Vocational Qualifications EDI Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Kitchen Services Learner Pack Effective from: 1 August 2010 Accreditation number: 500/9214/5 QCFS0121A For further information contact us: Tel. +44 (0) 8707 202 909 Email. [email protected] www.ediplc.com Contents Introduction 1 What is the QCF? 3 Assessment 5 Claims to Competence 7 Appeals Procedure for Learners 15 Qualification Summary 19 Rules of Combination 21 CU908 Maintenance of a Safe, Hygienic and Secure Working Environment 23 CU909 Working Effectively as Part of a Hospitality Team 31 CU1063 Maintain Food Safety when Storing, Preparing and Cooking Food 37 CU977 Cook Vegetables 53 CU943 Maintain an Efficient Use of Resources in the Kitchen 59 CU1098 Prepare and Cook Fish 65 CU3803 Prepare and Cook Meat and Poultry 71 CU975 Prepare and Finish Simple Salad and Fruit Dishes 77 CU949 Prepare Hot and Cold Sandwiches 83 CU957 Present Menu Items According to a Defined Brand Standard 89 CU922 Provide a Counter and Takeaway Service 95 CU947 Maintain an Efficient Use of Food Resources 103 CU948 Prepare, Operate and Clean Specialist Food Preparation and Cooking Equipment 109 CU935 Produce Basic Hot and Cold Desserts 115 CU934 Produce Cold Starters and Salads 121 CU944 Produce Healthier Dishes 127 CU954 Promote New Menu Items 133 CU950 Set Up and Close Kitchen 139 CU958 Complete Kitchen Documentation 149 CU920 Employment Rights and Responsibilities in the Hospitality, Leisure, Travel and Tourism Sector 155 Introduction About EDI EDI is one of the largest awarders of accredited vocational qualifications in the UK and has been involved in providing qualifications for employment for over 100 years. We work with over 1400 centres and we award over 140,000 vocational qualification certificates every year. Our vocational qualifications are developed in collaboration with industry and are used by students and employers as a benchmark for practical skills and quality. They include QCF Qualifications, National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs), Scottish Vocational Qualifications (SVQs), Vocationally Related Qualifications (VRQs), Technical Certificates, apprenticeships and Skills for Life qualifications. EDI qualifications are accredited on the Qualifications and Credit Framework and are eligible for government funding. EDI offers unrivalled centre support, through online administration, resources and customer care. In addition, EDI provides a wide range of services for training providers, colleges, employers and schools including customised assessments, bespoke training programmes, innovative interactive online assessments mapped to the national curriculum, an electronic portfolio system, access to high volume printing and broadband facilities. For more details, please visit the EDI website: www.ediplc.com. EDI equal opportunities policy EDI operates an equal opportunities policy, further details of which can be found on our website www.ediplc.com. 1 2 What is the QCF? The Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) is a unitised qualification framework underpinned by a system of credit accumulation and transfer. Every unit on the framework will have a credit value, which is based on the notional learning hours for that specific unit. The QCF is designed to allow learners to achieve credit for individual units or qualifications, providing learners with the opportunity to accumulate credit at their own pace and use it to claim for a qualification when they are ready. Qualifications within the QCF There are three sizes of qualifications in the QCF: Awards (1-12 credits) Certificates (13-36 credits) Diplomas (37 credits or above) Each qualification title will contain the level of qualification (e.g. Level 2), the size (award/certificate/diploma) and details indicating the content of qualification. For example: EDI Level 2 NVQ Certificate in Customer Service EDI Level 2 Certificate in Principles of Business and Administration What is credit? Every unit and qualification on the QCF has been given a credit value, which denotes the number of credits that will be awarded to each candidate who successfully completes the unit or qualification. 1 credit represents 10 notional learning hours Notional learning hours represent the amount of time a learner is expected to take, on average, to complete the learning outcomes of the unit to the standard required within the assessment criteria. It is important to note that notional learning hours are not the same as guided learning hours (GLH). GLH represents the hours during which a tutor or trainer is present and contributing to the learning process. Notional learning hours represent the hours which are needed to successfully cover all the learning required to achieve the unit, either guided or independently. Rules of combination Every qualification on the QCF is structured through rules of combination. Rules of combination are important because they define the number of credits which need to be achieved and where these credits must come from in order for a learner to achieve the qualification. Rules of combination also state what the potential is for learners to transfer credits between qualifications and awarding bodies. 3 Unique Learner Number and Personal Learning Record You will be provided with a Unique Learner Number (ULN), a ten digit number that will enable all units and qualifications that you achieve to be logged online within your Personal Learner Record (PLR). Once you have been allocated your ULN, this number will be used to log all your future learning achievements. You will have access to your PLR and you will also able to give training providers and/or employers access to your PLR to enable them to view your records as evidence of which units and qualifications you have achieved. 4 Assessment Assessment for this qualification takes the form of ongoing review of learner performance by the Assessor and Internal Quality Assurer. How is the qualification assessed? Assessment is the process used to judge a learner‟s competence against set standards. This qualification is assessed in the same manner as N/SVQs. The assessor is usually the person who is responsible for providing training to the learner and who has the greatest number of opportunities to observe the learner‟s performance. The assessor may be a work place supervisor. Assessors must be trained and qualified or working towards a qualification relevant to the assessor role. Assessors base their judgement on a learner‟s performance and decide how it compares to the national standard. The assessor will also ask the learner questions based on the knowledge required to do the work to ascertain the learner‟s understanding of the job role. When the required units have been completed and the assessor is satisfied that the learner has met the national standard, a recommendation for a certificate will be made. An Internal Quality Assurer is responsible for the quality assurance of the qualifications within the training organisation, for example the assessor's line manager. The Internal Quality Assurer provides advice and support to the assessors and ensures that the assessors apply the standards consistently and fairly. The Internal Quality Assurer will see the learner's portfolio of evidence during the assessment process. A Quality Advisor, who is appointed by EDI, will verify the assessment and internal verification decisions involved in the development of the learner's portfolio. The Quality Advisor will quality assure the qualification process which ensures that certification of the qualification is reliable, consistent and to the national standard, by checking the consistency of assessments made by the training provider, and across training providers. They also make visits to ensure training providers continue to meet the approval criteria. 5 6 Claims to Competence In order to claim units and/or the qualification, the learner will need to complete a Claim to Competence. This is split into two sections: the evidence matrix and learner statement and summative assessor statement. The evidence matrix The evidence matrix is designed to help with evidence collection. It is a mapping activity to ensure that learners have covered the “Learning outcomes” and “Assessment criteria” contained in each unit and is intended to help keep the volume of evidence to a minimum. It is expected that a selection of various types of evidence will be used as appropriate; columns in the matrix enable learners or assessors to enter the evidence type, e.g. Report, Log, Written Statement, and also the assessment method, e.g. Obs (= Observation), as shown in the Assessment method key. By inserting portfolio reference numbers in the boxes provided, learners will enable the Assessor, Internal Quality Assurer and Quality Advisor to quickly locate the evidence which learners are submitting to demonstrate their competence. Examples of types of evidence learners could provide to prove competence: Record of observation of performance in the workplace Professional discussion Product evidence (e.g. implementation plans, correspondence, work records) Testimony from senior colleagues/clients Personal report of actions and circumstances Recognition of Prior Learning/Achievement (RPL/A) Records of questioning Case histories Others An example of the evidence matrix follows. 7 8 EVIDENCE MATRIX Registration number: Learner name: Qualification title: Portfolio ref Evidence description Unit title Ass meth Learning outcome Learning outcome Assessment criteria (e.g. 1.1) The above evidence has been assessed against the standards for this element and has been judged for validity, authenticity, currency, reliability and sufficiency. Learner signature: Date: Assessor signature Date: Internal Quality Assurer sig: Assessment method key: Date: (if sampled) 9 Obs = Observation Wt = Witness testimony P= Product evidence A= APA/APL Q= Questioning Ot = Other Sim = Simulation/assignment 10 Learner statement and assessor summative statement The second section of the Claim to Competence gives learners an opportunity to summarise details of the work they have carried out, paying particular attention to how they have covered the assessment criteria. Each time a learner completes a unit and has signed off the evidence matrix, the assessor will be required to complete the details on the claim to competence form, i.e. the unit number and the date of the summative assessment. Both learner and assessor are required to enter their initials. If the internal verifier has sampled that unit, he or she will also be required to enter the date and his or her initials. Once the learner has completed some or all of the units and decides that it is time to claim these, the learner will need to write a statement showing how he or she achieved the unit/s. This should show: how the learner completed the units/award and what she or he has learnt from the experience how long the learner has been in his or her current role and working towards this qualification the assessment methods used to show competence how this has affected the way the learner approaches his or her job The assessor is also required to write a statement. This should provide support for the learner‟s statement and any supplementary information about how the learner achieved the unit/s drawing on the learner‟s particular circumstances. An example of a completed claim to competence form with learner and assessor summative statements follows. This is for guidance only to give an indication of the kind of things that should be mentioned. A claim should only be submitted when there is sufficient evidence to fulfil all of the above. It is understood, however, that learners may not always have evidence to cover the full range of situations that are indicated. Nonetheless, the Claim to Competence cannot be agreed and signed by the assessor until the assessor is sure that the learner could operate across a range of different situations. As such, where visible evidence is not present, the assessor will need to interview the learner to cover these aspects. Overall, it is recommended that the portfolio is as complete as possible in order to fully demonstrate and support the Claim to Competence and in order to clarify this claim to the assessor as effectively as possible. A completed Claim to Competence form (completed by both learner and assessor) and blank Claim to Competence form follow. 11 SAMPLE ONLY Learner Statement and Assessor Summative Statement Registration number: Learner name: Qualification title: Unit no Summative assessment date Learner initials Assessor initials Internal Verifier date IV initials Number of units completed for this claim (write in words) Full award: Yes/No Unit no Assessor initials Summative assessment date Learner initials Internal Verifier date IV initials LEARNER STATEMENT FOR THE UNITS/AWARD TO BE CLAIMED Completing these 3 units has been very enjoyable and I have realised whilst doing them that I have learnt a great deal about the way I work and also about my employment rights and responsibilities. I have gathered evidence from my job role within The Office, my workplace and have used specific work situations that clearly show how I am able to interact and work within my team and also how I take responsibility for ensuring that I work within the requirements of my organisation. I am always keen to keep up to date with new changes within work and also I like to learn new tasks and take on new challenges. Within my evidence, I have shown that I am sensitive and able to work with a diverse work force and also that I take note of colleagues‟ needs and beliefs. I am fully aware of my employment rights and responsibilities and have even guided colleagues to websites I used for research for their own learning. I am an H&S rep in the office and so completing this unit was not a problem for me. I used copies of risk assessments that I had carried out and also my assessor carried out a discussion with me around this unit. Across all of the units, my assessor has observed me and has questioned me to back up the observations. I realise now just how much I do at work and how completing these 3 units have made me strive to achieve even higher standards within my work. I confirm the evidence I have submitted to claim competence is authentic. Learner signature: Date: ASSESSOR SUMMATIVE STATEMENT FOR THE UNITS/AWARD TO BE CLAIMED A.N. Candidate has used a wide selection of work situations to show exactly how he works within his business environment, carried out his responsibilities at work and also how he ensures his own actions reduces risks to health and safety. A.N. has carried out research prior to being assessed in terms of employment rights and responsibilities, which was an area where he highlighted more knowledge was needed. This has helped him in his work as he is now more aware of what he is legally able to do and he is now acting as a mentor to other colleagues in this area. A.N. is the office H&S rep, so collecting evidence for this unit was not a problem and the evidence clearly demonstrates A.N‟s competence at ensuring all of his colleagues and his safety. Throughout the period of assessment within the units completed, A.N. has shown his knowledge and competence and this is shown within assessor observation, discussions and