CHIMES Central United Methodist Church The Church of the Good Shepherd A covenant partner in ministry with St. Mark UMC of Kakata, Liberia. VOLUME 71 Our Sunday Worship Schedule: 9:00 a.m. - “The Shore” Contemporary Worship 10:00 a.m. - “The Well” Educational Opportunities for all Ages 11:00 a.m. - Traditional Worship Born to Eternal Life Maxine Ashley 8/1/1922 - 1/8/2015 Member of Central since: September 22, 2002 HOME PLATE 2015 Those who attended Home Plate last year can tell you that this is an event that you should not miss! Here’s what you get for $32 per person at Home Plate: a ticket to the baseball game to see the Detroit Tigers play the Kansas City Royals on May 9, 2015, a program and other goodies, a pre-game event where some of the players talk about their faith and then a chance to go ON THE FIELD at a baseball clinic for everyone, and a $5 meal coupon voucher. Needless to say, you aren’t going to get a much better deal than that!!! Reservations and money are due by January 28th! A sign-up sheet is outside the Church office, please see Rich Pittenger for any questions. CHIMES ARTICLES Please send all of your articles, thank you notes and address changes in to the Church office or e-mail them to Rich at [email protected]. Thanks and God Bless! CHIMES Deadline The Chimes deadline is January 29 for the February 8, 2015 Chimes. January 25, 2015 NUMBER 2 Worship Notes JANUARY 25, 2015 John 16:25-33 Psalm 13 Led by Rev. Kathy Pittenger “Conversations with an Atheist Where is God When We Suffer” FEBRUARY 1, 2015 Mark 1:4-11 Genesis 1:1-5 Led by Pastor Jack Mannschreck “Meaning and Memory Baptism and Blessing” Carol and New Joy Choirs Chancel Choir FEBRUARY 8, 2015 John 1:1-14 Psalm 119:105-112 Led by Pastor Jack Mannschreck “Conversations with an Atheist The Case For God” Agape Ringers Chancel Choir THURSDAY EVENING ADULT STUDY Can’t make it to The Well on Sunday morning (or in another class)? Want to learn more about Christianity and World Religions? Come to an adult (high school youth are also welcome) study called Christianity and World Religions on Thursday evenings from 6:15-7:20pm in the Parlor. Feel free to bring your dinner!! Childcare is available and elementary children can participate in the children’s choir. Contact Rev. Kathy with questions. Sign-up for Central’s e-Newsletter at: Click the Sign-up button on the right hand column. KIDS CENTRAL MINISTRY NEWS FAMILY SNOW DAY Saturday, February 14th from 1:00-4:00pm in Room 20. Bring your snow gear, a sled (if you want), board games, and a snack to share. We will build snow people, go sledding, paint snow (all weather permitting) and play indoor games. This is open to everyone. It is an informal day to get together and play outside. A sign-up sheet is located outside the church office so we have enough hot chocolate! SAVE THE DATE!! G-Force Vacation Bible School is Monday, June 22nd – Friday, June 26th! It’s never too early to start planning! If you are interested in working at VBS this year, please contact Rev. Kathy! Rev. Kathy’s contact info: [email protected] or 248-681-0040 ext. 15 BIG FOOTBALL GAME PARTY! Come watch the Super Bowl (or just the commericals!) on a big screen at Central on Sunday, February 1st. The doors will open at 6:00pm! Bring a snack or appetizer to share! We will have tables set-up for those who would like to play board games or do a puzzle (so bring your favorite games!). Can’t stay for the whole game? No problem! Stay for as long as you can! PANCAKE BREAKFAST (PRE-LENT BRUNCH) Come have breakfast at church on Sunday, February 15th from 10am 10:45am (in place of The Well). The Pancake Breakfast is a fundraiser for Summer Camp Scholarships. Volunteers are needed to shop, prep, cook, and clean-up. Families who receive camp scholarships are encouraged to help. If you would like to help, contact Rev. Kathy. February Birthdays Best Wishes to the following members Celebrating a Birthday of NEW PURPLE THREADS STUDY BEGINS FEBRUARY 17 As the Purple Threads Women’s Bible Study begins their 25th year, our study will be Christian - It’s Not What You Think by Andy Stanley. Stanley examines the characteristics Jesus used to define those who follow him and the implications they have for believers today. Along with the study book, the class session will include a video and discussion. The class will meet: Feb. 17, March 3 & 17, April 7 & 21 and May 5th at 7:00 pm in the parlor. Our teaching leader is Sue Shipley. Books are $10.00. If you have questions or wish to be a part