University of Twente Master Communication Studies 2014-2015 9 May 2014 Lets introduce……. Jeanet Luijerink → Study counselor (pre) Master CS Present: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday (Cubicus C106) E-mail: [email protected] Mark Tempelman → Graduation coordinator Master CS Present: Monday till Friday (Cubicus C216) E-mail: [email protected] MASTER Communication Studies (CS) The masterprogramma CS is a one year study programme (60 EC) The masterprogramme CS has been designed so that the student is personally responsible for his/her own course of study and academic progress. ↓ Within the masterprogramme students are given freedom to make choices, so the masterprogramme CS is not the same programme for all the students of Communication Studies. After completing succesfully the masterprogramme you may call yourself → Master of Sience (MSc) MASTER PROGRAMME (1) Before starting with the master’s programme you have to choose between one out of (next year) four specialisations. - Marketing Communication - Corporate Communication - Media and Communication - Technical Communication Each specialisation includes a specific range of courses. When you f.e. have chosen for the specialisation Marketing Communication, you can choose also elective courses from the other specialisations offered! MASTER PROGRAMME (2) For each specialisation the generic study trajectory looks as follows: Compulsary courses (10 EC) - Core courses of the chosen specialisation ( 2 courses of 5 EC each); Offered twice per year (each semester). (It is not allowed to take more than one core course, because of the content-related overlap!) Elective or specialisation courses (20 EC) (offered once a year!) (at least two courses within the specialisation you have chosen!) Master thesis (30 EC) MASTER PROGRAMME (1) (start Sept. 2014) Semester 1 Block 1A Semester 2 Block 1B 5EC Essentials in… Obligatory Block 2A 5EC Research Topics in… 5EC Specialisation or elective course (1) 5EC Specialisation or elective course (2) 5EC Specialisation or elective course (3) 5EC Specialisation or elective course (4) Elective Block 2B Graduation Master Thesis 30 EC MASTER PROGRAMME (2) (start Sept. 2014) Semester 1 Block 1A Semester 2 Block 1B 5EC Essentials in… 5EC Specialisation or elective course (1) 5EC Elective Block 2B 5EC Specialisation or elective course (4) Research Topics in… 5EC Specialisation or elective course (2) 5EC Specialisation or elective course (3) Obligatory Block 2A Graduation Master Thesis 30EC MASTER PROGRAMME (3) (start Sept. 2014) Semester 1 Block 1A Semester 2 Block 1B Block 2A Block 2B 5EC 5EC Essentials in... 5EC Research Topics in… Specialisation or elective course (3) 5EC Specialisation or elective course (1) Masterthesis 30EC 5EC Specialisation or elective course (2) Obligatory Elective Graduation 5EC Specialisation or elective course (4) MASTER THESIS (30 EC) You can start with the Master thesis if………………..: you have completed successfully your bachelor CW or premaster CS, you have completed successfully the Essentials course and two specialisation/elective courses, so you have completed successfully your coursework in terms of study load at least 15 out of 30 EC. Starting with the master CS……… From the academic year(12/13) a so called “harde knip” is implemented for all bachelor and pre- master students! ↓ You can only be admitted to the Master CS at the moment you have completed your bachelorprogramma CW or pre-masterprogramme CS completely! You can start with the master’s programme in September or February. Before starting with the master CS you have to fill in the registrationform Master CS, you can find on our (master)website n%20Form%20Master%20CS%2013%2014/ For pre-master students starting with the master…… Your enrolment will switch from a premaster enrolment with a payment per EC to a master enrolment with payment of Tuition Fees. What does this mean? 1. When you pass your last course for the PM contact the Study counsellor. Admission Statement C CSA 2. CSA will contact you about how to finalize your enrolment and payment of tuition fee 3. You can choose between two payment methods: Single transfer or Payment by instalment (please arrange payment method with CSA) 4. As soon as you have signed the authorisation form you will be enrolled in the master’s programme University of Twente Master Communication Studies 2014-2015 Content of the specialisations and master thesis The Master Communication Studies Research oriented 60 EC programme, subsequent to the bachelor Communication Science or pre-master Communication Studies. Researching communication related phenomena from a behavioural (or social sciences) perspective. Four specialisations to start in each semester: Corporate Communication Marketing Communication Media and Communication Technical Communication 30 EC courses + 30 EC Master Thesis Full-time programme No part-time enrolment..! Language of all specialisations is English Corporate Communication Research direction Communication of organisations, in organisations and between organisations An interplay between internal and external communication(s) Main