Term 1 Week 1 5th February 2015 From the Principal Kia ora koutou. Hello everyone. Welcome back everyone! I hope you all had a relaxing, enjoyable summer break. A special welcome to all the new children and their families who have joined Glamorgan School this week. Cool holiday readers! Children were allowed to take home school library books for holiday reading and during the school holidays we opened the school library so children could change their books. We had a good response with 35 children who came along and changed their books or took out books if they were away when books were issued at the end of term 4. Thank you for supporting your children through the holiday break. Although it seems a small proportion of the total school population who came in, we feel this was a worthwhile thing to do and will continue next summer holidays. A new year Our school year starts with lots of new learning opportunities and exciting activities ahead for Term 1. You will receive information from your class teacher about activities planned for the term and upcoming events. Please check your child’s school bag and the school newsletters regularly. One of the first whole school events is Meet the Teacher Evening on 12th February for Teams 1, 5 and 6 at 5:45pm and Teams 2, 3 and 4 at 6:30pm. For Team 2 (Rooms 6, 7, 10 and 11), Team 3 (Rooms 19,20,21,22) and Team 5 (Rooms 16,17) please go straight to your child’s classroom. For Team 1 (Rooms 1,2,3,4) please go to the Discovery Centre first, Team 4 (Rooms 12,13,14) please go the ICT suite and Team 6 (Rooms 8,9,15,18) the staff room first for a general welcome and overview and then you will be invited to your child’s individual classes. The Friends of The School will be holding a sausage sizzle from 5.15pm to 7.30 pm outside the Library. Come and grab a quick bite to eat before or after meeting your teacher and support our school. A big thank you to Russell Thomas from Barfoot & Thompson Torbay for sponsoring this event for us. So why not come as a family and introduce yourselves, have a sausage and maybe picnic on the field with family and friends. Term 1 dates Monday 2nd February to Thursday 2nd April. Friday 6th February - Waitangi Day Note: School is closed Friday 27th March - Teacher Only Day Friday 3rd April - Good Friday See you there! Kind Regards Janet Mission Statement: “Celebrating learning and achieving together.” Pride Respect Achievement Relationships Choices Responsibility Term 1 Learning Theme: All in Together 145 Glamorgan Drive, Torbay, Auckland • Tel: 09 473 6453 • Fax: 09 473 6780 • [email protected] • www.glamorgan.school.nz Term dates for 2015 Term 1 Monday 2nd February to Thursday 2nd April (Teacher Only Day 27 March) Term 2 Monday 20th April to Friday 3rd July (Queen’s Birthday 1 June, Teacher Only Day 2nd June) Term 3 Monday 20th July to Friday 25th September Term 4 Monday 12th October to Thursday 17th December (Labour Day 26th October) Term 1 Dates 9th-20th February Swimbus and class swimming lessons for children in Team 2 and Team 6 four times each week. Swimming will still continue once per week after this date with the class teacher. 10th February Waterwise Team 6 (weather permitting) every Tuesday to 31st March 10th February Friends of The School (FoTS) meeting 7:30pm in the staffroom 12th February Meet the Teacher - Teams 1,5,6 at 5:45pm, Teams 2,3,4 at 6:30pm 20th February 1:30pm whole school assembly Team 3 leading and sharing 23rd February Swimbus and class swimming lessons start -teams 1, 3, 4 and 5 twice per week. 23rd February Kiwisport starts (Kiwikick) 24th February Board of Trustees meeting 7pm Administration building 26th February Parent helpers going to Y6 Camp meeting 6:30pm 26 February ICAS letter home to Year 5 and 6 families 27th February 1:30pm whole school assembly Team 1 leading and sharing 28th February Netball Fun Day 9:00-11:00am at school 4th, 5th, 6th March Team 6 camp in Rotorua 2nd, 4th, 6th March Team 5 Outdoor Education activities 10th March Friends of The School (FoTS) meeting 7:30pm in the staffroom 16th March New Entrant parent evening for children starting in Term 2 18th March Team 4 Outdoor Education walk to Long Bay 20th March Swimbus lessons finish for Teams 1,3,4,5 20th March 1:30pm Whole School Assembly Team 5 leading and sharing 23rd March Team 4 outdoor education at MERC 24th March Board of Trustees meeting 7pm Administration building 26th March Parent/Teacher Discussions 26 March ICAS entries close 27th march Teacher Only Day - school closed 29th March Shore to Shore Fun Run/Walk 31st March Kiwisport finishes 2nd April Interschool swimming sports 2nd April Last Day of Term 1 School hours School Library Books For safety reasons, children are not to enter the school grounds before 8.15am and need to leave before 3.15pm with the exception of sports training. A reminder that all library books taken out over the school holidays now need to be returned. 145 Glamorgan Drive, Torbay, Auckland • Tel: 09 473 6453 • Fax: 09 473 6780 • [email protected] • www.glamorgan.school.nz School Donation 2015 We greatly appreciate all donations made to the school and the discounts for early payment are available again. The school donation for the 2015 school year is as follows: Per year Pay by end of March 2015 Per term 1 Child $165 $155 $47.50 2 or more children $310 $295 $82.50 Payment can be made at the office by cheque, EFTPOS, Visa or automatic payments can be arranged with your bank. School bank account number 123080 0059486 00. Please ask at the office or check our website for further details. You are able to claim a tax refund on school donations paid by completing an IR526 form from the IRD. FRIENDS OF THE SCHOOL NEWS FOTS Meeting - our next committee meeting is on Tuesday 10th February at 7.30 pm in the school staffroom. Please come along and join a fun team of parents enthusiastic to support our school fundraising. We would love to see some new faces too. This year we are looking at having at least one representative on the committee from every classroom. If you are keen to be a parent representative from your child's class, please email me asap at [email protected] so we can organise this. Thanks in advance! Sun Safety Sunhats Due to the harsh effects of our summer sun and in accordance with our behaviour plan, children MUST wear a hat when outdoors during Term 1 and Term 4. This is not optional. Please make sure your child has a hat at school at all times this term. A named hat to keep at school would be a great option. To give full protection the hat should provide cover for the face, neck and ears. Sun screen There are many child friendly options available for sun screen such as roll on and spray applicators. Children are welcome to have their own sun screen in their bag and apply this before morning tea and lunch time. The school office also has a large pump bottle of sunscreen the children can use at any time if they don’t have their own. Please encourage and show your children how to apply sun screen. Clothing We highly recommend t shirts and tops that give protection to the back of the neck and shoulders. Children are welcome to wear sunglasses also during break times. Lunchroom The lunchroom is open on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday each week starting on Wednesday 11th February. Lunch room menus will be coming home shortly and will also be available on our website. Please send orders written clearly on the outside of an envelope with your child’s name and room number and all cash inside the envelope. These envelopes should be placed into the class lunch bin before 9am. If you want to order your child’s lunch from the school lunch room online then go to www.schoollunches.co.nz find the Glamorgan page and order and pay online before 9am . 145 Glamorgan Drive, Torbay, Auckland • Tel: 09 473 6453 • Fax: 09 473 6780 • [email protected] • www.glamorgan.school.nz 145 Glamorgan Drive, Torbay, Auckland • Tel: 09 473 6453 • Fax: 09 473 6780 • [email protected] • www.glamorgan.school.nz
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