IBM ExperienceOne Customer engagement solutions Rome January 2015 Private and Confidential Our evolution to date We’ve led the way in helping clients make the shift to continuous customer engagement, with many milestones along the way 3Q2014 • Unified IBM brand for customer engagement • Customer engagement point of view • IBM Interactive Experience @brandmaster63 | #smartercommerce Source Gartner MCCM MQ 2014.pdf - G00250970 IBM Consider IBM Cross-Channel Marketing Optimization when MCCM is a strategic requirement. IBM's offering supports a range of industries. IBM has global reach and generated $99.75 billion in revenue in 2013. Cross-Channel Marketing Optimization focuses on real-time marketing, marketing performance management and usability on-premises. Marketing Center, a SaaS option, provides digital campaigns, email marketing, site personalization, tracking and management. IBM has started bundling in merchandising and other role-based offerings to simplify its growing portfolio. IBM Mobile (formerly Xtify) supports mobile push marketing. In 2014, IBM plans for additional partnerships with data management platforms (DMPs) to integrate known and anonymous data in areas like ad management. IBM has preintegrated API partnerships with DMP BlueKai and other ad tech players, such as DataXu, Turn, Google and Marin Software through IBM's Digital Marketing Network. IBM will also expand its real-time and event marketing for both on-premises and SaaS deployments. References said they like IBM's breadth of offerings and integration into a single platform. Through its product portfolio, the Omni-Channel Marketing solution for customer relationship marketers Engagies customers in a one-to-one dialogue across channels by being able to… Marketing Planning Marketing Operations Analyze Decide Campaign Campaign Contact Optimization Interact Contact Optimization Deliver Silverpop Xtify mobile messaging Interact What is IBM Campaign? CAMPAIGN MANAGEMENT software: Used to design, execute, measure and analyze outbound direct marketing campaigns Capable of managing all types of large-scale, multi-wave and cross-channel campaigns Creates a central repository for re-usable offers, segments and contact & response history Recognized best-of-breed functionality, scalability and record of customer success Serves as a platform for add-on modules: – – – – 5 Email marketing [IBM eMessage] Real-time interactions management [IBM Interact] Contact optimization [IBM Contact Optimization] Distributed marketing [IBM Distributed Marketing] Challenges IBM Campaign buyers typically need to address Effectiveness of campaigns is declining – need to INCREASE PRECISION of targeting and better track what’s working Volume of campaigns growing – requires greater OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCY and best practice standardization COMPLEXITY of campaigns is increasing (multi-wave, cross-channel, highly personalized) – harder to manage Need to leverage DATA STORED IN MANY PLACES Need to REDUCE DEPENDENCE ON I.T. to execute campaigns 6 Simple overview of IBM Campaign customer data (1) accesses customer data often replacing slow processes involving custom-coded database queries 7 IBM Campaign communication channels (2) manipulates data (3) selects & segments customers (4) assigns offers to customers (5) schedules runs & waves (6) generates and delivers lists 7) tracks contacts and responses, attributes results Key features of IBM Campaign Customer data access through Universal Data Interconnect (UDI) Segmentation, targeting and campaign design through flowcharts Ability to design & execute multi-wave, multi-channel campaigns Complex customer data handling with audience-level switching Central repository for re-usable offers and segment definitions 8 Key features of IBM Campaign – continued Campaign planning through target cell spreadsheet (TCS) interface Complete contact and response history for each individual Multiple response attribution approaches to assess results Rich set of reports – both standard and configurable Integration with IBM Digital Analytics to leverage online data 9 Highlight on Universal Dynamic Interconnect (“UDI”) Capability: Enables simultaneous access to multiple data sources located in various locations throughout the company Benefit: Provides the flexibility to leverage all available marketing data reducing required IT support UDI Customer DB Transactional SYSTEM Transient Data & Flat Files 10 Highlight on flowcharts 11 Highlight on flowcharts Selection & Segmentation: • Select target audience • Suppress groups • Create segments and assign offers • Sample for testing 12 Highlight on flowcharts Execution: • Schedule