Monthly Newsletter - St. Mark's Lutheran Church

It’s amazing how slogans on sweatshirts and ball caps can spark a
conversation. In early January, I was walking towards the entrance to Christiana
Hospital. A man was walking out of the hospital, about to pass me. He was about
my age and was wearing a large print sweatshirt that said, “Don’t Judge Me, Cause
God Doesn’t.” Being the social animal that I am, I had to say something: “I agree
with you! God is love, and we shouldn’t judge each other.” That led to a refreshing
impromptu conversation with “Ray.” He was also wearing a Vietnam Vets cap. I
referred to it, and he told me his story about the war. Kill or be killed, his enormous
guilt, his ‘first kill,’ the struggle to survive emotionally once back home, etc.
Which led back to his sweatshirt message.
We live in a world that literally begs for grace, for the knowledge of God’s
mercy. But it’s a world that seems to becoming more and more “moralistic,”
right/wrong, judgmental, harsh. Philip Yancey, one of the best down-to-earth
theologians and Christian teachers of our era, has given us another book and DVD
study series, entitled: Vanishing Grace – What Ever Happened to the Good News?
This Lent, St. Mark’s will embark on another spiritual journey. We’ll be
using Yancey’s DVD study series, meeting in small groups, preaching from it . . . to
bring home Ray’s sweatshirt message – which is really about God’s grace. Last
year we had an amazing number of people involved in small groups, study, prayer
partners, daily devotionals as part of our Soul Sabbatical. Let’s continue to feed our
souls, and those we invite and bring together. Join us this Lent so God can touch us
Feb. 1, 2015
4th Sun. in Epiphany
I Corinthians 13:1-8a, 11-13; Psalm 71:1-6; Mark 1:21-28
Feb. 8, 2015
5th Sun. in Epiphany
Isaiah 4:27-31; Psalm 23; Mark 1:29-34
Feb. 15, 2015 Transfiguration Sunday
Proverbs 22:17-19; Psalm 25:4-9; Mark 9:2-9
Feb. 22, 2015
1st Sunday in Lent
Jeremiah 31:1-6; Ephesians 2:4-9; Luke 15:1-10
Services for Healing – Sunday, Feb. 8
(9am and 11am Worship)
The soon to be completed Winter Forum on Sunday mornings is entitled:
“Lives Disrupted, Lives Restored: Searching for Healing in a Fractured World.” It
has dealt with some of the more damaging forces that can disrupt and harm human
lives – addictions, depression, sexual abuse, suicide, bi-polar disorders, and major
stressors in the lives of adolescents.
Each Sunday session began with devotions, as we would turn to God for
guidance and help amid life’s harmful experiences. All of our Sunday worship
services are experiences for healing – confession and forgiveness, God’s strong
Word (the bible, preaching) that proclaims God’s love and grace, Prayers of the
Church as we seek healing and hope, the gift of the Sacrament of Holy Communion
– which connects us to the mercy and presence of God in Christ. So every Sunday,
we are nurtured and experience renewal and healing.
On Sunday, Feb. 8, our worship services will center even more profoundly
on healing. The lessons, the prayers, music and message will speak of, invite and
celebrate the healing power of God for our lives, especially as we will have just
completed addressing some of the more unsettling truths within our imperfect world
in the Forum.
There will be prayer stations open to everyone during the service. We all
know family members, friends, neighbors affected by the topics presented during
the Forum. Invite them to St. Mark’s . . . for a time of gentle, spiritual and
emotional healing.
Major Mission/Fund Appeal
Supporting the new LCS Building Drive and
The ELCA Campaign.
(From your Congregational Council)
At the end of this past year, the Church Council voted to support a unique
opportunity to support TWO ministries dear to our hearts and God’s purposes.
Lutheran Community Services, whom St. Mark’s has supported in many
ways over the years, is embarking on an exciting new future – “A New Home for
LCS.” They have bought a new site at 2809 Baynard Boulevard. And why?
Because of the ever expanding volume of service they are providing to the poor and
hungry in Wilmington, and to consolidate their ministry under one roof, a 6,000
square foot facility. Wow!
Our denomination, the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America),
has started a five year campaign under the theme “Always Being Made New.”
This $198 million effort will support expanded and new ministries is all areas of our
denomination, including new congregations, disability ministries, leadership needs,
hunger and poverty ministries, and global ministry efforts.