witness testimony that accompanies his work product evidence and personal statements. I am satisfied that evidence used clearly demonstrates the requirements for these 3 units fully, well done A.N. I confirm the evidence I have assessed is authentic. Assessor signature: Date: Internal Verifier signature: Date: 12 Learner Statement and Assessor Summative Statement Registration number: Learner name: Qualification title: Unit no Summative assessment date Learner initials Assessor initials Internal Verifier date IV initials Number of units completed for this claim (write in words) Full award: Yes/No Unit no Assessor initials Summative assessment date Learner initials LEARNER STATEMENT FOR THE UNITS/AWARD TO BE CLAIMED I confirm the evidence I have submitted to claim competence is authentic Learner signature: Date: ASSESSOR SUMMATIVE STATEMENT FOR THE UNITS/AWARD TO BE CLAIMED I confirm the evidence I have assessed is authentic Assessor signature: Date: Internal Verifier signature: Date: 13 Internal Verifier date IV initials 14 Appeals Procedure for Learners If a learner is dissatisfied with the result of his/her examination or test, he/she should contact his/her centre who will follow EDI‟s Enquiries about Results service. The following procedure applies to all competency based qualifications and units of qualifications. If a learner is dissatisfied with an exam/test result, they will need to follow the Exams Procedure. If learners are dissatisfied with an assessment outcome, they have the right to appeal. The main reasons for an appeal are likely to be: learners do not understand why they are not yet regarded as competent, because of unsatisfactory feedback from the Assessor learners believe they are competent and that the Assessor has misjudged them, or has failed to utilise some vital evidence EDI expects most appeals from learners to be resolved within the centre. EDI will only consider a learner‟s appeal after the centre‟s internal appeals procedure has been fully exhausted. Stage 1 – Appeal to the centre If learners have received a decision as to their competence with which they are dissatisfied, they have the right to appeal directly to the Assessor who carried out the assessment. This appeal must be in writing and clearly indicate: the points of disagreement the evidence in the portfolio that the learner believes meets the requirements for claiming competence The Assessor must give a clear judgement, in writing, to the learner within 10 working days stating justification for the decision. If learners are not satisfied with the outcome, they can next appeal to the centre‟s Internal Quality Assurer. This appeal must be in writing, but need not repeat the detail provided to the assessor. The original written appeal to the Assessor, and the Assessor‟s judgement, must be made available to the Internal Quality Assurer. Centres are entitled to have further internal phases to Stage 1 but must communicate this to all learners. The Internal Quality Assurer must give a clear judgement, in writing to the learner within 10 working days stating justification for the decision. 15 Stage 2 – Appeal to the awarding body A fee will be charged for an external review (please see current fee sheet). This fee will be refunded if the appeal is upheld. Learners who are not satisfied with the outcomes of the Internal Quality Assurer‟s decision and who have exhausted the Centre‟s internal appeals procedure may proceed by appealing to EDI. This appeal must be in writing to the Quality Assurance Manager, email [email protected], accompanied by copies of all documentation from Stage 1 and submitted within three weeks of the receipt of the outcome from the Internal Quality Assurer. Learners must also advise their centres that they have made a formal appeal to EDI. EDI will acknowledge receipt of the appeal within three working days. The Quality Assurance Manager will work with an appropriate member of staff who has had no prior involvement with the centre to investigate that all the necessary stages have been correctly completed and documented. Internal review A review of the grounds for Appeal will be undertaken by the Quality Assurance Manager, together with a sector specific Quality Advisor. The purpose of the review will be to consider whether the centre‟s original judgement was sound and may include the following: A discussion with the centre and/or learner and EDI personnel A request for further information from the centre, learner or EDI personnel A centre visit by authorised EDI personnel Any other action that EDI deems appropriate to resolve the case The outcome of the appeal, including the results of any further reviews of the evidence, will be communicated to the learner and centre within 10 working days of the conclusion of any further work authorised. 16 External review If learners remain dissatisfied following the internal review, they may apply to the Appeals Panel. The Appeals Panel will comprise three independent members, the Innovation Manager and a member of the Quality Assurance Department. One of the independent members shall be appointed chair of the Panel. The Appeals Panel will review the case and determine whether the action that EDI has taken to resolve the case has been both sufficient and appropriate. The Panel will either: (a) agree that the action that EDI has taken has been both sufficient and appropriate and therefore reject the appeal; or (b) uphold the appeal and authorise further action to be carried out. The further action may include: the appointment of an independent Assessor any other action that the Appeals Panel deems appropriate to resolve the case The outcome of the appeal, including the results of any further action, will be communicated to the learner and centre within 10 working days of the conclusion of any further work authorised. Please note: The decision of the Appeals Panel is final. Please note: Every centre should have its own appeals policy and procedure. Appeal to regulatory body Following appeal to the awarding body, if learners are unsatisfied with the result, they: may appeal to SQA Accreditation, the regulatory body for accredited qualifications in Scotland may escalate to Welsh Assembly Government DCELLS, the regulatory body for accredited qualifications in Wales may escalate to Ofqual the regulatory body for qualifications, examinations and assessments in England and vocational qualifications in Northern Ireland 17 18 Qualification Summary Aims This qualification is aimed at those working or who are seeking to start a career in kitchen services. It can be taken whilst in the workplace to allow hands on experience as you train. It is aimed at chefs and cooks who may be cooking and reheating food that is bought in and that requires little or no preparation. This could be in more mainstream restaurants or in some parts of public sector catering. This qualification has been developed in association with People 1st, the Sector Skills Council for Hospitality, Leisure, Travel and Tourism and is based on the national occupational standards for the industry. Credit To achieve Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Kitchen Services, learners must achieve a total of 37 credits Guided learning hours We recommend that 309-325 guided learning hours (GLHs) provide a suitable course length for an „average‟ learner at this level. Guided learning hours include direct contact hours, as well as other time when learners are completing work that has been agreed with teachers or training providers. It is the responsibility of the centre to decide the appropriate course duration, based on their learners‟ ability and level of existing knowledge. It is possible, therefore, that the number of GLHs can vary significantly from one training provider to another according to learners' needs. Age ranges and geographical coverage These qualifications are appropriate for learners aged 14+. They are accredited for learners in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Previous learning requirements There are no formal entry requirements; this qualification is open to all learners who are preparing to work, or who already work, in the hospitality industry Progression The qualification provides opportunities for progression towards professional and higher level qualifications, for example Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Food Production and Cooking. 19 Learners with particular requirements We recognise that some learners will have particular requirements. EDI‟s policy for learners with particular requirements is stated in the Guidance notes for centres on reasonable adjustments for learners with particular assessment requirements, which is available via www.ediplc.com or by contacting Customer Support. 20 Rules of Combination To achieve the EDI Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Kitchen Services, learners must attain a minimum of 37 credits. Learners must achieve: 10 credits from Group A Mandatory Units 11 credits from Group B Optional Units 16 credits from Group C Optional Units Group A – Mandatory – learners must achieve all units Unit credit GLH Maintenance of a Safe, Hygienic and Secure Working Environment 3 25 1 Working Effectively as Part of a Hospitality Team 3 22 2 Maintain Food Safety when Storing, Preparing and Cooking Food 4 32 Unit credit GLH EDI unit code Level CU908 1 CU909 CU1063 Unit title Group B – Optional Units – learners must achieve 11 credits EDI unit code Level CU977 1 Cook Vegetables 3 22 CU943 2 Maintain an Efficient Use of Resources in the Kitchen 3 23 CU1098 1 Prepare and Cook Fish 3 23 CU3803 1 Prepare and Cook Meat and Poultry 4 33 CU975 1 Prepare and Finish Simple Salad and Fruit Dishes 2 16 CU949 1 Prepare Hot and Cold Sandwiches 2 20 CU957 1 Present Menu Items According to a Defined Brand Standard 3 27 CU922 1 Provide a Counter and Takeaway Service 3 30 Unit title 21 Group C – Optional Units – learners must achieve 16 credits Unit credit GLH Maintain an Efficient Use of Food Resources 4 34 2 Prepare, Operate and Clean Specialist Food Preparation and Cooking Equipment 4 35 CU935 2 Produce Basic Hot and Cold Desserts 3 28 CU934 2 Produce Cold Starters and Salads 3 28 CU944 2 Produce Healthier Dishes 3 28 CU954 2 Promote New Menu Items 3 24 CU950 2 Set Up and Close Kitchen 4 37 CU958 2 Complete Kitchen Documentation 3 25 CU920 2 Employment Rights and Responsibilities in the Hospitality, Leisure, Travel and Tourism Sector 2 16 EDI unit code Level CU947 2 CU948 Unit title 22 CU908 Maintenance of a Safe, Hygienic and Secure Working Environment Unit summary This unit is about basic health, hygiene, safety and security. This includes maintaining a clean and hygienic personal appearance, getting any cuts and grazes treated and reporting illness and infections. The unit also covers safety and security in your workplace – helping to spot and deal with hazards and following emergency procedures when necessary Evidence requirements Unit CU908 Maintenance of a safe, hygienic and secure working environment Learning outcome 1 Be able to maintain personal health and hygiene The assessor must assess assessment criteria 1.1 & 1.2 by directly observing the candidate‟s work. The assessor may assess assessment criteria 1.3, 1.4 & 1.5 through questioning or witness testimony if no naturally occurring evidence is available. 23 Learning outcome 3 Be able to help maintain a hygienic, safe and secure workplace The assessor must assess assessment criteria 3.1, 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5 by directly observing the candidate‟s work. The assessor may assess assessment criteria 3.2 through questioning, witness testimony or simulation if no naturally occurring evidence is available. What you must COVER for Learning outcome 3 There must be performance evidence, gathered through observing the candidate‟s work for: at least one from hazards a) relating to equipment b) relating to areas where you work c) relating to personal clothing none from ways of dealing with hazards a) putting them right yourself b) reporting them to appropriate colleagues c) warning other people at least one from emergency procedures a) fire b) threat c) security Evidence for the remaining points under „what you must cover‟ may be assessed through questioning, witness testimony or simulation. 24 Description of evidence or activity CU908 Date Maintenance of a Safe, Hygienic and Secure Working Environment Description of evidence/activity APP/Box number 25 Assessor signature IV initial Learning outcome 1: Be able to maintain personal health and hygiene Assessment criteria 1.1 obs 1.2 obs 1.3 Wear clean, smart and appropriate clothing, footwear and headgear 1.4 Get any cuts, grazes and wounds treated by the appropriate person 1.5 Report illness and infections promptly to the appropriate person Keep hair neat and tidy and wear it in line with organisational standards Make sure any jewellery, perfume and cosmetics worn are in line with organisational standards The assessor may assess assessment criteria 1.3, 1.4 & 1.5 through questioning or witness testimony if no naturally occurring evidence is available. Learning outcome 2: Know how to maintain personal health and hygiene Assessment criteria 2.1 State own responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2.2 State general rules on hygiene that must be followed 2.3 State correct clothing, footwear and headgear that should be worn at all times 2.4 State the importance of maintaining good personal hygiene 2.5 Describe how to deal with cuts, grazes and wounds and why it is important to do so 26 Learning outcome 3: Be able to help maintain a hygienic, safe and secure workplace Assessment criteria 3.1 obs Identify any hazards or potential hazards and deal with these correctly 3.2 Report any accidents or near accidents quickly and accurately to the proper person 3.3 obs 3.4 obs 3.5 obs Follow health, hygiene and safety procedures during work Practise emergency procedures correctly Follow organisational security procedures The assessor may assess assessment criteria 3.2 through questioning, witness testimony or simulation if no naturally occurring evidence is available. What you must cover for Learning outcome 3 Hazards C1 C3 (obs at least 1) Ways of dealing with hazards C2 (obs none) a relating to equipment a putting them right yourself b relating to areas where you work b reporting them to appropriate colleagues c relating to personal clothing c warning other people Emergency procedures (obs at least 1) a fire b threat c security Evidence for the remaining points under „what you must cover‟ may be assessed through questioning, witness testimony or simulation. 