JEWISH CONGREGATION OF NEW PALTZ SHEVAT - ADAR 5775 Sh'ma FEBRUARY 2015 שמע Kehilat Ahavat Achim – A Reconstructionist Synagogue Dear Ahavat Achim Family: We lost a treasure last month: our beloved Rachel Pekarsky. Many members of our community were away during the time of her memorial service, so I am printing the eulogy I made for her: Rachel was my friend and confidante, my colleague, a former student who ended up teaching me a great deal. She was my right-hand woman, and often my left-hand woman as well. I prayed for Rachel with every fiber of my soul, and I remain positive about the effectiveness of prayer, but not to the blind point of thinking that prayer can alter a flow of events as powerful as a mighty river. Yesh gevul - there are limits. Like Job who, after 41 chapters of not going gentle into that good night, in the end must say, “By this I must acquiesce, seeing that I am but dust.” Rachel returned to college part time, and ended up taking six classes with me over two years. On every exam, every research paper, she never did less than perfect A work. I have never had a student before or since whose work was absolutely perfect in every possible way. She also studied on her own, and enrolled in some correspondence courses with my alma mater, the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, doing similarly perfect work. With her new-found knowledge in hand, I asked her to teach a class in our Hebrew School. Again, some initial trepidation, and then a full emergence into the task, doing it so well we gave her another class, then another, and another. She ended up becoming our senior teacher, overseeing all Hebrew language, liturgy and B’ney Mitzvah preparation programs. She preferred the term “Head Teacher” to the term “Senior Teacher” that we at first granted her. I am not sure why. Did the word “senior” make her feel that she was a senior citizen? I wish to God that Rachel was indeed on her way to becoming a senior citizen. Some people have said to me from time to time that they don’t believe in luck, that one makes his or her own luck. We do have some control over our destinies, certainly, but not very much. We are like flotsam floating down the river, and the currents take us where they will. Our ability to choose our I cannot even begin to tally the ways I miss pathway allows us the ability to play the her and will miss her. Several times a cards we are dealt, but they are first dealt. week, we debriefed one another, disFrom the Rabbi In her life, Rachel got some really fine cussing how to maintain the ritual, cards: powerful intelligence, abounding William Strongin educational and practical dimensions of compassion, remarkable courage. But she keeping a Jewish community vital. Who was also dealt some very lousy cards. She will I vent to now? Who else saw the entire played her cards brilliantly, but yesh gevul array of synagogue life, all of its intricacies - there are limits. and interconnections and thus could intelligently debate with me the proper course we should take? Life in general, and certainly a Rachel first came to the attention of our congregation as a wellsynagogue, is, to use an analogy I first heard many years ago, a recommended cleaner for our building. Even then, when I first met boat with a hole in it. The hole stays, but the boat must sail on. her, I asked if she could also take on the role of Shammos. This is One must bail faster than the boat fills up, and manage to steer it a traditional role of respect within a Jewish community: the person well while doing so. One of my jobs is to try to see the rocks in the responsible for making sure the physical space is ready for the way before anyone else does. Rachel could do this as well, religious events that will be going on there. Setting up the room sometimes better. Who will be my navigator now? for Shabbat: are the prayerbooks accessible? The challah, the wine, the candles? Setting up the rooms for holiday events, for Yesterday, in the Community Center, I saw the little signs Rachel study events, for community celebrations: are the chairs put out, placed all over the building, on light switches, thermostats and is the havdalah set where it needs to be? Are all the mezuzot such. How will I see these in days to come, and not break down properly attached to the doorways? At first Rachel was unsure each time? How many tasks will I and many, many others in this she could take this on, she felt her religious training lacked all of shul face in which the first response will be to call Rachel? How these details. So I taught her. It does not take much to teach many times just this week, when trying to figure out how we will Rachel anything, she was so fast, so bright. Within a week or two apportion her many tasks, did I wish to ask Rachel for advice on she was doing the job better than my explanations, seeing things I missed and quietly, simply, getting it all done. . . . continued on page 3 JEWISH CONGREGATION OF NEW PALTZ SHEVAT - ADAR 5775 FEBRUARY 2015 BOARD OF TRUSTEES RABBI President: Susan Cohen 566-3210 [email protected] Rabbi Bill Strongin 616-7403 [email protected] Vice President: Marc Schain 687-0667 [email protected] Secretary: Meri Lederer 256-0315 [email protected] Treasurer: Paul Zuckerman 255-7257 [email protected] Financial Secretary: Adele Ruger 255-5379 Marilyn DeAngelo 389-9282 [email protected] [email protected] James DeArce 255-3457 [email protected] Amy Donnelly 901-5791 [email protected] Marci Formato 883-7937 [email protected] Arnie Kahgan 917 608-8498 Dafna Neiger 706-2760 Amanda Paul 255-9922 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Lisa Randleman 256-0011 [email protected] Spenser Rohrlick 255-5116 Myra Sorin 255-5016 OFFICE Abby Chance 255-9817 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] CONTACTS Archivist Adult Programming Gladys Gottlieb 331-7589 Donna Sherman 633-8445 Wendy Rudder 255-0436 Baby Naming Amie Adams 256-1458 Building Operations Paul Zuckerman 255-7257 Building Scheduling Carol Nolan 255-0877 Caring Myra Sorin 255-5016 Cemetery Plots Gerry Sorin 255-5016 Choir Amie Adams 256-1458 Corresponding Sec’y Marci Formato 883-7937 Dues Paul Zuckerman 255-7257 Finance Adele Ruger 255-5379 Fundraising Meri Lederer 256-0315 Hebrew School Teri Gil 255-2516 Leslie Rubin 256-9692 Kitchen Coordinator Alan Kraus 255-1378 Library Gerry Sorin 255-5016 Maintenance open Membership Ellen Butowsky 255-3316 Memorial Plaques Barry Tunkel 255-8983 Nominations Meri Lederer 256-0315 Rabbi Liaison Tom Nolan 255-0877 Gerry Sorin 255-5016 Robin Hayes 255-6755 Ritual Paul Zuckerman 255-7257 Supermarket Cards Don Schiff 255-7143 Security Paul Zuckerman 255-7257 Sh’ma Editor Amy Donnelly 901-5791 Tikkun Olam James DeArce 255-3457 Teen Committee Marci Formato 883-7937 Pam Tate 895-9234 UC Jewish Fed. Gladys Gottlieb 331-7589 Web Keeper Tom Nolan 255-0877 Where you can find us: Shul: 8 Church Street Community Center: 30 North Chestnut Street Address: P.O. Box 577, New Paltz, New York 12561 Website: 2 JEWISH CONGREGATION OF NEW PALTZ SHEVAT - ADAR 5775 FEBRUARY 2015 . . . continued from page 1 how to do it all? Just three or four days before she died, when I was speaking to a still perfectly coherent Rachel, we laid out a plan wherein she would indeed help with just this situation. She never got that chance. The only blessing here, and it is a big one, is that when the end came it came so quickly that our beloved Rachel did not linger in pain. I bless God for that mercy even as I curse God for taking her at all. Last month, in Ritual Committee, we discussed the revision of our High Holidays Supplement, hoping to create our own entirely self-contained machzor. I wanted to revise the