EPA Water Research Safe Water & Innovative Technologies Alice Wemaere Environmental Protection Agency Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research Enterprise Ireland, 7th May 2014 Overview Background (EPA Research) EPA STRIVE Water Research 2007-2013 EPA Research 2014-2020: Water Pillar National Linkages International Linkages Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research th Background (EPA Research) Research Environmental Protection Identifying Pressures Informing Policy Developing Solutions EPA STRIVE Water Research 2007-2013 Key Achievements Informs policy and assists in meeting targets • Provides policy support to WFD & MSFD • Measures for reducing Phosphorus and Nitrogen input to water Developing practical applications • • • • Pilot Scale Wastewater Centre (NUIG) Containment of water borne disease outbreak (Galway 2007, OECD 2009) Guidance for Single house wastewater treatment New technologies (nano) to remove pollutants Capacity Development • Over 70 EPA Research Reports, 36% above world average peer review • 200 researchers since 2007 (~ 70 Full-time PhD, post-Doc) Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research th EPA STRIVE Water Research 2007-2013 Practical Application Guidance for Single house wastewater treatment Problem Identified Research Conducted Guidance Issued Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research th EPA Research 2014-2020: Water Pillar EPA Water Research Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research th EPA Research 2014-2020: Water Pillar EPA Research Strategy 7 workshops held in 2013 (May-Sept 2013) Over 600 attendees Over 140 submissions received & assessed Summary report published (Env. Protection Through Research) Public Consultation (Dec. 2013) Over 50 further submissions received To be published shortly Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research th EPA Research 2014-2020: Water Pillar EPA Water Research Focus on significant fundamental knowledge gaps, measures to support relevant water policy and the development of new technologies to protect our water environment, contributing to excellent water quality in Ireland Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research th EPA Research 2014-2020: Water Pillar Water Today (EPA, 2012) Some Improvements in water quality 71% of river channel is at good or high status, General reduction in nitrate concentrations in groundwater over the period 2007-2012, 46.6% of lakes is of high or good status (2008-2010) Many pressures remain Number of high status sites halved in the last 21 years from almost 30% in the 1987-1990 period to less than 17% in 2007-2009. Nutrient enrichment principal cause of water pollution in Ireland (agricultural run-off and discharges from municipal waste water treatment plants) Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research th EPA Research 2014-2020: Water Pillar Water Challenges (EPA, 2012) Some challenges for water quality management are… 1. 2. 3. Eliminating pollution associated with large & small point sources (e.g. Urban wastewater treatment plants; Domestic wastewater treatment systems); Tackling diffuse pollution (e.g. pollution from farming); and Using the full range of legislative measures to achieve better water quality. Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research th EPA Research 2014-2020: Water Pillar WQ Status in IE / EU Countries based on EEA website data Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research th EPA Research 2014-2020: Water Pillar Challenges & Rationale Key Challenges Point Source Pollution Diffuse Pollution UGEE issues Legislative measures to achieve better water quality Policy Rationales/Input International Conventions, ECJ cases, Directives EPA Reports, SOE, Strategy Stakeholders input National Context (Forfas Priority areas, Harvest 2020) International Context (Horizon 2020, 7th EAP, EU Blueprint etc) Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research th EPA Research 2014-2020: Water Pillar Policy Driver D. Daly, 2012 Water Framework Directive Setting the Framework Supplementary Measures Buffer zones, riparian areas UWWT Directive, Nitrates Directive Waste Directive (DWWTSs Bill) Addressing key pressures Non-legislative Policies Water scarcity & droughts Adaptation to climate change Resource use efficiency CAP Implementation Groundwater Directive EQSs Directive Floods Directive Completing the Framework Extending the scope IPPC, Bathing Water, Habitats, Birds, Drinking Water, Major Accidents (Seveso), EIA, Sewage Sludge and Plant Protection Products Directives Basic Measures EPA Research 2014-2020: Water Pillar EPA Water Research 2014 Theme-1: Safe Water Theme-2: Ecosystem Services and Sustainability Theme-3: Innovative Water Technologies Theme-4: Understanding, Managing and Conserving our Water Resources Theme-5: Emerging & Cross-Cutting Issues Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research th EPA Research 2014-2020: Water Pillar Safe Water… Emerging pollutants, priority substances, endocrine disruptors and emerging risks such as pathogens (including antibiotic resistant bacteria and viruses), cyanotoxins and nanomaterials. Environmental behaviour in surface water, treated waters and groundwater Impact on human health through the irrigation of crops, water supply, distribution and storage in rural or urban environments. Climate change, natural hazards and extreme events such as droughts and floods. Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research th EPA Research 2014-2020: Water Pillar Safe Water… This thematic area will: Provide a better understanding of the fate and behaviour of new or poorly understood contaminants and their impacts on water quality Improve our resilience to climate change, extreme events and natural hazards. Develop a better understanding of the socio-economic aspects, governance and behavioural changes Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research th EPA Research 2014-2020: Water Pillar Future Research Over 100 ideas Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research th Research Areas 2014-2020: Water Pillar Research Topics EPA Research Minimizing risks associated with water infrastructure and natural hazards Future Research Early Warning / Risk Management Systems Natural Hazards Water Infrastructure Priority substances, emerging pollutants and contaminants, including behaviour, treatment and human impacts Reducing Impacts Risk Assessment Risk Assessment & Treatment Treatment & Removal Socio-economic considerations, governance and Behavioural Change behavioural changes Data management and Tools Governance & Good Practice Impacts of water charges Water Consumption Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research th EPA Research 2014-2020: Water Pillar Future Research Priority substances, emerging pollutants and contaminants, including behaviour, treatment and human impacts Water JPI Joint Call 2013 – Projects to be awarded in 2014 Socio-economic considerations, governance and behavioural changes 2014 EPA Research Water Call @ Scoping stage Minimising risks associated with water infrastructure, climate change, extreme events and natural hazards 2014 EPA Research Water Call @ Scoping stage Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research th EPA Research 2014-2020: Water Pillar Innovative Technologies Innovative technologies are required by the water industry to create products and services contribute to improving the quantity and quality of water bodies used in a more efficient way; gain a better understanding of the socio-economic aspects, governance and behavioural changes associated with this area. The objectives of this research area are aligned with the aims of the European “Resource Efficiency Roadmap”. Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research th EPA Research 2014-2020: Water Pillar Innovative Technologies This thematic area will: Developing novel treatment and distribution options and improving water systems efficiency Development of sensor networks and real-time information systems in the water cycle and improved water treatment technologies. Increasing water resource efficiency. Gaining a better understanding of the socio-economic aspects, governance and behavioural changes associated within this area Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research th EPA Research 2014-2020: Water Pillar Future Research Zero discharge systems Optimising biogas generation from sewage sludge Treating wastewater sludge as a resource rather than a waste Anthropogenic nutrient solution (Source – separated, Fermented Anaerobic Digestion Anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge Phytoremediation Nano-technology for advanced treatment Bubbleless aeration for Aerobic wastewater treatment EPA Water Research Planning Workshop EPA Water Research Planning Workshop Research Relevant Research Relevant EPA Public Consultation Research Relevant Optimising biogas generation from sewage sludge to increase energy EPA Water Research Planning Workshop Research Relevant Biogas clean-up and utilisation EPA Public Consultation Research Relevant Research Relevant Research Relevant Very high rates high solids: Anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge Research Relevant Anaerobic digestion + tertiary nutrient Research Relevant Phytoremediation wastewater treatment Research Relevant Nano-technology for advanced treatment Research Relevant Bubbleless aeration for aerobic wastewater treatment (energy efficient) 2013 Topics and Various submissions EPA Water Research Planning Workshop EPA Water Research Planning Workshop EPA Water Research Planning Workshop EPA Water Research Planning Workshop EPA Water Research Planning Workshop Closed loop systems Zero discharge systems Over 150 ideas Treating wastewater sludge as a resource rather than a waste - developping suitable The use of Anthropogenic nutrient solution (Source – separated, Fermented Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research th Research Areas Research Topics EPA Research 2014-2020: Water Pillar Advanced treatment & resources Domestic Wastewater Treatment / Septic Tanks recovery in wastewater treatment Effects of extreme weather Energy harnessing and management Infrastructure - Sewers Resource Recovery Water Treatment Development of more reliable and Data management affordable water quality EWS-Risk/Fault Assessment monitoring systems Monitoring (Quantity and Quality) Remote monitoring/real-time Development of robust, smart and Distribution/Storage cost-effective technological Energy harnessing and management solutions for water distribution & EWS-Risk/Fault Assessment storage Graywater Monitoring of water use & quality Water Treatment Socio-economic considerations, Education governance and behavioural Governance & Good Practice changes Prioritising capital investment for best environmental outcomes Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research th Public Perception Future Research EPA Research 2014-2020: Water Pillar Future Research Advanced treatment & resources recovery Socio-economic considerations, governance and behavioural changes Development of more reliable and affordable water quality monitoring systems Development of robust, smart and cost-effective technological solutions 