F e b r ua ry 2 015 Tabernacle journal The Pastor s Corner … Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus! Lent is a season when we prepare ourselves. But for what are we preparing ourselves? We focus on the spiritual disciplines of praying, fasting and tithing. Somehow we have come to equate our practice of these spiritual gifts with a need to sacrifice and suffer during Lent. It’s like the church has come to regard Lent as a time we prepare to die. Preparing to die destroys our hope of living our lives into the future, building the vision that our life comes to an end. Christians wake up! Lent is not a time to prepare to die. Dying is giving up and giving in to death. It is preparing ourselves to come to an end. That message does not come to us from in any of the gospels. Lent is a time we practice our spiritual disciplines and prepare to live! The spiritual disciplines for Lent do not change. The spiritual disciplines remain the same and the words sound the same; however, preparing to live is different than preparing to die. When we prepare to live, we envision ourselves in a future that endlessly continues. Visioning ourselves in living into the future gives us hope and inspires us to dream of new ways we can work today with God in re-creating the world. Community Service February 18, 6:30 PM Victory Christian Center 1118 Poquoson Avenue Speaker: Rev. Charles Stacy Community Churches Choir! Join us for a unique worship experience as we begin our Lenten journey. Each Lent, we prepare for Easter and the resurrection of Jesus because we are preparing for our resurrection. Praying, fasting and tithing prepare us to build something that continues to live and grow. During this holy season, we prepare ourselves to move to the next level. The Gospel of Mark is the lectionary gospel until Advent of 2015. We will keep Lent in the context of Mark. Our theme for the season of Lent this year is “Cross It Up.” I encourage all of you to practice the spiritual disciplines of praying, fasting and tithing as means of making more room for God to work in your life. May we discern God’s will and do God’s will as we prepare to live into, through, and beyond Lent. Grace and Peace, Barry February 18 - April 4 Church News Visitation Teams Update If you enjoy talking and visiting with family friends, then we have the perfect volunteer job for you! We need more visitation teams for our Tabernacle family. All that is required is to visit a couple of people once a month to see how they are doing. If you are interested, please contact Cindy Zember at 868- 4814 or [email protected]. The Church Office will be closed February 16 in observance of Presidents’ Day. Pack 28 Shows Appreciation! PANCAKE SUPPER Tuesday, February 17 from 6:00 - 7:00 PM Cub Scout Pack 28 wants to thank Tabernacle by hosting the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. Please come ready for plenty of Scout cooked pancakes and sausage! Christian Yoga most Tuesdays 6:00 PM in Fellowship Hall Christian Yoga meets most Tuesdays at 6:00 PM in the fellowship hall. Yoga will take a break on February 17 due to the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. On February 17 you are all invited for FREE pancakes, but on every other Tuesday, please join us for Yoga. Everyone is welcome. This is an “all-levels” class so all ages and abilities can participate. The class is free -- no registration required - just show up at 6:00 PM ready to exercise. A new GriefShare series begins Wednesday, February 11 from 6:30 to 8:00 PM PM. If you know someone who has been thinking of attending GriefShare, please let them know that this is a great time to start. GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences, helping you recover from your loss and in rebuilding your life. This ministry is open to the community so please share the flyers on the welcome tables with your friends and neighbors in need. You can also find out more about the GriefShare program on their website at www.griefshare.org. Contact facilitator, Dana Dunham, at [email protected] or 871-6965 for information. All are welcome. Fellowship Lunch Tuesday, February 17 at 11:30 AM at Schlesinger’s Meet at 11:00 AM at the church to carpool. Please RSVP to the ® church office by Monday, 16. Confirmation Class Starting Soon! All middle school and high school youth who have not been confirmed are invited to participate in the Confirmation Class. Please contact Pastor Barry or the church office if interested in attending. Date and time TBA. Other Support Group Materials Available Tabernacle’s GriefShare and