This free sample provided by CIMC 800.654.4502 Practical Nursing Series: Pediatric Nursing Pediatric Nursing builds on the concepts and skills for previous courses. This full-color curriculum focuses on nursing for the pediatric patient including: growth and development; health promotion; care of the hospitalized pediatric patient; care of the infant, toddler, preschool child, school-age child, and adolescent. Pediatric Nursing is designed to teach the nursing student focused nursing skills and the ability to apply their knowledge to prepare for the NCLEX-PN. A test bank CD is also available. Modules include: Growth and Development of the Pediatric Patient Health Promotion of the Pediatric Patient Care of the Infant Care of the Toddler Care of the Preschool Child Care of the School-Age Child Care of the Adolescent Care of the Hospitalized Pediatric Patient Practical Nursing: Pediatric Nursing 2015 Teacher Edition: HO1302 Student Workbook: HO3302 Test Bank CD: HO8302 To order, call 800.654.4502 or visit Copyright 2015 Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education MODULE 4 CARE OF THE TODDLER Free Sample Provided by CIMC 800.654.4502 T oddlers have limited judgment skills yet fierce determination for autonomy and demand attention. Toddlers, who tend to be egocentric and ritualistic, are often upset with changes in routine and control. The nurse must be ready to care for toddlers with special knowledge about their developmental characteristics while using the nursing process for diseases and disorders, which occur commonly in this developmental period. i Review the Learning Objectives with the students. Look ahead to the Learning Activities in this module and plan to introduce them. LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Discuss the special nursing considerations for a child with autism. 2. Identify care for a toddler who has experienced an accidental poisoning. 3. Relate diagnostic tests and surgical procedures to the nursing care for the toddler with common diseases/disorders. 4. Evaluate pharmacological effects of medications used to treat the toddler with common diseases/disorders. 5. Discuss the nursing care for a toddler with common diseases/disorders. 6. Describe teaching needs for a family with a toddler with common diseases/ disorders. Common Diseases and Disorders •Wilms’Tumor •Pneumonia •Pinworms •Fractures •Deafness •Dislocations •Croup •CerebralPalsy •Epiglottitis •HeadInjuries •Bronchitis Free Sample Provided by CIMC 800.654.4502 2 2 C I M C • P E D I AT R I C N U R S I N G C I M C • P E D I AT R I C N U R S I N G L E A R N I N G O B J E C T I V E O bj ect i v e Discuss the special nursing considerations for a child with autism. A common disorder seen in toddlers is autism. This is a developmental disorder which has several different signs and symptoms. These specific types of autism are referred to as autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). A toddler with autism will exhibit: • Impairedsocialinteraction • I nabilitytocommunicatebothverballyandnonverbally • Repetitiveorunusualactivities • Unusualinterests The latest statistic is showing that males are diagnosed four times more often than females, and about three to six children out of every 1000 have symptoms of autism. The first signs of autism may be the unresponsiveness to eye contact and lack of interaction with parents. The child appears withdrawn and social skills are often late in developing or will not develop at all. Often the child will have repetitive movements such as rocking and twirling. The child will not accept comforting or cuddling, which may be due to an abnormal sensitivity to sound, touch or other stimuli. learning w ww link The child appears different than other children, not in physical appearance, but in social interaction. Autism Fact Sheet – National Institute of Neurological Disorders autism/detail_autism.htm Since there is no cure for this condition, nursing care and medical treatment have long range implications. The child’s condition is often treated by supporting the symptoms such as administration of antidepressant medication to deal with anxiety, depression or obsessive-compulsive disorders. Other medications used for attention deficit disorders are used to decrease hyperactivity and impulsivity. Autism Speaks Nursing care must be directed toward support of the child and family in living with the disorder and the many associated symptoms. Class Discussions • Discuss the characteristics of autism and the longterm prognosis for children diagnosed with this disorder. • Discuss the role of the nurse in providing access to resources to assist the parents of the child with autism. Free Sample Provided by CIMC 800.654.4502 