Sinclair Community College 444 West Third Street Dayton, Ohio 45402 Program Specific Information Packet Health Information Management (HIM) Building 2, room 122 (937) 512-2973 (800) 315-3000 Dear HIM Student: This packet contains the following information for your review: 1. Link for the Health Sciences (HS) Applicant Information Packet for Degree Programs 2. Out-of-State Student Exceptions 3. Welcome Letter from Chairperson 4. Prerequisites for Limited-Enrollment HIM Courses 5. Immunization and Vaccination Requirements for HIM 6. Mental and/or Physical Requirements for the HIM program 7. Process for Entry into the Limited Enrollment/Restricted Courses 8. Estimated Cost of the Program 9. HIM Curriculum Please contact the HIM department for specific information regarding program enrollment or possible waiting lists for entry into the limited-enrollment courses within the program. 1 Revised 8/18/2014 Step 1: Read the Health Sciences (HS) Applicant Information Packet for Degree Programs. This packet contains valuable information including a checklist for getting started. Important notice for students who reside outside Ohio: Sinclair Community College is authorized to provide educational services to students in specific out-ofstate locations. Please refer to our out-of-state student information webpage for information on how this may affect you at: 2 Revised 8/18/2014 Dear Health Information Management Student: Thank you for your interest in Sinclair Community College and the Health Information Management (HIM) Program. All courses in the HIM curriculum are offered in the distance learning online format with the exception of the Professional Practice Experience (PPE) course in the last semester of the program which is performed at an off-site clinical location. In addition, most courses will be offered in traditional face-toface, in-class format when possible. Each term, students will choose their preferred format for each course where available. The technical portion of the HIM program has restricted capacity. Approximately 35 students are permitted through the process described below to enroll in the Local Cohort each fall. The Local Cohort area is comprised of the extended Miami Valley area (including the Ohio counties of Butler, Champaign, Clark, Clinton, Darke, Greene, Logan, Mercer, Miami, Montgomery, Preble, Shelby, Warren, and Wayne, Indiana). An additional 35 students are permitted to enroll in the Remote Cohort each fall. The Remote Cohort area consists of anywhere outside the counties listed above. For out-of-state students interested in our program, please be aware that due to individual state policies, some states do not allow students to complete our coursework and/or the Professional Practice Experience (PPE) portion of the program within their state. The PPE is required in order to complete the program and receive your diploma. Please refer to our state authorization webpage for the most current information at The HIM curriculum consists of “open” and “limited enrollment/restricted” courses. Open and limited enrollment/restricted courses are noted on the curriculum sheet within this packet. Any student may register for “open” courses any semester offered as long as the required prerequisites for those courses have been met. In order to register for a “limited enrollment/restricted” course, you must complete the prerequisite courses for cohort eligibility. Due to the limited number of resources and Professional Practice Experience (PPE) sites for the Local Cohort, there is an eligibility waiting list. Students that meet the requirements to qualify for limited enrollment courses are assigned to a cohort on a space available basis from an eligibility waiting list. As of March 2014, we currently have a wait for limited enrollment course registration for the Local Cohort program of approximately two years and no wait for the Remote Cohort. Cohort eligibility letters permitting registration for limited enrollment courses each fall semester are mailed to the first 35 eligible students for each cohort during spring semester. Some eligible students may choose not to enter the cohort; therefore enrollment letters will continue to be sent out until the 35 slots are filled for each cohort. All non-HIM prefix courses required for the HIM program are offered online and in the traditional classroom setting during the daytime and in the evening. All HIM prefix courses are offered online. In addition, most limited enrollment courses are offered in the classroom on the Dayton campus during the daytime with very limited scheduling flexibility. Once notification of eligibility to enroll in your first limited enrollment course is confirmed, you will be required to schedule an appointment with a HIM faculty