NEWS OKLAHOMA PILOTS ASSOCIATION In the Sky February 2015 ( Meetings February 5th, 2015 - Social 6:30 p.m. 7:00 Dinner Meeting Col Joe Cavett was born in Stillwater, Oklahoma and is a lifelong resident of Oklahoma. His fascination with flight started at a very early age and he began flying at the age of 13 when a family friend agreed to let him ride along when he checked his cattle by air every Saturday morning. He earned his private pilot certificate as a senior in high school in 1994 after completing training at Stillwater Regional Airport. Col Cavett joined Civil Air Patrol as a cadet in 1990 and was a member of the Stillwater Composite Squadron until graduating from OSU with a degree in Mechanical Engineering in 2000 and moving to the Tulsa area. In 2005, he became the commander of Starbase Composite Squadron in Tulsa and held that position until moving to the Oklahoma Wing Staff in July, 2010 and serving as the Wing Director of Emergency Services and Vice Commander. He was appointed to a four year term as Wing Commander in April 2011 and when the term expires in April 2015 he will become the youngest Wing Commander to complete a full term. He has received numerous Awards and Decorations including Civil Air Patrol's highest award for achievement. He is a Distinguished Graduate of Civil Air Patrol Region Staff College at Kirtland AFB, New Mexico and National Staff College at Maxwell AFB, Alabama. In addition to volunteering in CAP, Col Cavett works as a testing and certification engineer and actively participates in several hobbies. He is a member of the Aircraft Owner's and Pilot's Association. He has life memberships in the OSU Alumni Association, Experimental Aircraft Association, and the Academy of Model Aeronautics. Col Cavett currently lives in Broken Arrow, OK with his wife of nine years, Amy, and they own a 1947 North American Navion that is hangared at R. L. Jones, Jr. (Riverside) Airport in Jenks. March 5th, 2015 - Social 6:30 p.m. 7:00 Dinner Meeting Speaker to Be Announced Sue and Bill Halpain UE N VE ES A K LA TU PH C.E. PAGE BUILDING IL IP JR HO E Love, C.E. PAGE BUILDING U AVEN Thank You so much for the sumptuous fruit basket and beautiful Christmas table center piece. Thanks to Bill Chris Morris Pappadopulos for delivering them. H NORT WELL Dear OPA, The Oklahoma Pilots Association (OPA) meets the 1st Thursday of each month at the Clarence E. Page Building, located on Wiley Post Airport. From N. Rockwell, enter the airport at the traffic light (Phillip J. Rhoads Ave.), take the first right, and drive back to the light gray brick building. ROCK OPA Received this note from the Halpains Please contact Roger Walton for dinner reservations so we have enough food for everyone. 405 219-5149 [email protected] AD S AV Main Entrance To Wiley Post Airport EN UE OPA DINNER MEETING LOCATION MAP (Between NW 50th & NW 63rd) OPA News OPA News February 2015 2 OKLAHOMA PILOTS ASSOCIATION OPA President Bill Pappadopoulos Clarence E. Page Building 5810 Tulakes Avenue Wiley Post Airport Bethany, Oklahoma 73008 Oklahoma Pilots Association is a member-controlled not-forprofit organization for all pilots and aircraft owners. OPA strives to serve the needs of general aviation pilots statewide, promoting aviation, education and safety in personal and business flying. Membership consists of student pilots through airline transport pilots, both civil and military and is open to all pilots and aircraft owners. Annual membership dues are currently $35. OPA holds monthly dinner meetings at the C. E. Page Building on Wiley Post Airport in Oklahoma City. Distinguished guest speakers present educational and safety related programs at the monthly dinner meetings. OPA hosts monthly Fly Aways for lunch or dinner and weekend Fly Aways to interesting destinations. OPA, through its charitable non-profit corporation, accepts money or property donated to fund the Vic Jackson Memorial Scholarship Fund which is awarded annually to a college student with career aspirations in the field of aviation. Your contributions of money or property are tax deductible. OPA Newsletter Staff Editors: Ben & June Roy Typesetting & Layout: Ben Roy Circulation: Bill Hines Members’ contributions of articles and other information relative to aviation are encouraged. 