Not Your Father’s Older Brother’s LEED: Energy & Commissioning Opportunities in LEED v4 Mark Gelfo, PE LEED AP BD+C, LEED AP O+M, CxA, EMP Director of Sustainability, TLC Engineering for Architecture What are we going to talk about? The CxA and EMP’s Opportunities, Roles, and Impact: Designing High Performance Buildings Commissioning Measurement & Verification Energy Auditing Existing Building Cx At the conclusion of this session you will be able to: 1. Understand the new requirements of LEED v4 in general, and specifically as they apply to commissioning, retrocommissioning, and energy auditing 2. Understand the CxA’s and EMP’s Role, Responsibilities, and Opportunities on a LEED v4 Project (NC & EB O+M) 3. Be able to implement the Cx, Retro-Cx, and Energy Auditing Credit Requirements in multiple LEED v4 rating systems 4. Learn from the lessons learned from the LEED v4 beta projects and early projects in the v4 rating system How did we get here? Years in development Public comment periods Beta Projects USGBC Voting Membership Approval Launched at Greenbuild Philly last November LEED 2009 available for new projects thru June 2015 “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” -Henry Ford LEED v4 is not just a faster horse…. LEED v2 LEED v3 …it’s about performance. LEED v4 Matrix of New Rating Systems LEED BD+C vs LEED EB O+M ?? 1. Min Energy Performance 2. Optimize Energy Performance 3. Demand Response 1. Min Energy Performance 2. Optimize Energy Performance 3. Demand Response 1. Integrative Process 2. Fundamental Cx & Verification 3. Enhanced Cx: Include s Envelope Option 1. Existing Building Cx: Implementation 2. Ongoing Commissioning 1. Building Level Metering 2. Advanced Energy Metering 3. M&V is part of Cx 1. Building Level Metering 2. Advanced Energy Metering 1. Energy Efficient Best Management Practices 2. Existing Building Cx: Analysis LEED BD+C plus LEED EB O+M !! Designing High Performance Buildings Integrative Process Min/Optimize Energy Performance Bldg Level & Advanced Energy Metering Demand Response Constructing High Performance Buildings Operating High Performance Buildings Fund Cx & Verification Enhanced Cx + Envelope Option Existing Low Performance Buildings Demand Response M&V Ongoing Cx Auditing Low Performance Buildings Building Level Metering Min Energy Performance Energy Efficient Best Management Practices Existing Building Cx: Analysis EB-Cx of Low Performance Buildings Existing Building Cx: Implement Optimize Energy Performance Advanced Energy Metering Designing High Performance Buildings in LEED v4 Engage the Owner Align Common Goals Evaluate Project Costs BD+C Credit: Integrative Process Synergies & Strategies for energy and water Start in Schematic Design & continue thru Design Phase Conduct prelim energy & water research Simple box energy model during SDs Water budget analysis Goal setting workshop Evaluate Strategies Document how analysis informed design, OPR & BOD Designing High Performance Buildings in LEED v4 LEED v4 BD+C: ASHRAE 90.1 2010 EAp2: 5% Reduction EAc1: 50% Reduction =18 pts Designing High Performance Buildings in LEED v4 BD+C EA Prerequisite: Bldg Level Energy Metering Building level meters for total bldg energy consumption: electric, natural gas, chilled water, steam, fuel oil, propane, etc Compile data monthly, manual or automated Commit to share for 5 years BD+C EA Credit: Advanced Energy Metering Whole building energy sources, plus Major users >10% of total load Record to remote location <1hr intervals, remotely accessible Record consumption & demand Designing High Performance Buildings in LEED v4 Increase Participation in DR Programs Make Energy Gen & Dist More Efficient Increase Grid Reliability BD+C EA Credit: Demand Response Save Money Defer Need for new Plants & Infrastructure Reduce Emissions Case 1 – Demand Response Program Available Shed 10% of Peak Load On-site elec generation does NOT count Include Demand Response in Cx Plan and Functional Testing Case 2 – No DR Program Available Plan for Future DR Constructing High Performance Bldgs in LEED v4 Expanded Commissioning Scope in LEED v4 “….as they relate to energy, water, indoor environmental quality, and durability” Who can be the CxA? Experience on 2 similar size/scope projects Fundamental: Owner, independent consultant, employee of the design or construction firm not part of the project, or disinterested subcontractor Fundamental: <20K sf can be member of design team or Contractor Enhanced: Owner, independent consultant, or a disinterested subcontractor Reports findings directly to Owner Constructing High Performance Bldgs in LEED v4 BD+C EA Prerequisite: Fundamental Cx & Verification What’s different? List of 12 things CxA does ASHRAE Guideline 0 & 1.1 Envelope included in OPR, BOD, & Design Reviews CxA on