In early February detailed information and opportunities to give will be
mailed out to everyone. Each member and friend of St. Mark’s is asked to pray and
reflect on these ministries, to ask God if and how he/she might respond.
Gifts or pledges given will be used as you direct them, but with three simple
Share my gift/pledge equally (50/50) between the ELCA and LCS
Designate my gift/pledge for Lutheran Community Services (LCS)
All such designations will go solely and fully to this ministry.
Designate my gift/pledge for the ELCA “Always Being Made New”
Campaign. All such designations will go solely and fully to this
As a way to ‘kickoff’ this Fund Appeal, the Church Council voted in
January, 2015 to allocate $10,000 from the “over the budget” extra offerings we
received in 2014. (Yes, St. Mark’s received more than $28,000 in offerings and
income beyond 2014 expenses.) As a wonderful, faithful sign of gratitude, St.
Mark’s will start our campaign with these extra funds. Praise God. How will you
respond? Pray, reflect, and soon receive the appeal information.
Saint Mark's Transition Team
(Important ALL- CHURCH Meeting with the Bishop,
Sat, Feb . 21, 2015)
The transition team finalized the interim Pastor’s job description in
December and it was approved by council at the December council meeting. The
job description has been sent to synod. The synod will canvas available interim
candidates and select an interim Pastor to work with Saint Mark's until our new
pastor arrives.
Bishop Wolfgang Herz-Lane has volunteered to work with our team and the
congregation to review St Mark’s mission, vision and ongoing goals and objectives.
The information from this interactive process forms the basis for our Site Ministry
Profile, which is an on-line profile of the congregation that pastoral candidates will
use to determine if Saint Mark's is a good fit for them. This process will consist of
4-5 sessions with the transition team, including two sessions with the congregation.
The first meeting of the transition team with the Bishop will be in January
2015. The second meeting with the Bishop and our congregation will be at Saint
Marks on Saturday, February 21. We expect this to be 10am-1pm, but are still
working out the details, so please stay tuned! YOU ARE INVITED AND
NEEDED! We want you involved in this process.
The Bishop's involvement should improve our ability to get candidates that
understand who we are and where we want to go in mission to do God's work here
at Saint Mark's.
The total process for finding a new pastor is intended to take approximately
1 year from the time that the existing pastor retires. With the Bishop’s involvement
starting early in 2015, the process may be shortened by 4-6 months. Please do not
hesitate to contact any of the team members with questions or comments.
Dave Herrmann
February 18, 2015
(Distribution of Ashes and Holy Communion
12:00 noon & 7:00pm
The prophet Joel calls us to a place of profound hope. As we begin our
lenten journey and message about following Jesus, Joel begins with these lifegiving words: “Yet even now, return to me with all your heart…Return, for your
God is gracious and merciful.”
We begin this journey with confession and repentance, receiving ashes and
the words of life. We are reminded of our baptism into the death and the
resurrection of Jesus Christ, which proclaim that amazing, unlimited love for us.
Responding to . . . “A Vanishing Grace!?”
St. Mark’s 2015 Lenten Program.
About ten years ago, St. Mark’s offered a powerful, well attended adult
series entitled: “What’s So Amazing About Grace?” The class was presented along
with a book study with the same name, written by Philip Yancey. It had as much
impact on the spiritual heart as any Lutheran or Christian study I have ever
experienced. A wonderful message about the essence of God’s mercy and love.
Now, years later, Yancey has produced a disturbing, yet honest and relevant
next comment on God’s grace, called: “A Vanishing Grace – What ever happened
to the Good News?” Yancey reveals again the desperate need the world has for
grace and the challenge the church faces in sharing the wonderful goodness of
God’s mercy. This material will be heard and explored through five 15 minute
DVD presentations, small group sharing, prayer . . . and Sunday sermons.
At Lent this year, roll up your spiritual sleeves, open your hearts again, and
join us at several points to discuss, explore and learn how to share God’s grace,
which appears to be vanishing in our culture and world. Join us for:
Sunday, Feb. 15, 10am for our Adult Class:
“A Taste of the Response Amid a Vanishing Grace.”
We’ll explore the options, programs, resources this Lent.
Wednesday in Lent, Feb. 25, March 4, 11, 18, 25. We’ll be having
our Lenten dinners at 5:30pm, followed by devotions. Then, from
6:30 to 8:00pm, we’ll hear Yancey’s messages and go into our
spiritual small groups for discussion and prayer.
Spiritual Small Groups. Remember last year’s “Soul Sabbatical?!”
