FI R S T B A P T I S T C H U R C H MO U L T R I E Periodical Postage PAID Moultrie, Georgia WEEKLY CALENDAR First Baptist Bulletin (Regular monthly meetings will be listed here) Sunday 8:30a Prayer in Sanctuary 9:15a Sunday School 10:30a Worship 2p Outreach Spence Field 4p Prayer Ministry Team 5p Youth Choir 5p OUTREACH NIGHT 6p No Service Monday 9:30a Ladies Community Bible Study 2p Homebound Ministry Tuesday 9:30a TLC Bible Study Wednesday 5p Supper 5:15p Finance Comm 5:30p SS Teacher Meeting 6p Beth Moore Children of the Day 6p BMEN 6p KIDZ 6p Youth 6p Adult Choir Rehearsal 6:15p Prayer Meeting 6:30p Christianity, Cults And Religions 7:30p Deacons Meeting First Baptist Bulletin FBC Moultrie Exists To: Honor God, Equip Disciples, Love People, and Share the Gospel. Volume 51, No. 6 February 6, 2015 USPS 192-060905 Published weekly except the week of Christmas POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: First Baptist Church 400 South Main Street Moultrie, Georgia 31768 229-985-2103 Feb 8 -14 SONS OF JUBAL—MCRAE, GA We will be taking the bus to a Sons of Jubal Concert on Thursday Feb 12th. Leave at 11a, lunch in Tifton, Concert begins at 4p. Sign up by calling the church office 985-2103. USED LITERATURE COLLECTION It’s time to collect used Christian literature, SS, materials, etc. Deadline February 18. Leave in the box in your SS room, or drop in an ORANGE BOX at entrances. A Special THANKS goes out to ALL who planned and prepared and participated in last weekend’s DNOW! I believe we will be seeing the spiritual fruit of what the Lord did in those precious young lives for a long time to come! NEW/PROSPECTIVE MEMBER CLASS, SUNDAY FEB 8th 9:15a - 11:30a plus lunch. Contact the church office (985-2103) or email Keith Stewart ([email protected]) ASAP. Church Staff Rev. Wayne Woods, Pastor Rev. Keith Stewart, Minister of Education Rev. Josh Wilson, Minister of Children Rev. Lee Hill, Minister of Worship/Sr Adults Rev. Rob Craft, Minister of Youth Mrs. Paula Neely, Church Administrator Mrs. Rhonda Royals, Financial Secretary Mrs. Barbara Stripling, Church Secretary WEDNESDAY NIGHT Menu: Roast Beef, Brown Rice, Butter Beans, Fried Okra, Garden Salad, Roll, Dessert A NEW PREACHING SERIES BEGINS THIS SUNDAY AND WILL CONTINUE THROUGH EASTER SUNDAY “DON’T MISS THE MIRACLE MAKER!” Near the end of the Gospel of John he writes, “Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of His disciples that are not written in this book. But these are written so that you may believe Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and by believing you may have life in His name” (John 20:30-31). We will explore the SEVEN specific “signs” (miracles with a message) that John did include to show us more clearly the person and the power of Jesus. Sometimes it’s hard for us to believe that God still does miracles. We don’t expect Him to move in miraculous ways in our day-in and day-out lives. Maybe we’d like to see miracles, but it’s just too hard to see past our problems. If you can relate, as I can, I encourage you to be present for these messages, and to make an EXTRA effort to invite others to join us. I believe the Lord is fixing to do something MIRACULOUS among us! OUR THEME VERSE FOR 2015 “Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and wondrous things you do not know.” Jeremiah 33:3 Now you are the body of Christ, and individual members of it.” – I Corinthians 12:27 Beloved FBC Family, I have told you before, and I must tell you again, that I love the Lord’s church! I believe anyone who has experienced the reality of the new birth that comes to each of us when we repent of our sin and put our faith in Jesus Christ alone for salvation loves the Lord’s church. How could we not? That’s why I am so passionate about His church! That’s why I think it is so important for every born again believer to be actively involved in a local New Testament church. That’s why I urge those of you who have not yet considered becoming a member of FBC Moultrie to do so. I believe it’s not only important for the health and fruitfulness of our church body, but I also believe it is absolutely critical for any Christian to grow and mature in their faith as a Follower of Christ. I realize that the Bible teaches that every believer is part of His Church in a global sense. Every redeemed believer belongs to Him and will be gathered together with Him in heaven one day. But I also believe that the New Testament is very clear in its teaching that every member of His Church global should be an active member of His church local. It is only in the context of a local church body that you and I can live out the expectations placed on us as His followers. It is only in the context of a local body that we can demonstrate obedience and faithfulness to His commands. It is only in the context of a local body that we experience the level of fellowship, commitment, and accountability to one another that the New Testament calls each one of us to as members of His church. Research in literally thousands of churches in our nation reveal several clear, common characteristics of congregations that effectively connect new members into their local body, the primary one being that they all communicate the high expectations that church membership biblically calls each member to. Becoming a member of these congregations is more than just completing a card or walking an aisle. These churches typically