Shabbat siddur first. Rachel and the committee convinced me that the siddur at least is a finished work, the machzor is still in pieces. So it will be a machzor. I want to call that work, when it is, God willing, completed: Machzor B’ney Rachel, “The High Holy Days Prayerbook of the Children of Rachel.” Let me tell you why: Judaism is ultimately in the hands of our children. If our children are ignorant of their Judaism, what then? If they are educated, then we truly have a future. And who educated them more fully than Rachel? They are her children. The haftarah for the second day of Rosh Hashanah, from Jeremiah 31, contains this famous line:““A voice is heard in Ramah: grief and bitter weeping . . . . It is Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, for they are gone. Stop weeping and dry your eyes; all that you have labored for has come to pass. Your children have come back from the lands of their adversity to their own borders, and there is hope for the future.” The children have come back and there is hope for the future, and our Rachel is one of the chief reasons why. I will so miss my friend and confidante, my colleague, my former student who ended up teaching me so much. CARING COMMITTEE Get Well Wishes to Diane Strongin Alan Kraus’ sister Sincere Condolences to Diane Strongin and family on the death of her aunt in mid-December Friends and family and the entire Congregation on the death of our dear Rachel Pekarsky in late December Congratulations to Emma Rose Schreier and her family on the occasion of her baby naming and her entry into the Jewish community in mid-December. Amy Donnelly on the engagement of her daughter Peggy to Navin Jha. They are planning an April wedding. Our next luncheon will be Tuesday, February 10. Won’t you join us and be part of the fun? Unfortunately, our January luncheon had to be postponed because of cold and snow. We’re happy to say that it has been rescheduled for Tuesday, February 10. Please join us! Nicholas Baxter has a wonderful Chinese menu planned for us with a little Valentine surprise at the end. Our delicious community luncheons, sponsored by the Caring Committee, are open to all adults, with special encouragement to seniors. For more information or to reserve your place, contact Myra Sorin at 255-5016 or [email protected] . We always have a good time and eat the best food! Help Us to Help You! The Caring Committee’s most important work is providing support to families experiencing illness, hardship or bereavement, and congratulations to families with lovely accomplishments. Please bring such things to our attention by contacting Carol Zuckerman (255-6604 or [email protected]) or any member of the Caring Committee. We appreciate your help, and can’t do it without you! 3 JEWISH CONGREGATION OF NEW PALTZ SHEVAT - ADAR 5775 FEBRUARY 2015 YAHRZEITS Name Observed This Year Hebrew Date Charlotte Levy Observing this yahrzeit LaRonca, Frank & Paul, Amanda Sunday, 2/1/2015 Relationship grandmother Shevat 12, 5775 Ron Steinberg (Rafael Yosef) Observing this yahrzeit Strongin, Rabbi William & Diane Thursday, 2/5/2015 Relationship congregant Shevat 16, 5775 Bessie Feinberg Observing this yahrzeit Schwartz, Martin & Gail Saturday, 2/7/2015 Relationship grandmother Shevat 18, 5775 Jacob Fishman Observing this yahrzeit Fishman, Sheila Saturday, 2/7/2015 Relationship grandfather Shevat 18, 5775 Elsie Urist Katz (Vashti) Observing this yahrzeit Hollander, Seth & Eric Saturday, 2/7/2015 Relationship grandmother Shevat 18, 5775 Max Kahgan Observing this yahrzeit Kahgan, Arnold Monday, 2/9/2015 Relationship father Shevat 20, 5775 Barbara Samuel Lurie Observing this yahrzeit Rosen, Nancy & Lurie, Andrea Monday, 2/9/2015 Relationship mother Shevat 20, 5775 Richard Ross (Reuven) Observing this yahrzeit Dominus, Mitchell & Joan Monday, 2/9/2015 Relationship father