New and Returning Students 1 register online through myaacc It’s fast. It’s convenient. It’s secure. And it is now available to both new and returning students. Go to What is myaacc? MyAACC is how AACC students register and pay for classes, get access to grades and identify room locations among other things. Noncredit and credit students alike can benefit from the many features MyAACC has to offer. 2 3 Fax — 410-777-4325 Credit card only. Mail — Continuing Education and Workforce Development Arnold campus — CALT 115 101 College Parkway Arnold, Md. 21012-1895 Credit card, check or money order (payable to AACC) 4 returning students only 5 STARS touch-tone phone — 410-777-2241. Anyone who has taken any class at AACC since Sept. 1991 and has a current address on file, may register via STARS 5 a.m.-midnight, seven days a week. Before you pick up the phone have ready: • Credit card number and expiration • Social security number or student ID • Personal identification number • Term (fall, spring, summer) • STARS number (i.e. 82349) If your course has no STARS number, call 410-777-2325. The line may become silent while transactions occur. Please do not hang up. If the class you want is full, you can join a wait list. You will be contacted if seats become available. NONPROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO 273 ANNAPOLIS MD 21401 register now Learn about then enjoy one of two Baltimore concert operas In Person — ATM card, credit card, check or money order. Cash is only accepted at the cashier’s office on the Arnold campus, Student Services Room 120. 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Monday-Thursday 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday 8 a.m.-noon Saturday 410-777-2325 Records and Registration, Arnold Campus, 410-777-2325 AACC at Arundel Mills, 410-777-2010 Glen Burnie Town Center, 410-777-2945 Fort Meade Army Education Center, 410-672-2117/2554 101 College PKY Arnold Md 21012-1895 Continuing Education and Workforce Development, Arnold campus Center for Applied Learning and Technology Room 115 Overview Meet at the Arnold campus at noon on Sunday and travel by 15-passenger van to the Garrett Jacobs Mansion (Engineers Club) in Baltimore. Participate in a one- hour lecture about the history of opera and these operas in particular, then attend a concert performance. Unlike a full opera with sets and costumes, a concert opera is held in a more intimate setting that allows participants to focus on the voices and emotion. Each opera will include electronic English subtitles. Return to the AACC’s Arnold campus by approximately 6 p.m. Note: You may bring snacks to eat on the bus rides. No other meals or meal breaks are provided. Donizetti’s Lucia di Lammermoor is a tale of love, deceit and treachery. Puccini’s Il Trittico, is a series of short tales ranging from dark and brooding to religious to classical farce. STREET ADDRESS AACC student ID or last four digits of SSN (PLEASE USE BLACK INK) PACIFIC ISLANDER 00000 Register SAM 300 COURSE ID 201 SECTION REV 10/11 Questions? Call 410-777-2325. NOTICE OF NONDISCRIMINATION AACC is an equal opportunity, affirmative action, Title IX, ADA Title 504 compliant institution. Call Disability Support Services, 410-777-2306 or Maryland Relay 711, 72 hours in advance to request most accommodations. Requests for sign language interpreters, alternative format books or assistive technology require 30-days notice. For information on AACC’s compliance and complaints concerning discrimination or harassment, contact Karen L. Cook, Esq., federal compliance officer, at 410-777-7370 or Maryland Relay 711. The security of all members of the campus community is of vital concern to Anne Arundel Community College. Information concerning campus security and crime statistics is available in the Student Handbook. For copies write the Anne Arundel Community College Department of Public Safety, 101 College Pky Arnold MD 21012-1895. ★STARS★ REGISTER • DROP 100 100 100 100 PUB CODE COURSE TITLE MWF DAYS 7-9 pm AACC LOCATION DATE TOTAL COST ➧ OUT-OF-STATE FEE ADD $10 EACH COURSE ➧ MARYLAND OUT-OF-COUNTY RESIDENT FEE ADD $5 EACH COURSE ➧ Sept. 3 START DATE TIMES I HAVE MAINTAINED MY LEGAL DOMICILE IN MARYLAND FOR AT LEAST 3 MONTHS. F $$$ COST FEMALE MI CARDHOLDER SIGNATURE: ACCOUNT # CHARGE MY ❑ AMERICAN EXPRESS ❑ MASTERCARD ❑ VISA ❑ DISCOVER DATE EXP. DATE: ATTACHED IS MY CHECK/MONEY ORDER PAYABLE TO AACC. PAYMENT IS DUE AT TIME OF REGISTRATION. NO REFUNDS GIVEN AFTER THE CLASS HAS STARTED. PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE (if student under 16 years) IT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED BY YOUR SIGNATURE THAT YOU ARE HEREBY RESPONSIBLE AND OBLIGATED TO PAY FOR THE ABOVE COURSES. REQUIRED STUDENT SIGNATURE M MALE COUNTY FOR AT LEAST 3 MONTHS. SCHOOL CODE MARYLAND REAL ESTATE LICENSE NUMBER Sample Course GRADE ❑ NO GENDER I certify that the information I have given on this form is accurate and complete. By proceeding with this registration I agree to abide by the Academic Integrity Policy and all other college policies as cited in the college catalog. CONTINUING EDUCATION CERTIFICATE CODE (if applicable) ❑ WHITE ❑ FOREIGN COUNTRY OF CITIZENSHIP ❑ YES ❑ TYPE OF VISA ❑ BLACK OR AFRICAN-AMERICAN ❑ NATIVE HAWAIIAN OR OTHER ZIP YEAR: I HAVE MAINTAINED MY LEGAL DOMICILE IN ❑ PERMANENT ALIEN RESIDENT (SUBMIT PROOF OF ALIEN REGISTRATION CARD) ❑ AMERICAN INDIAN OR ALASKA NATIVE ❑ ASIAN ❑ HISPANIC OR LATINO ❑ NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO ❑ NO RESIDENCY (REQUIRED) YEAR ❑ YES DAY CITIZENSHIP (REQUIRED) MONTH ❑ U.S. BIRTH DATE STATE STUDENT'S FIRST NAME ❏ SPRING ❏ SUMMER RACE CHECK ONE OR MORE CITY ❏ FALL ❏ WINTER OPTIONAL FOR REPORTING PURPOSES ONLY. HOME PHONE # E-MAIL ADDRESS STUDENT'S LAST NAME TERM: CONTINUING EDUCATION ➤ REGISTRATION and/or DROP FORM ETHNICITY CHECK ONE BUSINESS PHONE # COUNTY muc 302 Enjoy the Opera: Donizetti or Pucinni Anne Arundel Community College • 101 College Parkway • Arnold, MD 21012-1895 • Fax 410-777-4325 • Don’t miss the rare opportunity to attend a concert opera performed by the Baltimore Concert Opera and participate in a preconcert lecture in Baltimore’s historic Garrett Jacobs Mansion (Engineers Club).
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