Assistance League Santa Clarita A Chapter of National Assistance League® Annual Report to the Community August 2013 Thank you to our current partners: Woodward, Inc. * SGL Technic, Inc. * Vance Wealth Group Teague Communications * Paul A. Levine, M.D. Message from the President Assistance League Santa Clarita continues to inspire, excite and make me proud! At almost every monthly meeting, I have met one or two guests who soon become members. I am sure they see what I see, a group of friendly, energetic and determined women doing what they love, volunteering to improve their community. Our members give countless volunteer hours to make sure that all our fundraisers and programs are well supported. Our main fundraiser, Assistance League Resale, set a challenging goal for the fiscal year ending May 31, 2013. Not only was it met, but it was surpassed with net sales of over $200,000! The number of students receiving new school clothes from our signature program, Operation School Bell®, continually increases each year. We strive to give back as much as we can to the community. A new committee was formed this year to better acknowledge our community donors and keep them informed about our activities, our successes and our growth. This committee will actively seek vital partnerships with businesses and individuals who share the goals and values of Assistance League: to make a difference in the lives of families in our community. Providing Hands-on Philanthropic Programs to Santa Clarita Residents Thanks to the fundraising efforts of Assistance League Santa Clarita, philanthropic programs continue to thrive and assist many people in the community. During the 2012-13 fiscal year, over $175,000 was spent on philanthropic programs, which directly impacted the lives of 3,163 members of the community. Our signature program, Operation School Bell, provided clothes and shoes to 2,050 students with a 50% increase in the number of junior high students served. Our newest program, Board Buddies, served 90 students at Newhall Elementary, where member volunteers spent an hour a month playing board games with students in the after-school program. Teddy Bear Patrol provided comforting teddy bears to 300 children experiencing a traumatic event via our local fire departments, em er gency r oom s, police departments, and social service organizations. Two hundred residents at the Santa Clarita Convalescent Center were provided monthly home-cooked meals in a festive atmosphere, along with birthday and holiday gifts. Through our Emergency Community Assistance Program, 23 people were provided assistance with clothing, food, and necessities to help get through challenging situations. Lastly, Assistance League Santa Clarita worked with community junior high schools to provide muchneeded supplies to students, such as notebooks, backpacks, pens, and pencils. Sheet music for music programs and supplies for home economics were also provided to the schools to help keep these important programs running smoothly. Each of these programs is developed and supported by local A ssi st a n c e L e a g u e m em b e r volunteers, who strive to ensure that fundraising dollars are providing quality programs to residents in need of a helping hand in the Santa Clarita Valley. Using Health and Happiness to Fund Programs A s si st a n c e L e a g u e ’ s t w o fundraising events were a success again this year. Sunset in the Vineyard, which occurs in November, raised over $25,000 to support Assistance League’s philanthropic programs. This event, held at the lovely Compa Vineyard in Newhall has a sold out attendance of about 350 people. It is a celebration of local wine growers and makers and includes music, hors d’oeuvres, wine tasting, picturesque landscape and more! Sunset in the Vineyard highlights about 16 vintners who love to share their passion for wine. This past fall, brewmeisters were added along with a chocolatier and a cheese maker. It is a truly unique event. Princess Cruises donated a 7 day cruise which was won by our local Magazine of Santa Clarita publisher Moe Hafizi. Assistance League appreciates all the support from the community for this event. Our 24th annual Operation School Bell 5K Run/Walk and Kids 1K Fun Run was held in May and saw 400 runners coming out to support Operation School Bell. One of the highlights of the race is a competition between all the junior high schools in the William S. Hart Union School District. Placerita Junior High was the winner, with a whopping 100 runners/walkers. Despite a few drops of rain, the event was a success and raised over $29,000. Because of the success of the event, over 500 school children in need will get new clothing to help them focus on learning. Save the Date! Sunset in the Vineyard Sunday, November 3, 2013 ~ 2pm to 5pm Enjoy a day of tasting wine from local vintners at the beautiful Compa Vineyard in Newhall Tickets on sale in September Assisteens Helping Foster Care Children The 52 Assisteens concluded their year in May by installing the new 2013 - 2014 Board and saying goodbye to the retiring Board members and the graduating seniors. For the past several months, Assisteens were busy collecting and preparing items for their Foster Backpack program. Assisteens stuffed brand new backpacks with new items for hygiene: toothbrush, toothpaste, brush, comb, shampoo, deodorant, soap, towel and wash cloth. Also included are handmade blankets, pajamas, socks, and underwear. These backpacks have been given to the Santa Clarita division of Child & Family services and will to be supplied to teenagers in need when they are pulled from terrible home/living situations. After hearing the startling statistics for Santa Clarita, Assisteens more than tripled the amount of backpacks they made this year. Minh Orr from Child & Family services wrote: “I still cannot get over the enthusiasm to help out from each