® IBM Software Group JVM Performance Tuning with respect to Garbage Collection(GC) policies for WebSphere Application Server V6.1 - Part 1 Giribabu Paramkusham Ajay Bhalodia WebSphere® Support Technical Exchange IBM Software Group Objectives Understand Java5 Garbage Collection for IBM® JVMs Selecting the Correct GC Policy Analyze GC output and provide suggestions Tuning Java™ heap for performance Questions/Answers WebSphere® Support Technical Exchange 2 IBM Software Group What is Garbage Collection Responsible for allocation and freeing of memory Allocates objects using a contiguous section of Java heap Ensures the object remains on the heap as long as it is in use Reclaims objects that are no longer referenced WebSphere® Support Technical Exchange 3 IBM Software Group Understanding Garbage Collection Two main technologies used to remove the garbage: Mark Sweep Collector Copy Collector IBM uses a mark sweep collector or a combination for generational (gencon) Garbage Collection can be broken down into 3 steps Mark: Find all live objects in the system Sweep: Reclaim objects that are no longer referenced Compact: Converts many small holes into fewer large ones to avoid fragmentation All steps are in a single stop-the-world (STW) phase Application “pauses” while garbage collection is running WebSphere® Support Technical Exchange 4 IBM Software Group Why different GC policies? GC performance issues can take many forms Definition of a performance problem is user centric User requirement may be for: • Very short GC “pause” times • Maximum throughput • A balance of both First step is to ensure that the correct GC policy has been selected for the workload type Second step is to ensure heap sizing is correct Third step is to look for specific performance issues WebSphere® Support Technical Exchange 5 IBM Software Group Few but simple GC policies in IBM IBM provides four simple GC “Policies”, optimized for scenarios 1. -Xgcpolicy:optthruput optimized for throughput (default gc policy) 2. -Xgcpolicy:gencon optimized for short lived objects to reduce pause times while maintaining good throughput 3. -Xgcpolicy:optavgpause optimized for applications with responsiveness criteria by greatly reducing STW times. Reduction usually between 90% to 95%. Eg. Portal applications 4. -Xgcpolicy:subpools optimized for multi processor systems (recommended for 16 or more processors) WebSphere® Support Technical Exchange 6 IBM Software Group Generational and Concurrent GC (gencon) WebSphere® Support Technical Exchange 7 IBM Software Group Comparing IBM gencon policy to SUN JVM GC collector JVM Heap Nursery/Young Generation Old Generation IBM J9: IBM J9: -Xmo (-Xmos/-Xmox) Sun: -XX:NewRatio=n -Xmn (-Xmns/-Xmnx) Sun: -XX:NewSize=nn -XX:MaxNewSize=nn -Xmn<size> Minor Collection: Major Collection: Permanent Space Sun JVM Only: -XX:MaxPermSize=nn takes place only in the young generation, normally done through direct copying very efficient takes place in the new and old generation and uses the normal mark/sweep (+compact) algorithm WebSphere® Support Technical Exchange 8 IBM Software Group WebSphere® Support Technical Exchange 9 IBM Software Group Sample verbosegc for optthroughput (default) <af type="tenured" id="1" timestamp="Sun Mar 12 19:12:55 2006" intervalms="0.000"> <minimum requested_bytes="16" /> <time exclusiveaccessms="0.025" /> <tenured freebytes="23592960" totalbytes="471859200" percent="5" > <soa freebytes="0" totalbytes="448266240" percent="0" /> <loa freebytes="23592960" totalbytes="23592960" percent="100" /> </tenured> <gc type="global" id="3" totalid="3" intervalms="11620.259"> <refs_cleared soft="0" weak="72" phantom="0" /> <finalization objectsqueued="9" /> <timesms mark="74.734" sweep="7.611" compact="0.000" total="82.420" /> <tenured freebytes="409273392" totalbytes="471859200" percent="86" > <soa freebytes="385680432" totalbytes="448266240" percent="86" /> <loa freebytes="23592960" totalbytes="23592960" percent="100" /> </tenured> </gc> <tenured freebytes="409272720" totalbytes="471859200" percent="86" > <soa freebytes="385679760" totalbytes="448266240" percent="86" /> <loa freebytes="23592960" totalbytes="23592960" percent="100" /> </tenured> Allocation