New Diagnostic Methods PROFESSOR PETER M. HAWKEY Title of The University of Birmingham presentation Edgbaston, B15 2TT Subtitle of presentation Health Protection Agency West Midlands Public Health Laboratory, Birmingham Heartlands and Solihull NHS Trust, B5 9SS [email protected];[email protected] Why would you want to use a Molecular diagnostic method? • Cheaper?! • Faster? • Gives unique information Culture - free Microbiology – Molecular diagnostics Application of Molecular microbial diagnostics • Identification of pathogen (species) • Identification of genes • Antibiotic resistance • Pathogenicity genes • Identification of strain type Advantages of genotypic sensitivity testing methods • Can be potentially performed on specimens • Do not rely on phenotypic expression • Organisms do not have to grow (or be viable!) • Potential for automation Problems with genotypic detection of antibiotic resistance • • • • Plethora of mechanisms Cost Rapidity, is it necessary? Expression – ‘silent’ genes – different levels of resistance in different hosts • Resistance genes occurring in commensal flora when direct testing • Familiarity with technology Problems with genotypic detection of antibiotic resistance Cost • Single PCR reaction aprox 2 euro + licensing fees • Automation with fluoro-chrome labelled primers/multiplex PCR will reduce cost • Longer term use of micro-array with mass production Problems with genotypic detection of antibiotic resistance Rapidity, is it necessary? Only if: a) growth rate slow b) selection of empirical antibiotic not possible without extra information c) resistant bacteria represent significant risk of cross-infection Molecular identification of VRE in a clinical laboratory Conventional method (CBT) • Bile esculin, 6mg/L Vancomycin • Colonies screened with PYR, Xylose & motility • Confirmation on Micro Scan & BHI Vancomycin 6 mg/L plate Page etal.Diag.Micro.Infect.Dis 2002, 42:91-97 PCR • Multiplex PCR (MPCR) to detect van A & vanB together with identification as Entercococus Petrich et al. 1999 Mol.Cell.Probes. 13:275-288 COSTS for 1 year service (1400 specimen) MPCR • Capital cost of equipment + depreciation $17,116 • Training of lab staff ($22.K) • CBT $24,314 Payback period = 3 years Emergence of MRSA S. aureus has acquired a large genetic element known as Staphylococcal chromosome cassette mec (SCCmec). Origin of MRSA Clones • Arise by acquisition of Staphylococcal Cassette Chromosome mec (SCC mec) • 21-67 kb DNA fragment integrates at unique site attBscc orfx (highly conserved) near oriC • process different to transposition as attBscc 15bp repeats not all outside mobile elements and no duplication of SCCmec • attBscc recognised by recombinase encoded by ccrA/B genes. • SCCmec has NO phages, tra genes transposases or virulence genes • “Antibiotic resistance island” • 5 classes of mec gene complex I-IV • Type I and IV has mecI and 3' region mecR1 deleted. II and III intact mecI/R1. SCC mec Elements Size k.b. Type I SCCmec Type 1 Class B Type II SCCmec Type 2 Class A Type III SCCmec Type 3 Class A Type IV SCCmec Type 2 Class B Type V SCCmec Type 4 Class C* ccr complex 34 52 67 21-24 21-28 mec complex * Also S. haemolyticus Lanes 1-4, MRCoNS; lane 5, MSCoNS; lane 6, MSSA; lanes 7 and 8, MRSA; lane C, negative control Direct Detection of MecA in nasal swabs • Primers to SCCmec/orfX junction and molecular beacon probe in the amplimer Huletsky, et al. 2002. CMI, 8, suppl1, 85. + Target Molecular Beacon Hybrid 100 Fluorescence 80 60 Unspiked nasal sample 40 Nasal samples spiked