MODULE 4 • CARE OF THE TODDLER • STUDENT EDITION 3 Additional Learning Activity In small groups, have students identify home or inpatient interventions for the following scenario and share their findings with the class. • An 11-year-old child is diagnosed with autism. The child’s father has abandoned the mother, and the mother is becoming overwhelmed with the child’s care. The child is very resistant to change, and the absence of his father in his daily rituals has resulted in repeated, violent tantrums. He is under sensitive to pain and does not appear to have a concept of danger to himself or others. Finally, he does not like to be touched. MODULE 4 • CARE OF THE TODDLER • TEACHER EDITION 3 Learning Activity Answers LEARNING ACTIVITY Answers will vary. 1 NAME Introduction Observations can play a vital role in how the nurse cares for the patient with autism. The nurse must be able to care for this type of patient with caring and understanding. Activity Visit the Autism Speaks website ( and view the video clips of behaviors of children with autism. 1. During the video, list all of the signs of autism that are noticeable. Next to each sign, identify what would be a normal characteristic for a child of similar age. 2. From a nursing care plan book, list the nursing diagnosis that would be appropriate for this child. 3. Then list the nursing interventions that the nurse would suggest be added to a care plan for this child, should the child get a severe sinus infection. 4. What activities should the nurse do to support the family during the time the child is experiencing this infection? Application Share your results and compare with a classmate or the facilitator. Discuss why their results are different from yours. What changes would you make to your identified results and why? Free Sample Provided by CIMC 800.654.4502 4 4 C I M C • P E D I AT R I C N U R S I N G C I M C • P E D I AT R I C N U R S I N G L E A R N I N G O B J E C T I V E O bj ect i v e Identifycareforatoddlerwho has experienced an accidental poisoning. I D E N T I F I C AT I O N O F POISONING Accidental poisonings occur frequently in toddlers because of their natural curiosity and exploration. Lacking the capacity to appreciate danger or hazards, they may eat or drink anything that is near which may include toxic substances. More than 90% of poisonings occur in the home. Frequently ingested substances include medications, cosmetic and personal care products, plants and cleaning products. Parents and caregivers must be alert to signs of poisoning. The child can be very quiet or crying loudly after ingestingapoisonoussubstance.Iftheamountoftoxins is small the child may not show signs of swallowing a poison. Caution parents and caregivers to always do a walk through of a home, if visiting, and store chemicals out of reach of toddlers. Signs and symptoms of poisoning will manifest according to the ingested toxin. Common signs and symptoms may be the only indicator of a poisoning. The nurse must be alert to these signs in order to care for the patient properly. Rememberthatthetoxinmaybeunknown. Class Discussions The universal phone number for PCC is 1-800-2221222. This center will direct parents on the correct action to take regarding the specific substance that the child has ingested. The nurse should tell the parents/ caregiver to post this or the local PCC phone number nearorinthememoryoftheirtelephones.Incase of emergency when the PCC phone number is not available, parents can easily be reminded to call 911; emergency operators can easily connect the caller to the PCC. • Discuss the role of the nurse in treating the child with acetaminophen poisoning. • Discuss the role of the nurse in educating parents about the delivery of acetaminophen to their child. • Discuss the signs and symptoms of lead poisoning and the treatment provided for children affected. • Discuss the steps that can be taken to ensure that the child is not exposed to lead, and the role of the nurse in educating parents of small children about the dangers associated with lead exposure. The PCC will ask for the following information: • Caller’snameandphonenumber • Thechild’sname,age,andweight • Anymedicalconditionsthechildhas • Anymedicinethechildistaking • Thenameoftheitemthechildswallowed • Thetimethechildswallowedthepoison,or when the child was found, and an estimate of the amount swallowed The amount of certain toxic substances can be more dangerous than others. Teach parents and caregivers that even a small amount of some substance can be life threatening. Acetaminophen is the most common drug that children have access to and ingest. Usingthisinformation,theexpertadvisestheparent or caregiver what action should be taken immediately and