campaign runs • Send targets to IBM eMessage • Generate output lists • Create contact history 13 Highlight on flowcharts Tracking & Optimization: •Call predictive models (SPSS, PredictiveInsight, 3rd party) •Optimize contacts across campaigns (using IBM Contact Optimization) •Track responses and attribution 14 Highlight on flowcharts Tracking & Optimization: •Call predictive models (SPSS, PredictiveInsight, 3rd party) •Optimize contacts across campaigns (using IBM Contact Optimization) •Track responses and attribution 15 Highlight on flowcharts Selection & Segmentation Execution Tracking & Optimization Benefits: • Graphical interface makes it easy to create, audit and modify campaign logic • Broad and flexible capabilities accommodate the most complex campaigns 16 Highlight on offer management and target cell spreadsheet OFFER MANAGEMENT Central repository of offers to promote reuse and consistency Offers created based on templates with standard and custom attributes Offer attribute values can be dynamically generated for each campaign target Benefit: simplifies management of complex campaigns TARGET CELL SPREADSHEET Captures all cell information in an accessible, spreadsheet-like environment “Top-down” assignment of offers to cells Facilitates campaign QC processes Benefit: creates a collaboration workspace for campaign planning and development teams 17 Highlight on response tracking & attribution Benefits: • Flexible attribution options to fit any approach • Standard tools minimize need for custom work • Better insights into campaign performance CLICKS Attribution CALLS PURCHASES REDEMPTIONS & other response types Action Table or Response types: • Direct (exact, inexact) • Inferred • Custom (e.g., viral) Response History Attribution options: • First, Last • Fractional • Multiple responses can also be made part of IBM’s cross-channel attribution methodology 18 Highlight on reporting •Many standard reports included — By campaign, channel, cell, offer and segment performance — Over time (day, week, month, qtr, yr), relative days, weeks, months •Allows report customization and new report creation •Supports bursting and non-bursting, scheduling and notification Benefits: • Increases insight into campaign status and results • Improves marketing decisionmaking • Provides every user with information 19 Distribution Across Databases & App Server Target Channels Direct Mail E-Mail Vendor Website Campaign Other Cust Touchpoints UDI Operational CRM Other Mart Online Data File-based Transactional Transactional Systems Systems System Tables Analytics Tables Marketing Datamart Reporting Reporting& & BI BI Tools Tools Campaign Tables Inside Datamart Other Application Contact Optimization Functional Flow 1. Design and run individual campaigns to generate proposed contacts 2. Run the optimization session, review the results & adjust if necessary 3. Trigger campaign completion to use optimized contacts CAMPAIGNS PROPOSED Contacts CONSTRAINTS BUSINESS Rules Contact Optimization CONTACT History Campaign 21 OTHER Data Contact Optimization Contact Optimization D Customer ID Contacts Campaign ID Channel ID Offer ID Date Individualized email messaging increases engagement 1 3 Subject Line Personalization 2 Personalized Content 3 Dynamic Subject Lines 4 Individualized Content Lists 5 E-commerce-driven Personalization 6 Website-driven Content 7 Send Time Optimization 7 8 4 1 2 5 6 9 First name personalization Name and contact info for each customer’s personal rep The subject line changes based on the type and duration of club membership For any customer who has purchased two or more items in the last 90 days, list each purchase with review links Display totals and other engaging content to drive follow-on purchases Directly track each customer’s Web activity and prompt them to visit new areas of the site The message arrives in each individual’s inbox at precisely the time that individual is most likely to check email Data-driven Dynamic Image 8 Image is selected based on demographic and profile info Score-driven Dynamic Offer 9 Discounts/prices vary by social influence and time since last purchase Program automation drives interactions at scale 3 1 Marketers can visual build the content and cadence for the automated campaign including email, direct mail, tele-sales, and lead routes. 