Mission Possible: Graduation & Beyond Class of 2018 Information and Tips for Creating a Successful High School & Career Experience Welcome to High School! 8th Grade Orientation and Overview of High School Information What is BRIDGE Building Resourceful Individuals to Develop Georgia’s Economy Advisement? For all middle and high school students, there is BRIDGE advisement delivered by counselors through classroom guidance. BRIDGE Advisement activities and plans help all students be College and Career Ready. There are annual opportunities for each student and their parent/guardian to update the BRIDGE Graduation Plan. During 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grades, you will have an opportunity to review both your graduation plan and make course requests. Career Planner & HS 101 These two documents will provide you information about high school as well as course descriptions. The Career Planner will be used this year and all during high school. High School 101 is used during your 8th grade year and as you enter high school. Career Planner Website link: http://www.paulding.k12.ga.us/UserFiles/2/Career-Planner_13-14.pdf High School 101 Printed Guide Available During October Conference Week What classes will I take th during my 9 grade year? th 9 During your first semester in grade, you will take at least four classes and at the most seven. This depends on how many block or traditional classes you have. A block class is one in which you have class for 100 minutes (2 class periods) per semester. A traditional class is one which you have for 50 minutes (like in middle school) per semester. Paulding County High Schools have adopted a hybrid schedule that combines both traditional and block courses. This allows options for students to take more classes and electives during their four years in high school. Sample Schedule 1st Period- 8:30-9:25 – Spanish I 2nd Period- 9:30-10:25- 9th Lit Block 2 – 10:25-12:40- CCGPS Algebra 5th Period- 12:45-1:35- Biology 6th Period- 1:40- 2:30- Health 7th Period- 2:35-3:25-Visual Arts What classes will I take first semester? There are certain classes that you are required to take to graduate. The classes you are required to take in 9th grade are: 9th Grade Literature or Honors CCGPS Coordinate Algebra or Accelerated CCGPS Coordinate Algebra/Analytic Geometry A Biology or Honors Then you will also take other elective courses during your first semester such as: World Geography, Personal Fitness, Health, Spanish I, Fine Arts, CTAE Pathway course, etc. Will I choose the classes I want to take? In High School you will choose some of your classes, like electives, though you may not always get the ones you select. Other classes are required to graduate and you will not get to choose. For Example – You have to take Math but you can choose if you want to take a World Language. The decisions on electives need to be based on your goals/plans after high school and your BRIDGE Career Interest Inventory information. Your Plan of Study will also be important for you to consider. Your middle and high school counselors will help you weigh your options and select the classes that will help you reach your career/education goals. What document will I use to make course requests for th my 9 grade year and make a plan for grades 10, 11 and 12? While this document will be used to create your plan for 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grades during the BRIDGE Advisement opportunity with your parent/guardian, the Section 2 (S.2) column will be used for course requests (registration) for your 9th grade year. The S.3, S.4, and S.5 columns or sections will be used to plan for the 10th, 11th, and 12th grade years. What classes are required to graduate? Section 1 of the BRIDGE Graduation Document lists these graduation requirements which include specific courses required to graduate and total 23 units of credit. •4 English classes •4 Math classes •4 Science classes •3 Social Studies classes •1 Personal Fitness class •1 Health class •3 CTAE/Fine Arts/World Language Classes •4 Electives What are credits? A credit is also known as a Carnegie Unit. You earn one unit when you pass: ½ credit over two semesters = 1 credit OR 1 credit course taken as a block during one semester = 1 credit You need 23 credits to graduate! Test-out Opportunities for Credit Beginning in the Spring of 8th grade, qualified students may testout in up to 3 EOCT courses throughout high school and earn up to 3 high school credits. Test-out Opportunities Basic Requirements and Information: 1. Limit is 3 credits earned during high school. 2. PCSD Test-out Registration Opportunity in January with information available prior to registration opportunity. 3. Student cannot have started a course(s) that he/she is planning to test-out. 4. During January registration a payment of $50.00 must be made for each test. Students who score Exceeds will have this money reimbursed. 