2014-2015 OPA OFFICERS President - Bill Pappadopoulos Exec. Vice President - Mike Grimes Past President - Jeff Sandusky Treasurer - Roy Cowan Secretary - Lee Holmes 405 417-7876 405 641-6860 405-650-5900 405 340-1425 405-833-7201 Vice President of Membership Roger Walton 405 219-5149 [email protected] Vice President of Communications Keith Leafdale 405 802-9594 [email protected] DIRECTORS Term Expires 6/30/2015 Matt Cole Marc Harrison Bill Hines Mike Rangel Joey Sager Term Expires 6/30/2016 Holly Blunk Hal Harris Lee Holmes Al Liebler Don Miller Garrett Quinby - OSU Student Board Member EX-OFFICIO BOARD MEMBERS Ben Roy June Roy Steve Haynes Happy Valentine's Day OPA! Come celebrate with us this coming Thursday at our monthly meeting. I know you will enjoy the speaker, and Dave tells me the food will be Greek Spaghetti. Delicious! (It may taste like Italian spaghetti to the rest of us.) We started this year off with FAA speakers, and over 60 of you showed up in the cold weather. The OPA Fly Away to Ponca City (to Enrique's Mexican Restaurant) was also well attended. It's always great to see you all. The weather in the coming months will be getting better, although these last few days of 70 degree weather in January have been fantastic! Plan now to go along on every OPA Fly Away we have scheduled. I also want to send very special congratulations to OPA member Matt Cole on opening his flight school in Guthrie, OK. We are proud of you Matt. See you in the skies! Bill February 2015 OPA News 3 Highlights from the January Dinner Meeting Thanks to Susie Grimes for taking notes and providing the Highlights President Bill Pappadopoulos started the meeting by welcoming everyone. Mike Grimes led the flag salute. Keith Leafdale announced that there were 35 for the Victorian Walk in Guthrie and dinner at the Blue Belle Saloon. The fly away for January is scheduled for January 10th at Enrique's in Ponca City. Chris Morris presented the program on the FAA Safety Program. The safety program is open to all airmen. It is for those not going to formal flight training on a regular basis. Those wanting to participate can learn about local seminars, free online courses, and the directory of FAASTeam representatives. The goal of the safety program is to reduce the accident rate through education and to encourage airmen to take part in training and online courses. Oklahoma has two program managers and 30 volunteers who are representatives. He showed how to use the web site and register for FAA's emails about programs. Billy Riley presented his part of the program on owner maintenance. An owner can do maintenance on his own airplane. FAR 43 Appendix A clearly defines who can perform maintenance on an airplane. Other information can be found on March 2013 February 2015 OPA News Pictures from the January Dinner Meeting 48 February 2015 OPA News 5 January 10, 2015 OPA Fly Away - Ponca City Enrique’s Mexican Restaurant Thanks to Keith Leafdale for the pictures and to Roger Walton for the information We had a great turn out for the January Fly Away to Enrique's Mexican Restaurant at the airport in Ponca City! Everyone had great food and fellowship. Those who attended included: Susan and Fred Benenati and their grandsons Parker and Mason; Roy Cowan; Sue and Bill Halpain; Diane and Sandy Harris; Susan and Bill Hetherington; Delinda and Keith Leafdale; Randy Richison and Jan; Danielle, Josie and Joey Sager; Taylora and Mac Swindell and son Zachary; Jan and Roger Walton; Nancy and Jim Antosh; and Gregory Hernandez for a total of 26 in attendance.Gas Keith and Delinda Tanks Behind the Seats invited Gregory Hernandez. Joey and Danielle invited Nancy and Jim Antosh, who flew in from Shawnee in a helicopter. February 2015 OPA News More January Fly Away Photos 6 February 2015 OPA News OPA News 7 More January Fly Away Photos Home built Air Camper February 2015 OPA News February 7th OPA Fly Away - Addison, Texas Cavanaugh Flight Museum Norma’s Cafe Wheels Down 11:00 a.m. The Cavanaugh Flight Museum is a non-profit 501(c)(3) educational organization devoted to promoting aviation studies and also to perpetuating America's aviation heritage; the museum fulfills its mission by restoring, operating, maintaining and by displaying historically-significant, vintage aircraft, and by collecting materials related to the history of aviation. Information and photo from the webpage. Contact Roger Walton at 405 219-5149 [email protected], Danny Davis 405 990-5201 [email protected], or Keith Leafdale 405 8029594 [email protected], and let them know if you are going, need a ride, or have an extra seat. 8 Since 1956, Norma's Cafe’ has been a Dallas institution for Texas home cooking. From an awardwinning menu to famous Mile-High Cream Pies™, the food and atmosphere will take you back in time and create a memory you can take home with you. Stop by for lunch or dinner for mouth-watering items such as southern-fried catfish, delicious meatloaf, homestyle chicken and dressing, and our famous, Texas chicken fried steak. And don't forget to make room for one of our Mile-High Cream Pies™, freshly baked fruit pies and steaming, hot cobbler. We like to consider Norma's Cafe’ as the family dining room – scratch cooking that reminds you of home, a friendly touch at the table and a place you