Campbelltown City Council Minutes Council Meeting Minutes of the meeting of the Council held in the Council Chamber, 172 Montacute Road, Rostrevor Tuesday 20 January 2015 Minutes - Council 20 January 2015 Elected Members Present: Mayor Brewer Councillor Amber Councillor Barbaro Councillor Grigg Councillor Kennedy Councillor Leombruno Councillor Nenke Councillor Noble Councillor Tidd Councillor Whittaker Council Staff Present: Chief Executive Officer General Manager Corporate & Community Services General Manager Infrastructure Services General Manager Urban Planning & Leisure Services Manager Governance & Communications Manager Planning Regulation & Environmental Services Executive Assistant Meeting Commenced: 7.30 pm Meeting Reconvened: 10.01 pm 1. Meeting Adjourned: 9.42 pm Meeting Concluded: 10.35 pm Opening of the Meeting The time being 7.30 pm Mayor Brewer opened the meeting. 2. Apologies Cr Leombruno moved and Cr Kennedy seconded that an apology be received for the absence of Cr Ryan. Carried 3. Minutes Cr Tidd moved and Cr Barbaro seconded that the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on Tuesday 16 December 2014 as printed and circulated be taken as read and confirmed. Carried TRIM: 15/2859 Page 1 Minutes - Council 4. Public Question Time 5. Business Adjourned 20 January 2015 Nil. 6. Questions With Notice Nil. 7. Petition Nil. 8. Deputations Nil. 9. Motions on Notice 9.1 Cr Nenke moved and Cr Kennedy seconded that Council hold a workshop between the Mayor and Elected Members, the Chief Executive Officer and General Managers, and Planning and Development Staff to define a united direction when considering all future high density infill development proposals. With the consent of the Mover, Seconder and the Council the Motion was altered to reflect the following: that Council hold a workshop between the Mayor and Elected Members, the Chief Executive Officer and General Managers, and Planning and Development Staff to investigate possible directions when considering all future high density infill development proposals. Carried TRIM: 15/2859 Page 2 Minutes - Council 20 January 2015 Cr Kennedy moved and Cr Amber seconded that Items 10.1 to 10.2 be moved in block. Carried 10. Recommendations from Committees 10.1 Development Assessment Panel - Minutes, Tuesday 16 December 2014 Cr Kennedy moved and Cr Amber seconded that the minutes of the Development Assessment Panel made at its meeting held on Tuesday 16 December 2014 be received. Carried 10.2 Audit & Governance Advisory Committee – Minutes, Thursday 11 December 2014 Cr Kennedy moved and Cr Amber seconded that the minutes of the Audit & Governance Advisory Committee made at its meeting held on Thursday 11 December 2014 be received. Carried 11. Reports from Officers 11.1 Final Report from the Expert Panel on Planning Reform TRIM Reference: b165 Cr Whittaker moved and Cr Leombruno seconded that Council endorse the following submission to be submitted to the Department of Planning Transport and Infrastructure: Reform 1 Establish a State Planning Commission The creation of a Planning Commission is a good concept which has the potential to have the Planning Minister focus on State level strategy and not individual DPA’s and assessment matters. There is the potential for duplication of roles and clarification would be needed to ensure that efficiencies are gained and that it doesn’t just introduce a new level of bureaucracy. Having Local Government representation on the Commission would be vital for a balanced focus in providing advice to the Minister and preparing Planning directions. TRIM: 15/2859 Page 3 Minutes - Council 20 January 2015 Reform 2 Create a network of Regional Planning Boards Council does not support the introduction of Regional Boards. They are likely to result in duplication and the creation of additional layers of bureaucracy. They would also result in additional costs which would result in an additional burden to ratepayers. However should they be introduced Council would support the level of local government representation proposed. Reform 3 Enact a Charter of Citizen Participation Council supports this concept provided that both State and Local Government are required to adhere to it. However it is noted that this was likely to have some cost implications for Council when developing and engaging on new policy and strategic documents. Reform 4 Engage parliament in the development of planning policies. This is a good concept for Parliament to be focused on Strategy and Policy at the highest level. However it is noted that it is unclear how this would be achieved. Reform 5 Establish a single framework for State Directions. The concept of this reform is