of the study, please contact Diana Carter, class coordinator, 248-666-2575 or email: dianacarter@ THE WELL From now through February 8th we are offering the following adult classes on Sunday mornings at 10:00am: Faith Link, Serving From the Heart (learn about your gifts and how you can serve God with them) led by Pastor Jack, Christianity and World Religions led by Jim Alt. Even if you missed a week or two, you are still encouraged to attend. Classes for youth and children are also offered. Do you have a suggestion or idea for a future study during The Well or another time during the week, please contact Rev. Kathy. Visit our website: Kids Central Website: Contact us: 248-681-0040 or [email protected] CHIMES SPACE I would love to be able to fit all of the address changes and thank you notes in as I receive them but with the calendar I needed to put in this issue they just did not fit. I will be putting them in the next Chimes. Sorry for any inconvenience. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Rich Pittenger at 248-681-0040 or by e-mail at [email protected]. 80 years or more. Daniel Aldrich - February 2 Elvira Blanchard - February 4 Virginia Behler - February 6 Janice Caldwell - February 6 Sally Hon - February 11 Joyce Clarkson - February 12 Marge Jones - February 15 Dawn Davis - February 25 Phyllis Liming - February 25 February Anniversaries Congratulations to the following couples Celebrating an Anniversary of 50 years or more. Russell and Barbara Jacobson February 12 ~ 60 years Jule and Joyce Clarkson February 22 ~ 69 years Larry and Doris Quick February 25 ~ 54 years FISH PANTRY The Fish Pantry helps out those in our community that are in need of food. Right now we are experiencing an EXTREMELY high demand for food assistance. This is a list of the items that we are in need of at the moment: medium and large peanut butter jars, jelly, soup, baked beans, cereal, tuna, canned pasta, jello/pudding, bar soap/ body wash. Thank you for your generous support of this ministry! PROGRAM STAFF at CENTRAL UMC Rev. Jack L. Mannschreck Lead Pastor Rev. KATHY PITTENGER Pastor of Children’s & Family Ministries SARA HAZEN Director of Music SCRIP TABLE Scrip sales will be between services from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. every Sunday. You can also purchase Scrip in the Church office throughout the week. Thank you, Shiela Strang CENTRAL CAFÉ Come and share a meal with your children, with your friends and your faith community. The meal is served from 5:15 and 6:45 p.m. We always need kitchen volunteers! Central Café Schedule 4:15 -- 5:15 Alleluia Dancers 5:00 -- 5:45 Carol Choir 5:15 -- 6:30 Dinner served 5:15 -- 5:45 Good News Ringers 5:45 -- 6:25 YTBN Bell Ringers 6:25 -- 7:30 Agape Ringers 6:30 -- 7:30 New Joy Choir 6:30 -- 7:30 Jubilate Dancers 7:30 -- 9:00 Chancel Choir CENTRAL UMC’S WEB SITE Central’s web site (www. has tons of information for events and groups of the Church! Not only that, but all of the sermons and music are easily accessible through the home page, so if you miss a Sunday make sure and check out what you missed! I strive to keep the web site up to date and relevant. If you have any questions or suggestions please contact me in the Church office. Rich Pittenger 2 9 8 Monday 23 16 6:30 pm - Finance Meeting - Rm104A 7:30 pm - Church Council Meeting - Rm104A 5:15 -- 6:30 Dinner served 6:20 -- 7:15 Agape Ringers 5:15 -- 5:45 Good News Ringers 7:30 -- 9:00 Chancel Choir 5:45 -- 6:25 YTBN Bell Ringers 17 6:00 pm - Eschtruth CircleParlor 10:00 am - Keller-Fitz Book Study - Rm 108 Our Sunday Schedule 25 28 21 1:00 pm - Snow Day! Room 20 14 6:00 pm - Central CinemaParlor 7 Saturday Our Support Groups 27 20 13 6 Friday Alcholholics Anonymous: Monday : 11:00 a.m. Food Addicts in Recovery: Saturday : 9:30 a.m. Recovery International: Tuesday : 10:30 a.m. Narcotics Anonymous: Thursday : 8:00 p.m., Saturday : 7:00 p.m. 8:00am - Thursday Morning Breakfast Central Café Schedule No Chancel Choir, No Bells 26 8:00am - Thursday Morning Breakfast No Central Café 19 9:00 am - “The Shore” - Contemporary Worship 10:00 am - “The Well” - Educational Hour for all Ages Coffee Hour 11:00 am - Traditional Worship Service Children’s Worship 10:00 am for K-2nd grade Nursery available for infants - preschool 9:00 am - 11:15 am 1:00 pm - Blood Drive 7:00 pm - Trustees - 104A 24 10:00 am - Keller-Fitz Book Study - Parlor 6:30 pm - UMW Mission Team Meeting 7:00 pm - Ash Wednesday 18 10:00 am - Keller-Fitz Book Study - Parlor 8:00am - Thursday