elmore Dietrich Buxtehude Liturgy FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME February 1, 2015 THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME January 25, 2015 DEUTERONOMY 18:15-20 I will raise up a prophet and I will put my words into his mouth. JONAH 3:1-5, 10 The Ninevites turned from their evil way. 1 CORINTHIANS 7:29-31 The word in its present form is passing away. 1 CORINTHIANS 7:32-35 A virgin is anxious about the things of the Lord, that she may be holy. MARK 1:14-20 Repent and believe in the gospel. MARK 1:21-28 He taught them as one having authority. A WORD ABOUT THE WORD by Deacon Bob Fishman This week’s readings follow up on what we have been learning about the call of God in our lives. In our first reading, Jonah the reluctant prophet has been sent again to Nineveh to tell them to repent. Remember that previously Jonah had not done what the Lord told him to do. He hated the Ninevites and was not anxious for God to forgive them. So, instead he exited stage left, in the other direction. This led to him being thrown overboard, swallowed by a great fish, and vomited up on the beach. Needless to say this experience changed his tune, and now he was ready to preach to Nineveh. The people of Nineveh listened and repented, and destruction did not come to the people. Sometimes we can let our own personal feelings stand in the way of what God is calling us to do. Often we have our own agenda. St. Paul captures the urgency of this message telling the Corinthians that the world is passing away and we must share Christ’s message regardless of personal feelings and even personal relationships. Eternity is too important to let worldly things and attitudes get in our way. Finally we have our Lord and Savior Jesus telling James, John, Andrew and Simon all of whom were fisherman by trade, that He would make them “fishers of Men.” This is our call too. It may not be easy. We may have family members who have left the Church. We may know people we love who don’t believe in anything. The time is now to share with them. I tell people to start by sharing their own story. What do you love about being Catholic? Let people know that you will pray for them if they are going through something difficult. You will bring more people to the Faith by being real with them and sharing your own story then by quoting Genesis to Revelation. Finally, remember to fill up your own cup. You cannot give the thirsty world a drink if your cup is empty (or cracked). Go to Mass often, go to confession and most of all pray, pray, pray. It worked for Nineveh, it will work for you. The time is at hand. How will you respond to God’s call? Something to think about…May God richly bless you always… WORD of the DAY Monday, Jan. 26 Memorial of Ss. Timothy and Titus, Bishops 2 Timothy 1:1-8 or Titus 1:1-5 Luke 10:1-9 Tuesday, Jan. 27 Weekday Hebrews 10:1-10 Mark 3:31-35 Wednesday, Jan. 28 Memorial of St. Thomas Aquinas, Priest and Doctor of the Church Wisdom 7:7-10, 15-16 Matthew 23:8-12 Please Note... On Super Bowl Sunday ONLY, Feb. 1st, Mass at St. John the Baptist in Clancy will be celebrated at 12:00 Noon rather than the regular time of 5:00 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 29 Weekday Hebrews 10:19-25 Mark 4:21-25 Friday, Jan. 30 Weekday Hebrews 10:32-39 Mark 4:26-34 Saturday, Jan. 31 Memorial of St. John Bosco, Priest Philippians 4:4-9 Matthew 18:1-5 NEXT WEEK IS HELENA FOOD SHARE AND CHARITABLE GIVING SUNDAY Please place your non-perishable goods in Mary’s Chapel. A basket is also available for any monetary donations you wish to make. Thank you for your generosity! F F S First Eucharist parents, please mark your calendars to attend a meeting on Wednesday, February 4th at 6:00 p.m. in the Cathedral Center, Room 205. First Reconciliation will be celebrated on February 12th in the Cathedral at 6:00 p.m. Please help your child to prepare for this beautiful sacrament by regularly attending Mass and making opportunities to talk to your child about how we know when we sin, how to examine our consciences and how to say we are sorry. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS (R. C. I. A.) Our next meeting will be Tuesday, January 27, 2015. If you are interested in more information about our RCIA program, please contact Deacon Bob Fishman at 4425825. aith ormation acramental P reparation LITURGY OF THE WORD FOR CHILDREN BAPTISM PREPARATION Liturgy of the Word for Children from Pre-school Parent Preparation sessions are offered every other month. through Grade 2 will meet during the 9:00 a.m. Mass PLEASE REGISTER AS A MEMBER OF THE PARtoday. ISH PRIOR TO REGISTERING FOR THE SESSIONS. The next opportunity will be held February 5th FAITH FORMATION CLASSES Elementary classes will meet Wednesday, January at 6:00 p.m. in Room 110 of the Cathedral Center. Please call the Parish Office at 442-5825 to register for the class. 28th, at 3:30 p.m. and 5:45 p.m. Helpers are needed to serve as hosts for the Rite of Election on Sunday, February 22nd, 3:00 p.m. Please consider this opportunity to welcome those who will be entering into Full Communion with the Church at the Easter Vigil. People from throughout the Diocese will be attending this beautiful and meaningful rite; your efforts to make them feel welcome will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for considering this and call Linda at 442-5825 for details. MIDDLE SCHOOL AND HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP Regular classes will meet on Wednesday, January 28th. Middle School - 3:30 - 4:45 p.m. High School Youth Group - 5:45 - 7:00 p.m. Confirmation meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays, 5:45 - 7:00 p.m. High School Students: Registration is now open for the CYC Convention on March 13-15 at the Red Lion Inn. Please go to the Diocese of Helena Youth page for more information and to register online: DOUG TOOKE TO SPEAK ON RWANDA AT OUR LADY OF THE VALLEY PARISH Last August Doug Tooke, Diocesan Director of Faith Formation, took a mission trip to Rwanda sponsored by Catholic Relief Services (CRS), the international relief agency of US Catholics. He observed first-hand the agency’s programs in that country ranging from education and training in improved agricultural techniques, nutrition and health, micro financing, and AIDS prevention. Doug will be sharing his experiences and photos at Our Lady of the Valley on Monday, Jan. 26, at 7:00 p.m. As an added treat, he will brew up some Rwandan coffee! Marriage Preparation Diocesan policy states that couples wait 6 months from the time they first approach a priest regarding marriage. During that 6 month period the couple must participate in preparatory classes for the Sacrament of Marriage. Our next session will be February 9th through March 23rd. For information, contact Kathy Surbrugg at 442-5825. This is a weekly seminar and support group for people who are separated or divorced. It is a place where you can hear valuable information about ways to heal from the hurt of divorce. For more information, contact Kathy Surbrugg at 442-5825. CATHOLIC COUPLE FELLOWSHIP Catholic Couple Fellowship is a group for married couples in their 20s and 30s who come together for prayer and reflection to share their faith with others in a similar walk of life while also having a chance for fellowship and fun with barbecues, picnics, game nights and more. We meet two Sundays a month. Come and join other young adult couples for an opportunity to build new friendships and support each other in the vocation of marriage. Our next event is bowling, TODAY, Sunday, January 25th at 3:00 p.m. For more information, please call Sarah Phipps at 208-5904944, or Sarah Leslie at 461-4776. YOUNG ADULT GROUP All young adults in their 20s and 30s are welcome to join others in a similar walk of life for Christ-centered fellowship. This group offers young adults an opportunity to form new friendships and support each other in our faith lives in the Church and society. SAVE THE DATE: Our February event is a Valentine’s Day Party, Saturday, February 14th at 7pm. For more information please contact Kristin Betlej at 651-2836613 or Kelsey Rohm at 253-334-8897. Memorials In Memory of.... JOHN and ANN BAILEY Jack & Bertie Saunders ROBERT FEILZER Deacon Bob & Karen Fishman TOM VANDER BLOEMEN Diana Kulow TINA HASH Marilyn Twichel Jim & Cindy Lieberg & Family DAN BARTSCH Bill and Gail Lannan Bertie & Jack Saunders Kay Russell MRS. GENE D’AMICO Her Friends DOROTHY PATRICIA