Shevat 20, 5775 Harold Strauss (Hershel) Observing this yahrzeit Melamed, Sol & Carol Tuesday, 2/10/2015 Relationship father Shevat 21, 5775 Alex Stutt Observing this yahrzeit Stutt, Eric Wednesday, 2/11/2015 Relationship father Shevat 22, 5775 Sophie Messing Observing this yahrzeit Goldberg, Emily Friday, 2/13/2015 Relationship mother Shevat 24, 5775 Ada Bernstein Observing this yahrzeit Staub, Rusty & Elissa Saturday, 2/14/2015 Relationship mother Shevat 25, 5775 Debbie Brown (Dinah) Observing this yahrzeit Brown, Cindy Saturday, 2/14/2015 Relationship sister Shevat 25, 5775 4 JEWISH CONGREGATION OF NEW PALTZ SHEVAT - ADAR 5775 FEBRUARY 2015 YAHRZEITS Name Observed This Year Hebrew Date Jerry Zahn (Jerome) Observing this yahrzeit Raphael, Artie & Sharon Saturday, 2/14/2015 Relationship father Shevat 25, 5775 Harry Feldman (Heshiza) Observing this yahrzeit Barash, Yale & Amy Monday, 2/16/2015 Relationship father Shevat 27, 5775 Doris Landman Observing this yahrzeit Ford, Steve & Carole Monday, 2/16/2015 Relationship sister Shevat 27, 5775 William Nelson Observing this yahrzeit Perls, Robin Monday, 2/16/2015 Relationship stepfather Shevat 27, 5775 Ilse Strauss Observing this yahrzeit Strongin, Rabbi William & Diane Monday, 2/16/2015 Relationship congregant Shevat 27, 5775 Charlotte Freedman Observing this yahrzeit Eisenberg, Lynn Tuesday, 2/17/2015 Relationship mother Shevat 28, 5775 Samuel Schneider (Simcha Yosef) Observing this yahrzeit Goodman, Steve & Robbin Tuesday, 2/17/2015 Relationship father Shevat 28, 5775 Abraham Zall Observing this yahrzeit Critelli, Wayne & Robin Wednesday, 2/18/2015 Relationship father Shevat 29, 5775 Edward Zuckerman Observing this yahrzeit Zuckerman, Ron & Carol Thursday, 2/19/2015 Relationship father Shevat 30, 5775 Ruth Cohen (Rivka) Observing this yahrzeit Bigley, Stuart & Helene Friday, 2/20/2015 Relationship mother Adar 1, 5775 William M. Slotnick (Volf) Observing this yahrzeit Slotnick, Sam & Susan Friday, 2/20/2015 Relationship father Adar 1, 5775 William Lapides (Chuna Velvel) Observing this yahrzeit Torres, Wil & Robin Monday, 2/23/2015 Relationship grandfather Adar 4, 5775 Carol Mayo Observing this yahrzeit Sorin, Gerald & Myra Monday, 2/23/2015 Relationship sister Adar 4, 5775 5 JEWISH CONGREGATION OF NEW PALTZ SHEVAT - ADAR 5775 FEBRUARY 2015 YAHRZEITS Name Observed This Year Hebrew Date David Myers (David Ben Meier) Observing this yahrzeit Simon, Ronald & Marjorie Monday, 2/23/2015 Relationship father Adar 4, 5775 Samuel Lederer (Shmuel ben Chaim) Observing this yahrzeit Lederer, Marc & Meri Tuesday, 2/24/2015 Relationship father Adar 5, 5775 Jeanette Rubin (Chana) Observing this yahrzeit Rubin, Peter & Leslie Thursday, 2/26/2015 Relationship grandmother Adar 7, 5775 Morris Cohen (Moshe) Observing this yahrzeit Bigley, Stuart & Helene Friday, 2/27/2015 Relationship father Adar 8, 5775 Morris Cohn (Moishe) Observing this yahrzeit Cohn, Ron & Lois Friday, 2/27/2015 Relationship grandfather Adar 8, 5775 Bessie Rudolph Observing this yahrzeit Kahgan, Arnold Friday, 2/27/2015 Relationship stepmother Adar 8, 5775 Nathan Trop (Nachman Yisrael ben Tzvi v Chana) Friday, 2/27/2015 Observing this yahrzeit Relationship Zuckerman, Paul father in law Adar 8, 5775 Arthur Klein (Asher ben Yehudah) Observing this yahrzeit Tunkel, Barry & Lori Adar 9, 5775 Saturday, 2/28/2015 Relationship father To add someone to the yahrzeit list that the Shul maintains for our members, or to correct a name or date listed here, please contact the office at [email protected] or 255-9817. 7 JEWISH CONGREGATION OF NEW PALTZ SHEVAT - ADAR 5775 FEBRUARY 2015 JCNP Board of Trustees meeting minutes December 14, 2014 Present: S. Cohen, A. Ruger, M. Lederer, P. Zuckerman, A. Paul, A. Donnelly, S. Rohrlick, J. DeArce, M. DeAngelo, M. Schain, A. Kahgan, Rabbi Bill Not Present: M. Sorin, L. Randleman, M. Formato, Moment of Silence/Prayer Approval of November minutes: Approved unanimously with one abstention. 