5. During February a grade of B or higher will be validated in the subject area in which the test is to be taken by the student’s teacher. Also, during February a teacher recommendation regarding the test-out opportunity must be received. 6. EOCT test(s) is taken during the week of March 10. 7. Once district has results and the Exceeds score is available, student will have transcript updated with course number, course title and the credit by his/her school counselor. Test-out Opportunities Information Page 14 of Career Planner How are Honors classes in high school different from middle school? In 8th grade you may be taking one or more accelerated/advanced courses in an academic area. In 9th grade honors courses include the areas of English/Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies. At some high schools Advanced Placement Human Geography is also offered to 9th grade students. There is an online application process that begins in Novmember. The online application is linked to the PCSD’s main website. Advanced Placement or (AP) courses are offered in 10th-12th grades. (Some high schools offer AP Human Geography in the 9th grade year.) Successful completion of an AP course, an average of 70 or above, earns a student 10 additional points to the final grade. Passing the AP exam will usually count as college credit, depending on college/university regulations where you attend. AP courses are offered in English/Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, and Science. Weighting of Grades for Honors and AP Honors courses can also affect GPA (Grade Point Average) - The weighted numeric GPA is 5 points for honors courses and of course, 10 points higher for AP courses. Regular courses are known as unweighted courses. What electives can I th take in 9 grade? Here are the electives you can take in 9th grade: Music • Beginning Band • Beginning Chorus • Beginning Choral Ensemble • Current Issues • World Geography • Fundamentals I World Language • • • Social Studies (Highly recommended) Theatre Arts Spanish 1 Spanish 2 French 1 CTAE (Career Technical and Agricultural Education) How many electives can I take th in 9 grade? th 9 You will take 3 electives in grade including Health and PE (Both Personal Fitness and Health are required for graduation, unless you successfully complete 3 years of JROTC.) Do I have to take PE? YES, to graduate, you have to take PE (Personal Fitness) and pass it! You don’t have to take it in 9th grade, but all freshmen are registered for it. As previously stated, 3 passed courses in the JROTC pathway will satisfy the Health and Personal Fitness requirements for graduation. What is JROTC? The Junior ROTC program is an elective course taught by retired officers and non-commissioned officers at selected public and private high schools in the U.S. JROTC prepares high school students for future leadership roles while making them aware of the benefits of citizenship. Classroom and outside activities become opportunities to acquire knowledge, discipline, and a sense of responsibility that are necessary to take charge of one's future. The result is responsible cadets who are confident of themselves, can think on their own, and can express their ideas and opinions clearly and concisely. JROTC (Air Force) is offered at EPHS. JROTC (Army) is offered at HHS, NPHS, PCHS, and SPHS. Do I have to take a World Language to graduate? No! You can take CTAE or fine arts classes instead. BUT… Yes! If you plan on attending college. 2 years of the same World Language are required for admission into Georgia Colleges/Universities as well as many out-of-state colleges and universities. What is CTAE? Career, Technical, and Agricultural Educational Courses Students may earn 3 units of credit in a sequence of CTAE courses through selfselected pathways leading to college and career readiness certificate. Paulding County offers courses in the following Career Clusters: Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Architecture and Construction Arts, Audio-video Technology, and Communications Business Management and Administration Education and Training Energy Finance Government and Public Administration Healthcare Science Hospitality and Tourism Human Services Information Technology Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security Manufacturing Marketing Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics CTAE Video Link http://schools.paulding.k12.ga.us/isch ooldistrict/district_videos_select.php ?district_ID=2&video_ID=112 What if I wanted to take a course Online during high school? During the month of June 2014, there will be a PCSD online registration opportunity for high school courses. Senate Bill 289 allows districts to provide students in grades 3 through 12 the option of taking an online course should you choose that option. What if I