1 FULL NAME OF PARENT(S) or GUARDIAN(S) Parent 1 _______________________________________________ First Last Parent 2 ______________________________________________ REGISTRATION FORM Please Return to: MAMM PO Box 6606. Portland ME 04103 207-899-3433 www.maineacademyofmodernmusic.org [email protected] Please enroll __________________________________________ FIRST NAME LAST NAME Birth Date _________ / __________ / __________ Month Day First Last HOME ADDRESS where camper receives mail: _______________________________________________________ Street Address _____________________________________________________________________ City/Town State Zip Parent’s email address:_____________________________________________________ Year HOME PHONE: (______) __________________________________ _________ Male _________ Female 1. Previous programs/camps attended (if any): _______________________________________________________ 2. How did you learn about our program? 3. List participant’s favorite bands/recording artists: WORK PHONE: (______)_________________________________ Parent 1 WORK PHONE: (______) _________________________________ Parent 2 CELL PHONE: (______)__________________________________ Parent 1 CELL PHONE: (______) __________________________________ Parent 2 EMERGENCY CONTACT ________________________________Phone: ________________ 4. Has participant ever been a band member? YES NO 5. Has participant had formal instrument or vocal training? If so, for how long and which instruments? _____________________________________________________________ 6. Does participant perform vocally, or wish to sing in a band? YES NO Enrollment is for: (√ √ CHECK ONE) (See supplement for specific dates & fees) Rock Camp ________ Hip Hop Camp _________ Drum Camp __________ Recording Camp ________ Guitar Camp ________ DATES of ATTENDANCE: ____________________________ PAYMENT (SEE REFUND POLICY) PAYMENT IN FULL ENCLOSED ________ Please make check payable to: Maine Academy of Modern Music Office Use: Ck. Number________ Cash________ RELATIONSHIP to participant: ___________________________ WORK OR CELL PH: ____________________________________ Parent Authorization: The Participant Has Permission To Engage In All Prescribed Camp Activities Except As Noted By My Physician Or Myself In Writing. I Hereby Give Permission To The Physician Selected By The Director To Order X-Rays, Routine Tests, And Emergency Treatment For The Health Of My Child. In The Event I Cannot Be Reached In An Emergency, I Hereby Give Permission To The Physician Selected By The Director To Hospitalize, Secure Proper Treatment For And Order Injections And/Or Anesthesia And/Or Surgery For My Child As Named Above. I Hereby Agree that MAMM’s (Maine Academy of Modern Music) Director may Dispense Over-the-Counter Medications Where Deemed Necessary. I Hereby Release The Use Of Music, Photographic And Video Images And Work Product Of The Above Participant For The Purpose Of Promotion And Display To The General Public. Jurisdiction for the collection of delinquent funds will be in Cumberland County, Maine and MAMM is entitled to recover all costs and fees incurred in the collection of judgment plus 1.5% per month fee for all late payments. Jurisdiction for all other legal action will be in Cumberland County, Maine. Any individual bringing legal action against MAMM which results in a decision in favor of MAMM will be responsible for all related legal, court, and out of pocket expenses of MAMM, its owners and employees. I, THE PARENT OR LEGAL GUARDIAN OF THE ABOVE NAMED CHILD, HAVE READ MAMM POLICIES AND CODE OF CONDUCT AND AGREE TO ALL TERMS. REFUND POLICY: There will be no deduction or return of fees for participants sent home for behavioral problems or for late arrivals or early departures. It is the responsibility of the participant’s family to pay for all costs incurred due to late arrival or early departure regardless of the reason, unless otherwise agreed to in writing. No refund is available for discontinuation of the camp season due to acts of God, natural disaster, acts of war or epidemics. In addition, MAMM will consider refunds on a pro-rated basis if the participant chooses to withdraw from the program on DAY ONE of the program. After the first day of program, participants forfeit all fees. Refunds when issued for medical reasons, will be at the discretion of the Director I, the parent or legal guardian of the above named child, have read and explained the MAMM policies with my child (participant). Both I and my child (participant) understand these policies. X____________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date ________________________________ 2 7. STATEMENT OF POLICIES AFFECTING PARENTS PLEASE READ CAREFULLY MAMM CODE OF CONDUCT: Please familiarize yourself with the guidelines described in the “CODE OF CONDUCT” ,which your son/daughter must agree to observe during his/her participation. The Director reserves the right to withdraw any camper whose influence or actions are deemed harmful or who will not live within the rules and policies. The use or possession of alcohol, tobacco, or controlled substances (drugs) is strictly prohibited in program or on trips. Please make sure that you clearly describe and discuss these policies with your child before his or her participation, specifically