Staff name ROLE Scientific Area Scientific sector FULL PROFESSORS Prof. Maria Letizia Bertotti Mathematical Models and Methods, Dynamical Systems and Qualitative Analysis, Differential Equations for Complex Systems, Mathematical Models for SocioEconomic Problems, Qualitative Analysis MAT/07 Prof. Stefano Cesco Agricultural Chemistry, Soil Fertility and Plant nutrition, Plant Biochemistry AGR/13 Prof. Dr.- Ing. Dominik Matt Production Systems, Business Economics Prof. Matthias Gauly Livestock Production Systems, Animal Breeding, Husbandry and Nutrition AGR/19 Prof. Fabrizio Mazzetto Farm machinery and mechanization, Information Technologies for Precision Farming and Farm Management AGR/09 Prof. Massimo Tagliavini Fruit Tree Production, Tree Ecosystems AGR/03 Prof. Stefan Zerbe Applied Botany, Restoration Ecology, Landscape Ecology and History BIO/03 ING-IND/16 ROLE ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS Prof. Carlo Andreotti Pomology, Viticulture, Quality and Biochemistry of Fruits Prof. Marco Baratieri Applied Engineering Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, Renewable Energies, Energy Conversion, Biomass, Building Physics Prof. Francesco Comiti Watershed Management, Agricultural Hydrology, River Morphology and Restoration Prof. Christian Fischer Agri-food economics, management and marketing Prof. Andrea Gasparella Applied Engineering Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, Building Physics, Energy management, Acoustics, Lighting Prof. Matteo Mario Scampicchio Food Technology, Food Quality Control, Food Authenticity AGR/15 Prof. Giustino Tonon Forest ecology, forestry, biogeochemistry, forest ecosystems AGR/05 AGR/03 ING-IND/10 AGR/08 AGR/01 ING-IND/11 ROLE ASSISTANT PROFESSORS Dr. Sergio Angeli Entomology, Chemo-Ecology, Insect-plant interactions AGR/11 Dr. Stefano Benini Organic Chemistry, Structure and Function of Proteins, Protein Crystallography CHIM/06 Dr. Lorenzo Brusetti Agricultural and Environmental Microbiology, Microbial Ecology, Bacterial Genomics AGR/16 Dr. Laura Levaggi Mathematical Control Theory, Discontinuous Control Systems, Variable Structure Control, Game Theory Applications to Public Economics MAT/05 Dr. Pasquale Russo Spena Materials and manufacturing engineering, mechanical and microstructural characterization of metal alloys Dr. Armin Otto Schmitt Applied statistics, bioinformatics, molecular evolution ROLE RESEARCHERS WITH A FIXED-TERM CONTRACT Dr. Luigi Alberti Electrical machines and drives, Electrical engineering applications ING-IND/32 Dr. Cinzia Battistella Strategic management, Foresight, Organisational change, Innovation management ING-IND/35 Dr. Marco Bietresato Agricultural Engineering Dr. Youri Borgianni Engineering design, Intellectual Property, New Product Development, Process Reengineering, Creativity, Inventive Problem Solving, Computer-Aided Innovation Dr. Calogero Capici Agricultural Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Plant Biochemistry, Organic Chemistry Dr. Luca Cortese Machine Design, mechanical characterization of materials, finite element analysis. Dr. Christian Lambertz Livestock Production Systems, Animal Breeding, Husbandry and Nutrition AGR/19 Dr. Valeria Leggieri Combinatorial optimization, Routing on wireless networks, Steiner tree problem, Vehicle routing. MAT/07 Dr. Tanja Mimmo Agricultural Chemistry, Soil Fertility and Plant nutrition, Biogeochemical Cycles of Soil Nutrients, Analytical Methods in Agriculture AGR/13 Dr. Giovanni Modanese Mathematical Physics, Differential Equations for Complex Systems, Mathematical Models for Socioeconomic Problems, Diffusion of technological innovations, Gravitational fields and waves MAT/07 Dr. Youry Pii Agricultural Chemistry, Plant Physiology, Plant Molecular Biology, Plant-Microbes Interaction, Plant Mineral Nutrition AGR/13 Dr. Erwin Rauch Production Systems, Distributed Manufacturing, Production and Assembly Technologies Dr. Andrea Romano Food Science, analytical chemistry, mass spectrometry Dr. Massimiliano Renzi Fluid Machinery, Cogeneration Sytems Dr. Francesca Scandellari Tree ecosystems, cycle of nutrients in ecosystems, agroecology Dr. Renato Vidoni Applied Mechanics for Machinery, Mechatronics and Robotics Dr. Camilla Wellstein Functional Ecology, Plant Ecology, Vegetation Sciences, Mountain Ecology, Climate Change Research, Restoration Ecology ING-IND/16 SECS-S/02 AGR/09 ING-IND/15 AGR/13 ING-IND/14 ING-IND/16 AGR/15 ING-IND/08 AGR/03 ING-IND/13 BIO/03
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