Very nurturing, well attended. Similar groups will be offered during
Lent, including Wednesday nights.
Prayer Partners. Yes, once again, we challenge everyone to
become a prayer partner with another person for 40 days of spiritual
nurture. Materials will be given out at the “Taste” on Feb. 15, and
are in this Feb. Lion.
Daily Devotions. Materials will be mailed out and made available
both in the narthex and through the Small Groups during the week.
Responding to . . . “A Vanishing Grace!?”
Lenten “Prayer Partners”
Travel through Lent in prayer . . with Another Christian
Feb. 22 – April 5 (Easter Sunday)
WHAT is a PRAYER PARTNER? It is someone who will pray for you,
regularly, daily, confidentially. AND someone for whom you can pray,
regularly, daily, confidentially. Isn’t that WONDERFUL?
Getting Started – Getting a Partner.
a) Ask someone you know . . a friend, another member at St. Mark's.
b) Signup on the sheet in Kiosk. We’ll assign someone for you.
Come to the “Taste of the Soul Sabbatical, Sunday, Feb. 15 or
Wednesday, Feb. 18. and we’ll “pair you up” with a person.
d) OR, come to the Spiritual Small Groups, and everyone gets a prayer
What to Pray For:
You will need to talk with your partner at the beginning of this spiritual
– in person, by phone, email. Just to share your prayer concerns. Be ready
with your ideas and concerns for prayer.
Where / When To Pray: It is hard to get together, lives are busy. So, it is
appropriate to pray at home by yourself, during a break at work, privately.
do pray once a day for your prayer partner, as well as other prayer concerns.
For How Long am I a Prayer Partner? From Feb. 22 to Easter Sunday, Apr.
Responding to . . . “A Vanishing Grace!?”
As in prior years, we will need 15-20 facilitators to lead the small groups
during Lent. Please pray, reflect, and let God guide your decision. We hope to
have two facilitators per group. Groups will be on Sunday, 12:30pm; Wednesday
10:30am; Wednesday night at 6:30pm, and Saturdays at 9:30am.
Might GOD be leading, encouraging you to help? Please contact Gail
Rodger or Pastor Fred Melton.
There will be 2 two-hour training sessions. Required. You may attend one or
the other, but please speak to Pastor or Gail before the training. The training
sessions will be on Thursday, Feb. 12 (7-9pm) and Saturday, Feb. 14 (9:30 –
11:30am.) This is a God plan, so please pray and consider.
The groups will be responding to a DVD, 15 minute sessions, praying
together, discussing their week’s spiritual journey – all very similar to last year’s
Soul Sabbatical.
Responding to . . . “A Vanishing Grace!?”
Sunday, Feb. 15, 10am.
Join us to learn first hand about the many opportunities to grow in grace and
participate in this year’s Lenten program. We’ll get a taste of the Yancey DVD on
the “Varnishing Grace” program, hear testimonies about grace experiences, give
opportunity to become a prayer partner, sign up for our small groups, see the
spiritual resources available to all members this Lent, etc. Help kick off this faith
filled Lenten experience on Sunday, Feb. 15.
Responding to . . . “A Vanishing Grace!?”
Spiritual Small Groups
Remember last year’s most inspiring “Soul Sabbatical Small Groups?”
Using the same model (small groups, facilitators, discussion on a common theme,
prayer discussion and prayer opportunities). . . the groups will explore the theme of
God’s grace. We are amid recruiting of facilitators.
The small groups will be held Wednesday nights after the Lenten Dinners
(6:30pm), Saturday mornings at 9:30-11am, Wednesday mornings 10:30am – 12
noon, and Sundays at 12:30-2pm.
On the fourth Sunday of the month, St. Mark’s members provide breakfast
for the residents at Sojourners. We meet at Sojourner’s Place about 7:10am on the
fourth Sunday of the month. We bring food, prepare the meal and serve breakfast
for about 35 people. Interaction with the residents and developing relationships is a
key part of the morning. Upcoming dates for 2014 and 2015:
January 25
February 22
March 22
April 26
May 24
June 28
In addition to the breakfast ministry, St. Mark’s members also provide
transportation to worship and other functions for the residents. Is God calling you
to this special ministry? Pray for God’s guidance. We invite you to join us on the
fourth Sunday of the month for breakfast – you will find this most rewarding. Or,
perhaps you would like to help with transportation. For information, contact Greg
Landrey (302-761-9476) or email him at [email protected].
