Unit 15 Vibrationdata SDOF Response to Base Input in the Frequency Domain 1 Introduction Vibrationdata Steady-state response of an SDOF System Base Inputs: Pure Sine PSD – stationary with normal distribution 2 SDOF System, Base Excitation Vibrationdata The natural frequency fn is fn 1 2 k m The amplification factor Q is The damping coefficient C is C 2 k m Q 1 /( 2 ) 3 SDOF Free Body Diagram Vibrationdata The equation of motion was previously derived in Webinar 2. z 2ξ ωnz ωn2z y x z y 4 Vibrationdata Sine Transmissibility Function Either Laplace or Fourier transforms may be used to derive the steady state transmissibility function for the absolute response. After many steps, the resulting magnitude function is x y 1 (2) 2 1 2 2 2 2 where f / fn where f is the base excitation frequency and fn is the natural frequency. 5 TRANSMISSIBILITY MAGNITUDE SDOF SYSTEM SUBJECTED TO BASE EXCITATION 20 Q = 10 Q=2 Q=1 Transmissibility (G out / G in ) 10 Vibrationdata 1 0.1 0.1 1 10 Frequency Ratio ( f / fn ) Frequency Ratio (f / fn) The base excitation frequency is f. The natural frequency is fn. 6 Transmissibility Curve Characteristics Vibrationdata The transmissibility curves have several important features: 1. The response amplitude is independent of Q for f << fn. 2. The response is approximately equal to the input for f << fn. 3. Resonance occurs when f fn. 4. The peak transmissibility is approximately equal to Q for f = fn and Q > 2. 5. The transmissibility ratio is 1.0 for f = 2 fn regardless of Q. 6. Isolation is achieved for f >> fn. 7 Exercises Vibrationdata vibrationdata > Miscellaneous Functions > SDOF Response: Steady-State Sine Force or Acceleration Input Practice some sample calculations for the sine acceleration base input using your own parameters. Try resonant excitation and then +/- one octave separation between the excitation and natural frequencies. How does the response vary with Q for fn=100 Hz & f =141.4 Hz ? 8 “Better than Miles Equation” Vibrationdata Determine the response of a single-degree-of-freedom system subjected to base excitation, where the excitation is in the form of a power spectral density The “Better than Miles Equation” is a.k.a. the “General Method” 9 Miles Equation & General Method Vibrationdata The Miles equation was given in a previous unit Again, the Miles equation assumes that the base input is white noise, with a frequency content from 0 to infinity Hertz Measured power spectral density functions, however, often contain distinct spectral peaks superimposed on broadband random noise The Miles equation can produce erroneous results for these functions This obstacle is overcome by the "general method" The general method allows the base input power spectral density to vary with frequency It then calculates the response at each frequency The overall response is then calculated from the responses at the individual frequencies 10 Vibrationdata General Method The general method thus gives a more accurate response value than the Miles equation. 1 ( 2 i ) 2 x GRMS f n , ŶAPSD ( f i ) f i , 2 i 1 1 i 2 2 i 2 N i fi / f n The base excitation frequency is f i and the natural frequency is f n The base input PSD is ŶA PSD (fi ) 11 Vibrationdata Navmat P-9492 Base Input PSD Level GRMS PSD Overall OVERALL LEVEL==6.06 6.06 GRMS ACCEL (G /Hz) 0.1 2 Accel (G^2/Hz) 0.01 0.001 20 100 1000 Frequency (Hz) Accel (G^2/Hz) 20 0.01 80 0.04 350 0.04 2000 0.007 2000 FREQUENCY (Hz) (Hz) Frequency 12 Apply Navmat P-9492 as Base Input Vibrationdata fn = 200 Hz, Q=10, duration = 60 sec Use: vibrationdata > power spectral density > SDOF Response to Base Input 13 SDOF Acceleration Response = = = 11.2 GRMS 33.5 G 3-sigma 49.9 G 4.47-sigma Vibrationdata SDOF Pseudo Velocity Response = = = 3.42 inch/sec RMS 10.2 inch/sec 3-sigma 15.3 inch/sec 4.47-sigma SDOF Relative Displacement Response = 0.00272 inch RMS = 0.00816 inch 3-sigma = 0.0121 inch 4.47-sigma 4.47-sigma is maximum expected peak from Rayleigh distribution Miles equation also gives 11.2 GRMS for the response Relative displacement is the key metric for circuit board fatigue per D. Steinberg (future webinar) 14 Pseudo Velocity Vibrationdata The "pseudo velocity" is an approximation of the relative velocity The peak pseudo velocity PV is equal to the peak relative displacement Z multiplied by the angular natural frequency PV n Z Pseudo velocity is more important in shock analysis than for random vibration Pseudo velocity is proportional to stress per H. Gaberson (future webinar topic) MIL-STD-810E states that military-quality equipment does not tend to exhibit shock failures below a shock response spectrum velocity of 100 inches/sec (254 cm/sec) Previous example had peak velocity of 15.3 inch/sec (4.47-sigma) for random vibration 15 Vibrationdata Peak is ~ 100 x Input at 200 Hz Q^2 =100 Only works for SDOF system response Half-power bandwidth method is more reliable for determine Q. 16 Peak Design Levels for Equivalent Static Load Author Design or Test Equation Qualifying Statements Vibrationdata Himelblau, et al 3s However, the response may be non-linear and non-Gaussian Fackler 3s 3s is the usual assumption for the equivalent peak sinusoidal level Luhrs 3s NASA 3s for STS Payloads 2s for ELV Payloads McDonnell Douglas 4s Scharton & Pankow 5s DiMaggio, Sako, Rubin ns Ahlin Cn Theoretically, any large acceleration may occur Minimum Probability Level Requirements Equivalent Static Load See Appendix C See Appendices B and D for the equation to calculate n via the Rayleigh distribution See Appendix E for equation to calculate Cn 17 Vibrationdata Rayleigh Peak Response Formula Consider a single-degree-of-freedom system with the index n. The maximum response can be estimated by the following equations. cn 2 ln fn T Cn cn Maximum Peak fn T ln sn 0.5772 cn Cn sn a.k.a. crest factor is the natural frequency is the duration is the natural logarithm function is the standard deviation of the oscillator response 18 Conclusions Vibrationdata The General Method is better than the Miles equation because it allows the base input to vary with frequency For SDOF System (fn=200 Hz, Q=10) subjected to NAVMAT base input… We obtained the same response results in the time domain in Webinar 14 using synthesized time history! Response peaks may be higher than 3-sigma High response peaks need to be accounted for in fatigue analyses (future webinar topic) 19 Homework Repeat the exercises in the previous slides Read Vibrationdata T. Irvine, Equivalent Static Loads for Random Vibration, Rev N, Vibrationdata 2012 T. Irvine, The Steady-state Response of Single-degree-of-freedom System to a Harmonic Base Excitation, Vibrationdata, 2004 T. Irvine, The Steady-state Relative Displacement Response to Base Excitation, Vibrationdata, 2004 20
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