2) S125DL S100DL / S125DL ▪ General Specification Rated Voltage Current Weight DC12V 0.405A 0.92Kg DC24V 0.365A 0.92Kg AC110V 0.231A 1.31Kg AC220V 0.116A 1.31Kg Model OPERATING MANUAL LED Steady/Flashing Light with Phone S125DL Thank you for purchasing Q.Light product. Please read this manual carefully before installing this system Flashes Color 60-80/Min. Amber-A Red-R Green-G Blue-B ▪ External View Drawing for safe and long use of the product. ▪ Signal sound built-in product with long self-life of light source by employing high-brightness LED and possible to transmit both visual and auditory signal at same time. ▪ Excellent in diffusing signal light by employing unique direct-diffusion system. ▪ Possible to select “steady light” or “flashing light” by using built-in steady/flashing selection switch according to the purpose of use. ▪ Material : Lens-AS, Body-ABS, Reflector : Heat Resisting ABS ▪ Flashes(Flashing Type) : 60-80/Min. Main Built-in Sound CH 5 Warning Sounds ch1 ch2 ch3 ch4 ch5 Fire A-ANG(Wail) Emergency WA-U(Yelp) Ambulance PI-PO(High-Low) Machinery Fault( PI-PI-PI-) Foam Release Alarm(PI~ Continuous) 105dB WM 5 Melodies ch1 ch2 ch3 ch4 ch5 Sweet Home For Elise Cuckoo’s Waltz Piano Sonata Turkish March 105dB WA 5 Alarms ch1 ch2 ch3 ch4 ch5 Beep(Intermittent) Door Chime Phone Ring Machinery Fault(PI.PI.PI.PI.) Tripping Bead Sound 103dB ch1 Reproduction of Voice Recording ch2 3 Channels ch3 95dB Type ▪ Volume : Max. 105 dB/1m ▪ Protection Class : IP54 ▪ Each model has 5 sound tones built-in. Select a suitable sound tone for the purpose of use WS 1) S100DL ▪ General Specification Model Rated Voltage Current Weight DC12V 0.331A 0.91Kg DC24V 0.340A 0.91Kg AC110V 0.219A 1.30Kg AC220V 0.113A 1.30Kg S100DL Flashes Color 60-80/Min. Amber-A Red-R Green-G Blue-B WV 3 Voice Signals Volume Sound Tone ▪ External View Drawing Power line and signal line come out from the product. Please refer to below wiring diagram for correct connection of power supply and signal line. ▸ Power Line : UL1015-NO.16(1.25sq) x 2C 400mm ▪ In case of product using AC voltage : Connect the line without polarity(wire color). ▪ In case of product using DC voltage : Black line is negative(-). ▸ Signal Line : UL1007-NO.22(0.3sq) 400mm 1) Lens Removal Remove lens by turning it counterclockwise and make sure steady/flashing selection switch on assembling board. 2) Selecting Steady/Flashing Type Choose steady light or flashing light by using Steady/Flashing selection switch(1). “L” mode of the switch is steady type and “LF” mode is flashing type. 3) Lens Assembling Assemble the product in reverse order of separating. ▪ This product was manufactured with the structure for indoor use. Installing in any direction is okay for indoor use. ▪ Outdoor use is limited at a place where no water or very little water percolates. Mounting also should be done only with vertical standing shape. ▪ Mount at the place where exists low vibration, low impact, low moisture and low dust as long as possible. ▪ Refer to below information and drill necessary mounting holes on profitable part of the product. (Make sure PCD from external view drawing.) ▪ Fix the product by using nuts(M5-3EA) originally equipped on mounting bolt on bottom of the product. ▪ If using voltage is seriously higher or lower than rated voltage, it can reduce the self-life of the product or can cause a problem on product operating. Make sure the using voltage does not exceed +/- 5% of the rated voltage. ▪ If lens or body of the product is contaminated by chemicals such as thinner, benzene, the product can be damaged, discolored or deformed. Please be careful. ▪ Do not give strong impact to the product. It can be a reason of wire disconnection or short circuit. ▪ Do not strongly pull the wire out from the product. It can cause a disorder. ▪ In case of product using AC voltage, do not allow power This product has a built-in switch(1) on assembling board for steady/flasing selection. Refer to following drawing and explanation for right operating. 1) Lens Removal Remove lens by turning it counterclockwise and make sure related parts on assembling board. supply either to common line or to signal line. ▪ Do not allow power to signal line. Must use contact point which has no power supply. Situation Non- Lighting Partly Abnormal Higher Sound Output Feeble Lighting Bad Sound Quality Lighting but Non-Flashing Double Sound Tone Main Cause LED is Partly Damaged Supplying Higher Voltage than Rated Voltage Supplyinhg Voltage Higher Than Rated Voltage Supplyinhg Voltage Lower Than Rated Voltage Wrong Operating L/LF Selection Switch Problem L/LF Selection Switch Short Circuit of Sound Tone Signal Line Error on Sound Tone Selection Switch Making Sure Using Voltage Convert L/LF Selection Switch Contact Q.Light or Their Agent Making Sure Wiring Contact Q.Light or Their Agent Wrong Wiring Making Sure Wiring Problem with Horn Contact Q.Light or Their Agent No power Supply Making Sure Power Supply Wrong Wiring Making Sure Wiring No Sound No Lighting/Flashing No Sound Solution Q-LIGHT CO., LTD. http://www.qlightkr.com E-mail : [email protected] Seoul Office (Domestic Sales & A/S) Tel) 02-2679-6152 Ansung BD A-312, 410-13 Sindorim-Dong, Guro-Gu, Seoul Overseas Marketing Team / Plant Tel) 055-328-4082 Fax) 055-328-4083 Plant #1 : 178-1 Woogye-Ri, Sangdong-Myun, Kimhae-Si, KyungNam, Korea Plant #2 : 417-1 Geumsa-Dong, Geumjung-Gu, Busan
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