supported. Reform 6 Reshape planning documents on a regional basis Council does not object to the concept of regional strategic and planning documents provided Councils have a strong voice in their preparation, direction and maintenance as they have the potential to be more fine grained, and responsive to changing local circumstances. The potential to have greater integration with infrastructure providers and other bodies such as the NRM boards would also be positive. Council maintains its concern about the Minister retaining the right to overrule Regional planning Strategies TRIM: 15/2859 Page 4 Minutes - Council 20 January 2015 Reform 7 Establish a single State-wide menu of planning rules Council support this concept and note that this is something already being undertaken in various forms by the Government, but not very well. However Council is concerned that current efforts have resulted in generic policy which is ineffective and not rolled out consistently across Development Plans even when those Development Plans ostensibly have the same generic modules, leading to variation between versions of the same modules to address deficiencies and local distinctive circumstances. It is believed that to work well the reform would need to address these issues and ensure rigorous base modules with room for effective local variation to maintain context. It is noted that consultation on policy modules would need to be effective and wide ranging to ensure that automatic changes to policy in Development Plans does not cause significant impact to developers, property owners or residents. Reform 8 Place Heritage on renewed foundations Council are supportive of this concept and particularly a central depository for heritage places and more detail on heritage features although again how this would work and interact with Development Plans would need to be clarified. It is noted that there is an emphasis on heritage places and an absence of comment on heritage areas or zones. The Council would also like to see the expansion of heritage to include flora (particularly trees) where there is a strong link with local history. Reform 9 Make changing plans easy, quick and transparent Notwithstanding the concerns about regional planning boards should they be in place Council are supportive of this concept particularly the simplification of Statements of Intent and the devolution of authority to a level where Councils would have greater input. The Council also noted that there would need to be significant clarification on how the mechanics of this would work. TRIM: 15/2859 Page 5 Minutes - Council 20 January 2015 Reform 10 Adopt clear simple development pathways Council consider that this is a sensible concept provided the assessment system and future policy development reinforce the pathways rather than undermine their intent. The Council also noted that there were elements of historic planning control mechanisms suggested by the term ‘prohibited’. Reform 11 Take the next steps toward independent professional assessment Council expressed some concerns this may flood a Regional Panel with minor matters which would slow the development processes down and noted that to be effective a Regional Panel would need to be focussed on larger and more complex applications. This would then mean either the maintenance of local Panels or a significant extension of delegated authorities to Council staff. Reform 12 Clarify the approval pathways for projects of State significance Council is supportive of this concept believing that it was sensible and logical. Reform 13 Streamline the assessment for essential infrastructure Council view this as a positive reform. Reform 14 Make the appeals process more accessible Council consider that this concept is positive. Reform 15 Provide new and effective enforcement options Council is supportive of the concept of simplifying and strengthening enforcement and compliance options. TRIM: 15/2859 Page 6 Minutes - Council 20 January 2015 Reform 16 Reinforce and expand precinct planning The Council are supportive of the concept for limited specific and well justified situations however clarification of how the concepts would operate would be required for further comment. Reform 17 Settle and deliver an infrastructure funding framework Council is supportive of this concept but felt that it should also include reforms to allow Councils to clearly and simply recover the costs of repair of Council infrastructure resulting from development within established suburbs which is currently an ongoing financial burden to local communities. Council is supportive of the flexible concepts for the more effective provision of open space, parks and urban