From: ASD Grants Office Grant Writer, [email protected] 742-6029 Administrative Assistant, [email protected] 742-4468 Upcoming Grant May 2014 for ASD Schools & Programs Summer 2014 If you plan on writing a grant, notify the Grants Office. This is a district requirement. If you submit a grant, send us the final signed copy as soon as you submit it, along with the grant guidelines. If you are applying for a grant through an online application, be sure to type your responses into a Word document first. Then, cut and paste your responses into the online application. Keep the Word document for your records and send us a copy. If the online system allows you to print or electronically save your application, you may send that to us instead of the Word document. Before you apply: if your grant proposal includes technology (software or hardware), refer to ASD Approved Technology List on the District Connection Website. If your grant proposal includes equipment or furniture that will need to be installed or secured, call Maintenance, 348-5111, to get a budget estimate to include in your grant budget. For more information, please see the ASD Procedures and Requirements for Writing a Grant and the ASD Procedures and Requirements for Managing a Grant at our Website (see address above). Health/Physical Education Art/Music Field Trips Science/Technology/ Engineering/Math Professional Development/ Scholarships Deadline(s) Ongoing Grant Foundation for Bluegrass Music “Bluegrass in the Schools” MiniGrants Service Learning/ Social Studies Emphasis ART/MUSIC Funds supplemental matching requests for educational in-school programs that present bluegrass music. Language Arts/Libraries Supplies/Materials/ Donations Other Awards Website Up to $200 in matching funds http://bluegrassfo ams/mini-grants/ Page 1 of 11 Upcoming Grants for ASD Schools and Programs – Summer 2014 Deadline(s) Ongoing Grant Emphasis Awards Website Mockingbird Foundation Music Education for Children Grants Offers three grants for music education for children: 1) to encourage creative expression in any musical form and to foster diverse musical style, 2) to provide instruments, texts, office materials, learning space, practice rooms, performance facilities, and instruction for musical learning, and 3) programs which benefit disenfranchised groups. Grants from $100 to $5,000 each unding/ Ongoing Charlie Lovett Fund for Elementary Drama For production of plays and musicals performed by elementary school students (grades 1–5) in a school program. Grants of $300 each http://www.lovettf npages/foundation /Lovettt%20Fund.h tml Ongoing Fender Music Foundation Musical Instrument and Equipment Grants Provides in-kind musical instruments and equipment for the following music instruction programs: 1) In-school music classes, in which the students make music, 2) After-school music programs that are not run by the school, and 3) Music therapy programs, in which the participants make the music. Each program participant must receive music instruction at least once a week for at least eight months per year. 8 to 10 musical instruments and equipment necessary to play them; The cost of shipping is the recipient’s responsibility. http://www.fender musicfoundation.or g/grants/grantsinfo/ June 1 AKSCA Cultural Collaborations Project Grants Funds arts/cultural activities held before or after the school day or during school vacations for periods longer than two weeks. Grant requires a 1:1 match. Your school may receive only one Cultural Collaborations grant (Access, Excursion, or Project) per state fiscal year (July 1-June 30). Matching awards of up to $6,000, renewable for up to three consecutive years for the same project p.html Young Singers Foundation Grants To promote the study and performance of vocal music by young people. Provides grants to individuals, groups, or organizations sponsoring vocal music activities for young people, to support activities such as promoting vocal music through workshops, performances, coaching, after-school programs or festivals. Grants range from $1,000 to $5,000 each, understood by grantee to be one of several sources of support for the proposed activity http://www.young singersfoundation.o rg/index.cfm?id=8 funding inquiry cycle December 1 June 1 (for activities to start no earlier than Nov. 1, 2014 and must be completed by Oct. 31, 2015) November 1 (for activities to start no earlier than May 1, 2015 and completed by April 30, 2016) Page 2 of 11 Upcoming Grants for ASD Schools and Programs – Summer 2014 Deadline(s) June 23 Grant Crayola/NAESP Champion Creatively Alive Children® 2014 Creative Leadership Grants Emphasis For elementary principals with NAESP membership to develop School Creative Leadership Teams which collaborates to infuse art into other aspects of school curriculum and assessment. Awards