27 Learning outcome 4: Know how to maintain a hygienic, safe and secure workplace Assessment criteria 4.1 State the importance of working in a healthy, safe and hygienic way 4.2 State where information about Health and Safety in your workplace can be obtained 4.3 Describe the types of hazard in the workplace that may occur and how to deal with these 4.4 State hazards that can be dealt with personally and hazards that must be reported to someone else 4.5 State how to warn other people about hazards and why this is important 4.6 State why accidents and near accidents should be reported and who these should be reported to 4.7 Describe the type of emergencies that may happen in workplace and how to deal with these 4.8 State where to find first aid equipment and who the registered first-aider is in the workplace 4.9 State safe lifting and handling techniques that should be followed 4.10 State other ways of working safely that are relevant to own position and why these are important 4.11 Describe organisational emergency procedures, in particular fire, and how these should be followed 4.12 State the possible causes for fire in the workplace 4.13 Describe how to minimise the risk of fire 4.14 State where to find fire alarms and how to set them off 4.15 State why a fire should never be approached unless it is safe to do so 4.16 State the importance of following fire safety laws 4.17 Describe organisational security procedures and why these are important 4.18 State the correct procedures for dealing with customer property 4.19 State the importance of reporting all usual/non-routine incidents to the appropriate person 28 Supplementary evidence for CU908 Provide evidence to cover any gaps: Assessment criteria reference Evidence (eg witness testimony) 29 Appendix (if appropriate) Unit Achievement Record CU908 Maintenance of a Safe, Hygienic and Secure Working Environment Candidate declaration: All of the evidence presented is representative of my current performance, is valid and safe. Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ Assessor summative statement: Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ Internal verifier (if sampled) Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ 30 CU909 Working Effectively as Part of a Hospitality Team Unit summary This unit assesses learner‟s skills and knowledge when working as part of a team. Teams include line managers, supervisors as well as other people in the same team and those working at the same level. The unit includes planning and organising work, working effectively as part of a team and getting feedback from others to support his/her own learning and development. Evidence requirements Unit CU909 Working effectively as part of a hospitality team Learning outcomes Be able to plan and organise your own work Example Assessment Methods Observation Witness testimony Questioning Examples of Evidence Observation sheets Notes of meetings with line manager Witness assessment criteria Be able to work effectively with team members Observation Witness testimony Questioning Records of oral questioning Question/answer sheets Records of professional discussion Cross reference to outcome 1 Be able to develop your own skills Observation Witness testimony Questioning Observation sheets Notes of meetings with line manager Witness assessment criteria Should evidence for the following contingency assessment criteria not occur during the period of assessment, alternative assessment methods may be used. Contingencies ask for help from the relevant person if you need it Alternative Assessment Methods Simulation Oral questions Written questions Professional discussion 31 Examples of evidence Observation sheet Question/answer sheets Records of professional discussion Description of evidence or activity CU909 Date Working Effectively as Part of a Hospitality Team Description of evidence/activity APP/Box number 32 Assessor signature IV initial Learning outcome 1: Be able to plan and organise own work Assessment criteria 1.1 Make sure the requirements of the work are understood 1.2 Ask questions if the requirements of the work are not clear 1.3 Accurately follow instructions 1.4 Plan work and prioritise tasks in order of importance 1.5 Keep everything needed for the work organised and available 1.6 Keep work areas clean and tidy 1.7 Keep waste to a minimum 1.8 Ask for help from the relevant person if it is needed 1.9 Provide work on time and as agreed Learning outcome 2: Be able to work effectively with team members Assessment criteria 2.1 Give team members help when they ask for it 2.2 Ensure the help given to team members is within the limits of own job role 2.3 Ensure the help given to team members does not prevent own work being completed on time 2.4 Pass on important information to team members as soon as possible 2.5 Maintain good working relationships with team members 2.6 Report any problems with working relationships to the relevant person 2.7 Communicate clearly and effectively with team members Learning outcome 3: Be able to develop own skills Assessment criteria 3.1 Seek feedback on own work and deal with this feedback positively 3.2 Identify with the relevant person aspects of own work which are up to standard and areas that could be improved 3.3 Agree what has to be done to improve their work 3.4 Agree a learning plan with the relevant person 3.5 Seek opportunities to review and develop learning plan 33 Learning outcome 4: Know how to plan and organise own work Assessment criteria 4.1 State why it is essential to understand the requirements of the work 4.2 List the benefits of planning and organising work 4.3 Describe how to make the most efficient use of time and avoid things that may cause unnecessary disruptions 4.4 List the benefits of keeping everything needed for own work organised and available 4.5 State why it is important to keep work areas clean and tidy 4.6 State why it is important to keep waste to a minimum 4.7 State when to ask for help and who can be asked Learning outcome 5: Know how to work effectively with team members Assessment criteria 5.1 State the importance of effective teamwork 5.2 State the people in own team and explain how they fit into the organisation 5.3 List the responsibilities of the team and why it is important to the organisation as a whole 5.4 Describe how to maintain good working relationships with team members 5.5 State how to determine if helping a team member will prevent own work from being completed on time 5.6 State the limits of own job role and what can and cannot be done when helping team members 5.7 State why essential information needs to be passed on to a team member as soon as possible 5.8 List the types of behaviour that help teams to work effectively and behaviours that do not 5.9 State why problems with working relationships should be reported to the relevant person 5.10 Describe how to communicate clearly and why it is important to do so Learning outcome 6: Know how to develop own skills Assessment criteria 6.1 State the importance of improving own knowledge and skills 6.2 Describe how to get feedback from team members and how this is helpful 6.3 Describe how a learning plan can improve own work 6.4 State why it is important to regularly review own learning plan 34 Supplementary evidence for CU909 Provide evidence to cover any gaps: Assessment criteria reference Evidence (eg witness testimony) 35 Appendix (if appropriate) Unit Achievement Record CU909 Working Effectively as Part of a Hospitality Team Candidate declaration: All of the evidence presented is representative of my current performance, is valid and safe. Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ Assessor summative statement: Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ Internal verifier (if sampled) Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ 36 CU1063 Maintain Food Safety when Storing, Preparing and Cooking Food Unit summary This unit covers the main competencies needed for preparing and cooking food safely, and focuses on the four main areas of control - Cooking, Cleaning, Chilling and preventing Crosscontamination, in addition to supplies being satisfactory. It provides staff with a broad understanding of reviewing hazards and hazard procedures such that they are part of a team maintaining food safety. This unit is appropriate to staff that directly prepare and cook food. Evidence requirements Unit CU1063 Maintain food safety when storing, preparing and cooking food Learning outcome 1 Be able to keep yourself clean and hygienic The assessor must assess assessment criteria 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.5 by directly observing the candidate‟s work. The assessor may assess assessment criteria 1.4, 1.6, 1.7 and 1.8 through questioning or witness testimony if no naturally occurring evidence is available. 37 What you must COVER for Learning outcome 1 There must be performance evidence, gathered through observing the candidate‟s work for: at least four from clothes a) b) c) d) e) f) g) trousers tops/jackets coats disposable gloves shoes headgear aprons at least five from appropriate times to wash your hands a) after going to the toilet or in contact with faeces b) when going into food preparation and cooking areas including after any work breaks c) after touching raw food and waste d) before handling raw food e) after disposing of waste f) after cleaning g) changing dressings or touching open wounds none from unsafe behaviour a) failure to wash hands thoroughly when necessary b) touching your face, nose of mouth, blowing your nose c) chewing gum d) eating e) smoking f) scratching Evidence for the remaining points under „what you must cover‟ may be assessed through questioning or witness testimony. 38 Learning outcome 3 Be able to keep your working area clean and hygienic The assessor must assess assessment criteria 3.1, 3.2, 3.5 and 3.6 by directly observing the candidate‟s work. The assessor may assess assessment criteria 3.3, 3.4, 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9 through questioning or witness testimony if no naturally occurring evidence is available. What you must COVER for Learning outcome 3 There must be performance evidence, gathered through observing the candidate‟s work for: at least two from surfaces and equipment a) surfaces and utensils for preparing, cooking and holding food b) surfaces and utensils used for displaying and serving food c) appropriate cleaning equipment Evidence for the remaining points under „what you must cover‟ may be assessed through questioning or witness testimony. Learning outcome 5 Be able to store food safely The assessor must assess assessment criteria 5.1-5.7 by directly observing the candidate‟s work. The assessor may assess assessment criteria 5.8 and 5.9 through questioning or witness testimony if no naturally occurring evidence is available. What you must COVER for Learning outcome 5 There must be performance evidence, gathered through observing the candidate‟s work for: at least two from storage areas a) ambient temperature b) refrigerator c) freezer Evidence for the remaining points under „what you must cover‟ may be assessed through questioning or witness testimony. 39 Learning outcome 7 Be able to prepare, cook and hold food safely The assessor must assess assessment criteria 7.4, 7.5 and 7.6 by directly observing the candidate‟s work. The assessor may assess assessment criteria 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 through questioning or witness testimony if no naturally occurring evidence is available. What you must COVER for Element 2GEN3/10.4 There must be performance evidence, gathered through observing the candidate‟s work for: at least four from operations a) b) c) d) e) f) defrosting food preparing food, including washing and peeling cooking food reheating food holding food before serving cooling cooked food not for immediate consumption g) freezing cooked food not for immediate consumption none from hazards a) b) c) d) bacteria and other organisms chemical physical allergenic Evidence for the remaining points under „what you must cover‟ may be assessed through questioning or witness testimony. 40 Description of evidence or activity CU1063 Date Maintain Food Safety when Storing, Preparing and Cooking Food Description of evidence/activity APP/Box number 41 Assessor signature IV initial Learning outcome 1: Be able to keep yourself clean and hygienic Assessment criteria 1.1 obs 1.2 obs 1.3 obs Wear clean and hygienic clothes appropriate to the jobs being undertaken 1.4 1.5 obs 1.6 Change clothes when necessary 1.7 Report any cuts, boils grazes illness and infections promptly to the appropriate person 1.8 Make sure any cuts, boils, skin infections and grazes are treated and covered with an appropriate dressing Tie hair back and/or wear appropriate hair covering Only wear jewellery and other accessories that do not cause food safety hazards Wash hands thoroughly at appropriate times Avoid unsafe behaviour that could contaminate the food being worked with The assessor may assess assessment criteria 1.4, 1.6, 1.7 and 1.8 through questioning or witness testimony if no naturally occurring evidence is available. What you must cover for Learning outcome 1 C1 Clothes (obs at least 4) C2 Appropriate time to wash your hands (obs at least 5) a trousers a after going to the toilet or in contact with faeces b tops/jackets b when going into food preparation and cooking areas including after any work breaks c coats c after touching raw food and waste d disposable gloves d before handling raw food e shoes e after disposing of waste f headgear f after cleaning g aprons g changing dressings or touching open wounds 42 Unsafe behaviour C3 (obs none) a failure to wash hands thoroughly when necessary b touching your face, nose or mouth, blowing your nose c chewing gum d eating e smoking f scratching Evidence for the remaining points under „what you must cover‟ may be assessed through questioning or witness testimony. Learning outcome 2: Know how to keep yourself clean and hygienic Assessment criteria 2.1 State why clean and hygienic clothes must be worn 2.2 State why hair must be tied back or an appropriate hair covering be worn 2.3 State the different types of protective clothes are appropriate for different jobs in storage, preparation and cooking food 2.4 Describe the food safety hazards that jewellery and accessories can cause 2.5 State when clothing should be changed 2.6 State the importance of changing clothes 2.7 State why hands must be washed after going to the toilet, before going into food preparation and cooking areas, after touching raw food and waste, before handling ready-to-eat food 2.8 Describe how to wash hands safely 2.9 State the importance of not handling food when open cuts are present 2.10 Describe what to do if anyone has an open cut 2.11 State the importance of reporting illnesses and infections promptly 2.12 State why stomach illnesses are particularly important to report 2.13 State the importance of avoiding touching , face, nose or mouth, blowing nose, chewing gum, eating, smoking when working with food 43 Learning outcome 3: Be able to keep working area clean and hygienic Assessment criteria 3.1 Make sure surfaces and equipment are clean and in good condition obs 3.2 obs Use clean and suitable cloths and equipment for wiping and cleaning between tasks 3.3 Remove from use any surfaces and equipment that are damaged or have loose parts 3.4 Report damaged surfaces, equipment to the person responsible for food safety 3.5 obs 3.6 obs Dispose of waste promptly, hygienically and appropriately Identify, take appropriate action on any damage to walls, floors, ceilings, furniture and fittings 3.7 Report any damage to walls, floors, ceilings, furniture and fittings to the appropriate person 3.8 Identify, take appropriate action on any signs of pests 3.9 Report any signs of pest to the appropriate person The assessor may assess assessment criteria 3.3, 3.4, 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9 through questioning or witness testimony if no naturally occurring evidence is available. What you must cover for Learning outcome 3 C1 Surfaces and equipment (obs at least 2) a surfaces and utensils for preparing, cooking and holding food b surfaces and utensils used for displaying and serving food c appropriate cleaning equipment Evidence for the remaining points under „what you must cover‟ may be assessed through questioning or witness testimony. 