The Dynamic Diners
Dynamic Diners will not meet the months of February and March, since Lent
begins on Ash Wednesday, February 18. Our next Dynamic Diners night, will be
on Wednesday, APRIL 15TH. In honor of tax day we will meet at ye old colonial
watering hole, JESSUP’S TAVEN at 6:30 pm. Invite your friends and come out
and join us. RSVP to Gail Rodger ( [email protected] or 764-2480) by April 6.
Beginning February 24 we will begin a new dining group. In addition to our
Dynamic Diners Wednesday, we will add Dynamic Diners Two, which will meet
on the fourth Tuesday of every month. In celebration of Chinese New Year our
first outing will be at the Yi Palace (in the Giant shopping center next to Orek) at
6:30 pm. All are invited! RSVP to Gail Rodger ( [email protected] or 7642480) by April 6.
Bible study starts at 7 pm at Sue Beachboard’s home at 1403 Athens Rd.
CONTACT: Sue at 478-6303
Sundays from 3 - 4:30 pm
Studying the Gospel of JOHN
Brew Ha Ha in Branmar Plaza
Good coffee, good times, good news! Come join us!
For more info see or call Vickie Jackson 482-2244
ZeroGravity was on break for the Holidays, and we had a lot of fun with our
families so we were very quiet. Since break is over we're gearing up for the rest of
winter and spring with class and activities. This is what's to come:
• Jan 18 - movie night for teens at the church.
• Jan 23 - joining confirmation kids in a bowling night.
• Feb 8 - SOS teens to wear their new tee-shirts to church.
• Feb 10, Tuesday - 6:45pm parent/adult meeting about the teens - where we
are and what to get started next.
• Feb ? - a destination unknown still working on the date and details.
• Mar 6 - pot luck/movie for the teens
• Mar ? - visit elderly/talent show details need ironed out.
• Mar 22 & 29 - Maybe selling candy for Easter
• April 19 - Earth Day project/destination unknown.
Bless all and see you around St. Mark's,
Cecilia Schrack
Dylan reporting for ZeroGravity:
On November 16 St Mark's youth squad spent time not only worshipping
God but doing so in the company of Grace Lutheran (Hockessin, DE). We spent
the time getting to know each other's youth group and sharing what their youth
group is involved in at church. They are involved in retreats-Road Trip, lock-ins,
and, surprisingly, haunted houses. After the greeting and conversations our groups
had a lesson their way; their idea of a lesson had us diving into a thought
provoking discussion of forgiveness - think of one person you need to forgive, what
on the news hurts you? and lastly how we can become a better person by
contributing a little to make a difference in the world. Finally, ending the visit with
a prayer, and we left just as welcomed as when we arrived.
Dylan McAllister
From Cecilia: The teens really enjoyed their Destination Unknown. We
found Grace very welcoming and very informational. We came home with friends
to meet up with and ideas that we want to pursue in our own group. We plan to call
upon them again and invite them to visit us.
Thank you to all who participated in our Christmas Program, Great Big
Story. What an exceptional performance telling God’s BIG story of His amazing
love and grace for each of us through the gift of His son and our savior JESUS!
And the story needs to be told again and again and again…it never gets old!
I want to acknowledge and give special thanks to those listed below for
sharing their talents with us. They did an outstanding job, and I am so proud of
! Adults: Barbara Weeks and Chris Kramer
! Students: Connie Bradley, Michael Gilbert, Billy Hicks, Rebecca LewisCarpenter and Dana Schrack
! Wise Guys: Drew Bradley, Alexander and Michael Lutz, Shane McFarland
and Graham Mitchell
! Soloists: Isabel Bishop, Arden Shindel and Jessica Stoessel
! All Sunday School children and teachers who sang, participated and helped
Once again many thanks go out to Gail Rodger and Liz Lauber for their
directing and music expertise. Also, thanks to Tim Gilbert for yet another
wonderful set. What a special time for each of us to grow in our faith and
fellowship, sharing the Christmas message of God’s love for each of us.
MANY THANKS to our Sunday School families who continue to
participate and support our service projects. Thank you for supporting St. Mark’s
Coat Ministry and sharing warm clothing for those in need. You know for sure
your gifts were greatly needed and appreciated. Thank you for participating in our
Undies Sunday. Wow! Many diapers, underwear and pajamas were donated to the
Sunday Breakfast Mission in downtown Wilmington. Again, continuing to make a
difference in the lives of children and families in Delaware. It was also fun to wear
pajamas to Sunday School and church!