advisor to review the 3 Revised 8/18/2014 program and complete an academic plan. This can be done via telephone if you live more than 60 miles from Dayton. After the cohorts are filled for the fall cohorts, students that remain on the waiting list will receive an email indicating their status for future enrollment. For more information regarding online learning and for students residing further than 60 miles from Dayton, please refer to the Distance Learning Website at You may also reach an advisor at 1-888-226-2457, or by email at [email protected]. If you have any additional questions, please contact the HIM office at (937) 512-2973 or 800-3153000 x2973. Sincerely, Karen Motley, MBA, RHIA HIM Chairperson 4 Revised 8/18/2014 Differences between Local Cohort and Remote Cohort: All students, local and remote cohorts, are able to take their classes online, face-to-face in the classroom, or a mixture of both. It is up to the student to decide how they prefer to take their classes. The only difference between the local and remote cohorts is the HIM 2252, Professional Practice Experience (PPE) course which is taken in the last semester of the HIM program. Students in the local cohort are assigned to PPE sites within the 14-county area surrounding Dayton. Students in the remote cohort are required to seek and secure their own site outside the local 14-county area for this class. The HIM department will supply remote cohort students with detailed procedures for securing a remote PPE site once they are eligible for the restricted classes. Students are tracked for the local or remote cohorts according to their county of residence on file with the college. However, all students may elect to participate in either cohort (students in a local county may elect to participate in the remote cohort and students a remote Ohio county or out-of-state may elect to participate in a local cohort). Students who prefer to switch cohorts must contact the HIM department at [email protected] to confirm their choice and receive additional information. Local Cohort Counties are: Montgomery Clinton Mercer Warren Ohio Counties Butler Champaign Darke Greene Miami Preble Clark Logan Shelby Indiana Counties Wayne For more information contact: Academic Advising ∙ 937-512-3700 ∙ 1-800-315-3000 ∙ Sinclair Community College ∙ 444 W 3rd St ∙ Dayton OH ∙ 45402 ∙ HIM Office: Room 2122 ∙ (937) 5122973 Prerequisites into limited-enrollment HIM courses: 1. Completion of developmental courses, if any, resulting from Placement Test Scores: DEV 0012 (reading), DEV 0032 (writing), DEV 0024 (math) or equivalents 2. Completion of BIO 1121 or equivalent with a “C” or better (5-year rule applies) 3. Completion of HIM 1101 or equivalent with a “C” or better 4. Cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or better Program Specific Course Information: 1. The HIM program will accept PSY 1100 or SOC 1101 for the PSY/SOC course with no expiration. 2. The HIM program will accept MAT 1130 or MAT 1270 or high level math with no expiration. 3. The HIM program will accept BIO 1141 for BIO 1121, and BIO 1242 for BIO 1222. Biology must be taken within last 5 years. Note: Exceptions to this policy can be made if student has older biology and has been working in a related field – exceptions are to be determined by your Advisor contacting the HIM chairperson. Immunization and Vaccination Requirements for HIM: 1. Mantoux 2-step test or Quantiferon Gold test (Tine Test is NOT acceptable). Tests must be within the past 12 months immediately preceding the Professional Practice Experience (PPE) course. 2. Rubella Titer 3. Tetanus and Diphtheria Adult Vaccine (Td) (within past 10 years) 4. Influenza Vaccine (annual, seasonal immunization is required) 5. Varicella Titer (Chicken Pox) The following test is optional: 1. Hepatitis B For more information contact: Academic Advising ∙ 937-512-3700 ∙ 1-800-315-3000 ∙ Sinclair Community College ∙ 444 W 3rd St ∙ Dayton OH ∙ 45402 ∙ HIM Office: Room 2122 ∙ (937) 5122973 Note: There may be exceptions to the above dependent upon the individual clinical site requirements Mental and/or Physical Requirements for the HIM program: Prior to the Professional Practice Experience (PPE), a student must provide a physician health certificate that verifies the student: 1) is free of communicable disease and in good physical and mental health. 