2014 EPA Research Water Call @ Scoping stage Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research th EPA Research 2014-2020: Water Pillar Emerging & Cross-Cutting Issues Emerging policy and implementation research needs in relation to the implementation of the WFD and MSFD Multi-agency trans-boundary programme of research on Environmental Impacts of Unconventional Gas Exploration & Extraction (UGEE) Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research th National Linkages National Funding Landscape National Water Research Coordination Group Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research th International Linkages European Linkages & Funding WssTP Water JPI EIP on Water Horizon 2020 Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research th International Linkages WssTP www.wstp.eu Promote coordination and collaboration of Research and Innovation in the European water sector, improving at the same time its competitiveness. Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research th International Linkages WssTP Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research th International Linkages WssTP www.wstp.eu WssTP Working Groups are key to the functioning, objectives, and implementation of the WssTP strategy. Collaboration and coordination on water-related challenges dealing with RTD&I, Improvement of global market opportunities for the European water-related technology, service, and knowledge providers, and Promotion of consortium opportunities Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research th International Linkages WssTP WssTP Working Groups: Financing for EU Competitiveness Water & ICT Water-Energy-Food Biodiversity Nexus International Relations Water and Industry Resource Recovery Membrane Technologies Emerging Compounds www.wstp.eu Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research th International Linkages WssTP WssTP Working Groups ctd: Urban Water Pollution Bathing Water Agriculture & Irrigation Eco-System Services Green Infrastructure Managing Hydroclimatic Extremes Events Shales Gas Techwatch www.wstp.eu Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research th International Linkages Water JPI: Vision Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research th International Linkages Water JPI Research Questions www.waterjpi.eu Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research th International Linkages Water JPI Update Update of the SRIA Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research th International Linkages Research Needs Smart water technologies Technological solutions (including biological processes) Energy water nexus Water reuse Water energy form ground Product recovery Innovation barriers Asset management Development of analytical techniques for groups of substances Disinfection byproducts, Emerging pollutants and pathogens, including their environmental effects Exploiting ageing urban water systems for dependable and cost-effective service Towards urban flood proof cities Improvement in the performance of water systems Impact of water scarcity on safe drinking water Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research th International Linkages Water JPI Update Horizon 2020 ERAnets 2014: this call should support research and innovation developing technological solutions and services for water distribution and measurement, waste water treatment and reuse, desalination, floods and droughts etc. 08/04/2014 2015: the call should support research and innovation on sustainable water use in agriculture, to increase water use efficiency and reduce soil and water pollution. Deadline is April 2015 Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research th International Linkages EIP Water Speed up innovations that contribute to solving societal challenges Enhance Europe's competitiveness Contribute to job creation and economic growth EIPs help to pool expertise and resources by bringing together public and private actors at EU, national and regional level, combining supply- and demand-side measures 8 Priorities 5 priorities (Water reuse and recycling, water & wastewater treatment, water/energy, flood and drought, ecosystem services) 3 cross-cutting (governance, decision support, financing for innovation) http://www.eip-water.eu/ Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research th International Linkages EIP Water Action Groups: • voluntary multi-stakeholder • develop, test, scale up, disseminate and stimulate the uptake of innovations by the market and society • formalised via Calls for Expression of Commitment. Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor for Recovery of Energy and Resources (AG036) ARREAU - Accelerating Resource Recovery from Water Cycle (AG108) AugMent - Water Monitoring for Decision Support (AG124) CITY BLUEPRINTS - Improving Implementation Capacities of Cities and Regions (AG041) COWAMA - Mitigation of Water Stress in Coastal Zones by Sust. Water Mngd (AG111) http://www.eip-water.eu/working-groups/action-groups Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research th International Linkages EIP Water Action Groups ctd: Ctrl+Swan - Monitoring and smart water network (AG126) DISSME - Demand-Driven Innovation Support for SMEs via NNWPs (AG131) EBCF - European Benchmark Cooperation Foundation (AG125) ESE - Ecosystem Services for Europe (AG052) EWW - Energy and Water Works - energizing sustainable deltas (AG115) FinnoWater (AG013) InduRe - Industrial Water Re-use and Recycling (AG045) MAR Solutions - Managed Aquifer Recharge Strategies and Actions (AG128) MEET-ME4water - Meeting Microbial Electrochemistry for water (AG110) MSWTP - Modular low-cost concept for WWTPs design and build (AG118) http://www.eip-water.eu/working-groups/action-groups Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research th International Linkages EIP Water Action Groups ctd: PVAIZEC - Large PV Pumping Systems for zero energy irrigation (AG103) Renewable Energy Desalination (AG025) RESEWAM-O - Remote sensing for water management optimization (AG132) RTWQM - Real Time Water Quality Monitoring (AG100) SPADIS - Smart Prices and Drought Insurance Schemes in Mediterranean Countries (AG014) W4EF - Framework for evaluation and reporting of the energy impacts on water (AG029) Water Justice (AG117) WaterCoRe - Regional governance of water scarcity and drought issues (AG042) WaterReg - Water services regulation and governance in Europe (AG102) WIRE - Water & Irrigated agriculture Resilient Europe (AG112) http://www.eip-water.eu/working-groups/action-groups Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research th International Linkages Why get involved? Joint development and transfer of innovation Visibility and exposure Network opportunities Support policy development to remove barriers to innovation Access to water and innovation related information Influence Horizon 2020 WPs Working on projects that are linked to these initiatives will increase the chances for EU funding Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research th International Linkages H2020 Societal Challenges Research Area Health, demographic change and wellbeing Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research, and the Bioeconomy Secure, clean and efficient energy Smart, green and integrated transport Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials Secure societies - protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research th International Linkages Horizon 2020 - Focus Areas Twelve focus areas - five linked to 'Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials’: • Waste: A resource to recycle, reuse and recover raw materials • Water innovation: Boosting its value for Europe • Energy-efficiency • Disaster-resilience: Safeguarding society and adapting to climate change • Blue growth: Unlocking the potential of the oceans Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research th International Linkages Water Innovation Call Boost EU competitiveness, growth and jobs in EU water sector Position Europe as a global market leader in water related innovative solutions Reinforcing Innovation in EU Water sector (innovation capacity and market uptake of RTD results) will contribute to major EU and global objectives Support the needs of relevant EU water, innovation and resource efficient policies, water related initiatives and international commitments: EIP Water, EIP Agriculture, JPI on Water, SPIRE PPP, IPCC, Rio+20, etc. Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research th International Linkages 2015 Topics Bridging the gap: from innovative water solutions to market replication Integrated approaches to food security, low-carbon energy, sustainable water management and climate change mitigation Stepping up EU research and innovation cooperation in the water area Harnessing EU water research and innovation results for industry, agriculture, policy makers and citizens Strengthening international R&I cooperation in the field of water SC5-20-2015: Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research th Priority Areas Relevant SC topics Key descriptors Water reuse and recycling SC5-WATER-1-2015 SC5-WATER-2-2015 SC5-WATER-3-2015 SC5-WATER-4-2015 “water reuse” “water recycling” “water efficiency” “water storage” SC5-WATER-1-2015 “wastewater treatment” SC5-WATER-5-2015 “water treatment” “drinking water” LEIT-NMP24 –2015 “water and resources recovery” “water sanitation & developing world” SC5-WATER-4-2015 “Water and bioeconomy” “water and agriculture” Water-Agriculture “water and irrigation” “water and food production” SC5-WATER-1-2015 “Flood risk” “drought risk” SC5-WATER-2-2015 “water and extreme event” Flood and drought risk “hydrology” “water and climate change” management Based on 2007/2008 results “water resource management”” Water and wastewater treatment, including recovery of resources Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research th Priority Areas Relevant SC topics SC5-7-2015 Ecosystem services Key descriptors “Water and ecosystem” “water and ecosystem services” “aquatic ecosystems” “water and ecological engineering” SC5-WATER-5-2015 “Water governance” “ Water and transboundary” Water governance “water policy” (including policy & “water regulatory and economic communication) instruments” “water research uptake” SC5-WATER-1-2015 “Water and decision support system” LEIT-NMP24 –2015 “Water monitoring” “telemetry” Decision support systems “Water and early warning” and monitoring (and Smart “smart water management” Technologies) “water and earth observation” Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research th International Linkages Based on 2007/2008 results Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research th More information on EPA Water Research, Water JPI and Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge 5: Contact Alice Wemaere ([email protected]) Search our Research Projects Database: http://erc.epa.ie/smartsimple/ Register your Expertise in our Online Catalogue of Expertise in Environmental Research: http://erc.epa.ie/h2020catalogue Sign Up to our Newsletter: http://www.epa.ie/researchandeducation/research/ Follow us on Twitter: @EPAResearchNews Showcasing Ireland’s Water & Waste Water Research th
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