research topics Reputation management, Public Affairs Organisational trust and CSR issues Identity issues (corporate, organisational and visual) Relationships / Networking (in and between organisations) Leadership and Employee Communication Corporate Communication Specialisation courses: Corporate Communication Semester 1 Semester 2 Block 1A Block 1B 5EC Persuasive Communication Block 2A Multisensory Marketing and Product Experience 5EC Fenko Hegner 192402500 201200066 201200049 5EC 201200054 5EC Consumer Experience of the Service Environment Sustainability Marketing Krokké Galetzka Bialkova 192403750 ????? ?????? Van der Geest 192405110 5EC Trust, Risk and Organisations Van Vuuren Beldad ????? ???? Gosselt 5EC Van Deursen 201200053 5EC Computer Ethics User Support Soraker 201200063 ?????? 5EC Philosophy of Technology Verbeek Karreman 191612680 5EC ?????? 5EC New Media in Organisations 5EC Innovative Digital Public Services Human Computer Interaction De Vries Ebbers Schmettow 201000116 ????? 201100126 5EC Designing Learning and Performance Support ????? 5EC Social Implications of the Internet De Vries 20130028 5EC 192403650 5EC Social Media Van der Geest Van der Meij Reputation Management 200900001 Authoring and Collaboration Tools 201000113 5EC Public Affairs Linders 5EC User Centered Design of New Media 5EC Communication of Service Organisations 5EC Positive Organizing Brand Management Hegner 5EC 5EC 5EC Advertising and Marketing Psychology Pruyn Corporate Visual Identity Management Block 2B 5EC Specialisation courses Corporate Communication (Examples) Online privacy concerns; do we still trust organisations online? Prof. dr. Menno de Jong Professional and Organisational Communication Dr. Ardion Beldad Online privacy concerns and trust in organisation Corporate Communication (Examples) Job-crafting; making our work environment work for us Dr. Mark van Vuuren Research on job-crafting and (perception of) work-meaning Marketing Communication Research direction Marketing communication focusses on the effects of communication means (i.e. advertising), environmental (design) aspects as well as aspects of message content, on consumer behaviour. Main research topics Consumer responses towards CSR communication Consumer information processing Service environments and service encounters (Multi-) Sensory marketing Brand equity, Brand personality and Brand activation Marketing Communication Specialisation courses: Marketing Communication Semester 1 Semester 2 Block 1A Block 1B 5EC Persuasive Communication Block 2A Multisensory Marketing and Product Experience 5EC Fenko Hegner 192402500 201200066 201200049 5EC 201200054 5EC Consumer Experience of the Service Environment Sustainability Marketing Krokké Galetzka Bialkova 192403750 ????? ?????? Van der Geest 192405110 5EC Trust, Risk and Organisations Van Vuuren Beldad ????? ???? Gosselt 5EC Van Deursen 201200053 5EC Computer Ethics User Support Soraker 201200063 ?????? 5EC Philosophy of Technology Verbeek Karreman 191612680 5EC ?????? 5EC New Media in Organisations 5EC Innovative Digital Public Services Human Computer Interaction De Vries Ebbers Schmettow 201000116 ????? 201100126 5EC Designing Learning and Performance Support ????? 5EC Social Implications of the Internet De Vries 20130028 5EC 192403650 5EC Social Media Van der Geest Van der Meij Reputation Management 200900001 Authoring and Collaboration Tools 201000113 5EC Public Affairs Linders 5EC User Centered Design of New Media 5EC Communication of Service Organisations 5EC Positive Organizing Brand Management Hegner 5EC 5EC 5EC Advertising and Marketing Psychology Pruyn Corporate Visual Identity Management Block 2B 5EC Specialisation courses Marketing Communication (Examples) Brand activation and content marketing; adding consumer value Prof. dr. Ad Pruyn Marketing Communication and Consumer Behaviour Dr. Sabrina Hegner Brand management and Consumer Trust Marketing Communication (Examples) Healthy food products; how do consumers process information? Dr. Svetlana Bialkova Consumers Information processing strategies Media and Communication Research direction Media and Communication is about developing an understanding of the psychological processes behind (new) media use and media design in order to effectively translate that knowledge into media design and communication strategies. Research topics Implementation and effects of E-government strategies Adoption and user centered design of (new) media Effects of multi channelling and cross-media strategies The dynamics and effectiveness of social network communities ICT and (new) media usage in and between organisations Media and Communication Specialisation courses: Media & Communication Semester 1 Semester 2 Block 1A Block 1B 5EC Persuasive Communication Block 2A Multisensory Marketing and Product Experience 5EC Fenko Hegner 192402500 201200066 201200049 5EC 201200054 5EC Consumer Experience of the Service Environment Sustainability Marketing Krokké Galetzka Bialkova 192403750 ????? ?????? Van der Geest 192405110 5EC Trust, Risk and Organisations Van Vuuren Beldad ????? ???? Gosselt 5EC Van Deursen 201200053 5EC Computer Ethics User Support Soraker 201200063 ?????? 