2) has no physical abnormality, defect, disease or emotional problem which might interfere with the student’s attendance and progress in the Professional Practice Experience. Criminal Background Checks Many healthcare facilities have begun to require criminal background checks for students. In addition to some state regulations, the Joint Commission Manual requires hospitals to implement "a process to ensure that a person’s qualifications are consistent with his/her job responsibilities." This standard "applies to staff, students and volunteers," and it further states that the hospital is responsible for verifying "the following according to law, regulation or hospital policy: information on criminal background." As such, Sinclair Community College students who participate in professional practice experiences in the Health Information Management program may be required to undergo a criminal background check prior to placement at the facility. In addition, the facility may require students to undergo a physical examination (on-site at the facility or by the student's primary care provider) prior to beginning the professional practice experience that may include drug screening. Students may be required to incur the costs associated with the criminal background check and/or the drug screening. Please refer to the following link for background check guidelines and forms: For more information contact: Academic Advising ∙ 937-512-3700 ∙ 1-800-315-3000 ∙ Sinclair Community College ∙ 444 W 3rd St ∙ Dayton OH ∙ 45402 ∙ HIM Office: Room 2122 ∙ (937) 5122973 Career / Employment Opportunities HIM encompasses a wide range of job functions. Among them are Medical Records Management, Privacy Officer, Risk Management, Medical Coding, Corporate Compliance, and Data Analysis and Reporting. The employment forecast for health information management professionals remains strong nationwide. Positions are possible in traditional and non-traditional health care settings. Many HIM graduates work in acute care hospitals and clinics. There are HIM employment opportunities in the following areas: Acute care hospitals Acute care clinics Ambulatory clinics Physician offices Home health care agencies Insurance companies Products and services Public health departments Hospice facilities Law firms Pharmaceutical companies Medical research institutions Colleges and universities Government health care Consulting firms Skilled nursing and long-term care facilities Mental health care and psychiatric facilities Companies that market health information For more information contact: Academic Advising ∙ 937-512-3700 ∙ 1-800-315-3000 ∙ Sinclair Community College ∙ 444 W 3rd St ∙ Dayton OH ∙ 45402 ∙ HIM Office: Room 2122 ∙ (937) 5122973 Process for Entry into HIM Cohorts and Limited Enrollment/Restricted Courses 1. Once a student has HIM added to his/her transcript as a program of study, he/she is recognized as a HIM student as of that date. 2. The student’s transcript is reviewed by the HIM department for cohort eligibility (limited enrollment/restricted course eligibility). 3. Students who have completed the requirements for cohort eligibility will be added to the limited enrollment/restricted course eligibility waiting list in the chronological order in which the requirements have been satisfied. The following procedure is used to establish cohort eligibility to permit students to register for limited enrollment courses. a. Completion of developmental courses, if any, resulting from Placement Test Scores: DEV 0012 (reading), DEV 0032 (writing), DEV 0024 (math) b. Completion of BIO 1121 or equivalent with a “C” or better (5-year rule applies) c. Completion of HIM 1101 or equivalent with a “C” or better d. Cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or better i. In the case that multiple students complete their requirements at the same time, students will be ranked according to the date HIM was recorded as the student’s program of study. ii. If more than one student has the same recorded date, the students will be ranked according to the number of courses (total credit hours) in the HIM curriculum they have successfully completed. 4. Students who have indicated HIM as their program of study and have not completed the requirements for cohort eligibility will continue to be monitored for eligibility each academic year. If no progress is made toward completion of the cohort eligibility requirements within one (1) year of becoming an HIM student, the student will be removed from the HIM program. a. Once removed, if the student is interested in the HIM program in the future, the student must start over with seeing an academic advisor to begin the process again. For more information contact: Academic Advising ∙ 937-512-3700 ∙ 1-800-315-3000 ∙ Sinclair Community College ∙ 444 W 3rd St ∙ Dayton OH ∙ 45402 ∙ HIM Office: Room 2122 ∙ (937) 5122973 Estimated Cost of Program (Fall 2014 Curriculum) For Montgomery County, Ohio residents: Traditional Classes Registration fee (one-time fee applied to 1st registration) **All Online Classes $20.00 $20.00 6,337.92 6,817.92 160.00 160.