Briefing on Inflation Report 2015-I Erdem BAŞÇI Governor 27 January 2015 Ankara Inflation Report: Main Sections Overview International Economic Developments Inflation Developments Supply and Demand Developments Financial Markets and Financial Intermediation Public Finance Medium Term Projections 2 Inflation Report: Boxes Effects of Crude Oil Prices on Consumer Prices Relationship Between International and Domestic Grain Prices Role of Base Effects on Consumer Prices in 2015 Liability Dollarization and Growth Performance of Non-Financial Firms in Turkey Macroeconomic Effects of International Energy Prices Interest Payments on Required Reserves Sources of Revisions to end-2014 Inflation Forecasts 3 Portfolio Flows and Risk Premium Portfolio Flows to Emerging Economies CDS for Emerging Economies and Turkey (4-Week Moving Average, Billion USD) (Basis points) and Currency Volatility Index (JPMVXYEM) (Percent) Turkey Equity Funds Bond Funds Emerging Economies* 13 300 6 12 275 275 4 11 250 250 225 225 8 200 200 7 175 175 150 150 125 125 100 100 8 JPMVXYEM (right axis) 300 Selected Economies Average** 10 2 9 0 -2 -4 Source: EPFR, Bloomberg. 1114 0914 0714 0514 0314 0114 1113 0913 0713 0513 0313 1014 0714 0414 0114 1013 0713 3 0413 -10 0113 4 1012 -8 0712 5 0412 -6 0113 6 *Brazil, Czech Rep., Indonesia, S. Africa, Colombia, Hungary, Mexico, Poland, Romania ve Chile. ** Brazil, Indonesia, and S.Africa. Source: Bloomberg Recently, risk premia and portfolio flows to emerging market economies followed a volatile course . 4 Monetary Policy and Financial Conditions 5 Monetary Policy CBRT Rates and BIST Interbank O/N Repo Rates CBRT Funding* (Percent) (2-Week Moving Average, Billion TL) Interest Rate Corridor CBRT Average Fund Rate ( 5 day MA) BIST Overnight Rates (5 day MA) 1 Week Repo Rate Marginal Funding ON Funding One Week Repo 1 Month Repo Reverse Repo at the BIST and Interbank Money Market Net Open Market Operations 60 13 13 50 11 11 40 40 9 9 30 30 7 7 20 20 5 5 10 10 3 3 0 0 1 1 -10 Source: BIST, CBRT. 60 50 0115 1114 0914 0714 0514 0314 0114 1113 0913 0713 0513 0313 -10 0113 0711 0911 1111 0112 0312 0512 0712 0912 1112 0113 0313 0513 0713 0913 1113 0114 0314 0514 0714 0914 1114 0115 15 15 *Marginal funding is O/N funding quoted at the upper limit of the corridor. Source: BIST, CBRT. Due to favorable developments regarding inflation outlook, CBRT decided on a measured cut in the one week repo rate in January. 6 Monetary Conditions Yield Curve (Percent) (Percent) 5 Year-BIST O/N Interest differential 5-year Market Rate BIST Interbank Market O/N Rates (5 Day MA) CBRT Average Funding Rate 3 November-23 January Average 2-23 January Average 8 8 8.5 8.5 6 6 8.0 8.0 4 4 2 2 7.5 7.5 0 0 7.0 7.0 -2 -2 6.5 6.5 -4 -4 6.0 6.0 10.00 9.0 9.00 9.0 8.00 10 7.00 10 5.00 9.5 4.00 9.5 3.00 12 2.00 12 1.00 10.0 0.50 10.0 0.25 14 0511 0711 0911 1111 0112 0312 0512 0712 0912 1112 0113 0313 0513 0713 0913 1113 0114 0314 0514 0714 0914 1114 0115 14 Money Market and CBRT Funding Rates Maturity (Year) Source: BIST, CBRT. Shaded region denotes the range of yields at each maturity between 3 November-23 January. Source: Bloomberg. Tight monetary policy stance is maintained by keeping the yield curve flat. 7 Financial Stability Commercial Loan Growth Consumer Loan Growth (13-Week Moving Average, Adjusted for Exchange Rate, Annualized, Percent) (13-Week Moving Average, Annualized, Percent) 2014 2014 2007-2013 Average 2007-2013 Average 10 10 10 10 5 5 5 5 0 0 0 0 Source: CBRT 12 15 11 15 10 15 09 15 08 20 07 20 06 20 05 20 04 25 03 25 02 25 01 25 12 30 11 30 10 30 09 30 08 35 07 35 06 35 05 35 04 40 03 40 02 40 01 40 Source: CBRT. Commercial loans grow at a faster pace than consumer loans. 8 Macroeconomic Developments and Main Assumptions 9 October Inflation Report Forecasts and Realizations October Inflation Forecasts and Realizations Excluding Unprocessed Food and Tobacco October Inflation Forecasts and Realizations (Percent) (Percent) October 2014 Forecasts* October 2014 Forecasts* Actual Inflation Actual Inflation 9 9 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 1214 11 0914 9 0614 9 0314 10 Percent 10 1214 10 0914 10 0614 11 0314 11 Percent 11 * Shaded region indicates the 70 percent confidence interval for the forecast. Source: TURKSTAT, CBRT. At the end of 2014, inflation was realized lower than October Inflation Report forecast. 