have a required membership class or orientation, just as our by-laws now also require, simply to make sure that every new member understands not only the biblical expectations, but just as importantly, realizes that their active participation will be absolutely critical to the church’s effectiveness in accomplishing the Great Commission. That’s why whether a person expresses a desire to join FBC Moultrie by a public profession of faith and baptism, by letter from another SBC church, or by statement of faith in Jesus Christ and baptism by immersion in a church of like faith and order, they still need to complete our New Member Orientation to be received into full fellowship with the church. This is surely not a desire to add an extra-biblical requirement to someone’s expressed desire for membership. It is solely through the actions of God the Holy Spirit that a person is born-again spiritually and evidences the reality of that new birth by true repentance and faith. At that moment he/she becomes a child of God eternally. But once that happens in a person’s life, again the New Testament is clear that every believer needs to become a member of a local body of Christ where they can use their spiritual gifts and talents the Lord has given them to serve the Lord by serving each other and the world. That’s why I believe that EVERY member the Lord sends to FBC has unique spiritual gifts and talents that the Lord knows we need to accomplish the tasks He has planned for us. The spiritual health and fruitfulness of FBC Moultrie will be directly related to how well EVERY member is actively functioning within the body. We believe that the minimum expectations for every member are THREE: (1) Active involvement in a small group Bible study class, i.e. Sunday School. That’s where we should learn how to better apply the truth of God’s Word to our everyday lives. (2) Active participation in Corporate Worship. As important as a Sunday School class is, it simply cannot be a substitute for the regular experience of our local body of Christ worshipping Him together. We are ONE local church, not many small ones, and it is in corporate worship that we experience the power of our union and our unity in Him. (3) Active service in a ministry and/or missions outreach of the church. An interesting fact to note here is that the Millennial generation, those born between 1980 and 2000, are specifically looking for a church where they can be actively involved in ministry and missions. Hallelujah! I DO TRULY LOVE THE CHURCH – HIS CHURCH – WHICH MEANS I LOVE YOU, FBC MOULTRIE, WITH ALL MY HEART! I challenge us to become ALL that God has equipped and called and expects us to become, because the mission He has assigned us is STILL the most important mission we will ever be a part of – and it will require the active functioning of EACH and EVERY member to see it accomplished! Please pray for me and for your staff. Please continue to “Draw the Circle.” Please continue to “expect GREAT things from God and attempt GREAT things for God.” Please pray for this coming Lord’s Day to be a day that we experience together the glorious reality of His presence and power among us, and EVERY soul present is drawn to Him. Only by His Grace, Pastor Wayne Spence Field Outreach at Spence Field Baptist Church Sunday, February 8, 2PM Mark your calendar & watch for details Contact Tracy and Brian Robinson if you have questions. 891-3323 MEN’S BREAKFAST Sunday, February 15th, 8AM Jim Matney, CRMC CEO, will be the speaker. TRUELIFE.ORG got off to a wonderful start! A huge thanks to each and every one who took 10 invite cards and prayerfully and courageously gave them away. PLEASE email me and tell me about your experiences in doing so. We gave out all our cards but we have another 10,000 ordered that should be here by mid-February. We do not want this to be a one-time only event. We want it to become an everyday desire and experience of our lives! RESCHEDULED “DRAW THE CIRCLE “ Day of Prayer FBC Chapel, details to come. Saturday, Feb. 28th, 9:00am - 3:00pm Welcome New Members by Letter Jake and Celia Thompson Daniel and Erica York In Loving Memory Hazel Vick Joined First Baptist…….….....……............…Jan 31, 1999 Deceased…………………...………….……... Jan 28, 2015 In Loving Memory Romie Wilson Joined First Baptist…….….....……............…Jun 1, 1947 Deceased…………………...………..……... Jan 28, 2015 DADDY DAUGHTER DATE NIGHT for all 1st - 5th grade girls and their dads Tuesday, Feb 17 6:30pm Social Hall tickets are $5 per person available from any KIDZ leader, church office or Welcome Center. SS Attendance 572 Morning Worship 602 2-1-2015 Total Tithes Designated Capital Fund Total this week Proposed Budget Budget Receipts Over or (Under) Capital Fund Bal $ 37,086.46 $ 2,158.00 $ 550.00 $ 39,794.46 $ 115,010.00 $ 115,818.27 $ 808.27 $ 134,411.15 Serving this Week of Feb 8 Door Greeters 9:00a - 9:30a Nursery 5th Ave Door Adult 3A Drive Thru Offertory Prayers Johnny Radney 10:30a OUTREACH NIGHT 6:00p WELCOME DESK/FOYER Jimbo Jarvis Scott Hart Nursery Volunteers Infants: Valerie & B Moore, Heather Hightower, Shirley Crosby 1yr : Donna Blalock, Billie Keith Davis 2yr : Kayla Jones, Aimee Gay 3yr: Karla Howell, Carita Davis Parking Lot Greeters SUN 9:00a-11:40a Lee Clifton N Charles Stines S SUN 5:45p - 7:00p Frank Cox N Richie Yarbrough WED 6:00p - 7:45p Chip Blalock N Paul Bledsoe S
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