if the child should be seen by a health care provider.Ifthechildisunconscious,havingproblems breathing or having seizures, the child should be seen immediately by emergency personnel. Classroom Activity Free Sample Provided by CIMC Divide the class into four groups. Assign each group 800.654.4502 one of the stages of acetaminophen poisoning, and have the group identify treatment Ineverycaseofsuspectedoractualingestionofan injurious agent, caregivers and nurses must be directed to call the Poison Control Center (PCC) as soon as ingestion is suspected and before they initiate any intervention. Home remedies may waste valuable time getting the child proper care or even worsen injuries. and nursing interventions for its assigned stage. Then have each group share its results with the class. D i d You Know? The American Academy of Pediatrics ( provides many useful tips for families regarding home safety and prevention of poisoning. MODULE 4 • CARE OF THE TODDLER • STUDENT EDITION MODULE 4 • CARE OF THE TODDLER • TEACHER EDITION 5 5 Additional Learning Activity Most ingestion of poisons is managed at home. PCC can provide instructions to minimize side effects. However, families often experience an emotional crisis when a child is accidentally poisoned. Parents may feel grief, guilt and responsibility for the child’s injuries and resulting treatments. During acute care, the parents need support without accusations or inference of negligence. Because of their anxiety for their child and emotional crisis, interventions to prevent poisoning recurrence are inappropriate in the emergency phase of treatment. The insightful and sensitive nurse and other health care providers can most effectively promote safety measures once the child is recovering or close to discharge. Prevention of accidental poisonings requires significant safety measures and supervision of young children in the home. Divide the class into groups, and have them discuss the common causes of lead poisoning in children, including environmental exposure. Have each group develop a list of methods to prevent lead poisoning, and then discuss these lists as a class. Next, have student pairs take turns role-playing a nurse-parent interaction in which a nurse is educating a parent about preventing lead poisoning. IMPORTANT FACT! The use of Ipecac is no longer an approved treatment of poison due to the prolonged vomiting that may occur. Encourage parents and caregivers to dispose of any that may still be in their homes. Patient Care for the Poisoned Toddler Disorder Accidental Poisoning Structure Affected Depends on toxin ingested •Lungs,mouth throat •Gastrointestinal system •Nervoussystem •Cardiovascular system •Skin Physical Findings •Burninmouthand throat •Edemaaroundmouth and throat •Nausea/vomiting •Signsofshock •Anxietyandagitation •Sweating •Pallor •Confusion •Drowsiness •Respiratorydistress Nursing Care •Assessairway,breathingand consciousness •Keepchildinside-lyingposition to prevent aspiration •Determinetoxinifpossible •Callpoisoncontrolcenteror follow facility policy •FollowdirectionfromPCC •Monitorvitalsigns,noting changes or abnormalities •Administeroxygenasordered •Giveactivatedcharcoalas ordered •Assessfor: ▶ Diaphoresis ▶ Anxiety ▶ Changes or worsening of symptoms •Teachparentorcaregiver: ▶ Needs of the child at home ▶ Poisoning prevention Free Sample Provided by CIMC 800.654.4502 6 C I M C • P E D I AT R I C N U R S I N G Additional Critical Thinking Question Accidents are the leading cause of death in children. What are some of the characteristics of toddlers that put them at increased risk for accidents? Answer: Toddlers have a new sense of independence, and they want to try new things. By nature, they are very curious and investigate by touching and tasting, which puts them at greater risk for burns, bites, and poisoning. Their increased mobility also puts them at greater risk for injuries due to falls or running into dangerous areas. Toddlers lack an understanding of danger. Combined with their curiosity and new mobility, this often leads them into dangerous situations. 