and the same will be allowed, unless cause be then

and the same will be allowed, unless cause be then and there
shewn to the contrary, or such other order will he made
therein as the justice of the case may reauire.
HEREAS the Court, authorized to act in the prosecution of a Fiat in Bankruptcy issued and now in prosecution against John Burrell, of Wakefield, in the county of
York, Surgeon and Apothecary, hearing date the 31st of
May 1847, has, on the application of the said bankrupt, appointed a public sitting tmder such Fiat to be held before
William Scrope Ayrton, Esq. one of Her Majesty's Commissioners of the Leeds District Court of Bankruptcy, on the
17th of August next, at one in the afternoon precisely, at
the Leeds District Court of Bankruptcy, at Leeds, for the
allowance of the Certificate of the said bankrupt's
conformity to the laws in force at the time of issuing
such Fiat, according to the form and subject to the provisions of the Statute, passed m the Parliament holden in the
fifth and sixth years of tbe reign of Her present Majesty,
intituled " An Act for the amendment of the law of bankruptcy ;" this is to give notice, that such Court will sit, at
the time and place above mentioned, for the purpose aforesaid ; when and where any of the creditors of the said bankrupt may be heard against the allowance of such Certificate,
and the same will be allowed, unless cause be then and there
shewn to the contrary, or such other order will be made
therein as the justice of the case may reauire.
HERE AS the Court, authorized to act in the prose*
cution of a Fiat in Bankruptcy issued and now
in prosecution against James Parker, late of Clapham, in
the county of Surrey, Corn Chandler, Dealer and Chapman,
bearing date the 7th of May 1847, has, on the application
of the said bankrupt, appointed a public sitting under such
Fiat to be held before Robert George Cecil Fane. Esq. one
of Her Majesty's Commissioners of the Court of Bankruptcy,
on the 13th of August next, at half past twelve o'clock in the
afternoon precisely, at the Court of Bankruptcy, in Basinghall-street, in the city of London, for the allowance of the
Certificate of the said bankrupt's conformity to the laws ra
force at the time of issuing such Fiat, according to
the form and subject to the provisions of the Statute, passed
in the Parliament holden in the fifth and sixth years of the
reign of Her present Majesty, intituled " An Act for the
amendment of the law of bankruptcy;" this is to give notice,
that such Court will sit, at the time and place above mentioned, for the purpose aforesaid ; when and where any of
the creditors of the said bankrupt maybe heard against the
allowance of such Certificate,and the aame will be allowed,
unless cause be then and there shewn to the contrary, or such
other order will be made therein as the justice of the case
may require.
HEREAS the Court, authorized to act in the prosecution of a Fiat in Bankruptcy issued and now in
HEREAS the Court,authorized to act in the pro- prosecution against William Henry Noyes, of Longparish,
secution of a Fiat in Bankruptcy issued and now in the county of Southampton, Relieving Officer of the Poor
in prosecution against John Harland, of Marriek, in for the Longparish district of the Andover Union, and
the county of York, Banker, Dealer and Chapman, Registrar of Births and Deaths in the same district,
bearing date the I4th day of May 1847, has, on the appli- and previously of Longparish aforesaid, Baker,
cation of the said bankrupt, appointed a public sitting under Grocer, Linen Draper, Tea Dealer, and Chapman,
such Fiat to be held before William Scrope Ayrton, bearing date the 3d day of June 1847, has, on the
Esq. one of Her Majesty's Commissioners of the Leeds- application of the said bankrupt, appointed a public
District Court of Bankruptcy, on the 17th of August next, sitting under such Fiat t to be held before Robert
at two o'clock in the afternoon precisely, at the Leeds George Cecil Fane, Esq. one of Her Majesty's CommisDistrict Court of Bankruptcy, at Leeds, for the allowance sioners of the Court of Bankruptcy, on the 13th day
of the Certificate of the said bankrupt's conformity to the of August next, at twelve of the clock at noon prelaws in force at the time of issuing such Fiat, according cisely, at the Court of Bankruptcy, in Basinghallto the form and subject to the provisions of the Statute, street, in the city of London, for the allowance of the
said bankrupt's conformity to
passed in the Parliament holden in the fifth and sixth years Certificate of the
of the reign of Her present Majesty, intituled " An Act for the laws in force at the' time of issuing such Fiat,
the amendment of the law of bankruptcy ;" this is to give according to the form and subject to the provisions of the
notice, that such Court will sit, at the time and place above Statute, passed in the Parliament holden in the fifth and
mentioned, for the purpose aforesaid; when and where any sixth years of the reign of Her present Majesty, intituled
of the creditors of the said bankrupt may be heard against " An Act for the amendment of the law of bankruptcy;"
the allowance of such Certificate, and the same will be this is to give notice, that such Court will sit, at the time and
allowed, unless cause be then and there shewn to the con- place above mentioned, for the purpose aforesaid; when and
trary, or such other order will be made therein as the justice where any of the creditors of the said bankrupt may be
heard against the allowance of such Certificate, and the same
of the case may require.