50th Anniversary celebration: Great, fabulous evening. Music, slide show, posters and speeches were excellent. Suggestions for improvement: Hire a second bartender. Encourage more people to attend. Food was unfamiliar to many people so labeling it would be helpful Reconstructionist binder review: The Reconstructionist Federation has issued a binder with chapters looking at various facets of congregational life. Each Board member will look at a different chapter and report on it at a Board meeting. This will assist us in reflecting on our structure and processes. A. Ruger will inquire about an updated version of this binder. Improving membership involvement and attendance at services: Discussion regarding encouraging more family attendance and participation, and how to facilitate that. Request to start services on time. Proposal to create a questionnaire asking members what would bring them to services. Discussion to be continued. Hanukkah Party: Sunday 12/21/14 at 4:00 PM. Jeff Goldman will coordinate the men making the latkes. Event is being coordinated by the Hebrew School Illustrated Torah project is wrapping up. Bills were just sent out. Wording for engravings being sought. Matching gift: Approximately $20,000 has been donated towards the goal of $25,000; more donations are expected. The sale of memorial plaques will count towards this donation. Rabbi Rena’s Shabbat services: The first event had 22 people. Yesterday’s event (12/13/14) had 35 people. Motion by M. Lederer, seconded by S. Cohen, to fund two more services conducted by guest rabbi Rena. Approved unanimously with one abstention. Attempts will be made to have future services occur around holidays. A. Donnelly will be in touch with Rabbi Rena regarding dates. Shir Yaakov emailed some congregants and solicited them to come to a religious event he was conducting. Informational discussion regarding this. During the winter months, Board meetings will begin at 6:00 PM rather than 6:30 PM. Susan and David Cohen attended a Friday night service at Temple Sinai in Delray Beach, Florida. They were greeted very warmly and provided with a brochure containing all types of synagogue and congregational information. JCNP may consider undertaking something similar to this. Other/New Business: Outgoing Board members will be recognized at the yearly meeting and at High Holiday services. New member Oneg was excellent. Yard sale date is May 3, 2015. 7 JEWISH CONGREGATION OF NEW PALTZ SHEVAT - ADAR 5775 FEBRUARY 2015 CONGRATULATIONS! Mazal Tov to these members of our shul who are celebrating their February wedding anniversary! John & Caryn Hinson Best wishes to these members of our shul’s extended family who are celebrating February birthdays! Abigail Adams Eric Stamberg Lindsey Rappaport Alan Kraus Justin Critelli Joanna Nealon Dylan Friedman Scott Tunkel Tom Nolan Claire Holt Darlene Davis Brandon Sirof Richard Leopold Doris Rohrlick Matthew Zawadzki Jessica Dugatkin Rabbi William Strongin Deena Levitz Jillian Simon John Hinson Yale Barash Dan Abramson Maya Greenfield Joanna Arkans Eric Staub Renee Hack Daniel Savelson Myra Sorin PURIM SPIEL BULLETIN ! Oy! We've been swamped with e-mails and desperate telephone calls. Alright already! We’ll be back with our usual (better) PURIM SPIEL (our 31st or 32nd time? It's up to you.) Saturday, March 7, 7:30 PM Write down the date now or, like us and like the wacky MIAMI LADIES, you'll forget. GUARANTEED. Also guaranteed: lots of laughs with (or at) us, and jokes you won’t want to share with your children or grandchildren. Rated XXX. -- Gerry Sorin Our archives We’re looking for photos, mementoes or stories from our earlier days. Please contact Abby Chance in the JCNP office (255-9817 or [email protected]) if you have recollections to share with us. You may drop off items at the Community Center library. Thanks! -- Gladys Gottlieb Lend us a hand We need volunteers to help to fold issues of the Sh’ma and stuff envelopes, a couple of hours per month. Please help us -- it’s quick, easy and comes with a little nosh. If you’d like to participate, contact Amy Donnelly at amy.staronomy or 845 901-5791. Thank you! Submissions to the Sh’ma are due NO LATER THAN February 10 for the March 2015 issue. Questions? Contact Amy Donnelly at [email protected] or (845) 901-5791. 