Please continue to be generous with your weekly offering. We will be
reaching out from Kid 2 Kid, showing support wherever we can!
We look forward to our special Sundays where we join our church family in
worship and service. Please note important dates below:
! February 8 – SOS – Students will hand out special Valentine treats to members
of the congregation during both Services. At 4:00pm, students will be sharing
songs and love with residents from Luther Towers during their church service.
Please mark this day on your calendar and join us as we share God’s love with
our church family and with those at Luther Towers.
! March 8 – SOS
As always, we ask for your support and continued prayers. We give thanks
for the opportunity to share God’s love with you, your children, and with those in
our community.
Blessings and peace,
Barb Gilbert, Sunday School Coordinator
“Dear Confirmation Class, Thanks so much for the delicious cookies and the
Christmas tree ornament. This year’s cookies were the best ever.” Yes – a thank
you note to our confirmation kids for the craft they made (hanging star) and cookies
they made for shut-ins and the staff last December. The youth made these gifts,
then personally delivered them to the shut-ins.
Classes resumed in January, as we began learning about the Lord’s Prayer,
especially through the eyes of Martin Luther (The Small Catechism). January also
included a Pizza and Bowling night, and a night of serving and learning – a visit to
Sojourner’s Place. While this experience will not occur till after the writing of this
article, the kids, as in years past, will visit SJP, bring them baked and frosted
cupcakes and THEN learn personally from the residents about addictions, recovery,
and help from God. It is always a powerful learning experience. We are thankful
the people from SJP are willing to tell their stories.
Get ready everyone. . . for the exciting Winter Retreat. We return to the
“Son and Sand Retreat Center” in Ocean City, Maryland. We’ll be learning about
Ash Wednesday, preparing for Lent, and “retreating” with joy and fun.
Christmas Bazaar Thanks
I cannot begin to express the gratitude and the warmth in my heart for the
Bazaar Committee and all of our church supporters who worked tirelessly to make
the Christmas Bazaar such a success. Our total this year netted approximately
$16,700 (with sales still coming in) but that is only a number. What we have truly
achieved is a positive event where everyone can celebrate, enjoy fellowship, and
secure monies for our church needs and outreach programs. The success of this
event goes to the wonderful committee who worked tirelessly, donated as
necessary, and who possessed a creative spirit that amazed our church community
and me. Thanks also is extended to our church family who supported this event,
crafted, baked, cooked, served, covered table shifts, made signs, or helped to set up
and clean up. FYI, our Bake Table netted $1999.00 and our White Elephant Room
$1700.00. This is entirely thanks to you, our wonderful and generous church
community. Finally, we were so excited to learn that we welcomed 167 new
shoppers and 306 returning ones to our Bazaar. Grow with us as we continue to be
a vessel serving Christ through our congregation.
God’s peace in the New Year.
Karen Hansell
College, Dance, and B-Ball!
The school year is half over and it’s full speed ahead for the
youth of the Hilltop Lutheran Neighborhood Center. The
evening program especially is bursting the center at its seams
with kids and their activities.
Youth Services Director, Matthew Johnson, reports that over 400 children are
enrolled with 150 of those attending each night. Among the programs is help with
homework and the College Access Program. The latter is done in collaboration
with Teach for America which, Matthew says, “enhanced our program
tremendously. They brought in U of D and Delaware State University students to
mentor our children. They have also incurred the cost of running the program.”
On the recreation side of the Center, 170 children registered for our Junior NBA
league which has already started its season. Matthew reports that this league serves
ages 5 through 18, broken down into divisions ranging between 5 and 7, 8 and 10,
11 and 13, and 14 and 18.
A Center activity that is both fun and educational is our media program in
conjunction with Brilliant Mind Production, a local media company. Matthew says
it “has time on ED TV and will introduce our children to intricacies of production,
editing, reporting, etc.”
New for 2015 is The Dance program which is more than just learning dance steps.
Matthew explains that “it includes learning the heritage and root of the dances that
they learn.” Already the girls have been asked to participate in numerous activities
in Wilmington.
Finally, save the date, March 7th for our annual Super Stars
competition and center fund raiser. Activities begin at 6:30 in the
Central YMCA in Wilmington and include swimming, racquetball,
basketball hoop shooting, and a form of volleyball called “Walleyball.” The cost is
$15 per person. Each participant receives a colorful Hilltop team T-shirt, lots of
snacks that are bad for you, and friendly sports competition. Watch the Sunday
bulletin for more information.