Website Grants of $2,500 each, plus Crayola products valued at $500 http://www.crayol Grant recipients will share outcomes and inspire other schools to implement these innovative practices via Crayola and NAESP venues. June 30 Sharon Gewirtz Kids to Concerts Fund Supports music education through student access to live classical music performances. Priority is for music programs that directly support the purchase of tickets for music education students to attend live classical music performances. Stipends for guest instructors, performance fees and expenses associated with admission to qualifying performances are eligible for consideration. Grants up to $500 .com/site/gewirtzk idstoconcerts/ Apply after July 1 ASCA and Rasmuson Foundation Cultural Collaborations Arts Excursion Grants Arts Excursion grants support the costs incurred in attending arts and cultural events. Your school may receive only one Cultural Collaborations grant (Access, Excursion, or Project) per state fiscal year (July 1-June 30). Grants up to $600 are available to non-Title I schools; up to $1,000 to Title I schools. p.html ASCA and Rasmuson Foundation Cultural Collaborations Access Grants Access grants support short-term arts and cultural activities at a school site during the school day. Your school may receive only one Cultural Collaborations grant (Access, Excursion, or Project) per state fiscal year (July 1-June 30). Grants up to $1,000 p.html Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation Musical Instrument Grants Funds musical instrument repair and acquisition of new instruments to schools and music programs that serve Title I students: --The Melody Program for K-12 school instrumental music programs during school hours (at least 40% low-income school) --The Special Projects Program for afterschool music programs for low-income students or students from Title I schools Grants up to $10,000 worth of musical instruments http://www.mhop Apply at least 1 month prior to the planned activity Apply after July 1 Apply at least 1 month prior to the planned activity August 1 date for prequalification form for next competition FIELD TRIPS Page 3 of 11 Upcoming Grants for ASD Schools and Programs – Summer 2014 Deadline(s) Apply after July 1 Apply at least 1 month prior to the planned activity Grant ASCA and Rasmuson Foundation Cultural Collaborations Arts Excursion Grants Ongoing Good Sports Equipment Grants June 4 for August 13 award http://www.goods nt/apply/ Fuel Up to Play 60 Grants K-12 schools enrolled in Fuel Up to Play 60 for the 2014-2015 school year and which meet other requirements are eligible to apply for a grant to jumpstart and sustain healthy nutrition and physical activity improvements. Grants up to $4,000 http://school.fuelu ds/funds_for_futp6 0.php Saucony Run For Good Foundation Grants Schools and community organizations that initiate and support running and fitness programs for kids can apply for grants for programs that will utilize running participation for the health and/or well-being of children under the age of 18. Up to $10,000 per grant http://www.sauco how-to-apply/ The National Inclusion Project Let’s ALL Play Partnership Grants Nonprofits and public organizations that are seeking to implement the Let’s ALL Play program model for recreational programs that are currently serving children with disabilities and wish to do it better or programs seeking to open doors currently shut to children with disabilities in their community. Projects must utilize the National Inclusion Project’s training module to increase their staff’s capability to serve children with disabilities successfully in an inclusive setting; and provide scholarships for children with disabilities who otherwise could not participate due to financial need. Grants up to $10,000 per year for up to three years http://www.inclusi for February 13 award full proposals due November 1 HEALTH/PHYSICAL EDUCATION Website p.html Donation of sports equipment, apparel and footwear. There is an administrative fee of 10% of the value of the equipment that must be paid by the receiving organization. There are limited scholarships to cover the fee. December 13 July 31 Awards Grants up to $600 are available to non-Title I schools; up to $1,000 to Title I schools. Offers in-kind sports equipment, apparel and footwear to youth organizations that offer sports, fitness and recreational programs to youth in need. Programs must have coaching, be structured, and meet on a consistent basis. November 5 June 13 Emphasis Arts Excursion grants support the costs incurred in attending arts and cultural events. Your school may receive only one Cultural Collaborations grant (Access, Excursion, or Project) per state fiscal year (July 1-June 30). LANGUAGE ARTS/LIBRARIES Page 4 of 11 Upcoming Grants for ASD Schools and