8 JEWISH CONGREGATION OF NEW PALTZ SHEVAT - ADAR 5775 FEBRUARY 2015 NOTES from RABBI BILL KABBALISTIC TU B’SHEVAT SEDER February 4 5:00 - 6:30 PM in the Community Center A yontif, a freylich! It is Tu B'Shevat, the holiday for trees: the 15th of Shevat 5775. We have a wonderful SOCIAL/SPIRITUAL/MYSTICAL experience planned! Great for older kids as well as adults; younger kids may not get it all. Fruits and other goodies will be served, wine/juice of four colors, meditation and song! Don’t be a sap, celebrate the sap! Jewish legend has it that on Tu B'Shevat the sap begins to rise in the dormant trees. From outside, all is still caught in winter's frozen web. From inside, the divine sparks that reside within all things begin to pulsate and stir, beginning the work of bud and leaf and fruit, starting the springtime, getting all in readiness so that when the warmth finally comes, the buds may burst forth. There is so much hidden power in this scenario of dormancy and readiness that the premier mystics of our faith, the Lurianic Kabbalists of sixteenth century Tzfat, turned what was a very minor occasion into a holiday of mystical contemplation and a celebration of God's power in the world. The people of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, who have learned a thing or two about power, humanity and nature, have increasingly embraced this holiday. Are we not all sleeping trees? Isn't the sap within us, still so slowly flowing due to wintertime cold and darkness, yearning to heat up and bring forth buds: kernels of potential that can explode into beautiful foliage given the right circumstances? CHILDREN'S SERVICES Children’s Services begin at 7 PM (half an hour earlier than other services) on these Shabbat evenings: 2/6, 3/6, 4/10, 5/1, 6/19 Note to parents: at any and all services, our congregation loves to see children. And hear them! It is when they begin to run around or make too much noise that parents must take a hand, and bring them outside the sanctuary. Children should sit near their parents. _____________________________________ JUNIOR CONGREGATION Junior Congregation is led by Machele Clark, with parent helpers, in the Community Center, on these Shabbat evenings at 7:30 PM: 2/27, 3/20, 4/17, 5/15, 6/12 Note to parents: please do not simply drop your kids off at the Community Center! Come over to the shul for the adult service. You will enjoy the spiritual break, and you’ll be out in time to pick up your kids. _____________________________________ B’NEY MITZVAH & VAV SHABBAT MORNING FAMILY CLASSES Each B'ney Mitzvah and Vav student should be accompanied by at least one parent. We meet at the Community Center on Saturdays, 9 to 10:30 AM, followed by Shabbat services, 10:30 to 11:15 AM. 2/7, 3/14, 4/11, 6/6 _____________________________________ CHAVERIM ARTS Rachel Markowitz and her team introduce your young children to Jewish learning and to our community. 