greenery but highlight the importance of an open and transparent mechanism for allocation of funds. Reform 18 Integrate open space and the public realm in the planning system Council is supportive of the flexible concepts for the more effective provision of open space, parks and urban greenery but highlight the importance of an open and transparent mechanism for allocation of funds. Reform 19 Aim for seamless legislative interfaces Council is supportive of this aim. Reform 20 Adopt an online approach to planning Council is supportive of this concept however more should be done to reach that goal. Reform 21 Adopt a rigorous monitoring approach Council is supportive of this concept and noted that additional monitoring should focus on strategic and policy development outcomes rather than the current focus on assessment outputs and timeframes. Council also believes that the cost of this monitoring should not be shifted to Local Government. TRIM: 15/2859 Page 7 Minutes - Council 20 January 2015 Reform 22 Pursue cultural change and improved practice across the system. Council is supportive of this concept. and that any reforms which result in additional cost to Local Government be funded by the State Government. Carried 11.2 Abolition of State Government Rate Concessions TRIM Reference: B283 Cr Amber moved and Cr Leombruno seconded that Council: 1. will not fund the withdrawn State Government funding for rate concessions 2. advises all ratepayers in a letter as detailed in the Council Agenda on Page 78, with the deletion of the first sentence in the second paragraph, along with minor alterations made by Staff, currently receiving concessions of the withdrawal in funding and encourage them to contact their local Member of Parliament to express their concern with the withdrawal of this funding 3. supports the Local Government Association’s campaign to seek reinstatement of the concessions where appropriate. An Amendment was moved by Cr Whittaker that Council: 1. will not fund the withdrawn State Government funding for rate concessions 2. advises all ratepayers in a letter as detailed in the Council Agenda on Page 78 with any minor alterations made by Staff, currently receiving concessions of the withdrawal in funding and encourage them to contact their local Member of Parliament to express their concern with the withdrawal of this funding 3. supports the Local Government Association’s campaign to seek reinstatement of the concessions where appropriate. Lapsed for the want of a Seconder The Motion on being put was TRIM: 15/2859 Carried Page 8 Minutes - Council 11.3 20 January 2015 Eastern Districts Tennis Association request for funding the upgrade of its tennis courts at Herb Reid Reserve, Samuel Street, Tranmere TRIM Reference: B503 The Mayor advised he is the Patron of the Eastern Districts Tennis Association. Cr Leombruno moved and Cr Barbaro seconded that the Eastern Districts Tennis Association be advised that Council will consider allocating funding to undertake the court resurfacing works from the Renewal and Replacement Fund at the time of formulating the 2015/2016 Annual Business Plan and Budget. An Amendment was moved by Cr Noble and seconded by Cr Nenke that the Eastern Districts Tennis Association be advised that Council will consider allocating funding to undertake the court resurfacing works from the Renewal and Replacement Fund at the time of formulating the 2015/2016 Annual Business Plan and Budget subject to the Association contributing $5,000 towards these works. The Amendment on being put was Lost A Formal Motion was moved by Cr Amber and seconded by Cr Kennedy that the Motion be put. Carried The Motion on being put was 11.4 Carried Linear Park Shared Use Paths TRIM Reference: B2450 Cr Amber moved and Cr Whittaker seconded that the resident be advised of the two studies being undertaken with respect to the River Torrens Linear Park and the use thereof and that her concerns will be sent to the consultants conducting the studies. Carried 11.5 Self Assessment Framework for Council and its Committees TRIM Reference: B921 Cr Amber moved and Cr Barbaro seconded that Council does not support the adoption of the Self Assessment Framework. Carried TRIM: 15/2859 Page 9 Minutes - Council 11.6 20 January 2015 Fences (Penalties) Amendment Bill 2014 TRIM Reference: B2419 Cr Kennedy moved and Cr Grigg seconded that Staff advise Mr Griffiths MP (with a copy to the Local Government Association) that Council supports the introduction of the Fences (Penalties) Amendment Bill 2014 subject to the following comments: retention of the existing Sections 8 and 9 of the Act and that: care should be taken in respect to the introduction of penalties