6 C I M C • P E D I AT R I C N U R S I N G L E A R N I N G Classroom Activity O B J E C T I V E S O bj ect i v e Discuss the nursing care for Divide the students into small groups. Assign each group a disorder. Have the group develop a parent teaching poster about the disorder. toddlers with common diseases/ disorders. O bj ect i v e Describe teaching needs for a family with a toddler with common diseases/disorders. Additional Learning Activities COMMON DISEASES AND DISORDERS OF THE TODDLER Common diseases and disorders of toddlers vary from life-altering disorders to disorders that cause temporary alterations in health such as pinworms. • Assign each student a disorder. Have the student write a paper in APA format and present a PowerPoint presentation to the class regarding pathophysiology, signs and symptoms, treatment and nursing care. • Divide the class into small groups, and assign each group one of the common disorders of the toddler. Have the groups research the disorders, including signs and symptoms, treatments, and nursing interventions. Have each group present its findings to the class. Common Diseases and Disorders of the Toddler Disorder Pinworms (Enterobiasis) Structure Affected Physical Findings •Colon •Severeitchingespecially around anus •Irritability •Inabilitytosleepwell •Inattentive Deafness •Externalorinternal •Inabilitytohear structures of the ear Nursing Care •Teachparentorcaregiver: ▶ How to perform tape test ▶ To repeat tape test for several days ▶ To wash all clothes and linens in hot water •Teachparentorcaregiver: ▶ About speech development ▶ About the importance of learning sign language Free Sample Provided by CIMC 800.654.4502 Ta p e Te s t f o r P i n w o r m s Obtain a piece of tape and wrap it to make a narrow wedge of sticky tape by wrapping tape around itself with sticky side out. Place this wedge of tape near the patient’s anus overnight. The pin worms will become lodged on the tape. Once the specimen is collected, place it in a glass jar or plastic bag, loosely. Tell the patient’s family to bring it to the clinic or lab. MODULE 4 • CARE OF THE TODDLER • STUDENT EDITION MODULE 4 • CARE OF THE TODDLER • TEACHER EDITION 7 7 Class Discussions Disorder Wilms’ Tumor • Discuss the signs and symptoms of Wilm’s tumor and the diagnostic process used to determine the origin and extent of the tumor. • Discuss the ways in which nursing education can help parents and patient understand what to expect as the treatment of Wilm’s tumor proceeds. Structure Affected Physical Findings Nursing Care •KidneyRenal •Abdominalswellingor Pre Procedure: •Consents System mass: •Prepasordered ▶ Firm •Donotpalpatemass ▶ Nontender ▶ Confined to one side Monitor: •Hematuria •Vitalsigns •Fatigueandmalaise •Gastrointestinalactivity •Hypertension ▶ Bowel sounds and move•Weightloss ment •Fever •Abdominaldistention,pain •Withmetastasis: •Vomiting ▶ Dyspnea •Urineoutput •Signsofinfection ▶ Cough ▶ Shortness of •TCBD breath ▶ Chest pain Teach parent or caregiver: •Abouttheprocedure •Aboutpost-operativeradiation or chemotherapy Classroom Activity Divide the class into two groups. Assign one group preoperative care and the other postoperative care of a child with Wilm’s tumor. Have each group list nursing interventions for its assigned stage. Next, in a class discussion, have the students compare their interventions and discuss their rationale. Free Sample Provided by CIMC 800.654.4502 8 8 C I M C • P E D I AT R I C N U R S I N G C I M C • P E D I AT R I C N U R S I N G Respiratory Conditions for the Toddler Class Discussions Respiratoryconditionsfortoddlersarequitescary for the parents. The child often sounds extremely bad, especially when they have croup or bronchitis. The child can experience respiratory distress rapidly and will need emergency care. Other respiratory conditions, such as bronchitis, sound bad, but are mild and often resolve in 2-3 days. • Discuss the signs and symptoms of croup and the specific indicators that suggest the child should be seen by a medical professional. • Discuss the care required for a 2-year-old child with croup. Consider the role of the nurse in guiding the care of the child in both home and hospital settings. Respiratory Conditions for the Toddler Disorder Croup Epiglottitis Bronchitis Pneumonia Structure Affected Physical Findings •Larynx •Loudbarkingcough •Upperairway •Respiratorydistress •Trachea •Swellingofthelarynx •Bronchi blocking air flow •Temperatureelevation •Epiglottis •Sorethroat •Painonswallowing •Elevatedtemperature •Strugglestogetair into lungs and finds sitting more comfortable •Unabletorest •Cranky •Drooling Nursing Care •Monitorforrespiratorydistress, fever and irritability •Teachparentorcaregiverto avoid the flu and to get flu vaccines for children •Life-threateningconditionthat demands immediate action •Monitorrespirationrate •Readpulseoximetryfrequently •Allowchildtofindposition of comfort •Monitorvitalsigns.Ifpulse and respiration are elevated, report at once •Increasedrestlessnessmaybe sign of distress. Take action quickly •Administeroxygenasdirected •Inflammationof •Dryhackingcough •Administeranalgesics,antilarge airways (tra•Symptomsgetworseat pyretics, and humidity chea and bronchi) night •Haveaparentorcaregiver take child in bathroom and •Coughthatdoesn’t run shower to fill room with result in sputum humidity •Bedrestbetweencoughingspells •Givecoughmedicationsas ordered •Oneormorelobes •Fever •Givemedicationsasordered of lungs •Respiratorydistress •Encouragefluidsandfoods •Beginsinbronchi- •Rapidrespirations •Monitoroxygensaturation, oles •Chestpain vital signs, pain level and •Alveolarwalls •Sternalretraction respiratory rates •Cyanosis •Placeinisolationaccordingto •Cranky hospital policies, as indicated •Lackofappetite Classroom Activity Have students work in pairs to develop a teaching guide for parents to use when their child of 1, 2, or 3 years of age has croup. Have students include signs and symptoms, treatment methods to use at home, signs and symptoms of respiratory distress, and guidance on when to seek medical attention. Next, have students take turns role-playing a nurse-parent interaction in which the nurse educates the parent on caring for the child with croup. Free Sample Provided by CIMC 800.654.4502 MODULE 4 • CARE OF THE TODDLER • STUDENT EDITION MODULE 4 • CARE OF THE TODDLER • TEACHER EDITION 9 9 Musculoskeletal Disorders of the Toddler learning w ww link A child with musculoskeletal disorders presents unique issues for the parent and nursing personnel. Since children are highly mobile, conditions that limit this mobility can have profound effects for children. Not only does the child suffer from the disease process, but they also suffer from the effects of immobility. This immobility causes physical and psychologicalcomplicationsforthepatient.Remember that the child and parent will need additional support to counter the effects of lack of movement. – Type in disorder in the search section Musculoskeletal Disorders of the Toddler Disorder Fractures Dislocations Structure Affected Physical Findings •Bones-broken •Pain •Articulationof •Swelling bones – dislocated •Deformity Classroom Activity Have students call out characteristics of adult bones and characteristics of children’s bones, and list them in two columns. Next, in small groups, have students discuss the distinctions between adults’ and children’s bones and how treatment and nursing interventions for a toddler with a bone fracture would differ from that for an adult. Nursing Care Rest,applyiceandelevateaffected extremity if allowed Routinecareforapatientwith immobility: •Preventskinbreakdown •Treatconstipation •Monitorrespiratoryrates •Promotehealthyeating •Provideage-appropriateplay •Givemedicationasordered, especially pain medications Monitor the five P’s: •Pain,pulses,pallor,paresthesia, paralysis Provide cast care or traction care Teach parent or caregiver: •Aboutcareofthecast •Theeffectsofimmobility •Howtomonitorforpsychological symptoms •Provideoptimumlevelof wellness •Increasemobility •Maintainpropernutrition •Preventcontractures •Preventinjury •Controlpain •Promotecomfort •Promotesafety •Promoteself-care Free Sample Provided by CIMC 800.654.4502 Cerebral palsy 10 •Motordisorder •Sensation •Perception •Communication •Cognition •Behavior •Spasticmovements •Slowtwistingmovements •Rapidrepetitive movements •Uncoordinated •Physicaldeformities •Slurredspeech •Nystagmus •Visualdeficits •Hearingimpairment •Seizures C I M C • P E D I AT R I C N U R S I N G Class Discussions • Discuss compartment syndrome and the role of the nurse in identifying signs that suggest neurovascular impairment as a consequence of fractures. • Discuss the process carried out to check the traction device and ensure its proper deployment. 10 C I M C • P E D I AT R I C N U R S I N G Musculoskeletal Disorders of the Toddler Continued learning www Structure Affected Physical Findings link •Brain •Lossofconsciousness •Skull •Dizziness Concussion •Confusion •Increaseintracranial EpiduralHemorpressure(ICP) rhage (bleeding •Slurredspeech between dura mater •Blurredvision and cranium •Nauseaandvomiting •Severeheadache Subdural hemor•Unequalpupilsize rhage- venous bleed•Irritability ing around the brain •Seizures •Paralysis Disorder HeadInjury learning w ww link Nursing Care Monitor: •SignsofICP •Vitalsigns •Neurologicchecks •Drainagefromnoseorears •Abnormalposturing Lab Testing Online – Type in test in the search section •Teachparentorcaregiverto awaken a sleeping child at regular intervals DIAGNOSTIC TESTS AND SURGICAL PROCEDURES FOR Relatediagnostictestsandsurgical THE TODDLER procedures to the nursing care for L E A R N I N G Obj ect i v e learning w ww link O B J E C T I V E S the toddler with common diseases/ disorders. Obj ect i v e Evaluatepharmacologicaleffects of medications used to treat the toddler with common diseases/ disorders. Many of the diagnostic tests and surgical procedures for adult patients are also done for the toddler. Considerations to age-appropriate care must be part of the nurse’s role when providing support for the