2015 Cheerleading Tournament Information In this document: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Deadline & Suspense Dates Tournament Week At‐A‐Glance All‐Tournament Selection Instructions All‐Europe Tryout Instructions & Schedule Mat Run‐Through Schedule Order of Competition Information and Schedule for the Day of Competition, February 21nd All information in this document and the Cheer Newsletter can be found online at: www.dodds‐echeerleading.com Deadline & Suspense Dates: 1. Due Now: Submit t‐shirt order via http://www.dodds‐echeerleading.com 2. February 11, 2015: Submit a team picture that clearly shows the faces of each cheerleader. Each cheerleader must be numbered (either on their uniform or digitally) and a roster with the names and numbers must be attached. (Cheerleaders will NOT need to wear numbers during the tournament.) Use the file upload link on the DoDDS‐E Cheerleading Website: http://www.dodds‐echeerleading.com/all‐tournament‐picture‐‐roster‐upload.html Please visit www.dodds‐echeerleading.com for online access to this information and to keep up to date on any Cheerleading news. 2015 DoDDS‐E Basketball and Cheerleading Tournament Week At‐A‐Glance Division I Division I Basketball Games "Pool Play" Continues Division I Spirit Award & All‐ Tournament Judging Polizei Gym Division II Basketball Games Division II Spirit Award & All‐ Tournament Judging Division II Fitness Center Division II All‐Europe Tryouts 9:00‐11:00 or 13:00‐17:00 Tony Bass Gym Division II Basketball Games "Pool Play" Continues DII Cheering only at Polizei **NO Cheering or Cheerleaders authorized at McCully Gym** Friday Mat Run‐Throughs Tony Bass Gym (See Schedule) Division I Basketball Games "Pool Play" Thursday Mat Run‐Throughs Tony Bass Gym (See Schedule) Wednesday Saturday Division I All‐Europe Tryouts 7:45 ‐ 10:40 & 13:15‐13:30 Tony Bass Gym Coaches' All‐Tournament & Spirit Award Selections Submitted Division I Basketball Games Semi‐Finals Coaches' All‐Tournament & Spirit Award Selections Submitted Division III All‐Europe Tryouts 15:00‐18:00 Tony Bass Gym Open Gym at Tony Bass Open Gym 08:00‐20:00 Tony Bass (All‐Europe Tryouts have priority on the Mat) Open Gym at Tony Bass 08:00‐20:00 (All‐Europe Tryouts have priority on the Mat) Mat Run‐Throughs Tony Bass Gym (See Schedule) Division III Fitness Center Championship Basketball Games DoDDS‐E Cheerleading Competition Fitness Center Division II Basketball Games Semi‐Finals Division III Basketball Games Division III Spirit Award & All‐ Tournament Judging Fitness Center DoDDS‐E Cheerleading Competition Coaches' All‐Tournament & Spirit Award Selections Submitted Championship Basketball Games DoDDS‐E Cheerleading Competition Fitness Center Division III Basketball Games Semi‐Finals Open Gym at Tony Bass 17:00‐20:00 Championship Basketball Games 2015 Cheerleading Tournament Information All‐Tournament: 12 cheerleaders from Division I and Division II and 10 cheerleaders from Division III will be individually awarded “All‐Tournament” recognition. Coaches will determine outstanding performers based on observation throughout the tournament. All‐Tournament cheerleaders should be cheerleaders that have demonstrated strong cheerleading skills, athleticism, and school spirit throughout the Basketball Tournament. Some of the skills to be considered when making your selections should include sideline presence, cheer motions, voice, stunting, jumping, and tumbling. This year we will use a selection process that is more in line with how All‐Tournament athletes are selected in other DoDDS‐E sports. Note: These selections should be done by the coaches and not released to or discussed with cheerleaders on the team. 1. The Head coach for each team will be handed rosters with a team picture for all the teams in their division (in the picture the cheerleaders are numbered for easy name/face correlation). 2. During the basketball games the coaches will select a total of 12 cheerleaders (10 for Division III) from the other teams in their division. (None of their own cheerleaders will be a part of these selections.) 3. Each of the coaches will rank their selections 1 through 12 (1 ‐ 10 in Div III) with the first pick receiving 12 points (10 for DIII), the second pick receiving 11 points, etc. 4. Separately, coaches pick 3 of their own cheerleaders and rank them 1 through 3 (#1 receiving 3 pts... down to #3 receiving 1 pt). 5. These selections/rankings must be completed and ready to be submitted at the mat run‐ throughs on Friday, February 20st. There will be a computer set up at the Tony Bass gym on Friday so that each coach can submit these selections electronically. 