will be allowed, unless cause be then and there shewn to the
HEREAS the Court, authorized to act in the prose- contrary, or such other order will be made therein as the
cution of a Fiat in Bankruptcy issued and now in justice of tbe case may require.
prosecution against George Frederick Howe, of Chesterplace, Kennington, in the county of Surrey, Merchant, and
HEREAS the Court, authorized to act in the prosealso trading at Calcutta, in the East Indies, in copartnership
cution of a Fiat in Bankruptcy issued aud now in
with Charles Henry Howe, under the firm of Howe,
Brothers, and previous!)- in copartnership with George Teil prosecution against Edward Jones the younger, of Watlingand Basil Mackenzie Ronald, trading at Catutta aforesaid, street, in the city of London, and of Pickford-mills, in
and at No. 9, Old Jewry-chambers, in the city of London-, as the county of Hertford, Paper Manufacturer Dealer and
Merchants, under the firm of George Teil, Howe, and Com- Chapman, bearing date the 1st day of June 1847, has,
pany, bearing date the 29th of December 1846, has, on the on the application of the said bankrupt, appointed a
application of the said bankrupt, appointed a public sitting public sitting under such Fiat to be held before Edward
under such Fiat to be held before Edward Holroyd, Esq. one Holroyd, Esq. one of Her Majesty's Commissioners of the
ef Her Majesty's Commissioners of the Court of Bankruptcy, Court of Bankruptcy, on the 13th day of August next,
en the 13th day of August next, at twelve o'clock at noon at half past two o'clock in the afternoon precisely, at the
precisely, at the Court of Bankruptcy, in Basinghall-street, Court of Bankruptcy, in Basiughall-street, in the city of
in the city of London, for the allowance of the Certificate London, for the allowance of the Certificate of the said
of the said bankrupt's conformity to the laws in force at bankrupt's conformity to the laws in force at the time of
the time of issuing such Fiat, according to the form issuing such Fiat, according to the form and subject
and subject to the provisions of the Statute, passed in the to the provisions of the Statute, passed in the ParParliament holden in the fifth and sixth years of the reign liament holden in the fifth and sixth years of the reign of
of Her present Majesty, intituled " A n Act for the amend- Her present Majesty, intituled " A n Act for the amendment
ment of the law of bankruptcy;" this is to give notice, of the law of bankruptcy;" this is to give notice, that such
that such Court will sit, at the time and place above men- Court will sit, at the time and place above mentioned, lor
tioned, for the purpose aforesaid; when and where any of the purpose aforesaid ; when and where any of the creditors
the creditors of the said bankrupt may be heard against the of the said bankrupt may be heard against the allowance of
allowance of such Certificate, and the same will be allowed, such Certificate, and the same will be allowed, unless cause
unless cause be then and there shewn to the contrary, or be then and there shewn to the contrary, or such other
such other order will be made therein as the juEtice of the order will be ruade therein as the justice of the case mav
case may require.