Your guide to - Scholastic Australia

Your guide to
Book Clubs
JDE 8368811 • CLB0044
Welcome to the Club where reading
is rewarding for everyone!
Why choose
Book Clubs?
The children of our primary schools represent the single greatest opportunity for us
to change and shape the future of Australian communities. There are few roles more
important in our society than teaching and raising children.
Earn Generous Rewards
Thank you for making books and Book Clubs a part of this journey.
Schools earn 20% in Scholastic Rewards on all Book Club orders to help them obtain free
books and additional learning resources. One Reward = One Dollar. Rewards can be used to
pay or part-pay for any School Essentials order, including our Teaching-Learning programs, or
any Book Club/TBS order.
Access to our School Essentials Catalogue,
In Print and Online
•Scholastic has partnered with
Australian schools for over
45 years to help get more kids
reading and kids reading more!
The School Essentials catalogue and website is a shop created especially for Australian educators.
It has everything you need to create an inspiring learning environment! You can redeem
Scholastic Rewards earned from Book Club purchases on the School Essentials catalogue.
•Book Clubs give parents and
children a convenient way
to purchase affordable, ageappropriate books to bridge the
class-to-home reading connection
and keep the reading momentum
rolling in your school.
New Linked Ordering and Online Payment (LOOP)
LOOP enables parents to order and pay for their child’s Book Club order, thus removing
the paperwork, keying and payment handling. Teachers still give out the brochures and
distribute the purchased books to the students, so the fun of Book Club is maintained.
Schools still receive the same Scholastic Rewards for all orders. The LOOP app for mobile
devices makes ordering even more convenient!
or go to
A Host of Activities to Encourage
Student Engagement and Promote
the Love of Reading
Years 1&2
Years 3&4
Years 5,6,7
For Early Childhood
For Lower Primary
For Middle Primary
For Upper Primary
i l d D e s e r ve
Our Book Clubs contain a core range specifically chosen for the selected year levels. Each Club
catalogue also includes an extended range of product in our Extra! Ages section, to offer reading
choices beyond the core year levels, for gift and sibling purchases.
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You can always trust a Scholastic selection, as the books are
carefully chosen and levelled by our team of experts.
Carefully curated selections help you put
the right books in the right hands.
Throughout the year, Scholastic continuously creates activities and programs to get children
excited about reading and books, including competitions and exclusive events just for
Book Club customers!
D e s e r ve s
Gold Coin Books
Scholastic believes that every child should be able to access quality reading material
that engages them. To give more students the opportunity to buy a book and experience
independent reading for pleasure, Scholastic offers top-quality Gold Coin Books ($1 and $2)
on every Book Club.
Teacher’s Bookshelf
A Book Club exclusively designed to assist teachers in building their classroom resources.
Each issue of Teacher’s Bookshelf (TBS) is delivered twice a term with your Book Club brochures.
It offers the best-value products for Australian classrooms from a wide range of publishers
and educational suppliers, and includes not only a terrific range of teacher/classroom-relevant
product but also fun competitions and curriculum support for education professionals.
Download Online Resources to Help You
Run Book Club in Your School
• Recruitment kit for Book Club Organisers & volunteers
• Checklist for running Book Club with online FAQ
• Book Club ordering platform walk-through & guide
• Short how-to-videos, plus quick tips.
Great Reasons
to Partner with
Scholastic is the expert at engaging children in independent reading. When you run
Scholastic Book Clubs and Book Fairs at your school, you are given access to a
continuous stream of reading programs, competitions and other activities designed to
get more kids reading. These include our Summer Reading Challenge, PAWS for Reading
and National Family Reading Month, plus multiple competitions and prizes every term.
These programs are all FREE and we do all the work—EASY!
Scholastic sources popular books from more than 50 publishers worldwide to bring the
best possible range of children’s books direct to your school—providing great choices
keeps kids enthusiastic about reading. Scholastic brings to young readers leading
Australian authors and illustrators ensuring that our great Australian stories are told!
Scholastic has more than 45 years of experience in Australia, and more than 90 years
globally, helping parents and primary schools raise readers in their communities.
Scholastic partners with more than a dozen different charitable organisations in
Australia every year to give sick and disadvantaged children across the country
much-needed access to quality books and learning materials.
Last year alone, Scholastic gave Australian schools more than 11 million dollars worth of
learning and literacy resources through our Scholastic Rewards program.
Scholastic reading programs provide teachers and parents with the best value for money
available. For example, we are committed to offering a quality $2 title on every single
Book Club catalogue, because we believe every child deserves the chance to own a book.
You can always trust a Scholastic selection. All books offered through Scholastic are
carefully reviewed and levelled by our team of experts to appeal to a wide range of
reading levels and interests, while remaining age-appropriate in content and language.
Scholastic employs a large and passionate Customer Care
team in Australia, from our call centre to our field team,
who are ready and waiting to help you with any of
our products, services or programs.
Call our friendly team on 1800 021 233.