Surviving the Holidays classes continue to provided support to the community through both of these great programs This only happened because someone felt called to lead each group and because we found wonderful DVD-based products to guide the group along. Similar quality DVD-based studies on other topics are readily available. Please pray over this list and see if you are being called to help others in any of these areas: • • • • • Divorce Care (Divorce recovery support group) DC4K (Divorce recovery ministry for children ages 5-12) Single & Parenting (Single-Parent support ministry) Facing Forever (for church attenders who are not followers of Christ) The Alpha Course (beginner course for seekers; also great overview) If you are feeling called to help others with any of these topics, please contact Rusty Sackett at 868-6842 or [email protected]. We can show you the materials and you can decide if any of these materials can help you to help others. 2 United Methodist Women FAIT H • HOPE • LOVE IN ACT ION All women are invited to all UMW events! Phillips-Hunt Circle Wednesday, February 11 at 11:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall with a potluck luncheon Susanna Wesley Circle Thursday, February 19 at 7:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall Mary Martha Circle TBA Please contact Sandra Wagner, 969-6738, or Bronwyn Evans, 659-0936, for more information. Last Wednesday Lunch Bunch February 25, 12:00 PM at the Poquoson Diner All women are welcome. Tabernacle UMW have selected HUMAN TRAFFICKING as our Social Action goal this year. Traffickers buy and sell men, women, and children for different purposes, such as labor and organs, but sex trafficking is the most prevalent form. As unbelievable as it may seem, there are more enslaved human beings in the world today than at any other time in the history of the world. There is something that we can do to help the victims of this crime. We will be supporting “Free the Girls” an organization that collects new and gently used bras of all sizes and styles, including sports bras, nursing bras, and camisoles. Your donations will help survivors of human trafficking start their own business selling them while they recover and build their new life. These are women who are often ostracized by their families and their communities and in great need of a means of supporting themselves and their children. For more information about this project or to donate contact Janet Dickinson at 868-7434 or [email protected] or Dana Dunham at 868- 4102 or [email protected]. Women’s Bible Study Prayer Shawl Group Tuesdays at 9:30 AM All women are invited to attend this small group study. Wednesdays, 3:00 PM All are welcome! Lay Servant Ministries Training Lay Servant Academy - The annual Virginia Conference Lay Servant Academy with both Basic and Advanced Courses on Friday, February 20 - Sunday, February 22 at the Blackstone Conference and Retreat Center District Lay Servant training - York River District Basic and Advanced Lay Servant courses, Saturday, March 21, from 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM; cost is $30. Webinars - on-going online training available through BeADisciple.com. Basic Lay Servant Ministries must be completed. These are Advanced courses only. For any questions, please contact Jeff Clark at 757 867-9044 or [email protected]. FEBRUARY Food Pantry Kids, come to Children’s Church! All children from 4 years old - 2nd grade are invited to Children’s Church during the 11:00 worship hour for fun and age appropriate worship. We hope your children will enjoy it. Please pick your children up in room 23 after the service. canned pasta, canned fruit Thank you for your continued generosity to the Food Pantry. 3 Wednesday Night Dinner and Fellowship News Dinner Served 5:30 to 6:15 PM Join us for our Fellowship Dinners every Wednesday for great meals and fellowship. The meals are prepared by volunteer groups and include a children’s menu as well as peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Bring the whole family. Volunteer Group Needed for April 1, Easter Pot Luck Dinner We still need a volunteer group to host our Easter Pot Luck Dinner on April 1 - this dinner can not be held without a host group. You can sign up using the signup sheets on the bulletin board opposite the choir room or by contacting Rusty at 868-6842 or [email protected]. A BIG THANK YOU to Venture Crew 28, Boy Scout Troop 28, Invert Ministries, Ruritans, United Methodist Men, United Methodist Women, and the Faith & Fellowship Class for volunteering to cook our dinners through May. Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, February 17, 6:00 PM There will not be a dinner on Ash Wednesday, February 18, due to the Community Ash Wednesday Service at 6:30 PM at Victory Christian Center. Instead, we invite everyone to come on Tuesday night, February 16, at 6:00 PM for the annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper hosted by Cub Scout Pack 28. Pre-Paid Cards for Wednesday Night Dinner If you don’t want the hassle of needing cash, your checkbook, or exact change each Wednesday night for dinner, buy a pre-paid card good for any Wednesday Night Dinner at Tabernacle. Contact Rusty Sackett to get your card. Wednesday Highlights... REVEALED: The Life You’ve Only Imagined Adult Study continues on Wednesdays at 6:30 PM Revealed is designed to help you understand God’s plan for us. We are looking closely at our lives to see what we actually do with our resources: our time, talent, and treasure. We will consider whether we are pleased with what we discover or whether, at the end of life here on earth, we may have regrets. God’s great plan of purpose and meaning is available for all who desire it. Revealed is a journey toward taking hold of all God has planned for us. This program, facilitated by Nancy Grizzard, will continue throughout February except for Ash Wednesday: Week 4, February 11 Week 5, February 25 Discovering God’s Plan for Your Treasure Celebrating the Life God Planned for You Facilitator and Topics Needed for March A volunteer facilitator and suggested topics are needed for our Wednesday Evening Adult Classes starting on Wednesday, March 4. Please be thinking of topics you’d like this group to study. Many simple to organize classes are available on DVD in our library or readily available for Tabernacle to purchase. Please think about classes you like to take and/or lead. Contact Rusty at 868-6842 or [email protected] to volunteer. Be watching the bulletin for announcements about our next class starting on Wednesday, March 4. 4 2014 Christmas Pot Luck Dinner Hosted by the Kiwanis, shown below. PLEASE RSVP! 3 ways to sign up for the dinner. Each will insure you are signed up and that there is plenty of food. • Turn in the bulletin insert on Sunday • Call the office, 868-6842 by noon on Monday • RSVP on the Wednesday Night Fellowship Dinner “Event” page on facebook by noon on Monday. Please add a comment letting us know the total number in your group. The “event” is public - share it with your friends! We apologize for the confusion at the January 29th Called Charge Conference. Only the Tabernacle Administrative Board may vote at Charge Conferences. People may and should attend Administrative Board meetings to voice their concerns. The next Board meeting is on Monday, April 13. Board meetings are on the church calendar and announced in bulletins and newsletters. MINISTR Y NEWS “Construction Zone Ahead” Stay tuned for news on our new youth program! Soon, we will be interviewing youth, parents, and anyone who wishes to have input into our new youth program and what we need for our church. Also stay tuned as we develop our short term youth plan. Watch for details in the church bulletin and in the March newsletter. The yearly youth mission trip is planned for July 19 - 25 - more details to come. Questions? Please contact Ben Owen, SPRC chair, at 868-6023. Common Ground Café NEXT CAFÉ: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6 DOORS OPEN: 7:30 PM to 10:00 PM AN EVENING OF KARAOKE & OPEN MIC All middle and high school students are invited! The Café is open to the whole community so invite your friends and share this information with everyone you know. "Like" the Café on facebook, www.facebook.com/CafeCommonGround, and follow us on twitter, www.twitter.com/CommonGroundCaf. Spread the word! Lots to do at the Cafés - karaoke, open mic, video games, pool, ping pong, air hockey, foosball, corn hole, board games, and just hanging out, plus cool door prizes! EVERYTHING IS FREE: admission, food, drinks, games, and door prizes. FREE door prizes are awarded throughout the evening. You must be present to win! Music: It’s official, we will have another great evening of Karaoke on Friday, February 6. There will be lots of time for everyone to sing some Karaoke. Open mic performers are also invited. Come show us what you can do. Check out the Common Ground Café on the web or facebook for more pictures and the latest band and event schedules. Bands are welcome to sign up for future Café dates by posting on facebook, texting 329-3454, or emailing [email protected]. We have the new