6. The coaches selections will be combined with the Cheerleading Tournament Judge selections to determine the All‐Tournament Cheerleaders. 7. The All‐Tournament awards will be presented following the competition on Saturday morning. Team Pictures Due by February 11, 2015. Submit your team picture and Roster using the file upload link on the DoDDS‐E Cheerleading Website: http://www.dodds‐echeerleading.com/all‐tournament‐picture‐‐roster‐upload.html Spirit Award: This award will be presented to one team of each division showing the best balance of technique, spirit, enthusiasm, and crowd effectiveness. The coach for each team will submit the name of one other team from their division for the Spirit Award. These coach nominations will be combined with the Tournament Judge scoring to determine the winner of the Spirit Award. Please visit www.dodds‐echeerleading.com for online access to this information and to keep up to date on any Cheerleading news. 2015 Cheerleading Tournament Information All‐Europe Tryouts: In addition to the All‐Tournament cheerleaders selected at Europeans, 12 All‐Europe Cheerleaders are selected for the All‐Europe 1st team and 12 are selected for the 2nd team based on overall skill level and team performance for the season. These individual awards go to the top 24 cheerleaders across divisions who are nominated by their coaches. Who: Each team may nominate a maximum of 5 cheerleaders. However, coaches should be discerning in making their nominations and only the absolutely best cheerleaders should be nominated. If you do not have anyone outstanding it is perfectly acceptable to not nominate anyone. The question coaches should ask themselves is: “Does the cheerleader have the skills and abilities of the top 24 cheerleaders in Europe?” Share this link to the required material with your candidates for All‐Europe so that they can learn the material prior to attending the tournament. http://www.dodds‐echeerleading.com/all‐europe‐tryouts.html Video Tryout When: A video of the cheerleader performing the established requirements will be taken during the European Basketball and Cheerleading Tournament on the days assigned below: DII ‐ Wednesday, Feb 18, 9:00 – 11:00 & 13:00 ‐ 17:00 DIII ‐ Thursday, Feb 19, 15:00 ‐ 18:00 DI ‐ Friday, Feb 20, 7:45 ‐ 12:00 (see mat run‐through schedule) **Limited time is available on Friday for DII & DIII cheerleaders unable to tryout as scheduled due to a valid reason. Where: Tony Bass Gym on Clay Kaserne. This is the “Open Gym” where mat run‐throughs are held. It is a short walk from the main fitness center. Tryout Video Details: Cheerleaders must be prepared to perform all skills in one take. If they are unhappy with their initial performance, they may opt to have a “re‐take”. The second video, if they choose to re‐shoot their tryout, will be the one scored. The initial performance will be erased. Attire: Cheerleaders trying out for All Europe and their entire stunt group will be required to wear a plain white shirt with dark colored shorts (preferably black). NO uniforms or other school indicators will be worn during the tryouts. The mascot, team colors, and school name will be uniform for all performances as demonstrated in the instructional video. Please visit www.dodds‐echeerleading.com for online access to this information and to keep up to date on any Cheerleading news. 2015 Cheerleading Tournament Information Required Skills: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Standing Tumbling - limited to one skill/combination Running Tumbling - limited to one pass Jumps - a toe touch and two other jumps 2015 Cheer – Click here to view cheer and instructional video. Stunting - One stunt sequence (load, execute, dismount) 2015 Dance – Click here to view the dance material. Note: The tryout should move smoothly from skill to skill. Energy and spirit should be demonstrated throughout the video. Scoring: Each video will be scored using the rubric (available on the website) by a panel of DoDDS cheer coaches. Questions regarding the All‐Europe Cheer Tryouts can be sent to [email protected] . Please visit www.dodds‐echeerleading.com for online access to this information and to keep up to date on any Cheerleading news. 2015 DoDDS‐E Cheerleading Competition 2015 Mat Run-Through Schedule Tony Bass Gym - Clay Kaserne Friday, 20 February 2015 Division DI DIII DI DII TEAM DI - All-Europe Tryout Wiesbaden Vicenza DI - All-Europe Tryout Patch Naples DI - All-Europe