New Brunswick, N. J. b\iry. | WIllllHtri MS " 1101 1 |gvery day the Home News clerks receive a big, fresh svpply of advertisements for this Classified Advertisement Page, and there ought to be something to interest YOU personally in it every day. __" Rates: One cent a word the first day, and one-half cent a word a day for every day afterward. Z^dix* S-e* ; liiHB c. 27—Warren P. gton, D. C, is a at the bom? of hit Irs. Wn). H. John- room house, all Manor; D. Chamberlain ma. Stanley Lewis, d Mra. V. 8. Dim : I Georgo McDowell, 1 Mr. and Mrs. EdBrunswick, nd Mn, On, of making a viatt ol relative! in South CITY, will seM cosy six . lu, IU improvenMrats. ex"loTation. half block octroiears Home I Addwiss, HI. A., diO-U VMNO lA V ,"^£Z.<rroahi house, with i C Perrlivs had «■ Mr. and Mra. David inawick; Van Dykn of Dutch Nut,, irthur Ferrine. •lea Cenover lud >s Jhristmas, Mr. and >ver, Mr. and Mm. and Mra. Zubulon .'1 rger enterUlned thn 'errine Um-ly en io»e present being B. Perrine, Mr. end , Mr. and Mrs, S. H. a. Clarence terrine, k 6. Perr'Ae, Miu Margaret Perrwu !. Bennett, Mr, and t, Miss Bessie Peri* with Mr. and binsoa and family, lea H. Goodwin are the holidays, Mr. ra Waitneight and Pa. an and daughter, are visiting with •e, at Frederickburg, Russell Silvers and be holidays with Biander Milne at 1 MlliM'tlltH !. 27.—Mr. and Mrs. , of Jersey City gained on Christmas :e of the former's Iwig, of West Spots md Miae Dorothy silver, were visitor* at the rcsldciiiM of Mayor and Mrs. A. p, of Brooklyn, was rsday at the ve»iIU, Postmaster and Jolly and sons, Nelson Jolly, enjoyguesta of thu formWilliam Crouch, o( of New York City, the guest of his rs. Charles Shelters, iehard Berry cnUr ,rty of eleven littk Eve. William Bei who is viaic'nig J>n role of Santa Clan happy guest with a r. W. Van Dyke, of itertained at Christ he former's brother, of Blghtstown; Mrs. ts, Postmaster and >y, and Mr. Appleby's f Old Bridge. >e, of State Normal visiting at thdresiir, George W. Der., of Perth Amboy, i Christmas Day at . fiancee. Miss Bessie ! and daughter, Miss talned on Christmas e of the former's son, ae, ot Perth Amboy. HELP WANTED Female Help Wanted. F- **" TTaut and Lawrence aveWANTED—A young girl to assist ^Upave: °Dem ,ment, sidewalk, sewer. with the cars of children. Inquire 349 George street. Mm. Benjamin Guttman, 418 George H. Bdga--, »" ~d28-tf._ street. d27-Jt. lit SALE—Almost n»w, WANTBrV-American girl for gen0VSE 1 and bathTall improve- eral housework. Catl at 321 Cedar ' r0°" .at oondiUon. W1U eac- avenue, Highland Park. * $1% owner lading town. d27-3t ^ °, HvligsVon Manor. 'Phone *?' n 6 iiwrence avenue, four ELDERLY WOMAN wishes to do all kinds ot housework. Apply, R. "fibove Second »"e9t'dl0.10t 8., Horns News. aze-at ter Scott cntertan.. ev. and Mrs. J. K !le»te and Margaret . Ernest Scott, Mr. itt and Mr». A!f■■< il ebvish. ELEVEN, Saturday, Dec. 27,1913. Read This Want Adv. Page Carefully ["M"t"M'♦'!;«♦»»♦ rVOOda THE DAILY HOME NEWS '•] WANTED—Clerk, capable of soliciting trade outside as well as commanding trade inside. Must be a producer. Address, with full particulars ot yourself and references. X. X.. X. Home News Ofltce. d26-2t LOCOMOTIVE