PSPD ITC LIMITED Paperboards and Specialty Papers Division Achieving Maintenance Excellence Using TPM Philosophy “The ESFC Way” Leadership through Innovation PSPD ITC-PSPD (Paperboards and Specialty Paper Division embarked on its Operations Excellence journey in 2006 and over the years significant business results have been achieved. Adopted TPM philosophy by involving all the people in the organization in improvement teams and bringing in • Daily Problem Solving & Kaizen culture • Best Practices in 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Maintenance, Quality, Operations, Safety, New Product Development, Skill Development and Service Improvements The team structure followed ensures that both Cross functionality to solve problems and functionality to bring best practices. Leadership through Innovation PSPD Pillar Teams for Focused Improvement Daily Management 5 S, Visual Workplace Enablers for Improvement Self Assessment & Audits, R&R mechanism Leadership through Innovation Office TPM Early Management Environment, Health and Safety Quality Maintenance Education and Training Autonomous Maintenance Focused Improvement Planned Maintenance Focused Improvements and Setting up Best Practices Productivity, Quality, Cost, Delivery, Safety, Morale PSPD Pulp Mill AREA 1 Paper2Machine AREA Packing AREA 3 EVP ZONE3 SRB ZONE4 CSP ZONE1 LK ZONE2 SRP 4 AREA Utilities AREA 5 Stores Each Processing Unit is further logically divided into functional areas/equipments Entire Plant is divided into logical Processing Units Quality Daily Management Teams (DMT)-26Nos Production Jishu Hozen (JH) Teams-98 Nos Operator Employees: 1700 Nos Managers: 630 Nos Maintenance • Meeting daily Operator Fitter Leadership through Innovation Meeting once in a shift PSPD My Machine Concept – Individual Ownership of Equipment(s) / Area(s) defined Leadership through Innovation PSPD The early years of the initiative concentrated on bringing the equipment back to its basic original condition by: Attacking forced deterioration – Ensuring basic machine hygiene Correcting design weaknesses from the time of installation This was achieved by bringing in Ownership or “My Machine” concept (included both Operators and Maintenance crew) Implementation of CLTI checklist Checkpoints to assess the health of the equipment when it is in the running condition using the 3 basic human senses The Equipment owners in turn report deviations found (if any) This has given enough inputs in-time to carry out the PM Schedules more effectively. Leadership through Innovation PSPD CHALLENGES • Plant expansion and addition of newer technologies and machineries • Old people moving out and new people coming in • Some of the breakdowns attributable to the lack of Knowledge and Skill CHOICES • Recruitment of experienced operators and technicians • Hiring External Technical trainers • Developing a robust InHouse Maintenance Technical Development facility – A long term solution Slide - 7 Leadership through Innovation 7 7 PSPD A 10 Step Approach of implementation Leadership through Innovation PSPD Knowledge enhancement of JH members who learn in detail about the function of their equipment in the entire process, equipment construction and working principles Skill enhancement of JH members To support JH members to carry out simple abnormality rectification on their own. Understanding the importance of their daily CLTI checks and identify the impact it has on the health of the equipment. To identify and correct quality related issues immediately Prediction of possible failures to avoid breakdowns Creation of trainers within the JH teams who can transfer knowledge. PS: This is a hands on learning exercise and the JH members are involved at every step by getting support from DMT members and participate in live dismantling / assembly of equipments as far as possible. Leadership through Innovation PSPD 10 Steps of ESFC: 1. Identification of Basic Machine Elements 2. Preparation of Training Packs& On-Job Training Curriculum 3. Creation of Equipment System Flow Chart a) Process Flow Diagram b) Equipment System Flow Diagram 4. Creation of Schematic Diagram 5. Identification of items for mapping problems a) Identification of Parts List b) Identification of Overall Inspection Items 6. Creation of Part-Problem Matrix 7. Creation of Inspection Checklist 8. Preparation of Know-Why Sheets 9. Creation of Inspection Manual 10. Training of Workforce Leadership through Innovation PSPD : It is used to identify the various machine elements that JH members will be trained on and also the major parts that will be depicted on the Process Flow diagram & Equipment system flow diagram respectively. Machine elements will help in identification of subjects for training packs and help employees in understanding the various parts in their respective equipments Leadership through Innovation PSPD Leadership through Innovation PSPD Pack preparation and OJT curriculum designing was a step in which training materials / content were prepared in-house (based on our belief that internal faculty and training pack