band “POV” playing on March 13 and the returning popular band “INFERNO” on April 17. Bands, DJs, and Open Mike performers are WANTED for May 8 and beyond. You can help with Common Ground Café! Adult Volunteers: The Common Ground Café continues to be a great success and routinely draws 100 youth to Tabernacle. So we need your help. We need 5 adults to set up, 11 adults to safely run the Café while the teens are here, and another 5 adults to clean up afterwards. It is easy and only takes 1 ½ to 3 hours of your time once a month. Please sign up as soon as you can so we can be sure we will have enough adults on hand. You can sign up using the bulletin inserts on the Sunday prior, or by contacting Rusty Sackett at 868-6842 or [email protected]. Adults are also welcome to join the team to help plan future cafés - please speak to Rusty. Donations: The Common Ground Café (CGC) does not receive any money from Tabernacle's general fund. All the money spent for this fantastic outreach program comes from the donations collected on the Sunday prior the Café. You may also donate anytime by check or online - be sure to designate your monies for the Common Ground Café. Food and drink donations are welcome the week of the Cafe. Please help us welcome the youth of our community. 5 Scouting Corner The Troop supported Tabernacle by serving Wednesday night dinner again this past month. The meals are always amazing. Watch the calendar for the next opportunity to share a meal with the Scouts. In December, we spent the night at Laser Quest in Virginia Beach playing laser tag. It was a great time. in January, we went skiing at Timberline in West Virginia and practiced scuba diving at the YMCA. Troop 28 had two scouts advance to the highest rank in Scouting, that of Eagle Scout recently. Please join me in congratulating Dillon Scot and Jake Angle for earning the rank of Eagle Scout. We also celebrated at Tom Ferguson’s and Hunter Morse’s Eagle Court of Honor. The Boy Scouts of America offers great opportunities for our youth and we thank Tabernacle for sponsoring all the age-levels of Boy Scout units. If your son is at least in kindergarten and not yet 21 years old, there are great opportunities for him in Scouting. Young women between 14 and 20 years old may also join the Venture Scouts at Tabernacle. Please contact the church office to be put in touch with the right unit leader for your child’s age. You and your children are welcome to join us. Attention Scout leaders! If you wish to have your events and/or news in the newsletter please send to: [email protected] SCOUT SUNDAY FEBRUARY 8 UMMen’s Breakfast Sunday, February 8, 7:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall The United Methodist Men invite all Scouts (boys and girls) and their families to a complimentary breakfast in their honor on Scout Sunday, February 8, at 7:30 AM. January 10, all the Eagle Scouts a0ending the Eagle Court of Honor for Tom Ferguson and Hunter Morse. From the Trustees Lock Up Committee Security Alert! The UM Fellowship 2015-16 Scholarships ● Memorial Scholarships (music) ● Thom Jones Scholarships (in the arts other than music) ● Robert Schilling Music Scholarship for a rising college freshman or sophomore We have been finding church exit doors left unlocked at night and lights left on. If your group meets at the church during evening hours, please check that the exterior doors are closed and locked and lights are out when you leave. Do not assume that someone else will lock them. Thank you. Applications can be downloaded at UMFellowship.org. The application deadline is March 15. Contact the Scholarship Office at the UM General Board of Higher Education and Ministry for other scholarship opportunities. 6 Mission Works Letters & Notes... As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another." 1 Peter 4:10 January 5 PORT - March 10-11 Volunteers Needed! Tabernacle will assist Warwick Memorial UMC with hosting a PORT (People Organizing Resources Together) homeless shelter on Tuesday, March 10 to Wednesday, March 11. Volunteers are needed for all shifts. For more information or to sign up, please call or text Rich Clifton at 243-3633 or email him at [email protected], or sign up online at: http://www.signupgenius.com/ go/20f0e4fa5ad28a3fb6-port2 Available shifts: • Check-in – Tuesday, 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM, 10 persons needed total (6 must be adults) ● Overnight – Tues, 9:00 PM to Wed, 4:30 AM, 4 adults needed • Serve breakfast – Wed, 4:15 AM to 6:15 AM, 8 persons needed (great opportunity for HS youth) ● Check-out – Wed, 