Morning Breakfast Central Café Schedule 6:15 pm - Book Study - Parlor 12 10 11 Morning Breakfast Central Café Schedule 6:15 pm - Book Study - Parlor Wednesday Thursday 4 10:00 am - Keller-Fitz 5 8:00am - Thursday Book Study - Rm 104 7:00 pm - Education Focus - 11:30 am - Olive Mae Glenn Parlor Circle-Parlor 3 Tuesday 7:00 pm - Purple Threads - Parlor 4:15 -- 5:15 Alleluia Dancers 6:30 -- 7:30 New Joy Choir 4:45 -- 5:30 Carol Choir 6:30 -- 7:30 Jubilate Dancers Central Café Schedule 9:00 am - The Shore 10:00 am - The Well 7:00 pm - Staff Parish - Rm104A 11:00 am - Worship Service 6:30 pm - Shore Rehearsal 22 Youth Sunday 9:00 am - The Shore 10:00 am - Sunday School Pancake Breakfast 11:00 am - Worship Service 3:30 pm - Confirmation Class 6:30 pm - Shore Rehearsal 15 9:00 am - The Shore 10:00 am - The Well 11:00 am - Worship Service 12:15 pm - Liberia Support Luncheon 3:30 pm - Confirmation Class 6:30 pm - Shore Rehearsal 9:00 am - The Shore 10:00 am - The Well 7:00 pm - All Staff Meeting 11:00 am - Worship Service 6:00 pm -”Big Game” Football 104A Party 6:30 pm - Shore Rehearsal 1 Sunday February 2015 Calendar 3882 Highland Road Waterford, Michigan 48328 (248) 681-0040 Fax: (248) 681-2575 NONPROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID [email protected] PERMIT NO. 819 Royal Oak, MI POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Central United Methodist Church Chimes Address Service Requested: Central United Methodist Church L D Dear Friends in Christ, This past week I was invited to preach at “The Warehouse” in Detroit. The Warehouse is part of the social services ministry of Cass Community United Methodist Church and each Wednesday night homeless people gather to sing, pray and hear a message. It was a wonderful experience inclusive of a light meal with Rev. Faith Fowler and Rev. Sue Pethoud. Although it was probably only 40 degrees in the warehouse, my heart was warmed with the enthusiastic singing and earnest expressions of faith as those in attendance expressed thankfulness for the great change that has happened at the corner of Woodrow Wilson and Elmhurstmuch of that change due to the outreach ministries of Cass Community Church. Ponder a couple questions with me: What is the impact of our church in the world? What is the impact of our church in the communities in which we live, work and play? The order in which I ask these questions is intentional. It is sometimes easier to name our impact in the world as we list our missional support around the world and proudly recognize our connection with St. Mark Church in Kakata, Liberia. What about our impact right here – closer to home? Again, we can list a number of truly wonderful ministries that aid people in need, from our Blessings in a Backpack, volunteering at Place of Hope and Clothe a Child to our rummage sale which provides a double blessing of offering affordable clothing and household items while raising money for the missions of our United Methodist Women. All these programs and ministries are great, but how can we determine our impact on the lives of those we help. What is our message connected with our mission and ministries? These questions are at the heart of our Message Series, Conversations with an Atheist. Atheist authors, such as Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris, advocate that humanity has outgrown the need for God and that it would be better if religion would be done away with. In his book, The God Delusion, Dawkins states clearly that the goals of his book is that people abandon their faith. Dawkins believes that our world would be better without religious faith. He cites hypocrisy in the church and inconsistencies in our scriptures to support his premises. I look at our church and I look at the ministry of Cass Community UMC and I want to shout, “No, you’re wrong! The world is a much better place because the church exists – our Church exists!” As imperfect an institution the church is – because of human frailty and flaws – it is God’s way of healing creation and humanity. While Christians should recognize our hypocrisy, issues with abuse within the church and the tendency toward maintaining status quo, our scriptures also give to us a compelling vision through which we can do great things for God’s kingdom on earth. I hope you will join us as we talk about our faith and the impact our church makes in the world! I look forward to seeing you in worship. Because of Christ, Pastor Jack
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