F1REMBN. Brakemen, wages about $100; positions assured competent inexperienced men. Send age, stamp. Railway, caro Home News. dC-aat&moa-4t WANTED—Girl tor general housework. References required. Mrs. SALESMAN wanted, $76,00 par Arthur V. Bchenck. Cedar avenue, month and all expenses to begin Highland Park. d20-tt Experience not absolutely necessary. WANTED—On Jan. 2nd, a wo- Take orders from dealers for Cigarettes, Cigars, Hiiutf, Smoking and man tor general housework; good cook and laundress; best wages. 9 Cbewinj; tobaccos. Penn Company, Station O, New York, N. Y. dl0-2ms Union street. dx7-tt. 'FARMER wanted to work~a 100WOMEN TO demonstrate, congenial work, liberal salary, no exper- acre farm, on half-share interest; must have his own stock. Address, ience necessary. Apply, Juu. A. Manning .shoo Store, 106 Church street. Samuel Ureen, K. F. D., No. 2, Cranbury, N. J., cat take Trenton trolley, Ask tor Mr. Miller. d7-4t get oft at Broadway, fiainsooro. d23-lm. WILL PAY RELIABLE MAN or woman 312.60 to distribute 109 LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Flti'.is packages Perfumed Borax WANTED—No canvassing or solicitSoap Powder among friends. No ing required. Good income assured. money required. Ward Borax Co., Andreas National Co-Operative Real21(1 institute Place, Chicago. ty Co., V-1083, Marden Building. y d27-lt Washington, D. C. ui-lm WANTED a cheerful middle-aged SALESMEN WANTED^ American woman, who would like good home .for the winter with all Capable men to sell lamps, conveniences and privileges in exchange for a tittle light housewcrk fixtures and heating stoves. in a family of two. No wanning or Appiy (Ml Albany sneet. > ironing. Address Good Horns, care - S9.t( of Home News. dlO-St. tiudson street. -V «•*»... J^KAITK—Opportunity for a flirty to got a home ou ^offily".payments ,Ho»£ 6 £ood location, $000, casn, „. t'ouVe « rooms, all ImproveZ* ,° 600. cash $506; house, f> js.eoo^ ■"' •barn, - lot 76x100, cash re Lrri, *200; 2 family house, 200 L Livingston avene, $2,000, cash rally house, Redmond it *2.«00. cash. $200; 2 fanirhnnse 14 rooms, paved street, ,M cash. *T0O. m» 1* mlu*■ walk Miiltowa, 18 acreB ttne s™ soil, all kinds fruit, house ot C» *».000. cash rbqulred. loo balance easy payments. Hum. S3 *"**• ai«ht robm house. Id outbuildings. 2 minutes walk „i itt miles depot, forty trains Biv will sacrifice to settle estate. fmni 38 acres, -Sne Ullabls soil, WANTED—A~young lady tor Itbulldinss near depot, will sell 13 uuo, part cash. Dunn, 409 bookkeeping; to start a new sat ot books; hours from 8.30 a. m. to 5 [orie street. 'Pnoas »«-W. p. m. Apply In our hand writing, nll-tf Druggls'., cars Horns News Office. d24-8t. FOR SALE at a bargain, a two niiiy bouse on Handy street, bsKailioad and Codwlse avenue. Kn lot. Good investment, Ai- Situations Wanted—Female i owner. Horns News office. nii-tf WOMAN wants washing, Ironing JF0B SALE—Two family house, and cleaning by the day. Address, uav-ut tier and gas, paved street, also h.," oars Home Maws ■■ ii ■ f ■ " !