for the Act as the introduction of penalties may well result in unwarranted and undesirable escalation of disputes in the Magistrates Court if penalties are introduced, it is suggested that the penalty: ‐ for natural persons (individuals) be set at the value of the fencing work plus the cost of the fence ‐ for bodies corporate the value of the penalty should be 5 times the value of the fencing work plus the cost of the fence if the Bill progresses, it should be a first step towards a comprehensive review of the Fences Act as the effectiveness and appropriateness of this legislation for today’s society has not been reviewed since 1997. Carried 11.7 Policy Review – Executive Services TRIM Reference: B118 Cr Grigg moved and Cr Tidd seconded that Council endorse the following draft Executive Services Policies for the purpose of public consultation: Administrative Policy For Elected Members Appointments on Committees, DAP and External Bodies Business Continuity Policy Code Of Practice For Access to Meetings and Documents Community Accountability Elected Members' Training and Development Internal Review Of Council Decisions Prudential Management Policy Public Consultation Register of Interests Request for Service & General Complaint Handling Policy Risk Management. Carried TRIM: 15/2859 Page 10 Minutes - Council 11.8 20 January 2015 East Waste Charter Review TRIM Reference: B419 Cr Leombruno moved and Cr Kennedy seconded that Staff advise the East Waste Board that in relation the East Waste Charter Review, Council generally supports the retention of the existing Charter with one minor change as proposed by the Town of Walkerville to the extent that each Constituent Council Proxy to the Subsidiary Board has voting rights. Carried 11.9 Youth Advisory Committee Membership TRIM Reference: B304 Cr Whittaker moved and Cr Kennedy seconded that Council appoint: 1. the following Youth Community Members to the Youth Advisory Committee until 30 November 2016: 2. Ms Claire Coleman Ms Rania Neisi Ms Jessica Vari Ms Jing-Yang Li the following School Representative to the Youth Advisory Committee until 30 November 2015: Mr Bevan Thulkanam Ms Giulia-Giorgina Condoluci. Carried 11.10 Campbelltown Leisure Centre Redevelopment TRIM Reference: B463 Cr Leombruno moved and Cr Kennedy seconded that the item be deferred to the end of the meeting. Carried 11.11 Consent Items Cr Amber moved and Cr Kennedy seconded that with the exception of 11.11D the following Consent Items be received and the recommendations contained therein be adopted. TRIM: 15/2859 Page 11 Minutes - Council 11.11A 20 January 2015 Nominations Sought for the LGA Workers Compensation Scheme Board – Circular 51.6 TRIM Reference: B2419 That the correspondence from the Local Government Association dated 18 December 2014 be received and that Cr Amber be nominated to the LGA Workers Compensation Scheme Board. 11.11B Nominations Sought for the LGA Mutual Liability Scheme Board – Circular 51.7 TRIM Reference: B2419 That the correspondence from the Local Government Association dated 18 December 2014 be received and that Cr Amber be nominated to the LGA Mutual Liability Scheme Board. 11.11C Campbelltown Leisure Centre Redevelopment TRIM Reference: B1434 That the correspondence from the Hon Christopher Pyne MP dated December 2014 be received and that Council formally write to him thanking him for his assistance and continued commitment in securing this funding. 11.11E Nominations Sought for the Development Assessment Commission – Circular 2.1 TRIM Reference: B2419 That the correspondence from the Local Government Association dated 5 January 2015 be received. 11.11F Naval Shipbuilding TRIM Reference: B165 That the correspondence from the Hon Martin Hamilton-Smith MP dated 16 December 2014 be received. 11.11G Annual Leave Request – Chief Executive Officer TRIM Reference: E38/02 That Council endorse the Chief Executive Officer’s annual leave for the period 26 October – 6 November 2015 and in accordance with the Local Government Act appoint Ms Michelle Hammond as Acting Chief Executive Officer during that time. TRIM: 15/2859 Page 12 Minutes - Council 11.11H 20 January 2015 Personal Email Accounts and Council Members TRIM Reference: B2077 That the correspondence from the SA Ombudsman dated 7 January 2015 be received. 11.11I LGA 2015 Showcase and Ordinary General Meeting Notices of Motion TRIM Reference: B283 That Council note the information provided in the report titled ‘LGA 2015 Showcase and Ordinary General Meeting Notices of Motion’. 11.11J Monthly Finance Report That the Monthly Finance Report for the period 1 December 2014 to 31 December 2014 be received. 