of the Assisteens and the parents I met. And the love and care they each put into the backpacks. I am sure they will be comforted to know that despite the violence and the careless acts they endure from their family members, there are people out there who care about their well being and are willing to help.” Assisteens provided 1200 hours of service last year supporting their programs and the programs of Assistance League Santa Clarita. Assistance League,® Assisteens® and Operation School Bell® are registered names of the organization. Member Volunteers Provide Strength for Assistance League The membership at Assistance League Santa Clarita consists of some of the most vibrant, intelligent and hard-working women in our community! One hundred and forty strong, and growing every month, the volunteer members of Assistance League total an average 700 hours of volunteer work a month during the summer with an increase to 800 per month during the school year. V o l u n t e e r m e m b e r s st a f f Assistance League Resale six days a week; we plan and execute all f undrai si ng and phil ant hropi c programs and we share an amazing bond of friendship. There is almost no challenge that we cannot meet. As a volunteer member of Assistance League, you get a large dose of satisfaction by helping your community. Current members will conf irm that the benef its of volunteering outweigh the time and energy involved. Some of the positives that result from volunteering include increased motivation, a sense of achievement, the development of new skills, the meeting of new people, and engaging in a variety of different experiences. Donating time and talent can cultivate interest in new hobbies. Membership is open to anyone interested in giving back to the community. Please go onto the Assistance League website for more information on membership. You can also attend one of our monthly meetings to see the group in action. The entire Santa Clarita Valley benefits tremendously from the generous hearts of Assistance League volunteers. Reuse, Recycle and RESALE! Assistance League Resale saw a record year in donations and sales! The quality of the donations has increased significantly in the last several years thanks to some wonderful donors. There is always some new treasure waiting to be found by loyal customers. Many of those customers come several times a week to make sure that they are the first to find the great deals. With the generous and constant support of retailers such as Cobblestone Cottage, J. Serraino and La Via Bella, Assistance League Resale kept up our reputation of hav ing f irst-rat e merchandi se available at extremely attractive prices. With the support of Billy Kornfeld of Camelot Movers, several pieces of nice furniture made it to the resale store and went out the door as quickly as they came in. Thanks to the support of the Wm. S. Hart Union School District, hundreds of prom dresses were made available to prom attendees for a nominal charge. Our store was filled with designer dresses for most of March, April and May. The past fiscal year saw gross sales of almost $300,000! Your contributions to the store are taxdeductible and a receipt is provided upon request. Our donors and customers know that Assistance League philanthropic dollars stay local and that the 100% member volunteer staff is friendly, helpful and dedicated to the programs of Assistance League. Review us on YELP Assistance League,® Assisteens® and Operation School Bell® are registered names of the organization. Increased Community Support Leads to Expanded Philanthropic Programs Budget Last fiscal year, June 2012 - May 2013, Assistance League Santa Clarita spent over $175,000 on philanthropic programs benefiting the families of the Santa Clarita Valley. Due to the success of fundraising efforts, Assistance League has budgeted an increase of almost 30 percent for the current fiscal year. Operation School Bell and our other philanthropic programs will see an increase to $226,000. This will translate into an estimated 600 additional children that will receive new school clothes in the fall of 2013. It may surprise some to know that there are over 10,000 school children helped by the free and reduced lunch programs in the Santa Clarita Valley. With so many families in need, it is the goal of Assistance League to be able to offer new school clothes to as many children as possible. Assistance League Santa Clarita is listed on Guidestar and the current Form 990 is on the Assistance League website. We are a registered 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. Donations and grants are welcomed, so that the philanthropic programs of Assistance League Santa Clarita can continue to grow. Thank you to the current Community Partners and supporters for your generous donations throughout the year. See us in action! We will be holding our Operation School Bell shopping events from mid-September until mid-November. Like us on Facebook to keep up with our current happenings. 2013-2014 Assistance League Board President: Gloria Regan 1st VP Membership: Jeannie Carpenter 2nd VP Resource Development: Betty Herme 3rd VP Philanthropic Programs: Dee Pekrul Secretary: Nancy Turner Treasurer: Connie Troesch Strategic Planning Chairman: Carole Tisserat Education Chairman: Judy Plouff Public Relations Chairman: Diane Spurney Finance Chairman: Connie Loerch Resale Chairman: Pat Sullivan Assisteens Coordinator: Fran Whitney Mission Statement Assistance League Santa Clarita is a volunteer organization that develops and implements programs to make a difference in the lives of families in our community. Assistance League of Santa Clarita P. O. Box 220145, Santa Clarita, CA 91322 661.255.1991 [email protected] Assistance League,® Assisteens® and Operation School Bell® are registered names of the organization.
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