Programs – Summer 2014 Deadline(s) Ongoing Grant Emphasis Awards Website The Lisa Libraries Donates new children’s books and small libraries to organizations that work with children in poor and underserved areas which need a small library, need to rebuild or add to a library or serves children that would benefit by being given new books to take home. Applicant must be 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Therefore, schools should apply with and through a community partner. New books for children Pre-K through young adult http://www.lisalib tml Ongoing First Book National Book Bank Distributes large quantities of publisher-donated brand-new books to programs serving children in need. Books are free for programs that are able to pick them up or $.35 per book to have them shipped. http://register.first Ongoing Margaret Alexander Edwards Trust Grants For school libraries seeking to offer new or creative programs that promote reading for pleasure for young adults. Grants up to $5,000 each http://www.carr.or g/mae/trust.html Ongoing Bruce Larkin and Wilbooks IRA & RR Reading Conference Grant Provides financial assistance for K-3 literacy professionals to attend the International Reading Association and Reading Recovery Conferences, held in spring each year. Up to $200 towards expenses to attend conferences http://www.wilbo ps/travelgrant.php Ongoing Literacy Empowerment Foundation (LEF) Teachers Helping Teachers Award Recognizes early elementary teachers who help other teachers in extraordinary ways. Nominate a teacher who has helped other educators with things such as starting a website that shows different and exciting ways of teaching certain subjects, giving informative presentations at conferences, mentoring new teachers, or volunteering with extracurricular activities. $100 worth of books for the winning teacher’s school http://www.lefboo Ongoing Kids Need to Read Donations Provides books, periodicals, and literacy resources to schools, libraries, and other organizations that administer literacy programs to children and adolescents, particularly stressed populations, such as juvenile offenders, children and adolescents living in impoverished communities, and youth faced with learning challenges. These organizations must serve at least 50% of children living at or below the national poverty rate. In-kind donation of books, periodicals, and literacy resources http://community. /?page_id=1916 Page 5 of 11 Upcoming Grants for ASD Schools and Programs – Summer 2014 Deadline(s) Ongoing Grant Mary Pope Osborne’s Gift of Books Emphasis To provide Magic Tree House books to Title I schools. Awards Magic Tree House books: 4 titles and 4 accompanying Fact Trackers per grade level (books may be shared among classrooms within a school) PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT/SCHOLARSHIPS Website http://mthclassroo ndex.php?r=site/gif tofbooks Ongoing Bruce Larkin and Wilbooks IRA & RR Reading Conference Grant Ongoing Laboratory Safety Institute Mini-grants Provides mini-grants for projects that improve the health and safety of secondary students and teachers in science labs. Projects should provide an interesting research result, a model for other schools or develop information that can be shared and be of benefit to others. Mini-grants up to $500 http://www.resour ces.labsafetyinstitut tml Ongoing Toshiba America Foundation Science and Math Grants for Grades 612 For grades 6-12 teachers to improve classroom teaching of science, math and technology. Summer projects or after school programs will not be considered. Does not support buying computers or A/V equipment. Grants under $5,000 http://www.toshib Ongoing Verizon Foundation Grants Supports projects for innovative, technologically-based approaches to literacy and K-12 education with these objectives: • increased educator effectiveness; • improved organizational effectiveness; and • student improvement/achievement. Grants average from $5,000 to $10,000 each http://www.verizo gran/ May 31 NCSS Grants for the Enhancement of Geographic Literacy Individuals or groups in school districts can apply for grants for programs to promote geographic education in the schools; to enhance the geographic literacy of students; and to encourage the integration of geography into the social studies curriculum/classroom. $2,500 grant, plus a commemorative gift, annual NCSS conference presentation, and publicity http://www.socials geographiclit/ Provides financial assistance for K-3 literacy professionals to attend the International Reading Association and Reading Recovery Reading Conferences, held in spring each year. Up to $200 towards expenses to attend IRA and RR Reading Conferences SCIENCE/TECHNOLOGY/ENGINEERING/MATH http://www.wilbo ps/travelgrant.php Page 6 of 11 Upcoming Grants for ASD Schools and Programs – Summer 2014 Deadline(s) June 1 Grant Emphasis Awards Website National Weather Association (NWA) Sol Hirsch Education Fund Grants For K-12 teachers to help improve the education of their students, school and/or community in the science of meteorology. Grants can be used for scientific materials, new school science outreach and education programs, enhance or expand existing meteorology/science education programs, and attend accredited courses, workshops and/or conferences related to meteorology that will significantly enhance their teaching activities. Grants of $750 each http://www.nwas. org/grants/solhirsc h.php June 2 Annie’s Grants for Gardens For school gardens that connect children directly to real food. Funds can be used to buy gardening tools, seeds or other needed supplies $500 grant to start up a new garden; $1,500 grant for an existing garden http://www.annies .com/givingback/schoolgardens/grants-forgardens/grantapplication/ June 30 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics, Inc. (AIAA) Foundation Classroom Grants AIAA Educator Associate teachers can apply for grants for materials needed to promote the teaching of science, mathematics, and technology in activities relevant to aerospace sciences and technologies, which include Aerospace Technology, Earth Science, Human Exploration and Development, and Space Science. Individual requests are for $200 each and each school is limited to two grants per calendar year. http://www.aiaa.o rg/Secondary.aspx? id=4184 Toshiba America Foundation 6-12 Science and Math Grants Grants for grades 6-12 teachers to improve classroom teaching of science, math and technology. Projects should increase students’ engagement in the subject matter and improve their learning. Grants over $5,000 each http://www.toshib April 30 August 1 February 1 SERVICE LEARNING/SOCIAL STUDIES Ongoing Do Something MiniGrants Awards grants to individual youths 25 and under who are involved in projects that improve the community, ranging from education and health to environment and community building. Grants of $500 http://www.doso /general Ongoing Grants High school students can apply for grants to fund a community service idea in one of four areas: The Environment, Democracy and Equality, Health, and Community issues. Grants of up to $500 http://waystohelp. org/ Page 7 of 11 Upcoming Grants for ASD Schools and Programs – Summer 2014 Deadline(s) Ongoing Grant Emphasis Awards Website Alaska Humanities Forum Mini-Grants Supports humanities projects in the following categories: Media, Oral History, Public Meetings and Exhibits, Research, and Planning. Mini-grants for up to $2,000. Applicants must provide a 1:1 match in in-kind or cost sharing. http://www.akhf.o rg/content/minigrants June 6 Youth Service America and State Farm Good Neighbor Student Achievement Grants To engage participating teachers and students in a service and learning program that promotes academic achievement, 21st Century student outcomes, and stronger communities. Grant requires a 14+ week Semester of Service™ starting in the Fall, 2014 and ending on Global Youth Service Day in April 2015. Grants of $1,000 for individual teachers, and grants of up to $4,000 to groups of teachers and/or district-wide programs. http://www.ysa.or g/studentachievem ent July 15 Lowe’s Charitable and Educational Foundation Community Grants Supports community improvement projects and K-12 public school initiative projects, such as: Outdoor learning environments Construction and Trades related education initiatives Cleanup, landscaping and painting projects Playground enhancements Minor repair/renovation of public school buildings Educational gardening programs Grants from $5,000 to $100,000 http://www.cybergr t_app.html K-12 schools or parent groups with 501(c)3 status can apply for project grants that have a permanent impact, such as facility enhancement (both indoor and outdoor) as well as landscaping/clean up type projects. Projects that encourage parent involvement and build stronger community spirit will be favored. Basic needs will be the focus during these economic times, as well as projects that can be completed within a one-year period. Only 10% of any award granted can be used toward outside resources such as labor, installation, consultation and delivery. Grants from $2,000 to $5,000 October 15 January 15 April 15 August 1 Lowe’s Toolbox for Education Contact your local Lowe’s store when seeking a modest gift card, door prize or donation of materials for a community project or event. http://www.toolbo Page 8 of 11 Upcoming Grants for ASD Schools and Programs – Summer 2014 Deadline(s) August 13 Grant The Home Depot Community Impact Grants Program Emphasis Schools are eligible to apply for grants to support community improvement projects that use volunteers for such activities