ANTHEM Make Me a Channel of Your Peace Mark Barnard DEDICATION OF OURSELVES, OUR GIFTS AND OUR COMMITMENTS TO GOD Prayer of Dedication Gloria MacGamwell There are no gifts like the many you give us. Take these willing offerings from us to do your work among those in need: to bring hope to the hopeless, food to the hungry, shelter to the homeless, peace to the war-weary, comfort to the lonely and light in the darkness. Amen. Offertory January 25, 2015 9:15 am DOXOLOGY #221 vs 4 HYMN #347 O, How Beautiful the Sky arr. Paul Manz In The Bleak Midwinter Cranham Spirit Song Spirit Song GATHERING WELCOME PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS FRIENDSHIP PADS *Indicates please stand in body or spirit. Congregational Responses are in bold. PRELUDE Le Prologue de Jesus (This time is provided for you to prayerfully enter into worship) Joseph Clokey GOSPEL READINGS *CALL TO WORSHIP Let all who hunger for God come to God’s holy hill! Blessed are those whose desire is for the Lord; let us lift our hearts and voices in thanksgiving. Let all who thirst for God enter the temple of the Lord. Blessed are those who worship in spirit and in truth. Let us worship God with prayer and praise! Cindy Turner *HYMN #66 Lauda Anima Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven MESSAGE *HYMN #670 UNISON PRAYER Mary Cummings God, you are both father and mother to all. We know you because we have known those whose lives are filled with the good work you have called us to do. We know you because we have loved and been loved. We know you because we have seen you in the faces of men, women and children who bring your peace to the world through their hands, their words, their dedication to the way of righteousness. Thank you, God, for the peacemakers, the ordinary people whose extraordinary lives show us your face in theirs. Amen. Marti Wiltberger THE LORD’S PRAYER CHILDREN’S MOMENT (Children, ages 4 to 8 years old, may leave for Bible Times) SEEKING THE WORD OF GOD page 4 Matthew 5:1-16 (the Beatitudes) pages 108,109 John 14:7-11 The Feminine Face of God Debbie Koch Lyndsay O’Brien Adelina Metz Dr. Wendy Paterson SENDING FORTH SHARING AND PRAYING MORNING PRAYER THE JOY OF UNITED METHODIST WOMEN MOMENT OF SPECIAL RECOGNITION INTRODUCTION Jean Schnirel Go Forth for God *BENEDICTION New every morning is your love, great God of light. All day long you work for good in the world. Stir up in us desire to serve you, to live peacefully with our neighbors, to devote each day to your Son, for each day you make things new for us. Through our Savior, Jesus Christ the Lord. Amen. Geneva 124 Dr. Wendy Paterson CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE #666 Shalom to You POSTLUDE Song for a New Year Gilbert Martin A Special Thank you to: Dr. Wendy Paterson for offering God’s Word and the women of UMW who planned and assisted with our service on this UMW Sunday! ALSO, ASSISTING WITH WORSHIP TODAY: Head Usher: Gloria MacGamwell Liturgist: Announcements: Acolytes Early Bible Late Bible Women of Kenmore UMC Jean Schnirel Maddie Andrus & Reese Vogt Amy & Ken Andrus Leann Metz PRAYER CONCERNS: Anna Sorrento at ECMC Eleanor DeGlopper at Kenmore Mercy Muriel Small at Kenmore Mercy Rehab Ellie Benzel at Oakwood Chris Pawelski at Schofield at home: Doris Baten, Larry Bill, Kevin Cornwell, Carol Forden, Lois Lovern, Brian Martin, Norma McFee, & Evelyn Riffel A TASTE OF UNITED METHODIST WOMEN In the Library, Today, between services Pick up some delicious homemade food items on sale for a great cause. From soups to desserts, you'll find something to suit your taste. All are in handy “to go” portions, All proceeds will be donated to KUMW Missions! Plan to come and enjoy the Taste of UMW. Join us for our ANNUAL CHURCH CONFERENCE MTG. on Monday, January 26th at 7:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Ministry Team leaders need to attend but everyone is encouraged to attend. A booklet is available remembering the many ministries