Host of the ARRL NW Division Conference “The Northwest’s Largest Ham Conven on” June 5, 6, & 7, 2015 Seaside Conven on Center 415 First Avenue, Seaside, Oregon “The Second Century Begins Here!” SEA-PAC Banquet Speaker Ben Moses, W6FY Ben Moses, W6FY, is a documentarian, television producer, director, writer, and filmmaker. He is the author of “Good Morning, Vietnam” and the documentary “A Whisper to a Roar.” Raised in southern Illinois, amateur radio introduced him to the world beyond his hometown. Ben earned his first "ham radio” license at the age of ten and his First Class Television Engineering License at the age of 16. In 1977, Ben Moses moved to Los Angeles to work on Barry Manilow's first television special as Associate Director. Under director Marty Pase a and the produc on team that produced the Academy Awards, Emmy Awards and Grammy Awards specials, Moses worked as stage manager and Associate Director on those and many other live musical-variety specials for CBS, ABC and NBC. Ben says, “Ge ng on the air has always felt like I'm joining an already-in-progress social gathering where I'm likely to run into someone I know and sure to meet new people and make new friends.” Banquet Awards Macy's Gi Cards Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Reader w/7" screen Sony Blue-Ray Disc/DVD Player Yaesu VX-6R Tri-Band HT YL Luncheon Speaker Cheryl Muhr, NØWBV “If I ever get bored with this hobby, it will be my own fault!” SEA-PAC Pin Design Contest Are you crea ve? Enter our SEA-PAC Pin Design Contest and you could win two free ckets to the Saturday Night Banquet, plus fame and admira on from all of your fellow HAMS. Submit no later than March 31, 2015. Submissions must have actual size and large color print of the design. One entry per person. Send designs to SEA-PAC , Post Office Box 25466, Portland, OR 97298‐0466. Examples of previous years pins and the complete rules for the contest are on the SEA-PAC web site at ... h p:// SEA-PAC Banquet Entertainment Woodlander is an acous c Americana trio whose music is an upbeat blend of folk, bluegrass, Cajun, swing and reggae, among other roots of Americana music. Inducted into the Oregon Music Hall of Fame in 2011 as part of the Country Rock band Whea ield, they have been performing together for nearly 40 years. Friday Workshops This year, we will have two workshops to choose from (Registra on required – op onal luncheon) See the website for more details. Antenna Modeling and Improving your Success Roy Lewallen, W7EL, Ed Hare, W1RFI, Darryl Holman, WW7D, and E enne Sco , K7ATN, will discuss antenna modeling, integra on of various tools to improve your antenna performance, and opera ng with mobile antennas. Emergency Communica on Coordinator Academy A cadre led by Vince Van Der Hyde, K7VV, will present key principles for leaders in emergency communica ons organizaons. We will discuss roles and responsibili es for leaders, coordina on with other groups, recrui ng, reten on, succession planning, building a training program, planning exercises, and the future of EmComm in amateur radio. We will take brown bag lunch orders so we can con nue thru lunch. Seminars We plan to host over 40 seminars on Saturday and Sunday. Topics confirmed include APRS, Raspberry Pi development, Code keys, Yaesu Fusion C4FM repeater, PSK31, a behind-the-scenes tour of the ARRL lab, Contact logging, ge ng started with DIY, 10m opera on, and more coming. SEA-PAC SCHEDULE SEA-PAC AWARDS Friday, June 5 Sunday, 1:00 ‐ 2:00 p.m. Workshop: Antennas (Shilo Inn) ................. 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Workshop: Emcomm Leadership (Conv Ctr)8:30 AM - 5:00 PM SEA-PAC Registra on Open .......................... 11:00 AM - 8:00 PM Exhibitor/Flea Market Set-Up ..................... 11:00 AM - 8:00 PM Friday Workshops Lunch (Shilo Inn) ....................... 12:00 Noon Saturday, June 6 Exhibitor/Flea Market Set-Up ....................... 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM Registra on Open ....................................... 