PARISH VISITOR Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Great Falls, MT Permit No. 424 OUR SAVIOR’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Great Falls MT February 2015 From Pastor Anna: Ah, February….the month of love. Yes, since Valentine's Day comes mid-month, there is opportunity to be sure and tell that special someone how much you love them. It seems to me every day could be an opportunity to do that, but all those red hearts, candy and cards make for a nice transition from the reds and greens of Christmas. In the Lenten Season, we focus on ways God calls us to respond as Christians prayer, selfless giving, and fasting from what keeps us away from God. These are known as the disciplines of Lent. Some give up something for Lent (chocolate, soda, television, etc.), while others add something (additional times of worship, additional offerings, special devotions). You are invited to Our Savior's Lenten Worship Services and Soup Suppers. These will begin on Wednesday, February 18th, with a Soup Supper at 6:00 pm and Ash Wednesday Worship with Holy Communion at 7:00 pm. The following weeks will also include Soup Supper at 6:00 pm and Holden Evening Prayer at 7:00 pm, with a Round Robin of pastors and Lay Leaders rotating between several churches. I will be at Our Savior's on Ash Wednesday. Those sharing the message the following Wednesdays are: February 25th - Father Tim Ljunggren of Incarnation Episcopal Church March 4th – Rev. Barb Gwynn of First English Lutheran Church March 11th – Rev. Tammy Bull of New Hope Lutheran Church March 18th – Rev. Marty Dreyer of Redeemer Lutheran Church March 25th – Jodie Tooley, LPA of New Hope Lutheran Church ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED 1326 First Avenue North Great Falls, Montana 59401 OUR SAVIOR’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Ok, I may sound a tad syndical about Valentine's Day, because there is another "holiday" beginning in February this year that focuses on perfect love - God's love. It is the season known as Lent. It begins on February 18th, Ash Wednesday, and for forty plus days the church takes time to prepare to celebrate the most precious demonstration of God's love for us – Jesus' death and resurrection. Plan now to include these special times of worship in your Lenten journey. 12 Blessings. # COUNCIL PRESIDENTS MESSAGE This message is being written on the evening of the 25th of January. Today our congregation held its Annual Meeting. The meeting opened with devotions by Pastor Anna, reports were given, elections were held, and a budget was presented and adopted. The meeting was short (maybe a record!). Results of the election are: Council first term for 3 years --Billy Jo Gee and Wende Curry Council second term for 3 years -- Bob Fox and Harold Spilde Memorial Committee first term for 3 years – David Hansen Endowment Committee first term for 3 years – Jan Dahle Memorial Garden Committee – 3 year term 1st term –Darla Dillabough - 2nd term –Jerry Ramstead Nominations committee – Kathy Maynard, Judy Ericksen, Norbert Johnson. Following the Annual Meeting there was a short council meeting for the purpose of electing officers for 2015. President – Gloria Johnson Vice President – Mike Kunka Secretary – Stacey Hansen. These 3 plus Immediate Past President Harold Spilde comprise the Executive/Personnel Committee Soon we will have a new directory. Thanks to Audrey Parkinson for organizing that gigantic job. We have some new people on council and committees. Thanks to all who have responded with a “yes”. My prayer for 2015 is that we move forward in the faith that great things are in store for Our Savior’s as we respond to the call to serve. Let’s look for opportunities to serve as we celebrate our 125th year as a congregation. If you have suggestions or questions or concerns or if you are looking for a place to serve, please feel free to contact me. God bless. Gloria Johnson 2 Our Savior’s Lutheran CONTACT INFORMATION Church Secretary, Sally Morss [email protected] Pastor Anna Merritt [email protected] Telephone: 727-4304 FAX number: 727-4331 Web Site: Office Hours: Monday through Friday 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM STAFF Anna Merritt Sally Morss Harlan Orham Ellen Forslund Terry Lee Pastor (H - 836-7464) Financial Secretary Treasurer Worship & Music Director Custodian COUNCIL Gloria Johnson Mike Kunka Stacey Hansen Mike McCoy Fred Martens Bob Fox Holly Molyneaux Billy Jo Gee Harold Spilde Wende Curry Linda Lassila 453-3764 452-1663 453-1444 868-2651 268-1431 453-2989 727-6884 750-2214 761-5009 750-5004 452-0565 11 President Vice-President Secretary YOU MAY BE WONDERING??? FEBRUARY SERVICE GROUP Tom Jacobson Gloria Johnson *Nobby/Betty Johnson Jan Kallestad Roy/Suzanne Kirby Tim Kirkegaard Gene/Bonnie Knight Dayton/Polly Kolstad Kay Krezelok Mike/Jenny Kunka Bob/Bernice Laird Jeff LaRock Daryl/Linda Lassila * name is the months coordinator BLESSINGS TO ALL WHO ARE CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS IN FEBRUARY!! If we have missed anyone’s birthday, please call the Church Office. Wendy Fiske 2/1 Phil Hogenson 2/2 Greg McMann Wende Curry Cara Myers 2/3 Amanda Harvey 2/4 Don Marberg 2/5 Adam Vanni Lindy Eberl 2/6 Janet Vestre Anelise Carroll Dale Stoverud 2/9 Taylor Curry Christyl Myers 