Liturgist Coordinator - Fred Meckley (traditional)
Worship Leader, Reader – Lori Weniger (contemporary)
Diana Longhenry (contemporary communion assistants)
Feb. 1
9:00 Scott Lee CA George Foulk
11:00 WL Brian Schmidt R Francine Passerini
CA Bob Fitch, Francine Passerini
Setup: Diana Longhenry
Feb. 8
9:00 Chuck Walter
11:00 WL Lois Broeker R Demeter Picciotti
CA Lois Broeker, Demeter Picciotti
Setup Lori Weniger
Feb. 15
9:00 Gregory Landrey CA Bryan Longhenry
11:00 WL Rob Shindel
R David Hermann
CA Faith & Michael Patterson Setup Jan Sullivan
Feb. 18 – Ash Wednesday
12:00 Fred Meckley CA Allen Kirk
7:00 Al Leigh
CA Rob Shindel
Feb. 22
9:00 Barbara Melvin
11:00 WL Chuck Walter R Billy Fehrman
CA Jeannine & David Herrmann
Setup Lori Weniger
CA - Communion Assistant WL – Worship Leader
R – Reader Setup – Communion Setup
Coordinator – BJ Plath
Feb. 1
9:00 HC Nick Lauber, Dana Schrack
11:00 HC Alex Singles
Feb. 8
Jack Donovan
11:00 HC Lauren Singles
Feb. 15
9:00 HC Zach Siple, Billy Hicks
11:00 HC Mariya Gilbert
Feb. 18 – Ash Wednesday
7:00 HC Hareena & Makata Houston
Feb. 22
Nathan Hawk
11:00 HC Emmi Irwin
Coordinators - Michael Johnson (traditional)
Lori Weniger (contemporary)
Feb. 1
9:00 Bryan Longhenry, Mike Johnson
11:00 Francine Passerini, Robert Fitch
Feb. 8
9:00 George Foulk, Ron Pierson
Wayne Smiley, Mike Johnson
11:00 Bob & Billy Fehrman
Feb. 15
9:00 Ken & Betty Pfeil
Charles Stabley, Roger Hoyt
11:00 John & Lori Weniger
Feb. 22
9:00 Rick Johnson, Andrew Johnson
Mike Johnson, Don Bowlby
11:00 Joe Dordell & Wendy Dunbar
1st Sunday – Lauren Wells (9:00)
Pastor Melton (11:00)
2nd Sunday – Chris Kramer (9:00)
Katie Pollock (11:00)
3rd Sunday – Pastor Melton (9:00)
Kadtke Puppets (11:00)
4th Sunday – Barbara Melvin (9:00)
Jeannine Herrmann (11:00)
5th Sunday –
Selma Tepper (11:00)
Coordinator – Sue Beachboard
Feb. 1
Feb. 8
Feb. 15
Laurie Young, Shannon Donovan
Beverly & Rebecca Lewis-Carpenter
Sue Beachboard, Morgan Patterson
Barbara Breisch, Christy Snow
Stehanie Bradley, Kris McMahan
11:00 Lauren McNulty, Linda King
Feb. 22
9:00 Carolyn Johnson, Lori Weniger
11:00 Barbara Weeks, Lisa McFarland
Coordinators: -9:00
Harold Heitmann – 11:00
Feb. 1
9:00 Arloe & Terry Olsen
11:00 Roy & Jan Sullivan
Feb. 8
9:00 Ray & Karen Hansell
11:00 Joe Dordell
Feb. 15
9:00 Volunteers
11:00 Rob & Rebecca Shindel
Feb. 22
9:00 Roberta Dukes, Vicki McDowell
11:00 Hal Heitmann
First Sunday
Second Sunday
Third Sunday
Fourth Sunday
Fifth Sunday
9:00 K. Lane
11:00 Sub.
9:00 M. Johnson 11:00 Sub.
9:00 R. Johnson 11:00 Sub.
9:00 J. Nichols
11:00 Sub.
9:00 Volunteer
11:00 Sub.
Coordinators: Openers – Rick Siple;
Closers – Rick Johnson
1st Sunday
Elise Mitchell
Robert Fitch
2nd Sunday
Rick Siple
Bob Fehrman
3rd Sunday
Arloe Olsen
John & Lori Weniger
4th Sunday
Kyle Schuldt
Joe Dordell
5th Sunday
Barbara Breisch Bob Fehrman