Definition Megaloblastic anemias are disorders caused by impaired DNA synthesis due to the substances of DNA synthesis deficiency, such as folic acid and Vit B12,etc. It is characterized by the presence of megaloblastic cells in the bone marrow and macrocytic anemia. Classification of MA 1.Vitamin B12 deficiency 2.Folate deficiency 3.Penicious anemia The important role of folate and Vitamin B12 playing in the pathways of deoxynucleotide and DNA synthesis: Ribonucleotide thymidylate synthetase (N5,N10-methylene FH4) dUMP dTMP dTTP reductase pyrimidine synthesis purine synthesis UTP(UR PPP ) → dUTP(UdRPPP) CTP(CR PPP) → dCTP(CdR PPP) ATP(AR PPP ) → dATP(AdR PPP) GTP(GR PPP) → dGTP(GdR PPP) D NA 1. De novo synthesis of purine: N10-formyl FH4 C 7 N 1 N FH4 C C 2 C C N N 8 2 . Thymidylate synthesis thymidylate synthetase d TMP d UMP N5,N10-methylene FH4 FH2 Glycine Serine FH2 reductase FH4 3. Methionion synthesis ATP FH4 methionine PPi+Pi N5-methyl FH4 methyltransferase (Vit B12) N5-methyl FH4 Trap S-adenosyl methionine homocysteine RH adenosyl R-CH3 H2O S-adenosyl homocysteine 合成异常 DNA dUTP dTMP dUMP 亚甲基四氢叶酸 巨幼变细胞 dTTP 二氢叶酸 DNA正常合成 叶酸缺乏 二氢叶酸还原酶 Vit B12 缺乏 四氢叶酸 甲硫蛋氨酸 高半胱氨酸 5-甲基四氢叶酸 叶酸和Vit B12缺乏对DNA合成的影响 Diet Methyltetrahydrofolate CH3 VitaminB12 Methionine methylB12 Homocysteine Tetrahydrofolate purine and pyrimidine synthesis Serine Dihydrofolate B6 glycine Thymidylate Deoxyuridylate N5,N10-methylene FH4 DNA Megaloblastic Anemias Ineffective erythropoiesis Morphologically and functionally change Megaloblastic cells Defective DNA synthesis Deficiency of folate and Vit B12,etc. Non-deficiency Different disorders Pathogenesis of MgA Etiology of MgA Food folate (daily needs 200μg) Folate stores (5-20mg) 多聚谷氨酸叶酸 TFH- 多谷氨酸盐 liver Enterohepatic cycle Excretion blood γ-谷氨酰胺羧基肽酶 FBP urine 叶酸结合蛋白 单谷氨酸叶酸 甲基//四氢叶酸 +Vit B12 蛋氨酸循环 叶酸的吸收、利用、贮存和排泄 DNA 合成 tissue 绿叶蔬菜、柠檬、香蕉、瓜 类、香菇、酵母及动物内脏 (尤其是肝脏)等都含大量 叶酸。 1.The causes of folic acid deficiency I inadequate intake(diet) II intestinal malabsorption III increased demand IV inability to utilize folate due to action of folate antagonists Food Vit B12 (daily needs 2 ~ 5μg) Vit B12 stores liver IF (4 ~5mg) Enterohepatic cycle Vit B12 –IF blood TcII-B12 Vit B12 + 甲基叶酸 释放内因子 Excretion urine faeces tear saliva milk 蛋氨酸循环 tissue Vit B12的吸收、利用、贮存和排泄 动物的肝、肾、 肉类、禽蛋、 乳类和海洋生 物等B12含量较 多。 2. The causes of Vitamin B12 deficiency I. inadequate intake II. intestinal malabsorption III. vitamin B12 destruction IV. congenital defects Clinical Features LaboratoryFeatures Clinical Features 1. Common manifestations • Anemia develops slowly, severe anemia with weakness, palpitation, fatigue, light-headedness, and shortness of breath. • Slight jaundice • Glossitis 2. Different features caused by different disorders Vit B12 deficiency: •peripheral neuropathy and subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord with nervous system symptoms such as numbness and tingling of the extremities, loss of position sense, muscle weakness and decreased tendon reflexes. Folate deficiency : not produce nervous system manifestations. Pernicious anemia • abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting • nervous system symptoms. ATP+VitB12 腺苷钴胺 adenosylcobalamin Methylmalonyl CoA Succinyl CoA 甲基丙二酰辅酶A 琥珀酰辅酶A 代谢产物堆积,血、尿可测 合成神经鞘磷脂 Laboratory Features Blood •macrocytic anemia, with MCV↑(100~150fl or more). •But coexisting IDA, Thalassemia trait, or inflammation may prevent macrocytosis. •Erythrocytes show marked anisocytosis and poikilocytosis, with many oval macrocytes and in severe cases, basophilic stippling, Howell-Jolly bodies, and Cabot rings •Megaloblastic normoblasts may be seen. •Ret count is low. •Leukopenia and thrombocytopenia are frequently present. •“Hypersegmented neutrophils” (more than five lobes) are an early sign of megaloblastosis. --Platelets:smaller and vary more widely in size.(PDW increase) Bone Marrow: --Moderate or marked hypercellularity. -- M/E ratio ↓ --Erythroid hyperplasia with striking megaloblasts (more than 10%). Promegaloblasts and early megalonormoblasts increase with mitotic figures abundant in severe cases. •basophilic stippling, Howell-Jolly bodies, and Cabot rings may be seen. The characteristics of megaloblasts: 1. Cells and nuclei are larger in size and the chromatin is more looser. 2. Marked nuclear-cytoplasmic asynchrony. The development of the nucleus is behind that of cytoplasm, called “young nucleus and old cytoplasm” Pathogenesis of MgA Impaired synthesis of one or more deoxyribonucleotides DNA replication and cell division are blocked,while synthesis of cytoplasm(RNA and protein) proceeds normally. RNA/DNA ratio rises and cytoplasm is basophilic Chramatin is looser Cells are larger in size megalopronormoblast pronormoblast Polychromatic megalonormoblast Early normablast Normoblasts and megalonormoblast Orthochromatic normoblast Megaloblastic changes 核畸形、多核、核 碎裂的巨幼红细胞 Howell-Jolley bodies Basophilic stippling normoblast Myeloid megaloblastic changes The megaloblastic myeloid cells may be larger in size, deforming nucleus with looser chromatin; specific granules reduce and vacuoles appear in cytoplasm. Hpersegmented neutrophils (also be seen in the peripheral blood) and giant metamyelocytes and bands present. Megakaryocytic megaloblastic changes Megakaryocytes are usually present either in normal or slightly increased numbers, but occasionally they are decreased in number, some are atypical and have a deeply basophilic agranular cytoplasm or hypersegmented nucleus. Tests for determining the causes of MA --Serum vitB12 (RIA <74~103 pmol/L) --Urinary excretion of methylmalonic acid --Serum folate assay( <6.91nmol/L or <3 ng /ml) --The red cell folate assay (RIA)< 227 nmol/L --Folic acid therapy test --Intrinsic factor and its antibody 【Diagnosis】 Two steps: 1.To establish the anemia is of MA 2.To determine the cause of the anemia. Diagnosis of typical MA: --Macrocytic—normochromic anemia --Megaloblastic haemopoiesis of erythroid. --Myeloid and megakaryocytic series are involved also. When MA is atypical, how to diagnose it? Clinical features: history, signs, and specific tests Myeloid megaloblastic changes Why myeloid megaloblastic changes take an important role --Minimal anemia or no anemia, erythroid changes have not appeared when the myeloid