Thinking, reasoning and working mathematically

KLA Years 1 to 10
Thinking, reasoning and
working mathematically
Purpose of
 to define thinking, reasoning and
working mathematically (t, r, w m)
 to describe how t, r, w m enhances
mathematical learning
 to promote and support t, r, w m through
Thinking, reasoning and
working mathematically
 involves making decisions about what
mathematical knowledge, procedures and
strategies are to be used in particular
 incorporates communication skills and ways
of thinking that are mathematical in nature
 is promoted through engagement in
challenging mathematical investigations.
Thinking, reasoning and
working mathematically
 promotes higher-order thinking
 develops deep knowledge and
 develops students’ confidence in their
ability ‘to do’ mathematics
 connects learning to the students’ real
What is thinking
 making meaningful connections with prior
mathematical experiences and knowledge
including strategies and procedures
 creating logical pathways to solutions
 identifying what mathematics needs to be known
and what needs to be done to proceed with an
 explaining mathematical ideas and workings.
What is reasoning
 deciding on the mathematical knowledge,
procedures and strategies to use in a situation
 developing logical pathways to solutions
 reflecting on decisions and making appropriate
changes to thinking
 making sense of the mathematics encountered
 engaging in mathematical conversations.
What is working
 sharing mathematical ideas
 challenging and defending mathematical
thinking and reasoning
 solving problems
 using technologies appropriately to support
mathematical working
 representing mathematical problems and
solutions in different ways.
How can t, r, w m be
By providing learning opportunities that are:
 relevant to the needs, interests and abilities of the
 strongly connected to real-world situations
 based on an investigative approach — a problem to
be solved, a question to be answered, a significant
task to be completed or an issue to be explored.
Planning for investigations
Select learning
outcomes on which
to focus
Identify how and when reporting of
student progress will occur
Identify how and when
judgments will be made about
students’ demonstrations of
Select strategies to promote
consistency of teacher
Make explicit what students
need to know and do to
demonstrate their learning
Identify how evidence of
demonstrations of learning will be
gathered and recorded
Identify or design
Choose the context(s)
for learning
Select and
sequence learning
activities and
teaching strategies
How do investigations
promote t, r, w m?
Sample investigations present the learning
sequence in three phases:
 identifying and describing
 understanding and applying
 communicating and justifying.
Each phase promotes the development of
thinking, reasoning and working mathematically.
Phase 1
Identifying and
 identify the mathematics in the investigation
 describe the investigation in their own words
 describe the mathematics that may assist them in
finding solutions
 identify and negotiate possible pathways through
the investigation
 identify what they need to learn to progress.
Sample questions to
encourage t, r, w m in
phase 1
 What mathematics can you see in this
 Have you encountered a similar problem
 What mathematics do you already know that
will help you?
 What procedures or strategies could you use to
find a solution?
 What do you need to know more about to do
this investigation?
Phase 2
Understanding and
 acquire new understandings and knowledge
 select strategies and procedures to apply to the
 represent problems using objects, pictures,
symbols or mathematical models
 apply mathematical knowledge to proceed through
the investigation
 generate possible solutions
 validate findings by observation, trial or
Sample questions to
encourage t, r, w m
in phase 2
 What types of experiments could you do to
test your ideas?
 Can you see a pattern in the mathematics?
How can you use the pattern to help you?
 What other procedures and strategies could
you use?
 What else do you need to know to resolve
the investigation?
 Is your solution close to your prediction? If
not, why is it different?
Phase 3
Communicating and
 communicate their solutions or conclusions
 reflect on, and generalise about, their learning
 justify or debate conclusions referring to
procedures and strategies used
 listen to the perceptions of others and
challenge or support those ideas
 pose similar investigations or problems.
Sample questions to
encourage t, r, w m in
phase 3
 What is the same and what is different
about other students’ ideas?
 Will the knowledge, procedures and
strategies that you used work in similar
 What mathematics do you know now
that you didn’t know before?
Teachers can support t,
r, w m by:
 guiding mathematical discussions
 providing opportunities for students to develop the
knowledge, procedures and strategies required for
mathematical investigations
 presenting challenges that require students to pose
 providing opportunities to reflect on new learning.
The syllabus
t, r, w m by:
 describing the valued attributes of a lifelong learner
in terms of thinking, reasoning and working
 encouraging students to work through problems to
be solved, questions to be answered, significant
tasks to be completed or issues to be explored
 advocating the use of a learner-centred,
investigative approach in a range of contexts
 emphasising the connections between topics and
strands that are often required in dealing with
mathematics in ‘real-life’ situations.
Materials to support thinking,
reasoning and working
 How to think, reason and work mathematically (poster)
 About thinking, reasoning and working mathematically
(information paper)
 Prompting students to think, reason and work
mathematically (paper)
 Thinking, reasoning and working mathematically in the
classroom (paper)
 Papers described in the annotated bibliography in the
‘Additional information’ section of the support materials
Contact us
Queensland Studies Authority
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Spring Hill
Queensland 4004
Phone: +61 7 3864 0299
Fax: + 61 7 3221 2553
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