44 Learning outcome 4: Know how to keep working area clean and hygienic Assessment criteria 4.1 State why surfaces and equipment must be clean, hygienic and suitable for the intended use before beginning a new task 4.2 Describe how to ensure that surfaces and equipment are clean, hygienic and suitable for the intended use before beginning a new task 4.3 State the importance of only using clean and suitable cloths when cleaning before tasks 4.4 State how to ensure that clean and suitable cloths are used before tasks 4.5 Explain why surfaces and equipment that are damaged or have loose parts can be hazardous to food safety 4.6 List the types of damaged surfaces or equipment that can cause food safety hazards 4.7 Describe how to deal with damaged surfaces and equipment 4.8 State the importance of clearing and disposing of waste promptly and safely 4.9 Describe how to safely dispose of waste 4.10 Describe how damage to walls, floors, ceilings, furniture, food equipment and fittings can cause food safety hazards 4.11 State the types of damage that should be looked out for 4.12 State the types of pests that could be found in catering operations 4.13 State how to recognise the signs that pest may be present 45 Learning outcome 5: Be able to store food safely Assessment criteria 5.1 obs 5.2 obs 5.3 obs 5.4 obs 5.5 obs 5.6 obs 5.7 obs 5.8 Check that food is undamaged, at appropriate temperature and within „use-by-date‟ on delivery 5.9 Keep necessary records up-to-date Look at and retain any important labelling information Prepare food for storage Place food in storage as quickly as necessary to maintain its safety Make sure storage areas are clean, suitable and maintained at the correct temperature for the type of food Store food so that cross contamination is prevented Follow stock rotation procedures Safely dispose of food that is beyond „use-by-date‟ The assessor may assess assessment criteria 5.8 and 5.9 through questioning or witness testimony if no naturally occurring evidence is available. What you must cover for Learning outcome 5 Storage areas (obs at least 2) a ambient temperature b refrigerator c freezer Evidence for the remaining points under „what you must cover‟ may be assessed through questioning or witness testimony. 46 Learning outcome 6: Know how to store food safely Assessment criteria 6.1 State the importance of making sure food deliveries are undamaged, at the correct temperature and within use-by-date 6.2 State the importance of preparing food for storage 6.3 State why food must be put in the correct storage area 6.4 State the temperature food should be stored at 6.5 State the importance of keeping storage areas clean and tidy 6.6 Describe what to do if storage areas are not clean and tidy 6.7 State the importance of storing food at the correct temperature 6.8 Describe how to store food at the correct temperature 6.9 State what types of food are raw 6.10 State why types of food are ready-to-eat 6.11 State why stock rotation procedures are important 6.12 State why food beyond its „use-by-date‟ must be disposed of 47 Learning outcome 7: Be able to prepare, cook and hold food safely Assessment criteria 7.1 Check food before and during operations for any hazards 7.2 Follow correct procedures for dealing with food hazards 7.3 Follow organisational procedures for items that may cause allergic reactions 7.4 obs 7.5 obs 7.6 obs Prevent cross-contamination between different types of food Use methods, times, temperatures and checks to make sure food is safe following operations Keep necessary records up-to-date The assessor may assess assessment criteria 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 through questioning or witness testimony if no naturally occurring evidence is available. What you must cover for Learning outcome 7 Operations (obs at least 4) Hazards C2 a defrosting food a bacteria and other organisms b preparing food, including washing and peeling b chemical c cooking food c physical d reheating food d allergenic e holding food before serving f cooling cooked food not for immediate consumption g freezing cooked food not for immediate consumption Evidence for the remaining points under „what you must cover‟ may be assessed through questioning or witness testimony. 48 Learning outcome 8: Know how to maintain food safety Assessment criteria 8.1 Describe how to operate a food safety management system 8.2 Explain the concept of hazards to food safety in a catering operation 8.3 State the necessity of controlling hazards to food safety in order to remove or keep risks to a safe level 8.4 Describe what may happen if hazards are not controlled 8.5 State the types of hazards that may occur in a catering operation 8.6 Describe how to control hazards by cooking, chilling, cleaning and the avoidance of cross-contamination 8.7 State why monitoring is important 8.8 State the key stages in the monitoring process 8.9 State the importance of knowing what to do when things go wrong 8.10 State why some hazards are more important than others in terms of food safety 8.11 State who to report to if there are food safety hazards Learning outcome 9: Know how to prepare, cook and hold food safely Assessment criteria 9.1 State why it is necessary to defrost foods before cooking 9.2 State when it is necessary to defrost foods before cooking 9.3 Describe how to safely and thoroughly defrost food before cooking 9.4 Describe how to recognise conditions leading to safety hazards 9.5 State what to do if any food safety hazards are discovered 9.6 State the importance of knowing that certain foods cause allergic reactions 9.7 Describe organisational procedures to deal with foods possible of causing allergic reactions 9.8 State what to do if a customer asks if a particular dish is free from certain food allergen 9.9 Describe how cross-contamination can happen between different food types 9.10 Describe how to avoid cross-contamination between different food types 9.11 Explain why thorough cooking and reheating methods should be used 9.12 State cooking , reheating, temperatures and times to use for food being worked with 9.13 Describe how to check that food is thoroughly cooked or safely reheated 49 9.14 State the importance of making sure that food is at the correct temperature before and during holding , prior to serving it to the customer 9.15 State the types of foods that may need to be chilled or frozen because they are not for immediate consumption 9.16 Describe how to safely store food not for immediate consumption 50 Supplementary evidence for CU1063 Provide evidence to cover any gaps: Assessment criteria reference Evidence (eg witness testimony) 51 Appendix (if appropriate) Unit Achievement Record CU1063 Maintain Food Safety when Storing, Preparing and Cooking Food Candidate declaration: All of the evidence presented is representative of my current performance, is valid and safe. Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ Assessor summative statement: Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ Internal verifier (if sampled) Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ 52 CU977 Cook Vegetables Unit summary Successful assessment of the unit proves that the candidate has achieved the national occupational standard to cook vegetables. Evidence requirements Unit CU978 Cook Vegetables Learning outcome 1 Be able to cook vegetables The assessor must assess statements 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5 by directly observing the candidate‟s work. The assessor may assess statements 1.6 through questioning or witness testimony if no naturally occurring evidence is available. What you must COVER for Learning outcome 1 There must be performance evidence, gathered through observing the candidate‟s work for: at least one from vegetables a) frozen b) pre-prepared fresh at least two from cooking methods a) b) c) d) boiling frying grilling microwaving Evidence for the remaining points under „what you must cover‟ may be assessed through questioning or witness testimony. 53 Description of evidence or activity CU977 Date Cook Vegetables Description of evidence/activity APP/Box number 54 Assessor signature IV initial Learning outcome 1: Be able to cook vegetables Assessment criteria 1.1 Choose and use the correct tools and equipment obs 1.2 Check vegetables meet quality standards obs 1.3 Cook vegetables to meet requirements obs 1.4 Finish vegetables as required obs 1.5 Make sure vegetables are at the correct temperature for holding and obs serving 1.6 Safely store any cooked vegetables not for immediate use The assessor may assess statements 1.6 through questioning or witness testimony if no naturally occurring evidence is available. What you must cover for Learning outcome 1 Vegetables C1 Cooking methods (obs at least 1) C2 (obs at least 2) a frozen a boiling b pre-prepared fresh b frying c grilling d microwaving Evidence for the remaining points under „what you must cover‟ may be assessed through questioning or witness testimony. Learning outcome 2: Understand how to cook vegetables Assessment criteria 2.1 Describe how to store frozen and unfrozen vegetables before cooking 2.2 Describe what to look for in vegetables before cooking 2.3 Describe what to do if there are any problems with the vegetables 2.4 State what tools and equipment to use for cooking vegetables 2.5 State why it is important to use correct tools and equipment 2.6 Describe how to carry out cooking methods for vegetables correctly 2.7 Describe why it may be necessary to avoid contamination from meat and fish products and how to do so 2.8 State how to store vegetables that are not for immediate use 55 Supplementary evidence for CU977 Provide evidence to cover any gaps: Assessment criteria reference Evidence (eg witness testimony) 56 Appendix (if appropriate) Unit Achievement Record CU977 Cook Vegetables Candidate declaration: All of the evidence presented is representative of my current performance, is valid and safe. Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ Assessor summative statement: Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ Internal verifier (if sampled) Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ 57 58 CU943 Maintain an Efficient Use of Resources in the Kitchen Unit summary This unit is about preparing fresh, semi-prepared fish for basic dishes. The unit covers various preparation methods and fish types. Evidence requirements Unit CU987 Maintain an efficient use of resources in the kitchen Learning outcome 1 Be able to maintain an efficient use of resources in the kitchen The assessor must assess assessment criteria 1.2 by directly observing the candidate‟s work. The assessor may assess assessment criteria 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6 through questioning or witness testimony if no naturally occurring evidence is available. What you must COVER for Learning outcome 1 There must be performance evidence, gathered through observing the candidate‟s work for: at least three from cooking equipment a) b) c) d) e) grills ovens hot plates fridges and freezers extraction equipment at least two from waste a) b) c) d) food waste glass card plastic packaging Evidence for the remaining points under „what you must cover‟ may be assessed through questioning or witness testimony. 59 Description of evidence or activity CU943 Date Maintain an Efficient Use of Resources in the Kitchen Description of evidence/activity APP/Box number 60 Assessor signature IV initial Learning outcome 1: Be able to maintain an efficient use of resources in the kitchen Assessment criteria 1.1 Follow manufacturers' guidelines to ensure that kitchen equipment is working at correct settings 1.2 obs Use cooking equipment efficiently to reduce unnecessary waste of energy 1.3 Ensure taps are not left running to reduce the waste of water 1.4 Ensure correct disposal of packaging to minimise space 1.5 Ensure packaging is disposed of in the correct place 1.6 Report equipment faults or potential wastage to the appropriate person The assessor may assess assessment criteria 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6 through questioning or witness testimony if no naturally occurring evidence is available. What you must cover for Learning outcome 1 Cooking equipment C1 (obs at least 3) Waste C2 (obs at least 2) a grills a food waste b ovens b glass c hot plates c card d fridges and freezers d plastic packaging e extraction equipment Evidence for the remaining points under „what you must cover‟ may be assessed through questioning or witness testimony. Learning outcome 2: Understand how to maintain an efficient use of resources in the kitchen Assessment criteria 2.1 State the principals of energy efficiency and waste reduction 2.2 Describe the financial impact that wastage of physical resources can have upon the organisation 2.3 Describe how electricity and gas waste can be minimised 2.4 List the different types of waste produced by the operation 2.5 Describe how different types of waste should be safely handled 2.6 Describe the organisational procedures for storing waste 2.7 State who excessive waste should be reported to 61 Supplementary evidence for CU943 Provide evidence to cover any gaps: Assessment criteria reference Evidence (eg witness testimony) 62 Appendix (if appropriate) Unit Achievement Record CU943 Maintain an Efficient Use of Resources in the Kitchen Candidate declaration: All of the evidence presented is representative of my current performance, is valid and safe. Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ Assessor summative statement: Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ Internal verifier (if sampled) Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ 63 64 CU1098 Prepare and Cook Fish Unit summary This unit is about preparing and cooking fish for simple dishes, for example: Fish burger Battered fish (prepared) Breaded fish (prepared) Scampi (prepared) Evidence requirements Unit CU1098 Prepare and cook fish Learning outcome 1 Be able to prepare and cook fish The assessor must assess assessment criteria 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, 1.7 and 1.8 by directly observing the candidate‟s work. The assessor may assess assessment criteria 1.1, 1.2 and 1.5 through questioning or witness testimony if no naturally occurring evidence is available. What you must COVER for Learning outcome 1 There must be performance evidence, gathered through observing the candidate‟s work for: at least two from fish a) b) c) d) coated un-coated frozen un-frozen at least two from preparation methods a) deep frying b) grilling c) baking at least two from cooking methods a) b) c) d) boiling frying grilling microwaving Evidence for the remaining points under „what you must cover‟ may be assessed through questioning or witness testimony. 