wanted to take a course Online during high school? Counselors have the online course information for high school courses. The district resource is called K12. The GaDOE Clearinghouse provides course and provider information and may be accessed through the following link for provider information: http://www.gadoe.org/_layouts/GADOEPublic.SP App/Clearinghouse.aspx What if I wanted to go to a college, university or technical college before I graduate? College Credit Now/ Dual Enrollment Defined A process by which high school students take courses from a state public or private postsecondary institution while still enrolled as a high school student and receive credit both at the high school and at the postsecondary institution. How Does Dual Credit Benefit High School Students? Student Benefits Enhance high school experience College persistence College savings Job skills acquisition Quicker entry into the workforce High School Benefits Expanded course offerings Our district students usually take advantage of either Accel, Move on When Ready, or TCSG Dual Enrollment Accel is a program typically for Juniors and Seniors. Accel courses are core academic courses in English, mathematics, science, and social studies and are part of a degree program. A student may be full or part time at the college, university or technical college. If a student is part time at the college, then, the student is also part time at the high school. Students must meet admissions requirements at the college, technical college or university. Move on When Ready Important facts about MOWR: 1. Students must have attended public high school previous year and be counted in both FTE counts 2. Students must be in 11th or 12th grade and attending as fulltime student at the postsecondary institution (12 semester hours) 3. Students cannot switch from MOWR to another College Credit Now program during the semester. 4. Students must meet admissions requirements of the college, university or technical college. 5. Core or elective courses may be taken. College Credit Now/Dual Enrollment AGE (*See school counselor if want to take course work younger than 16.) FUNDING MOWR ACCEL Junior or Senior 16 years* Georgia Department of Education 100% paid tuition and fees up to 15 semester hours or 4 high school units DUAL TCSG JOINT Junior or Senior 16 years* 16 years* 16 years* GSFC HOPE Grant HOPE Grant 100% paid tuition from state funds No fees paid from state funds Fees paid by student for 20131014 year. (Technical College System of Georgia) (GSFAPPS) Partial Tuition Paid by Georgia Student Finance Commission Rate determined by GSFC every year Fees paid by student for 20131014 year. MOWR, ACCEL, and DUAL TCSG credit hours do NOT count toward the HOPE cap. BOOKS COURSES CREDIT (GSFAPPS) Partial Tuition Paid by Georgia Student Finance Commission Rate determined by GSFC every year Fees paid by student for 20131014 year. Credit hours count toward HOPE cap Books are responsibility of student Books are responsibility of student Books are responsibility of student Books are responsibility of student Academic/Technica l Academic Technical Academic/Technica l High school & College High school & College High school & College College only P/T or F/T at college P/T or F/T at college P/T or F/T at college HOPE CAP = 127 Semester Hours Full time at college ATTENDANCE Where can I sit at lunch? In high school, you can sit wherever you want in the Cafeteria during your lunch period. What types of food are served at Lunch in high school? The high school cafeteria serves the same types of food and lunches as the ones served in middle school. What are the procedures for lunch in high school? The lunch procedures work the same as middle school, only you walk to and from the cafeteria on your own. You don’t have to line up and be led there and back by a teacher or sit with your class. How will I know when to go to Lunch? It may be confusing at first, but a bell will ring and your th 4 or 5th period teacher will tell you which bell is your lunch bell. Don’t worry – we won’t let you miss lunch. What clubs and/or extra curricular activities are available for students th in 9 grade? In middle school, you have to be in 7th or 8th grade before you can participate in some activities. In high school, 9th graders are not limited to the kinds of clubs, sports, or extra-curricular activities they can participate in. What are the requirements to play sports in high school? First semester freshmen may participate in sports and extra-curricular activities. Second semester 9th grade students must have earned 2.5 credits to participate. How do you sign up for clubs/activities? There several ways to find out about clubs and extra curricular activities… 1. Attend the Class of 2018 (8th Grade Night at the high school in March. During this event different sponsors will have tables set up to tell you about their clubs/activities. 