toddler having this type of medical care. Free Sample Provided by CIMC 800.654.4502 MODULE 4 • CARE OF THE TODDLER • STUDENT EDITION MODULE 4 • CARE OF THE TODDLER • TEACHER EDITION 11 11 Diagnostic Tests and Surgical Procedures for the Toddler Test Throat culture Purpose •Identifymicroorganism Blood cultures Arterial blood gases •Determineblood gases level Laryngoscopy and •Visualizebronchi bronchoscopy and branches •Obtaintissueor fluid from lung •Removeforeign body obstruction Procedure •Usesterileswabtotouch the posterior wall of the throat •Putswabintoappropriate container according to facility policy •Labelspecimenandtransport to lab •Obtainthroughvenipuncture venous specimen •Removeneedleusedtodraw blood and replace with clean needle •Placebloodspecimeninto culture bottles •Labelculturebottle •Gentlymixandtransportto lab according to policy •Preppatientandparentby explaining procedure •Assistlabpersonnelas needed •Applypressuretopuncture site Patient receives topical anesthesia Scope is inserted into the trachea and into the bronchi and bronchioles •Biopsyspecimensand washings are taken and sent to lab •Explaintheprocedure •Assurethepatientandfamily that the test is painless •AssisttheEEGtechnician as needed •Helpcleanpastefromhair after procedure Nursing Care •Preparepatientbyexplaining that a specimen is needed to find out why they are sick •Enlistparenthelpif needed •Demonstratehowthe procedure will be done and allow them to become familiar with the swabs and equipment •Encouragethepatientto be still •Givemedicationsas ordered to promote optimum testing •Allowparentorcaregiver to hold child if needed Pre Procedure •PatientNPO,priorto exam •Requiressedation Post Procedure •Observeforhemorrhage •Observefordifficulty breathing Free Sample Provided by CIMC 800.654.4502 Electroencephalography(EEG) 12 12 •Determinebrain activity Teach parent or caregiver: •Patientcannoteator drink for 2 hours •Reporthighfever •Usesalinegarglesorlozenges if throat is sore C I M C • P E D I AT R I C N U R S I N G C I M C • P E D I AT R I C N U R S I N G Diagnostic Tests and Surgical Procedures for the Toddler Continued Test CT Scan MRI Lung Scan/Ventilation-perfusion Purpose •Diagnosingtumors, nodules, hematomas, lesions, cysts, abscesses, pleural effusion and enlarged lymph nodes, abnormal cardiac tissue Procedure •CTscaniscross-sectional visualization of tissues which allows for identification of slight variations in tissue thickness •Maybewithorwithout contrast (assess for allergies) •Moreenhancedthanx-rays •Spiralorhelicalversion produces thinner slices and data more enhanced Nursing Care Pre Procedure •Explaintheprocedure •Obtainconsent •Assessforallergies •Instructparentor caregiver that pateint is to be NPO according to hospital policies Post Procedure •Encouragefluidstoassist in dye excretion •Answerquestionsabout how they will find out about the results •Computerizedimages •Nursingresponsibility •Providesbetter contrast between which assist in identificaprior to exam is to check for allergies in patient normal and pathotion of subtle changes in logic tissues tissue structure •Removeallmetalduring the procedure due to the •Reducesbone magnet used for capturing the images artifacts •Assessifpatienthasany implants or a pacemaker •Toidentifyareas •IVinjectionofradioisotope Pre Procedure of ventilation and given to patient •Obtainconsent perfusion to lungs •Explaintheprocedure •Gammaraydetectoris •Assurethatexposureto passed over the patient and large amounts of radioacrecords uptake of radioisotivity will not occur tope •Administer10dropsof Lugol’s solution sev•Patientisplacedinvarious eral hours before test as positions to visualize differblocking agent against ent areas of the body iodine 131 •Fastingisnotneeded •Removejewelryaround chest area Free Sample Provided by CIMC 800.654.4502 Post Procedure •ApplypressuretoIVsite •Noradiationprecautions are needed MODULE 4 • CARE OF THE TODDLER • STUDENT EDITION MODULE 4 • CARE OF THE TODDLER • TEACHER EDITION 13 13 Diagnostic Tests and Surgical Procedures for the Toddler Continued Test X-Ray Purpose Visualization of fracture or abnormal soft tissue Procedure •Affectedareaisplacedunder the X-ray machine and an image is captured Nursing Care •Explaintheprocedure •Allowchildtoseeequipment •Exhibitpatienceaschild is allowed to position on the exam table •Allowparentorcaregiver present if needed while shielding parent from x-ray beams •Aftertest,assistchildand parent or caregiver back to exam room Free Sample Provided by CIMC 800.654.4502 14 14 C I M C • P E D I AT R I C N U R S I N G C I M C • P E D I AT R I C N U R S I N G PHARMACOLOGICAL C O N S I D E R AT I O N S F O R T H E TODDLER Toddlers often have to take medications before