as planting trees in a neighborhood; developing green spaces; and updating school facilities and community centers. Preference is given to projects that involve or serve veterans and their families. Awards Grants of up to $5,000 in the form of a Home Depot gift card for the purchase of tools, materials or services. SUPPLIES/MATERIALS/DONATIONS Website https://corporate.h porateResponsibilit y/HDFoundation/ Pages/ComImpact Grant.aspx Ongoing Adopt-A-Classroom Grants Empowers teachers with the funds they need to purchase hands-on learning resources so they can transform their classrooms into vibrant centers for learning. Teachers register their classroom at this site and their classroom supply needs for vendors to consider for funding. Classrooms that are selected receive online credit to purchase items to enrich the classroom. Mini-grants in the form of online credit to purchase teaching supplies http://www.adopt Ongoing DonorsChoose. org To apply, educators submit classroom proposals for materials or experiences for classrooms in need. Proposals are screened for eligibility before they are posted at website for funding consideration by citizen donors. Value of $50 to $2,000 in such items as books, technology, supplies, and field trips http://www.donor rs http://www.horac lounge/donorschoo se Ongoing Supply Our Schools Teachers, coaches, librarians, and counselors from under-privileged schools are eligible to submit supply lists to an online supply registry built for teachers. Lists are based on students’ needs, for example, glue sticks, markers. Donation of classroom supplies http://www.suppl w-sos-works.asp Ongoing Education Blueprints Association - LEGO Education Showcase Grants Supports current LEGO Education customers who want to showcase their LEGO Education System through a hands-on community activity. The first 100 winners will receive a Showcase Event Tool Kit which include an event guide, LEGO base plates and bricks, and event promotional package. /Item.asp?art=6 OTHER Page 9 of 11 Upcoming Grants for ASD Schools and Programs – Summer 2014 Deadline(s) Ongoing June 1 October 1 February 1 July 15 October 15 January 15 April 15 Grant Emphasis Awards Website Office Depot Foundation Grants Supports projects that help children succeed in school and life. The focus of “Making a Difference in Children’s Lives” is to support activities that serve, teach and inspire children, youth and families. Average grant is $1,000 m/grant_guidelines .asp National Education Foundation (NEA) Student Achievement Grants To improve the academic achievement of students in any subject area. The proposed work should engage students in critical thinking and problem solving that deepen their knowledge of standards-based subject matter. The work should also improve students’ habits of inquiry, selfdirected learning, and critical reflection. The primary focus of grant should not be on acquiring materials. Grants of $2,000 or $5,000 http://www.neafo /nea-studentachievementgrants/ Lowe’s Charitable and Educational Foundation Community Grants Supports community improvement projects and K-12 public school initiative projects, such as: Outdoor learning environments Construction and Trades related education initiatives Cleanup, landscaping and painting projects Playground enhancements Minor repair/renovation of public school buildings Educational gardening programs Grants from $5,000 to $100,000 http://www.cybergr t_app.html Contact your local Lowe’s store when seeking a modest gift card, door prize or donation of materials for a community project or event. Page 10 of 11 Upcoming Grants for ASD Schools and Programs – Summer 2014 Deadline(s) August 31 Grant Varkey Gems Foundation Global Teacher Prize Emphasis Nominate an innovative and caring teacher who has made an inspirational impact on their students and their community and she/he may receive the reward of a lifetime. The focus is to uplift the valuable contributions that teachers make every day to establish a flourishing global society. The winning candidate will be a teacher who has achieved exceptional results in student learning, and won the respect of the community through activities beyond the classroom. He/she will have provided a role model to other teachers through charity, community work or other cultural achievements. The winner will also have encouraged other teachers to join the profession and contributed to discussions and debates about how to raise teaching standards. He/she will also have opened up access to a quality education for children of all backgrounds, and prepared young people to be ‘global citizens’, comfortable with peers from different ethnic and religious backgrounds. Awards One global award of $1,000,000 Website http://www.globalt bout Page 11 of 11
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