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 200.00 200.00 90.00 90.00 200.00 200.00 $10,007.92 $10,487.92 $20.00 $20.00 9,361.92 9,841.92 160.00 160.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 200.00 200.00 90.00 90.00 200.00 200.00 $13,031.92 $13,511.92 $20.00 $20.00 18,073.60 18,553.60 160.00 160.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 200.00 200.00 90.00 90.00 200.00 200.00 $21,743.60 $22,223.60 Tuition: 64 credit hours x $99.03 per credit hour* Course Fees: Books: Physical/Immunizations: (Required for professional practice experience/clinical rotation) AHIMA student membership ($45 annually): Travel: (Required for professional practice experience/clinical rotation) For outside Montgomery County and inside Ohio: Registration fee (one-time fee applied to 1st registration) Tuition: 64 credit hours x $146.28/per credit hour* Course Fees: Books: Physical/Immunizations: (Required for professional practice experience/clinical rotations) AHIMA student membership ($45 annually): Travel: (Required for professional practice experience/clinical rotations) For outside of Ohio residents: Registration fee (one-time fee applied to 1st registration) Tuition: 64 credit hours x $282.40/per credit hour** Course Fees: Books: Physical/Immunizations: (Required for professional practice experience/clinical rotations) AHIMA student membership ($45 annually): Travel: (Required for professional practice experience/clinical rotations) Note: Additional costs for professional practice experience such as a background check, drug screen, additional immunizations, etc. may occur Upon graduation, registering for the RHIT (Registered Health Information Technician) exam is an additional cost to the student of approximately $250 * Tuition based on Summer 2014 rates ** Note: there is an additional $7.50 per credit hour fee for online classes For more information contact: Academic Advising ∙ 937-512-3700 ∙ 1-800-315-3000 ∙ Sinclair Community College ∙ 444 W 3rd St ∙ Dayton OH ∙ 45402 ∙ HIM Office: Room 2122 ∙ (937) 512-2973 HIM Curriculum Effective Fall 2014 Prerequisites for entry into limited enrollment/restricted HIM courses: Placement Tests & any required DEV courses • GPA of 2.0 or higher • SCC1101 is recommended • HIM 1101 • BIO 1121 COURSE BIO 1121 HIM 1101 COURSE DESCRIPTION PREREQUISITE to Limited Enrollment (5) Human Anatomy & Physiology I Medical Terminology BIO 1222 HIM 1110 * BIS 1221 ENG 1101 HIM 1165 FIRST SEMESTER-1st YEAR (13) Human Anatomy & Physiology II Health Information Processing Specialized Computer Applications for HIM English Composition I Drug Classification for Coding HIM 1201 HIM 1204 HIM 1217 ALH 1140 SECOND SEMESTER-1st YEAR (12) Introductory Med Off Coding Medicolegal/Ethics in Hlthcare Records Alternative Health Records and Registries Fundamentals of Disease Processes COM 2206 or 2211 MAT 1130 or 1270 PSY 1100 or SOC 1101 HIM 2297 THIRD SEMESTER-1st YEAR (11) Interpersonal Communication or Effective Public Speaking Allied Health Math or Beginning Algebra General Psychology or Introduction to Sociology Transition from ICD-9 to ICD-10 Coding HIM HIM HIM HIM 2110 2165 2144 2145 FOURTH SEMESTER-2nd YEAR (13) Ambulatory Coding Healthcare Data in Reimbursement Quality Improvement, Statistics & Research Health Information Resource Mgmt HIM HIM HIM HIM 2211 2233 2252 2278 FIFTH SEMESTER-2nd YEAR (10) Inpatient Coding Healthcare Information Systems Professional Practice Experience HIM Capstone TOTAL PROGRAM CREDIT HOURS: CREDIT HRS CLASS HRS LAB HRS 3 2 5 2 2 2 0 DEV 0032 or 0044 or Placement Test Score HIM 1101, BIO 1107 or 1121 or 1141 Total Semester Hours 3 3 3 3 1 13 2 2 3 3 1 2 2 0 0 0 HIM 1101, BIO 1121 DEV 0012 or Equivalent HIM 1110 BIO 1107 or 1222 Total Semester Hours 4 2 3 3 12 4 1 3 3 0 2 0 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 2 0 0 Total Semester Hours 3 2 11 HIM 1201, HIM Major HIM 1110, HIM 1201 HIM1110, MAT 1130 or 1270, BIS1221 HIM 1110 and BIS 1120 Total Semester Hours 4 3 3 3 13 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 HIM 2110 HIM 1110 Chairperson signature HIM 2145, HIM Major Total Semester Hours 4 3 2 1 10 3 2 0 0 2 2 10 2 PREREQUISITE DEV 0012, 0022, 0030 DEV 0012 or Equiv Total Semester Hours BIO 1121 Chairperson Signature DEV0012 or 0032 or 0044 or college level ENG DEV 0022 DEV 0024 DEV 0012 or ENG 1101 DEV 0012, 0030 or ENG 1101 64 4/9/13 *BIS 1221: New 3-credit-hour course effective Fall 2014; will accept BIS 1220 (3) + BIS 1221 (1) equivalent All bolded courses are non-restricted courses. All non-bolded courses are “limited enrollment/restricted” courses; students must complete cohort eligibility requirements in order to register with chairperson permission. Note: All courses must be completed with a “C” or better.
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