l\.II3t:erial S:lfebj 03ta Sleet medical Plus 95% Alcohol products Section 1. Ruduct and RBparation Information Product Identifier Product Plus 95% Alcohol Synonyms Alcohol Use Histd<m', CytoI<m' and General lise Reagent /Chemical Date Prepared Jan 2.010 Name Blend Mmufacturer/ Preparer Emergency Stat lab 407 Interchange McKinney, St. Texas 75071 Contact 469.52.5.482.5 Chemtrec USA and Canada 800.42.4.9300 Fax: 972..436.1369 Tech Support: 1.800.442..3573 Chemtrec IntemationaI703.52.7.3887 USA f\bn- Transport Calls 800. Section 2 Rutective lVeasures Personal Protection Eyes: Gcggles Hands: latex or nitrile gloves Body: laboratory NFPA US DOT Respiratory coat W!ar: approved/certified if airborne concentrations Emergency respirator exceed exposure linits Oterview HIGHlY FlAfV1"..WllE lIQJDAND VAPrn, VAPrn!\MY CAUSE BLINDNESS IF sWAllCJIi\ED. CAUSE FlASH FIRE. CANII.OT BE!\MDE t-m-PClsONCUi.!\MY BE FATAl rn CONTAINS !\MTERIAl THAT !\MY CAUSE BlCXlD, NERVOUS sysTEIVl REPRODUCTIVE sysTEIVl LIVER, GASTRClNTEsTINAl TRACT, RESPIRATORYTRACT, SKIN AND EYE DA!\MGE. KEEP AWAY FROIVl HEAT,SPARKS AND FlANE. KEEP CONTAINER CLOSED. LISE ONLY WTH ADEQUlI.TE VENTILATION. FOR LABORATORY USE ONLY. Engineering Controls: General mechanical ventilation <Y laboratory fume hood. Ensure that evewash stations and quick drench shcMers are proximal to the IMl1<statioo <Ytissue prccesso; Small Spill and Leak: Dilute wth water and mop, <Yabsorb wth an inert dry material and place in an appropriate waste disposal cootainer. Handling and Storage: Dissipate static electricity during transfer by grounding and booding large Spill and Leak: Keep awav from heat and ignition sources. Stop leak if wthout risk. Ab- containers and equipment sorb wth DRY earth, sand <Yother ncn-corrbustible praJf equipment If air concentrations may exceed ICMer explosive linit, use e>qlosim- Keep containers closed and out of reach of children. Do not use near open flames <Ysparks. Store at roem teroeranre. possible. Store in flammable liquid safety cabinet Wlen material. Altid skin and eve contact Prevent entry into severs, basements <Yconfined areas: dike if needed. Elirrinate all ignition sources. Be careful that airbane concentrations do not exceed published exposure and ICMer e>qlosive lirrits. Wlste Disposal: Lhused Product - Dispose as a regulated hazardous waste. Spent product <Y spill clean up - FoIlCM/all prOl.incial and federal rules. Section 3. Hazardous Ingredients Hazardous Ingredient Isopropanol % wt 7732.-18-5 5.0 Section 4. FirstAd Eye Contact TDGPIN LCSO 5,045 rrg/kg oral rat 72.,600 rrg/m' inhalation rat 3,600 rrg/kg oral mouse 53,000 rrg/m' inhalation mouse 5,600 rrg/kg oral rat 64,000 pprry'4 hr. inhalation rat 7,300 rrg/kg oral mouse 81,000 rrg/m'/14hr N/A N/A inhalation rabbit lVeasures Immediately flush eyes wth plenty of water f<Y at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention if irritation persists. Skin Contact: Ingestion: 67-56-1 37.0 - 39.0 Wlter LDSO 67-63-0 57.0 - 59.0 lVethanoi Inhalation: CAS Number Rerrove contaminated clothing immediately. Wlsh the affected areas wth soap <Y mild detergent and large amounts of water fer at least 15 minutes. IVbve individual to fresh air immediately. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If breathing has stopped, administer artificial respiration. Get medical attention. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Induce vomiting. Give no more than 2. glasses of water. Get medical attention irJTrediately. Secti on 5 Rlysi cal Data Physical State Liquid Odor and Appearance Odor Threshold N/A (ppm) N/A Vapor Pressure 97rTlr1i-1g @ 2.0C {MeOH} Vapor Density Evaporation 1.59 air = 1 N/A pH 5.0-7.0 Specific Gravity 0.79 Wlter= 1 N/A Rate Coeff. Wlter/oil Solubility Auto-ignition Easily soluble in water 685"F (362..8"C) Boiling Point Flash Point CC 84' F (18'C) 0 173 Dist 0 F (78.33 Freezing Point -173"F (-l13'C) C) Flammable UEL 36% Temp Limits Secti on 6 Fire and Explosi on Flammability Conditions FI. Pt - Auto Ignition Flammable Liquid IB Excessive heat; sparks and open flames. See Physical Data above - Flammable Limits Explosivity Not explosive under normal conditions ct use. Vapors are heavier than air and may settle in lOINareas. Vapors may travel long (Canada B2) distances to an ignitioo source and flash back explosively. Flame may be irlllisible. Not sensitive to irrpact Prcbably \Mil not accumulate static charge due to high electrical conductivity, ho.M:ver proper gro.Jnding during transfer is reccmnended Hazardous Combustion (IIFPA 77). lVeans to Extinguish Products Small Fire - Use DRY chemical pcMder. Large Rre - Use alcohd foam, water spray or fog CO, C02, 1\0, N02, 502, S03 Secti on 7. Reactivity Hazardous Decomposition Products CO frcm incomplete ccrnbustioo Stability Product is stable under normal conditi01S ct use. Conditions Hazardous of Reactivity IIVA Polymerization Incompatibility No hazardous paymerizatioo. Slightly reactive \Mth oxidizing materials and acids. Secti on 8 Toxieologi eal RlJperti es Routes of Entry NA Target Organs Liver, kidney, gastrointestinal tract; reproductive and nervous systems Effects of Acute Exposure Eye Slightly hazardous in case of eye contact (irritant) Skin Slightly hazardous (irritant). Skin inflammatioo Absorption N/A Inhalation Slightly hazardous in case of inhalation Ingestion Hazardous in case of ingestioo. is characterized by itr:hing, scaling, reddening or occasionally blistering. Effects of Chronic Exposure Repeated exposure by inhalatioo may cause system poisooing, irrpaired visioo or blindness. Inhalatioo may W)"Sen ccoditions such as emphysema or brmchitis. may cause defatting Carcinogenic cI; the Repeated skin exposure skin. Effects Methanol is not classified as a human carcinogen. Isopropanol is classified as Gro.Jp 3 (not classifiable) by fARe. Reproductive Toxic ity IIVA Teratogenic and Mrtagenic Effects IIVA OSHA PEL nIIA Expos ure Limits Isopropanol ACGlH nVnIIA nIIAEV (Olt) STEl STEV{Olt) CEV{Olt) 980 mg/m' 400 ppm 500ppm 200 ppm 400 ppm 260 ppm 200 ppm 250ppm 200 ppm 250 ppm IIVA N/A IIVA IIVA lVEthanoi \l\eter IIVA Section 9 Regulatory Information OSHA Hazardous Cal. Prop. 65 Canadian WiMS RCRA Regulated Yes Not Listed B2,DlB 0001, F003 SARA 302/304 SARA 313 CERCLA102A RQ Not Listed IVeOH Listed IVeOH Listed 5000 Ibs. IVeOH ClAA307 ClAA311 CM 112 Release Prevention eM 112 Not Listed Not Listed IVeOH Listed Not Listed TSCA Inventory EEC Flammability Listed Rll CEPADSl All Ingredients Listed eM 112 Reg. Toxic Substance Not Listed Proper US oar Shipping Name ALCOHOLS,N.O.S.(Methanol, Isopropanol) 3,UN1987 Pg. II The information provided TOG Classification ALCOHOLS,N.O.S.(Methanol, Isopropanol) 3,UN1987 Pg. II above is based upon unused product Stat Lab 407 Interchange St. McKinney, Texas 75071 469.525.4825 Fax: 972.436.1369 Tech Support: 1.800.442.3573 - Highly Flammable Reg. Flam. Substance lATA Classification Limited Q.iantity Class 3 Flammable Liquid No IIVA IIVA IIVA
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