TRANSIENT STABILITY STUDIES (POWERTRS) Indonesia Clean Energy Development (ICED) project Indonesia Wind Sector Impact Assessment Presented by: Dr. Balaraman, Ph.D. Makassar, February 17 to 21, 2014 Stability Rotor angle stability Study period: 0-10 sec Mid-term/long-term stability Study period: seconds to several minutes (slow dynamics) Voltage stability Small signal stability Transient stability Large disturbance (First swing) Non-oscillatory Insufficient synchronizing torque Oscillatory Unstable control action Power System Operating States f, v, loading acceptable, load met, n-1 or n-2 contingency acceptable Restorative Normal f, v, loading acceptable load met n-1 or n-2 contingency not satisfied Alert Cascaded system syste In Extremis m Emergency f, v, loading not acceptable, load not met DS: Distribution System G : Generator Control Hierarchy Pool control centre To other system To other system System control centre Transmission system DS DS DS Power plant G G G Power System Subsystem & Controls f Schedule Ptie Pgtotal System generation control Load frequency control with economic allocation Generating units control Other generating units and associated controls Prime mover & control Excitation system & control f/N or Pg Pm If f/N Generator Vt Pg Transmission Controls Reactive power, Voltage control, HVDC transmission and others f Ptie Power System Stability • Ability of a power system to remain in synchronism • Classification of transients : Electromagnetic and Electromechanical Stability classification • Transient stability : Transmission line faults, sudden load change, loss of generation, line switching etc. • Dynamic stability : Slow or gradual variations. Machine, governor - Turbine, Exciter modelling in detail. • Steady state stability : Changes in operating condition. Simple model of generator. Transient Stability: First swing and Multiple Swings m2 m1 0 m2 0 t Sec. Stable 0 t Sec. Unstable 0 t sec. Stable t Sec. Unstable m1 Assumptions : • Synchronous speed current and voltage are considered. • DC off set currents, harmonics are neglected. • Symmetrical components approach. • Generated voltage is independent of machine speed. • Circuit parameters are constant at nominal system frequency. (Frequency variation of parameter neglected). Steady State Stability Stable Unstable Stable Unstable Mechanical Equation d 2 m J* Ta Tm Te 2 dt Nm • J : Moment of inertia of rotor masses (kg-mt2 ) • m : Angular displacement of rotor w.r.t. a stationary axis (mechanical radians) • t : Time (seconds) • Tm : Mechanical or Shaft Torque ( N-m ) • Te : Net electrical torque (N-m ) • Ta : Net accelerating torque (N-m) • • For generator, Tm and Te are +ve. sm Rotor axis at rotor speed m sm Reference Axis Stationary Reference axis at sm m : Angular displacement of the rotor in mechanical radians. m sm t m d m d m sm dt dt d 2 m d 2 m 2 dt dt 2 d 2 m J Tm Te N m dt 2 d m m Angular velocity in radians per sec. dt J m d 2 m Pm Pe watts 2 dt d 2 m M Pm Pe ( Approx ) 2 dt Where M : Inertia constant = at synchronous speed in Joules-sec per mechanical radian. Constant is defined as the ratio of stored Kinetic Energy in Mega Joules at synchronous speed and machine rating in MVA 1 1 2 J sm M sm H 2 2 MJ / MVA S S 2H S M MJ per mechanical radian M sm d 2 m 2 Pm Pe watts dt 2 HS d 2 m Pm Pe 2 sm dt 2 H d 2 m Pm Pe 2 sm dt S 2 d m 2H Pm Pe pu 2 sm dt 2 H d 2 Pm Pe 2 s dt H d 2 Pm Pe pu 2 f dt Swing Equation If in electrical d deg rees H d 2 Pm Pe pu 180 f dt 2 2 H d d Pm