Church in Study and Action Meeting God Announcements We extend a AM warm welcome our guests. 10:50 … January 24, to 2015 A warm welcome to everyone here today. We hope you receive a special Sabbath blessing and invite you to come and worship with us often. SEEDS Conference continues today PRELUDE Largo in G G.F. Handel WELCOME Sabbath School 9:45 AM ALL YOUTH CLASSES MEET IN THE SABBATH SCHOOL WING dismissal at 10:45 a.m. Mark Wilcox SONG SERVICE Yunhee Cruse INTROIT Congregation Praise to the Lord … 1 Congregation remains standing until after hymn ADULT LESSON STUDY TEACHERS AND LOCATIONS Brad Cruse Helen Andersson Sanctuary Right Sanctuary Left Conference Room Sabbath School Wing Delois Weekes Church in Action 10:35 AM All Adult classes meet in the sanctuary for this portion of the service INVOCATION Mark Wilcox HYMN OF PRAISE Be Thou My Vision … 547 Congregation SCRIPTURE Mark Wilcox PRAYER Mark Wilcox While kneeling, congregation sings… Before prayer: Holy Spirit, Hear Us… 680, vs. 2 After prayer: E (Amen) … 663 CHILDREN’S STORY SPECIAL FEATURE Leslie Olin Rebecca Knoll Lawrence CLOSING PRAYER Chantal Brooks PRESENTATION OF GIFTS Religious Liberty Mark Wilcox All unmarked gifts are allocated to WC’s local budget OFFERTORY Our Mission “Daily demonstrate the love of Jesus, searching for those who don’t know Him, that we may lead them to heaven.” For Your Convenience Listening Headsets are available for those with hearing loss. You may pick them up at the sound system desk in the rear of the sanctuary Ave Verum W.A. Mozart PRAISE IN MUSIC PREACHING HIS WORD Chantal Brooks Pastor Justin Lawman HYMN OF DEDICATION Lift High the Cross … 362 BENEDICTION POSTLUDE Congregation Pastor Justin Lawman Toccata in Seven John Rutter Afternoon Breakout Sessions 2:30 pm Location: Central SDA Church Session I The Secret to Retaining Bible Study Interests...Charles Byrd How to Study the Bible with Your Neighbors…Rod & Donna Willey Preaching to Reach Postmoderns…Hyveth Williams Nuts and Bolts of Refugee Ministry…Dean Coridan Qualities of a Church Planter (Spanish)…Victor Jaegar Session II Thunder in the Holy Land…Charles Byrd Opportunities & Challenges of Lay Church Planting… Rod & Donna Willey How to Have Spiritual Conversations with Secular People…Tom Evans, Justin Lawman and Victor Jaeger We welcome Justin Lawman, President of North New South Wales Conference, Australia. Thank you for sharing your message with us today. Special Prayers are requested from the family of Heather Boulais, who was seriously injured from a gymnastics fall at Union College. First Reading: Phillip Thompson transferring from Piedmont Park SDA Church in Lincoln, NE to West County SDA Church. Donations Requested: Books are needed for our church library. If you would like to donate any material, please contact Yunhee Cruse. Phone: 314-409-8531 or email: [email protected]. We are in need of the Spirit of Prophecy books, the SDA Bible Commentary, educational DVD’s, and other inspirational books. These books will be available for all members to borrow. Thank you for helping fill this need. “Being Adventist”: A youth-focused weekend geared at getting to know Jesus on a more personal level. For ages 13-20. Central SDA Church Jan. 30 (6:30 pm - 9 pm) and Jan. 31 (1:30-4:30): Small group discussions, skits, and games led by Pastor Rob Alfalah. Jan. 31: Movie night 6 pm "God's Not Dead". Feb. 1 (11 am - 2 pm): Community Outreach to distribute needed items to refugee families and less fortunate in the area. Feb. 1 (5 pm): Super Bowl Party. Food and refreshments will be provided at all events. For more information, please contact Geoffrey Ikpeama (314) 956-9938 or [email protected]. Calendar DECEMBER FINANCIAL REPORT TODAY Prayer Bands meet in the sanctuary following the worship service. Fellowship Lunch today. Please join us in the fellowship following the worship service. SEEDS Conference at Central SDA Church. Afternoon training 2:30 pm. THIS WEEK MON JAN 26 … Westwood School Board Meeting WED JAN 28…Mid-week Meeting: Studying Christ’s Object Lessons 7 pm THU JAN 29….Pathfinders Club 6:30-8:00 pm Membership inquiries: contact Jason Matthews at [email protected] 314.422.9402 or Bob Boaz at [email protected] -314.339.1557 UPCOMING EVENTS JANUARY 31 Conference Bible Experience at Sunnydale Academy. Our Pathfinder Club will be participating. 2 pm. FEBRUARY 14 Communion Sabbath 13-14 The Family Ministries Department of the IA-MO Conference is hosting the “Mad About Marriage” Valentine’s Retreat February 13-14 at the Hilton Garden Inn in West Des Moines. Child care is provided. For more information and to register, please visit or January Birthdays Don Netherton Rebecca Lawrence Jeanette Cowin Tom Sackmann Ana Plumery Mary Schwantes Delois Weekes Dawn Sackmann Dana Boaz Don Seese Morris Kalliny Moussa Nahra Happy Birthday from the Investment Team Description Conf. Funds Beginning Balance -0- Received 29,657 Paid out -29,657 Ending Balance -0- Local Budget -4,784 10,896 -10,251 -4,138 Local church evangelism balance: $-1,212 Local Budget Monthly Goal: $11,201 YEAR END 2014 FINANCIAL REPORT Description Conf. Funds Beginning Balance -0- Received 271,706 Paid out -271,706 Ending Balance -0- Local Budget 9,885 129,608 -143,632 -4,138 REMINDERS TODAY 5:13 p.m. Mark Wilcox Brad Cruse Robie Davis Jay Lawrence Anthony Mitan Carlos and Mary Schwantes George Andersson Yunhee Cruse SUNSET ELDER ON DUTY DEACONS GREETERS ORGAN/PIANO CHORISTER MEDIA TEAM NEXT WEEK 5:21 p.m. Brian Clark Anthony Mitan Daryl White Jay Lawrence Brad Cruse Jeanette Cowin Nancy Cowin DIRECTORY Ken Olin, Pastor 512-739-9000 [email protected] Brian Toay, Head Elder 314-809-9913 Jay Lawrence, Head Deacon [email protected] Rebecca Knoll Lawrence, Head Deaconess 314-497-7992 Leah Weible, Treasurer [email protected] Cheryl Weible, Clerk 636-527-6498 [email protected] Church Web Site Church Phone 636-336-2363 Westwood Adventist Jr. Academy Grades pre-K-8 Teacher: Ms. Barbie Whalen Phone: 319-461-3339 Email: [email protected] School’s Phone 636-336-2335 Web Site: Bulletin INFO Needed by Wednesday Noon Marilu’s daughter Melanie is better and Marilu wishes to thank everyone for their prayers. Please pray for "Revival and Reformation" throughout the world. Pray that God will bless the evangelistic and witnessing activities in the cities and also for increased participation and commitment of individual members. Pray for health and healing for our family, friends and associates, especially remembering: Dawn, Vicki's mother-in-law, Warren's Mom-Nancy, John Huff's granddaughter. PRAYER REQUESTS: E-MAIL: [email protected] Worship Service January 24, 2015
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