9 JEWISH CONGREGATION OF NEW PALTZ SHEVAT - ADAR 5775 FEBRUARY 2015 The Jewish Community of New Paltz invites you to HAVURAT HALEV A monthly, contemplative Shabbat morning service led by Guest Rabbi Rena Blumenthal Saturday, February 21st & Saturday, March 28th in the JCNP Community Center, 30 North Chestnut St. Service – 10:00 - 11:30 AM Kiddush & a potluck nosh – 11:30 - noon Havurat HaLev means “Fellowship of the Heart.” Our services will be informal, innova<ve and interac<ve. There will be spirited singing and chan<ng; periods of silence, guided medita<on and personal sharing; and a lively Torah-‐based discussion. No prior knowledge or experience is assumed. We hope you will join us! EVERYONE IS WELCOME! If you wish, bring a parve or dairy item to share. Questions? Contact Rena ([email protected]) or Dafna ([email protected]) Mondays 7 - 8:30 PM in the Community Center library Enjoy stimulating, freewheeling discussions of Judaism & the Torah ah r o T dy u t S Sign up to host an Oneg! Bring a nice nosh to the shul so we can enjoy food & fellowship after Friday Shabbat services! We have some openings for hosts in 2015. You might wish to use your oneg to honor a family member’s accomplishment or a friend’s memory. Please contact Marci Formato at 883-7937 or [email protected] to sign up. 10 JEWISH CONGREGATION OF NEW PALTZ SHEVAT - ADAR 5775 FEBRUARY 2015 DONATIONS Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Hollis & David Dukler Sharon & Arthur Raphael Jessica & Alan Rothman Lois & Ron Cohn Donation In honor of the engagement of our son Aaron to Elianis Perez In memory of my sister Hershella Rothman Young in honor of Rabbi Bill In memory of Jane Curry Building Fund Steven Nussbaum Donation Family Project Fund Jackie & Joel Swartzberg Donation Endowment Fund Gerald Benjamin Susan & David Cohen Myra & Gerry Sorin Adele & Kip Ruger Lisa Randleman & Jeffrey Goldman Phyllis Freeman & David Krikun Doris & Spenser Rohrlick Nancy Rosen & Andrea Lurie Joyce & Don Schiff Carol & Tom Nolan Colleen & Marc Schain Dafna Neiger Jessica & Alan Rothman Doris & Spenser Rohrlick General Fund Amie & Scott Adams Arlene & Marvin Birnbaum Susan & David Cohen Gloria Gillman Jacki & Scott Morrison Amy & Yale Barash Amy & Yale Barash Lawrence Fialkow Ronnie Flam Lisa Randleman & Jeffrey Goldman The Donald E Gottlieb Family L & M General Contractors Tova Weitzman & Howard Leibovitch Jessica & Alan Rothman Margie & Ron Simon Elisa & David Dugatkin Maxine & Marc Kamin Jacki & Scott Morrison Joyce & Don Schiff Robin & Wil Torres Jackie & Joel Swartzberg Gloria Turk Carol & Ron Zuckerman Illustrated Torah project Illustrated Torah project Illustrated Torah project Illustrated Torah project Illustrated Torah project Illustrated Torah project Illustrated Torah project Illustrated Torah project Illustrated Torah project Illustrated Torah project Illustrated Torah project Illustrated Torah project Illustrated Torah project "A special thanks to Margie Simon and Jeff Goldman for those dazzling latke-teer T-shirts" In honor of my niece Emma Rose Schreier's baby naming Donation Donation In memory of my husband Jerry to help the Congregation achieve goals Donation In memory of Harry Feldman In memory of Mitchell Barash Donation Donation Donation In memory of our mother & grandmother, Celia Fox-Steinberg In honor of Meri Lederer's bat mitzvah Contribution in support of Havurat HaLev In honor of the JCNP Choir Pushke donation Pushke donation Pushke donation Pushke donation Pushke donation Pushke donation Yahrzeit donation for father Harold Swartzberg Donation In memory of Carol Nolan's mother 11 JEWISH CONGREGATION OF NEW PALTZ SHEVAT - ADAR 5775 FEBRUARY 2015 DONATIONS General Fund Anonymous Lois & Ron Cohn Carole & Steve Ford Betty Marton & Gerald Teters Amy & Yale Barash Amy & Yale Barash Gerald Benjamin Lynn Eisenberg Robbin & Steven Goodman Kathleen Hall Judy Levine & Charles Komanoff Vikki & Andrew Kossover Carol & Tom Nolan Nan & Andy Satter Gail & Martin Schwartz Ellen & Paul Schwartzberg Myra & Gerry Sorin Claire Wasserman Susan & David Cohen Ruth & Terrence Quinn Sharon & Arthur Raphael High Holy Days matching donation sponsor In memory of Rachel Pekarsky to help continue her outstanding work Donation