megaloblastic changes present. --Dimorphic anemia(MA +IDA), the blood will show a small number of oval macrocytes and almost always neutrophil hypersegmentation ; the marrow usually show intermmidiate megaloblasts and giant stab forms. --After treatment, the myeloid changes still present when erythroid megaloblasts disappear. --If MgA with hypocellularity when pregnancy, megaloblastic normoblasts and megakaryocytes are seldom seen, megaloblastic changes in myeloid are distinctive. Questions: 1. What are the characteristics of megaloblastic cells? 2. Why myeloid megaloblastic changes sometimes take an important role in the diagnosis of MA? 3. What are the common cause of MA? 4. How to diagnose MA caused by folic acid deficiency, Vit B12 deficiency,or pernicious anemia? ANEMIA 贫 红细胞生成减少 骨髓造血 功能障碍 干细 胞增 殖分 化障 碍 再 障 , 纯 红 再 障 等 骨 髓 增 生 异 常 综 合 征 等 骨髓 被异 常组 织侵 害 白 骨 血 髓 病、纤 骨 维 髓 化 瘤、等 癌 转 移、 红细胞破坏过多 造血物质缺乏 或利用障碍 骨髓 造血 功能 低下 肾 内 病、分 肝 泌 病、疾 感 病 染 等 性 疾 病、 铁缺 乏和 铁利 用障 碍 缺铁 铁粒 性幼 贫细 血胞 性 贫 血 等 血 红细胞 内在缺陷 膜异常 酶异常 维生 素B12 阵 遗 遗 葡 丙 或叶 发 传 传 萄 酮 酸缺 性 性 性 糖 酸 乏 睡 椭 球 6 激 眠 圆 形 磷 酶 巨 性 红 红 酸 缺 幼 血 细 细 脱 乏 细 红 胞 胞 氢 症 胞 蛋 增 增 酶 等 贫 白 多 多 缺 血 尿 症 症 乏 等 症 等 症 外在异常 红细胞丢 失增加 急 Hb异常 免疫 非免疫 性 失 因素 因素 血 珠 异 不 蛋 常 稳 各 微 化 脾 性 白 血 定 种 血 学、功 贫 生 红 血 原 管 物 能 血 成 蛋 红 因 病 理、亢 障 白 蛋 致 性 生 进 碍 病 白 免 溶 物 病 疫 血 因 性 贫 性 性 素 血 溶 贫 致 血 血 溶 血 性 贫 血 贫血的病因及发病机制分类 慢 性 失 血 性 贫 血 Anemia: weakness,fatigue, listlessness,palpitation, pallor jaundice, splenomegaly MCV increase MCH MA normal decrease IDA,SA,Thala MCHC infection decrease hypopoiesis decrease ret PL normal infection WBC decrease AA,MF increase acute loss blood HA (Coomb’s) IHA extracellular defect chronic renal disease increase AM increase intra- osmotic fragility normal HS,HE, G-6PD, PK decrease Thala PNH (ham’s) abnormalHb Diagnostic steps of HA: history,infection, underlying diseases,drugs,pallor,weakness dark urine, jaundice,hepatosplenomegaly blood film spherocytes, autoagglutination, ret increased cold agglutinin test red cell fragments immune assay Coomb’s test positive CAS AIHA negative cold warm hemolysis test transfusion reaction infection, congenital syphilis Normocytic normochromic anemia history, underlying diseases, pallor,weakness blood film decrease/ increase ret morphologic features normal secondary increase acute blood loss abnormal hypoplasia abnormal proliferation anemia Infection renal disease liver disease endocrinic disease HA infiltration in marrow AA MDS leukemia MF metastatic cancer Microcytic hypochromic anemia: history, underlying diseases, anemia,MCV,MCH Blood film SI increased Iron stain normal/ increased decreased Hb eletrophoresis SF HbA2,F increased SA normal/ increased decreased Thalasemia HbC,S, D,E etc. anemia of chronic disorders IDA Differentiation of macrocytic anemias:MCV,MCH history, anemia ,underlying diseases, drugs,nutrition,neurologic signs, hepatosplenomegly blood film increased normal / decreased Ret marrow morpholoy acute blood loss HA non-MA MA erythroblastic anemia abnormal proliferation Alchohol poisoning Liver disease MDS Folate deficiency VitB12 deficiency Pernicious anemia
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