request details. And state of heap before collection Heap occupancy details after running GC Heap occupancy details after the request that triggered the allocation was satisfied. <time totalms="83.227" /> </af> WebSphere® Support Technical Exchange 10 IBM Software Group Sample verbosegc for gencon <af type="nursery" id="35" timestamp="Thu Aug 11 21:47:11 2005" intervalms="10730.361"> <minimum requested_bytes="144" /> <time exclusiveaccessms="1.193" /> <nursery freebytes="0" totalbytes="1226833920" percent="0" /> <tenured freebytes="68687704" totalbytes="209715200" percent="32" > <soa freebytes="58201944" totalbytes="199229440" percent="29" /> <loa freebytes="10485760" totalbytes="10485760" percent="100" /> </tenured> <gc type="scavenger" id="35" totalid="35" intervalms="10731.054"> <flipped objectcount="1059594" bytes="56898904" /> <tenured objectcount="12580" bytes="677620" /> <refs_cleared soft="0" weak="691" phantom="39" /> <finalization objectsqueued="1216" /> <scavenger tiltratio="90" /> <nursery freebytes="1167543760" totalbytes="1226833920" percent="95" tenureage="14" /> <tenured freebytes="67508056" totalbytes="209715200" percent="32" > <soa freebytes="57022296" totalbytes="199229440" percent="28" /> <loa freebytes="10485760" totalbytes="10485760" percent="100" /> </tenured> <time totalms="368.309" /> </gc> <nursery freebytes="1167541712" totalbytes="1226833920" percent="95" /> <tenured freebytes="67508056" totalbytes="209715200" percent="32" > <soa freebytes="57022296" totalbytes="199229440" percent="28" /> <loa freebytes="10485760" totalbytes="10485760" percent="100" /> </tenured> <time totalms="377.634" /> </af> WebSphere® Support Technical Exchange Allocation request details, time it took to stop all mutator threads. Heap occupancy details before GC. Details about the scavenge. Heap occupancy details after GC. 11 IBM Software Group Benchmarking two GC policies optavgpase WebSphere® Support Technical Exchange gencon 12 IBM Software Group Benchmarking (cont…) WebSphere® Support Technical Exchange 13 IBM Software Group Tuning Java heap for performance Maximum possible Java heap sizes The “correct” Java heap size Fixed heap sizes vs. Variable heap sizes Heap Sizing for Generational GC 32 bit Java processes have maximum possible heap size 32 bit architecture has addressable space of 2^32 Which is 4GigaBytes Determined by the process memory layout 64 bit processes do not have this limit Limit exists, but is so large it can be effectively ignored Addressability usually between 2^44 and 2^64 Which is 16+ TeraBytes WebSphere® Support Technical Exchange 14 IBM Software Group Theoretical and Advised Max Heap Sizes WebSphere® Support Technical Exchange 15 IBM Software Group Things to consider when moving to 64 bit Moving to 64bit removes the Java heap size constraint However, ability to use more memory is not “free” 64bit applications perform slower • More data has to be manipulated • Cache performance is reduced 64bit applications require more memory • Java Object references are larger • Internal pointers are larger Major improvements to this in Java 6.0 due to compressed pointers WebSphere® Support Technical Exchange 16 IBM Software Group The “correct” Java heap size GC will adapt heap size to keep occupancy between 40% and 70% Heap occupancy over 70% causes frequent GC cycles • Which generally means reduced performance Heap occupancy below 40% means infrequent GC cycles, but cycles longer than they need to be • Which means longer pause times than necessary • Which generally means reduced performance The maximum heap size setting should therefore be above 40% larger than the maximum occupancy of the application. For example 43%: Maximum occupancy + 43% means occupancy at 70% of total heap • Eg. For 70MB occupancy, 100MB Max heap required, which is 70MB + 43% of 70MB WebSphere® Support Technical Exchange 17 IBM Software Group Trade-off: Heap Size vs. Performance Heap size Occupancy GC overhead Time taken Out Of Memory crash 100 MB 110 MB 89% 77% 30s 120 MB 82% 37% 9s 130 MB 75% 20% 9s 140 MB 69% 14% 8s 200 MB 49% 9% 7s 400 MB 24% 4% 7s 800 MB 12% 4% 7s WebSphere® Support Technical Exchange 18 IBM Software Group Fixed heap sizes vs. Variable