board by end of DDs Prepare & Maintain Facilities Requirements & OM Plan Design Review Elec & Plumbing Scope Expanded Constructing High Performance Bldgs in LEED v4 BD+C EA Credit: Enhanced Cx & Verification Pre-Design Phase Design Phase Construct Phase Acceptance Phase Occupancy Phase Operations Phase What’s different? Option 1 Path 1: (3 points) – Enhanced Cx, similar to LEED 2009 – Added Seasonal Testing – Added Re Cx Plan Path 2: (4 points) – Path 1 + Measurement & Verification of Energy & Water Systems Option 2 Envelope Cx (2 points) Don’t have to do Option 1 to earn Option 2 Design + Construction Case Study Example Lessons Learned from Palandino: Palandino Office Manage expectations. Relocation Seattle, WA LEED ID+C v4 Beta Preparation is essential. Don’t chase points. Focus on performance. Engage the team. Take your time. “Our internal commissioning team is using the monitoring requirements of LEED v4 to create a learning lab in our office, routing waste heat from the servers into the occupied office and exploring how carbon dioxide set points relate to natural ventilation needs”. Paladino was surprised to find its tenant improvements would qualify for only a silver rating under the new LEED version, not a platinum as it would under the old version. Paladino’s offices have operable windows and steam heat. The 11-story building was completed in 1923. Existing Building Energy Auditing & EBCx: EMP Process Project Assessment Energy Use Explore Site Investigation ECM / FIM & EBCx Analysis Implementation Final Acceptance Continuous Energy Management Auditing Low Performance Buildings in LEED v4 Benchmarking with LEED v4 EBO+M: Score based on Performance EBO+M EA Prereq: Min Energy Performance EnergyStar Score 75 25% improvement from historical benchmark EBO+M EA Credit: Optimize Energy Performance EnergyStar Score 95 = 20 pts 45% improvement =20pts Auditing Low Performance Buildings in LEED v4 EBO+M EA Prerequisite: Bldg Level Energy Metering Building level meters for total bldg energy consumption: electric, natural gas, chilled water, steam, fuel oil, propane, etc Compile data monthly, manual or automated Commit to share for 5 years EBO+M EA Credit: Advanced Energy Metering Whole building energy sources, plus Major users >20% of total load (minus plugs) Record to remote location <1hr intervals, remotely accessible Record consumption & demand Auditing Low Performance Buildings in LEED v4 EBO+M EA Prerequisite: Energy Efficiency Best Management Practices (no change from LEED v3) ASHRAE Level 1 Energy Audit Prepare & Maintain current Facility Requirements and O&M plan: – – – – – – – – – Sequence of Operations Occupancy schedule Equipment run-time schedules HVAC equipment setpoints for all Lighting Level setpoints Minimum Outside Air requirements Non-standard schedules or setpoints (seasonal, weekend, holiday, etc) Mech & Elec systems narrative Preventive Maintenance Plan Auditing Low Performance Buildings in LEED v4 EBO+M EA Credit: Existing Building Cx – Analysis (no change from LEED v3) Option 1: Existing Bldg Cx Develop EbCx Plan, including: “description of the approach for identifying and analyzing facility improvement opportunities” “process for reviewing and prioritizing identified opportunities with the owner and developing an implementation plan” Option 2: Energy Audit ASHRAE Level 2 Energy Survey & Analysis EBCx Low Performance Buildings in LEED v4 Complete EBCx Analysis EBO+M EA Credit: Existing Building Cx Implementation Develop Implementation Plan Implement Low/No Cost ECMs & FIMs O&M Staff Training ECM Verification & Tracking (M&V) Plan Update Facility O&M Plan Must first earn Existing Building Cx - Analysis credit Energy systems, including ltg, process loads, HVAC, domestic HW & renewable energy Implement no/low-cost operational improvements Develop 5yr plan for equipment replacement, mods, upgrades Confirm training of O&M staff Develop tracking program (M&V) for projects implemented under EBCx process. EBCx Low Performance Buildings in LEED v4 Show improvement from the initial Benchmarking with LEED v4 EBO+M: Score based on Performance EBO+M EA Prereq: Min Energy Performance EnergyStar Score 75 25% improvement from historical benchmark EBO+M EA Credit: Optimize Energy Performance EnergyStar Score 95 = 20 pts 45% improvement =20pts Operating High Performance Buildings in LEED v4 EBO+M EA Credit: Demand Response Case 1: Demand Response Program Available Shed 10% of peak (elec) demand, Min 1 yr, with intent to continue On-site elec generation NOT eligible Include Demand Response in Cx Plan and Functional Testing Case 2: No DR Program Available Plan for Future DR Case 3: Permanent Load Shift to OffPeak Shift 10% of peak (elec) demand ie, Thermal Storage Operating High Performance Buildings in LEED v4 Cooking, 