Pe s s dt dt Let Pm Pe 1 pu 2 H d 1 pu , s t s dt 2H If t 2 H , s Pe = 1 pu Pm • At t = 0, breaker is opened. • Initially Pe = 1 pu on machine rating Pm = 1pu and kept unchanged. • In 2H seconds, the speed doubles. H Stored KE Machine Rating H mech Machine Rrating Hsystem systemMVA Machine rating H system H mech System MVA Inertia constant (H) is in the range 2 - 9 for various types of machines. Hence H-constant is usually defined for machine. Relation between H constant and Moment of Inertia is given by: WR 2 Moment of Inertia lb ft 2 32.2 W :Weight of rotational partin pounds R:Radius of gyrationin feet 1 WR 2 2N KE ftlb 2 32.2 60 550 ftlb / sec746Watts 2 1 WR 2 2N 746 6 10 2 32.2 60 550 H S machine 2 Example : Smach = 1333 MVA, WR2 = 5820000 lb – ft2, N= 1800 RPM 746 6 1 5820000 21800 550 10 2 32.2 60 H 1333 2 = 3.2677575 pu (MJ/ MVA) On 100 MVA base : H = 1333 / 100 = 43.56 (MJ / MVA) Pe1 Pm1 G1 ,H1 Pe2 Pm2 G2 ,H2 H1 d 2 1 Pm1 Pe1 2 f dt H 2 d 2 2 2 Pm 2 P e 2 f dt H 1 H 2 d f 2 Pm1 Pm2 Pe1 Pe2 dt 2 H d 2 Pm Pe 2 f d t H = H1 + H2 Pm = Pm1 + Pm2 Pe = Pe1 + Pe2 G1 and G2 are called coherent machines. Inertia Constant Stored energy at rated speed in MWs H MVA rating MKS system Stored energy Kineticenergy 1 2 J om watts 2 1 2 J om 10 6 MWs 2 J :Momentof inertiainkgm 2 om:Rated speed inmechanical radian / sec 1 2 J om 10 6 H 2 MVArating 5.48 10 9 J RPM 2 MVArating 2 RPM 60 British units Given WR 2 Weight of rotating part squareof radius of gyration(lb ft 2 ) WR 2 J 1.356kg m 2 32.2 Example MVA rating : 555 WR2 : 654158 lb-ft2 WR 2 J 1.356 27547.77168 32.2 H 5.48 10 6 J ( RPM ) 2 MVA rating Stored energy H MVA rating Mechanical starting time 2H sec onds MWs kg mt 2 MWs / MVA Typical Values Unit Type H Constant Hydro Unit 2 to 4 Thermal unit 2 pole – 3600 RPM 2.5 to 6 4 pole – 1800 RPM 4 to 10 Non coherent machines H 1 d 2 1 Pm1 Pe1 2 f dt H2 d2 2 Pm2 Pe2 2 f dt d 2 1 dt 2 f Pm1 Pe1 H1 d 2 2 f Pm2 Pe2 2 H2 dt d2 dt 2 1 2 f H1 Pm1 Pe1 f Pm2 Pe 2 H2 2 H 2 Pm1 Pe1 Pm2 Pe 2 H 1 1 d 1 2 2 f H1 H 2 dt 2 H1 H 2 1 d 1 2 H2 H1 Pm1 Pe1 Pm2 Pe2 2 H 1 H 2 f H1 H 2 H1 H 2 dt d 2 1 2 H1 H 2 1 H P H 1 Pm2 H 2 Pe1 H 1 Pe 2 2 m1 2 H 1 H 2 f H1 H 2 H1 H 2 dt H d 2 12 Pm12 Pe12 f dt2 Where , H H1 H 2 H1 H 2 Pe12 Pm12 H 2 Pm1 H 1 Pm2 H1 H 2 H 2 Pe1 H 1 Pe 2 H1 H 2 Relative swing (with reference to one machine) is more important, rather than absolute swing. Swing curves 3 2 1 4 3 o 2 0 1 T in sec. Absolute Plot T in sec. Relative Plot (i-) Relative swing (with reference to one machine) is more important, rather than absolute swing. Classical model : (Type 1) Constant voltage behind transient reactance I E’ jxd’ + Ref. E’ Vt jxd’ I - Vt I E’ = Vt + (0 + jxd’) I Power angle equation jXs E1 1 E1E 2 P sin Xs E1 : Magnitude of voltage at bus1 E2 : Magnitude of voltage at bus2 : 1 - 2 Xs : Reactance E 2 2 X=? E=? Machine Parameters Synchronous : Steady state, sustained. Transient : Slowly decaying Sub-transient : Rapidly decaying X d X q X q ' X q " X d " Td 0 ' Tdo " Tqo ' Tqo " Typical values Parameter Hydro (pu) Thermal (pu) xd 0.6 - 1.5 1.0 - 2.3 xq 0.4 - 1.0 1.0 - 2.3 xd’ 0.2 - 0.5 0.15 - 0.4 xq’ ------- 0.3 - 1.0 xd” 0.15 - 0.35 0.12 -0.25 xq” 0.2 - 0.45 0.12 -0.25 Td0’ 1.5 - 9.0 s 3.0 -10.0 s Tq0’ ------- 0.5 - 2.0 s Td0” 0.01 - 0.05 s 0.02 - 0.05 s Tq0” 0.01 - 0.09 s 0.02 - 0.05 s Ra 0.002 - 0.02 0.0015 - 0.005 Stability P Pe=Pmax sin Pm mm m O s 900 u 1800 Stable At s ; Pm = Pe ; net accelerating torque = 0. Let Pe decrease slightly. H d 2 Pm Pe is ve f dt 2 increase (acceleration) comes back to original position. Stable region . Hence s is stable operating point. Unstable At u; Pm = Pe ; Net accelerating torque = 0 , Let Pe decrease slightly. H d 2 Pm Pe is ve 2 f dt increases, (acceleration) Pe further decreases. Chain reaction never comes back to normal value Hence u is unstable operating point. Infinite bus • Generator connected to infinite bus. • High inertia. H compared to other machines in the system. • Frequency is constant. • Low impedance. Xd’ is very small. • E’ is constant and Vt is fixed. • Infinite fault level symbol. System Example : 200 MW 1.05 pu V 250 MVA 250 MVA Slack bus 1 pu - V H = 3.2 , Z = 10% on own rating , Xd1 = 25% , tap = 1, Ra = 0.0 and neglect R. • Establish the initial condition. • Perform the transient stability without disturbance. • Open the transformer as outage & do the study. • How long the breaker can be kept open before closing, without losing synchronism. Load Modeling 132/110 kV Switched Capacitor Load 11 kV Load Vary the tap. Switch on the capacitor. Determine the response (charge) in load. P Compute the parameters. o 2 • P = P0 (CP + CI . V + CZ . V ) ( 1+Kf . f) w e Po P varies with time, voltage and r frequency. P0 varies with time - can be constant at a given time of a day. CP, CI, CZ & Kf are constants. V & f are known at any time instant. P is known from measurements. Solve the non linear problem over a set of measurements. frequency fo • Let the load be 10,000 MW. i.e. P0 = 10,000 • Let for 1 Hz change in frequency, let the load change be 700 MW. Po f C f p 700( decreaseinload ) Po ( f f o ) C f p 700 700 powernumber 1 700 7% 10,000 If Pisin pu; f isthe perunit changein frequency,thenon100MVAbase : Cf p Cf p 7 100 3.5 1 50 • What it implies : – – – – Initial load 10,000 MW. Loss of generation 700 MW Increase in load 700 MW Frequency 49 Hz. Load model Parameters Load model parameters Measurement based approach Input: Connected load Measurement: P,V, f over a period Out put: Parameters Component based approach Industrial Commercial residential Agricultural Loads Excitation System Components Transducer Ref. Exciter Regulator Generator PSS Limiter + relay Vref Ver Controller Regulator Vtr Power amplifier (Exciter) Feedback elements Block Schematic Et Efd Plant Reactive Power Control • • • • • Synchronous generators Overhead lines / Under ground cables Transformers Loads Compensating devices Control devices • Sources /Sinks --- Shunt capacitor, Shunt inductor (Reactor), Synchronous condenser, and SVC. • Line reactance compensation --- Series capacitor • Transformer -----OLTC, boosters Speed governor systems: Tie line Power AGC Electrical System Frequencies Energy Supply steam or water Speed changer Speed Governor Valve /gate Speed Turbine Generator Types of Control: • • Primary Control : Governor action Secondary Control : AGC, load frequency control (For selected generators) Speed Ref. + Turbine Droop(Goveror) 1 Tws 1 Tws 1/R Generator Tms 1 KD speed Under Frequency operation : Vibratory stress on the long low pressure turbine blades Degradation in the performance of plant auxiliaries say, induction motor Limitations • • • • Only maximum spinning reserve can be achieved Turbine pickup delay Boiler slow dynamics Speed governor delay Load shedding Trip signal 49.5 0.4 Hz/s 10% load rejection 1 Hz/s 15% load rejection 2 Hz/s 4 Hz/s 30% load rejection 50% load rejection 48 Other measures : * Fast valving * Steam by-passing Modules in a program • Data reading • Initialization • • • • • • – Steady state load flow – Control block parameter AVR, Gov., Machine, Motor, PSS, HVDC, SVC. Disturbance model Control block modeling Machine modeling Load flow solution Protective relay modeling Special functions – Cyclic load – Arc furnace – Re-closure • Results Output – Report – Graph Typical swing curve : Constant Efd 90 60 30 AVR & PSS AVR with no PSS 1 2 3 Time in seconds 4 5 6 Typical swing curve : 180 Rotor angle degrees 0.090 120 0.025 60 0.01 1 2 3 4 5 Time in Sec. Integration step size : Typical value : 0.01 seconds, Range : 0.005 to 0.02 seconds AVR : Type 1 s=f(Efd) Vref VT 1 1 sT1 + - + - k1 1 sT2 + PSS sk 3 1 sT4 1 k 2 sT3 Efd AVR : Type 2 Vref VT 1 1 sT1 SE VRmax + - + Vs - k1 1 sT2 - + VRmin sk3 1 sT4 1 sT5 1 k 2 sT3 Efd AVR TYPE – 5 Vref VT 1 1 0.01s VRmax + + k1 1 sT2 1 sT3 1 1 sT1 (1 sT4 )1 sT5 VRmin Efdmax Efdmin Steam Turbine Governing System ref + Pref 1+sT2 0 k1(1+sT1) + P-up C max - + 1/S 1/T3 - Pmax Pmin C min P-dn K1: 0.05 Pmax: 1.0 T1: 0.1 Pmin: 0.0 T2: 0.03 Pup: 0.1 T3: 0.4 Pdn: -1.0 P5 Turbine Model k1+k2 P k3+k4 k5+k6 k7+k8 Ps 1/(1+sT1 ) 1/(1+sT2) (1/1+sT3) (1/1+sT4) Hydro Governor ref + + - - P-up Cmax 1 1 sT1 1 T2 1 s Pmax Ps Pmin Cmin P-dn + k1 . sT3 1 sT3 Transient Droop Compensator + k2 Permanent Droop Compensator Hydro Turbine Ps 1-sT1 1+0.5sT1 DM T1 (T) : 1.0 Transient Stability Enhancement Philosophy • Minimize the disturbance influence by minimizing the fault severity and duration. • Increase the restoring synchronizing forces. • Reduce accelerating torque. Transient Stability Enhancement Methods : 1. High speed fault clearing. 2. Reduction of transmission system reactance. 3. Regulated shunt compensation. 4. Dynamic Braking. 5. Reactor switching. 6. Independent pole operation of circuit breaker. 7. Single pole switching 8. Fast valving. 9. Generator tripping. 10. Controlled system separation and load shedding. 11. High speed excitation systems. 12. HVDC transmission link control. Major references used in the development of Transient Stability Studies Module 1. Dommel, N. Sato “Fast Transient Stability Solutions”, IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, 1972, PP 1643 1650. 2. W. Dommel, “Digital computer solution of electromagnetic transients in single and multiphase networks”, IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, April 1969, Vol. PAS-88, PP 388 - 399. 3. IEEE Committee Report, “Dynamic Models for Steam and Hydro Turbines in Power System Studies”, IEEE PES Winter Meeting, New York, Jan./Feb. 1973. (Paper T 73 089-0). 4. IEEE Committee Report, “Proposed Excitation System Definitions for Synchronous Machines”, IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-88, No. 8, August 1969. 5. IEEE Committee Report, “Computer representation of excitation systems”, IEEE Transactions Power on Apparatus and Systems, June 1968, Vol. PAS-87, PP 1460 - 1464. For further information please contact: Office Address of ICED-USAID (Indonesia Clean Energy Development – United States Agency for International Development) •ICED-USAID Jakarta Office: Tifa Building, 5th Floor, Jl. Kuningan Barat No. 26 Jakarta 12710; Phone/Facsimile: +62 21 52964445/ 52964446 •ICED-USAID Medan Office: Jl. Tengku Daud No. 7A Medan 20152; Phone/Facsimile: +62 61 4519675/ 4519058 Contact Person: Pramod Jain, Ph.D. President, Innovative Wind Energy, Inc. [email protected] +1-904-923-6489, Dr.K.Balaraman Ph.D CGM, PRDC [email protected] 61
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