2. Check-out the high school Website. 3. Listen to the daily announcements about clubs, activities, and events. What can I expect from high school sports? There are several kinds of HS sports. HS sports include wrestling, baseball, competitive cheerleading, volley ball, track, cross country, golf, fast pitch softball, and tennis. You also play other district high schools instead of just within Paulding County. What is daily advisement? You may have advisement segment in your schedule similar to NBI at the middle school. For all middle and high school students, there is BRIDGE advisement delivered by counselors through classroom guidance with annual opportunities for student and parent/guardian to update the BRIDGE Graduation Plan. For high schools that have daily advisement: The advising teachers will discuss information given by the counselors and the administrators. Topics include careers and career pathways, test-taking tips, goal setting, and course selection for the upcoming semesters. Also, information regarding ongoing activities will be shared (homecoming, etc.). Do Seniors prank or disrespect freshmen? No! Bullying, cyberbullying, and harassing other students are not tolerated. Seniors that are caught harassing freshmen will have consequences. If you are being threatened by anyone or feel unsafe talk to your 9th grade counselor and/or administrator. What do I do if get lost? Our 8th grade night at the high school and 9th grade summer opportunity will help you become familiar with the high school campus so that you will not get lost. If you can’t find your way, ask a teacher or administrator you see or go to any office. There will also be school maps available at open house and during advisement the first day. How do I get from one class to the next class without being late? Use your time wisely! Don’t stand around and talk! Find the quickest way from point A to point B and go! There are consequences for being late to class. How are high school teachers different from middle school teachers? In high school, your teachers may not teach only freshmen. They expect you to be more responsible and may not be as patient about accepting late assignments or reminding you to behave. You’re expected to be more mature and take yourself and your work more seriously. You are expected to be organized and prepared each day! What is EOCT? EOCT or End Of Course Test EOCT assessments are state regulated and mandated tests that high school students have to take to ensure that the students have mastered the courses. All Georgia high school students will take the same EOCTs. This provides consistency between all schools in Georgia. Your EOCT score will count 20% of your final grade. Your course grade is 80% of your grade. Many teachers use this exam in lieu of a final exam. The EOCTs you will take in 9th grade are 9th grade Lit, CCGPS Algebra, and Biology Can I graduate early? Technically, Yes! You could graduate after the spring semester of your junior year or the fall semester of your senior year. BUT… There are so many options, opportunities, and activities your senior year you wouldn’t want to. It is very difficult to do so because you have English, Math, Science, and Social Studies courses to complete during your senior year. The College Credit Now which includes Accel, MOWR (Move On When Ready) and TCSG Dual Enrollment programs let you take college courses during high school. The work release program lets you leave early to go to work. Not to mention the social activities such as senior prom, senior week, and senior superlatives that you won’t want to miss. What is the website that supports academic and career planning for high school as well as after graduation? www.gacollege411.org What should I already have accomplished on GACollege411 per the BRIDGE Law legislation (advisement and career planning legislation): My411 Account Career Cluster Survey Interest Profiler Exploration of 3 Career Concentrations (Pathways aka Plans of Study) Exploration of 3 Careers All of these items should be saved in the portfolio of your My411 account. Will I be completing anything else this year in GACollege411? YES!!!! You are more ready than you know and we are here to help you be successful in high school. There will be an advisement opportunity with your parent/guardian to learn about high school, finalize course requests, and develop your graduation plan during the week of During this advisement opportunity, you and your parent/guardian will: Complete and/or review your BRIDGE Graduation Plan document. Middle school counselors will support you in updating this information in your IGP (Individual Graduation Plan in your My411 Account (1st Semester or Early 2nd Semester). During second semester, you will be linking/connecting yourself to the high school on GAcollege411.
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