creators are better positioned to understand the needs and can customize training contents to suit the technical needs of the in-house recipients)based on the machine elements identified in Step 1. These packs were prepared for training the JH members on basic machine concepts. - - Leadership through Innovation 1200 Training Packs created by involving each and every Manager Developed within 1 Year PSPD A) Process Flow Diagram Creation of Process Flow diagram involved logically interlinking all the processes in a particular JH to facilitate easy understanding of the Overall Process. Leadership through Innovation PSPD B) Equipment System Flow Diagram This step firstly involved splitting the Process Flow diagram into logical sub-processes. Each sub-process was then depicted on a separate chart interlinking all the equipment. The energy flow in the sub-process was depicted here and therefore the internals of the equipment were shown in this case. Leadership through Innovation PSPD Preparation of process flow charts and identification parts list by JH members Leadership through Innovation PSPD The step intended to give a detailed knowledge of parts of the equipment to JH members. This involved dismantling the equipment where ever possible. Leadership through Innovation PSPD Identification of Parts list helped the JH team members to understand the various components that constitute the whole equipment. Leadership through Innovation PSPD This step involved collation of all checklists pertaining to the equipment (i.e. Condition Appraisal/PM task list/Condition Monitoring/CLTI) into a single consolidated sheet. This list was compared later with a part-problem matrix (post Step 6) to know the missing checkpoints and JH members would subsequently update it at a later stage. Leadership through Innovation PSPD This step involved mapping of equipment parts to the possible failure modes (problems) of the sub-equipment. The output of this exercise was a part-problem matrix (mentioned in Step 5 B) which was used by JH teams to compare and update their current checklists. This also ensured standardization of checklists for similar equipment across the mill. A B C Leadership through Innovation PSPD This step involved mapping of existing checkpoints (as collated by the team in Step 5 B) with the part-problem matrix (created in Step 6) and inclusion of missing checkpoints for the respective equipment in the teams B A C Step 2 Step 1 Inclusion of missing checkpoints after comparing with partproblem matrix Leadership through Innovation PSPD Step involves the creation of Know-Why for inspection points (Knowing Why timely checking of a particular checkpoint was critical and how non-conformance would be detrimental for the respective equipment/process/quality. 1 Valve stem Check the stem condition STOP CHECK No cracks/No damage PM Eye 2 Valve nut Check the Nut Thread condition. STOP CHECK No damage and no wear out. PM Eye 3 lock Ring Check the Lock Ring condition . STOP CHECK No damage and no wear out. PM Eye 4 stem pin washer check the pin washer RUN CHECK No damage/ no loose CLTI Eye 4 Valve plug Check the plug seating condition STOP CHECK No damage and no `wear out. PM Eye 5 split Ring Check the split ring condition STOP CHECK No damage and no wear out. PM Eye 6 Adjusting nut Check the adjusting nut condition STOP CHECK No damage and no wear out. PM Eye 7 Spring Check the spring condition RUN CHECK No damage / No crack CLTI Eye 8 packing gland check the gland condition STOP CHECK No damage PM Eye ONCE IN valve stem damage>poppet valve not THREE YEARS work > soot blow not Effective check nut thread damege>stem will ONCE IN play> steam passing will occure>popet THREE YEARS valve fails in operation lock ring damages> pressure seeting of ONCE IN the poopet valve changed due to stem THREE YEARS will play> steam passing will occure>popet valve fails in operation Stem pin washer damages>stem will Daily play> steam passing will occur>popet valve fails in operation Valve plug damages> steam passing ONCE IN will occure>popet valve fails in THREE YEARS operation split ring damages>stem will play> ONCE IN steam passing will occure>popet valve THREE YEARS fails in operation Adjusting Ring damages> pressure seeting of the poopet valve changed > ONCE IN steam may be come may not be come THREE YEARS at certain pressure >popet valve fails in operation Spring damages> pressure seating of the poppet valve changed > steam Daily may be come may not be come at certain pressure >poppet valve fails in operation Packing gland damaged> stem leak ONCE IN >sufficient steam will not go to inside THREE YEARS blow pipe> soot blow will not effective Leadership through Innovation P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Pitting Scoring Seizure P P P Wear out Know Why for Inspection point Shaft play Ideal Condition Expansion of Holes Inspection Point Bending Part Name If in Whether in PM/CLTI/Con PM/CLTI/C dition Frequency of ondition Monitoring Inspection Monitoring check list, check list How to inspect Oil / Grease leakage S.No Type Of Inspection (Run/Stop .Workshop) Cracking KNOW WHY SHEET FOR POPPET VALVE This helped the JH members to understand the relevance of the inspection points. P P P P P P P P PSPD This step involved the collation of the outputs of Step 1-8 into a single manual at the equipment level It is a live document with Why-Whys and OPLs (One Point Lessons) being added as and when they are made. It helped in the training the JH member (existing Equipment owner) on a particular equipment and also acted as a ready reckoner for his successor in the event that the ownership was transferred. Also, unlike an OEM equipment manual which is cumbersome to refer to especially by the employees who may not be having a formal background, as this entire ESFC is done as a hands on exercise by the employees, ease of accessing and connecting to the field equipment is far more easier. Leadership through Innovation PSPD This step involved training of the JH member on his specific using the Inspection Manual. Classroom training Practical Training session underway Leadership through Innovation PSPD Leadership through Innovation PSPD Leadership through Innovation PSPD Leadership through Innovation PSPD In-House online training facility :PSPD VIDYALAYA http://pspdbcmweb Leadership through Innovation PSPD After involving shop floor person (JH member) who is an owner of a equipment, once he has gone through the entire exercise of ESFC (from Step-1 to Step-10), he is able to understand the importance of each part • its working principle • And possible ways in which it can fail. This knowledge has enabled the process operator to operate the equipment under standard condition, resulting in, • less wear and tear of parts • Improved understanding of engineering crew member on the importance of the equipment health condition for good quality product • The entire experience of the exercise was appreciated by the workforce especially the ones who did not have any formal training in the past. . Leadership through Innovation PSPD Post mill-wide training using the ESFC concepts substantial benefits where observed in terms of Maintenance and Quality KPI improvement. Increase in Kaizen Generation due to better awareness of equipments. Improvement in Skill Index of JH members due to better understanding of phenomena. Break downs reduced due to improvement of knowledge on equipments. Developed trainers internally to train JH members. Leadership through Innovation PSPD Kaizens Implemented –Avg per month 1800 1st Round of Training Completed ESFC Initiated 1600 1645 1400 1200 Numbers 200% 1000 793 800 579 600 454 400 200 162 254 0 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 Leadership through Innovation 2013-14 2014-15 PSPD 5 1st Round of Training Completed ESFC Initiated 4 3.64 3 2.29 1.86 2 1.5 1 0 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 Leadership through Innovation 2013-14 PSPD 1st Round of Training Completed ESFC Initiated 35 30 30 28 25 20 16 15 10 5 5 1 0 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Leadership through Innovation 2014-15 Case Study - 1 Reduction of specific steam consumption in Evap #3 from 145 kg/m3 of WBL to 141Kg/M3 by Mr Venkatewarlu, Operator –Evap JH team Leadership through Innovation PSPD PSPD Case Study -1 Contd.. Before Kaizen After Kaizen Vapour going to 2A body Vapour going to 2A body Vapour going to 2B body Steam Body Steam Body SCFT 1 Circulation Pump Transfer Pump WBL consumption WBL consumption HBL production Water evaporation LP steam consumption 90% Condensate recovery Temperature difference Total energy Converted into LP steam Total saving per year Vapour going to 2B body SCFT 1 SCFT 2 SCFT 3 Condensate Temp avg 95.13 deg C 4600 4945 1167.569444 3777.430556 673.33878 606.004902 7.97 4829.859069 8.94418346 22.32468192 m3/day Tons/day Tons/day Tons/day Tons/day o C K cal Tons/Day Lacs/year Circulation Pump Transfer Pump SCFT 2 Vapour going to 2C body SCFT 3 Condensate Temp avg 87.16 deg C Savings:Rs.22.32 Lacs / Year •This idea has evolved after better understanding while preparation of process flow chart which includes operating parameters Leadership through Innovation Case Study - 2 PSPD Elimination of Lime Kiln#1 ESP emitting rapping anvils repetitive failure by Mr Ram babu –Fitter (Lime Kiln JH) Occurrence: Three per year Analysis: During why-why analysis reasons could not be found and anvil fixing bolts replaced during every breakdown. Even after changing the bolts failure repeated. While preparation part problem matrix one it was understood from manuals that weight of hammer is important with respect to anvil fixing bolts design. Action initiated: Replaced with right weight hammers and OPL made to avoid future mistake Benefits: Lime kiln down time reduced Leadership through Innovation PSPD "An empowered organization is one in which individuals have the knowledge, skill, desire, and opportunity to personally succeed in a way that leads to collective organizational success." --Stephen Covey Journey continues…………………………….. Leadership through Innovation
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