heap sizes Should the heap size be “fixed”? i.e. Minimum heap size (-Xms) = Maximum heap size (-Xmx)? Dependent on application For “flat” memory usage, use fixed For widely varying memory usage, consider variable Variable provides more flexibility and ability to avoid OutOfMemoryErrors Variable Heap Sizes GC will adapt heap size to keep occupancy between 40% and 70% WebSphere® Support Technical Exchange 19 IBM Software Group Heap Sizing for Generational GC WebSphere® Support Technical Exchange 20 IBM Software Group Sizing the Nursery “Copying” from Allocate to Survivor or to Tenured space is expensive Physical data is copied (similar to compaction which is also expensive Ideally “survival” rates should be as low as possible Less data needs to be copied Less tenured/global collects that will occur The larger the nursery: the greater the time between collects the less objects that should survive Recommendation is to have a nursery as large as possible Whilst not being so large that nursery collect times affect the application responsiveness WebSphere® Support Technical Exchange 21 IBM Software Group Tools - GCMV Features Parse and plot IBM verbose GC logs Analyses heap usage, heap size, pause times, and many other properties Compare multiple logs in the same plots and reports Handles optthruput, optavgpause, and gencon GC modes. Many views on data Reports Graphs Tables Can save data to HTML reports JPEG pictures CSV files WebSphere® Support Technical Exchange 22 IBM Software Group Garbage collection and Memory Visualizer (GCMV) WebSphere® Support Technical Exchange 23 IBM Software Group Tools – PMAT Features The following features are included: GC analysis GC table view Allocation failure summary GC usage summary GC duration summary GC graph view GC pattern analysis Zoom in/out/selection/center of chart view Option of changing chart color. The tool can also parse IBM, SUN and HP JVM Handles optthruput, optavgpause, and gencon GC modes. WebSphere® Support Technical Exchange 24 IBM Software Group WebSphere® Support Technical Exchange 25 IBM Software Group Summary How the GC works and various GC policies in 1.5 IBM JDK. How to select the right GC Policy based on application scenario How to interpret verbose GC output Tuning Java Heap for performance Available Tools to parse gc data and provide recommendations WebSphere® Support Technical Exchange 26 IBM Software Group References IBM JDK 5.0: Java Diagnostics Guide http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/javasdk/v5r0/index.jsp Analyzing Verbose GC Output http://www-1.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21222488 GCMV - GC and Memory Visualizer (GCMV) from ISA https://www14.software.ibm.com/webapp/iwm/web/preLogin.do?source=isa IBM Pattern Modeling and Analysis Tool for Java Garbage Collector (PMAT): http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/tech/pmat Garbage Collection policies (Part 1) http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-ibmjava2/ Garbage Collection policies (Part2) http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-ibmjava3/ WebSphere® Support Technical Exchange 27 IBM Software Group Additional WebSphere Product Resources Discover the latest trends in WebSphere® Technology and implementation, participate in technically-focused briefings, webcasts and podcasts at: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/websphere/community/ Learn about other upcoming webcasts, conferences and events: http://www.ibm.com/software/websphere/events_1.html Join the Global WebSphere User Group Community: http://www.websphere.org Access key product show-me demos and tutorials by visiting IBM Education Assistant: http://www.ibm.com/software/info/education/assistant View a Flash replay with step-by-step instructions for using the Electronic Service Request (ESR) tool for submitting problems electronically: http://www.ibm.com/software/websphere/support/d2w.html Sign up to receive weekly technical My support emails: http://www.ibm.com/software/support/einfo.html WebSphere® Support Technical Exchange 28 IBM Software Group Questions and Answers WebSphere® Support Technical Exchange 29
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