with: 10-4 20 200 MRSA cfu 0 10 20 30 -20 Cycles 40 Direct Detection of MecA in nasal swabs • Primers to SCCmec/orfX junction and molecular beacon probe in the amplimer • 205 MRSA 252 MSSA 203 13 +ve +ve (1% false negative) (5.2% false positive) • Time to result < 1 hour • Sensitivity 2-10 genome equivalents Huletsky, et al. 2002. CMI, 8, suppl1, 85. MREJ type ccr mec complex complex SCCmec right extremity orfx Product size bp i 176 ii 278 iii 223 iv 215 v 196 vii 176 Schematic representation of the MecA right extremity junction( MREJs) of MRSA strains MREJ types i - vii IDI-MRSA evaluation at Washington Univ. Sch. Med. 288 patients Inclusion criteria any of: i. Prior MRSA colonisation ii. Hospital stay >3 days iii. Known colonisation with HAP Warren, et al, JCM, 2004 42:5578-81 Direct plating: MSA then M-H + 6µg/ml oxacillin Enrichment: TSA + 6.5% NaCl then M-H + ox IDI-MRSA versus culture No. samples with IDI result Culture result Positive Negative Direct Plating Positive 64 1 Negative 16 207 Enrichment Positive 61 5 Negative 19 203 Either method Positive 66 6 Negative 14 202 Sensitivity% Specificity % PPV% NPV% 98.5 92.8 80 99.5 92.4 91.4 76.2 97.6 91.7 93.5 82.5 97.1 6 samples +ve by culture PCR negative • No inhibitors • 4 isolates available • 3 grew on oxacillin agar, mecA negative Possible gene targets for molecular detection M. tuberculosis rifampicin (97%)* rpoB isoniazid (78%) katG/inhA/ aphC streptomycin (60%) rpsL fluoroquinolones (90%) gyrA/B Molecular typing of S.aureus for cluster investigation PFGE – “Gold Standard” MLST REP-PCR Coa and Spa gene repeat polymorphisms Microarrays VNTR Analysed using bionumerics – allows grouping of like isolates Molecular typing of S.aureus for cluster investigation PFGE – “Gold Standard” MLST REP-PCR Coa and Spa gene repeat polymorphisms VNTR Koreen, et al, J.Clin.Micro., 2004, 42: 792 Strain EtrA EtrB VNTR No. I 42 II 21 III 32 1 5 7 13 15 16 21 Hardy, et al, Microbiology,2004, 150: 4045 Table 1: Characteristics of staphylococcal interspersed repeat units (SIRUs). Locus Number Genome repeat sequence identified in Repeat Length (bp) % Conservation % GC Content 1 EMRSA-16 55 98 40 5 EMRSA-16 60 98 36 7 EMRSA-16 56 95 46 13 MW2 64 100 30 15 MW2 131 99 32 16 MW2 159 98 35 21 N315 48 94 45 Hardy, et al, 2004, 150: 4045 SIRU Dendrogram PFGE profiles EMRSA Type EMRSA-8 EMRSA–10 EMRSA-15 EMRSA-5 EMRSA-3 EMRSA-16 EMRSA-6 EMRSA–13 EMRSA–14 EMRSA-2 EMRSA-12 EMRSA-4 EMRSA-7 EMRSA-9 EMRSA-1 EMRSA–11 SIRU Profile 3114572 3113782 15038X2 311X532 1313521 1222532 3113313 3113313 3113313 2113313 3113413 3113322 3113322 3113322 2113322 2113322 MLST Type ST250 ST254 ST22 ST247 ST5 ST36 ST8 ST8 ST8 ST8 ST8 ST239 ST8 ST240 ST239 ST239 Fig 8: Dendrogram deduced from the clustering analysis of the EMRSA strains, showing the PFGE profiles, the SIRU profile and the corresponding ST. The box highlights SIRU profiles that only differ from each other by a maximum of two loci. Hardy, et al, 2004, 150: 4045 CONCLUSIONS • Genotypic methods for the detection of antibiotic resistance have revolutionised our understanding of the epidemiology of resistance genes • In the routine diagnostic laboratory some specific applications have emerged with commercial/home brewed PCR’s • Widespread usage probably depends on commercial development of conventional/microelectronic silicon chips The Future…… Move away from complex, equipment/laboratory based assay to …… Simple, bedside, (cheap!?) disposable single use tests to give immediate results.
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