ROBERT KETT JUNIOR SCHOOL Hewitts Lane, Wymondham, Norfolk, NR18 0LS Telephone: 01953 603405 E-mail: [email protected] Headteacher: Mrs Alison Clarke Wednesday, 21 January 2015 Dear Parents/Carers Wymondham Cluster Tag Rugby Festival After the children’s fantastic performance at the Wymondham Cluster Festival, the Falcons team have been given the opportunity to represent the local Wymondham schools at the forthcoming South Norfolk Finals. The event is scheduled to take place on Tuesday 27th January 2015 at Wymondham College. The team will remain the same with the addition of three players from the Hawks team. On the day of the tournament we will be leaving school by bus at approximately 9.15am and should return to school by approximately 2.45pm. Children can either bring a nutritious and energy filled packed lunch with them, a snack and a drink in a re-fillable plastic bottle (no chocolate or fizzy drinks please) or order a packed lunch from the school kitchen. Please complete the reply slip below, indicating your option and enclose payment of £2.10 if ordering a school packed lunch. The school will provide the children with a Robert Kett polo-shirt and sweatshirt to wear and also a pair of blue shorts and a pair of blue socks. Children should arrive in school on the morning wearing this kit and a pair of trainers, not boots. As the festival will be taking place on grass pitches this time, if your child has a pair of studded boots, that would be fantastic and a definite advantage. If not, then trainers are suitable too. Your child will also need to bring clothing appropriate for the changeable weather such as tracksuit bottoms, a waterproof jacket and a bottle of water. If you require the school to administer medication that is not normally administered in school, whether prescribed or just purchased from the chemist, you must collect an ‘Administration of Medicines’ form from the school office. This form must be completed and returned to the school office no later than the day before the trip. Emergency medication normally held at school (e.g. Epi-pens) will be taken on the trip by our staff. If your child uses an inhaler this needs to be named and taken with them. Parents and other interested parties are more than welcome to come along and cheer on our team. Yours sincerely, Carl Bates Mr CJ Bates (Physical Education Co-ordinator) ROBERT KETT JUNIOR SCHOOL Hewitts Lane, Wymondham, Norfolk, NR18 0LS Telephone: 01953 603405 E-mail: [email protected] Headteacher: Mrs Alison Clarke Wymondham Cluster Tag Rugby Festival (Please return in all circumstances) I do give permission for my child to attend the ‘Tag Rugby’ tournament on Tuesday 27th January 2015 at Wymondham College. I do not give permission for my child to attend the ‘Tag Rugby’ tournament on Tuesday 27th January 2015 at Wymondham College. LUNCH ARRANGEMENTS My child would like a school packed lunch and I enclose payment of £2.10 My child will bring a packed lunch from home Signed: ……………………………………… (Parent/Carer) Dated: ………………………………
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