CLARK William J. Clark GRANDPA & PAPA O’CONNELL Patti & Marissa O’Connell 1st LT. MICHAEL CHRISTOPHER CLARK William J. Clark MARIA PETERSON Nancy O’Dell DONNA HOFF George & Marlene Huhtanen PAT KELLEHER Russ & Linaire Ritter DICK BEATON Ed & Kathy Surbrugg KATHLEEN LONG Ed & Kathy Surbrugg Deacon Bob & Karen Fishman BRAD YUHAS Bud & Mary Ellen Iwen CAROL JUDGE Dave & Joyce Roberts Special Intentions MARG McCARTHY The Walsh Family DAN BARTSCH Marilyn Twichel THE BARTSCH FAMILY Marilyn Twichel Newcomers We welcome with the love of Christ the following newcomers to our Parish... Erik & Rebecca Ingman Steve & Christina Lipetzky & Family Jordan Marquis Jacob and Sarah Sandau Megan Stearman Raphael Zepeda Join Us to provide meals for God’s Love With the New Year, we have decided to expand again! We will be providing a meal every other month and provide dessert and teams to serve during the months in between meals. There are lots of opportunities to volunteer. We need YOU! We hope you will join us to provide our next meal on Tuesday, February 17th and dessert for March 17th. There are lots of opportunities to help. Some of the food can be prepared at home. We will prepare and assemble the rest of the meal in the Cathedral kitchen. Join us Thursday, January 29th at 5:30pm in the Cathedral Center, Room 108 for a Planning Meeting to plan the meal and dessert and to find out how you can be a part of this wonderful new project. Just interested in hearing what we are up to…please join us! If you are not able to attend the meeting and would like to help with the meals for God’s Love, please contact Carolyn Parry through the Parish Office at 442-5825. of Greater Helena Comfort Food Challenge Sunday, February 22, 2014 from 4-6pm – Family Promise of Greater Helena’s Comfort Food Challenge will be held at the Lewis and Clark Fairgrounds. Taste a variety of comfort foods prepared by 17+ churches involved with Family Promise as well as several local restaurants. This year a 2015 Comfort Food Challenge Cookbook will be published. There will also be raffle with a number of items including a lovely quilt. We hope you will join us! Being a sign of God’s love to others, we know that our gifts of treasure are essential to our mission of following the loving path of Jesus. Our faith in the future urges us to continue the journey in gratitude, holiness and service. This past weekend we received through Stewardship $11,658.00, ACH $2,434.00 and Loose Cash/Checks $760.00 for a total of $14,852.00. Our weekly goal is $17,108.02 Thank you for your generosity! Please Note.... When you provide a check as payment, you authorize us either to use information from your check to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your account or to process the payment as a check transaction. Friar Fred shares his favorite calming prayer... Fear not! God’s whose you are will take care of you. Either He will shield you from suffering or He will give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace then and put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations. ...St. Francis deSales Feast Day, January 24th Father Stuart Long Do you have a Father Stu Story? We are gathering Father Stu stories to be published in a book. Email your Father Stu story to [email protected] or call Connie at 406-202-2460 Margaret Ann at 406-465-5450 Mail: Connie Beckman 2840 Winslow Ave. Helena, Mt. 59601 (Story Guidelines can be obtained at the Parish Office) Cathedral of Saint Helena F A I T H F U L S P I R I T F I L L E D S O U L S Parish Family Please join with your Parish in our celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Dedication of the Cathedral as “Spirit Filled-Faithful Souls.” A cornerstone of a year-long celebration is our Stewardship Drive to retire the remaining cost of our 2006/2012 renovation/restoration project which concluded in 2012. It is our hope to burn the mortgage at the conclusion of the two year redemption period for this drive. We have a real treasure in the Cathedral building-a spiritual and architectural “crown jewel” one that has, does and will serve the needs of our Parish family, the Diocese and the Helena community well into the future. We came out of the project with $1.1 million debt due in part to three major project additions that were unplanned and unbudgeted, but could not be ignored. They totaled over one million dollars. The current balance of the overage debt is $670,000. The Parish was able to secure a commercial bank loan to cover the balance because of the stewardship of two Parish families. Please pray about the indebtedness and consider a pledge to help us retire it. Thank you for your consideration. May God bless you in this Holy Season and throughout the New Year! WEEKLY EVENTS TAKING PLACE AT YOUR CATHEDRAL SUNDAY, January 25...Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30, 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Mass 9am Liturgy of Word/Children 9:30am Cathedral Choir - Rm 209 MONDAY, January 26...Ss. Timothy and Titus, Bishops 7am Mass TUESDAY, January 27...Weekday 7am Mass/Devotions ff Coffee and Doughnuts - Rm 110 12pm Mass/Devotions 3:30pm Cathedral Youth Choir - Rm 209 6pm RCIA - Brondel Center WEDNESDAY, January 28...St. Thomas Aquines, Priest and Doctor of the Church 7am Mass 12pm Mass 3:30pm Children’s RCIA - Rm 108 3:30pm Faith Formation Classes (K - Grade 8) 5:45pm Faith Formation Classes (Gr 1 - High School Youth) 5:45pm Confirmation Class - Rm 205 THURSDAY, January 29...Weekday 7am Mass 12pm Mass 5:30pm God’s Love Ministry (Meal Planning) -Rm 108 FRIDAY, January 30...Weekday 7am Mass ff Mass until 4pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament - Holy Family Chapel 6pm Marriage Enrichment - Brondel Center SATURDAY, January 31...St. John Bosco, Priest 8:30am Rosary for Vocations 9am Mass ff Mass until 11am Sacrament of Reconciliation 5pm Mass SUNDAY, February 1...Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30, 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Mass 9am Liturgy of Word/Children 9:30am Cathedral Choir - Rm 209 40 DAYS FOR LIFE (Feb. 18 - March 29) Please join all Christians for 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. We invite you to join in peaceful prayer outside Planned Parenthood. Google: 40Daysforlifehelena and commit to a time to pray - for you and your family - and be united as the Body of Christ for this intention. Let’s meet Christ in a special way these 40 days of Lent, at the foot of the cross, and come to know His awesome Mercy for us and that all people will come to respect human life from conception to natural death. To volunteer or for information, contact Sarah Leslie (461-4776) or [email protected] CATHEDRAL OF ST. HELENA STEWARDSHIP REPORT AS DECEMBER 31, 2014 NOTE: This report reflects the final year-end accounting. WEEK ENDING: 12/07//2014 Envelopes ACH Children’s Envelopes Loose Checks Loose Cash Special Non-reoccurring Total: WEEK ENDING: 12/21/2014 Envelopes ACH Children’s Envelopes Loose Checks Loose Cash Special Non-reoccurring Total: $16,204.00 2,434.00 2.00 0.00 552.00 0.00 $19,192.00 Immaculate Conception $1,651.00 $16,724.00 4.016.50 0.00 0.00 652.00 0.00 $21,392.50 WEEK ENDING: 12/14/2014 Envelopes ACH Children’s Envelopes Loose Checks Loose Cash Special Non-reoccuring Total: WEEK ENDING: 12/28/2014 EnvelopesACHChildren’s Envelopes Loose Checks Loose Cash Special Non-reoccurring Total Building & Grounds Grand Total Christmas $17,530.00 0.00 0.00 175.00 601.00 0.00 $18,306.00 $33,181.76 2,349.00 2.00 110.00 887.00 0.00 $36,529.76 1,698.00 $38,227.76 $29,434.60 **Weekly Average Needed to Meet the Parish Projected Budget for 2014/2015..............$17,108.02 Total Funds Needed to Meet Budget...............................................................................$109,132.08 Total Monthly Contributions Received as of Dec. 31, 2014..........................................$126,505.86 Total Monthly Buildings & Grounds Contributions Received as of Dec. 31, 2014........$1,698.00 Difference between Budget and Actual.............................................................................$17,373.78 % of Budget Received..............................................................................................................115.92%** Does not include Bldgs & Grds Funds which are restricted and cannot be used for general budget purposes. Thank you so Very Much for your Generosity!
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