5EC Philosophy of Technology Verbeek Karreman 191612680 5EC ?????? 5EC New Media in Organisations 5EC Innovative Digital Public Services Human Computer Interaction De Vries Ebbers Schmettow 201000116 ????? 201100126 5EC Designing Learning and Performance Support ????? 5EC Social Implications of the Internet De Vries 20130028 5EC 192403650 5EC Social Media Van der Geest Van der Meij Reputation Management 200900001 Authoring and Collaboration Tools 201000113 5EC Public Affairs Linders 5EC User Centered Design of New Media 5EC Communication of Service Organisations 5EC Positive Organizing Brand Management Hegner 5EC 5EC 5EC Advertising and Marketing Psychology Pruyn Corporate Visual Identity Management Block 2B 5EC Specialisation courses Media and Communication (Examples) Social media taken for granted?; Facebook vs WhatsApp policies Prof. dr. Jan van Dijk Member of “Cohen-committee”, investigating the riots in Haren. Media and Communication (Examples) Adoption and integration of (new) media in education Dr. Alexander van Deursen Adoption and Use of (New) Media Technology Technical Communication (new specialisation) Research direction Technical communication is concerned with how we use and perceive (instructional) communication related to products or services It also addresses how communication means, supporting technological innovations, can best be designed for optimal usability Finally it also incorporates intercultural aspects as a result of the globalization of consumer markets Main research topics Instructional Design User Support Philosophy of Technology User Centered Design of (New) Media Technical Communication (new specialisation) Specialisation courses: Technical Communication Semester 1 Semester 2 Block 1A Block 1B 5EC Persuasive Communication Block 2A Multisensory Marketing and Product Experience 5EC Fenko Hegner 192402500 201200066 201200049 5EC 201200054 5EC Consumer Experience of the Service Environment Sustainability Marketing Krokké Galetzka Bialkova 192403750 ????? ?????? Van der Geest 192405110 5EC Trust, Risk and Organisations Van Vuuren Beldad ????? ???? Gosselt 5EC Van Deursen 201200053 5EC Computer Ethics User Support Soraker 201200063 ?????? 5EC Philosophy of Technology Verbeek Karreman 191612680 5EC ?????? 5EC New Media in Organisations 5EC Innovative Digital Public Services Human Computer Interaction De Vries Ebbers Schmettow 201000116 ????? 201100126 5EC Designing Learning and Performance Support 5EC Social Implications of the Internet De Vries 20130028 5EC 192403650 5EC Social Media Van der Geest Elective specialisation courses Van der Meij ????? Reputation Management 200900001 Authoring and Collaboration Tools 201000113 5EC Public Affairs Linders 5EC User Centered Design of New Media 5EC Communication of Service Organisations 5EC Positive Organizing Brand Management Hegner 5EC 5EC 5EC Advertising and Marketing Psychology Pruyn Corporate Visual Identity Management Block 2B 5EC Obligatory specialisation courses Technical Communication (Example) Document design and communication effectiveness Prof. dr. Menno de Jong Professional and Organisational Communication Master Thesis CS Learning goals 1. The student is independently or autonomous capable of designing a research project with sufficient practical or public relevance as well as theoretical impact within the fields of study related to the master Communication Studies. 2. The student is independently or autonomous capable of conducting and managing a research project in terms of the execution of desk research, field research and/or (quasi) experimental research. 3. The student is independently or autonomous capable of reporting about the conducted research, based on the academic writing rules and principles related to the field of study and type or genre of the document. 4. The student is capable of orally presenting the outline and key findings of the research, relating the findings to the communication practice as well as answering (non-)expert questions regarding the research. Master Thesis CS Positioning 30 EC Research assignment Positioning of the Master Thesis CS Master Thesis CS Orienting and start-up process During each semester an information meeting will be organised regarding the startup process of the master thesis. Expected end of October in semester one of the academic year 2014-2015 Also negotiate the information on the graduation website: Orientation means regarding the master thesis Content of the courses within the master programme Research Topics course (continuing master thesis based on written proposal) Profile webpages of teaching and/or research staff Future career interests Collaboration with external organisations Master Thesis CS Orienting and start-up process Collaboration with external organisations is possible; though: Feasibility is depending on research question(s) Possible trade off between internship and research Consider the degree of independence as a researcher University of Twente Master Communication Studies 2014-2015 9 May 2014
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