leave with good memories (and probably, a takeout bag). Welcome to good food, good company and good times. Welcome to Norma's Café! (Photograph and information from Norma’s web site) FAA Announcement - February OPA Meeting From: "" Date: January 8, 2015 3:48:00 AM CST Subject: [SW1558792] Surviving after the accident - FAA Safety Team - Safer Skies Through Education Topic: Post Aviation Accident Survival On Thursday, February 5, 2015 at 18:30 Location: Clarence E. Page Building, 5810 Tulakes Ave., Bethany, OK 73008 Select Number: SW1558792 Description: In the unlikely event you are involved in an aircraft accident, you should know post accident survival activities. This course is taught to all members of the Civil Air Patrol. The sponsor for this seminar is: FAASTeam The following credit(s) are available for the WINGS/AMT Programs: Basic Knowledge 3 - 1 Credit Invite a fellow pilot to the next WINGS Safety Seminar in your area. February 2015 9 OPA News 2015 OPA Calendar Be sure to contact Roger Walton for dinner reservations 405 219-5149 [email protected] OPA Newsletter Ad Rates Approximate Ad Size Monthly Rate Business Card 2“x 3 ½” $25.00 One-Eighth Page 2 ½“ x 3 ¾” $35.00 One-Quarter Page 3 ¾“ x 4 ¾” $65.00 One-Half Page 4 ¾“ x 7 ½” $115.00 Full Page 7 ½“ x 9 ½” $235.00 Ask About Discounts for Annual Ads Call Ben Roy, 405-324-6554 February 5th - Dinner Meeting 6:30 p.m. Page Building, Wiley Post Airport February 7th - Fly Away - Addison, Texas Cavanaugh Flight Museum Wheels down - 11:00 a.m. Lunch at Norma’s Café February 19th - OPA Board Meeting 6:30 p.m. Page Building, Wiley Post Airport March 5th - Dinner Meeting 6:30 p.m. Page Building, Wiley Post Airport March 7th - Fly Away - Tulsa - Oklahoma Aquarium Jones Riverside Airport - Flight Training Center March 19th - OPA Board Meeting 6:30 p.m. Page Building, Wiley Post Airport April 2nd - Dinner Meeting 6:30 p.m. Page Building, Wiley Post Airport April 11th- Fly Away - Tenkiller Air Park Breakfast - Wild Onions and Eggs April 15th - OPA Board Meeting 6:30 p.m. Page Building, Wiley Post Airport Monthly Oklahoma Fly-Ins 1st Saturday - Ponca City Aviation Booster Fly-In Breakfast - Call Don Nuzum 580-767-0470 1st Saturday - Pauls Valley Lunch Fly In Call 405 268-3925 (Breakfast in Summer) 2nd Saturday - Ardmore Breakfast Lakeland Aviation - Call 580 389-5000 3rd Saturday - Alva Regional Airport Fly-In Breakfast - Call 580 327-6778 April through Nov Saturday after 3rd Monday - Owasso Pancake Breakfast EAA Chapter 10 4th Saturday - Enid Fly-In Breakfast - Woodring Airport (WDG) March through October Buick MEMBER GMC Pontiac “The Cars & Trucks America Owns" HWY 81, S. of 66 - EL RENO - 405-262-2466 - 800-375-3751 February 2015 April 2008 October 2008 April 2006 OPA News OPA News OPA News 10 10 10 Please Print - Information Will Be Used For Membership Directory and Newsletter Database Oklahoma Pilots Association Membership Application New Membership Renewal Update Date Referred By Your Name Occupation Name tag Yes No All material for newsletter publication should be sent to: Spouse Occupation Name tag Yes No OPA NEWS Address E-Mail Address City Phone (Residence) Receive by Mail Zip State (FAX) (Business) Pilot information: Are you a Aircraft Owner? Yes MEMBER: Approximate Hours Private Commercial Instrument ATP CFI CFII No Type N# Please make dues check payable to: Oklahoma Pilots Association Mail to: 5810 Tulakes Ave., Wiley Post Airport, Bethany, OK 73008 C/o Ben Roy 11749 SW. 54th Mustang, OK 73064 405-324-6554 Home 405-802-9657 Cell email: [email protected] ANNUAL DUES ARE $35 ALL DONATIONS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE The OPA General Aviation Newsletter is published monthly. Articles for the newsletter are sought from members, trade organizations, etc. Stories and articles can include flying trips, rebuilding and restoration experiences, special tips, activities, etc. Material for publication will be accepted up to the deadline which is the 15th of each month, space permitting. The editorial staff reserves the right to accept, refuse, or edit any material submitted. Publication of articles and opinions in the OPA Newsletter is not an endorsement by the Association, nor does the Association assume any responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in the Newsletter. Permission is granted to reprint, provided credit is given to The Oklahoma Pilots Association Newsletter. For circulation issues including newsletters not received call Bill Hines 405-749-2520 or [email protected]. For email and address changes contact Roger Walton 405-2195149 or email [email protected]. OKLAHOMA PILOTS ASSOCIATION Clarence E. Page Building 5810 Tulakes Avenue Wiley Post Airport Bethany, Oklahoma 73008
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