■ Ilia- il ■ I I liamMSMSsassJswMSM. [ra loi and plenty of yard room. Idieis, Bargain, Home News office. Furmshod fcooms. ol-tf i COSY well-built six -room home, Jtb batb, heat and all improveLuis; corner lot 60x100: only tw& hcks trum trolley; all in perfect tier; hiibest part ot the city. Edtrd J. cimll. Room 6, »«o George kit. __?B,*''*t Mate neip Wanted. BUILDING LOAN. Only & Few The success of the Highland Park Building and Loan Association ia gratifying to its officers and memBUILDING SITES left at cash price on easy terms bers. Assets between $90,000 and $100,000. Show an expression et from $40 up. your further confidence by urging Don't miss the chance. Speak quickly it you want a Sixth avenue your friends to subscribe for shares house on the easiest terms ever offered. Also, a good going Farm ot of stock In the ELEVENTH SERIES. about 70 acres, stock and implements. Including some woodland, runAn Investment of one dollar per ning stream, fruit. Price $5,500.00. Easy terms. month will -carry a share ot stock, worth $200 at maturity, and will alINSURE YOUR PROPERTY in the FIREMAN'S FUND INSURlow borrowing members, a loan of ANCE COMPANY of Sam Francisco through the $200 on each share of stock. No premium charged when a member borrows. Own your own home— Opposite Depot 147 ALBANY ST. New Bmnawjek. N. J. stop paying rent. Application for shares, first payment Jan. lath, 1944. may bs made to Howard I. Stevenson, cars Strong Hardware Kooni» For iteni. Co., 289 Burnet street. James A. FOR RENT—Five rooms, with Edgar, 349 George street Anthony on batb; FOR RENT—Four tir^t floor. 14 Codwlse avenue^ J. Gebbardt, Highland Park. George street, $12.00. Inquire. 204 Immediate possession inquire 301 d2,3-lm d26-tf George street. . Redmond street d20-6t. Situations Wanted—Male. HOME: REALTY COMPANY Seal Estate For Sale. FOR RENT—Furnished {Inquire, 18 Codwlse svenue. d2«-7t FOR SALE—Choice plots and bungalow sites on trolley line, op-1 • FOR __„ „-„-,—„■ , « ' ~~, posite East New Brunswick Heights. I RENT—-Parlor floor and Also a one-family house. Apply, H. hfsement; new improvemenu; rent Copperwolte, Wopdbridge avenue, ver>' reasonable. 78 Hassart street. Llndenau. dl«-tt I d2t-at. FOR SALE—Cheap; three lots.' ™R RENT—Five rooms. 145 northerly side of Dennbren street, ~"°°P avenue, d2<-tf. near Third avenue. Inquire 8. Spits,1 45 Church street. d!9-tf. FOR RENT—To colored people; FOR SALE CHEAP—Pour lots,, 2 rooms, top floor, 26 French street. corner Wyckott and Richardson I neaf_dep0^_[?nt «*_»!"*fi Apply streets. Also one one-family bouse J. Gray, uarber, cnurch street. tSC-ft. and one two-family house tor sale. Inquire, B. Stevenson, 381 George FOR RENT—Six rooms, nrst floor street. d3-tf and basement. 12 Prosper street, d23-tl FOR BALE—Chicken farm, about near Stone. acre land, 8 room house, barn, watFOR RENT — Modern 7er, gas. Mow Brunswick suburbs, on monthly payments ot $20.00. room nouae, excellent locaLouis F, Manage, 880 George sueet. tion on aevenin avenue, in septt-tf BUY TOUR ROME with jour Highland fartt. r-'or lurmer CHAUFFEUB o(' long experience rent money. $11.00 par month, particulars apply tO liayartl wanu position. H. R. COOK, 140 only, buys « room bonss and two suee «.Lrt.«i or lei 1.111-.J lots, easy walk ot Simplex Auto and W Or "" ^-OO-O Buyuam street. 