4:30 AM to 6:30 AM, 4 adults needed ● Cleanup – Wed, 5:00 AM to 7:30 AM, 6 – 8 persons needed Positions listed for adults are open to anyone 18 years or older. Positions not listed for adults are open to anyone 12 years or older; however, all youth under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent. February is Heart Havens Month! Thank you for letting us store our turkeys at Tabernacle. Without your help, we don’t know what we would do. Enclosed is a thank you from a family we helped. Excerpt of letter: “I wanted to thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Words cannot fully express my feelings. Times have been hard for me and my daughter. Your thoughtfulness, kindness, and generosity are greatly appreciated. With out the support of the Empty Stocking Fund, I don’t know what we would have done for Christmas. My daughter cannot get over the fact that strangers are helping us. I don’t have a good answer except to say that there are people who reach out to others in time of need. Maybe next year, if things are better, my daughter and I can get things for a family in need. Again, thank you so much.” Thanks Frank and Madonna Kreiger Poquoson Empty Stocking Fund * ** *** ** *** ** *** ** * Reach out to support men and women with intellectual disabilities in Virginia. Please make a gift to Heart Havens this month. Your gift can be financial, or you can give a gift of your time, talent, or fellowship at one of the homes. Special offering envelopes are on the table in the hall by the church office, in the narthex, or on the welcome table in the Side Door Service. Simply write "Heart Havens" on the memo line of your check and drop it in the offering. For more information go to www.hearthavens.org. Send Valentine Cards to Morrison Home guests! Morrison Home is our local Heart Haven Home and is located in Newport News. Cards and letters are always welcomed with smiles. Cards and notes may be mailed to the caregivers and residents of the Morrison Home, 238 Harpersville Road, Newport News, VA 23601-2346. January 5 Thank you all, so very much, for the prayers and get well wishes. My recovery would not be as easy without them. Patrice Guthrie * ** *** ** *** ** *** ** * January 11 Thank you to everyone in the church for the Christmas cards and gifts you gave us. Barry and Becky * ** *** ** *** ** *** ** * Operation Christmas Child January 12 WOW! You’ll be happy to know that our 41 shoeboxes were delivered all over the world just before Christmas. Our boxes went to children in Columbia, Honduras, India, and Ukraine. Thanks again to Darlene and Johnny Hunt for leading our shoebox effort and to all of you who donated shoeboxes, gift items, and money for this great cause. 7 Please relay my thanks for the flowers I got. The flowers really brighten up the room especially on a dreary day. Love, Karen Steele February Prayer List JOY! New baby! Hayden Harper Jordan was born January 23 to Rosanna and Jeremy Jordan. His proud grandparents are JoAnn and Sal Dominguez. Please pray for the leaders and staff of Tabernacle, DS Seonyoung Kim, and Bishop Young Jin Cho. Military Chip Barton Jaime Benites Jim Byrn Billy Buettel Mike Cross Kevin Dean Dave Elliot Andrew Huffman Leslie Hunt Jared Martin Jim Orr Matthew Spyker Andrew Staton Alex Todd Nicholas Wheeler Prayer Requests Shut-Ins Sadie Alexander Johnny Anderson E. J. Barcus Rosemary Boudreau Mary & Dick Burnett Jay Heighes Brenda Hilliard Bill Jones Gloria Lang Elsie Lawson Thelma Lovett Dale Jamison Charlie McDaniels Bill Mullins Wes Pak Tabitha Perdue Doris Sandy Patrick Stapleton Bob Staul Karen Steele Richard Tisdale Rose & Don Tyndall Wayne Wallace Violet Williams James West Carolyn & Hoyt Wilson Mike and Amanda Dominion Village Mary Ann Lynch Maxine Tillotson Sadie Ray Verser The Chesapeake Duddy & Betty Forrest Eden Pines Burnette Ellis Five Star Living Kenny Messick The Newport Mary B. Edwards Our Lady of P. H. Shirley Freeman St. Frances N. H. Margie Evans Warwick Forrest Curt Claud Pat Claud York Convalescent Bill Anderson Van Smith Homebound Patsy Green Mary Moore Martha Sutton Dolly Woolard February 14 Jonathan Jamison February 15 Marie Baker February 1 Thomas Deans Jr. Joseph Dickinson Becky Throckmorton February 2 William Ziglar February 3 Sadie Alexander Brent Fortner Rebecca Hopkins February 4 Margie White February 5 Peyton Hunt Tyler Clifton February 6 Danette Barker Fay Firman February 7 Peggy Moore Betty White February 16 Heather Jensen February 17 Paula Abel Carey Freeman Raelene Hamrick February 18 Dolores Belford Tracey Redman Martha Sutton Ronnie Topping