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM VE Exams (Pre-registered) ............................................ 9:00 AM Our Saviour's Lutheran Church - East Parish Hall Exhibits & Flea Market Open ....................... 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM Major Awards Alinco DJ-500 Dual Band HT Alinco DJ-G29T Dual Band HT Buddipole Deluxe portable antenna package GoPro Hero HD Sport Camera 1080p Icom IC-V80 Sport HT Icom IC-718 HF Transceiver Kenwood TH-K20A 144 MHz HT Kenwood TH-D72A Dual Band HT Kenwood TH-F6A Tri-Band HT Kindle Fire HDX 7" Tablet Samsung 32" LED TV Yaesu FT-1DR Dual Band HT Snack Bar ...................................................... 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM Early Bird Awards Seminars (Conven on Center) .................. 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM Need not be present Seaside Conven on Center Registra ons received by April 15, 2015 Hourly Awards ........................................... 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM YL Luncheon (Shilo Inn) .......................... 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM With Cheryl Muhr, NØWBV “If I ever get bored with this hobby, it will be my own fault!” Alinco DJ-A10T 144 MHz HT Icom IC-T70 HD Dual Band HT Powerwerx KG-UV-3D Dual Band HT Yaesu FT-8800R Dual Band Mobile DX Luncheon (Shilo Inn) ........................... 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM ARRL Forum (Seaside A&B) .................................1:00 - 2:00 PM SEA-PAC Awards ............................................................... 2:30 PM Pre-Banquet Happy Hour ............................. 6:30 PM - 7:15 PM SEA-PAC CONTACTS General Informa on: Wayne Schuler, AI9Q 360.892.5580 [email protected] SEA-PAC Banquet (Conven on Center) ............... 7:15 PM - 9:30 PM Keynote speaker is Ben Moses, W6FY “The Places Amateur Radio Has Taken Me” Sunday, June 7 Exhibitors: Warren Winner, W7JDT 503.644.0752 [email protected] Flea Market: Tom Hill, WA3RMX 503.780.6940 [email protected] Registra on ............................................. 8:30 AM - 12:00 Noon Exhibits & Flea Market Open ................. 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon Hourly Awards .......................................... 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM Seminars (Conven on Center) .............. 10:00 AM - 12:00 Noon Snack Bar ....................................................... 9:30 AM -2:00 PM Registra on: Melissa Nelson, KF7JIK 503.848.9838 registra [email protected] Seminars & Workshops: Delvin Bunton, N7QMT 360.256.9122 [email protected] Awards: Warren Winner, W7JDT 503.644.0752 [email protected] Major Awards (Conven on Center)..............1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Conven on Closes ......................................................... 2:00 PM A complete schedule will be available in the Conven on Booklet on Friday, June 5, 2015. SEA-PAC Message Phone: SEA-PAC Web Site: Follow “SEA‐PAC” on Facebook! SEA-PAC Mailing Address: 503.882.7388 h p:// SEA-PAC Ham Conven on Post Office Box 25466 Portland Oregon 97298-0466 SEA-PAC REGISTRATION Name______________________________________________ Address____________________________________________ City_____________________ State______ Zip____________ Email Address _____________________________________ Call Sign ______________ Phone _____________________ Registra ons at $10.00 each ($15.00 at the door) …….......… $______ Children (12 and under) FREE ……………………………................. $______ Flea Market Tables (No Dealer Sales) …………...……............... $______ ($20 per table 1 day main floor -or- $30 per table for 2 days upstairs) (NO power and no dealer sales) Antenna Workshop (Fri) at $18.00 (limit of 135) ..............….. $______ Emcomm Leadership Workshop (Fri) at $18.00 (limit of 120) $______ Friday Workshop Luncheon at $17.00 (120 person limit) .... $______ NICKNAME & CALL SIGN FOR REGISTRATION BADGE Please Print ‐ Indicate children with a “C” Saturday YL Lunch at $17.00 (50 person limit) …....