'Phone 884-W. du-tf. other factories. Nsw fork Homes a$-tt Company, 390 George street FOR RENT—Upper pan of 211 e6-tf Buyuam street. iu quire Heai Losrt and Found. Bros. dl2-t( LOST—On Georgo street or Livingston avenue, between l'atersou and Manuy streets, a pouketbouk coutalnlug $» gold piece. Reward. Return to Homo Nswi. , d27-lt. FOUND—At Brunswick Hall, on the afternoon ot Dec. 20, a fur neck-! piece. Uwner can nave same uy tun'FURNISHED rooms—With or wituoul uoaiu,. Wits luiuioveujeaut. ing at the Horns Realty Co., and Identifying same. d27.-8t. in uayaru sneet. d22-«t. LADY'S gold watch, lost between FOR RhlNT—DssiraW furaished room with usat ana modsin oouven. Eaaton avenue and St. Pater's Chuictt $10 reward, Return to St. Peters leiuies. Apply lui Isayard •tisst. rectory. d24-4t. ^ a^o-u. LOST—On Thanksgiving Day, FOR RENT—Furnunied room, euiumu lor geutlemsu. lmpiovs- bird dog, black and white; -answers to the namss of Jess. Finder please uiuuui. 191 *.u»uy sueet. uii-ii. return to 70 Huntlngton street. dl7-tf. FOR RENT—A cosy, pleasant and homelike furnished room, with LOST—Is Uvlngatdn Manor or •team *neai, anu ail improvements, tor gentleman only, In a private Highland Park, gold bar pin Liberal lamiiy, iveni reasunaole. Locauou re ard If returned to 92 Lawrence avenue. d2S-2t/ icuiiai. lka Neiutuu atreet. dl-tf Second Workingmen's Building & Loan Association rty, it) spending the s at her home here, ere attended the of Mr. and Mra. New Brunswick, nam were former vicinity. Hart recently eny. Eunge entertained ool class recently. a very enjoyable i entertainment by il will be on Friday of Newark, apent home ot Mr- an" on. nett apent Thursday ler sister, Mra. WHckwell'e Mills. Asher Wilson and lia and Getty, spent home of Mr. and tson, of ~.ghland entertained relatives hursday. e apent Christmas mer is visiting with awn. Joseph Roach enter(rs. Wilson and son, hursday. ulse Woolsey enterjn Christmas Day. Rungo Spent Chrlste of their daughter, ir, of New <*«* WlUiWu TflttO* OBIt aatt ralattvse FOR'RBNT^Slx rooms'.'itAs and watur, i>x Haauari aueoi. inquire tii Ueorge sutwi. sUl-U FOR KENT—Four lignt airy ! rooms, ceuuat locauua. inquire ot The books are open for subscrlp- ur». Wild. l»f Neiawn street, nt-U tlon to Stock In the 22nd Series at thTofflos*of"th'e AssociatlonT FOft RUNT—Eight room dwill 40 PATERSON STREET lag, 256 besman street, das. , JAMES 4. McCLOSKEY, Grocer, lit O conueli, 4i i ueorge street. [FOE SALE—Two 2-famde-ti French strsst; LOUIS VON 8PHECKELSEN, Gror dwellings, new, 36-38L»ei FOR RENT—Lower floor. 290 cer. Ot Guilden street; peltl street, all modern conJOHN A. DONAHUE, Grocer. ST George street Inquire, lit Bayard atreet 42-11 '1 droop avenue. liences; walks and fence. E. R. VAN PELT, Church and Peace FOR RENT—4 rooms for adults. [bought now can be had on streets. 214 Somerset street Apply l Hign isy terms. James A. O'ConFIRST PAYMENT DBG IS, 101S. street n!7tf dl-lm 11,417 George street FOR RENT—Upper Tuid lower Aug20-tt. floor, 22 Mchuremaa street Inquire. Horses and Cows. A Wollsoa'a sons. F0K SALS—Desirable dwelling "FOR RENT—Nicely lurnlsbei YOU CAN GET a$l-tf uusiaess properties in all parts GOOD Bay Horse suitable tor de|city and Higniaud far*. A num- room lor gentleman, steam heat, livery or carriage work. W1U be. GOOD rVlII_K FOR RENT—First floor. Inqulrs r ol choice lota and farms. Gen- private family, leaaonatua rats. Call sold cheap. 