Bill Ziglar February 21 James Phillips February 22 Hannah Barton Bob Derby Sarah Ryan Brooks Clifton February 23 Buddy Green Danette Barker and family on the death of her father, Dr. Rev. George Miller on December 6 in Bourbonnais, Illinois. February 8 Thelma Elmore Jo Leeson Shirley Miller February 24 Josh Claud Suzanne Insley Tim Trant The family and friends of Mary Ann West Edwards who passed away on December 23, 2014. February 9 Patrice Guthrie Judi Sullivan February 25 Austin Davis With Sympathy to... Charlie and Stella French and family on the death of Charlie’s father, Charles French, Sr.,who passed away on December 24, 2014. Barbara Wilson and family on the death of her husband, Robert “Bobby” Wilson on January 9, 2015. Susan and Harris Luscomb and family on the death of her mother, Marion F. Hohfeldt, on January 15, 2015. February 10 Victoria Dillard Barbara Frishkorn February 12 Spencer Deans February 13 Melanie French February 26 Susan Thomas February 27 Brian Balentine Angie Claud February 28 Mollie Moomaw Elizabeth Trant Names will remain on the Prayer List for four weeks unless continued requests are made. To make a request, fill out the blue prayer cards in the pews and place cards in the offering plate. Please call Pastor Barry, 868-6842, for pastoral needs. 8 Sunday Worship Services Americana Open Mic Night Our Americana Night Open Mics are continuing! Rich and Susie Martin will be hosting the next Open Mic on Friday, March 6, in the fellowship hall from 7:00 -9:00 PM. Everyone is invited to come play and sing for the Open Mic or to just come and enjoy everyone else playing and singing. Our previous four Open Mics have averaged 16 different groups performing so we are hoping for a great turn out again next month. Doors will open and performer sign up will be begin at 6:00 PM. The music starts at 7:00 PM. This event is open to the community and is totally free! Please help us spread the word by inviting all your friends and neighbors. Those on facebook can help spread the word by “inviting” your friends on facebook. Save the Date: Friday, March 6, 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM 8:45 a.m. Early Service 11:00 a.m. Traditional Service 11:00 a.m. Side Door Service Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. Contact Us: 831 Poquoson Ave. Poquoson, VA 23662 Phone: 757-868-6842 www.tabernacleumc.org www.facebook.com/Tabernacle Office Hours: Mon.-Thur., 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Closed for lunch Tabernacle Staff Pastor, Rev. Barry Throckmorton [email protected] Members in the News Congratulations to Paul Hunt! Paul works at the Mariner’s Museum and just received the “Ambassador (Employee) of the Year 2014.” He received the award for his work ethic - always does his job, is always at work and is never late, and for his positive interactions with museum visitors. Congratulations to Megan Peterson! She recently participated in the Tidewater Distinguished Young Women Scholarship Program and won the fitness and selfexpression awards. She was also one of the top three in the local program qualifying to compete in the state program where she may win a variety of additional scholarships. Candidate for Ordained Ministry/ Brent Staul [email protected] Director of Ministries Development Rusty Sackett [email protected] Side Door Music Leader Michael Day [email protected] Interim Choir Director Betsy Forrest [email protected] Secretary/Finance Manager Ann Higginbotham [email protected] Information and picture from article posted by dfontaine5, Community Contributor to the Daily Press. The United Methodist Church Virginia Conference Dedication of Kaitlyn’s Tree York River District Superintendent Rev. Seonyoung Kim District Office: 596-3476 [email protected] A pink dogwood was dedicated in loving memory of Kaitlyn Begor on Sunday, December 21, following the 11:00 Worship services. The tree is located behind the fellowship hall. Resident Bishop Young Jin Cho www.vaumc.org MARCH NEWSLETTER DEADLINE IS FEBRUARY 20! Your articles are welcome! Send to [email protected] 9 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID HAMPTON, VA PERMIT NO. 157 Tabernacle United Methodist Church 831 Poquoson Avenue Poquoson, Virginia 23662 2015 Get Connected With Tabernacle www.facebook.com/Tabernacle www.tabernacleumc.org Come Worship with Us! Sunday Worship Services 8:45 a.m. Early Service 11:00 a.m. Traditional Service 11:00 a.m. Side Door Service (A Contemporary Service) and Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. 10
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