65 Description of evidence or activity CU1098 Date Prepare and Cook Fish Description of evidence/activity APP/Box number 66 Assessor signature IV initial Learning outcome 1: Be able to prepare and cook fish Assessment criteria 1.1 Safely store any fish not for immediate use 1.2 De-frost fish when necessary 1.3 obs 1.4 obs 1.5 1.6 obs 1.7 obs 1.8 obs Check fish is fit for cooking Choose right tools and equipment Prepare fish to meet requirements Cook fish as required Finish fish as required Make sure fish is at the correct temperature for holding and serving The assessor may assess assessment criteria 1.1, 1.2 and 1.5 through questioning or witness testimony if no naturally occurring evidence is available. What you must cover for Learning outcome 1 Fish C1 Cook by (obs at least 2) C2 (obs at least 3) a coated a boiling b un-coated b frying c frozen c grilling d un-frozen d microwaving Preparation methods C3 (obs at least 2) a deep frying b grilling c baking Evidence for the remaining points under „what you must cover‟ may be assessed through questioning or witness testimony. 67 Learning outcome 2: Understand how to prepare and cook fish Assessment criteria 2.1 Describe how to store frozen and unfrozen fish correctly before cooking 2.2 Describe how to check that coated and uncoated fish, frozen and unfrozen is fit for preparation and cooking 2.3 Describe how to decide whether fish needs de-frosting before cooking and why it is important 2.4 State how to de-frost pre-prepared fish 2.5 Describe what to do if there are any problems with fish or other ingredients 2.6 State the right temperatures and cooking times for different types of fish 2.7 State the right tools and equipment to prepare and cook fish 2.8 State why it is important to use the right tools and equipment 2.9 State the correct cooking methods to use 2.10 Describe how to decide when different types of fish are properly cooked 2.11 Describe how to garnish and present cooked fish 68 Supplementary evidence for CU1098 Provide evidence to cover any gaps: Assessment criteria reference Evidence (eg witness testimony) 69 Appendix (if appropriate) Unit Achievement Record CU1098 Prepare and Cook Fish Candidate declaration: All of the evidence presented is representative of my current performance, is valid and safe. Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ Assessor summative statement: Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ Internal verifier (if sampled) Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ 70 CU3803 Prepare and Cook Meat and Poultry Unit summary This unit is about preparing and cooking meat and poultry for simple dishes, for example: Minute steaks Burgers Chops Sausages Bacon Chicken nuggets. Evidence requirements Unit CU3803 Prepare and cook meat and poultry Learning outcome 1 Be able to prepare and cook meat and poultry The assessor must assess assessment criteria 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, 1.7 and 1.8 by directly observing the candidate‟s work. The assessor may assess assessment criteria 1.1, 1.2 and 1.5 through questioning or witness testimony if no naturally occurring evidence is available. What you must COVER for Learning outcome 1 There must be performance evidence, gathered through observing the candidate‟s work for: at least two from meat/poultry a) b) c) d) e) pre-prepared uncoated steaks chops chicken cuts at least two from cooking methods a) b) c) d) grilling/griddling shallow frying deep frying microwaving one from preparation methods a) defrosting b) seasoning Evidence for the remaining points under „what you must cover‟ may be assessed through questioning or witness testimony. 71 Description of evidence or activity CU3803 Date Prepare and Cook Meat and Poultry Description of evidence/activity APP/Box number 72 Assessor signature IV initial Learning outcome 1: Be able to prepare and cook meat and poultry Assessment criteria 1.1 Safely store any meat/poultry not for immediate use 1.2 De-frost meat/poultry when necessary 1.3 obs 1.4 obs 1.5 1.6 obs 1.7 obs 1.8 obs Check that meat/poultry is fit for cooking Choose the right tools and equipment Prepare meat/poultry to meet requirement Cook meat/poultry as required Finish meat/poultry as required Make sure meat/poultry is at the correct temperature for holding and serving The assessor may assess assessment criteria 1.1, 1.2 and 1.5 through questioning or witness testimony if no naturally occurring evidence is available. What you must cover for Learning outcome 1 Meat/poultry C1 (obs at least 2) Cooking methods C2 (obs at least 2) a pre-prepared a grilling/griddling b uncoated b shallow frying c steaks c deep frying d chops d microwaving e chicken cuts Preparation methods C3 (obs at least 1) a defrosting b seasoning Evidence for the remaining points under „what you must cover‟ may be assessed through questioning or witness testimony. 73 Learning outcome 2: Understand how to prepare and cook meat and poultry Assessment criteria 2.1 Describe how to store fresh and frozen meat/poultry correctly before cooking 2.2 Describe how to check that meat/poultry is fit for preparation and cooking 2.3 Describe what to do if there are problems with the meat/poultry or other ingredients 2.4 Describe how to decide when meat/poultry needs defrosting before cooking and why this is important 2.5 State the right tools and equipment for: defrosting, seasoning and storing meat/poultry 2.6 Describe how to prepare meat/poultry using different cooking methods 2.7 State the correct tools and equipment for different cooking methods 2.8 State why it is important to use correct tools and equipment 2.9 Describe how to carry out different cooking methods 2.10 Describe how to finish and season meat/poultry according to requirements 2.11 State the correct temperatures for holding meat/poultry 74 Supplementary evidence for CU3803 Provide evidence to cover any gaps: Assessment criteria reference Evidence (eg witness testimony) 75 Appendix (if appropriate) Unit Achievement Record CU3803 Prepare and Cook Meat and Poultry Candidate declaration: All of the evidence presented is representative of my current performance, is valid and safe. Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ Assessor summative statement: Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ Internal verifier (if sampled) Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ 76 CU975 Prepare and Finish Simple Salad and Fruit Dishes Unit summary This unit is about preparing and presenting salad and fruit dishes, for example: Fruit salad Mixed salad Grapefruit cocktail. Evidence requirements Unit CU975 Prepare and finish simple salad and fruit dishes Learning outcome 1 Be able to prepare simple salad and fruit dishes The assessor must assess assessment criteria 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 by directly observing the candidate‟s work. What you must COVER for Learning outcome 1 There must be performance evidence, gathered through observing the candidate‟s work for: at least three from ingredients: a) b) c) d) e) frozen fruit fresh fruit fresh salad prepared fruit prepared salad at least three from prepare by: a) b) c) d) e) f) peeling trimming washing soaking cutting mixing Evidence for the remaining points under „what you must cover‟ may be assessed through questioning or witness testimony. Learning outcome 3 Be able to finish simple salad and fruit dishes The assessor must assess assessment criteria 3.1 by directly observing the candidate‟s work. The assessor may assess assessment criteria 3.2 through questioning or witness testimony if no naturally occurring evidence is available. 77 Description of evidence or activity CU975 Date Prepare and Finish Simple Salad and Fruit Dishes Description of evidence/activity APP/Box number 78 Assessor signature IV initial Learning outcome 1: Be able to prepare simple salad and fruit dishes Assessment criteria 1.1 Check the ingredients to make sure they are fit for preparation obs 1.2 Choose the correct tools and equipment obs 1.3 Prepare the ingredients correctly for the dish obs What you must cover for Learning outcome 1 Ingredients C1 Prepare by (obs at least 3) C2 (obs at least 3) a frozen fruit a peeling b fresh fruit b trimming c fresh salad c washing d prepared fruit d soaking e prepared salad e cutting f mixing Learning outcome 2: Understand how to prepare simple salad and fruit dishes Assessment criteria 2.1 State how to store salad and fruit before preparation 2.2 Describe how to check the salad, fruit or other ingredients to make sure they are fit for use 2.3 Describe what to do if there is a problem with the salad, fruit or other ingredients 2.4 State what tools and equipment are needed to carry out the relevant cooking methods 2.5 State why it is important to use the correct tools and equipment 2.6 State why it is important to avoid cross contamination with meat and fish products and how to do so Learning outcome 3: Be able to finish simple salad and fruit dishes Assessment criteria 3.1 Present the dish to meet requirements obs Safely store any prepared items not for immediate use 3.2 The assessor may assess assessment criteria 3.2 through questioning or witness testimony if no naturally occurring evidence is available. 79 Learning outcome 4: Understand how to finish simple salad and fruit dishes Assessment criteria 4.1 Describe how to store prepared salads and fruit that are not for immediate use 80 Supplementary evidence for CU975 Provide evidence to cover any gaps: Assessment criteria reference Evidence (eg witness testimony) 81 Appendix (if appropriate) Unit Achievement Record CU975 Prepare and Finish Simple Salad and Fruit Dishes Candidate declaration: All of the evidence presented is representative of my current performance, is valid and safe. Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ Assessor summative statement: Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ Internal verifier (if sampled) Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ 82 CU949 Prepare Hot and Cold Sandwiches Unit summary This unit is about preparing hot and cold sandwiches including: Burgers Wraps Rolls Paninis Fajitas. Evidence requirements Unit CU949 Prepare hot and cold sandwiches Learning outcome 1 Be able to prepare hot and cold sandwiches The assessor must assess assessment criteria 1.1, 1.2 & 1.3 by directly observing the candidate‟s work. The assessor may assess assessment criteria 1.4 through questioning or witness testimony if no naturally occurring evidence is available. What you must COVER for Learning outcome 1 There must be performance evidence, gathered through observing the candidate‟s work for: at least two from bread a) b) c) d) sliced bread un-sliced bread wraps bread rolls at least four from fillings: a) b) c) d) e) f) fats/pastes/spreads cooked meat and poultry cooked fish dairy products salad/vegetables/fruit sauces/dressings/relishes at least two from preparation methods: a) b) c) d) slicing preparing fillings garnishing heating/toasting Evidence for the remaining points under „what you must cover‟ may be assessed through questioning or witness testimony. 83 Description of evidence or activity CU949 Date Prepare Hot and Cold Sandwiches Description of evidence/activity APP/Box number 84 Assessor signature IV initial Learning outcome 1: Be able to prepare hot and cold sandwiches Assessment criteria 1.1 obs 1.2 obs 1.3 obs 1.4 Check the bread and fillings to make sure that they meet quality and quantity requirements Choose the right tools and equipment Prepare sandwiches as required Safely store any sandwich and fillings not for immediate use The assessor may assess assessment criteria 1.4 through questioning or witness testimony if no naturally occurring evidence is available. What you must cover for Learning outcome 1 Bread (obs at least 2) C1 a sliced bread C3 C2 Fillings (obs at least 4) a fats/pastes/spreads b un-sliced bread b cooked meat and poultry c wraps c cooked fish d bread rolls d dairy products e salad/vegetables/fruit f sauces/dressings/ relishes Preparation methods (obs at least 2) a slicing b preparing fillings c garnishing d heating/toasting Evidence for the remaining points under „what you must cover‟ may be assessed through questioning or witness testimony. Learning outcome 2: Understand how to prepare hot and cold sandwiches Assessment criteria 2.1 Explain how to check that bread and fillings are fit for purpose 2.2 State the correct tools and equipment for making sandwiches 2.3 Describe how to present sandwiches and bread products attractively 2.4 State the correct methods of storage to avoid spoiling sandwiches and bread products between preparation and consumption 85 Supplementary evidence for CU949 Provide evidence to cover any gaps: Assessment criteria reference Evidence (eg witness testimony) 86 Appendix (if appropriate) Unit Achievement Record CU949 Prepare Hot and Cold Sandwiches Candidate declaration: All of the evidence presented is representative of my current performance, is valid and safe. Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ Assessor summative statement: Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ Internal verifier (if sampled) Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ 87 88 CU957 Present Menu Items According to a Defined Brand Standard Unit summary This unit is about providing a consistent quality of menu items. This unit reflects the need to ensure that menu items are presented in such a way that they reflect the marketing and promotional styles used by the organisation. Evidence requirements Unit CU957 Present menu items according to a defined brand standard Learning outcome 1 Be able to present menu items according to a defined brand standard The assessor must assess assessment criteria 1.1-1.4 by directly observing the candidate‟s work. Learning outcomes Be able to produce dishes in a manner that is consistent with the relevant brand standard Understand why organisations use brand standards Example Assessment Methods Observation Products of work Witness testimony Professional discussion Candidate statement Oral questions Written questions Reflective account Professional discussion 89 Examples of Evidence Observation sheets Videos/photos Notes of meetings with line manager Maintenance records Team briefing notes Work schedules Witness assessment criteria Records of professional discussion Records of oral questioning Question/answer sheets Reflective account Records of professional discussion Cross reference to outcome 1 Description of evidence or activity CU957 Date Present Menu Items According to a Defined Brand Standard Description of evidence/activity APP/Box number 90 Assessor signature IV initial Learning outcome 1: Be able to present menu items according to a defined brand standard Assessment criteria 1.1 Collect and assemble relevant ingredients required for specific dishes 1.2 Prepare dishes as specified within the relevant brand standard, ensuring cooking methods and ingredients are as prescribed 1.3 Collect crockery and dishes which are relevant and designated as being required according to the brand standard 1.4 Assemble prepared food items onto plates/dishes to accurately reflect presentation style and portion sizes as set out in brand standard 1.5 Check that the dish has been prepared to the brand standard correctly 1.6 Make adjustments to the presentation of the dish to ensure that the brand standard is reflected accurately 1.7 Present the dish for service together with the specified accompaniments as set out within the brand standards Learning outcome 2: Understand how to present menu items according to a defined brand standard Assessment criteria 2.1 Describe brand literature and material to ensure familiarity with the required standards for each menu item 2.2 Describe what a brand standard is 2.3 Explain why organisations use brand standards 2.4 List implications of not adhering to the organisation‟s brand standard 2.5 State where information relating to brand standards can be obtained 2.6 State which brand standards are relevant to own area of work 2.7 Describe how menu items should be prepared to ensure that the brand standards are maintained correctly 2.8 State how brand standards are used to ensure portion control 2.9 State why portion control is important to the organisation 2.10 Describe what course of action to take if insufficient ingredients are available to achieve the required brand standard 91 Supplementary evidence for CU957 Provide evidence to cover any gaps: Assessment criteria reference Evidence (eg witness testimony) 92 Appendix (if appropriate) Unit Achievement Record CU957 Present Menu Items According to a Defined Brand Standard Candidate declaration: All of the evidence presented is representative of my current performance, is valid and safe. Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ Assessor summative statement: Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ Internal verifier (if sampled) Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ 93 94 CU922 Provide a Counter and Takeaway Service Unit summary This unit is about taking customers‟ orders and serving food and drink on a counter or takeaway basis. It also covers maintaining the counter and service areas, with items such as trays and utensils, and displaying food and drink items in the correct manner. Evidence requirements Unit CU922 Provide a counter and takeaway service Learning outcome 1 Be able to serve customers at the counter The assessor must assess assessment criteria 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5 by directly observing the candidate‟s work. What you must COVER for Learning outcome 1 There must be performance evidence, gathered through observing the candidate‟s work for: one from customers a) customers with routine needs b) customers with non-routine needs at least two from information: a) items available b) ingredients c) prices, special offers and promotions at least two from food and drink items: a) b) c) d) hot food cold food hot drinks cold drinks at least two from condiments and accompaniments: a) seasonings b) sugars/sweeteners c) prepared sauced/dressings Evidence for the remaining points under „what you must cover‟ may be assessed through questioning or witness testimony. 95 Learning outcome 3 Be able to maintain counter and service areas The assessor must assess assessment criteria 3.1–3.6 by directly observing the candidate‟s work. What you must COVER for Learning outcome 3 There must be performance evidence, gathered through observing the candidate‟s work for: At least three from service items: a) service utensils b) food containers/dispensers c) trays d) crockery e) cutlery f) disposable items At least two from food and drink items: a) hot food b) cold food c) hot drinks d) cold drinks Evidence for the remaining points under „what you must cover‟ may be assessed through questioning or witness testimony 96 Description of evidence or activity CU922 Date Provide a Counter and Takeaway Service Description of evidence/activity APP/Box number 97 Assessor signature IV initial Learning outcome 1: Be able to serve customers at the counter Assessment criteria 1.1 Give customers information that meets their needs, and promotes obs organisation‟s products and service 1.2 Find out what customers require, and if necessary tell them about any obs waiting times 1.3 Process the order promptly obs 1.4 Serve food and drink items at the recommended temperature, using obs clean, hygienic and undamaged service equipment of the appropriate type 1.5 Make sure there are appropriate condiments and accompaniments obs available for customers What you must cover for Learning outcome 1 Customers C1 Information (obs at least 1) a b C2 customers with routine needs customers with nonroutine needs Food and drink items C3 (obs at least 2) C2 (obs at least 2) a items available b ingredients c prices, special offers and promotions Condiments and accompaniments (obs at least 2) a hot food a seasonings b cold food b sugars/sweeteners c hot drinks c prepared sauces/dressings d cold drinks 98 Learning outcome 2: Know how to serve customers at the counter Assessment criteria 2.1 Describe safe and hygienic working practices for serving customers and why these are important 2.2 State why it is important to use separate serving equipment for each food item 2.3 State why portions must be controlled when serving customers 2.4 State why food and drink items must be served at the correct temperature 2.5 State why information given to customers must be accurate 2.6 Outline the types of unexpected situations that may occur when serving customers and how to deal with them Learning outcome 3: Be able to maintain counter and service areas Assessment criteria 3.1 Keep work area tidy, hygienic and free from rubbish and food debris obs during service 3.2 Maintain enough stock of clean service items obs 3.3 Restock with food and drink items when necessary obs 3.4 Display and store food and drink items in line as required obs 3.5 Clear work area of used and non-required service items at the obs appropriate times 3.5 Dispose of rubbish, used disposable items and food waste as required obs What you must cover for Learning outcome 3 Service items C1 (obs at least 3) Food and drink items C2 (obs at least 2) a service utensils a hot food b food containers/ dispensers b cold food c trays c hot drinks d crockery d cold drinks e cutlery f disposable items 99 Learning outcome 4: Know how to maintain counter and service areas Assessment criteria 4.1 Describe safe and hygienic working practices for clearing and why these are important 4.2 State why food which is prepared first should be served first 4.3 State why counter preparation areas and dining areas must be kept tidy and free from rubbish and food debris throughout the service 4.4 State why waste must be handled and disposed of correctly 4.5 State why a constant stock of service items should be maintained 4.6 State why maintaining food at the correct temperature is important and how this can be ensured 4.7 Outline the types of unexpected situations that may occur when clearing away and how to deal with them 100 Supplementary evidence for CU922 Provide evidence to cover any gaps: Assessment criteria reference Evidence (eg witness testimony) 101 Appendix (if appropriate) Unit Achievement Record CU922 Provide a Counter and Takeaway Service Candidate declaration: All of the evidence presented is representative of my current performance, is valid and safe. Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ Assessor summative statement: Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ Internal verifier (if sampled) Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ 102 CU947 Maintain an Efficient Use of Food Resources Unit summary This unit is about working in an efficient way to ensure food resource wastage is limited. Evidence requirements Unit CU947 Maintain an efficient use of food resources Learning outcome 1 Be able to maintain an efficient use of food resources The assessor must assess assessment criteria 1.1–1.7 by directly observing the candidate‟s work. The assessor may assess assessment criteria 1.8, 1.9 and 1.10 through questioning or witness testimony if no naturally occurring evidence is available. What you must COVER for Learning outcome 1 There must be performance evidence, gathered through observing the candidate‟s work for: at least three from information to be gained from: a) b) c) d) senior colleagues booking information records of sales patterns records of anticipated customer volumes at least two from portion control measures: a) use of scoops, measures and scales b) counting of items c) following standard recipe and brand standards Evidence for the remaining points under „what you must cover‟ may be assessed through questioning or witness testimony. 103 Description of evidence or activity CU947 Date Maintain an Efficient Use of Food Resources Description of evidence/activity APP/Box number 104 Assessor signature IV initial Learning outcome 1: Be able to maintain an efficient use of food resources Assessment criteria 1.1 Gain information to anticipate the volume of customers to be served obs 1.2 Check storage areas to ensure that sufficient volumes of food obs resources are available 1.3 Check that available food items are of the type and quality required obs 1.4 Organise food resources for immediate use in a manner that makes obs them accessible 1.5 obs Follow portion control measures that meet organisational and dish requirements 1.6 obs Organise food items for immediate use to reduce the risk of cross contamination 1.7 obs Label and store food items in a safe manner for use in the next service period 1.8 Identify items nearing the end of their shelf life 1.9 Record any food wastage 1.10 Identify any potential food shortages and report to relevant people The assessor may assess assessment criteria 1.8, 1.9 and 1.10 through questioning or witness testimony if no naturally occurring evidence is available. What you must cover for Learning outcome 1 C1 Information to be gained from (obs at least 3) Portion control measures C2 (obs at least 2) a senior colleagues a use of scoops, measures and scales b booking information b counting of items c records of sales patterns c following standard recipe and brand standards d records of anticipated customer volumes Evidence for the remaining points under „what you must cover‟ may be assessed through questioning or witness testimony. 105 Learning outcome 2: Understand how to maintain an efficient use of food resources Assessment criteria 2.1 Describe the principles of stock and portion control 2.2 Describe the financial impact of food resource wastage can have upon the organisation 2.3 State organisational procedures for recording food usage 2.4 State procedures for storing opened food items 2.5 State the importance of maintaining minimum food stock levels 2.6 Describe how stock items should be stored and labelled 2.7 Describe how labelling systems used by the organisation operate 2.8 State the individuals responsible for re-ordering food stock items 2.9 Describe how food stock needing to be disposed of is recorded and reported 106 Supplementary evidence for CU947 Provide evidence to cover any gaps: Assessment criteria reference Evidence (eg witness testimony) 107 Appendix (if appropriate) Unit Achievement Record CU947 Maintain an Efficient Use of Food Resources Candidate declaration: All of the evidence presented is representative of my current performance, is valid and safe. Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ Assessor summative statement: Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ Internal verifier (if sampled) Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ 108 CU948 Prepare, Operate and Clean Specialist Food Preparation and Cooking Equipment Unit summary This unit is about operating and maintaining cooking equipment which is specific to the operation. „Specialist equipment‟ may include items specific to the operation or those which do not appear in all kitchen environments. This may include items such as pressure fryers, combination ovens and food holding systems. The assessment of this unit is to be carried out in conjunction with the assessment guidance on page 29 of this support pack. Evidence requirements Unit CU948 Prepare, operate and clean specialist food preparation and cooking equipment Learning outcomes Example Assessment Methods Examples of Evidence 1. Be able to operate and maintain cooking equipment which is specific to the hospitality operation Observation Witness testimony Observation sheets Videos/photos Notes of meetings with line manager Maintenance records Witness assessment criteria 2. Understand how to prepare, operate and clean cooking equipment which is specific to the hospitality operation Oral questions Written questions Professional discussion Records of oral questioning Question/answer sheets Records of professional discussion Cross reference to outcome 1 Should evidence for the following contingency assessment criteria not occur during the period of assessment, alternative assessment methods may be used. Contingencies 3. Report any identified problems or faults to the relevant person Alternative Assessment Methods Examples of evidence Simulation Oral questions Written questions Professional discussion Observation sheet Video Question/answer sheets Records of professional discussion 109 Description of evidence or activity CU948 Date Prepare, Operate and Clean Specialist Food Preparation and Cooking Equipment Description of evidence/activity APP/Box number 110 Assessor signature IV initial Learning outcome 1: Be able to prepare specialist food preparation and cooking equipment Assessment criteria 1.1 Ensure that the equipment is safe to operate 1.2 Check the equipment controls are set at the correct level before operating Learning outcome 2: Be able to operate specialist food preparation and cooking equipment Assessment criteria 2.1 Follow manufacturer‟s procedures to both switch on and operate equipment 2.2 Follow manufacturer‟s procedures to both switch on and operate equipment 2.3 Monitor the action of the equipment to ensure that it is operating at the correct temperature and speed 2.4 Shut down equipment at the end of service following the correct procedures 2.5 Re-assemble the equipment so it is ready to use and meets required health and safety and food safety standards 2.6 Report any identified problems or faults to the relevant person Learning outcome 3: Know how to operate specialist food preparation and cooking equipment Assessment criteria 3.1 State the types of specialist equipment used with the organisation 3.2 State what each type of specialist equipment is used for 3.3 Describe the relevant hazards and potential hazards relating to specialist equipment 3.4 State how hazards and potential hazards can be minimised 3.5 State who to report any identified faults to Learning outcome 4: Be able to clean specialist food preparation and cooking equipment Assessment criteria 4.1 Check the equipment is suitably clean to use 4.2 Disassemble the equipment correctly and safely to enable effective cleaning 4.3 Clean the equipment and its component parts using the correct methods and cleaning agents 111 Learning outcome 5: Know how to clean specialist food preparation and cooking equipment Assessment criteria 5.1 Describe how the equipment should be cleaned 5.2 List the relevant cleaning agents that should be used with the equipment 5.3 Describe how cleaning agents should be used to avoid accidents and potential food safety hazards 112 Supplementary evidence for CU948 Provide evidence to cover any gaps: Assessment criteria reference Evidence (eg witness testimony) 113 Appendix (if appropriate) Unit Achievement Record CU948 Prepare, Operate and Clean Specialist Food Preparation and Cooking Equipment Candidate declaration: All of the evidence presented is representative of my current performance, is valid and safe. Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ Assessor summative statement: Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ Internal verifier (if sampled) Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ 114 CU935 Produce Basic Hot and Cold Desserts Unit summary This unit is about cooking and finishing basic hot and cold desserts. Evidence requirements Unit CU935 Produce basic hot and cold desserts Learning outcome 1 Be able to produce hot and cold desserts The assessor must assess assessment criteria 1.1-1.5 by directly observing the candidate‟s work. For assessment criteria 1.6, where there is no naturally occurring evidence for both „holding‟ and „serving‟, the assessor may assess the candidate through questioning or witness testimony for one of them (i.e. either holding or serving) but must observe the other. The assessor may assess assessment criteria 1.7 through questioning or witness testimony if no naturally occurring evidence is available. What you must COVER for Learning outcome 1 There must be performance evidence, gathered through observing the candidate‟s work for: at least three from ingredients: a) b) c) d) e) f) ice cream pre-prepared pastry based products pre-prepared sponge based products pre-prepared egg based products fresh fruit pre-prepared fruit at least two from cooking methods: a) b) c) d) baking frying microwaving steaming at least three from finishing methods: a) b) c) d) e) f) garnishing de-moulding slicing portioning piping glazing Evidence for the remaining points under „what you must cover‟ may be assessed through questioning or witness testimony. 115 Description of evidence or activity CU935 Date Produce Basic Hot and Cold Desserts Description of evidence/activity APP/Box number 116 Assessor signature IV initial Learning outcome 1: Be able to prepare basic hot and cold desserts Assessment criteria 1.1 Check ingredients meet quality and quantity requirements obs 1.2 Choose and use the right tools and equipment obs 1.3 Use correct preparation and cooking methods to prepare desserts obs 1.4 Make sure dishes have the correct flavour, colour, texture and obs quantity 1.5 Finish and present the dish to meet organisational standards obs Make sure dishes are at the correct temperature for holding and 1.6 serving Safely store any prepared ingredients not for immediate consumption 1.7 For assessment criteria 1.6, where there is no naturally occurring evidence for both „holding‟ and „serving‟, the assessor may assess the candidate through questioning or witness testimony for one of them (i.e. either holding or serving) but must observe the other. The assessor may assess assessment criteria 1.7 through questioning or witness testimony if no naturally occurring evidence is available. What you must cover for Learning outcome 1 Ingredients C1 Cooking methods (obs at least 3) C2 (obs at least 2) a ice cream a baking b pre-prepared pastry based products b frying c pre-prepared sponge based products c microwaving d pre-prepared egg based products d steaming e fresh fruit f pre-prepared fruit Finishing methods C3 (obs at least 3) a garnishing b de-moulding c slicing d portioning e piping f glazing 117 Learning outcome 2: Understand how to produce hot and cold desserts Assessment criteria 2.1 Describe how to check that ingredients meet dish requirements 2.2 Describe what to do if there are any problems with ingredients 2.3 State why time and temperature are important when finishing basic hot and cold desserts 2.4 State what quality points to look for in basic hot and cold desserts 2.5 Describe how to correctly carry out the relevant cooking methods 2.6 Describe how to carry out the relevant finishing methods 2.7 State why it is important to use the correct tools, equipment and techniques 2.8 Describe how to identify the correct colour, texture, consistency and quantity of hot and cold desserts 2.9 Describe what types of problems can occur when cooking and finishing hot and cold desserts and how to correct them 2.10 Describe how to store prepared hot and cold desserts 2.11 State healthy eating options when preparing hot and cold desserts 118 Supplementary evidence for CU935 Provide evidence to cover any gaps: Assessment criteria reference Evidence (eg witness testimony) 119 Appendix (if appropriate) Unit Achievement Record CU935 Produce Basic Hot and Cold Desserts Candidate declaration: All of the evidence presented is representative of my current performance, is valid and safe. Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ Assessor summative statement: Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ Internal verifier (if sampled) Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ 120 CU934 Produce Cold Starters and Salads Unit summary This unit is about preparing and presenting cold products such as salads, bread products, pies, pâtés and cured meats. It also covers the holding of such foods to maintain effective food safety. Evidence requirements Unit CU934 Produce Cold Starters and Salads Learning outcome 1 Be able to produce cold starters and salads The assessor must assess assessment criteria 1.1-1.5 by directly observing the candidate‟s work. The assessor may assess assessment criteria 1.6 through questioning or witness testimony if no naturally occurring evidence is available. What you must COVER for Learning outcome 1 There must be performance evidence, gathered through observing the candidate‟s work for: at least five from food products: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) bread products salads pre-prepared pastry items cooked and cured meats fish and shellfish pre-prepared patès cold dressings and sauces pre-prepared vegetable items at least four from preparation methods: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) de-frosting washing slicing dressing garnishing portioning combining ingredients Evidence for the remaining points under „what you must cover‟ may be assessed through questioning or witness testimony. 121 Description of evidence or activity CU934 Date Produce Cold Starters and Salads Description of evidence/activity APP/Box number 122 Assessor signature IV initial Learning outcome 1: Be able to produce cold starters and salads Assessment criteria 1.1 Check ingredients meet dish requirements obs 1.2 Choose and use tools and equipment correctly obs 1.3 Prepare products using the correct preparation methods obs Make sure that food products have the correct flavour, colour, 1.4 obs texture and quantity 1.5 obs Make sure that food products are garnished and presented to meet organisational requirements 1.6 Safely store any prepared food not for immediate consumption The assessor may assess assessment criteria 1.6 through questioning or witness testimony if no naturally occurring evidence is available. What you must cover for Learning outcome 1 Food products C1 Preparation methods (obs at least 5) C2 (obs at least 4) a bread products a de-frosting b salads b washing c pre-prepared pastry items c slicing d cooked and cured meats d dressing e fish and shellfish e garnishing f pre-prepared pates f portioning g cold dressings and sauces g combining ingredients h pre-prepared vegetable items 123 Learning outcome 2: Understand how to produce cold starters and salads Assessment criteria 2.1 Describe how to check that food products and garnish ingredients meet requirements 2.2 State what quality points to look for in the presentation of cooked, cured and prepared foods 2.3 Describe what to do if there are any problems with the ingredients 2.4 State which tools and equipment should be used to carry out the relevant preparation methods 2.5 State why it is important to use the correct tools, equipment and techniques 2.6 Describe how to prepare the food products and garnish ingredients for cold presentation 2.7 Describe how to produce basic dressings and cold sauces 2.8 Describe how to finish and garnish cold starters and salads 2.9 Describe how to identify the correct colour, flavour, texture and quantity of food products 2.10 State why time and temperature are important when preparing cooked, cured and prepared for presentation 2.11 State healthy eating options available when preparing and presenting food for cold presentation 124 Supplementary evidence for CU934 Provide evidence to cover any gaps: Assessment criteria reference Evidence (eg witness testimony) 125 Appendix (if appropriate) Unit Achievement Record CU934 Produce Cold Starters and Salads Candidate declaration: All of the evidence presented is representative of my current performance, is valid and safe. Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ Assessor summative statement: Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ Internal verifier (if sampled) Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ 126 CU944 Produce Healthier Dishes Unit summary This unit is about preparing, cooking and finishing dishes which use healthier ingredients and healthier preparation, cooking and finishing techniques. Evidence requirements Unit CU944 Produce healthier dishes Learning outcome 1 Be able to produce healthier dishes The assessor must assess assessment criteria 1.1-1.4 by directly observing the candidate‟s work. The assessor may assess assessment criteria 1.5 and 1.6 through questioning or witness testimony if no naturally occurring evidence is available. What you must COVER for Learning outcome 1 There must be performance evidence, gathered through observing the candidate‟s work for: at least four from dish: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) meat/poultry fish vegetables/fruit eggs pasta/rice/grain/pulses soups/sauces pastry bread/dough sponges/cakes/biscuits/scones Evidence for the remaining points under „what you must cover‟ may be assessed through questioning or witness testimony. 127 Description of evidence or activity CU944 Date Produce Healthier Dishes Description of evidence/activity APP/Box number 128 Assessor signature IV initial Learning outcome 1: Be able to produce healthier dishes Assessment criteria 1.1 Check ingredients meet dish requirements obs 1.2 Prepare ingredients in a way that minimises fat, salt and sugar obs content and maximises fibre 1.3 Cook food in a way that maximises its nutritional value obs 1.4 Use flavourings that minimise the use of salt and sugar obs Present dishes in a way that is attractive to the customer 1.5 Allow customers to choose what sauces, dressing, toppings or condiments to add to the dish 1.6 The assessor may assess assessment criteria 1.5 and 1.6 through questioning or witness testimony if no naturally occurring evidence is available. What you must cover for Learning outcome 1 Dish C1 (obs at least 4) a meat/poultry b fish c vegetables/fruit d eggs e pasta/rice/grain/pulses f soups/sauces g pastry h bread/dough i sponges/cakes/biscuits/s cones 129 Learning outcome 2: Understand how to produce healthier dishes Assessment criteria 2.1 Describe the concept of a balanced diet and how this is important to good health 2.2 State the government‟s current guidelines for healthy eating 2.3 State the types and combinations of ingredients that make up a healthy dish 2.4 Describe the nutritional benefits of minimising the fat, sugar and salt content of dishes 2.5 Describe the nutritional benefits of starchy foods, fruits vegetables and pulses 2.6 Explain how to read and interpret food labelling 2.7 Describe how to select types, combinations and proportions of ingredients that will make a healthy dish 2.8 Describe what techniques can be used to prepare ingredients in a healthy way 2.9 Describe what techniques can be used to cook the dish in a way that maximises its nutritional value 2.10 State what healthier flavourings can be used to alternatives to salt and sugar 2.11 Explain why it is important to present healthier dishes to customers in an attractive way and how to do so 2.12 State why it is important to provide the customers with their choice of sauces, dressing, toppings and condiments 2.13 State appropriate alternative healthier types of sauces, dressings, toppings and condiments 130 Supplementary evidence for CU944 Provide evidence to cover any gaps: Assessment criteria reference Evidence (eg witness testimony) 131 Appendix (if appropriate) Unit Achievement Record CU944 Produce Healthier Dishes Candidate declaration: All of the evidence presented is representative of my current performance, is valid and safe. Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ Assessor summative statement: Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ Internal verifier (if sampled) Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ 132 CU954 Promote New Menu Items Unit summary This unit is about promoting menu items that have been recently introduced, and/or are being sold as part of a promotion. This includes using promotional materials such as tent cards and posters to display around the service area. The unit also reflects the competencies required to highlight new dishes that may appeal to the customer. The assessment of this unit is to be carried out in conjunction with the assessment guidance on page 29 of this support pack. Evidence requirements Unit CU954 Promote new menu items Learning outcomes Example Assessment Methods Examples of Evidence 1. Be able to promote menu items Observation Products of work Witness testimony Professional discussion Candidate statement Observation sheets Videos/photos Notes of meetings with line manager Maintenance records Team briefing notes Work schedules Witness assessment criteria Records of professional discussion 2. Understand the purpose of promotional activities Oral questions Written questions Reflective account Professional discussion Records of oral questioning Question/answer sheets Reflective account Records of professional discussion Cross reference to outcome 1 133 Description of evidence or activity CU954 Date Promote New Menu Items Description of evidence/activity APP/Box number 134 Assessor signature IV initial Learning outcome 1: Be able to promote new menu items Assessment criteria 1.1 Liaise with colleagues and senior staff to identify what food items are to be promoted 1.2 Obtain relevant promotional material 1.3 Assemble and display promotional material in a manner that makes it clear attractive to the customer 1.4 Ensure service areas are clean and set up correctly 1.5 Inform customers of new menu items in a helpful and clear manner 1.6 Answer questions regarding, flavour, ingredients and nature of the food item to customers in a helpful and clear manner 1.7 Refer to promotional material and displays to highlight features of menu items 1.8 Provide feedback regarding the impact of promotions to the appropriate people Learning outcome 2: Understand how to promote new menu items Assessment criteria 2.1 State why organisations use promotional activities 2.2 Describe the advantages and disadvantages of different types of promotional materials that can be used 2.3 State where promotional material can be obtained form and the organisational requirements for using it 2.4 State when promotional might commonly be used 2.5 Describe how food items can be promoted by staff when communicating with customers 2.6 State the key features that can be highlighted when describing new/promoted menu items to customers 2.7 State why it is important to know the ingredients contained within new/promoted menu items 2.8 State which customer groups that might not be attracted to new/promoted items and why 135 Supplementary evidence for CU954 Provide evidence to cover any gaps: Assessment criteria reference Evidence (eg witness testimony) 136 Appendix (if appropriate) Unit Achievement Record CU954 Promote New Menu Items Candidate declaration: All of the evidence presented is representative of my current performance, is valid and safe. Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ Assessor summative statement: Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ Internal verifier (if sampled) Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ 137 138 CU950 Set Up and Close Kitchen Unit summary This unit is about ensuring that all equipment is ready for kitchen operations. It also covers ensuring that common ingredients are ready for the cooking process. Finally it details the skills required to shut down the kitchen at the end of the shift. Evidence requirements Unit CU950 Set Up and Close Kitchen Learning outcome 1 Be able to prepare kitchen for food operations The assessor must assess assessment criteria 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.5 by directly observing the candidate‟s work. The assessor may assess assessment criteria 1.4 through questioning or witness testimony if no naturally occurring evidence is available. What you must COVER for Learning outcome 1 There must be performance evidence, gathered through observing the candidate‟s work for: at least two from tools a) knives b) utensils at least five from kitchen equipment a) oven/combination oven b) grill c) hob d) fryer e) microwave f) steamer g) fridge/freezer Evidence for the remaining points under „what you must cover‟ may be assessed through questioning or witness testimony. 139 Learning outcome 3 Be able to prepare food items ready for operations The assessor must assess assessment criteria 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 3.5 by directly observing the candidate‟s work. The assessor may assess assessment criteria 3.4 through questioning or witness testimony if no naturally occurring evidence is available. What you must COVER for Learning outcome 3 There must be performance evidence, gathered through observing the candidate‟s work for: at least one from establishment requirements a) number of customers b) menu requirements at least two from ingredients a) vegetables b) garnishes c) frozen products d) fresh high risk products at least two from prepare a) washing b) cutting c) defrosting d) weighing Evidence for the remaining points under „what you must cover‟ may be assessed through questioning or witness testimony. 140 Learning outcome 5 Be able to close kitchen after operations The assessor must assess assessment criteria 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 and 5.6 by directly observing the candidate‟s work. The assessor may assess assessment criteria 5.5 through questioning or witness testimony if no naturally occurring evidence is available. What you must COVER for Learning outcome 5 There must be performance evidence, gathered through observing the candidate‟s work for: at least two from tools a) knives b) utensils at least two from food storage equipment a) fridge b) freezer c) dry store/larder at least four from cooking equipment a) oven/combination oven b) grill c) hob d) fryer e) microwave f) steamer Evidence for the remaining points under „what you must cover‟ may be assessed through questioning or witness testimony. 141 Description of evidence or activity CU950 Date Set Up and Close Kitchen Description of evidence/activity APP/Box number 142 Assessor signature IV initial Learning outcome 1: Be able to prepare kitchen for food operations Assessment criteria 1.1 Prioritise work and carry it out in an efficient manner obs Check that food preparation and cooking tools and kitchen 1.2 obs equipment are clean, and of the right type and in working order 1.3 obs Turn on appropriate kitchen equipment at the correct time and to correct setting 1.4 Report any unhygienic or defective tools or kitchen equipment, or other problems to the proper person 1.5 obs Conduct work in line with legal requirements, workplace procedures and current legislation relating to hygienic and safe working practices when preparing the kitchen for food operation The assessor may assess assessment criteria 1.4 through questioning or witness testimony if no naturally occurring evidence is available. What you must cover for Learning outcome 1 Tools C1 Kitchen equipment (obs at least 2) C2 (obs at least 5) a knives a oven/combination oven b utensils b grill c hob d fryer e microwave f steamer g fridge/freezer Learning outcome 2: Understand how to prepare kitchen for food operations Assessment criteria 2.1 State why knives/utensils should be handled correctly 2.2 State why and to whom all incidents should be reported 2.3 Describe how to safely turn on different types of equipment 2.4 State why faulty equipment and maintenance requirements should be reported to the proper person 2.5 State why it is important to ensure all appropriate equipment is safely turned off 143 Learning outcome 3: Be able to prepare food items for operation and service Assessment criteria 3.1 Prepare work and carry it out in an efficient manner obs Ensure that there are sufficient ingredients in stock in line with 3.2 obs establishment requirements 3.3 obs Prepare ingredients to the organisational needs and quality requirements 3.4 Report any ingredients that are not prepared to the correct quantity or quality to the proper person Conduct work in line with legal requirements, workplace procedures and current legislation relating to hygienic and safe working practices when preparing food items ready for operations 3.5 obs The assessor may assess assessment criteria 3.4 through questioning or witness testimony if no naturally occurring evidence is available. What you must cover for Learning outcome 3 Establishment requirements C1 Ingredients (obs at least 1) C2 a number of customers a vegetables b menu requirements b garnishes c frozen products d fresh high risk products Prepare C3 (obs at least 2) (obs at least 2) a washing b cutting c defrosting d weighing 144 Learning outcome 4: Understand how to prepare food items for operation and service Assessment criteria 4.1 State why machinery should be cleared between tasks 4.2 State why it is important to monitor the temperature of kitchen storage equipment and areas 4.3 Describe the organisational menu requirements in terms of the type, quality and number of ingredients Learning outcome 5: Be able to close kitchen after operations Assessment criteria 5.1 Prioritise work and carry it out in an efficient manner obs Check that tools are cleaned and stored to organisational and legal 5.2 obs requirements 5.3 obs Check food storage equipment meets organisational and legal requirements for kitchen closure 5.4 obs Check that cooking equipment is turned off, unplugged and cleaned following manufacturer's and organisation's instructions 5.5 Report any un-cleaned tools, food storage or cooking equipment or problems to the appropriate person 5.6 obs Conduct work in line with legal requirements, workplace procedures and current legislation relating to hygienic and safe working practices when closing down the kitchen after operations The assessor may assess assessment criteria 5.5 through questioning or witness testimony if no naturally occurring evidence is available. What you must cover for Learning outcome 5 Tools C1 Food storage equipment (obs at least 2) C2 (obs at least 2) a knives a fridge b utensils b freezer c dry store/larder Cooking equipment C1 (obs at least 4) a oven/combination oven b grill c hob d fryer e microwave f steamer 145 Learning outcome 6: Understand how to close kitchen after operations Assessment criteria 6.1 State why tools and equipment should be cleaned and stored following use 6.2 Describe organisational and legal requirements for food storage equipment when kitchen is closed 6.3 State organisational and legal requirements for turning off, unplugging and cleaning cooking equipment following use 6.4 State who problems should be reported to 146 Supplementary evidence for CU950 Provide evidence to cover any gaps: Assessment criteria reference Evidence (eg witness testimony) 147 Appendix (if appropriate) Unit Achievement Record CU950 Set Up and Close Kitchen Candidate declaration: All of the evidence presented is representative of my current performance, is valid and safe. Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ Assessor summative statement: Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ Internal verifier (if sampled) Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ 148 CU958 Complete Kitchen Documentation Unit summary Successful assessment of the unit proves that the candidate has achieved the national occupational standard to complete kitchen documentation. Evidence requirements Unit CU958 Complete Kitchen Documentation Learning outcome 1 Be able to complete kitchen documentation The assessor must assess assessment criteria 1.1 and 1.2 by directly observing the candidate‟s work. The assessor may assess assessment criteria 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5 through questioning or witness testimony if no naturally occurring evidence is available. What you must COVER for Learning outcome 1 There must be performance evidence, gathered through observing the candidate‟s work for: at least two from relevant documents a) temperature charts b) food safety information c) accident report forms d) equipment fault reports e) stock usage reports Evidence for the remaining points under „what you must cover‟ may be assessed through questioning or witness testimony. 149 Description of evidence or activity CU958 Date Complete Kitchen Documentation Description of evidence/activity APP/Box number 150 Assessor signature IV initial Learning outcome 1: Be able to complete kitchen documentation Assessment criteria 1.1 obs Ensure sufficient relevant documents are available and when necessary, obtain extra copies 1.2 obs Complete relevant documents accurately and legibly to meet organisational requirements 1.3 Ensure relevant documents arrive with proper person within time required 1.4 Copy and file relevant documents in line with organisational requirements 1.5 Respond to queries about completion of relevant documents, within the boundaries of authority The assessor may assess assessment criteria 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5 through questioning or witness testimony if no naturally occurring evidence is available. What you must cover for Learning outcome 1 Relevant documents C1 (obs at least 2) a temperature charts b food safety information c accident report forms d equipment fault reports e stock usage reports 151 Learning outcome 2: Understand how to complete kitchen documentation Assessment criteria 2.1 State organisational documents that need to be completed 2.2 State why it is important to complete documentation 2.3 Describe how to complete particular documents 2.4 State where to obtain appropriate documents from 2.5 State when and where documentation is copied and kept 2.6 State who should be contacted when problems occur and explain why 2.7 Describe why kitchen documentation needs to remain confidential 2.8 Describe what information required by law within the kitchen is required to be noted and kept 2.9 State why it is important that information is accurate 2.10 State why it is important that documents are not fraudulently completed 152 Supplementary evidence for CU958 Provide evidence to cover any gaps: Assessment criteria reference Evidence (eg witness testimony) 153 Appendix (if appropriate) Unit Achievement Record CU958 Complete Kitchen Documentation Candidate declaration: All of the evidence presented is representative of my current performance, is valid and safe. Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ Assessor summative statement: Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ Internal verifier (if sampled) Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ 154 CU920 Employment Rights and Responsibilities in the Hospitality, Leisure, Travel and Tourism Sector Unit summary Successful assessment of the unit proves that the candidate has achieved the national occupational standard to understand employment rights and responsibilities. 155 Description of evidence or activity Unit CU920 Employment Rights and Responsibilities in the Hospitality, Leisure, Travel and Tourism Sector Date Description of evidence/activity APP/Box number 156 Assessor signature IV initial Learning outcome 1: Know employer and employee rights, responsibilities and own organisational procedures Assessment criteria 1.1 State employer and employee rights and responsibilities under employment law, including Disability Discrimination Act, Health and Safety and other relevant legislation 1.2 State the importance of having employment rights and responsibilities 1.3 Describe organisational procedures for health and safety, including documentation 1.4 Describe organisational procedures for equality and diversity, including documentation 1.5 Identify sources of information and advice on employment rights and responsibilities, including Access to Work and Additional Learning Support Learning outcome 2: Know factors that affect own organisation and occupation Assessment criteria 2.1 Describe the role played by own occupation within organisation and industry 2.2 Describe career pathways available to them 2.3 State types of representative body related to the industry, their main roles and responsibilities and their relevance to the industry 2.4 Identify sources of information and advice on own industry, occupation, training and career 2.5 Describe principles, policies and codes of practice used by own organisation and industry 2.6 Describe issues of public concern that affect own organisation and industry 157 Supplementary evidence for CU920 Provide evidence to cover any gaps: Assessment criteria reference Evidence (eg witness testimony) 158 Appendix (if appropriate) Unit Achievement Record CU920 Employment Rights and Responsibilities in the Hospitality, Leisure, Travel and Tourism Sector Candidate declaration: All of the evidence presented is representative of my current performance, is valid, reliable, sufficient and authentic. Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ Assessor summative statement: Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ Internal verifier (if sampled) Print name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ 159 EDI International House Siskin Parkway East Middlemarch Business Park Coventry CV3 4PE UK Tel. +44 (0) 8707 202909 Fax. +44 (0) 2476 516505 Email. [email protected] www.ediplc.com © Education Development International Plc 2009. All rights reserved. This publication in its entirety is the copyright of Education Development International Plc. Reproduction either in whole or in part is forbidden without the written permission from Education Development International Plc.
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