25 Church street. l ,Froni the < 278 Handy street dl6-tf. ki insurance. M. O'Connor, Vleh at li) Malison surest. I dS8-2t U22-U McCRACKEN DAIRY An building. dl4-tf FOR RENT—0 rooms. Heat FOR SALE—Good young fresh Middlebush, N. J. I'UK RENT—Furnished rooms, furnished. Private bath. Inquire, COR SALE—To close an estate, sow. W. H. Burke, Griggstown, References. 22 at-tf properties 219-21$ Somerset gentlemen only. Delivered to Your Home Every 182 French street d24-3t. n24-tf fN. J. it and 23 Plum street, ait corner iiiciouu afreet, Morning. Drop Us a Line. FOR RENT—6 rooms, 01 Welton i location for a business. James FOR SALE—Ten Holsteln cows, street Inquire, 238 George street FOR RENT—Two turalsnsd [O'Connell, 417 George street. •ao-ti rooms, with or without board; alt fresh, others springy. 1 Van' DevenStores To Let • ter, R. F. D., No. t, Bound Brook, improvements. 122 Hamilton SUBURBAN. FOR RENT—Four rooms, with N. J d23-4t. street. ol-tl FOR RENT—Store, 20 Spring gas. Call 69 Abeel street. d28-0t R SALE—Nine room house, FOR SALE—Good, sound sorrel street. Inquire, Stroumtaos Bros., »UH tuiMT—Furnianea room. n20tf heated, with good barn, car- Apply 14 Couwiss avenue. a!2-tt horse; the property of Mrs. Lewis -22 Spring street. • FOR RENT — Two lofts i house, chicken yard and garden Brown; $00. Apply to 39-41 EaaFOR RENT—Beautiful daylight Millstone, N. J. Call on, or ad ton avenue, d20-lw. store, in central location. Inquire, in brick building, suitable Business Opportunities. I JS S. M. Wlkotf, East Millstone, street for manufacturing purposes. HORSE FOR SALE—Suitable for Jas. A. O'Connell, 417 George V' d23-2w. 1 WILL give lessons In crocheting s26-tt Central location, lignt, heat and knitting and take orders to do grocery or general delivery, inquire u8-tf WANTED—American widow. U and power available. Inquire neckties, hats, slippers and fancy 0 Peace street Flat-To Let to 45 years old, M housekeeper for work In crochet. Mrs.. Perkins, 191 Billiard Tables To Kent. lone widower; one without children Home News office. jei28-tf d30-tf J0R RENT—Six room flat, all lm- Albany street. dtily need apply; must be honest and FIVE ROOMS to rent 146 Throop pemeuts, 210 George atreet. POCKET/ billiard tables to rent, SILK and bedroom slippers clean- or for sale on installments; also re- furnish references. For further ind23-12t. ed at Wall's Dry Cleaning Works, pairing; reasonable charges; can bs formation call on or address B.- 8. JOR RENT—Flat, four rooms, 18-20 Condlct street. Ottos 360 seen at my new show and business Mundy, near Millvllle Corner, R. F. LOANit •u Improvements. Apply 144 Bay- George street. ' ,'.■ V \ rooms, in the l<andsberg . building. D. No. 1 New Brunswick, d24-2t-w-t.m. I street. d27-tf. William W. McGovern. 