1 2 Communication steps 2 3 Decision diamonds Easily add business criteria to determine when and which path each individual will move down. Advanced processing (global, track, step) Extensive capabilities drive real-time interactions and external systems - Filter, route, update, Sync with CRM, add to CRM campaign, or End Track contacts 4 4 Hyper individualized content Dynamic content, relational table content, behavioral content, real-time content and send time optimization are available in each step 23 Behavior-based business rules create personalized interactions Email Behaviors Opens, Clicks, Sent or not sent, in any given time window. Web Analytics Integration WA data feed – search, shopping cart, page level Relational Data Ecommerce, In Store Social Feed Mention, Follow, RT in given time window Silverpop Native Web Feed Site visits, page visits, Custom web behaviors Push notification Messages Send simple and rich messages Customized Preference Center Simple Notification Rich Notification Notification Inbox • Users choose movie preferences in a customized preference center • Targeted messages with ticket releases, new trailers, 3rd-party promotions, and news about movies of interest are sent to users Introducing IBM Interact IBM Interact is REAL-TIME INTERACTION MANAGEMENT software Determines, in real-time, the best personalized message for each live customer interaction, especially “inbound” contacts Can plug into any customer touch-point: Web site, call center, kiosk, point-of-sale, etc. Personalization based on historical data and new information gained during the interaction Connects and coordinates inbound marketing with outbound campaigns Designed for easy usage and management (“so easy a marketer can do it”) Can scale to meets the most rigorous performance requirements: 100,000s of concurrent sessions, response times < 0.1 sec 28 Interact enables “inbound marketing” Inbound marketing: the presentation of personalized marketing messages during “inbound interactions” – when the customer or prospect chooses to contact you http://www.voluptatem.quia http://www.voluptatem.quia/maliquam.html DETAILS HOME PAGE blank OFFER WWW perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat OFFER ? fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo blan OFFER k inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut “Greetings” reason for call resolution ? OFFER CALL CENTER Turns every customer touch-point into a channel for the kind of personalized marketing messages previously only delivered through outbound campaigns 29 ! perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus hold time… [authentication] perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut ! Customer Segmentation Take input from realtime channel. Look at customer value segments Segment Customer on Product Interest Evaluate Customer Search-Term to Understand Interests Align customer to segments for treatment strategy Setup market A/B test Eligibility Rule Example Offer Attributes Eligibility Rules Marketer Score (Real-time Learning Enabled) Offer , Message, Promotion. Behavioral Targeting Segment Offer Zone, Call Center, Web Page, Etc. Managing Offer Strategies How Interact works – detailed Can use common: segment definitions offers Data from realtime service calls IBM Interact Customer profile http://www.voluptatem.quia OFFER blank perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut Uses combination of candidate segmentation & rules offers & scores Events WELCOME fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat Records offer presentation and response or non-response PRE-CALCULATED DECISIONS REAL-TIME LOGIC Real-time context final offer(s) ARBITRATION Self-learning algorithm or external model adjusts scores Outbound Campaign interaction history Builds white lists and black lists ADD/REMOVE OFFERS white lists, black lists Adjust list of offers using white/black lists and suppression rules revised offer list and scores Offers can be: global segment-level Can be factored into selflearning for future scoring… individual-level …and factored into future batch campaigns. IBM ExperienceOne Architecture Application Servers Clients Backend Servers Datastores Predictive Analytics Platform System Tables Campaign Management UDI Campaign Management (Analytics) Realtime Decisioning (Design) Marketing Resource Management System Tables Outbound Realtime Decisioning Realtime Decisioning Platform Load Balancer Website Enterprise Servive Bus Call Centre HTTP Deployment Realtime Decisioning Realtime System Tables Real-Time Customer Profiles Offer Lists RTA Custom Self Learning Clients IBM Campaign IBM Interact Runtime Servers IBM Marketing Operations IBM SPSS IBM InfoSphere Streams Runtime Datastores Real-time Interaction History Campaign Management + Realtime Decisioning System Tables Marketing Resource Management Inbound Other Data Sources Customer Offer Whitelists Platform Browser Customer & Marketing Data Interact Reference Architecture
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