11.11K Expression of Interest for 2016 Santos Tour Down Under TRIM Reference: B2596 That staff lodge an Expression of interest to host a stage finish of the 2016 Santos Tour Down Under. 11.11L Nominations Sought for 2014/15 John Legoe Award – Circular 2.7 TRIM Reference: B2419 That the correspondence from the Local Government Association dated 8 January 2015 be received. 11.11M New Regulations relating to the Coordinator-General’s Role TRIM Reference: B165 That the correspondence from the Hon John Rau MP dated 7 January 2015 be received. Carried 11.11D Campbelltown Landcare Group Work Agenda for 2015 TRIM Reference: B349 Cr Amber moved and Cr Leombruno seconded that consideration of the Campbelltown Landcare Group’s Work Agenda for 2015 be deferred until discussions with Council Staff have occurred in relation to the Avenue of Honour at Wadmore Park / Pulyonna Wirra. Carried TRIM: 15/2859 Page 13 Minutes - Council 12. 20 January 2015 Members’ Reports Cr Whittaker moved and Cr Amber seconded that Staff be congratulated on the success of the Santos Tour Down Under Event held today. Carried Unanimously Cr Whittaker Advised there was a workshop held in the Chamber for the Poppies Project which is celebrating the landing at Gallipoli and there was a donation of 100 poppies from a lady from Gawler. There will be a display of all these poppies at the Gums on Anzac Day. Cr Noble Advised he lodged a petition on behalf of the residents with the Chief Executive Officer regarding the proposed development in Gameau Road. Cr Grigg, Cr Leombruno and Cr Kennedy declared an interest in this matter due to being Development Assessment Panel Members and left the chamber at 9.37 pm. Cr Noble Went on to advise of the major concerns regarding this development that have been raised by residents and detailed in the petition. The time being 9.41 pm Cr Grigg, Cr Leombruno and Cr Kennedy re-entered the meeting. A Formal Motion was moved by Cr Kennedy and seconded by Cr Tidd that the meeting be adjourned for the purpose of the evening break until 9.55 pm. Carried The time being 9.42 pm the meeting stood adjourned. The time being 10.03 pm the meeting reconvened. 11.10 Campbelltown Leisure Centre Redevelopment TRIM Reference: B463 Cr Leombruno move and Cr Kennedy seconded that: 1. that under the provisions of Section 90 (2) of the Local Government Act 1999 an order be made that the public except Elected Members and the following Staff Chief Executive Officer, General Manager Corporate and Community Services, General Manager Infrastructure Services, General Manager Urban Planning & Leisure Services, Manager Governance and Communications and Executive Assistant be excluded from attendance at the meeting in order to consider in confidence Item 11.10. TRIM: 15/2859 Page 14 Minutes - Council 20 January 2015 2. that the Council is satisfied that it is reasonably foreseeable that the public disclosure or discussion of the report at the meeting could reasonably be expected to confer commercial information of a confidential nature (not being a trade secret) the disclosure of which could reasonably be expected to prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied the information, or to confer a commercial advantage on a third party, as contained in Section 90 (3)(d)(i) and (ii). 3. that an order be made under the provisions of Section 91(7) of the Local Government Act 1999, that the report of the subject matter, having been dealt with on a confidential basis under Section 90(3) of the Act, should be kept confidential on the grounds that disclosure of information could confer commercial information of a confidential nature (not being a trade secret) the disclosure of which could reasonably be expected to prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied the information, or to confer a commercial advantage on a third party as contained in Section 90 (3)(b)(i) until the matter is finalised with the signing of a contract. Carried With the leave of the Council the meeting was extended to 11.00 pm. Cr Amber moved and Cr Barbaro seconded that the Campbelltown Leisure Centre be closed during the construction period to reduce the overall cost and construction time of the project and that Staff work with the Dance Group, Norwood Basketball Club, Futsal SA and Roller Derby to accommodate their needs in alternative locations while the construction is taking place. Carried Unanimously 13. Closure of Meeting The time being 10.35 pm the Mayor closed the meeting. Certified a true record ............................................. CHAIRPERSON Taken as read and confirmed this day ............................................. CHAIRPERSON TRIM: 15/2859 Page 15
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