of 2014, including dreams, visions and goals for 2015 and beyond. SOUPER BOWL OF CARING Sunday, February 1 SOUPER BOWL OF CARING IS NEXT SUNDAY. Join in bringing soup or dry pasta for our local Network Food Pantry, and/or $1 to place in the soup can! Thank you! Today is our Please continue prayers and support for Braedon Luke and his family. Braedon is now at Crestwood in Rochester NY, and comes to spend time at home on the weekends. THE FLOWERS ON THE REMEMBRANCE TABLE are given by Jolaine Houghton in memory of Our Father. The Youth will again be very busy baking for our annual VALENTINE’S DAY COOKIE SALE this week. The cost will be $9 per giant cookie. We will add a personal message on each in frosting. We will take orders in the Library between services. Cookies will be available to pick up in the Library on February 8. Please put your order in today! Sunday Community Supper beginning at 12:00 noon. Please feel welcome to invite and join our neighbors and friends! “CATCH THE SPIRIT” is the Niagara Frontier District’s major discipleship training. It will be on Saturday, February 28, from 9:00 am-3:30 am at Clarence UMC. Specific workshop descriptions and the registration form is available on the piano in the library and in the office. A Registration fee of $20 is due by January 26. Scholarships are available. 32 Landers Rd, “LIKE LIKE US ON FACEBOOK” FACEBOOK Kenmore NY 14217 Just go to Kenmore United Methodist Church website: Sunday January 25, 2015 UMW Sunday e-mail: [email protected] 9:15am►Early Worship Service phone: 875-5091 Fax: 875-5092 10:30am►Sunday School Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Peter W. LeValley Pastoral Associate Deacon Bonnie M. LeValley Pastor for Pastoral Care Rev. Dr. Donald L. Weaver Pastor Emeritus Rev. Eldon Snyder Youth Ministry Coordinator Jeremy Loucks Children’s Ministry Coordinator Leann Metz Organist/Choirmaster Marilyn Obermeyer Cherub Choir Director Muriel Small Crib Room Attendant Karen Batchen Praise Band Leaders Chris Moyer & Carrie Truesdell Church/Financial Secretary Judy Melia Treasurer Daniel Pratt A.L.G. Services Amy Goudy The Mission and Vision of Kenmore UMC is to be a Fruitful Congregation for Jesus Christ through our: Radical Hospitality, Passionate Worship, Intentional Faith Development, Risk Taking Mission & Service, and Extravagant Generosity. CHILDREN CHILDREN: Worship & Bible Times Today’s message is based on: Mark 1:16-18 “Following the Leader” 9:15 am - 12:30 pm Crib & Toddler Care available in the nursery SUNDAY SCHOOL at Kenmore UMC Discover: God * Creation * Self * Church 10:30 am - 11:30 am CHILDREN AND YOUTH GROUPS: Asbury Building and the Third Floor ADULT GROUPS: CORINTHIAN CLASS in the Parlor “God Squad” Part 1 led by Judy Shotwell & Donna Smith HORIZON CLASS in the Fellowship Hall Mike & Cindy Turner talk about our National Parks REFLECTIONS CLASS - Pilgrim Room “Islam” (part of six part study series by Adam Hamilton) CrossROADS - Retreat Room Current Study led by Julia Volle New Members are welcome in all groups any Sunday. (Ushers will be happy to direct you to the rooms.) 10:30am►Taste of UMW 11:30am►Late Worship Service 12:00pm►Community Supper FH 12:45pm►Late Worship Team Mtg. PR 6:30pm►Middlers 3 6:30pm►NeXT STeP 3 Monday January 26, 2015 12:30pm►Senior Fellowship Lunch FH 12:45pm►Late Worship Team Mtg. PR 7:00pm►Church Conference Mtg FH Tuesday January 27, 2015 Wednesday January 28, 2015 9:00am►Staff Prayer Time 1:00pm►Upper Room Study Group P 7:00pm►Towne Players of Ken-Ton WR 7:01pm►Jugglers FLC 8:30pm►AA FH Thursday January 29, 2015 7:00pm►Chess Club FH 7:00pm►Investment Team Mtg. 7:30pm►Chancel Choir P Friday January 30, 2015 9:00am►Craftsmen Club 9:00am►Piecemakers FH Saturday January 31, 2015 10:01am►Jugglers FLC Sunday February 1, 2015 Communion Sunday Souper Bowl of Caring 9:15am►Early Worship Service 10:30am►Sunday School 11:30am►Late Worship Service 6:30pm►NeXT STeP
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