'Phone S19-J, TO TELEPHONE 972-W and a _ N " Jel-tf pUT TO LET—Six rooms, a'll senger will call tor any clothing you HOUSEKEEPERS ■Provements Inquire at 114 may want cleaned and pressed. Wanted. -ISIS AVNCAr.. |utch street. d2-tt Wall's Dry Cleaning Works, 1S-20 $5 to $100. Condlct street. Office, 2E0 George WANTED TO BUT-A number of IfOR RENT—7 room flat, all lm- street. NEW BRUNSWICK MXtiimo So WUIM V, DEC. Mill large rabbits at once. E. R. Squibb f'SpentB, RarlUn and First averUrf-» I» WfBi.lttteoia. d2fl-3t |M. Also small house on Howard LOTS of money ia tied up that A Ion's Labatories. LOAN CO., . jf«* Vnr* 11 a n II r. s •mm oi.puu 1 AS InN. fSMa mm* IT;, 'ew Brunswick. Inquire, A. could be put to work by somebody in WANTED—A six-room flat, sec+* m^k. RM. iviieisirts, ate 4« P.4 TERSON ST. |Uebhardt. n29-tf a better position than you. Have you ond floor, with all modern- coner cuAHrtammtr CAT SHOW •*> Second Floor, rtmiL ocn M. .M wso, ps,< u any property you want eoldf. The Room lo. FOR RENT—4 room flat. 81 Home News can accomplish the veniences, centrally located, for AOMnimeajUst enn^aaw ti. small family; no children. Address ^ e—. a—*v, on at asm. as* »<*off street Apply, 00 Rlohard- transaction for you. Phone 11. tX "A. W." dare of Home News. d24-tf. "treet. d2-tf 32ND SERIES - POULTRY SHOW 5 FOR RENT—$ room bouse with all modern uuprovauuuMs. inquire M. roller, Its uuruei street, 'ruoao 8»-W. 4\a-U HOME BlSllt^tflRBCTOgY Bale: Mc a Uae a Mono, NOTICE to owners of tools— f.f.i™'««»• etc^ sharpened, reasonable. No extra charge for setting, Geo. Kauts, 20 Duke street, d22-ti; ^^OCLVTBO eAaoujw EN, oiNh, carried ay Tlasaas B. Laird son. *rankiin Park' d6um A= forSli?„8wH,PT"jNS ,»U1 »• re«'vcd JS ?,tock.Jn the ^oruath series of the Provident Building and Loan Association. First saysaa^r^mher 2B. lplj., Koorn 1, People's watlonal oank building. E B. WvFOR RENT—Four rooms, all lm coft, secretary. ^ dll-n" provemenu. beat furaished, adults. uAUuur uuw»s, ctaanad, dyed 212 First avenue. Highland Park. sao pressed, wairs Drycleaalui . d22-tlWorks, telephone PV2-W. lS-2o Couuict sueet. uucas, 2ee George LOFTS FOR RENT. FOR RENT—Two lofts In brick street. ua-u building, 127-9 Church street, eacn GLOVES CLEANED at wail 42x32 feet, with steam heat. SuitOmcs gig able for light manufacturing. Rent fry Gleaning Works. low to steady tcnanv. Inquire at George street, ieiepnoue loi-tt. Home News office. o28-tf Live iiu-gauu. iNOTICii to those wiaiuat, uswclaa* souse paiatlng, paiM>ru«.ji»ujg. cuurcu aeco.kuug, 4iM aruaut: wou naiast wiu FOR SALE—Cheap, a $45 graphaphono and $12 worth of records. 52 varaiMMM oi »u tMaOk. uraers uy Hum promptly uiteuaed U>. iititliviaion street. d2T-3t utauis tiiUMr.uily tuveau FOR SALE—Double set of harG£ORG£ i\ EDEN, ness, rubber mounted. Peinser, 245 Livingston avenue. d27-(t s'iRjai ava., mutii^iw i-iiiK. "DIAMOND" electric sweeper. dli-U George W. Fern, distributor, 203 aiiJl anu bedroom slippers cleanSuydam street, d22-lw. ed at Wan a Dr, claaniiT IVorka! "SWEEPER VAC" George W. Faro. i»-iu conuist auaat. t>5os, ius distributor. MS Suydam street. d31Mw JOHN V. OUTCALT--Car|>sntar builder. Mail promptly FOR SALE — Empty packing ana wienaso, to. 14* JUWM avanua, cases, suitable for ehioksn coops, at faswe 000. Line, Towassmd sirssi. between 'lcroop and Kamseu avenue. lia-ORtAa, * inovn—, irst t njl-3me. u lioness eaoav^uir sinks, oasapoola, sea. Wori FOR BALE—A