Donation Donation in memory of Rachel Pekarsky In honor of Meri Lederer's bat mitzvah Donation Donation in memory of Rachel Pekarsky Donation in memory of Rachel Pekarsky Donation in memory of Rachel Pekarsky In loving memory of Rachel from Bill Weinstein's cousin and family Donation in memory of Rachel Pekarsky Donation in memory of Rachel Pekarsky Donation in memory of our dear Rachel Donation in memory of Rachel Pekarsky In loving memory of Rachel Donation in memory of Rachel Pekarsky Donation in memory of Rachel Pekarsky Pushke donation Donation in memory of Rachel Pekarsky Donation in memory of Rachel Pekarsky If you could donate to the Jewish Congregation of New Paltz without it costing you a dime, would you do it? Of course you would! Here's how: SHOPRITE GIFT CERTIFICATES AND NOW . . . STOP & SHOP GIFT CERTIFICATES TOO! in $20, $50 and $100 denominations. JCNP receives five cents on each dollar. For example, if you purchase a $100 certificate, the congregation earns $5 and you get to buy $100 worth of ShopRite or Stop & Shop merchandise. So if you shop at Stop & Shop or ShopRite anyway, it’s a no-brainer. Contact Don Schiff at 255-7143 for more information or to buy your certificates. Please Support these Businesses! SCOTT I. MORRISON, O.D., F.A.A.O. Diplomate, American Board of Optometry (845) 255-4696 THE PROFESSIONAL CENTER 243 MAIN STREET SUITE 120 NEW PALTZ, NY 12561 (845) 778-3591 ROUTE 208, SUITE 7 MONTGOMERY, NY 12549 2294 CLINICAL FACULTY - STATE COLLEGE OF OPTOMETRY 33 WEST 42ND STREET - NEW YORK, NY 10036 (845) 691-6969 216 Route 299, Suite 2 Highland, NY 12528-7517 12 JEWISH CONGREGATION OF NEW PALTZ SHEVAT - ADAR 5775 FEBRUARY 2015 Please Support these Businesses! 83 Main Street, New Paltz, NY 12561 P: 845.255.9902 F: 845.255.1610 E: [email protected] STORE HOURS: MON – SAT 10AM to 6PM SUN 11:30AM to 5PM Your Ad Here call: 255-9817 Nt3 Firs tare WALK-IN MEDICAL CENTER The Doctor Will See You. Now. I. I- Urgent and Non-Urgent Medical Treatment of Adults and Children • -- Work. School, Camp and Other Physicals X•Rays. Blood Tests, EKG, Vaccinations DOT Exams, Work Related Injuries - - - Most Insurances and Uninsured Welcome Open 7 Days, No Appointment Needed 222 Route 299, Highland. NY 13 SHEVAT - ADAR 5775 FEBRUARY 2015 Sunday 1 Monday 12 Shevat 2 Tuesday 13 Shevat 3 Rabbi’s office hours 5:30 - 7 PM @ CC 14 Shevat 4 Bet & Gimmel classes Torah Study 7 - 8:30 PM @ CC 8 19 Shevat 9 Chaverim Arts 20 Shevat 10 Rabbi’s office hours 5:30 - 7 PM @ CC Wednesday 15 Shevat 5 TU B’SHVAT SEDER 5 - 6:30 PM @ CC 21 Shevat 11 Bet & Gimmel classes 27 Shevat 17 NO Rabbi’s office hours 28 Shevat 18 Bet & Gimmel classes 23 Shevat 13 Vav & B’ney Mitzvah classes Rabbi’s office hours 5:30 - 7 PM @ CC Torah Study 7 - 8:30 PM @ CC 5 Adar 25 Bet & Gimmel classes 18 Shevat YITRO Vav & B’ney Mitzvah family class 9 AM Shabbat services 10:30 AM 24 Shevat 14 Shabbat Services 7:30 PM 25 Shevat MISHPATIM Shabbat Shekalim (Purim in 3 weeks) Rabbi’s office hours 5:30 - 7 PM @ CC 29 Shevat 19 Dalet & Hey classes 30 Shevat 20 Vav & B’ney Mitzvah classes Rabbi’s office hours 5:30 - 7 PM @ CC 4 Adar 24 Children’s Shabbat Services 7 PM Rabbi’s office hours 5:30 - 7 PM @ CC Rosh Chodesh Adar 3 Adar 23 Saturday 17 Shevat 7 Vav & B’ney Mitzvah classes Dalet & Hey classes NO Torah Study 22 Friday 16 Shevat 6 22 Shevat 12 Torah Study 7 - 8:30 PM @ CC COMMUNITY LUNCHEON Board of Trustees noon @ CC meeting 15 26 Shevat 16 Thursday 6 Adar 26 Dalet & Hey classes Shabbat Services with Choir 7:30 PM NO Rabbi’s office hours 2 Adar TERUMAH HAVURAT HaLEV 10 -11:30 AM @ CC followed by Kiddush & potluck nosh Rosh Chodesh Adar 7 Adar 27 Vav & B’ney Mitzvah classes 1 Adar 21 8 Adar 28 Shabbat Services & Junior Congregation 7:30 PM 9 Adar TETZAVEH Shabbat Zachor (Purim next week) 14
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