German Syllabus for Classes VI to IX

Carmel Convent School, Chanakya Puri, N.Delhi
Syllabus for German
End Terminal Examination (2014-15) – Class – IX
1. Text Book (Lehrbuch) and Workbook (Arbeitsbuch) “Wir–3” From Module 7 & 8,Wir Plus
Kapitel- 7 & 8.
2. Unseen Comprehension- Leseverständnis.
3. Summarisation of a German text into English.- Zusammenfassung auf Englisch.
4. Prepositions- Akkusative, Dativ, Wechsel and fixed with verbs(Feste).
5. Question Making, Sentence Making etc.
6. All types of Verbs (regular, irregular, separable, Modal etc) and their conjugations.
7. Tenses- Past Participle (Partizip Perfekt), Präteritum, Form of verbs and their usage.
8. Nebensätze-Conjunctions done so far in class.
9. Personalpronomen.
10. Match the following, Zusammen passen, MCQ based on concepts done so far.
11. Letter/ E-Mail Writing, Writing on a given theme/topic.
12. Fill in blanks-Lückenergänzen( Filling text with given words).
13. Words, Meanings, Opposites (Adjectives only- Not the endings), Correct Spelling, Correct
Placement of words/verb etc.
14. Revise all concepts, grammar, vocabulary of Textbook, related things done in class.
15. Do all exercises again of Workbook, Textbook, Wir Plus etc.
Carmel Convent School, Chanakya Puri, N.Delhi
Syllabus for German
End Terminal Examination (2014-15) – Class – VIII
Text Book (Lehrbuch) and Workbook (Arbeitsbuch) “Wir–2” From Module 5 &
6,Wir Plus Kapitel- 5 & 6.
1. Unseen Comprehension (to be answered in German), Match the following.
2. Letter/ E-Mail Writing. MCQ based on concepts done so far.
3. Writing a person’s daily schedule with time etc. in perfect (Past) Tense. Room’s
4. Usage of ,,warum” and replying with ,, weil “.
5. Dialogue writing based on content/concepts done so far.
6. Imperative Forms of verbs in,, Sie, du , ihr “.
7. Question Making, Sentence Making, Replying in German.
8. All types of Verbs (regular, irregular, separable, Modal etc) and their conjugations.
9. Past Participle (Partizip Perfekt) Form of verbs and their usage.
10. Wechsel Preposition-Wo/ Wohin-Akk/Dativ, Prepositions done so far and their usage
in different forms.
11. Orientation and asking/ describing way.
12. Words, Meanings, Opposites (Adjectives), Correct Spelling, Correct Placement of
words/verb etc.
13. Revise all concepts, grammar, vocabulary of Textbook, related things done in class.
14. Do all exercises again of Workbook, Textbook, Wir Plus etc.
Carmel Convent School, Chanakya Puri, N.Delhi
Syllabus for German
End Terminal Examination (2014-15) – Class – VII
Text Book (Lehrbuch) and Workbook (Arbeitsbuch) “Wir–1.2” & Wir Plus Module 3 & 4.
Question Making, Sentence Making, Replying in German.
All types of Verbs (regular, irregular, separable, Modal etc) and their conjugations.
Unseen Comprehension (to be answered in German), Match the following.
Imperative Forms in du.
Telling Time formally and privately (informally), Year and Dates in German.
Nouns- Artikel-(der,die,das,) : Plural form of Nouns. : Nominativ and Akkusativ Cases.
Food, Schoolthings, Subjects, Daily and weekly schedule etc.
Sports types, Dresses/ Clothes, Holiday Destinations, Months, Seasons, Weather, Famous
10. Filling Artikel Endings-den, die, das, (einen,eine,ein,-) and Personal Pronouns-er, ihn, sie, es
11. Dialogue writing based on content/concepts of Module 3 & 4, Letter/ E-Mail Writing.
12. Words, Meanings, Opposites (Adjectives), Correct Spelling, Correct Placement of
words/verb etc.
13. Revise all concepts, grammar, vocabulary of Textbook, related things done in class.
14. Do all exercises of Workbook, Textbook, Wir Plus etc.
Carmel Convent School, Chanakya Puri, N.Delhi
Syllabus for German
End Terminal Examination (2014-15) – Class – VI
1. Text Book (Lehrbuch) and Workbook (Arbeitsbuch) “Hallo Deutsch”& Wir Plus - Kapitel 1
& 2.
2. Question Making, Sentence Making, Replying in German.
3. All types of Verbs and their conjugations done till now.
4. Unseen Comprehension (to be answered in German), Match the following.
5. House and house description, Welcoming/Talking to a guest and dialogue writing.
6. Pets and their eating habits, Countries and their languages, symbols etc.
7. All Nouns done so far with article(der/die/das/ein/eine etc.), Personal Pronouns etc.
8. Numbers zero to thousand etc, Locating main cities of German Speaking Countries.
9. Self Introduction using concepts done till now.
10. Dialogue writing based on content/concepts of Module 1 & 2.
11. Words, Meanings, Opposites (Adjectives), Correct Spelling, Correct Placement of
words/verb etc.
12. MCQ based on concepts done so far.
13. Revise all concepts, grammar, vocabulary of Textbook, related things done in class.
14. Do all exercises again of Workbook, Textbook, Wir Plus etc.