ttansjard apiiiai •musa, at snort aouce and gturanteed piano, good cundiuon. Addrsss, sues iu iw aauaiuotory. No eacra snarae i-uuio, care Home News. lor diaiulwiuiig. Pryae as low aa las nOOtt lowest Eiuavauug, moving and tailing of an aiuuk. Oruare uy mall FOR ar ton at NO. n Comstuck sueet board suitable tor will receive prompt attention. Ruaiwvou-sheda, ate. •jpa new cuauusted ay Mrs. Usergs coots eacu. Home News omce. »ruk.n. Henry r risen, manager. d4-lmo let «24-sL FOR SALE AT A ssAKGAlM.— Autos To Hire. Colonial siueuoard. over llo years old. solid luaitugaay and in ptrfwl FOR HIRE—seven condition. The piece of aatiqae is aut leal long, four leoi, eignt inuues Moderate prices. L. A. ttoamaihoia. Pnuns 004. nt-U high. Has swell front and claw teat May be seas at Mayu a furniture shop, 11-15 Peace street Alt-lw FOR BALE—Contests uf taut complete. New furulturs. FOR SALhl—New I room seta, quartered oak hand carnages for sale; brass and whits enameled and secouu-uand buggies, mattrsssssv ate. Stung runabouts and coach la oak-baSet. china closet, ste. some used wagons. W. i. McDede, Living room In Mission, pictures. 22-41 Eaaton avenue. Rutgers ruga, etc Must bs sold at once. Stable. m2t-ti Address. Rush, Home News. nt-tt Storage. Boarding. NSW BRUNSWICK STORAGE AMD BOOMS. Warehouse Co, 18 ansl SO Drift atreet Superior accommodations tar Table board by meal, day or Breakfast, 7 to i;15. furniture, putnoa, trunks, etc PriLoach, It to 1. vate rooms ot various sues, Dinner, 6 to 7. open storage, at reasonable REASONABLE PRICES. For terms, etc., apply to J. S. 11 Livingston avenue. mer. 'Phone til. Jell-tt •Ml VOLKERTS WAREHOUSE— EXCELLENT BOARD. Brick building; moderate prices. cooking, private family. M. C Inquire 160 George atreet Iste-tl don. Montgomery street, BSJ trd and 0th avenues. ell-tt Farms To Rent FOR RENT—A New Jersey farm 100 to 200 acres fertile land with good house and buildings, 35 miles from New York. Railroad station on the property. Good lease at low rental to right party. Good roads, fine location, land easily cultivated tree from atone and slightly rolling. Box 61 East Millstone, N. J. d4-lmo HERE IT IS! Hers is what yon are looking tar. Carter's Blood Purifier Remedy, up to the minute. A quick, positive, and permanent specific for Indigestion. Dropsy, Malaria and Rheumatlam. A guaranteed sure care for all blood disorders. It taken according to directions. Numerous testimonials. Try a bottle and become convinced ot the high merits of this popular remedy. Price $1.00 hot Introductory price for 0 months, 50c. Mail Farms For Sale. orders promptly attended to. SOUTH JERSEY FARMS—Five CARTER REMEDY CO, acres good land, $200; can be paid 10$ Neilson atreet cor. New, monthly at the rate ot $6; choice New Brunswick. N. X land tor raising fruit, berries, vegetables, poultry. squabs; mild, Moving. healthful climate; nearby town; half mile from railroad station; LARGE padded motor vane tor prosperous locality; good roads; long distance moving. Reasonable pure water. Call Chas.. Glese, 142 rates. 'Phone 376-J, Somerville Market street. Newark, N. J. Slsaer Bros., Raritaa. N. i. dt-tf atl-tf
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