…............ $______ Saturday DX Lunch at $17.00 (50 person limit) …..…….......... $______ _____________________ _____________________ Saturday Banquet ‐ Salmon Dinner at $29.50 …….…….......... $______ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ Saturday Banquet ‐ Prime Rib at $29.50 …………...…............ $______ EARLY BIRD Registration must be postmarked by April 15, 2015. For mail in registra ons, mail it before May 15, 2015. Registra ons received a er May 15, 2015 will have their ckets held at the conference center Will‐Call. TOTAL ... $______ For faster registra on, please use our secure online process at star ng on February 15th. Refunds of $5.00 or more only. NO Refund a er May 13, 2015. Drawing ckets are not mailed, rather they are placed for you into the proper drawing bins. Put addi onal comments on back side of form please. PLEASE ALLOW 4 WEEKS FOR DELIVERY OF TICKETS ‐ T i c k e t s c a n b e p u r c h a s e d o n l i n e a t h p:// s t a r t i n g F e b r u a r y 1 5 , 2 0 1 5 VE Tes ng Tes ng will be conducted at Our Savior's Lutheran Church, East Parish Hall, near the conven on center at 9:00 a.m. Saturday, June 6, 2015. Sea ng is limited so reserve your place by registering now. Registra on must be received by May 15, 2015. Pre‐registra on only. No walk‐ins! Confirma on will be sent to registered par cipants. Bring photo ID, original and copy of all licenses/CSCE documents, and a check for $15.00 payable to “ARRL VEC”. For more informa on contact [email protected] Registra on For VE Test Please check the examina on element(s) you wish to take: Technician General Extra Name __________________________________________ Address ________________________________________ City, State, Zip ___________________________________ Telephone ___________________________ Chuck Mickley Scholarship Award The Chuck Mickley Scholarship is awarded to an amateur operator who will be a ending college as a new or returning student. Please make sure any eligible amateurs that you know are aware of it. Applica ons are due by March 31, 2015 and full qualifica on criteria and applica on materials are at Email _______________________________ Call Sign ___________________Lic Class ________________ Send To: John Bucsek/KE7WNB PO Box 230216, Portland, OR 97281-0216 Or email all informa on to: [email protected] Spaghe Dinner The 8th Annual STARS/SEARC/CBARS/CCARS/SHS GTRC All You Can Eat Spaghe Dinner—Everyone Welcome Friday, June 5, 2015 from 5 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Bob Chisholm Center, 1225 Avenue A, Seaside, OR Adults $8 Children 7-12 $6 $1 off admission with proof of ham license/ SEA-PAC Registra on. (This is not a SEA-PAC sponsored event) RAGS Country Store Radio Amateurs of the Gorge (RAGS) Country Store will display your rig for sale on consignment. They also provide a tes ng center for equipment you are considering purchasing. To reserve your spot, call or write: Gene Mielke, KA7JNU, 3926 Fairview, Hood River OR 97031 call 541.490.9920 or email [email protected] Oregon Tuala n Valley Amateur Radio Community Services PO Box 5471 Beaverton, OR 97006 “The Northwest’s Largest Ham Conven on” Host of the ARRL Northwestern Division Celebration June 5, 6 and 7, 2015 Seaside Conven on Center 415 First Avenue, Seaside, Oregon The Oregon Tuala n Valley Amateur Radio Community Services, Inc. and The Oregon Tuala n Valley Amateur Radio Club, Inc. sponsoring organiza on of SEA-PAC thanks the Clark County Amateur Radio Club for their con nued support. Conven on sponsors reserve the right to alter the conven on schedule and programs. All registrants, including conven on sponsors, are eligible for awards. Good luck to all! Talk‐in: 145.450(‐) Tone 118.8 Seaside Convention Center is a No Smoking Facility. ORS 433.839 and ORS 433.875 No Pets Allowed in the Convention Center.
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