2/11 George Holm 2/12 Tavia Bangen Samone Tessmer Kerrie Ramstead 2/14 William Tanner Turville Karen Andersen Gary Bjelland Kailey Rush Trenton Cross Susan Bueling Pat Onstad Dorothy Mullins Kates Senn Jeff LaRock Dusty Molyneaux Pat Tessmer Ann Buen Jim Hill River Hanson Marissa Amato Blanche Westfall Cory Reeves Dave Dowson Brooke Hanson 10 2/15 2/17 2/18 2/19 2/21 2/22 2/24 2/26 2/27 2/29 Apostles' Creed vs Nicene Creed: For several weeks after I arrived, the Nicene Creed was used during worship. Was that just my preference, or was there another reason? The Nicene Creed is appropriate for use during special times of the church year: festival days (such as Christmas Day and Baptism of Our Lord Sunday) and special seasons (such as Advent, Christmas, and Easter). The Apostles' Creed is used at other times. With my arriving just before Advent began, the Nicene Creed received a good amount of use. The Lord's Prayer: Which version to use? Do we say trespasses or sins, temptations or trials, our Father in heaven or who art in heaven, and why the differences anyway? Perhaps the better question is not why the differences, but what is the prayer's intent? Based on the conversation surrounding it in the gospels, the Lord's Prayer may not have been intended to be memorized and recited as such. It was meant more to be an outline for how to pray. After all, it follows a particular pattern of: Acknowledging who God is - as Father or Leader or Creator the One first in our lives and to be revered, honored, hallowed, respected as such. Acknowledging we desire God's kingdom or reign to be supreme, not only in our lives but in the world. Realizing where everything we need comes from, and asking that God provide (with the trust that God will do so). Asking for the forgiveness we so desperately need, and that we would be just as forgiving of others. Asking that we would be spared from the evils of this world and moved to veer from them. Lastly, an ending of honor and respect once again for God and God's kingdom, power and glory. With all that said, we realize the Lord's Prayer has become a prayer itself, memorized and spoken often. But to add to the mix, there have been different ecumenical translations formulated and preferences have developed over which to use, sometimes creating confusion as we pray. It is not mandatory we all pray the same words (perhaps the most beautiful time of my hearing the prayer spoken was in a setting where all different types of languages were spoken at the same time. While it sounded somewhat chaotic, it was deeply moving to hear the 3 Continue pg. 4 differences while knowing we were all praying the same thing to the same God.). I do believe, however, it is important we learn more than one translation. Therefore, the plan is to use both translations from the ELW during different times of the church year, which will be indicated in the bulletins based on how the prayer begins. ATTENTION ALL KNITTERS OR CROCHETERS Because of generous contributions from WELCA and Thrivent, we have a new supply of yarn for making prayer shawls. The yarn and instructions are available in the office. Thank you, WELCA and Thrivent. As always, if you have questions, thoughts, concerns or ideas, about these "wonderings," or any others, my door is open and I am available (including by phone at 836-7464). Pastor Anna ----MEANS OF GRACE STUDY THE BOOK CLUB will meet at Cynthia Thomas’ home February 23rd at 6:30 PM The book to be discussed will be “Down the Long Hills” by Louis L’Amour On Sundays, February 8 and 15, from 3:00 pm - 4:15 pm, Pastor Anna will be leading a conversation about the Means of Grace, specifically focused on Holy Communion. The intent of this conversation is to provide an opportunity for questions and learning about this important sacrament. Hope you will join the conversation. ----- COPIES OF THE ANNUAL REPORT ARE AVAILABLE IN THE CHURCH OFFICE! INTERESTED IN BECOMING A MEMBER OF OUR SAVIOR'S? OUR SAVIOR’S LUTHERAN CHURCH FINANCIAL REPORT Pastor Anna would like to talk with you. Please contact her at the office (727-4304) or feel free to call her at home (836-7464). ----- December 2014 Beginning Balance HAVE YOU NOTICED A WHITE BOARD UNDER THE ALARM KEYPAD AT THE ALLEY DOOR? It is wonderful that folks often come and go from the building at Our Savior's. It is good that the facility is utilized and that life permeates the walls, no matter the hour. Yet, it can be a challenge when leaving to make sure someone else is not in the building so that the alarm can be set. Hence, the idea for the whiteboard. If you are in the building after the regular office hours of 9-12 and 1-4 weekdays, please put your name, date and the time you arrive on the whiteboard. Then, once you prepare to leave, just erase your name. This will indicate to someone else arriving that you are in the building, or to someone leaving, that you are still there. Thank you for your help with this communication tool. 4 YEAR TO DATE 2014 -18,620.95 Beginning Balance 0 Deposits 43,859.50 Income YTD 200,759.31 Disbursements 24,790.54 Expenses YTD 200,311.30 0 Transfers YTD 0 448.01 Ending Balance 448.01 Transfers Ending Balance The goal of our stewardship ministry is to help God’s people grow in their relationship with Jesus through the use of the time, talents, and finances God has entrusted to them. 9 HOPE, HELP, and HEALING Plus CareNotes booklets offer comfort, strength and healing for those who are hurting. Check the display cases in the narthex and Lunde Hall. Booklets on Aging/Long Term Care, Cancer Care, Counseling, Health Care, Hospice Care and Spirit Care have been added to those on Bereavement Care. Share a CareNote! Do You Want to Share Information About What Lutherans Believe, About the Sacraments or Stewardship? FaithGuides on these subjects are also available in the display cases and the wire rack in Lunde Hall Refresh your memory of what you learned in confirmation classes! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ YOUNG AT HEART In the spirit of Valentine’s Day this month, Young at Heart will focus on Heart Health and the newest medical breakthroughs in dealing with heart issues. Our Mystery Guest will offer exciting information and helpful ideas for us all to incorporate into our daily routines. Bring a dish to share, your own table service, and a friend to Lunde Hall, February 16, noon. THE FAMILY PROMISE SHOWER was a big success with quilts, towels, washcloths, blankets, lamps, sheets, clock radio, rug, afghans, pillows, etc. gifted to this new ministry. Donations for 2 smoke alarms were also received as well as household items for Opening Doors, an after care program for people leaving jail or prison. Thanks to Pat Orham who organized it and to Thrivent for the grant she received to benefit Family Promise. And THANKS TO ALL WHO CAME OR WHO GAVE GIFTS FOR THIS FUN EVENT! You/we are generous God-people. Plan ahead! Lenten Brunch Save the Date: Lenten Brunch, 10:30 a.m., March 28 at Heritage Inn 8 5 WELCA Thank you to everyone who helped make the Christmas Tea a successful event on December 6. A fine time was had by over 50 people attending. Thanks to Marillyn Thomas for being MC; Pastor Anna for reading the Christmas Story; Cynthia Thomas for reading A Cup of Christmas Tea; Olivia Vanni and Kelli McDowell for providing special music; Jan Nerem for providing piano accompaniment; to all of the ladies who decorated tables; to everyone who helped with decorating Lunde Hall; to everyone who helped put up lights and set up trees; to the men who helped with cleanup after the Tea. (And, thanks to all of you who helped take down the Christmas decorations.) The Annual Distribution of Funds was presented by Treasurer, Renate Weldele, with $100 to each of the following-Great Falls Mercy Home, Great Falls Receiving Home, Lutheran Social Services, Flathead Bible Camp, FISH, Kogudus, St. Ann’s Soup Kitchen, Boys and Girls Club, Northern Rockies Institute of Theology, Women’s Prison Billings -Chapel of Hope, Katie’s Fund and the Synod House; $50 each to Great Falls Rescue Mission and for Prayer Shawls; $250 to Our Savior’s General Fund; $200 to Helping Hands. The WELCA Regular Board Meeting date has been changed to the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 1:15 p.m. The next meeting will be February 11. Bible Study for Circle Leaders will be Tuesday, February 24. “THANK YOU” NOTES Thank you to OSLC for your continued support of Helping Hands at 1st English. You are appreciated. We hope your year goes well. Michelle Dear OSLC Members, Thank you so much for the Care Package this semester. It helped make finals week a little more tolerable and is always a good reminder of the love and support I have back at home. I hope all is well with you and I look forward to seeing you soon! Thanks again! Sincerely, Jim Allen 6 IT'S COMING!!!! The largest rummage sale in the world (at least the largest at 1326 1stAve N) is coming this summer!!! Start saving NOW!! Do you need to pare down, need some more space, have items that you no longer use, or just have too much STUFF?? Then your answer is to get it to the Our Savior's Lutheran Church rummage sale which will be held on June 13, 2015. The profits from the rummage sale will go to the fund for buying Christmas gifts for the Pre-release Center residents. The sale is again sponsored by the Human Concerns Committee. Information on where to bring the items or if you need pick-up will be available in the next few months. NEW SUNDAY SCHOOL DURING LENT! FAITH REPORTERS COMING FEB. 22 – MARCH 15 During Lent instead of regular Sunday School, the Our Savior’s Youth will stay in church until the service ends. Then, they will pick up their pens and their reporter notebooks to interview church members. Our youth want to find out: What Sunday School was like when you were young? Why you come to church? What is your favorite Bible Verse? They want to learn about your faith. They are ready to take notes on why church is important to you. Please sign up to be interviewed and be part of this intergenerational time of learning with the youth. *Details: The interviews will take place for no more than half an hour after church. (Feel free to get some coffee first.) The students will be waiting in the Sunshine Room upstairs. You will sign up for only one Sunday. **Parents take note that the Sunday School takes place after church for half an hour. MARCH 22 – YOUTH WILL MEET TO TALK ABOUT WHAT THEY LEARNED FROM THE ADULTS MARCH 29 – PASTOR ANNA WILL TALK TO THE CHILDREN ABOUT HOLY WEEK (ADULTS ARE WELCOME!) 7
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