The intimately oppressed Francesca Aviles Chapter 6 Gabriel Buelna-ChS 245 OL-13063 Preferred figures Men seemed to always take the important roles in life Men were the explorers,land holders, merchants, political leaders, and military leaders ( Zinn pg 103) The forgotten Women were the ones who were initially invisible in the early years Hardly had any rights Likewise slaves and slave women had the double jeopardy ( Zinn pg 103) Women in different societies Earlier societies in America as explained by Zinn treated women equally or almost Women in the plains were known to be healers, herbalist and advice givers Women didn't’t have the same rights as men but were treated with enough respect ( Zinn pg. 104) Year 1619 In year 1916 woman were imported as sex slaves to be sold to men Also it was when black slaves firs entered Virginia as slaves ( Zinn pg 104) Black woman slaves were One third of the cargo being Imported Not only Blacks but free white Woman were brought as wives ( Zinn pg 105) Women and mistreatment Women were being put on trial for rebelling against these unfair treatments A lot of women were pregnant and a lot of them lost their babies They were still accused for being at fault Anne Hutchison She was taken to trial for heresy also for questioning authority The day she went to trail she was sick and pregnant and was not allowed to sit She left the colony for Rhode Island, along with 35 other families She came across Indians in Long Island who thought she was an enemy and was killed ( Zinn pg 109) The Revolution Woman were brought out to public affairs because the war needed of them “Women formed patriotic groups, carried out anti-British actions and wrote articles for independence This was the beginning of politics for woman They also contributed to the British Tea Tax ( Zinn pg 109) Woman's political rights Although women were a big part of the Revolution they still weren't given a spot in History Even after the revolution women were not given the privilege to vote ( Zinn pg 112) Woman images People could not fathom woman and politics in the same sentence “A woman's job was to keep the home cheerful, be a nurse, cook… a woman should read too much” Woman were not expected to do anything a man was to do “Sexual purity was to be the special virtue of a woman” ( Zinn pg 112) Separate but equal Woman and men were given rights but not the same as men Woman could work but they were stilled involved in fixed marriages Woman could not determine their own future “Cult of true womanhood” Although this was a new ideology of giving a woman her space and jobs it still wasn’t enough “ women could not vote ,or own property…” “… woman were excluded from professions of law and medicine, from colleges from the ministry” ( Zinn pg 115) 19th century There was a double view to woman Some woman were still at home or when needed asked to work in factories On the other hand there were woman who pursued for on education That by 1840 women became teachers, organizers and also speakers (Zinn pg 117) Women in politics In 1840 they had a convention that focused on anti slavery Women were allowed to be part of this convention “Woman eventually got excluded off The women defended themselves by sitting in a silent protest with support of William Lloyd Garrison ( Zinn 122) July th 19 A Declaration of Principles was signed It explained that men and woman were created to be equal In the 1850’s women are still being kept in their “ woman's sphere” th 20 Work cited Zinn, Howard. A People's History of the United States: 1492-2001. New York: HarpersCollins, n.d. Print.
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