3% Refrigeration, Computers, Other, 9% 2% Space Heating, 36% 6% Ventilation, 7% Water Heating, 8% Cooling, 8% Lighting, 21% Commercial Building Total Site Energy Consumption Source: Energy Information Administration, 2003 Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey, Table E1A. BAS EBO+M EA Prerequisite: Bldg Level Energy Metering Building level meters for total bldg energy consumption: electric, natural gas, chilled water, steam, fuel oil, propane, etc Compile data monthly, manual or automated Commit to share for 5 years EBO+M EA Credit: Advanced Energy Metering Whole building energy sources, plus Major users >20% of total load (minus plugs) Record to remote location <1hr intervals, remotely accessible Record consumption & demand Operating High Performance Buildings in LEED v4 EBO+M WE Prereq: Bldg Level Water Metering BAS Permanently installed Measure total potable water use in building & grounds Record Monthly. Manual or Automated EBO+M WE Credit: Water Metering Permanently installed submeters (2 or 4 of following): Irrigation (all) Indoor plumbing fixtures (80% min) Cooling Towers (all) Domestic Hot Water (80% min) Reclaimed Water (all) Other Process Water (80% min) Record min of weekly Operating High Performance Buildings in LEED v4 12,000,000 Measurement & Verification 10,000,000 8,000,000 Under BD+C EA Credit: Enhanced Cx & Verification 6,000,000 4,000,000 2,000,000 Electric Chilled Water Sep-13 Aug-13 Jul-13 Jun-13 May-13 Apr-13 Mar-13 Feb-13 Jan-13 Dec-12 Nov-12 Oct-12 - Natural Gas Path 2: Monitoring-based procedures to measure, evaluate & assess energy and water consuming systems. Include in Cx Plan. 12,000,000 Under EBO+M EA Credit: Existing Building Cx - Implementation Develop tracking program (M&V) for projects implemented under EBCx process. 10,000,000 8,000,000 6,000,000 4,000,000 2,000,000 Electric Chilled Water Natural Gas Total Energy in kBTU Sep-13 Aug-13 Jul-13 Jun-13 May-13 Apr-13 Mar-13 Feb-13 Jan-13 Dec-12 Nov-12 Oct-12 - Operating High Performance Buildings in LEED v4 EBO+M EA Credit: Ongoing Commissioning (no change from LEED v3) Must first earn Existing Building Cx - Analysis credit AND Existing Building Cx Implementation credit Energy systems, including ltg, process loads, HVAC, domestic HW & renewable energy Establish ongoing Cx process Update Systems Manual Update Facility O&M Plan Existing Building Operations Case Study Example 1800 K Street First LEED EBOM v4 Certified Project Washington, D.C. LEED v4 EBOM Silver Energy Star Rating of 81 Earned all EBCx credits Earned EBOM 2009 Gold Simultaneously EBOM v4 Beta (Silver) 1800 K Street in Washington, D.C. (certified Silver under LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations & Maintenance, or LEED-EBOM How Does This Help Me Win More Work ? Energy Services & LEED v4 Service LEED BD+C Points High Performance Design & Energy Modeling EAp2/EAc2Optimize Energy Performance Prereq+upto 18 Demand Response EAc4 Demand Response 2 Commissioning EAp1 / EAc1 Prereq+6* Measurement & Verification EAp3/EAc3 Advanced Energy Metering + EAc1 Path 1 Prereq+1+1 Water Indoor Water Use, Water Metering Prereqs+13 Renewable Energy Renewable Energy 3 Lighting / Daylighting Design Interior Ltg, Daylighting 2+3 Deep Green Consulting / LEED Administration Entire Process Total 5 Prereqs + 49 possible points How Does This Help Me Win More Work ? Energy Services & LEED v4 Service LEED EB O+M Points Energy Auditing EAp2 / EAc4 Optimize Energy Performance + EAp1 Energy Eff Best Practices + EAc1 EBCx Analysis* Prereq+upto 20 + Prereq +2* Exist Bldg Commissioning EAc1 EBCx Analysis* + EAc2 EBCx Implementation + EAc3 Ongoing Cx 2*+2+2 Measurement & Verification EAp3/EAc5 Advanced Energy Metering + EAc6 Demand Response Prereq+2+3 Water M&V & Reduction Indoor Water Use, Water Metering 2 Prereqs+7 Energy Consulting / LEED Administration Entire Process Total 5 Prereqs + 37 possible points What did we talk about? Designing High Performance Buildings Integrative Process Min/Optimize Energy Performance Bldg Level & Advanced Energy Metering Demand Response Constructing High Performance Buildings Operating High Performance Buildings Fund Cx & Verification Enhanced Cx + Envelope Option Existing Low Performance Buildings Designing High Performance Buildings Commissioning Measurement & Verification Energy Auditing Existing Building Cx Demand Response M&V Ongoing Cx Auditing Low Performance Buildings Building Level Metering Min Energy Performance Energy Efficient Best Management Practices Existing Building Cx: Analysis EB-Cx Low Performance Buildings Existing Building Cx: Implement Optimize Energy Performance Advanced Energy Metering Questions ? Mark Gelfo TLC Engineering for Architecture [email protected] 904-306-9111
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