regarding the use or possession of tobacco while participating. It is not our wish to send any participant home for disciplinary reasons. We also reserve the right to withdraw participants who arrive at the program with preexisting injuries, medical or mental health problems which have not been documented prior to the participant’s arrival, if those conditions adversely interfere with normal operations. REFUNDS: There will be no deduction or return of fees for participants sent home for behavioral problems or for late arrivals or early departures. It is the responsibility of the participant’s family to pay for all costs incurred due to late arrival or early departure regardless of the reason, unless otherwise agreed to in writing. No refund is available for discontinuation of the camp season due to acts of God, natural disaster, acts of war or epidemics. In addition, MAMM will consider refunds on a prorated basis if the participant chooses to withdraw from the program on DAY ONE of the program. After the first day of program, participants forfeit all fees. Refunds when issued for medical reasons, will be at the discretion of the Director FEES: All fees must be paid in full at the time of registration. Jurisdiction for the collection of delinquent funds will be in Cumberland County, Maine, and MAMM is entitled to recover all costs and fees incurred in the collection of judgment plus 1.5% per month fee for all late payments. Jurisdiction for all other legal action will be in Cumberland County, Maine. Any individual bringing legal action against MAMM which results in a decision in favor of MAMM will be responsible for all related legal, court, and out of pocket expenses of MAMM, it’s owners' and employees'. HEALTH FORM: A health form must be on file in our office before a participant arrives. Please note that this form must be signed by a parent/guardian, allowing a doctor/hospital to provide emergency care in the event of an accident. If the participant takes any medications, these must be given to the Director on each arrival day. This includes over-the-counter or prescription. PLEASE COMPLETE THIS VERY IMPORTANT DOCUMENT. YOUR REGISTRATION AT MAMM IS INCOMPLETE UNTIL WE HAVE A COPY OF THE HEALTH FORM. CELL PHONES: If a camper brings their cellular phone, it will be required that they will keep them turned OFF while in our program. VISITING: You may visit the camp sessions if you wish, but please notify our office in advance. Participants may not leave with anyone other than their own parent(s)/guardian(s) without prior written permission from you. MONEY AT CAMP: MAMM will not be responsible for lost or stolen cash at camp. Your camper should not require spending money while at camp. EQUIPMENT LOSS/DAMAGE: MAMM provides the majority of equipment needed to participate in activities, including musical instruments, however, participants should be encouraged to bring their own preferred instruments/equipment. MAMM will not be held responsible for loss or damage of personal equipment and belongings brought with them. MAMM CODE OF CONDUCT The following Maine Academy of Modern Music guidelines are designed to ensure that we maintain a happy, safe, and productive environment for everyone. Here are the conditions under which we accept participation. Read them carefully. Refusal to sign this agreement or violation of any of these policies may subject you to immediate dismissal from participation without a refund. MAMM reserves the right to dismiss a participant without a refund for any behavior that is detrimental to the safe and successful running of the program. 1. The use or possession of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, or any other controlled substances or drugs is not permitted at any time, any location. 2. Sexual harassment or intimidation, whether verbal or physical, is inappropriate and not permitted or tolerated. 3. Being disrespectful of adults/faculty will not be tolerated. 4. Inappropriate sexual contact is not permitted or tolerated. 5. Hazing or acts of initiation are not tolerated. 6. Verbal or physical displays of racial, sexual, or religious discrimination are not permitted. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Distribution or possession of lewd, indecent, or offensive materials or wearing offensive apparel is not permitted. The use of vulgar or obscene language is not acceptable. Weapons, fireworks, lighters, matches, and any other incendiaries are not permitted. The willful destruction of equipment or property will not be tolerated and you will be held responsible for repair or replacement. Theft of any kind will not be tolerated. Respect for private property must be observed. MAMM is not responsible for lost or damaged personal property (iPods, instruments, cameras, CD's, music players, etc.) Participants may not leave the facility/property except on organized MAMM trips or with their parent(s)/guardian(s). To leave with someone else, participants must have written permission from parent(s)/guardian(s). Full attendance is expected during instructional activity and mealtimes. Everyone must adhere to rules of facility provided. The MAMM faculty have authority in each respective area. ALL MEDICATIONS (prescription or non-prescription) must be given to the Director upon arrival each day. Medications (including cough/cold medications) must not be kept in participant’s possession. Each member of the program is expected to contribute to keeping facilities properly cleaned and maintained. Graffiti and other forms of vandalism are not tolerated. PARTICIPANT NAME PRINTED: _____________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT SIGNATURE: _________________________________________________________ DATE ___________________ PARENT’S AUTHORIZATION: THE PERSON HEREIN DESCRIBED HAS PERMISSION TO ENGAGE IN ALL PRESCRIBED CAMP ACTIVITIES EXCEPT AS NOTED BY MY PHYSICIAN OR MYSELF. I HEREBY GIVE PERMISSION TO THE PHYSICIAN SELECTED BY THE DIRECTOR TO ORDER X-RAYS, ROUTINE TESTS, AND EMERGENCY TREATMENT FOR THE HEALTH OF MY CHILD. IN THE EVENT I CANNOT BE REACHED IN AN EMERGENCY I HEREBY GIVE PERMISSION TO THE PHYSICIAN SELECTED BY THE DIRECTOR TO HOSPITALIZE, SECURE PROPER TREATMENT FOR AND ORDER INJECTIONS AND/OR ANESTHESIA AND/OR SURGERY FOR MY CHILD AS NAMED ABOVE. I HEREBY AGREE THAT MAMM’s (Maine Academy of Modern Music) DIRECTOR MAY DISPENSE OVER-THE-COUNTER MEDICATIONS WHERE DEEMED NECESSARY. I HEREBY RELEASE THE USE OF PHOTO/VIDEO IMAGES AND WORK PRODUCT OF THE ABOVE REGISTERED PARTICIPANT FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROMOTION AND DISPLAY TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC. I HAVE READ THE POLICIES WRITTEN INCLUDING THE CODE OF CONDUCT, AND AGREE TO ALL TERMS. PARENT SIGNATURE X ___________________________________________________________________ DATE ____________________ Please note that all registrations must also include MAMM’s HEALTH FORM for each participant. Please contact us for your copy. Your audience is waiting. It’s time to rock. 3 Parent Health Form and Authorization for Treatment These forms should be read and signed by a parent/guardian where indicated. Health forms are valid for ONE year only and MAMM should be notified if any changes to patient’s condition occur between the time of form completion and arrival for the program. Name of Program _________________________________________________ Date(s) attending_________________________________________________ First Name___________________________________ Last Name______________________________________ Address_____________________________________ City___________________ State_______ Zip__________ Daytime Phone__(_____)_______________________ Evening Phone__(_____)__________________________ In Case of Emergency Notify_____________________ Relationship___________ Phone__(_____)______ _____ Address_____________________________________ City___________________ State_______ Zip_________ Attention Parents: MAMM is a unique learning situation where individual expression and teamwork go hand in hand. In order to help your child get the most out of their time at MAMM, we ask that you provide us with personal information regarding any learning, behavior or personal difficulties they may have. Please include this on a separate piece of paper and attach it to the health form. Any information you provide will be kept in confidence and will only be used to help provide a healthy learning environment for your child. If we are not aware of your child’s needs, we cannot help. With your help, we can make this program one of the most enjoyable educational experiences that your child will ever have. Please list any medications being taken by your child on a regular basis including non-prescription drugs. Make sure that the child arrives at MAMM each day with the exact amount of medication needed for that day. Keep all medications in their original packaging/bottle that identifies the prescribing physician (if a prescription drug), the name of the medication, the dosage and frequency of administration. All medications must be given to the Director when the child arrives each morning. MY CHILD TAKES NO MEDICATIONS ON ROUTINE BASIS ________ My child takes the following medication(s). Attach an additional piece of paper if more space is needed: Medication______________________________ Dosage_____________ Specific time(s) of day___________________________ Reason for medication_______________________________________________________________________________________ Name of family physician _________________________________________________Phone______________________________ Name of family dentist/orthodontist__________________________________________Phone_____________________________ This health form is correct to the best of my knowledge, and the person named above has permission to participate in all activities except as noted. If I cannot be reached in an emergency, I hereby give permission to the physician selected by the director to hospitalize, secure proper treatment for, order injection for, or anesthesia for surgery for the person named above. In addition, I have read and understand the MAMM’s policy above, regarding prescriptions, and agree to the MAMM policies. Parent/Guardian Signature_______________________________________________ Date_______________________________ Attention: All medications must be administered through the MAMM Director. To complete your participant’s registration please send completed health form and photocopy of health insurance card to: MAMM PO Box 6606, Portland, Maine 04103
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