diagnostic tests and procedures. They may also have to take medications for medical conditions. Special considerations for the toddler must be taken to administer medications safely. Dosage calculations must be done carefully and rechecked before administering the drug. Children are more susceptible to sideeffectsandadversereactionsthanadults.Use learning w ww link caution when giving toddlers medications. The following drugs are used for conditions in this module in addition to drugs for pain relief and reduction of complications of immobility. Medicine Net – Type in disease in the search section Medications used for the Toddler Category and Uses Examples Bronchodilators Prevents broncho•AlbuterolSulfate spasm that occurs •Salmeterol with asthma •Metaproterenol Sulfate Antihistamines •Clemastine •Diphenhydramine •Loratadine Anticholinergics •Ipratropium •Bromide Decongestants •Pseudoephedrine •Phenylephrine •Azelastine Actions Causes bronchodilation by stimulating beta-adrenergic receptors Medline Plus – Type in disorder in the search section Nursing Considerations •Drymouth •Monitorheartrate and blood pressure •Muscletremors •Tachycardia •Increasefluid •Hypertensionor intake hypotension •Nottobeused •Nervousness with cardiac •Insomnia disease Side Effects Work by preventing mediator release from mast cells Relievessymptoms Blocks histaof allergic response mine receptors •Drymouth •Drowsiness •Informparentsthat child may become drowsy Reducesrhinorrhea Causes bronchodilation by stimulating beta-adrenergic receptors and blocking acetylcholine Promotes vasocon- Causes vasoconstriction striction of nasal membranes Reducesnasal edema and rhinorrhea •Anxiety •Dizziness •Headache •Drymouth •Nausea •Vomiting •Cough •Anxiety •Dizziness •Tremors •Headache •Insomnia •Hypertension •Donotmixwith cromolyn sodium •Limitcaffeine consumption Drugs Online – Type in medication in the search section Free Sample Provided by CIMC 800.654.4502 MODULE 4 • CARE OF THE TODDLER • STUDENT EDITION MODULE 4 • CARE OF THE TODDLER • TEACHER EDITION •Takeearlyindayto avoid sleeplessness •Avoidtakingwith hypertension, diabetes, glaucoma 15 15 Medications used for the Toddler Continued Category and Examples Antiinflammatories •Hydrocortisone •Methylprednisolone •Beclomethasone Uses Actions Decrease edema in bronchial airway Mebendazole (Vermox) Treatment for Pin worms Decreases in edema in airways and a decrease in production of mucous, leading to decrease in inflammation Inhibitsglucose uptake of the pinworm, causing it to die Decrease mucus production •Dantrolene Improvenerveand Interfereswith sodium muscle contractions intracellular (Dantrolene) function caus•Baclofen ing a slowing of (Lioresol) muscle spasms •Diazepam (Valium) •Botulinumtoxin (Botox) •Intrathecal baclofen Side Effects •Headache •Sorethroat •Drymouth •Cough Nursing Considerations •Maymasksignsof infection •Monitorforedema and weight gain •Dizziness •Assessstoolsfor •Tinnitus presence of pin •Abdominalpain worms •Increaseliver •Teachparentor enzymes caregiver: ▶ Signs of infection ▶ Wash clothing and linens in hot water ▶ Wash hands after every bowel movement ▶Giveafter meals to avoid GIsymptoms •Hypotonia •MonitorI&O •Sleepiness •Checkforurinary •Seizures retention •Nauseaand •Monitorliverfuncvomiting tions •Headache •Monitorfor: ▶ Weakness ▶ Depression ▶ Dizziness ▶ Drowsiness ▶ Pain in abdomen •Administeredusing pump that is surgically implanted into mid abdomen •Monitorforside effects Free Sample Provided by CIMC 800.654.4502 16 16 C I M C • P E D I AT R I C N U R S I N G C I M C • P E D I AT R I C N U R S I N G Medications used for the Toddler Continued Category and Uses Actions Examples Treatment of Arrest cell Antineoplastics •ActinomycinD Wilms’ tumor production and (dactinomycin) block cancer cell •Vincrinistine growth •Doxorubicin •Etoposide •Cyclophosphamide along with mesna Side Effects Nursing Considerations Monitor: •Bloodstudyabnormalities •Respiratorystatus •Nausea •Vomiting •Anorexia •Hairloss •Lowwhiteblood cell counts Assess: •Nutritionalstatus Radiationsideef•Neurologicalstatus fects include •Nausea Teach parent or care•Fatigue giver: •Skinirritation •Avoidaspirinor •Diarrhea NSAIDSbecause of bleeding risk •Watchforsignsof anemia •Childmaylosehair •Increasefluids Free Sample Provided by CIMC 800.654.4502 MODULE 4 • CARE OF THE TODDLER • STUDENT EDITION MODULE 4 • CARE OF THE TODDLER • TEACHER EDITION 17 17 KEY SUMMARY • A common disorder seen in toddlers is autism. This is a developmental disorder which has several different signs and symptoms. These specific types of autism are referred to as autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). A toddler with autism will exhibit: •Impairedsocialinteraction •Inabilitytocommunicatebothverballyandnonverbally •Repetitiveorunusualactivities •Unusualinterests • Accidental poisonings occur frequently in toddlers because of their natural curiosity and exploration. Lacking the capacity to appreciate danger or hazards, they may eat or drink anything that is near which may include toxic substances. More than 90% of poisonings occur in the home; frequently ingested substances include medications, cosmetic and personal care products, plants and cleaning products. • Common diseases and disorders of children vary from life-altering disorders to disorders that cause temporary alterations in health such as pinworms. • Respiratoryconditionsfortoddlersarefrighteningfortheparents.Thechildoftenhas significant audible respiratory symptoms when they have croup or bronchitis. The child can experience respiratory distress rapidly and will need emergency care. • A child with musculoskeletal disorders presents unique issues for the parent and nursing personnel. Since children are highly mobile, conditions that limit this mobility can have profound effects for children. Not only does the child suffer from the disease process, but also from the effects of immobility. Free Sample Provided by CIMC 800.654.4502 • Many of the diagnostic tests and surgical procedures for adult patients are also done for the toddler. Considerations for age-appropriate care must be part of the nurse’s role when providing support for the toddler requiring medical care. • Similar to diagnostic tests and procedures, toddlers take medications for conditions. Special considerations for the toddler must be taken to administer medications safely. Dosage calculations must be done carefully and rechecked before administering the drug. 18 18 C I M C • P E D I AT R I C N U R S I N G C I M C • P E D I AT R I C N U R S I N G GLOSSARY Autism: A developmental disorder, often identified in early childhood, characterized by impaired social interaction, problems with verbal and nonverbal communication, and unusual, repetitive, or severely limited activities and interests. Concussion: A common type of traumatic brain injury. Dislocation: The separation of two bones where they meet at a joint. Fracture: A break in a bone. Pneumonia: A respiratory illness caused by inflammation of the alveoli and terminal airspaces in response to invasion by an infectious agent introduced into the lungs. Wilms’ Tumor: A rare kidney cancer that primarily affects children. Also known as nephroblastoma, it is the most common malignant tumor of the kidneys in children. Free Sample Provided by CIMC 800.654.4502 MODULE 4 • CARE OF THE TODDLER • STUDENT EDITION MODULE 4 • CARE OF THE TODDLER • TEACHER EDITION 19 19 RESOURCE BIBLIOGRAPHY Publications American Academy of Pediatrics (2007). What are autism spectrum disorders and what are the symptoms? American Academy of Pediatrics (2007). What do I do if my child has been poisoned? American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Quality Improvement (1999). The Management of Minor Closed Head Injury in Children. Pediatrics 104 (6), 1407-1415. American Cancer Society (2008). How is Wilms Tumor diagnosed? Cooley, W.C and AAP Committee on Children with Disabilities (2004). Providing a primary care medical home for children and youth with cerebral palsy. Pediatrics 114:4, 1106-11113. Bowden, V.R. and Greenberg, C.S. (2003). Pediatric Nursing Procedures. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Hockenberry, M., Wilson, D. & Winkelstein, M.L. (2005). Wong’s Essentials of Pediatric Nursing (7th ed.). St Louis: Elsevier. Nursing Focus. Stillwater, OK: Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education, Curriculum and Instructional Materials Center, 2002. Online American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Poison Prevention Free Sample Provided by CIMC 800.654.4502 National Center of Medical Home Initiatives for Children with Special Needs American Cancer Society (ACS) American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Autism Information Center Autism Society of America 20 20 C I M C • P E D I AT R I C N U R S I N G C I M C • P E D I AT R I C N U R S I N G Autism Speaks March of Dimes United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) Center for Patient Information and Resources Chemotherapy CT Scan Cerebral Palsy Fractures and Sprains MRI Newborn Screening Pneumonia Free Sample Provided by CIMC 800.654.4502 MODULE 4 • CARE OF THE TODDLER • STUDENT EDITION MODULE 4 • CARE OF THE TODDLER • TEACHER EDITION 21 21 NOTES Free Sample Provided by CIMC 800.654.4502 22 22 C I M C • P E D I AT R I C N U R S I N G C I M C • P E D I AT R I C N U R S I N G
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