10 Inflation Core Inflation Indicators SCA-H and SCA-I Oil Prices (USD/Barrel) and Energy Inflation (Seasonally Adjusted, Annualized 3 Month Average Percent Change) (Annual Percentage Change) H 17 I 17 15 15 13 13 18 Energy Inflation 16 Oil Prices (right axis) 140 120 14 12 100 10 11 11 8 80 9 9 6 4 7 7 5 5 3 3 60 2 40 -2 0115 1014 0714 0414 0114 1013 0713 0413 0113 1012 0712 20 0412 -4 0112 1014 0714 0414 0114 1013 0713 0413 0113 1012 0712 0412 0112 0 Source: TURKSTAT, CBRT. Thanks to the positive effects of tight monetary policy stance and macro prudential measures, trend of core inflation indicators improved significantly. 11 Aggregate Demand Developments Contribution to Annual Growth from Production Side GDP and Final Domestic Demand (Seasonally Adjusted, Billion TL, 1998 Prices) GDP Final Domestic Demand 32 30 30 28 28 26 26 24 24 Millions 32 (Percantage Point) 8 7 Net Tax Agriculture Construction Industry Services GDP 8 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 -1 22 22 1234123412341234123412341234123 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Source: TURKSTAT, CBRT. -1 4 1 2 3 2012 4 1 2 3 2013 4 1 2 3 2014 14 Source: TURKSTAT, CBRT. After first quarter of 2014, there was some deceleration in growth rates. 12 External Balance Export and Import Current Account Balance (Yearly Change, 6-Month Average) (12-Month Cumulative, Billion USD) 10 0 0 -10 -20 -20 -30 -30 -40 -40 0108 0508 0908 0109 0509 0909 0110 0510 0910 0111 0511 0911 0112 0512 0912 0113 0513 0913 0114 0514 0914 -10 -30 -30 -50 -50 -70 -70 -90 -90 1114 10 0514 20 -10 1113 20 -10 0513 30 10 1112 30 30 10 0512 40 1111 40 0511 50 1110 50 30 0510 60 1109 Import (excluding gold) 0509 60 CAB CAB (excluding gold) CAB (excluding energy and gold) 1108 Export (excluding gold) Source: TURKSTAT, CBRT. Despite the weak external demand, macroprudential measures and declining oil prices support the improvement in current account balance. 13 Oil and Import Prices Oil Prices* Import Prices* (USD/barrel) (USD, 2010=100) 120 100 90 90 80 80 70 70 Realization 105 100 100 Realization 95 90 90 1212 95 0612 1215 0615 1214 0614 1213 0613 40 1212 40 0612 50 1211 105 60 50 * Shaded area indicates the forecast horizon. Source: Bloomberg, CBRT. 110 1211 60 110 1215 100 115 0615 110 October 2014 115 1214 110 120 January 2015 0614 October 2014 120 120 1213 130 0613 January 2015 130 * Shaded area indicates the forecast horizon. Source: TURKSTAT, CBRT. In the fourth quarter of the year, outlook of oil and import prices remained significantly below the path envisaged in the October Inflation Report. 14 Monetary Policy Stance Medium-term forecasts are based on the framework that a cautious approach will be adopted to make the improvement in inflation outlook permanent and the tight monetary policy stance will be maintained by keeping the yield curve flat. It is assessed that the annual loan growth rate will continue to hover around the recent reasonable levels in 2015, also thanks to the macroprudential measures. 15 Inflation Outlook Inflation and Output gap Forecasts 12 Forecast Range* Uncertainty Band Year-End Inflation Targets Output Gap 10 Accordingly, inflation is expected to 12 10 Control Horizon 1217 0917 0617 0317 1216 -4 0916 -4 0616 -2 0316 -2 1215 0 0915 0 0615 2 0315 2 1214 4 0914 4 0614 6 0314 6 1213 8 Percent 8 be between 4.1 % and 6.9 % (mid-point of 5.5 %) by the end of 2015, be between 3.2 % and 6.8 % (mid-point of 5 %) by the end of 2016, stabilize at 5 % in the medium term with 70 percent probability. *Shaded region indicates the 70 percent confidence interval for the forecast. 16 Briefing on Inflation Report 2015-I Erdem BAŞÇI Governor 27 January 2015 Ankara
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