Tryout SHAPE Vilseck DI - All-Europe Tryout Lakenheath Sigonella Baumholder *All-Europe Tryout* Incirlik Menwith Hill Alconbury *All-Europe Tryout* Tournament Staff Lunch DI - All-Europe Tryout Ramstein Kaiserslautern *All-Europe Tryout* Hohenfels Rota AFNorth Aviano *All-Europe Tryout* AOSR Bitburg Ansbach *All-Europe Tryout* MAT TIME IN 7:45 8:00 8:20 8:35 8:50 9:10 9:25 9:40 10:00 10:15 10:40 11:00 11:20 11:35 11:45 12:05 12:25 12:40 12:45 13:15 13:30 13:50 14:05 14:15 14:35 14:55 15:15 15:30 15:45 16:05 16:25 16:40 OUT 8:00 8:15 8:35 8:50 9:05 9:25 9:40 9:55 10:15 10:40 10:55 11:15 11:35 11:45 12:00 12:20 12:40 12:45 13:15 13:30 13:45 14:05 14:15 14:30 14:50 15:10 15:30 15:45 16:00 16:20 16:40 17:00 *All-Europe Tryouts* - these are tryout times for individuals who had a valid reason for missing their schedule tryout times only. Karen Seadore at +49 (0) 162-234-2102 IN ADVANCE on Thursday to arrange transportation. Call Leslie Atkins +49 (0) 160-94715701 if you need to change your mat run-through time. Be ready to perform at the assigned time. Plan to arrive 15 minutes prior to your mat run-through. If you are late, you will lose mat time. Please be on time! 2015 DoDDS‐E Cheerleading Competition st Competition Day – Saturday Feb 21 Each year, we work hard to improve our cheerleading competition and to ensure that it is as fair and equitable as possible. This year we will have 4 professional judges brought in to judge Saturday's competition. One will serve as a Rules Judge. This individual is responsible for administering all safety, time and boundary violations. Deductions/penalties will be assessed at the sole discretion of the judge. His/her decisions will be final. You have already received all score sheets. Please be reminded that at no time during the competition are cheer coaches authorized to approach the competition judging panel. Cheerleaders & coaches will be allowed entry to the fitness center at 7:00 Saturday. Entrance is through the FRONT door of the gym only. Cheer teams should arrive at the Fitness center no later than 7:30. Each cheerleader and coach must have their bag tag to gain entry without paying. Doors open to spectators at 8:00 on Saturday. There will be a cost for tickets to attend the competition for spectators. Specifics on entry fees for the Basketball & Cheerleading events will be sent out separately. 2015 DoDDS‐E Cheerleading Competition Saturday Competition Schedule & Information 7:00‐7:15 Teams arrive at the Clay Fitness Center 7:15‐7:30 Mat Open for DIII & Hohenfels/Rota Warm‐Ups 7:30‐7:45 Mat Open for the rest of DII & Wiesbaden/Vicenza Warm‐Ups 7:45‐8:00 Mat Open for the rest of DI Warm‐Ups 8:00‐8:15 Cross‐Tumbling Warm Up 8:15 Coaches Meeting 8:30 Teams line up single file for opening ceremony Please note which hallway and what team is in front/behind your team. Both sides enter at the same time, walking beside the competition floor, and then turning to line up in rows of three teams each. The cheerleaders will sit three teams across, side‐by‐side. Please leave an aisle between teams to allow teams to exit for their performance. 2015 DoDDS‐E Cheerleading Competition 8:45 Opening Ceremony – Teams process in and JROTC presents the flags. 9:00 Competition Starts Once the competition begins teams may only move between routines. Three teams will be “in the hole” at all times. Each of the next two teams will be in a racquetball court, while the third team is quietly waiting in the hallway. When it is your team’s turn, they should enter the gym and line up (single file) just off the back of the mat for the team introduction. Once given the signal that the judges are ready, the team can place their props and begin their routine. Teams will exit off the back of the mat in the direction opposite of how they entered. They should quietly proceed down this hallway to return to the gym floor. (It is recommended that water be waiting for them in this other hallway.) They will sit at the back of one of the three columns of teams. Someone will help guide them to the correct location. After the final team performs, we’ll need the help of cheerleaders to roll up the strips of matting in the gym and in the racquetball courts and move them to the hallway outside the racquetball courts to get the gym ready for the championship basketball games taking place after the Cheerleading awards ceremony. Please remember that the entire competition will be broadcast on AFN and good sportsmanship is a must throughout the entire competition.
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